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Recap / Martha Speaks S 1 E 18 Martha Calling

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The Lorraines (except for Skits) are out on a walk, and Helen and Martha are hungry, so Danny decides to stop at a pizzeria. The humans enter, but Martha isn't allowed to since the restaurant doesn't allow dogs. Later, the Lorraines are about to go to a science museum, and Martha wants to come too but the museum doesn't allow dogs either.

This makes Martha sulky, so Skits tries to cheer her up with a dinosaur toy. It doesn't work, so Martha goes and sits at the table, then a trivia quiz show comes on the radio. She knows the answer to the question, so she calls in and answers correctly (it's the name of an island that shares its name with two First Ladies, and it's also her name). The prize is a trip to a bed-and-breakfast called the Come On Inn, but unfortunately it doesn't allow pets.

The Lorraines refuse to go to the inn without Martha since she was the one who won the trip, but don't know how to deal with the problem. Luckily, she spots a photo of Grandma Lucille, which gives her the idea to go to the hotel disguised as Helen and Jake's grandmother. Danny accepts the plan, but wonders how they will deal with Skits. Martha replies that Skits can stay behind since he loves being babysat by Carolina, so they head off to the bed-and-breakfast.

They meet Beverly the owner, and despite Martha catching a frisbee, Beverly is fooled. Then, the Lorraines go swimming in the pool and Martha wants to also, but she can't swim in her disguise. She meets an old ex-sailor who calls himself Boomer, and tries to shake hands/paws with him, but Helen quickly splashes her with water and then takes her inside "to dry off".

That evening, Boomer has dinner with the Lorraines and reveals that his glasses were eaten by a fish, but he wants to get them back rather than buy new ones. He says that there is something "different" about Martha, but luckily doesn't know what it is. Then, when he calls her "special", she returns the compliment, to which he replies that he's "just an old salty dog". Martha takes it literally and asks what breed he is and if he's in disguise, then she barks at a squirrel. Danny covers it up by pretending he was barking as an odd way of showing appreciation for the meatballs.

After dinner, the Lorraines go on a hayride, but can't take Martha since there's no way she can go in her granny disguise. As she sulks about being left behind, she smells food on a bellboy's tray and tries to follow. A housekeeper sees her, so Martha quickly ducks into her room, then plays dumb when the woman knocks on the door and asks if she's seen a dog.

When the woman leaves, Martha, bored, decides to call Skits, but then she sees the room service button and decides to order a bunch of meat instead. She eats it, then takes a nap, but when the housekeeper sees her surrounded by bones and clothes, she thinks she ate the granny. This causes a commotion, during which the fire brigade and a news crew show up. She eventually ends up in the lobby, where she makes an irate speech about the hotel's no-pet policy. This causes the guests, who all happen to have pets, to leave so they can play with them, and even the housekeeper leaves due to missing her cat.

The Lorraines come back from the hayride and apologise, but Beverly tells them not to be sorry and changes the rules so that pets are now allowed in the inn. At dinner, Boomer (who has brought his parrot Ishmael) finds his glasses in the fish.

This episode provides examples of

  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Martha imagines herself wearing sunglasses at the pool, then later she does wear them.
  • Animal Jingoism: When Martha is in her wheelchair, she asks Helen to roll her after cats.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption: The man on the radio says, "You've just won...", then it cuts to Helen saying, "...a fabulous vacation!".
  • Balloon Belly: Martha gets fat after eating all the meat she ordered.
  • Blind Mistake: Boomer, due to his missing glasses, mistakes a vase for a mustard container, and later a firehose for a snake, then the sofa for the "mad dog".
  • Blind Without 'Em: Boomer lost his glasses a while back and hasn't bought new ones. As such, he has trouble seeing and makes Blind Mistakes.
  • Brick Joke: Around the time we first meet Boomer, he reveals that a fish ate his glasses and he wants to get them back rather than replace them. At the end of the episode, he finds his glasses in the fish the hotel staff served for dinner.
  • Canine Confusion: When Martha imagines biting into the dinosaur bone, she's drawn with no fangs, and with molars.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When Helen says that there's a problem, Helen asks, "What do you mean?". Helen responds by defining the word "problem".
  • Continuity Nod: The What Do You Know Show from "Martha Gives Advice" features.
  • Delicious Daydream:
    • When Martha wants to go to the science museum, she imagines chewing on dinosaur bones.
    • When Martha sees the room service button, she imagines a steak.
  • Dogs Hate Squirrels: Martha still can't help but bark at a squirrel even when in disguise.
  • Dramatic Irony: Boomer finds out that something is "different" about Martha, but he never finds out that she's a dog.
  • Extreme Omnivore: A fish ate Boomer's glasses.
  • Fishing for Sole: Boomer tries to fish, but seeing as he's at a pool, only catches a man's lilo.
  • Food Coma: Zigzagged. Martha takes a nap after eating the meat she ordered, but it's unknown if it's because of the food or because dogs naturally sleep more than humans.
  • Grandma's Recipe: When Danny says that the meatballs are delicious, Beverly thanks him and shares that it's a recipe from her grandmother, Eva.
  • Grumpy Old Man: Martha pretends to be a grumpy old woman when the housekeeper asks if she's seen a dog. She asks, "What kind of business are you running?!" and threatens to complain to the manager if she finds a dog in her bathtub.
  • Imagine Spot:
    • When wanting to go to the science museum, Martha briefly imagines biting into a dinosaur bone.
    • When Helen describes the vacation, Martha imagines going on it.
  • Inevitably Broken Rule: The Come On Inn doesn't allow pets, but since Martha was the one who won the stay there, the Lorraines sneak her in in disguise.
  • Mistaken for Insane: When the housekeeper sees Martha next to her granny clothes and some bones (actually from meat she ate), she thinks Martha is mad and has eaten the grandma. This leads to all the hotel guests also thinking Martha is mad.
  • Mistaken for Own Murderer: When the housekeeper sees Martha surrounded by bones and her grandma disguise, she thinks the grandma was eaten by a dog.
  • My Instincts Are Showing: Martha absently catches a frisbee in her mouth and barks at a squirrel while pretending to be a woman.
  • No Animals Allowed:
    • Martha isn't allowed into the pizzeria or the science museum due to being a dog.
    • Pets initially aren't allowed in the Come On Inn, but the Lorraines sneak Martha in anyway because she's the one who won the vacation.
    • According to Boomer, his parrot Ishmael is barred from most restaurants.
  • Obfuscating Disability: Martha uses a wheelchair as part of her granny disguise.
  • Pirate Parrot: Downplayed. Boomer has a parrot (named Ishmael), and he's a retired sailor, but there's no implication that he's ever been a pirate.
  • Pun:
    • When Martha is imagining biting a dinosaur bone, she describes it as "sinking [her] teeth into history".
    • The B'n'B's name is the Come On Inn.
  • Scatterbrained Senior: Boomer tries to fish in the pool.
  • Senior Sleep-Cycle: Discussed when Martha, who is pretending to be an old lady, claims she needs to take a rest so that the housekeeper will leave her alone.
  • Stock Animal Diet: The reason Martha wants to go to the science museum is so she can chew on the dinosaur bones. In fact, that's the whole reason the museum bans dogs.
  • Vacation Episode: The episode focuses on the Lorraines staying at a hotel where pets are prohibited and trying to sneak Martha in.
  • You Can Talk?: When Martha is described as "the mad dog", she assumes they mean "mad" as in "angry" and responds, "Of course I'm mad!". Then, a little boy says, "Whoa, the mad dog talks!".
