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Tear Jerker / Lost

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"I think some of us are meant to be alone."

Man in Black: He was very confused when you killed him, you know.
Benjamin Linus: I seriously doubt that Jacob was ever confused.
Man in Black: I'm not talking about Jacob, I'm talking about John Locke. Do you want to know what he was thinking while you choked the life out of him, Benjamin? What the last thought that ran through his head was? "I don't understand." Isn't that just the saddest thing you ever heard?
Season 6, "LA X, Part 1"

From the show that loved killing off your favorite characters before Game of Thrones made it cool, it should be no surprise that Lost has plenty of sad moments.

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  • John Locke's entire story is just one big tearjerker. Abandoned by his parents, raised in a string of lousy homes, bullied in school and constantly uncertain of his place in the world. Every time something good happens to him, it is taken away in the cruelest manner possible. Life never stops relenting from piling on the misery and yet he sticks around desperately clinging to the belief that he is destined for something greater, only to end up becoming a pawn for two more powerful people. It would be almost unbearable except for the finale which says that Locke really was special and finally allows him to be happy.
  • Likewise, Juliet's whole story is really tragic. Coming to the Island with the best of intentions, she has to watch countless women die in childbirth while being unable to save them, suffers Ben's manipulations and harassment after he becomes obsessed with her, and constantly has her chances at leaving the Island ripped away in the cruelest manner. Although she gets to be happy with Sawyer for three years, even that falls apart with her death, and she never gets to go home and see her sister and nephew again.

    Season 1 
"Walkabout" (1x04)
  • In one flashback, Locke is shown calling Helen, who was implied to be his girlfriend. But when he offers to take her with him to Australia, it's quickly revealed that she's actually a phone sex operator that Locke has been trying to recreate his real relationship with Helen, falling for the age-old adage of "thinking the stripper actually likes him."
  • Locke's reaction to the tour guide telling him that he can't go on the Walkabout in the final flashback. It's heartbreaking to see him have to watch the bus leave without him, while he futilely yells after them.
"White Rabbit" (1x05)
  • Jack's relationship with his emotionally distant father, and his breakdown at the airport when he's trying to get his body through customs.
    "I'm standing in front of you in the same suit that I'm wearing to my father's funeral and I'm asking you a favor. In sixteen hours I need to land at LAX, and I need that coffin to clear customs because there's going to be a hearse waiting there. And I need that hearse to take me and that coffin to a cemetery. Why? Chrissy, why can't I just bring him to a funeral home and make all the arrangements? Why can't I really take my time with it? Because... because I need it to be done. I need it to be over. I just—I need to bury my father."
"House of the Rising Sun" (1x06)
  • Walt's response when Michael asks him what Walt's mother said about him.
    Walt: She never talked about you.
  • When Jin's story is finally told and it turns out that he's not heartless and uncaring toward his wife, but actually madly in love with her and suffering horrible trials from her father because of it.
"The Moth" (1x07)
  • The way Charlie and Liam's relationship falls apart in the flashbacks. Liam promised to look out for his little brother, but instead became a Toxic Friend Influence who got him into drugs. Although Liam was able to clean up his act, he's left to deal with the guilt of having turned Charlie into an addict and ruined his life.
"Confidence Man" (1x08)
  • Sawyer's backstory. His father killed his mother and himself in a rage after they were swindled out their money by a conman when he was just eight years old. Sawyer committed his life to getting revenge on the man responsible for his parents' deaths, only to take on his name when he became a conman himself, realizing he had become just like him. Since then, Sawyer has been consumed by self-hatred, which is why he acts like such a jerkass. The final moments of the episode are especially pitiful, as Sawyer considers burning the letter he wrote to "Mr. Sawyer" but decides against it, unable to let go of his need for revenge.
"Whatever the Case May Be" (1x12)
  • Charlie's breakdown after Claire's kidnapping.
  • The Reveal of what Kate wanted from the case. A small toy airplane, that belonged to the man she loved.
"Homecoming" (1x15)
  • Charlie screws up his relationship with Lucy in the flashbacks when his addiction gets the better of him and he steals a valuable possession of her family to get a fix.
"Outlaws" (1x16)
  • Christian Shephard admits to Sawyer that his and Jack's falling out was his fault, and that he should call Jack to apologize and tell him that he loves him, but he's too much of a coward to do so.
  • Sawyer realizing that Hibbs tricked him into killing an innocent man.
"...In Translation" (1x17)
  • Jin's breakdown in the bathroom after Sun's father forces him to savagely beat a man in front of his family.
  • Jin finally reconciles with his father, admitting he was ashamed to be the son of a lowly fisherman, and breaks down.
  • Sun and Jin's breakup is bittersweet, as while Sun is free of his overbearing control, it's clear that she believes they can still reconcile, and Jin's decision not to try is based on a feeling that he is not good enough for her after the horrible things he's done for her father.
"Deus Ex Machina" (1x19)
  • Locke being conned out of his kidney by his own father, who pretends to love him and strikes up a father-son bond with him, only to abandon him immediately after the surgery. Locke's breakdown in his car is very hard to watch.
  • Locke's reaction to Boone's fall. Just him, pounding at the Hatch, betrayed that what he thought made him special led to Boone's death. Even more tearjerky when we get Desmond's perspective on the same scene later in the series and learn that he was, if possible, even more desolate than Locke and that moment saved him from suicide.
    "I have done everything you wanted me to do so WHY did you do this TO ME!!!"
"Do No Harm" (1x20)
  • Everything about Boone's death. The way Jack has to let him go after trying so desperately to save him, the fact that the occasion of Aaron's birth, which should have been a joyful one for the survivors, is now tainted by association with it, and the fact that Shannon spends the evening having a lovely date with Sayid, totally unaware of what's happened to her brother, and then has to hear the news when she returns the next morning.
  • Claire's terror at giving birth is more than just fear of, well, giving birth alone on an island.
    Claire: It's not gonna want me. It knows I didn't want it, that I was going to give it away - babies know that stuff!
"The Greater Good" (1x21)
  • Shannon's reaction to Boone's death. She just goes completely numb, unable to even speak up at his funeral. Then she steals a gun to try to kill Locke, and if it hadn't been for Sayid, she would have succeeded.
"Exodus, Part 2" (1x24/25)
  • Michael has to watch his own son be kidnapped right in front of him without being able to do anything to stop it.

    Season 2 
"Man of Science, Man of Faith" (2x01)"Adrift" (2x02)
  • Michael's grief over Walt's kidnapping is absolutely heartbreaking. Even when he briefly drowns to the point that Sawyer has to resuscitate him with CPR, the first thing he does when he wakes up is get right back to screaming Walt's name. When Sawyer tries to make him save his energy, Michael responds that the only possible consolation he has is that Walt might be able to hear him and know that Michael's coming. It's every parent's worst nightmare shown in agonizing detail.
    Michael: They took my son!
    Sawyer: Yeah, I saw that, onto a boat, which means he's not in shouting distance.
    Michael: You don't know that!
    Sawyer: Well I got a pretty good sense! And even if he was there's nothing you can do!
    Michael: Look, if he can hear me, he knows that I'm alive, that I'm coming for him, that I'm going to get him back! Right now all I got is that maybe my son can hear me, does that make any sense to you?!
"The Other 48 Days" (2x07)
  • After over 40 days of suffering and death since the crash, Ana Lucia finally breaks down and cries from the stress, and Eko finally breaks his vow of silence to comfort her.
    Ana Lucia: You've been waiting 40 days to talk?
    Eko: You waited 40 days to cry.
"What Kate Did" (2x09)
  • The Reveal of why Kate is on the run. She killed her physically and implicitly sexually abusive stepfather, who she was disgusted to find out was actually her real father, and her own mother turned her in. Despite the fact that Kate was saving her from an abusive relationship, Diane chooses her drunken, perverted, brutish husband over her only daughter.
"The 23rd Psalm" (2x10)"Dave" (2x18)
  • While we never actually meet the real Henry Gale, it is still heartbreaking when Sayid reads the last note he wrote on a $20 bill.
    "Jennifer, well, you were right. Crossing the Pacific isn't easy. I owe you a beer. I'm hiking to one of the beaches to start a signal fire. But if you're reading this I guess I didn't make it. I'm sorry. I love you, Jenny. Always have — always will. Yours, Henry."
"Two for the Road" (2x20)
  • The final flashback of Ana Lucia crying as she talks to her mother on the phone before taking the flight and admits that she made a terrible mistake and needs her mother's help. It's probably the most vulnerable we ever see her, and it's made worse by knowing that the two never get to talk things out thanks to the crash and Ana Lucia's death.
  • The deaths of Ana Lucia and Libby.
    • First up is Ana Lucia. While she's often been a difficult person to like, this episode's flashbacks show a more vulnerable side to her and it's hard not to feel a little bit sorry for her after everything she's been through. Even after Ben tried to kill her, she can't bring herself to murder him in cold blood, proving that she has some standards and regret for her past actions. And then, out of nowhere, she's betrayed by Michael, who she thought she could trust, and is dead before she can even register what's happened to her.
      Michael: I'm sorry.
      Ana Lucia: For what?
    • Libby's death is even sadder. One of the sweetest, kindest characters on the show, killed in the midst of her plans to have a nice picnic date with Hurley. Making this even worse is how easily it could have been avoided. Michael never intended to kill her, he just shot her by mistake on pure instinct, and if Hurley hadn't forgotten the blankets, she would never have been there in the first place.
    • Although it's definitely hard to feel sorry for him in the moment, in hindsight this is arguably a tear jerker from Michael's perspective too. It's clear that he regrets his actions instantly, and ultimately he only did what he did out of desperation to get his son back.
"?" (2x21)
  • The last scene, a montage, is just dripping with emotion: Hurley sobbing over Libby's body ("I'm sorry I forgot the blankets! I'm sorry!"), Jack feeling completely helpless because he can do nothing to help her, Sawyer and Kate taking their respective guards down and losing it because of Libby and Ana Lucia's deaths, Micheal stewing in self-hatred knowing that he has crossed the line in his effort to rescue Walt, and Locke, utterly disillusioned with his "destiny".
"Live Together, Die Alone" (2x23/24)
  • In a flashback to the night of Boone's death, Desmond comes perilously close to crossing the Despair Event Horizon. Now all alone after Kelvin's death, with no idea if the button has any real meaning and no way off the Island, he finds a letter from Penny from before he went to prison declaring her love for him and promising to wait for him, and realizes what a colossal mistake he's made in leaving her. He's only saved from committing suicide when he hears Locke banging on the Hatch door, and is given renewed hope by the realization that he's not alone.

    Season 3 
"Further Instructions" (3x03)
  • Locke tries to apologize to his vision of Boone for getting him killed, but is unable to speak. Boone bitterly quotes Locke's words that he was "a sacrifice the Island demanded", and there is clear shame and regret on Locke's face for having said that.
"Every Man for Himself" (3x04)
  • Danny Pickett may be a supreme Jerkass, but it's hard not to feel a little bit sorry for him when he loses it after his wife Colleen is killed by Sun.
"The Cost of Living" (3x05)
  • The death of Mr. Eko. After he think he's been given a chance to confront his past and speak to his brother again, he realizes that he's been tricked and the man he's been talking to isn't Yemi at all. Then, once he's determined that Eko is no longer fit to be a pawn in his game, the Man in Black kills him without a second thought, with Locke only arriving in time to hear his last words.
"I Do" (3x06)
  • Kate crying and begging Sawyer to fight back while Pickett prepares to kill him. Fortunately, he's interrupted by Jack taking Ben hostage in surgery, but the way the scene is framed and the music may well be enough to convince a first time viewer that Sawyer really is about to die.
    Sawyer: Close your eyes, Freckles.
"Flashes Before Your Eyes" (3x08)
  • Just the premise, being forced to relive the biggest mistake of your life, knowing the whole time that you're powerless to change anything, is bad enough. But the end features one of the most brutal Hope Spots in recent memory. After breaking up with Penny (again) Desmond finally manages to prove to himself that he has actually travelled back in time. He has one moment of absolute joy, thinking that he actually can manage to fix things... only to get sent back to the Island seconds later. His subsequent breakdown when he starts begging for another chance is absolutely gut-wrenching.
"Tricia Tanaka is Dead" (3x10)
  • Hurley visiting Libby's grave at the beginning of the episode.
    "Everyone is afraid. I'm afraid too. Except when I'm with you. I miss you, Libby."
"Enter 77" (3x11)
  • The final flashback, as Amira confronts Sayid over the trauma he put her through when he tortured her, and Sayid tearfully admits that he remembers her, and that her face has haunted him for years, with some heartbreakingly powerful acting on both sides.
    Amira: After my husband and I first arrived to Paris, I was afraid to ever leave our apartment. So I would stare out in the window into the alley, and I would see this cat looking for scraps. One day some children came into the alley and trapped him in a box. I watched them light firecrackers and drop them in the box. I could hear him howl from three stories above. So finally, I had a reason to leave my apartment. I rescued this cat and I brought him home. He sits with me when I read, sleeps with me, and he purrs. But, every once in a while, he will bite me or scratch me. He does this because sometimes he forgets that he is safe now. So I forgive him when he bites me, because I remember what it is like to never feel safe. And that is because of you. So today, I ask only one thing of you: I ask you now to show me the respect by acknowledging what you did to me. That it was you who questioned me, tortured me and that you remember me.
    Sayid: I remember you. I remember your face. Your face has haunted me ever since I left Iraq. I am sorry. I am so sorry for what I did to you. I am sorry.
"The Man from Tallahassee" (3x13)
  • We finally find out how Locke wound up in a wheelchair: his own father tried to kill him by pushing him out of a window after he uncovered his latest scam, which even Ben realizes must have been emotionally devastating on top of the physical pain. Especially when we see Locke sobbing in the chair as it sinks in that he's never going to walk again. Locke's later description to Ben of how he felt his back break is also not pretty.
"Left Behind" (3x15)
  • Kate's attempts to contact her mother in the flashbacks:
    • First there's her explanation to Cassidy of how her mother betrayed her:
      "He, uh, used to get drunk, and beat up my Mom. So I blew up his house. I made it look like an accident. A gas leak. Took out an insurance policy on the house, for her. Set her up for life. And then she gave me up. Chose him over me. So the reason I need to talk to her is, someone I love, someone who's supposed to care about me, betrayed me. And I wanna know why!"
    • Then when she finally meets her mother, Diane makes clear that she still chooses Wayne over her, and will never forgive her for killing him. She even says that the next time she sees Kate she will yell for help, and the events of "Born To Run" make clear she is not bluffing.
      Diane: You can't help who you love, Katherine. And for good or bad, I loved him. And you burnt him alive. You turned on the gas, and you lit a match. You murdered him in cold blood!
      Kate: I did it for you.
      Diane: No. What you did, you did for yourself.
  • Juliet's breakdown after being abandoned by the Others.
    "They left me behind too, they gassed me! I know that you don't care, but the people I spent the last three years of my life with, they just left me! I thought that maybe, maybe if I could make you think that we were in it together. Maybe I wouldn't get left behind again."
"One of Us" (3x16)
  • The flashbacks detail Juliet's sad time on the Island so far.
    • She arrives to try to help fix the Island's pregnancy problem, but has absolutely no success and is forced to watch countless women die without being able to save them, largely thanks to Ben's stubbornness in refusing to allow her to take anyone off the Island.
    • Although she was only meant to stay for six months, by the time of the plane crash, Ben has manipulated her into staying for three years by offering to fix her sister's cancer. Although she gets a brief moment of joy from being shown a video of her sister and nephew, alive and well, it's taken away just as swiftly as Ben still refuses to let her go home.
"D.O.C." (3x18)
  • Juliet reveals to Sun that she's watched nine pregnant women die on the Island.
  • Juliet quietly whispers "I hate you" after she leaves the message for Ben about Sun's pregnancy, feeling awful about having betrayed Sun's trust.
"The Brig" (3x19)
  • Sawyer confronts Cooper about causing his parents' deaths, and Cooper mocks him and his entire life story to his face. It's hard to blame Sawyer for killing him after that. Particularly upsetting is the quiet way Sawyer says "her name was Mary" when Cooper talks about his mother.
  • Despite Cooper being richly deserving of his death, Sawyer still seems to regret murdering an unarmed and defenseless man afterwards and even throws up, proving that despite his bravado, at heart, he is not a killer.
"Greatest Hits" (3x21)
  • The last item on Charlie's list of the greatest moments of his life for Claire is "The night I met you." If that wasn't bad enough, Word of God is that Desmond still has the list in his pocket when he dives into the water in the following episode and it gets soaked, meaning he never gets to give it to Claire.
    • Before leaving the camp Charlie places his "DS" ring in Aaron's crib. The ring was a family heirloom that he was supposed to pass on to his son. When Claire leaves the camp with Aaron she doesn't see the ring and it's left behind.
"Through the Looking Glass" (3x22/23)
  • Charlie's death. The fact that we've spent a season building up to it and knowing that it's coming doesn't make it any easier. One of the most awesome characters on the show, dying to ensure everyone else lived, and, in his final moments, managing to warn Desmond that the people on the freighter aren't who they claim to be.
    • There's an absolutely brutal Hope Spot, as Charlie succeeds in turning off the jamming signal and is seemingly in the clear, even quipping "So much for fate" to himself. But then he sticks around to hear Penny's message, and that two minute delay is enough for Mikhail to get the drop on him.
    • Despite the fact that he might have had enough time to get outside the door before closing it, he deliberately locks himself inside, knowing he will drown, because he's not willing to risk Desmond's life to save his own.
    • Worst of all, his sacrifice ultimately doesn't achieve what he had hoped at all. Many of the survivors don't listen to his warning, and those who do are worse off because they are at the Barracks when Keamy attacks. Not to mention that Desmond's vision of Claire escaping the Island turns out to be wrong, as she gets separated from the group and Aaron and spends three years going crazy with only the Man in Black for company.
    • The fact that even though Desmond knew that saving Charlie's life again would just disrupt the course of events in his visions and possibly prevent Penny's supposed boat coming to save them, he still grabs the fire extinguisher and tries desperately to break through the window to get to him.
    • His last act before he drowns is the sign of the cross.
  • The flashforward showing how bad things have gotten for Jack. He is a broken, desolate alcoholic who wants nothing more than to die or get back to the island. Special mention goes to the scenes when he is in the hospital and insists that his father is still alive before leaving. The final scene when he tells Kate how he flies constantly and hopes to crash so he can get back is just heartbreaking.
    • Re-watching this episode is far more painful once Season 5 suggests that John Locke's suicide is what caused Jack to hit his Despair Event Horizon. For years, the men battled each other's wits on how the island has affected their lives. Jack stubbornly clung to his beliefs on science and logic, despite him losing his grip on hard reality. Locke kept fighting for the island, even though everyone's telling him how deluded he has become. Both men don't want to admit their failings to the other, even though they're both at their darkest moments. Then Jack hears about Locke hanging himself. Jack was already troubled beforehand, but with the knowledge that he may have driven Locke to kill himself, he was wracked with guilt and regret. When even a man of faith has lost all hope, who could Jack turn to for help? Absolutely no one. Jack now realized that even though he defeated his greatest rival, he also lost his best friend, and it's now too late to admit that he was wrong. It's heart-wrenching to see how much Jack misses the guy. After this realization, it’s hard to watch the finale and not notice that Locke is the first person that Jack goes to hug upon entering the church. It took death for the two rivals to notice how much the two actually meant to each other.

    Season 4 
"The Beginning of the End" (4x01)
  • The various reactions to Charlie's death:
    • First is Hurley's. As Desmond returns, he, Sayid, Jin and Bernard all start arguing about the message Desmond recieved while Hurley tries to ask where Charlie is but everyone talks over him, until finally he shouts "WHERE'S CHARLIE?!" Desmond can't even get the words out to tell him that he died, he just says that he's sorry and then everyone goes quiet as they realize what's happened. Afterwards, Hurley is very noticeably surly and completely unlike his usual happy-go-lucky self, which Sawyer notices and is concerned by.
    • Hurley has to tell Claire, and the two of them just burst into tears and hold onto each other.
    • More understated but still noteworthy is Jack and Kate, at the cockpit of the plane, reminiscing about how they visited it with Charlie when they first crashed.
  • The Breaking the Fellowship scene, as the survivors split up between Jack and Locke's camps. This is the last time that the group as a whole is ever together. Especially heart-wrenching is Hurley and Claire abandoning Jack for Locke, and Hurley's tearful speech about how he's honoring Charlie's sacrifice.
    Jack: No one's going anywhere with you, John. Because they're not crazy.
    Hurley: He's not crazy. What about Charlie? Charlie went down to that place so we could all be rescued. And whatever he did down there, it worked. But then something must have happened. He must have heard something before he... I don't know why, but he changed his mind. Because the last thing he did was to warn us that the people on that boat are not who they said they were. So I'm not listening to you. I'm listening to my friend. I'm listening to Charlie.
  • In the flashforward, Hurley admits to regretting his decision to go with Locke, and apologizes to Jack for leaving him. It's particularly sad on a rewatch, after we've seen how poorly Locke treated him.
"Confirmed Dead" (4x02)
  • Daniel crying, though he doesn't understand why, when he sees the remains of the fake Oceanic 815 on the news. Especially in hindsight, with the implication that Daniel is subconsciously aware of his connection to the Oceanic survivors thanks to his time travel experiments.
"The Economist" (4x03)
  • Sayid's relationship with Elsa. Though he initially gets together with her to get close to her employer, who is one of his targets, he grows to genuinely care for her, which gets him shot when he lets his guard down and it turns out she was also an assassin and was using him too. He's forced to kill her in self-defense, and Ben shows him No Sympathy, berating him for thinking with his heart instead of his gun.
"Ji Yeon" (4x07)
  • The way Juliet tells Sun that it doesn't matter if the boat is friendly or not, but the only thing that matters is that she leaves the island now. How does she do this? By telling her what will soon happen, as has happened to every other pregnant woman on the island that she tried to save.
    "In about three weeks, you'll be in an almost constant state of nausea. A week after that, you will experience shortness of breath that won't go away. A week after that, you will lose consciousness and slip into a coma. And then, Sun, you will die. And when your heart stops beating... so will the baby's. And that, Sun, is why it is my business, because you are my patient. If you go... you will die. And your baby will never be born."
  • The reveal that Jin didn't make it off the island and the rest of the world believes he died in the plane crash. Sun brings the newborn Ji Yeon to a grave with her and Jin's names on it (apparently erected after the crash but before Sun escaped the island) and breaks down as she tells Jin how much she misses him.
"Meet Kevin Johnson" (4x08)
  • Michael's flashbacks, as he comes to terms with the consequences of his actions.
    • It's revealed that Michael felt so guilty over killing Ana Lucia and Libby that he confessed what he did to Walt, unable to keep it to himself any more. Even Walt's kidnapper Tom is horrified that Michael would pass such a burden to a ten year old, and Michael's mother tells him that Walt has been waking up screaming in the middle of the night because of what he told him.
    • Michael is Driven to Suicide, but finds that he can't kill himself no matter how hard he tries, as the Island will not let him die while it still has a use for him.
    • Michael is hit with a very cruel Yank the Dog's Chain moment on the freighter, as he gets a call he thinks is from Walt, only to discover that it's just Ben instructing him on how to sabotage the boat.
  • The episode ends with Danielle and Karl being killed by the freighter's mercenaries, and poor Alex has to watch them both die. After all the crap these characters have been put through it's heartbreaking to see them both killed so suddenly.
"The Shape of Things to Come" (4x09)
  • When Sawyer pulls Claire out of the burning ruins of her house she groggily calls him "Charlie".
  • Alex's death, as Keamy coldly executes her while she sobs and begs Ben to save her.
    • While it isn't easy to feel sorry for Ben, having to watch Keamy kill his daughter right in front of him is heart-rending, if not just for the horrified look on his face and the way he just broke off his sentence and then stood at the window as everyone around him tried to work out an escape plan. Even though it endangers those on the freighter, it's enormously cathartic watching Ben's savage attack on Keamy a few episodes later.
    • The worst part is that the last thing Alex heard was Ben saying that she was a pawn, that she didn't matter, that he could go ahead an ki—and then Keamy shoots. To make this even worse, it's clear that Ben didn't mean a word of what he said. He knew that if he gave himself up to Keamy, there would be nothing to stop him from killing everyone else at the Barracks, including Alex. By pretending not to care about her, he was doing the best he could to convince Keamy to spare her life, by making him think she wasn't worth killing. It's obvious from the shock on his face that Ben never expected Keamy to go through with it, but Alex has no way of knowing any of that and probably died genuinely thinking that Ben never cared about her.
"Something Nice Back Home" (4x10)
  • Jack and Kate's relationship falls apart in the flashforwards when Jack's jealous streak flares up after he finds out Kate is fulfilling an old promise to Sawyer. Of special note is the moment where Jack calls Kate out on not being Aaron's real mother, insinuating that he is a better parent to him solely by virtue of their blood relationship, which it's implied Aaron overhears, as he appears at the doorway moments later. It's clear that Jack knows he's crossed the line with that comment, but it's too late to take it back.
"Cabin Fever" (4x11)
  • It becomes clear here that Captain Gault really is a good man who's just working for the wrong people. He starts to realize how out of control Keamy is, and is shocked when he reveals he's going to torch the island. He decides to turn against Keamy and help get everyone off the island. Then Keamy forces Frank to fly him back at gunpoint, and when Gault takes a stand and tries to stop Keamy himself, he's mercilessly shot and killed.
"There's No Place Like Home, Part 2" (4x13/14)
  • The destruction of the freighter:
    • Michael's death is a bittersweet moment, with heavy emphasis on bitter. Although he's been a Death Seeker all season, and finally gets some measure of redemption with his Heroic Sacrifice, he never gets the chance to reconcile with Walt, and Season 6 reveals that this ultimately was not enough for Michael to achieve the closure he wanted, as he is trapped on the Island as a Whisper.
    • Jin gets left behind when the bomb blows up, while Sun screams at Lapidus to go back for him, which he refuses to do as they have no time. The freighter blows up moments after Jin makes it to the deck, and Sun just loses it. Oh dear sweet God.
    • Juliet just sits on the beach drinking after the freighter blows up because she once again dared to hope she could go home and once again had to realize the island would never let her go. Meanwhile, Sawyer is left believing that Kate was on the freighter when it blew up, and just stares at it in disbelief.
    • Even Ben, who shows a fairly callous disregard for everybody on the boat when he kills Keamy and sets off the bomb, seems to regret his actions later, admitting to Locke that his grief over Alex's death clouded his judgment.

    Season 5 
"Because You Left" (5x01)
  • When Daniel is trying to tell Sawyer that it's pointless to try to change the past, Sawyer, who still believes Kate is dead after the freighter's destruction, furiously rounds on him and breaks down.
    Daniel: You can't change the past, James!
    Sawyer: Everybody I care about just blew up on your damn boat. I know what I can't change.
"The Lie" (5x02)
  • In the opening scene, the Oceanic Six discuss their decision to lie about what happened after the crash. Hurley is the last holdout, and it's heartbreaking to see him pressured into going along with it when it goes against all of his morals, especially when he all but begs Sayid to back him up, and Sayid regretfully refuses.
  • Hurley breaks down as he admits the lie to his mother, and has tears in his eyes when she tells him that she believes him. All he's wanted for three years was to be able to tell the truth, and finally he's had the chance to open up to his family.
"Jughead" (5x03)
  • The fate of Theresa Spencer, Daniel's ex-girlfriend. After having her mind destroyed by one of his time travel experiments, she's been left in a catatonic state for years. Her sister Abigail is understandably bitter about what Daniel did to her and that he essentially abandoned her afterwards.
"The Little Prince" (5x04)
  • The fear in Kate's eyes as Norton rather cruelly tells her she is going to lose Aaron and there's nothing she can do about it.
  • For a brief moment, Sawyer gets to be happy, as he sees Kate again during a time flash to Aaron's birth. Then another flash occurs, and she's gone.
    Locke: James? What happened? Did you see something out here, James?
    Sawyer: Don't matter. It's gone now.
"This Place is Death" (5x05)
  • We get to see Rousseau's backstory play out as she is forced to kill her lover, Robert, when he is "infected" by the Smoke Monster, and it's every bit as upsetting as you would think from her description.
  • Charlotte dies while Daniel can do nothing but watch. Even worse, she dies mere minutes before Locke turns the wheel to end the flashes, meaning that she would have survived if the Losties had been just a little bit faster in getting to the Orchid. Her last words, although seemingly nonsensical on a first viewing, also become a huge Tear Jerker once their true meaning is revealed. They are the first thing she says in her meeting with Daniel as a child, indicating that her mind was sent back to this moment as she died.
    "I'm not allowed to have chocolate before dinner."
"316" (5x06)
  • Jack is distraught when he reads Locke's suicide note, and clearly blames himself for his death.
"The Life And Death Of Jeremy Bentham" (5x07)
  • Locke finding out that his old girlfriend Helen has died. She was pretty much the only person he knew from his life pre-Island that he actually wanted to see again, and he couldn't even have that.
  • Jack telling Locke that's he's nothing but a sad, lonely old man. Especially sad because the audience knows there's more truth to Jack's words than he realizes.
  • The death of John Locke, strangled by Benjamin Linus.
    • First of all, there's the fact that Locke intended to commit suicide, believing himself a failure when he couldn't convince the Oceanic Six to return to the Island. He writes a note for Jack, simply saying "I wish you had believed me." The details and preparation he has to go through to hang himself are shown in an upsetting level of detail.
    • Then Ben shows up, talks Locke out of killing himself and comforts him... for just long enough to get all the information he needed from him, then kills him without hesitating. If anything, Ben's involvement makes his death even worse, since he took away the power from Locke to make his own decision as to how he would die, and gave him hope that he still had something to live for, before cruelly taking it away.
    • Then there's the fact that Locke fails to live up to his promise to Jin, as Ben tells Sun he is still alive to get her to return to the Island after promising to do the exact opposite. Even worse, this later results in the deaths of both Sun and Jin.
    • On a first viewing, the impact of the scene is mitigated somewhat by the fact that the audience knows Locke has been resurrected before we see him die. After we discover that his resurrection was a ruse and "Locke" was the Man in Black all along, this scene gets even more tragic, as we realize that Locke really is gone for good in such a sad and pathetic way, and the audience didn't even get to mourn him properly.
"Dead is Dead" (5x12)
  • One of the flashbacks shows the night Ben stole baby Alex from Danielle's tent.
  • The scene where the smoke monster surrounds Ben and replays Alex's death to him was particularly saddening.
"Some Like It Hoth" (5x13)
  • The end of the episode, with Miles watching through the window as his dad reads to his infant self. It's especially tear-jerker-iffic because it's when Miles realizes that his father wasn't a heartless man who abandoned him.
"The Variable" (5x14)
  • Before going to find his mother, Daniel approaches young Charlotte and tells her she and her mother have to leave the Island when the evacuation starts. The scene plays out exactly the way adult Charlotte told Daniel it happened just before she died. For all his Screw Destiny talk in this episode Daniel is still following events as they've been laid out, and he clearly knows it as he starts crying while talking to young Charlotte.
    Young Charlotte: I'm not allowed to have chocolate before dinner.
    Faraday: It's okay, sweetheart. I won't tell.
  • The death of Daniel Faraday, unknowingly shot by his own mother, is tragic on multiple levels.
    • First of all, there's his realization that Eloise sent him to the Island despite knowing that he was destined to be shot by her past self all along.
    • Then, there's Eloise's own horror when Daniel reveals that he is her son with his dying breath.
    • Finally, there's the fact that Eloise spends Daniel's entire life pushing him down the path that leads to his death, knowing all along what would happen to him, and visibly hating every moment of it but having no choice but to go along with it due to the potentially catastrophic consequences of messing with the timeline. It's clear from her confrontation with Widmore outside the hospital that she truly loved her son and is devastated by how her Tragic Mistake has ruled both their lives for so long.
    • To make it worse, Daniel may have realized in his dying moments that since these events always happened, his plan to detonate Jughead was going to cause the future he was trying to prevent, but now it's too late to warn anyone.
"Follow The Leader" (5x15)
  • The reveal that the reason Pierre Chang "abandoned" his wife and son was because he needed to get them off the Island before the Incident. Miles spent his whole life thinking his father didn't care about them, but this episode (and the end of "Some Like It Hoth") make it clear that Pierre truly loved them both.
    Hurley: Why's he yelling at her, dude?
    Miles: It's the only way he can get her to leave.
"The Incident" (5x16/17)
  • We see Sawyer's parents' funeral, and Sawyer as a young boy writing his letter to Anthony Cooper. His new guardian tries to dissuade him from his revenge mission, to no avail.
  • Hearing about Nadia's death was bad enough, but seeing it first hand is even worse, especially the way Sayid cries as he cradles her body. Even worse, it turns out that it happened while they were happily making plans to celebrate their anniversary.
  • While it being hard to feel sorry for Ben is an accurate statement, it is heartbreaking to see him finally confront Jacob for all he's suffered in service to the Island, only for Jacob to be totally indifferent. For the last few episodes Ben has seemed to have been reduced to a shred of his former self as he's been ousted as leader of the Others by Locke, has been forced to rewatch his daughter being murdered, and has finally come to realize how much hell he's been put through on Jacob's account. It's especially tragic when you realize that Ben's desperate need to be special is what makes him similar to Locke, and his willingness to blindly believe in Jacob's orders. One can't help but notice the religious paralells, recalling what Ben said earlier in the season about Thomas the Apostle and about believing even though you can't see it for yourself. So when Ben finally gets to confront Jacob, you see a doubting Thomas confronting a seemingly indifferent God. Michael Emerson makes Ben come across a bit like the selfish bastard he is here, but at the same time has you feeling pity for him.
    Ben: So now, after all this time, you've decided to stop ignoring me. Thirty five years I've lived on this island, and all I ever heard was your name, over and over...Richard would bring me your instructions, all those slips of paper, all those lists...and I never questioned anything. I did as I was told. But when I dared to ask to see you myself, I was told, you have to wait, you have to be patient. But when he [Locke] asks to see you, he gets marched up here as if he was Moses...So why him? What was it that was so wrong with me? What about me?!
    Jacob: What about you?
  • This episode is pretty much a crapfest for Juliet and Sawyer.
    • First of all, they break up when Juliet notices Sawyer glance at Kate instead of her when Bernard comments that all that matters is being with the people you love, indicating that he does still have feelings for her after all. Though Sawyer insists that it doesn't mean anything, Juliet, influenced by memories of her parents' divorce, takes it as a sign they're not "meant to be together", and decides to go along with Jack's plan so that she and Sawyer will never meet, and therefore never have to lose each other. Sawyer is devastated, but goes along with it, seeing that he can't change her mind.
    • Then, during the incident, Juliet gets sucked down the giant magnetic hole of doom. Sawyer grabs her arm to pull her up, but with the metal chains wrapped all around her lower body it's clearly a futile effort. Though Sawyer is begging Juliet to hold on, she sees an unstable structure above his head about to knock him in too, and makes a Heroic Sacrifice by letting herself fall.
    • Then it's revealed that Juliet didn't even die from the fall, and she's stuck at the bottom of the hole in agonizing pain until she hits the bomb to detonate it.
    • Worst of all, after being trapped on the island for six years, Juliet never gets to meet her nephew or see her sister again.

    Season 6 
"LA X" (6x01/02)
  • The scene in the Flash-sideways, where most of the Losties are shown to be going off back to their normal lives, with their lives significantly improved by the negation of the Island. The most notable case of this is Hurley saying he is "the luckiest man alive" rather than "cursed". Locke talks to Boone about having gone on walkabout, leaving the implication his legs were never injured... until the final shot of the episode shows two attendants helping him into his wheelchair.
  • As Sayid lies dying, he tells Hurley that he's sure he's going to Hell because of all the people he's tortured, and that he believes he deserves it.
  • It turns out Juliet is still alive under the wreckage of the Swan hatch. Sawyer, Kate and Jack start frantically digging through the debris and find her just in time for Sawyer to hold her as she dies.
"What Kate Does" (6x03)
  • Sawyer's talk with Kate at the dock, as both blame themselves for Juliet's death before Sawyer reveals he was planning to marry her, and bitterly tosses his engagement ring into the ocean.
    "It's not your fault she's dead... It's mine. She was sitting right there, right where you are now, trying to leave this place, and I convinced her to stay. I made her stay on this island because I didn't want to be alone. You understand that right? But I think some of us are meant to be alone. ...I was gonna ask her to marry me."
"The Substitute" (6x04)"Dr. Linus" (6x07)
  • Ben explains his life story and why he killed Jacob to Ilana. His speech is so moving that it even convinces Ilana to forgive him for killing the man she saw as a father-figure. Especially heartbreaking is that Ben wants to join the Man in Black, not because he actually wants the power that he is offering, but because "He's the only one that'll have me."
    "I watched my daughter Alex die in front of me. And it was my fault. I had a chance to save her. But I chose the island over her. All in the name of Jacob. I sacrificed everything for him. And he didn't even care. Yeah I stabbed him, I was... so angry...confused...I was terrified that I was about to lose the only thing that had ever mattered to me - my power. But the thing that really mattered was already gone. I'm sorry that I killed Jacob. I am, and I do not expect you to forgive me because...I can never forgive myself."
  • Richard explaining why he wants to commit suicide.
    "I devoted my life, longer than you can possibly imagine, in service of a man who told me that everything was happening for a reason; that he had a plan, a plan that I was a part of, and that, when the time was right, he'd share it with me. And now that man's gone, so... Why do I want to die? Because I just found out my entire life had no purpose."
  • Despite letting Ben live, Ilana seems completely lost without Jacob's guidance, and just sits on the beach, crying and holding his ashes.
"Ab Aeterno" (6x09)
  • Richard, or Ricardo, has a truly tragic backstory.
    • When his wife Isabella falls ill, he rides for half a day in the pouring rain to find a doctor that can save her, only for the doctor to be a snobbish Jerkass who refuses to ride to his house to help him and refuses to give him medicine when he can't afford to pay for it. Ricardo kills the man by accident and takes the medicine, only to find that Isabella is already dead when he gets home.
    • A deeply religious man, Ricardo is truly repentant for his crime, only to be told by a corrupt priest that he is going to Hell no matter what he does.
    • Finally, he's sold into slavery and winds up on the Island when the Black Rock is shipwrecked there. He narrowly avoids being murdered by the ship's first mate, but is still trapped for days in the brig with no food or water, and the Man in Black manipulates him into believing that he is in Hell to convince him to kill Jacob for him.
"The Candidate" (6x14)
  • Sayid, Sun and Jin all die aboard Widmore's submarine. The real tearjerker is the death of Sun and Jin as they die in a Titanic-like scene where Jin desperately struggles to save Sun while she begs for him to leave. Jin ends up drowning holding hands with Sun.
    • It's made all the worse when you realize Sun and Jin had only been reunited for a couple of hours, and then that scene comes along...
    • Even worse is that Ji Yeon, the daughter of the two that Jin has never met, is now an orphan.
    • Hurley's heart-wrenching sob of pain. Just hearing that sound from the most lovable guy on the show.
    • Even more than the deaths themselves, seeing the four on the beach —Jack, Kate, Hurley, and even SAWYER — all start crying when they realize that Jin, Sun, and Sayid are dead...that was the worst part.
"Across the Sea" (6x15)
  • The audience's hatred for the Man in Black is probably sky-high after the events of the previous episode, but the episode reveals just how tragic his life has been, and it's not hard to understand why he now behaves the way he does.
    • Firstly, he and his twin brother Jacob are raised from birth by a manipulative sociopath who murdered their real mother, which the Boy in Black finds out from an apparition of said mother at the age of ten, inspiring him to run away and join his real people on the other side of the Island. However, he is heartbroken when Jacob chooses to stay behind with Mother instead.
    • When he tries to leave the Island, Mother destroys his life's work and massacres his people out of nothing more than a pathological need to control his life and keep him on the Island. The fact that his only desire is the very thing our main characters spent the early seasons of the show trying to do makes their current antagonistic circumstances all the more bitterly ironic.
    • Finally, after he kills Mother, Jacob again sides with her despite everything she did, and subjects the Man in Black to a Fate Worse than Death by throwing him into the Heart of the Island, separating him from his human body and turning him into the Eldritch Abomination he is today. Even worse, this act means that Jacob can never allow him to leave the Island for fear of what such a powerful enemy could do if unleashed on the world.
  • Jacob's story is pretty sad too. He spends most of his life as an easily-led Momma's Boy, and ends up getting forced into the job of Island protector when he never wanted it, and knew that he was Mother's second choice all along. Then in his rage at Mother's death, he makes a Tragic Mistake that defines the rest of his millenia-long life, as he turns his own brother into his worst enemy, which he instantly regrets as he lays the Man in Black's old body to rest next to Mother's.
"The End" (6x17/18)
  • Jack dying on the island. The last thing Jack sees before he dies is the plane containing his friends leaving the island. Walt's dog Vincent lays down by his side as he dies.
  • The purgatory/flash sideways reunions of Sawyer and Juliet, Charlie and Claire, and Jack and Kate.
  • Jin and Sun remembering as they see the ultrasound of Ji Yeon in the hospital...only to have Sawyer come in, and the smiles on their faces as they recognize him...
  • Hurley doesn't want to take over from Jack, because it means that Jack's going to die. Also when Jack farewells Desmond for the last time. And when Jack gets soaked by the water from the source, and he's laughing, knowing that he's saved the island. It's not just the "awakening" scenes.
  • Kate and Claire both remembering after Aaron is born. They're both so happy to be reunited, but sad at the same time because they realize that they're all dead.
  • Sawyer and Juliet remember when she fell down the ditch and he couldn't pull her back up, forcing Sawyer to grab her in a hug and say "I gotcha, baby. I gotcha."
  • Watching the extras of the final season DVD, you get to a part where Jorge Garcia (who plays Hurley) reads the script for the finale and he is left in tears and in a complete loss of words. That is reaaaally tearjerky!
  • Desmond meets with Eloise (who clearly knows what the alternate world is) one more time and for the first time in the series Eloise turns fearful when she realizes that Desmond can remind people of their original lives, asking if Desmond is there to take her son away. Tearjerker for two reason:
    • First, Eloise used her alternate life and her knowledge of what she did in the original world to give Daniel the life she always wanted. This was her joy, her happiness... and Desmond could take that all away by taking Daniel to move on.
    • Second, if Desmond does remind Daniel he will remember how Eloise knew from the moment of his birth he was doomed to die and sent him to the island anyway... to be killed by her own hands. Eloise KNOWS that when Daniel remembers, he'll never forgive her, and she's desperate to have any little bit of time that she can still have.
