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Dark Fic / The Legend of Zelda

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Being one of Nintendo's darkest franchises (and a High Fantasy work at that), fans of The Legend of Zelda are prone to ramping up the darkness, removing the Bloodless Carnage, and delving into any bit of Fridge Horror.


  • Blind Courage is an Elsewhere Fic where Zelda and Ganondorf fall in love. The plot kicks off when 17-year old Zelda gets pregnant and exiled because she refuses to miscarry the child.
  • The Boy Without a Fairy explores and emphasizes the negative psychological effects that the pressure and dangers of saving the world would have on someone as young as Link.
  • Final Toll is a Majora's Mask fic that explores Cremia getting her little sister drunk during the Final Day. It's heavily implied that the moon does kill them.
  • Hyrule Conquest is a game mod for 0 A.D.. Formerly known as Hyrule: Total War, the game is a dark, high fantasy twist on the series, with strong lore and lots of violence.
  • Insomnia is a dark Majora's Mask novelization. The Song of Time only works for five loops, counting the one Link spends trapped as a Deku Scrub, so the race against time is even more pronounced here than it is in the game.
  • Let the World Smile presents a darker version of Hyrule than in canon. A teenage Zelda is forced into a marriage without her consent and then made to leave her old life behind to live with her new king, Ganondorf. Her words on matters isn't of much importance.
  • Naming is introspective Zelda II: Adventure of Link fic about how much of a shock waking up centuries in the future is to Zelda. It's also shown that Hyrule has fallen in the centuries since Zelda fell asleep.
  • In Shadow of Another Hero, Zelda II's ending isn't a Happily Ever After. Zelda has a fit upon realizing she's been asleep for hundreds of years, while Link has an existential crisis after his journey.
  • A Tale of Two Rulers is a webcomic where Zelda and Ganondorf have an Altar Diplomacy. It covers various dark topics, including Hylian's relationship with Gerudo resulting in fetishism and prostitution, the Gerudo being a Dying Race due to a genocide centuries ago, and Zelda's daughter Rinku being a Child by Rape she had at thirteen by a tutor.
  • The Their Bond series is a lengthy Zelda/Impa Dark Fic that composites various games into its narrative. It's also themed around death, war, various forms of abuse, and other graphic elements.
  • Zelda's Honor: Despite being based on a game franchise aimed at kids and youth, the story is quite dark; enveloping themes such as war, death, rape, abortion and more in graphic detail akin to Game of Thrones. A far cry from the sunshine feel of most Zelda games.
