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Recap / Lost S 05 E 04 The Little Prince

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Season 5, Episode 4:

The Little Prince
Rumours of Jin's death have been greatly exaggerated.

Written by Brian K. Vaughan and Melinda Hsu Taylor.
Directed by Stephen Williams.

Jack: Kate... If we're gonna be safe, if we're gonna protect the people that we left behind, tomorrow morning, I'm gonna have to convince everyone to lie. If it's just me, they're never gonna go for it. So I'm gonna turn to you first. Are you with me?
Kate: I have always been with you.

On Penny's boat, Jack and Kate discuss what to do with Aaron. Kate proposes that they pretend Aaron is her son. Jack asks her if she is with him on his plan to lie, and Kate says she has always been with him.

Three years later, Kate heads out to confront the lawyers who asked for her blood, leaving Aaron with Sun. Sun receives a package containing photographs of Ben and Jack together, and a hidden gun. Kate offers to give up the blood sample in exchange for a meeting with Norton's client, but he says that his client will most likely say no, and that she is going to lose Aaron. Sayid wakes up, and argues with Jack over whether or not Ben can be trusted. Hurley calls Jack and tells him that he is in prison. Sayid overpowers another hitman sent after him and finds a note with Kate's address on it in his pocket. Jack meets up with Kate, who tells him about her trouble with Aaron. They follow Norton to Claire's mother's house. Believing her to be the one after Aaron, they confront her, but she has no idea what they're talking about. Jack, Kate, Sayid and Ben meet at the docks, and Kate realizes that Ben is Norton's client. Sun, leaving Aaron in the car, approaches them with her gun.

On the Island, the group tends to Charlotte, while Juliet and Sawyer question Daniel over what is happening to her. Locke proposes going back to the Orchid in order to stop the flashes and get the Oceanic Six to come back to the Island. Miles and Juliet also start to develop nosebleeds. The group finds their camp abandoned, and take a rowboat around the Island towards the Orchid. They are chased and shot at by an unidentified second rowboat, but saved by a time flash which takes them to the middle of a storm. A group of travellers speaking French, who are caught in the storm, find Jin floating on a piece of driftwood. Their leader introduces herself to him as a young Danielle Rousseau.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Back to the Early Installment: One of the time flashes takes the group back to the events of "Deus Ex Machina" and "Do No Harm", with Locke seeing the light from the Hatch that he saw on the night of Boone's death and Sawyer witnessing Aaron's birth.
  • Futureshadowing: The survivors return to their original camp to find it abandoned, along with a pair of outriggers. Miles and Sawyer find a water bottle for Ajira Airlines.
  • Hypocrite: Ben justifies trying to take Aaron away from Kate by pointing out that he is not her son, and criticizes her for continuing to refer to him as such. A bit rich coming from the man who stole Alex from Danielle as a baby, raised her as his own and insisted on referring to her as his daughter even to the face of her real mother.
  • Red Herring: Norton visits Carole Littleton, seemingly indicating that she is his client and has figured out that Aaron is her grandson, only for it to be revealed that he is suing Oceanic Airlines for her and she knows nothing about Aaron, while Ben turns out to be the real culprit.
  • The Reveal: Jin survived the explosion on the freighter.
  • Tempting Fate: Sawyer praises God when a flash starts to occur while they're being shot at by unknown assailants. When they arrive in the middle of a storm, he screams that he takes it back.
  • The Unreveal: The show never revealed who was shooting at the survivors in the outrigger. Damon Lindelof eventually said it was intended to be the crew of the Black Rock, also caught in the time jumps while trying to escape the Island.
  • Wham Line: The episode ends one a huge one, with the reveal of the identity of Jin's mysterious rescuer.
    "My name is Danielle. Danielle Rousseau."
