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YMMV / ClementJ642

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  • Critical Backlash:
    • Clement believes that Sonic Lost World is underrated; he enjoys the open levels, defends the Animal-based progression system as incentive to explore them, doesn't find the game nearly as unfairly challenging as others say it is, and feels that the Deadly Six, while one-note, are still entertaining enough to not deserve the vitriol they get, especially when there are fans of equally shallow villains from other games. However, his defense only goes as far as the Wii U version; he despises the 3DS for its long, tedious levels.
    • He agrees with the masses that Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is a bad game. However, he doesn't find the game to be offensive to his eyes, even cracking some good-natured ribs at some of the game's quirks (like having an onscreen counter for all the times a character yells "Bounce pad!"). The only time he gets noticeably upset is when he brings up the fandom's tendency to compare the game to Sonic 06.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: During his playthrough of Mega Man 5, he says that Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man should do a crossover. That was back in 2009. Come 2013 and 2015...
    • In his Sonic Mania playthough on Encore Mode, near the end of the game he made a joke on how Steve would be in Smash Ultimate nearly a year before Steve became part of the roster.
  • Memetic Mutation: "IT'S A VIDEO GAME!" Which everyone started saying recently, whenever someone questions the logic (or lack of) in any given video game.
  • Moment of Awesome: All of the Boss Rush segments in each Mega Man (Classic) game. Rather than simply recycle through them all again, he instead turns them into a different Montage of him trouncing every single boss while Awesome Music plays in the background.
  • Never Live It Down: He loves to pick at Knuckles' moments of gullibility and naivety, often at his very apparent expense. This is often followed with a clip of a Sonic X clip of Knuckles shouting "Shut up!"
  • Sequel Displacement: Kind of.
  • Sweet Dreams Fuel: Might be overstating it a bit, but Clement's generally relaxed and casual style, upbeat disposition, and demonstrating his skills while remaining humble about it makes for easy relax material after a long day.
