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Darth Wiki / A Midnight Fathom

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A work in progress screenplay being made as a gift for the author's brother. It follows the adventures of a senior highschool student after they get lost in the woods a few days after moving. Of course there is far more to it all than meets the eye and they quickly meet two people who prove that without a doubt, a ghost of a girl who was murdered, and a deer who was cursed to be human.

Together they try to find a way out of the woods and learn a lot of hard lessons along the way.

The Characters:

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    Cassidy Anselm  
A 18 year old who recently was moved to a small town for their mom's job. They miss their friends and old school and are scared to grow up. And on top of that after wandering into the woods to clear their mind they are going to have to fight to get back out.
  • Action Survivor: They aren't that tough in a fight but they can hold their own and get out of fights without any major injuries.
  • All-Loving Hero: They are kind to almost everyone. Only people/things that are trying to kill their friends can make them angry.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: They are very... strange to say the least. They have a whimsical take on the world that seems to be based off of made for tv movies and fairytales.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: They are one of the nicest characters and is very caring for others. But don't mess with their friends, cause they have a surprising amount of tricks up their sleeve.
  • Brutally Honest: While they are not mean they are very honest most of the time, even when it might be hurtful. This is a trait they have from being autistic.
  • Four-Philosophy Ensemble: The Realist.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine. Extroverted, emotional, and people-oriented.
  • Stepford Smiler: They really don't want people to feel bad for them or worry about them so they come off as very happy and silly in order to make people not question it.

    An “Ann” Nguyen 
A ghost who lives in the woods. She was murdered in the 90s and she can't quite remember what happened. She is looking for the answer to that question unaware of the consequences.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: She is less than open with her feelings and rather apathetic to a lot of what happens around her
    • Defrosting Ice Queen: After some time with the rest of the cast she starts to open up and even deal with her issues.
  • Casts No Shadow: Due to being a ghost any light just goes through her.
  • Ghost Amnesia: She can't remember how she ended up in the woods or who killed her.
  • Four-Philosophy Ensemble: The Apathetic
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic. Introverted, emotional, and task-oriented.
  • Unfinished Business: She is suck on the mortal plane because she doesn't know who killed her or what happened to her mother after she died.
  • Stepford Snarker: Through the snark and cutting remarks she makes to the people around her she is incredibility depressed and lonely. Not to mention the trauma from dying.

A sweet girl who claims to be a deer cursed to be human by a cruel witch. She is pretty much scare of everything but she wants to be helpful and often can give wisdom to her friends.
  • Divine Parentage: Her mother is a goddess of nature.
  • Domain Holder: When in the woods she is the most powerful member of the cast including The Midnight. She can change the way the woods work on the fly, manipulate all the plants in the area to do her bidding, and rule over all the animals in the woods. It is good for the humans that enter that she is a kind person.
  • Friend to All Living Things: She gets along with basically every animal she comes across.
  • Green Thumb: As the demigoddess of the woods she has control over all the plants in them.
  • Earthy Barefoot Character: She is very nature attuned and never wears shoes. Deconstructed by the fact that the reason why she never is wearing shoes is that she has none due to always living in the woods where the only shoes around are one of three things, not in her size, in use by someone, or belonging to someone dead. Also Deconstructed is why her feet never get injured due to the fact that she is the demigoddess of the woods of course it doesn't hurt her.
  • Four-Philosophy Ensemble: The Optimist.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic. Introverted, unemotional, and people-oriented.
  • Nature Hero: This is supposed to be her role as demigoddess of the forest.
  • Little Miss Almighty: She is the goddess of the woods and the most powerful being present
  • Semi-Divine: She is half god, half mortal.
  • Shrinking Violet: She is scared of people and as such has very few friends and she is quiet and gentle spoken.

    Ashley Best 
She is a hunter in training helping her dad try to find her runaway older brother in the woods, where she ends up separated and having to work alone.
  • Action Girl: She can hold her own in the woods with plenty of both survival skills and fighting skills.
  • Badass Normal: Out of the main group she is the only normal person but she has trouble keeping up, thanks to her many skills along with her bow and arrows.
  • Boots of Toughness: She has a pair of combat boots and rarely is seen without them.
  • The Determinator: There's little that can be put in her path that will stop her.
  • Good Is Not Soft: She is squarely with the good guys but is one of the first people to suggest violence.
  • Four-Philosophy Ensemble: The Cynic.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric. Extroverted, unemotional, and task-oriented.
  • Tomboy

    The Midnight  
A being that lives in the woods luring teenagers into them in order to either die or be stuck there forever facing their worst fears in order to feed off their fear. It has no greater goal than to feed itself and will do anything to get it's next meal.
  • Allegorical Character: Of the idea of fear and how it can stop people from being able to grow or find themselves.
  • Big Bad: The main evil in the woods controlling them and driving the plot along.
  • Dark Is Evil: A being made out of darkness which is most certainly evil.
  • Domain Holder: With Dubheasa out of the picture it is free to manipulate the woods to it's own ends. With only the fae touched being able to fight against it's manipulations.
  • The Dreaded: For anyone aware of what it is.
  • Eldritch Abomination
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: Both as in it is always clocked in shadows and in if the shadows were removed it would turn out that it is both invisible and intangible, it is <i>fear</i> after all.
  • Hungry Menace: At the end of the its only goal to keep itself fed.
  • Knight of Cerebus: As it shows up more and more in the screenplay the more dark things get.
  • Primal Fear: Feeds off of these and invokes them in others.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: The embodiment of fear isn't exactly much of a fighter and couldn't be even if it wanted to. That's what it has agents for.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: It's true form can best be described as "nothingness"

    The Night Stalker  
The main agent of The Midnight they were born out of a long dead resident of the wood's fear of being watched. They are questioning their loyalties

This Work Contains Examples Of:

  • Don't Go in the Woods: Besides from the mundane dangers there are all sorts of supernatural ones. Plus once someone goes in it's next to impossible to leave unless The Midnight doesn't want them. And The Midnight wants next to everyone to be in the woods, everyone has fears afterall.
