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Characters / Deathwatch (2002)

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    Private Charlie Shakespeare 

Private Charlie Shakespeare
'I can't do this.'

Actor: Jamie Bell

A private enlisted in the British Army, though seemingly very recently. Easily the most naive and idealistic member of his squad, as well as the youngest at only 16.

  • Cowardly Lion: Shifts into this, eventually, even though it took the death of pretty much his entire squad to get there
  • Dead All Along: Maybe. If that's really what the trenches are.
  • Dirty Coward: In the opening battle he leaves Sergeant Tate trapped in barbed wire so he can hide in a nearby crater. He eases out of it in the latter half of the film.
  • The Hero: The main character of the film around whom the action centers around.
  • The Hero Dies: If some interpreations are true, he and the rest of his squad have been dead since before they arrived at the trench.
  • Heroic BSoD: The events of the film take its toll on him.
    • He snaps (briefly) when he watches Doc's execution right in front of him.
    • When he finds all his diseased squadmates around the campfire at the end of the film, he realises what this most likely means and justifiably doesn't take it very well.
  • The Load: He's green as grass, and is probably the last man the squad would pick for a dangerous task.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: He gets this treatment from most of the squad, although he slowly begins earning more respect as the film goes on.
  • Naïve Newcomer: Definitely. He's terrified of war and refuses to kill anyone unless he's forced to, such as the case for Quinn and Bradford
  • New Meat: So new he's not even old enough to enlist. Not that it stopped him.
  • Only Sane Man: Gradually seems to become this with a few of his squadmates, As the others become manipulated by the trench.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Tries to pull this in the opening battle. Tate stops him before he can take second step.
  • Sole Survivor: He's the last man standing in the trench besides Fritz, with all his squad dead. Though whether or not he was ever a survivor is up for interpretation.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: The most notable of the cast, to the point where it seems the trench is unable to warp his mind

    Corporal "Doc" Fairweather 

Corporal "Doc" Fairweather

Actor: Matthew Rhys

The squads medic and apparent NCO. He manages to hold together a lot better than the rest of his squad, in fact, he and Charlie end up being the only sane people left in the trench before the end.


  • Boom, Headshot!!: On the receiving end of one by a crazed Bradford
  • Combat Medic: Subverted, in that he doesn't seem to be much of a fighter. He's never seen in combat, and it gets to the point where he lets McNess die and himself get taken hostage because of it.
  • Dies Wide Open: Right after he thought he was saved.
  • Dirty Coward: Comes into light later in the film. Somewhat justified as the trench weakening his resolve, but it still gets McNess killed.
  • Only Sane Man: Alongside Shakespeare, he's mentally sound throughout the movie, though he does get frightened.
  • I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: Becomes the victim of this in the climax. Initially subverted, until Bradford draws his pistol.

    Sergeant David Tate 

Sergeant David Tate
"I'm a soldier son. I fight what's in front of me."

Actor: Hugo Speer

The squad's Sergeant Rock and platoon XO. He's quite bitter and resentful of the situation as to be expected, but he truly does care for his men, even if he doesn't show it much.


  • Action Dad: He brings up the fact that he has a family back home, in an effort to stop Quinn from killing him. It almost works.
  • A Father to His Men: It isn't shown very much, but it's there.
    • Zig-zagged with Shakespeare. Justified considering the opening where Shakespeare abandons him in a strip of barbed wire after Tate had to drag him out of the trench into combat.
  • Book Ends: In the opening battle, he ends up trapped in barbed wire where he supposedly died. He goes out in the last 20 or minutes of the film this way.
  • Cigarette of Anxiety: He smokes an awful damn lot.
  • Dangerous Terrain: Not to the extent of McNess, but it does leave him exposed for Quinn's club.
  • Dead All Along
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!!: Shakespeare and Fairweather attempt this to snap him out of his inactivity. He snaps out of it, though a bit too late for Jennings.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: When his head gets caved in by Quinn's club. We don't see the aftermath though.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: A rare example of Sloth and/or Apathy. With the trench messing with his mind, he just sits by and watches Quinn torture Freidrich and murder Jennings. He snaps out of it though.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Attempts this on Quinn. He loses.
  • Sour Supporter: As his squad slowly dies off, he becomes less and less willing to act. By the end, he barely listens to Jenning's orders, let alone follow them.
  • Team Dad: Though the squad isn't very sentimental, Tate is clearly the one they really listen and keeps them in line, not Jennings.
