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Recap / Lost S 05 E 13 Some Like It Hoth

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Season 5, Episode 13:

Some Like it Hoth
"You can talk to dead people."
Written by Melinda Hsu Taylor & Greggory Nations.
Directed by Jack Bender.

Hurley: Dude, that guy's a total douche.
Miles: That douche is my dad.

In flashbacks, a young Miles discovers his powers while looking for an apartment with his mother and hearing the last thoughts of a dead man in the same building. Years later, he visits his terminally ill mother, who tells him his father never cared about them, and that he is dead. Miles pretends to contact a man's dead son, to reassure him that his son knew that he loved him, but later takes it back, and tells the man he should have told him that when he was alive. He is recruited by Naomi Dorrit, who offers him $1.6 million to join the freighter team. Bram tries to talk him out of going, offering to give him answers about his father, but Miles ignores him.

In 1977, Sawyer tells Miles to erase the security tape showing him and Kate bringing Ben to the Others, but he is called away by Horace before he can do so. Roger finds out that Ben is missing. Kate tries to comfort him, and inadvertently tips him off that she knows what happened to him. Jack tries to reassure him, but Roger is unconvinced. Phil discovers the security tape, and confronts Sawyer, who knocks him out.

Radzinsky gives Miles a dead body to bring to Dr. Pierre Chang at the Orchid. Hurley tags along, and Miles tells him Pierre is his dad. Hurley and Miles witness construction in progress at the Swan site. Hurley encourages Miles to get to know Pierre. Miles witnesses his father caring for his baby self, and realizes he may have misjudged him. Pierre brings Miles to welcome a group of scientists arriving from Ann Arbor, one of whom is Daniel Faraday.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Boom, Headshot!: According to Miles, the body he was sent to collect was killed when a gold filling was yanked out by the electromagnetism at the Orchid site and shot right through his head.
  • Breather Episode: A mostly lighthearted episode focused on fleshing out Miles's character, which sets the stage for the very dark and dramatic final run of the season.
  • Brick Joke: In "Eggtown", Ben commented that the $3.2 million that Miles wanted as a bribe to pretend he was dead was an oddly specific number. This episode reveals that he chose this amount because it was double the $1.6 million that Widmore offered him to join the freighter team to begin with.
  • Buffy Speak: In his script, Hurley describes the Imperial probe droid as "a spy robot thingy."
  • The Bus Came Back: Faraday returns, having not been seen since "LaFleur".
  • Call-Forward: Hurley witnesses the Numbers being etched into the Hatch door at the Swan site.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Sawyer tells Miles to erase the security tape of him taking Ben into hostile territory. However, Miles is sent on an errand by Horace and doesn't get around to erasing the tape, which causes Phil to discover it.
  • The Coroner Doth Protest Too Much: Radzinsky tells Miles that the body he's taking back to the Barracks "fell into a ditch" even though there's a very noticeable bullet wound on his forehead.
    Miles: The ditch had a gun?
  • Everyone Has Standards: Pierre is the head scientist for DHARMA, who leads all sorts of crazy experiments related to electromagnetism, teleportation and Time Travel, but even he considers the polar bear experiments done at the Hydra "ridiculous".
  • Gleeful and Grumpy Pairing: Happy-go-lucky Big Fun Hurley gets paired up with cynical Jerkass Miles, and Hilarity Ensues.
  • Kid from the Future: Miles is revealed to be the son of Pierre Chang, and meets his father while he is still a baby.
  • Only in It for the Money: Miles is initially uninterested in going to the island with Naomi, but when she says they'll pay him $1.6 million, he asks when they leave.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: Pierre threatens to reassign Hurley to Hydra Island if he tells anyone about the body.
  • Take That!: Hurley says that Ewoks suck.
  • Time Travel for Fun and Profit: Hurley attempts to write the script of The Empire Strikes Back from memory so he can give it to George Lucas and save him the effort.
  • Unreliable Narrator: Hoo boy. Hurley retells events from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi to convince Miles to get over his daddy issues. It works, but what Hurley says…isn’t exactly right, as he blames Luke for taking the revelation that his father is a murderer in service to the Big Bad the wrong way, and fails to acknowledge that Vader cut off Luke's hand before telling him the truth.
    Hurley: In Empire, Luke found out Vader was his father, but instead of putting away his lightsaber and talking about it, he overreacted and got his hand cut off. I mean, they worked it out eventually, but at what cost? Another Death Star was destroyed, Boba Fett got eaten by the Sarlacc, and we got the Ewoks. It all could've been avoided if they'd just, you know, communicated. And let's face it. The Ewoks sucked, dude.
