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Recap / Disenchantment S 4 E 3 The Cabinet Of Dr Chazzzzz

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Zog tries to escape the asylum, while Bean and friends make their way to Dreamland, but don't exactly receive a warm welcome there.


  • Ankle Drag: The inmates of Twinkletown are allowed to roam the courtyard after dinner, but with ropes around their ankles by which they are hauled back to their cells when it's lights out.
  • Ax-Crazy: Giggles, who is an inmate at Twinkletown... or one of the staff. Or both. Either way, he murdered nearly all his family, was then locked up, escaped using the remains of his grandmother, then murdered his last remaining grandma.
  • Bedlam House: Twinkletown Insane Asylum seems to be run by the inmates, who are psychotically cruel to the other inmates. The head doctor can't even get his own name right, and refuses to let Zog leave ever, forcing him to escape.
  • Brick Joke: Big Jo reassures Porky about his failed assassination attempt since God only answers every twenty-fifth prayer anyway.
  • Buried Alive: Giggles does this to Zog by tricking him into what seems like a tunnel out of the asylum, and then seals him in.
  • The Bus Came Back: Laughing Horse returns, as does Big Jo and Porky.
  • Chalk Outline: Giggles makes one of Zog while he's sleeping on the ground. Later, when Zog is brought back to his cell, Giggles points out that the outline marks Zog's section of their cell.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Jerry wants to help everybody he thinks is in trouble. Bean even calls him out for all the delays this is causing, though she agrees to help save Laughing Horse from a mountain.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • As Zog runs through the woods, the bear-kid from "Hey, Pig Spender" appears again.
    • The abbot of the monastery Zog escapes to is the brother of the Washmaster, but isn't too broken up about his death because they hated each other. Big Jo is his cousin.
    • On return to Dreamland, Elfo reminds Bean of the last time she got shot down over Dreamland, even though she quite obviously is going to remember that.
  • Crazy-Prepared: For reasons known only to himself, Alva built the Compensator with a claw device capable of capturing a variety of animals, including horses and armadillos.
  • A Day in the Limelight: This episode is mostly about Zog and his escape from the asylum.
  • The Dog Bites Back: When Chazzzzz and Giggles drag Big Jo off, Porky just stands and watches after years of mistreatment.
  • Dr. Psych Patient: Chazzzzz and Giggles are current inmates of the asylum who work as orderlies, and even Dr. Mulberry is revealed to be an inmate himself and is implied to have killed the previous doctor.
  • Escape Pod: The airship Bean and co are traveling in has one, though it can barely fit all of them.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Turns out being Buried Alive again was the treatment Zog needed to get better. Unlike last time, though, Zog had the means to dig his way out.
  • Foreshadowing: As he's praying to God, Zog is uncertain whether Bean and Derek are his only children, but he's pretty sure they are.
  • Freudian Couch: The asylum naturally has one in the doctor's office. It takes Zog a few attempts to lie down on it properly.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Elfo justifies him telling Bean how to fly the escape pod with the fact that he himself has over 10000 hours of experience flying....a kite.
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction: At therapy, Zog is asked what he's afraid of, and says he's afraid of nothing. Then when asked what he eats for breakfast says corn-flakes are "too scary".
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: When flaming arrows are fired at the airship from Dreamland castle, Bean assures her friends they are too high up for the archers to hit them. Cue the first arrow striking the ship.
  • Kick the Dog: When Big Jo offers Zog a choice of haircuts, he declines the Porky haircut, and Big Jo tells Porky "you see, no-one ever choses you."
  • Naked People Are Funny: Zog's remaining clothes get torn off in his escape from Twinkletown. He winds up in a monastery mid-sermon, stunning and horrifying the congregation.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Giggles buries Zog to torment him, knowing it's his worst fear. Instead, it helps Zog get over said fear, and provides him with a way of escape, by simply digging the tunnel he's in further until he gets outside the asylum.
  • Noodle Incident: Whatever it is that's wrong with Porky. Apparently, it's far worse than simple sexual frustration.
  • Pet the Dog: Zog gets found by Vip and Vap, who left Dreamland to get him back, and after getting directions back to his kingdom, Zog offers them a ride on his shoulders. A marked improvement of his character over the series.
  • Serial Killer: Giggles was locked up for murdering all his family save his grandma. Then he escaped and murdered his grandma.
  • Technicolor Fire: The flaming arrows that the unseen archers fire at the airship burn with green fire.
  • Throwing Off the Disability: A combination of facing the fears that caused it in the first place and finding peace at the monastery help Zog more or less cure himself of his insanity.
  • Tunnel King: Giggles escaped the asylum once by digging his way out using his grandma's skull. The tunnel has collapsed since except for a small section. After Giggles traps Zog in this section, Zog likewise uses the skull of Giggles' grandmother to dig himself out.
  • Unishment: Dr. Mulberry tells Chazzzzz he's getting shock treatment for his behavior, but Chazzzzz shoots back that he likes shock treatment.
