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Fanfic / Surviving Space With Your Ex-Fiancé

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Surviving Space With Your Ex-Fiancé is a Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfic by subtlehysteria that focuses on the perspective of Takashi Shirogane's ex-fiance Adam Wadekar who joins alongside his hot ex-fiance and their four kids including a fourteen-year-old prodigy, a bi disaster, an emo who wields a knife, a precious ray of sunshine/the best cook in the universe. And encounter a badass elvenesque princess who can kick all their asses and the space equivalent of Nigel Thornberry.

There is also purple furries involved in all of this.

There are currently eight instalments in the series. Which can be found here on AO3

  • Let's Get Together
  • What We Want
  • For All The Heartaches And The Tears
  • What We Make Of This
  • Far Apart Yet Oh So Near
  • Forget Yourself
  • Are You Mine? (ON HIATUS)
  • What Adam Doesn't Know Won't Hurt Him

Tropes include:

  • Appearance Angst: As it turns out, Lance straightens his hair, covers his freckles and wears a contact to hide his heterochromia due to his insecurities about his appearance.
  • Bad "Bad Acting": Keith was amazed that Adam even managed to pretend to be a doctor considering his main achievement in acting was Tree number one in a play in his first-grade play.
  • Birds of a Feather: Lance and Adam bond remarkably quickly over both knowing Spanish, being of Cuban heritage, and having similar personalities.
  • Bisexual Love Triangle: Played for Laughs with Adam already seeing the chemistry between Keith and Lance and noticing Lance's interest towards Allura and is NOT having it whatsoever.
  • Cast Full of Gay: Both Shiro, Keith and Adam are gay. Lance is bisexual (though is figuring that out throughout the fic)
  • Cats Are Mean: Played for Laughs as while they aren't shown, Adam's cat Butterscotch is mean at times but has a soft spot for Adam, Keith and Mister Naidoo, whom Adam presumes took her in.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Downplayed with Keith as he isn't so much Crazy but he is incredibly jealous concerning people's interests with Lance. For instance, when Lance had a crush on Nyma, he visibly growled.
  • Desperate Plea for Home:Lance yearns to return home but can't at the moment due to his current duty to the universe. It's Downplayed but still applies to Hunk.
  • Double Entendre: Shiro unintentionally makes a double entendre that Adam points out.
    Shiro: "Ugh, I hate being wet."
    Adam: "That's not how I remember it."
  • For Want Of A Nail: Adam joins the Voltron gang early on by infiltrating as a medical personal when Shiro crash landed back to Earth and manages to convince Keith not to attack him.
  • Hiding Behind the Language Barrier: Subverted almost immediately after Lance tries to shit-talk Adam in Spanish, since Adam could speak the language.
    Lance: "Cállate, estúpido elefante." ("Shut up, stupid elephant.")
    Adam: "Dice el ratón." ("Says the mouse.")
  • Mentor in Queerness: Adam, explicitly gay, is a mentor to Lance (who is still realising he is bi), specifically in helping him get together with Keith.
  • Proportional Aging: Alteans have complete age reference compared to Humans. For instance, fifty-two is still considered a child for Alteans.
  • Shipper on Deck: Adam is very much hoping for Keith and Lance to get together and bemoans their stupidity at times.
  • Scars Are Forever: Lance gains a starburst explosion scar after saving Coran's life when the castle was attacked by Sendak.
  • Support Party Member: Adam is no Paladin of Voltron, but he'll be damned if he can't help with the team regardless. Often assisting with Coran on the castle defences and other matters.
  • Teen Genius: Pidge is only fourteen, but is incredibly resourceful and a Paladin of Voltron.
  • Unbroken Vigil: Keith stood vigil over Lance when he was recovering from his injuries with the explosion. Lance doesn't know that, however.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Downplayed and slightly Played for Laughs when Allura stops from Adam from attacking the particular barrier and makes no moves or attempts to stop Keith, who is even worse than Adam.
    Allura: "Keith is... a special case."
  • Working with the Ex: Adam and Shiro being exes who have to work together is the premise of the story.
