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Characters / Adventure Quest Worlds Shadowscythe

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The Forces of Chaos

Queen of Monsters Faction

Throne of Darkness

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    In General 
  • Ominous Floating Castle: Their headquarters is a castle on the back of a giant Dracolich. It doesn't really float anymore though since Drakath damaged it. Until the Chaos Finale, anyway, when Gravelyn and all her forces work together (with the assistance of a Not Quite Dead Hero) to raise the fortress for battle against Drakath. It gets raised again in the Infernal Invasion Saga, with the help of the Hero, to fight against the infernal invaders sent by the Queen of Monsters.


    Empress Gravelyn
Daughter of Sepulchure who runs the Shadowscythe Empire after her father's death. It is revealed in Doomwood Part 2 that she is the Champion of Light.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Her name is spelt with an additional "N" in DragonFable.
  • Affably Evil: While she is Evil, she is also the easiest to get along with, least compared with Sepulchure, Dage, and Nulgath.
  • Anti-Hero: She prides herself on being aligned with Evil, but is scarcely ever shown doing anything villainous, and her heroics far outweigh her evil deeds. In some respects, she's evil in name only, and is otherwise a hero.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Drakath, for killing her father.
    • In the "Cathedral of Time" 2017 New Year event, history got rewritten so it was Alteon who killed Sepulchure, leading Gravelyn to have him as her nemesis instead.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: When it comes to fighting Chaos, Gravelyn's watchword is "Good defends, Evil attacks." When your forces are numerically superior and your enemy is weak, attacking with overwhelming force is a good way to utterly wreck your enemy. But when, like Drakath, your enemy is powerful and vastly outmatches you in numbers and strength, trying to use the same tactics will only get you wrecked yourself, as both Gravelyn and her Shadowscythe forces learn.
  • Bad with the Bone: Gravelyn's weapon of choice is the Doom Weapon that once belonged to her father. In the Doomwood finale, she finishes off Vordred with the weapon that she had created from Noxus' skull. And in the finale of the second Doomwood saga, she's purified the blade and made it a weapon of Destiny!
  • Bastard Bastard: While never outright said, she is heavily implied to be the illegitimate child of King Alteon's wife.
  • Big Damn Heroes: She shows up to the fight against Vordred at the final moment, to stab him in the back and finish him off, using a staff made from Noxus' head.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Contrasts her father in this regard. Sepulchure never calls himself evil, preferring to associate himself with Darkness, but Gravelyn explicitly refers to herself as an evil empress and rebrands Shadowscythe as a force of evil rather than Darkness.
  • Chain Mail Bikini:
    • Her Slave Bikini she is dressed in during the Doomwood Saga.
    • She also dresses in one at the end of the Alliance questchain in Shadowfall, where she dares Drakath to come to her.
  • The Champion: She is The Champion of Light
  • Color Motif: Red, all over.
  • The Comically Serious: When asking the Hero's allegiance, if the Hero says "Chaos", she will declare the Hero a trailer and have them executed, before a message pops up saying Gravelyn does not approve of jokes, and the player is given a second chance to answer correctly.
  • Creepy Child: Had shades of this when she was younger, believing she was an undead, being fascinated by dark things, and awaiting the day where she would have powers to match her father.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Though nominally on the side of Evil, Gravelyn is nowhere near as antagonistic as her father was. Then it's revealed in Doomwood Part II that she is The Champion of Light -- and she's still as evil as she ever was.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: She was this throughout her childhood, looking up to her father as the greatest villain, awaiting the day when she would be as great as him, and always making her father proud.
  • Depower: She gives up her power as Champion of Light in order to ensure The Hero has enough power to fight Drakath on the other side of the Chaos Portal.
  • Deuteragonist: As the leader of the Evil faction in the fight against Chaos and the only one who sticks around (as King Alteon later succumbs to Chaorruption and is put down), this makes her the second most prominent character in the game barring the Hero themselves, with her being an essential figure in the story.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: In AQW Zombies, she uses her Champion of Light form to take out Dark Sepulchure, the guy capable of one-shotting Chaos Vordred.
  • Evil Counterpart:
    • To Artix, who is the polar opposite of her being the Champion of Darkness and a hero.
    • She's also one to Robina, as both are princesses of the Good and Evil factions, with their fathers being the former leaders, before they each met their demise and the daughters were forced to take charge.
  • Evil Redhead: Even though she's Affably Evil.
  • Expy: Of Jessica Rabbit, sans the large breasts.
  • Freaky Is Cool: When she was a child, she would decorate her room with skulls and got excited by the prospect of undeadifying others.
  • Friendly Enemy: Even if you're on the side of Good, you're still considered her friend. In fact, during a series of side-quests (varying on whether you're Good or Evil) she laments both in the beginning and the ending of the quest chain that you're Good (since when the truce ends, you'll be enemies. In fact, in the Zombie Apocalypse caused by Sepulchure killing Death (due to Drakath doing some time trickery), she'll even call you her closest friend, regardless of alignment.
  • Fountain of Youth: During the "Paradox Portal" event, her NPC in Shadowfall was reverted to an infant.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: When she has white energy, white wings and wields the Destiny Blade which is gold except she is evil.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: During the Shadowfall War, Noxus and Vordred put her into such an attire. See Whole Costume Reference below.
  • High Collar of Doom: In her early appearances, she wore a cape with a very large collar that went over her head.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: In her early appearance. Despite being "evil", she's still innocent compared to other villains and has no ill-will to others.
  • Lady of War: The Empress is not someone to mess with, especially with the command of an entire legion of undead. The main reason that Noxus was able to take her prisoner was because he had a hand in the creation of that legion (as well as having super-badass Vordred with him, whose armor is immune to light-based magic), and once her personal creation, Chuckles, knocks Noxus off his throne and frees her, she wastes no time in taking back control of the legion so that Noxus can be defeated. And that's small compared to the Doomwood Part 2 Finale when she activates the power of the Champion of Light and goes head to head with Drakath himself over the skies of Battleon.
  • Little Miss Badass: She's a young adult at the very oldest, but is a formidable opponent and one of the most powerful beings in Lore.
  • The Man Behind the Monsters: Despite being the commander of a legion of the undead, Gravelyn is still one-hundred-percent human.
  • Morality Pet: It's explicitly stated that Sepulchure's love for his daughter is the only shred of humanity left in him. An alternate version of him very nearly ruined that, but in the end, couldn't.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Her slave outfit after she gets captured by Noxus, and the her new outfit based on this.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In her zealous quest to get revenge on Drakath, she distracts the Hero at a crucial moment, forcing Gravelyn to make a Sadistic Choice between saving the world in one strike or saving the Hero.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Gravelyn does not waste time with gloating and speeches, and will Attack! Attack! Attack!.
  • Oblivious Adoption: Implied. In missing pages of Sepulchure's whole life's book, there are incomplete extracts which mention "Lynaria", "Gravelyn" and "adopted" in the same passage. If this is the case, it would explain why Gravelyn could be the Champion of Light when she's the daughter of the ultimate evil being on Lore.
  • Only Friend: She views the Hero as her greatest ally and closest friend, and the only one she had other than Chuckles.
  • Pet the Dog: As revealed in the Song of Ice Frostval event, she decides that for one day of the year, she decides to not be evil and celebrate Frostval. And it is adorable.
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: A minor example. When Noxus holds Gravelyn hostage, he makes her wear a Chain Mail Bikini. Once the Hero takes down Noxus, s/he seems surprised and asks if she wants help finding her armor, though Gravelyn doesn't seem to care and insists there are more pressing issues.
  • Power Gives You Wings: In Gravelyn's case, shining white angelic ones.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: She once was a princess, but ends up becoming empress after her father's death. Either way she's very powerful, especially in AQW Zombies after unleashing her Champion of Light powers.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: She has a black cape and red armor
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: It's rare for Gravelyn to get truly pissed, but when she does (such as during the start of the Lionfang War), her eyes will start glowing red.
  • The Reveal: Gravelyn has never been able to cast a single Darkness spell, because she is the Champion of Light.
  • Screw Destiny: Much like Artix, Gravelyn comes to realize her origin and upbringing does not define who she is, and it is what she chooses to do herself. Even as the Champion of Light, she continues to align with Evil and lead the Shadowscythe. Granted, it's implied a bit that her choice was influenced by the fact that her father ultimately couldn't kill her.
  • She Is All Grown Up: Compared to her appearance in DragonFable when she was an infant.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: When Noxus states his status as an immortal lich, she punches him in the face and says "Hush up."
  • The Stoic: Gravelyn is usually quite serious and doesn't tolerate witty humor.
  • The Tease: There are shades of this of her and the Hero (even if the Hero is a girl), during the Infernal Invasion Saga, where Gravelyn tells the Hero s/he is sweet and even called him/her "Sweetie".
  • Unstoppable Rage: When her father sacrifices himself to save her from Drakath, Gravelyn goes berserk, unleashing the full power of the Champion of Light and going one-on-one against Drakath himself!
  • Villain Protagonist: She is one of the most focused characters in the game and usually has a protagonistic role, but it's made very clear she is aligned with evil.
  • Whole Costume Reference: When she is taken prisoner by Noxus and Vordred during the Shadowfall War, Gravelyn gets put into a Slave Bikini which looks quite similar to the one that Leia wore in Return of the Jedi.

The legendary Doom Knight himself who meets his demise at the start of the game, but nonetheless still has huge influence for the rest of the game.
  • Badass Boast: Gets one immediately before Drakath kills him.
  • Bad with the Bone: His Necrotic Blade of Doom.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He'd be the Big Bad, except the spot of is already occupied by Drakath, who is a lot more powerful than even he is, and manages to dispose of him pretty quickly.
    • He acts as the Big Bad during the Alpha and Beta stages of the game but cannot be fought. Even in the finished game he has no boss battle unless you count the Chaorrupted Armor and Doom Blade possessing Sepulchure's Body.
    • In the original timeline of Adventure Quest Worlds, he actually was the Big Bad, but when Galanoth meddled with the timelines of 3 alternate universes to create a version of The Hero for their world, he also ended up empowering Drakath with the attributes of his own alternate counterparts.
    • In the Alternate Timeline AQW Zombies, he takes over as the proper Big Bad, due to Drakath’s absence from this reality. Until Drakath decides he’s grown bored of this reality he created and sets things back to how they were.
  • Black Knight: The black version of his action figure has black armor and in Gravelyn's Dream he dressed in black armor and in AdventureQuest Worlds Zombies The Necrotic Blade of Doom takes over his dead body and the armor change from red to black
  • Back from the Dead: Sepulchure was killed by Drakath in the very first Saga. Despite numerous references made to him, his soul exerting minor influence from beyond the grave, and having fake copies of him show up occasionally, he never makes true return. The end of the Throne of Darkness Saga shows, he's coming back for real. Then in the Infernal Invasion Saga, it's revealed that a Mysterious Stranger is going to bring back Sepulchure's soul from the clutches of the Queen of Darkness.
  • Blunt "Yes": In AQW Zombies, Death shows up to escort King Alteon and meets Sepulchure the following exchange occurs.
    Death: I will be taking King Alteon now. Until the next time we meet Doomknight... and know this, there WILL be a day I come for you.
    Sepulchure: I THINK NOT
    Death: Hah! That was a first. What are you going to do? Kill DEATH?
    Sepulchure: YES
    (Attacks and kills Death)
  • Chronic Villainy: Sepulchure goes to great lengths to convince himself that his daughter is just one of his undead and not the Champion of Light, who he needs to kill. But when he is finally faced with the truth, he gives in and tries to kill her anyways. Averted, in that he can't bring himself to go through with the final blow, and actually ends up saving her life in a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Delivers an awesome one of these against Chaos Vordred upon being resurrected, first shearing off both of his arms with the Necrotic Blade of Doom and then unleashing a mega-attack on him that he'd previously used against King Alteon during their duel — but unlike His Majesty, Chaos Vordred didn't have anything to block it with. Except that is not Sepulchure as Gravelyn stated but rather a clone of him.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?:
    • A Sepulchure duplicate was able to one-shot Chaos-empowered Vordred, the Nigh-Invulnerable monster who handily stomps both the Hero and Artix for the majority of their fight.
    • Sepulchure's godlike power gets stressed time and time again, but his murder of Death is still unexpected.
    The Hero: OMG! Did Sepulchure just kill... DEATH?!
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The one shred of humanity Sepulchure still holds is his love for his daughter.
  • Evil Laugh: As per norm with villains, but you actually hear one in the "Artix Vs. Sepulchure" Stop Motion video.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Audio for his voice is scarcely heard, but when it is, it sounds demonically deep.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: When his armor got chaorrupted by Drakath this happened.
  • Fallen Hero: Sepulchure was once one of King Alteon's greatest knights, who went by the name of Valen. Valen and Alteon were both in love with a healer of Swordhaven by the name of Lynaria, and the two dueled for her hand. It is implied that Alteon defeated him, because Alteon would marry her. But when then-Champion of Darkness Dethrix kidnapped her, Valen traveled to the deepest depths of the Necropolis and threw down with him for Lynaria's fate. He lost. Valen's fatal flaw was his inability to accept defeat, and he made a deal with Darkness in the form of the Mysterious Stranger in order to gain enough power to defeat Dethrix and rescue Lynaria, and received the armor that would transform him into the Doom Knight known as Sepulchure. Soon after Valen returned with Lynaria, he turned against Alteon in an event that is largely omitted from the history, but that would begin the war between Good and Evil. Lynaria, who still sensed good in Valen, tried to free him from the cursed armor, only for the armor to strike her down.
  • Finishing Move: He has an attack that launches a blast of pure darkness consisting of a wave of skulls. He uses this on King Alteon, Vordred, Artix, and the Hero.
  • Hero Killer: Most of the time, he seems to be a case of Orcus on His Throne. But when he is active, a lot of people tend to die. In the AQW Zombies timeline, he kills off every person and hero on Lore except for Artix, Gravelyn, and the Hero.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: A rare villain example. As Drakath is preparing to take out Gravelyn, Sepulchure throws himself in front of her and suffers the fate he suffered in the original storyline again. And this causes Gravelyn to go berserk on Drakath.
  • Kick the Dog: To the Necrotic Blade of Doom
  • Killed Off for Real: Courtesy of Drakath during his introduction scene.
  • Kick the Morality Pet: Subverted at the last minute. He knew his daughter was the Champion of Light the whole time or at least suspected it, but convinced himself it was King Alteon. However, when he goes on his undead crusade, it seems that he is fully ready to kill her when Gravelyn fights him. However, at the last second, he finds himself unable to actually kill his daughter.
    • He comes back briefly during the AQW Zombies storyline, but is quickly killed off again.
  • Love Triangle: Between himself and the King for Lynaria long ago.
  • Morality Pet: His daughter Gravelyn is this to him and symbolizes the last bit of real humanity
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Sepulchure is impervious to nearly all attacks. The only things that have ever been seen to hurt him include his own Doom weapon and Drakath's chaos magic.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Sepulchure doesn't waste time with bragging and revealing his plans, he goes straight for the kill.
  • Not Quite Dead: He was slain by Drakath within the first chapter of the game, having his soul torn out and shattered by the Champion of Chaos. Turns out shattered as it may be, his soul is still out there, with each piece retaining sentience. Various pieces of Sepulchure turn up here and there, one of which gets bound to Akriloth, another in the Queen of Monster's possession, and one in the Necrotic Blade of Doom where it can communicate with Gravelyn.
  • Orcus on His Throne: In spite of his incredible power, he doesn't seem to be very active most of the time.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Seeks to draw Lore into the Plane of Darkness (or at least his Doomblade does), which will destroy everything in it in the process. In order to do this, he needs to kill the Champion of Light. To find the champion, he launches a crusade to wipe out all life on Lore.
  • Pet the Dog: His ultimate goal is to slay the Champion of Light so that the Plane of Darkness can consume Lore. Even though deep down, he knew all along (or at least heavily suspected) that it was his daughter, Gravelyn, he chose to believe that his former friend, King Alteon, was the Champion of Light, and convinced himself that Gravelyn was just a special undead. It is this final spark of love that drives him to spare her at the last — and to sacrifice himself when Drakath moves to finish her off.
  • The Problem with Fighting Death: Exploited by Sepulchure in "AQW Zombies". He slayed Alteon with the intention of summoning Death, then when Death himself shows up, Sepulchure kills death himself. With the Anthropomorphic Personification ceasing, the dead no longer die and remain as zombies.
  • Screw Destiny: The Necrotic Blade of Doom insists that killing the Champion of Light is his destiny and goads him into killing his daughter. But when push finally comes to shove, he breaks down and yields.
  • Sharing a Body: [[Sepulchure's spirit is [spoiler:placed inside Akriloth, who is not happy with the foreign presence.]]
  • Spikes of Villainy: Along most of his armor.
  • Tragic Flaw: Valen's tragic flaw was his inability to accept defeat. He was defeated by then-Champion of Darkness Dethrix when he tried to rescue Lynaria for the King, which drove him to make the pact with the Mysterious Stranger that led to his transformation into the Doom Knight known as Sepulchure. It's implied he was also defeated by Alteon for the hand of Lynaria, the woman they both loved, which may have influenced the Face–Heel Turn that led to the start of the war between Good and Evil.
  • The Undead: He himself is an undead creature, once the DoomKnight armor was bound to him.
  • The Worf Effect: Remember back in DragonFable, he was the Nigh-Invulnerable Big Bad who nearly brought the world down to his knees? Here he gets killed in a Curbstomp Battle by Drakath within the first chapter of the game.
  • Was Once a Man: By the name of Valen.
  • Villain of Another Story:

    Necrotic Blade of Doom

Associated tropes:

  • Big Bad: of AdvcentureQuest Worlds Zombies
  • Black Knight: When it takes over Sepulchure's Body the armor change from red to black.
  • Final Boss: After Sepulchure gets killed by Drakath again it became the final enemy of the event by taking over Sepulchure's body.
  • Villainous Breakdown: When Sepulchure lowers it out of refusal to kill his own daughter because of his promise to Lynaria, and again when Gravelyn purifies it into the Blade of Destiny.



Vordred the Paladin Slayer, Noxus and Sally's ultimate undead creation. Wearing an armor adorned with skulls, and possessing the power to turn anyone undead, Vordred is truly a nightmarish juggernaut that poses a threat to the entire world. He seeks to become the new Champion of Darkness so that he can turn the whole world undead.
  • The Antichrist: Exists for the sole purpose of ending the world.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In the Nonstandard Game Over, should the Hero choose to betray Artix.
  • Bad with the Bone / BFS: His sword, which is enough to give Guts from Berserk a run for his money.
  • Catchphrase: "MORE SKULLS!" After he is revived in Doomwood Saga Part 2, this is the only thing he's able to say.
  • The Cameo: Vordred's head makes a cameo in the Castle of Bone, where he says "MORE SKULLS... MORE SKULLS... OK... MAYBE TOO MANY SKULLS."
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • Vordred does this to Artix and the Hero during the cutscenes and bats them around like rag dolls. Up until he gets Hoist by His Own Petard when Artix uses the Spirit Orbs he absorbed against him, where he finally becomes vulnerable.
    • He is on the receiving end when he faces a Sepulchure illusion, who proceeds to obliterate Vordred in one blast.
    • He gets it again when he takes on Drakath, with the Champion of Chaos one-shotting him with ease.
  • Dark Is Evil: A DeathKnight composed of Living Shadow who exists solely end the world.
  • The Dragon: To Sally and Noxus.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: He may serve Sally and Noxus, but it's clear Vordred is the biggest danger in the whole Doomwood arc.
  • The Dreaded: Those in the Lightguard Keep flee in terror at the sight of Vordred. Who can blame them when he's the Paladin Slayer who turned all of the High Paladins undead.
  • Dual Wielding: During the final showdown, Vordred wields both his big-ass sword and the Shadowreaper of Doom.
  • Heel–Face Brainwashing: While not quite a redemption, in Hero Heart's Day 2018 he ends up falling in love with Beleen due to getting hit with Cupid's arrow and makes genuine attempts to win her heart. While he's not explicitly said to have turned good, it's a noticeable improvement from his previous genocidal plans.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: In “Doomwood Part 3”, the once fearsome Paladin Slayer, has now been reduced to a talking head, yearning for his glory days and trying vainly to trick heroes into restoring his body.
  • Enemy Mine: Upon his second reconstruction, he joins the Alliance in the battle against Drakath, he is sent out to battle the Champion of Chaos himself. He doesn't fare too well.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Played for Laughs. In Hero's Hearts Day 2018, courtesy of a cupid's arrow, he falls in love with Beelen. Vordred is so confused how an Undead Abomination like himself was even capable of experiencing this emotion.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: When he was Suddenly Voiced, he has an extremely deep, grave, demonic voice.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: In the last round of the Doomwood Finale, his armor is destroyed leaving his shadow-form completely revealed.
  • Going to Give It More Energy: Tried against Vordred in the Arc Attack event in hopes of giving him too much power to handle and destroying him. It doesn't work and only ends up empowering him even further.
  • The Heavy: He is the biggest threat in the Doomwood Saga, even though he is under the command of Sally and Noxus.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Prior to the final cutscene, a version of Vordred could be found at "/join vordred" who was truly unbeatable, as anyone who tries to attack him will keep doing 0 damage.
  • Implacable Man: He's pretty much Nigh-Invulnerable, and nothing can stop him from pursuing the Champion of Darkness until they have been slain. Up until the Hero and Artix finally took him down with a Deus ex Machina Superpowered Evil Side, he ploughed through everything in his path.
  • Mage Killer: He is the first PaladinSlayer.
  • Losing Your Head: He has been reduced to a talking head several times, with “Doomwood Part 3” making it a more longterm basis and he’s trying to change that.
  • Make My Monster Grow: He can unleash a giant shadow manifestation of himself, while his body remains as well, creating two opponents for the heroes to fight.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Paladin Magic is useless against him, and there doesn't seem to be a way to defeat him. And thanks to the Hero in the ArcAttack live event, he's even MORE POWERFUL. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero. As it turns out, his Nigh Invulnerability is powered by his armor of skulls and his shadow. Only by destroying the armor with the spirit orbs of every undead Artix has slain and pinning down Vordred's shadow with Artix's shadow (a huge black dragon) are Artix and the Hero able to finally destroy him.
  • No Indoor Voice: All of his dialogue is in capitals.
  • No-Sell: Vordred's main schtick is being immune to light-based magic. But as it turns out only his armor of skulls is immune — his main body is still as vulnerable as ever.
  • Nothing but Skulls: His Armor it later goes to extremes in The Doom Wood Final
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Vordred's ultimate goal is to become the Champion of Darkness and turn everyone in Lore undead.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: He's not exactly a person per say, but he can wipe out humanity with ease.
  • Psycho Serum: Gets significant upgrades from Sally, getting infused with chaos and having more skulls added to his armor. But his intelligence seems to be significantly downgraded as a result, being unable to say anything other than "More Skulls".
  • The End... Or Is It?: After he is defeated, Drakath gives his skull to Sally, who promises to make him more powerful than ever.
  • The Starscream: Strongly implied, as he states that once he gained enough power he would be able to break free of Noxus' control. Though he never gets the chance to show this as he still continues Noxus' Evil Plan and is defeated before its completion.
  • Suddenly Voiced: In the July 2011 ArcAttack event.
  • The Undead: And quite possibly the most powerful undead ever.
  • Undead Abomination: He is an undead DeathKnight who is a near Nigh-Invulnerable being made of pure shadow, can turn anyone undead, and wears skull armor that is immune to light elemental attacks and capable of regenerating.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He gets even worse in Doomwood Saga Part 2, and in said saga is only able to say "MORE SKULLS!" He gets even crazier when he is fully rebuilt as Chaos Vordred.
  • Villain Decay: In his first appearance in the Doomwood Saga, he was a serious threat depicted as an unstoppable juggernaut. Subsequent appearances have either hit him with The Worf Effect where he gets one-shotted by stronger villains like Sepulchure or Drakath, or he gets a very silly treatment such as in Hero Heart's Day 2018 where he falls in love with Beleen and turns himself pink.
  • Villainous Crush: In Hero's Hearts Day 2018, Vordred falls in love with Beleen of all people and recruits the Hero to help him out
  • We Can Rebuild Him: Said word for word by Sally in Doomwood Saga Part 2, while she is remaking him on the wall.
  • What Is This Feeling?: He has trouble understanding the emotion of love when he develops feelings for Beleen.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: He can absorb spirit orbs into himself.
  • The Worf Battle: In his first appearance he was built up as the most powerful being Lore had seen, being a The Juggernaut who bulldozes through everything. Then after his first defeat, he gets curbstomped not once but twice, first at the hands of a Sepulchure illusion, and the second time at the hands of Drakath himself.



Last seen in DragonFable where she had become the new owner of the Necropolis. Sally returns as the Necromantress in the Tower of Necromancy. She raised Noxus from the dead and together with him created Vordred. As of the Doomwood Finale, she's planning on making Vordred even more powerful...

  • Adaptational Badass: In DragonFable she was a little girl who played around with the nercomantic equipment lying around the Necropolis and was Obliviously Evil, while this version is capable of some of the greatest necromantic feats such as resurrecting Noxus and creating Vordred.
  • Adaptational Villainy: This version of Sally is substantially more evil than her DragonFable counterpart. Their backstories were initially identical with both Sallys being a girl from Moonridge who stumbled upon the Necropolis. However while the DragonFable Sally remained a mischievous girl who viewed the Necropolis as a dollhouse and was more of an annoyance to the Hero, the AQW Sally embraces the art of necromancy under the guidance of Noxus and becomes a fully qualified necromancer, responsible for countless deaths and has direct involvement in plans to end the world.
  • Affably Evil: She's a little girl who likes flowers and dresses in pink, acts nice to you, and was the reason Vordred exists!
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With Noxus for the Doomwood Saga. Although while she has a more active presence, it appears Noxus is the brains due to Sally being Obliviously Evil.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Can somehow explain that Vordred making everyone in the world undead like it was a a slumber party.
  • Eviler than Thou: She states she is more evil than Vayle was when the latter was in charge of the Necropolis. She isn't lying.
  • Evil Laugh: She does a fair few of these. When she was voiced by Kimberely, it actually sounds comical.
  • Freudian Excuse: She's just really lonely and is sad that she doesn't have any friends/any that she makes dies....
  • Genki Girl: Extremely cheerful in situations that most would be horrified by. Of course this is largely due to her being a Creepy Child who is an Affably Evil sadist.
  • Girl in the Tower: You find her at the top of the Tower of Necromancy.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Has a pink teddy bear.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Gravelyn has made her part of the Shadowscythe faction, instructing her to infuse Vordred with more doom.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: That's really all she wants... unless she's thinking about destroying the world and making everyone undead.
  • Obliviously Evil: While more aware than her DragonFable counterpart, she still goes along with necromancy out of a childish desire to 'have friends'.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Subverted. She actually thinks pink is evil.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Is voiced by Kimberly (yes, that Kimberly) in the Tower of Necromancy and in the Arc Attack Live Event.


A powerful necromancer who was taken down by Artix and the heroes of Lore back in DragonFable, but was brought back as an Undead Lich thanks to Sally. She and Noxus created Vordred so he can become the Champion of Darkness. He was defeated in the Shadowfall War after briefly taking over Gravelyn's Shadowscythe Empire. His skull has been made into a weapon for Gravelyn by Cysero, and the rest of him is now the new body of Gravelyn's first undead minion Chuckles.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: While he was no saint in DragonFable, this Noxus ends up being far far worse. The timeline diverges after his defeat in the Necropolis, with this having been killed and subsequently resurrected as a lich. While DragonFable went to commit a string of horrid but comparatively petty crimes, AQW Noxus went to the far end of the moral spectrum and tried to turn everyone in the world undead using his creation, Vordred.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With Sally. Given his former master Sepulchure slain, Noxus is no longer has allegiance to the Shadowscythe, believing Gravelyn to be inept at leading. For the "Doomwood Saga" while Vordred is The Heavy, he and Sally are the driving force.
  • The Chessmaster: As he was the one who created the Shadowscythe's undead army, he is able to hijack command over them from Gravelyn and take power. Unfortunately for him, there is one minion who was not created by him, Chuckles, who is still loyal to Gravelyn.
  • Dem Bones: Now that he's undead, he has a skeletal appearance.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: He was formerly The Dragon to Sepulchure, but his allegiance to the Shadowscythe changes after the alliance and he tries to take over power himself.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Cysero uses his skull to create a weapon for Gravelyn.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: As an undead lich his eyes have a Sickly Green Glow.
  • Humiliation Conga: Probably the grandest one of any AdventureQuest Worlds villain to date. He gets knocked off his feet by Chuckles. Then when his lich power allows him to revive, the Hero and Gravelyn are forced to continuously knock him out. After growing tired of this, Gravelyn proceeds to pull his skull head off and replaces Chuckles with it, while Noxus’ head gets made into Gravelyn’s new staff.
  • Manipulative Bastard: While Sally does most of the hands on work of creating undead, Noxus has been grooming her to be his successor.
  • Necromancer: Formerly the Dean of Necro U, making him an Evil Mentor to many necromancers.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Noxus' goal is to turn all life on Lore undead, a goal he shares with Vordred.
  • Oracular Head: Gravelyn takes off his skull head from his body and replaces it with Chuckles, while Noxus becomes a disembodied skull who can still talk.
  • Our Liches Are Different: A skeletal necromancer who is effectively immortal and will continusly revive upon defeat. Though it appears, he can't regrow anything missing, so if you pull his head off and replace it with something else, then he's helpless.
  • Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration: Played for laughs. As a Lich, Noxus has some degree of immortality. So Gravelyn and the Hero have to keep knocking him down inbetween conversation, before he regenerates and tries to attack again.
  • Squishy Wizard: An immortal lich who possesses very powerful magic, but it doesn't take much to knock him over with brute force.
  • Talking Weapon: After his head is used to adorn Gravelyn’s new staff.
  • Villain Override: Noxus does this to Gravelyn's entire undead army, which he was able to do because he himself created the army in question for her father Sepulchure.



The enigmatic Necromantress herself, seen in several Artix Entertainment games. Vayle first appears to free the hero from Vordred's spell, then after helping him/her put Artix in Lightguard Keep's prison, sends him/her to travel across Doomwood learning information on both Artix and Vordred.

While she once served Noxus, she has defected from the darkness and now allied with the Hero.

  • Adaptational Heroism: While the DragonFable Vayle originally had the same backstory as her Adventure Quest World counterpart, in DragonFable she still remained very bitter and untrusting of everyone for years, whereas this version of Vayle has actively assisted the Hero in all her appearances.
  • Anti-Hero: She's a necromantress originally siding with evil, but has allied with the Hero for the majority of her appearances.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In one of the endings to the Vordred Boss fight, she shows up to shield the Hero and Artix from an attack by Vordred before finishing Vordred off herself.
  • Freaky Is Cool: She is entranced by dark things.
  • Hair Color Dissonance: Purple hair in her case.
  • In the Hood: Unlike in DragonFable, she is almost always seen with her hood on.
  • Necromancer: A necromantress to be precise.
  • Necromantic: Vayle's primary reason for becoming a Necromantress was to find a way to bring her brother back.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Towards Artix in the Doomwood saga, being the primary reason why she assists him.
  • Revenge: She's really pissed at Artix for killing her brother Edward in DragonFable.
  • Redemption Rejection: Even when Artix lets her reunite with her deceased brother, she's still mad because Artix ruined an entire lifetime of necromancy that she devoted to trying to bring him back, and that the next time they meet, it will be as mortal enemies. Ouch.


An odd normal skeleton minion who is usually seen at Sepluchure's side. Turns out he was the only undead Gravelyn managed to make.
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: Got Noxus's body for his own.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He saved Gravelyn and turned the tide of the war. Never saw this coming, did you?
  • Brick Joke: Remember how Chuckles's head was the only thing revived by Death? 2 years later, the players finally save him when Gravelyn places his head on Noxus's body!
  • Dem Bones: His body is nothing more than a flying skull.
  • Our Liches Are Different: Well he only has Noxus's Lich Body
  • The Hyena: Why he has the name.
  • Use Your Head: He's only a skull since that was the only thing Death could revive. and that's what he used to save Gravelyn from Noxus.
  • Vile Villain, Laughable Lackey: Sepulchure is one of the most powerful and feared villains in the franchise. Chuckles is a normal skeleton minion who giggles and laughs alot. Turns out he's Gravelyn's creation so little wonder why he has him around.


The Doom Knight Trainer,
