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Sandbox / Bleach Schutzstaffel

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    C - Pernida Parnkgjas 

Pernida Parnkgjas
Its true form appearance
"I've truly come to despise your incessant badmouthing the name of the Quincy."
Species: Quincy? note 
Weapon: Multiple unnamed bows
Vollständig: Unknown
Schrift: C - The Compulsory

Sternritter "C" of "The Compulsory". As a result of the cloak it wears, nothing is initially known about them - even their gender is an unknown. Nevertheless, Pernida first appears as a member of Yhwach's elite Sternritter the "Schutzstaffel" guard, and is summoned against Senjumaru Shutara. Pernida turns out to be the disembodied left arm of the Soul King.

Pernida's ability is to insert its nerves into opponents or inanimate objects, allowing it to contort, manipulate and destroy them. Its natural abilities come from its connection to the Spirit King, granting it high-speed regeneration and the ability to multiply; it also possesses powerful adaptive abilities, allowing it to "evolve" by gaining the traits of whatever its nerves touch. It can manifest basic Quincy bows, which it can spawn on each of its fingers.

  • Adaptation Expansion: The manga largely kept Pernida's origins a complete mystery, apart from the revelation that it was the left arm of the Soul King. The anime adaptation adds a few layers to this, implying that it was actually bonded to Ichibē Hyosube originally, much in the same way Mimihagi was bonded to Ukitake. When Yhwach attacked him during a treaty meeting over a thousand years ago, he somehow used the Almighty to literally extract the entity in Ichibē's left arm, eventually - somehow - giving birth to the Sternritter Pernida Parnkgjas.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In the anime, Pernida is present at Uryu's inauguration as Yhwach's successor, unlike the manga, where it didn't debut until over a year after the corresponding chapter was released.
  • Adaptive Ability: The Left Arm of the Soul King is a being that governs "progress" and "advancment" through evolution. As a result, Pernida is constantly learning from everything it experiences, including the opponents it fights. The longer a fight continues, the more it learns and develops, especially in response to whoever Pernida is fighting. Pernida is capable of evolving by absorbing and consuming biomass. Once its nerves have touched something or someone, it can learns everything it needs to evolve to that opponent's level. It has been able to use both Zaraki and Mayuri to advance itself, both in terms of abilities and communication.
  • All Your Powers Combined: By constantly absorbing the information gained from its enemies, Pernida can keep evolving its skills and abilities. After separately fighting Zaraki and Mayuri, it is able to simultaneously use everything it learned from both, pushing Mayuri back to the point he comes close to losing their fight.
  • Antagonist Abilities: Its powers make even an opponent of Zaraki's caliber fall quickly against it. Pernida utilizes a combination of controlling people through nerve endings, evolving itself by gaining information through those nerves, limited shapeshifting, healing and reconstitution from a severely damaged state, and Power Copying. Even a Crazy-Prepared and analytical fighter like Mayuri could not defeat it on his own.
  • Assimilation Backfire: By devouring Nemu, Pernida gains all of Nemu's regenerative ability. However, Mayuri is able to recover Nemu's brain before it can be absorbed. The brain is the key to controlling Nemu's regenerative ability. Without it, Pernida has no defense against the uncontrolled regeneration inflicted upon it.
  • Boring, but Practical: After its nerve abilities are rendered useless by Mayuri's modified Bankai, Pernida simply manifests its Heilig Pfeil and blows its way out of the thing's stomach.
  • Creepily Long Arms: Its entire form is just one big pale arm. It's actually the left arm of the Soul King.
  • Death by Irony: The left arm of the Soul King is said to represent progress. When Pernida destroys Nemu's body and consumes the remains, it unwittingly assimilates her perpetual cell growth factor, without her cerebrum to keep it in check, ultimately killing it from its cell growth progressing out of control into a cancerous explosion.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": Mayuri refers to it as the left arm of the Soul King, but it adamantly calls itself "Pernida".
  • Evil Laugh: After destroying Mayuri's Bankai, Pernida deliberately mimics Mayuri's evil laugh; it then asks Mayuri how good the impression was.
  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: A rare aversion for this Sternritter, Pernida explains absolutely nothing about its primary powers. Most of its enemies cannot figure out what's been done to them and even Mayuri can't quickly figure out the extent of Pernida's abilities. Pernida only tells Mayuri that as a Quincy, it can kill enemies with a bow (Heilig Bogen) and arrows (Heilig Pfeil), which is quite basic and common.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: On the palm of a hand. With one pupil too many.
  • Eye Scream: After its true form is revealed, it turns out that Nimaiya stabbed it right where its eye was located. Ouch.
  • Fingore: Mayuri blows off its pinky with a bomb. However, the pinky merely regenerates into a new left hand. Pernida then deliberately rips off its middle finger to create another copy.
  • Flechette Storm: Fires a massive storm of arrows at Mayuri with all 15 of its bows.
  • Guns Akimbo: Well, Bows Akimbo, anyways. Pernida can manifest its Heilig Bogen on all of its fingers at once for five shots at a time, and it can use its nerves to further guide the Heilig Pfiel fired once in flight.
  • Healing Factor: As a being of evolution, Pernida is capable of manipulating its body. As a result, if a finger is torn off, it can regenerate it. Even if its entire body is destroyed, Pernida can completely restore its body shortly after.
  • Hydra Problem: Any parts of it that come off can regrow into a new left arm, while the original regenerates what has torn off. This leads to multiple left arms, instead of death.
  • Hulk Speak: Pernida initially speaks in very rudimentary sentences, but contact with the Shinagami he fights allows him to gradually improve his vocabulary.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: While Pernida tries to use its powers against Nimaiya after Gerard and Lille's swift defeats, Nimaiya simply interrupts it by throwing his sword at Pernida's "head", impaling it. It's later revealed that Pernida is a left arm, the "head" being a clenched fist with a giant eye. The eye appears to be what Nimaiya pierced.
  • In the Hood: Pernida is introduced without removing its ostensibly large hood, and only its glowing eyes are visible. When the hood is finally removed, its revealed to be a left arm.
  • Invisible Anatomy: It can both talk and hear without any visible signs of an anatomy that can allow it to do either. Mayuri lampshades this by saying he'd love to get his hands on Pernida to figure out how it can talk.
  • Logical Weakness: Amongst a host of other powers, Pernida has the ability to absorb any power or ability an opponent has by consuming it or sampling them with its nerves. That also includes abilities that come Blessed with Suck; Pernida is defeated because it absorbs a regeneration ability that's so intensely powerful that it effectively takes over its body like cancer.
  • No Mouth: Due to being a hand. It is still able to speak, which intrigues Mayuri into wanting to dissect it.
  • Pieces of God: Pernida is actually the animate left hand of the Soul King. Rather appropiately, it possesses several Godlike abilities, most notably the power of evolution. Through the power of evolution, Pernida can evolve by absorbing biomass, copy the powers of anyone it absorbs information on, manipulate its own body, and shotting its nerves in the bodies of others to control their nervous system. It has a twin named Mimihagi, who was the right arm of the Soul King, which governs Stagnation.
  • People Puppets: The power of Pernida's Schrift, 'The Compulsory'. Pernida can invade its opponent's body by shooting its nerves into their body to manipulate their nervous system. Pernida can forcibly move their body and tear them to shreds. It crushed the body of one of the Soul King's guards and condensed the corpse of Shutara's body double into a ball. It can also severeky warp people's bodies as it did with the arms of Yoruichi and Kenpachi to the point where they both removed. Pernida can also use its nerves on inorganic matter to control and shape them, creating hands out of the ground. Unlike the other Schrifts, The Compulsory wasn't granted by Yhwach, and was instead an ability that Pernida always possessed.
  • Power Copying: Pernida can learn from everything his nerves touch and therefore his abilities are constantly evolving. By touching Kenpachi Zaraki, his communication ability improved as did his speed and reflexes. By coming into contact with Mayuri's Bankai, it becomes capable of shedding its outer layers of skin to escape external attacks.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: Lives up to its title as an Elite Sternritter. It easily defeats Kenpachi, and outcompetes Mayuri at every turn. Even with Mayuri pushed to his limit and Nemu using her true power, Pernida still incapacitates the former and kills the latter.
  • Sealed Badass in a Can: Downplayed. Pernida is able to walk freely, but it's intelligence and evolution is halted by a set of chains. Only after Kenpachi broke them was Pernida able to evolve.
  • A Sinister Clue: Played with and discussed in-universe. The Soul King's lost limbs function independently of him, having their own personalities and motives. While the Right Arm saved a young Ukitake from an early death, the Left Arm serves a brutal emperor who is trying to destroy the Soul Reapers and Soul Society. However, the Right Arm only helped Ukitake because it suited its long-term goal and didn't actually save his life; it merely delayed his death until the day the Soul King was killed by Yhwach leaving Yhwach baffled as to why the Right Arm would ever help the Soul Reapers given a mysterious wrong Yhwach believes they committed in the distant past. Meanwhile, the Left Arm is pitted against Mayuri, who spent decades capturing and torturing Quincies to perform inhuman experiments on them. During their fight, Pernida expresses his rage at how the Quincies have been treated by the Soul Reapers while Mayuri remains unrepentant. And while Yhwach is portrayed by the Soul Reapers as evil and has little regard for the lives he commands, it's very strongly implied in both the manga and the follow-up novels that the Royal Guard is covering up an ancient crime that Yhwach is seeking vengeance for.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Mayuri captured and performed several twisted experiments on many Quincies before in the past. Therefore, Pernida carries a grudge against against Mayuri for looking down on the Quincy and the many acts of torture he committed against them.

    D - Askin Nakk Le Vaar 

Askin Nakk Le Vaar
"That's right, you're quite calm. So calm that you attacked him right away. Absolutely calm."
Species: Quincy
Weapon: Unnamed longbow
Vollständig: Hasshain
Schrift: D - The Deathdealing
Voiced by: Shunsuke Takeuchi (JP), Daman Mills (EN)

Sternritter "D" of "The Deathdealing", later promoted to Yhwach's Elite Sternritter the "Schutzstaffel" guard, much to his own surprise. A calm, collected and bitingly sarcastic officer who acts as a mediator when arguments break out. He claims he's too lazy to get involved in any fight that will require effort instead of being an easy victory. However, his true intentions are very difficult to pin down.

His Quincy Cross manifests as a longbow. His ability allows him to calculate and alter the lethal dosage of any substance that he fills himself with. This includes blood, or an opponent's reiatsu; which means he will become progressively invincible for each given opponent. His Vollständig is named Hasshain, and it grants him helical wings akin to his bow, along with a visor and various molecular-themed accessories. It amps up his abilities tremendously; for example, it allows him to annihilate targeted organs with an unblockable projectile.

  • Adaptive Ability: In order to use his Schrift, The Deathdealing, he first must take in a large amount of the substance he intends to make lethal; for example, in order to turn Nimaiya's blood lethal, Askin has to drink a large amount of blood himself. Once he's done this, however, he can no longer be killed by that substance, because he can heighten his resistance to it. His Vollständig increases this further, along him to adapt an immunity to any substance as long as he isn't attacking. Even another Adaptive Ability can't counter it, because once he's developed an immunity to a substance, as long as it has the same "base", the immunity will stand.
  • Affably Evil: He's laid back, polite and casual regardless of the situation, ranging from intervening in internal squabbles between Quincies, invading Mayuri's own research laboratory, or watching other Quincies fight, never resorting to insulting and belittling others barring some mild sarcasm.
  • Afraid of Their Own Strength: Askin's fear of getting caught up in his own powers causes him to subconsciously hold back as a kind of natural Power Limiter. Unfortunately for the protagonists, this means that as he's dying, his powers massively intensify when his body believes it no longer matters.
  • Antagonist Abilities: Askin has the ability to effortlessly alter the lethal quantity of any abundant substance within his body that he has consumed or absorbed, changing how deadly it becomes (ranging from lethal to harmless) to either a target, an Area of Effect or himself. Askin doesn't like brute force, preferring to take the fight out of opponents; he easily defeats Ichigo, Yoruichi's attacks are ineffective against him, and Nimaiya only avoids defeat by taking extreme measures to drain his own toxic blood. His Vollständig increases his immunity, negating even other Adaptive Abilities since as long as the same "base" applies, the immunity can't be overcome. He can also focus all of his "Deathdealing" ability into a tiny area, creating a ringed projectile with 100-percent killing power for any part of the body it touches.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Implied to have been recruited into the Schutzstaffel because of his power, the sole member of the lower ranks to achieve this.
  • Audience Surrogate: Askin serves this role once he got promoted into the Schutzstaffel, whenever he interacts with the Sternritter in the higher echelons and often points out things the audience thinks.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: He's able to tell how much Nimaiya weighs and how much blood is in his body just by looking at him. He's also able to briefly evade Nimaiya's attacks after watching him fight, and later on he figures out how to avoid the power of Urahara's Bankai and its "Instant Death" Radius with just a few seconds of careful observation and getting as far away from it as he can when most any other opponent would have been screaming about watching their arm unravel like cloth. He's even smart enough to know that some people he should avoid fighting if possible, given he avoid fighting Mayuri, who is infamous for his ability to develop counters to people.
  • Big Eater: Askin is often seen to consume various kinds of food and drinks throughout the war, even when he should fight instead. It's eventually revealed that his Schrift only works once he "consumes" a certain substance,
  • Blessed with Suck: He claims his only natural ability is to not die no matter how badly he's injured. He also claims that he loathes it because it leaves him feeling like he's constantly at death's door.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Askin is quite the quirky fellow with a personality that's simultaneously cool and collected and surprisingly bombastic, and has the most comedic moments out of his fellow Quincies. In any given fight, he's the guy most likely to run away or sit down for a picnic. Yet he's unbelievably dangerous, with a win-to-loss ratio that's second only to Aizen.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: He has Grimmjow, Ichigo, Orihime and Chad dead to rights after incapacitating them, but completely neglects to finish them off. With the latter three, he at least has the excuse that Yoruichi interrupts him, but he has no excuse for leaving the former alive. Indeed, not killing Grimmjow when he has the chance bites him in the ass hard during his fight with Urahara.
  • Catchphrase: When criticizing others' actions, like underestimating him, he'll often call their behavior "fatal". As his Gift Ball Deluxe intensifies from his impending death, his last words are telling Urahara that he won't call the situation "fatal" because the latter is so Crazy-Prepared that he'll probably find some way to escape.
  • Combat Pragmatist: By his own admission, he dislikes fights that drag on, and prefers to finish things quickly. Rather than fight Grimmjow head on, he runs away, throws one of his poison balls, and knocks him down easily afterwards.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Dishes them out like candy despite his demeanor, as there is little his opponents can do after The Deathdealing is in effect. With it, he instantly defeats Grimmjow, Ichigo, Yushiro, and Yoruichi. Even his more even fight against Urahara is largely in his favor, as Urahara's Bankai isn't able to outright give him the means to defeat Askin in a head to head battle.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Whenever he wants to say something sarcastic or scathing about someone (like Bazz-B or the entirety of Squad 12), he usually does it in a calm, deadpan way.
  • Disappointed by the Motive: When Urahara learns that the reason Askin is working for Yhwach is more so out of curiosity as to what were to happen should the Quincy King succeed, he swipes at Askin out of disgust before calling him out on his reasons for doing something like that, finding it a poor reason to help Yhwach. Askin takes it in stride and doesn't really disagree either.
  • Explaining Your Powers to the Enemy: He explains his powers to Nimaiya only when Nimaiya is dying from a choice between either blood poisoning or blood loss. It allows Kirinji to use his blood-replacing power to save Nimaiya's life. He later explains his Hasshain power to Urahara, stating that he doesn't want to waste time and since he expects Urahara would just figure it out anyway, they might as well get it over with.
  • Facial Markings: Black streams curve upwards around his eyes from the corners, a style reminiscent of Ikkaku and Grimmjow's eye markings.
  • Feed It with Fire: Attacking him with Reiatsu-based abilities (even Shunko) only makes him stronger. Since Quincy have Energy Absorption abilities, and his power affects anything he "fills" himself with, he can then heighten his own lethal dosage to said Reiatsu so that it's no longer effective. This means that the only true way of winning against Askin is to simply overpower him in raw combat skills, but Askin is smart enough not to let that happen, and isn't weak enough that someone can do so. This is also why he seemingly avoids combat if he can help it, as he is savvy enough to realize that someone could on paper find a way to do the same to him, given he outright decides not to fight Mayuri, and seems really annoyed at the idea of fighting Urahara.
  • Foreshadowing: When Yhwach makes his move on the Royal Realm, Askin cryptically wonders whether he'll be chosen. It is later revealed that most of the Sternritters don't know that the Sternritter chosen to become the Elite unit are the only ones deemed useful to Yhwach for the next phase of his plan, leaving the rest to be slaughtered — by Yhwach, not the Soul Reapers.
  • Four Is Death: D is the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet, he's the fourth member of the Elite Sternritter, and his title explicitly focuses on the word death. His ability is to perfectly calculate and alter the lethal dose of any substance required to kill a being, allowing him to, for example, overdose Nimaiya's blood flow. The only way to escape Askin's power is to bleed to death. (Since Kirinji's ability allows him to completely replace a person's blood, Kirinji steps in to save Nimaiya.)
  • Graceful Loser: He takes his defeat quite well and compliments Urahara. Askin even tells him that if it were up to him, Urahara should survive. Unfortunately he doesn't have the power to control his Giftball anymore, so it's not up to him to decide.
  • Healing Factor: One of the abilities granted by The Deathdealing. By raising his own lethal dosage to an attack, Askin can heal from any wound he sustains. This ability is greatly enhanced when the Schutzstaffel are revived and further powered up by Yhwach, becoming potent enough to recover from being electrocuted in mere moments.
  • Hero Killer: Askin is one of the most effective antagonists within the Wandenreich. No matter who fights, his opponents will lose. Not even Ichigo, who by this point has practially become a Physical God, can do anything against him. In the end it takes Urahara with the help of Grimmjow's Resurreccion just to finally kill him, and had it not been for Nelliel's help, they both would have died in the process.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How he is killed. Grimmjow impales him right at his heart, then crushes it.
  • It Amused Me: In-Universe this is why he follows Yhwach. Learning that Yhwach wants to make a new world sounds so interesting and "once in a life time", that he can't help but want to see how it ends, so he helps out because he wants to see what will happen should Yhwach succeed in doing so. He isn't really loyal to Yhwach like many others are either, something Urahara figures out quickly despite Askin's sarcastic attempts to deny it.
  • Last-Name Basis: His comrades call him by his last name, while Askin calls them by their first names. In his case it's a sign that the other Sternritter are not close to him. Especially noticeable with Gerard, who is on first name basis with the other members of the Schutzstaffel, yet calls Askin only by his last name.
  • Lazy Bum: He claims that he won't fight Mayuri because he doesn't like having to put in any effort to win a fight and that Mayuri's the type of person that needs some effort to defeat. Mayuri's taken aback by the attitude, but lets him go. Later, he's shown just sitting around having a picnic while watching Gremmy's fight with Kenpachi.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: He subconsciously holds back his full power because he’s afraid of poisoning himself, but after Grimmjow sneaks in and rips his heart out, the Gift Ball Deluxe his opponents are in intensifies since his body figures it no longer matters.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He turns up at the 12th division just to play word games with Mayuri and has no intention of actually fighting. When he pretends to lure Mayuri into an obvious trap and Mayuri declines, he simply leaves. His true purpose for visiting the 12th division therefore remains a mystery.
  • The Man They Couldn't Hang: Claims his only natural ability is to not die no matter how severe his injuries, and has had this ability even before he was recruited into the Wandenreich. Even having his heart ripped out and crushed isn't enough to take him down immediately.
  • Meta Guy: Askin seems to be aware about how antagonists in Shonen and especially in Bleach behave and often points out why he won't do the same or why he can allow himself to indulge in such behavior.
  • Mr. Exposition: New information about the Wandenreich is often delivered through Askin's comments or speeches. His conversation with Pepe sets up Gremmy, Pepe and Askin's power levels, he informs both the Soul Reapers and readers about the history of the Quincy and the creation of the Wandenreich a thousand years ago. He informs Ichigo about the other members of the Schutzstaffel and reveals the identity of the War Powers and why each one was chosen. He also discusses Yhwach's end-goal with Urahara.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: His Adaptive Ability allows him No-Sell attacks he's experienced once before, which is easy to do because of his ability to survive what should be lethal injures. Once he gets revived and powered up by Yhwach, he gains a healing factor and becomes even harder to kill. Even when Urahara intervenes in his fight with Yoruichi and gives her a power up that allows her to No-Sell his No-Sell, he still survives it. Even getting his heart ripped out and crushed isn't enough to fully take him out, and he manages to live long enough to say some final words. It's implied that his inability to die is the main reason he was chosen by Yhwach, given that there were other Sternritter's arguably more powerful than him that were not chosen, something Askin himself is surprised by.
  • Not Quite Dead: Nimaiya's attack drops Askin fairly easily, but Askin's natural ability is to simply not die, so he gets back to his feet in short order. He claims it's not an ability that thrills him. Even when Nimaiya does finally down him, he's resurrected by Yhwach's Auswählen. Grimmjow later comments on this, that even with his own heart ripped out, Askin just won't die or stop talking.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Lampshaded in-universe. Askin deliberately creates the impression that he's cowardly, ineffectual and possesses no useful offensive ability at all. As a result, he is able to catch both Nimaiya (a Royal Guard member) and Grimmjow (an Espada-level Arrancar) completely off-guard, and even defeat Ichigo (first among the Special War Powers). When Yushiro and Yoruichi come to Ichigo's rescue, their Shunko attacks initially seem effective until Askin No Sells Yushiro's second attempt, successfully jams three Heilig Pfeil through the young man's chest and speed-blitzes even Yoruichi. As he points out, he's been completely underestimated until it's far too late.
  • Oh, Crap!: He only ever loses his cool twice: The first is when Gremmy decides to summon an asteroid just to kill Kenpachi. To be fair, Askin is the most likely to survive this, but regardless an asteroid smashing into your face is a type of pain you'd not look forward to. The second time is when Yushiro's insane strength completely freaks him out, though he gets over it fairly quickly.
  • Poisonous Person: This is the ability of his Schrift, which is rather appropriately titled 'The Deathdealing'. His power is to be able to calculate a person's lethal dosage of any substance and alter it at will, even making things that shouldn't be toxic, like a person's blood, lethal above a certain dosage. Essentially, he can remove a person's resistance to something that isn't poisonous or lethal so that it becomes toxic to them.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: He himself states that he doesn't like doing anything physical during a fight, even simply strangling an incapacitated opponent is not elegant enough for him.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: He proves his mettle as a member of the Schutzstaffel through his increasingly impressive feats. He was the only one of the elites to put up a fight against Nimaiya, handily defeats Grimmjow, Ichigo, and Yoruichi, and by activating Vollständig, he pressures Urahara enough to activate his long-concealed Bankai.
  • Straw Misogynist: Downplayed; his misogyny is targeted towards a specific type of woman. When Yoruichi shows up to fight him, Askin gets angry when she asks why he just doesn't finish his opponents off and states such things are for women like her and Bambietta while he's all about finishing his opponents "elegantly". He also goes on to state a woman should be judged not by beauty but style and presentation, something that he claims both of them lack.
  • Taking You with Me: Should Askin fall, his death will magnify his "Gift Ball Deluxe", ensuring those who are within its area of effect die with him. It even gets triggered if he falls unconscious.
  • The Team Normal: Severely downplayed - given that it's Bleach - but still applicable all things considered. Askin is the only member of the Schutzstaffel who doesn't have a unique origin of power going for him: He isn't a disembodied piece of the Soul King like Gerard and Pernida, he isn't a Super Prototype for the Shrifts and Vollständig like Lille Barro, he isn't a Gemischt Quincy like Uryū and his existence isn't directly connected to Yhwach's like Haschwalth. For all intents and purposes, he's an average Quincy who just happens to be really, really, really powerful - hence his inclusion in the guard. Even he himself is surprised he made the cut.
  • Unsettling Gender-Reveal: He mistakes Yushiro for a girl only to learn that Yushiro's actually a guy. He doesn't really care though as they are enemies on the battlefield and is just a bit surprised by it.
  • Villain Ball: Thanks to his abilities, Askin is in the position to instantly kill his enemies several times, most notably Ichigo. But instead, Askin prefers to chat and do it the slow way because of his sense for aesthetics. This bites him several times, as instead of simply killing his enemies, he often gives them or their allies the chance to counter and fight back.
  • Visionary Villain: The reason he follows Yhwach. Rather than because of fanatical Undying Loyalty like the other Sternritters, Askin serves Yhwach because he is one of the only people capable of changing the world and recreating it into something new, something that he is curious to see.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Tanking Yushiro's Shunko burns off all the clothing on his upper torso, leaving only his brace-like armor piece around his neck.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Among the Schutzstaffel, Askin is by far the weakest in terms of power, being the only member to be a regular Quincy and not having some divine-in-nature power like the rest. The reason he's as deadly as the others is because he knows that he's weaker than them, and uses that to trick his enemies into falling for his traps or schemes, such as tricking the Hot-Blooded Grimmjow into chasing him, or separating Ichigo to knock him down. Due to his Schrift as well, he weaponizes his Adaptive Ability to figure out how his foes fight so he can No-Sell it and take them out with his poison. It's telling that he's defeated not by physical powerhouses like Ichigo, Grimmjow, or Yoruichi, but by Urahara, and even then Urahara has to use his Bankai just to secure a draw.
  • Worthy Opponent: Askin comes to deeply respect Urahara's intellect and resourcefulness during their fight and believes that Urahara will probably find a way out of the intensifying Gift Ball Deluxe.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Impales Yushiro with three Heilig Pfeil through his chest. Although Yushiro attacks him first, he has no qualms about attacking him back.

    M - Gerard Valkyrie 

Gerard Valkyrie
"At what point did I say this would be a one-on-one fight? In a fair duel, not even a miracle would allow you to defeat me! Come at me together!"
Species: Quincy
Weapon: Hoffnung (shortsword) / Unnamed buckler shield
Vollständig: Aschetonig
Schrift: M - The Miracle
Voiced by: Tsuyoshi Koyama (JP), Dave B. Mitchell (EN)

Sternritter "M" of "The Miracle" and one of Yhwach's elite Sternritter the "Schutzstaffel" guard. A large, boisterous man who resembles a Nordic warrior of old. He wears an ornate helmet and cape, and he first appears in the Royal Realm. According to Askin, he is rumored to be the heart of the Soul King.

As the "Miracle", he can absorb any damage inflicted on him, and grow in size, strength and speed proportionate to the damage inflicted (the more powerful the attack, the bigger he gets). In battle, he wields Hoffnung ("Hope"), a double-edged sword normally sheathed within a small buckler shield, able to reflect tenfold any damage it receives. His Vollständig is named Aschetonig, which grants him a pair of large feathery wings, a new helmet and shield, and modifies his sword so that it can fire energy beams.

  • Achilles' Heel:
    • Being the incarnated heart of the Soul King, he possessed his unbelievable abilities right from the start - not because of being granted them by Yhwach. Nevertheless, he still allowed Yhwach to bestow a Schrift upon him in a symbolic capacity - which ended up being what did him in, as having Yhwach's Schrift is precisely what allows him to carry out his Auswählen.
    • The Quincy cross found inside his body when cut in half by Kenpachi was later confirmed by Kubo to be the core of his being, meaning destroying it would have killed him. Sadly for the heroes, Gerard's monstrous powers prevent them from getting the chance to do so again.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In the anime, he's present at Uryu's inauguration as Yhwach's successor, unlike the manga, where he debuted more than a year after the corresponding chapter was released.
  • Adaptive Ability: One of the abilities of his Schrift, 'The Miracle', is to draw power from physical damage. The more damage he takes, the stronger he gets. Getting a beatdown from several opponents allows him to grow into a gigantic size, getting his arm cut off only causes a stronger one to regenerate in its place, and getting bisected from head to toe strengthens his entire body considerably.
  • Affably Evil: He's fairly laid-back compared to his fellow Sternritter, and acts fairly nice to his comrades - albeit he's slightly a bit of a dick to Askin, the newest member of the Schutzstaffel, and treats him much the same way an employer might treat an intern. In battle, he's also quite sportsman-like. He and Kenpachi bond a bit over their shared love of combat.
  • Ambiguously Human: Though he is initially presented as a Quincy, the fact that when he is cut in half a Quincy cross can be seen where his body was split, and seemingly reforms around, calls into question if Gerard is even a living being. Given that he is rumored to be the heart of the Soul King, it is entirely possible that Gerard is closer to some kind creation like Gremmy is, or possibly one created through Yhwach giving him a Schrift when he was just the heart of the Soul King, given that he only is beaten when Yhwach has no more use for him. Kubo later confirmed that had Kenpachi been strong enough to destroy the cross, Gerard would have been killed, seemingly confirming that he wasn't a living being like other people within his organization.
  • Antagonist Abilities: His Schrift is an Adaptive Ability which allows him to get stronger for every time he receives physical damage. The more damage he takes, the more powerful, larger, and faster he gets. Most abilities are thus useless against him, because damage only contributes to his power growth. Even fatal damage or maiming his body doesn't work, because he always reforms Better Than New. He also has no Necessary Drawback from this; his speed, durability, and other physical attributes all increase at the same rate. Both Toshiro and Byakuya categorize his ability as something which "defies reason" because of this. The protagonists never find a way to defeat him, and he instead has his power and life stripped away by Yhwach.
  • Attack Backfire: Gerard's Spirit Weapon is a sword called Hoffnung. If Hoffnung is damaged in any way, the attacker takes damage. The only way not to is to parry it in such a way that the sword isn't chipped, or freeze it to negate the ability.
  • Badass Boast: After Renji tries to hold him off by himself, he prevents the other Captains and Lieutenants from walking past just by flaring his cape. He advises the Soul Reapers to attack as a group because no miracles will protect someone who attacks him one-on-one. After The Miracle is in full effect, he boasts himself to be the "greatest, fastest, and strongest" of the Quincy while beating down Kenpachi Zaraki, who is wielding his Shikai and has removed his eyepatch.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Weaponized. The nature of his Schrift, 'The Miracle' allows Gerard to overcome impossible odds and go beyond the realms of reason. When Hitsugaya overhears what The Miracle can do, he can only conclude that logic does not apply to Gerard's abilities.
  • BFS: His sword, Hoffnung, is moderately sized in his base form, but when The Miracle is activated, it grows into the size of skyscrapers and becomes durable enough to endure a slash from Nozarashi, which was strong enough to completely obliterate a meteor.
  • Birds of a Feather: Gerard and Kenpachi get along surprisingly well, even though both are trying to kill each other. They both are brutes who enjoy a good fight above everything. When Hitsugaya tries to intervene in the fight, Kenpachi and Gerard push him aside and shout that this is their fight. Hitsugaya promptly lampshades that the two are like a match made in heaven.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: He states that his abilities are tied to the "hopes and desires of the masses". Thus, if he gets severely wounded, his strength, size and speed increase due to the masses' "fears". His sword is nigh-indestructible because it represents the masses' "hopes".
  • Cool Mask: He wears a mask modeled after Nordic warriors, shaped in the form of a winged helmet that covers the upper half of his face.
  • Cool Sword: His sword is kept sheathed in his shield, where only the hilt and a star at the centre of its quillon is visible. When unsheathed, the sword is black and the quillon slopes forward, forming the shape of an inverted 'V'.
  • Dynamic Entry: As Shinji's group approaches the palace, they're stopped by the sudden appearance of Gerard. He travels a great distance so fast that his landing causes a huge explosion.
  • Foreshadowing: In his anime-exclusive fight with Shutara, she attempts to kill him by stabbing him directly in the heart — however, Gerard's heart glows and her needle is stopped before it can pierce him at all, and Gerard boasts that a small needle can't kill his heart. This hints at the later reveal that he is a vessel for the Soul King's heart.
  • Giant Equals Invincible: Attacks that injured him in his normal size do not even scratch him once he's grown big enough. Those that do simply make him even stronger.
  • A God Am I: To a degree. The power he gains from being damaged causes him to grow into a giant. Gerard boasts several times that he is now "God-sized". Since he is supposedly the heart of the transcendent Soul King, his claim is in a way correct.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: A secondary aspect of The Miracle is that all injuries he sustains heal completely once converted into power. Even cutting him to pieces does no good, as the pieces simply grow back stronger than before.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: He is cleaved vertically in half by Zaraki's Bankai. However, his Quincy cross drags the two halves back together and he comes back stronger than ever.
  • I Am the Noun: Unlike most Sternitter he calls his holy form not his Vollständig. Instead he says that he is Aschetonig, his Vollständig.
  • Invincible Villain: For all intents and purposes, Gerard is unbeatable, since the whole point of his power is saving himself while growing stronger whenever he is on the brink of death. This is further proven by the fact that no Soul Reaper actually manages to defeat him. It takes a literal Deus ex Machina in the form of his own Soul King-powered boss Yhwach to eliminate him from the story. Kubo had to later state that because Kenpachi couldn't break his Quincy cross, Gerard couldn't die, making it clear that even with an actual weakness, the raw power of a Bankai powered Kenpachi simply couldn't have given them victory against the heart of the Soul King.
  • Large Ham: Once he's turned into a giant as a result of his Miracle's power, he shows little restraint as to how he looks down on the Soul Reapers he fights. They nearly get blown off their feet from his sheer volume.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Unlike the three other Elite Guards, who lean on the analytical side of things, Gerard blindly charges forward against the Squad Zero member they're facing. This tactic surprisingly lands a solid hit on Shutara, though she's revealed to be an illusion. He does it again versus Nimaiya, but the latter fells him in one hit.
  • Lightning Bruiser: When he is transformed into a giant by The Miracle, he is strong enough to destroy buildings like cardboard, fast enough to catch some of the fastest Thirteen Court Guard Squads captains with an attack, and isn't hurt by attacks that harmed him before.
  • Limit Break: His Schrift, 'The Miracle', is able to absorb damage that becomes converted into a massive size, strength, speed, and defense boost.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: A combination attack from Hitsugaya and Byakuya shatters him to pieces, but he just reforms and reaches his One-Winged Angel form.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: He carries a round Viking-style shield, complete with central metal boss, which also acts as a sheath for his sword. It is also strong enough to deflect a slash from Kenpachi.
  • Make My Monster Grow: One of the abilities granted by his Schrift "The Miracle" is this. He can take any damage he withstands and convert it into growing in size. He grows into a giant after being hurt by Renji, Shinji, and Byakuya.
  • Meaningful Name: His surname, Valkyrie, at first seems a little odd given that Valkyries are exclusively female while Gerard is obviously male. However, it becomes quite a bit more fitting once you realize that it foreshadows Gerard's true power of constant rebirth. Valkyries in Norse mythology carry fallen warriors into Valhalla, where the chosen warriors constantly fight each other to death, at which point they simply revive to do battle again. Gerard is living by the rules of Valhalla, where he can fight to the fullest without the incovenience of death. It also mirrors how the fallen Schutzstaffel were "chosen" by Yhwach to revive and do battle once more.
  • Not So Invincible After All: His power is called "The Miracle". It allows him to regenerate from anything, always returning stronger than before and with no apparent upper limit to this ability. Every means of incapitation fails, and not even the Royal Guard or a fully-powered Kenpachi can stop him. Kubo would later clarify that, had Kenpachi been strong enough, he could have killed Gerard when he cut him in half, as the Quincy cross found in-between his split body seemingly was the core holding him, but because Kenpachi wasn't strong enough to do so, Gerard survive. He is only stopped by Yhwach stripping his powers, which allows him to finally be killed; Yhwach is implied to only be able to do that because they're both pieces of the same Soul King.
  • One-Winged Angel: Much like his comrade Lille, Gerard has a second form beyond his original Vollständig form that transforms him into a Godlike being after having his entire physical being destroyed and reformed.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: One of the abilities of The Miracle is to draw power from damage. Every time he is injured, he converts that injury into a power-up that makes him faster, stronger, and more durable than before. This includes making him grow in size. When he gets injured enough, he grows into a giant. Interestingly, Gerard himself states that he instead grows to the size of a God. Gerard is the heart of the Soul King and previous statements about the Soul King speculate if he indeed was a God and a giant, implying that Gods are giants.
  • Pieces of God: Gerard is revealed to be the animate heart of the Soul King. Therefore, he possesses immeasurable spiritual power. His Schrift is called 'The Miracle', which allows him to perform miracles on himself, most notably to convert every attack dealt to him into a power-up to make himself bigger, and harder to kill. This makes him almost impossible to defeat, as he is able to overwhelm three of the strongest Captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, including Kenpachi, who immediately takes off his eyepatch and releases his Shikai from the start as he knows that Gerard is too powerful to hold back against. In the end, the protagonists never do get the chance to kill him, as Yhwach does the deed for them.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: He proves himself to be part of the Schutzstaffel when taking down Lieutenants, Visoreds, Captains who have all ganged up against him. He then overpowers Hitsugaya, Byakuya and Kenpachi when the trio work together, even though Hitsugaya goes all-out, Byakuya is using ambush tactics, and Kenpachi is wielding his Shikai and has removed his eyepatch. It took nothing short of Yhwach himself killing him to finally stop him.
  • Schmuck Bait: He goads two Captains and their lieutenants into ganging up on him, mocking their ability to beat him. They all trounce him so thoroughly that it seems anti-climactic. Wisely, the two captains grow suspicious and tell their lieutenants to just finish the guy off. However, they all quickly learn that it's too late: attacking him all together was exactly what he wanted, because his Schrift's power is to absorb damage and convert it into size and strength.
  • Slasher Smile: Sports a nice one complete with Glowing Eyes of Doom after encouraging every one of the remaining Shinigami to come at him all at once.
  • Square-Cube Law: The Miracle uniquely allows him to defy this, as it increases his size, strength and speed accordingly, so much that it actually makes him even faster, overwhelming Byakuya, Hitsugaya and Kenpachi, even at their full powers.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Gerard is more or less unstoppable, as The Miracle gives him the ability to turn all damage into his strength. His ability kicks in even from injuries that he could not possibly have been alive to consciously activate, like having his head cut into ribbons by Byakuya. Even when his ability was supposedly frozen by Hitsugaya's upgraded Bankai, he still manages to reform from having his body shattered. Additionally, he even has the power to materialize and wield metaphysical concepts, for instance his sword Hoffnung which is forged from the hopes of the people. Meaning attacking the sword will reflect all damage to oneself. It's quite telling that he was only stopped by having his powers (and his life) outright taken away from him by Yhwach.
  • Stripped to the Bone: As happened with Robert, he is reduced to a skeleton by Yhwach's Auswählen.
  • Too Awesome to Use: His sword Hoffnung is only reserved for the toughest opponents as its abilities would be too cruel and unfair to use on weaker opponents.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: He dresses like a Viking cartoon caricature, with bagging trousers, boots, a cape and a winged helmet-mask. He even has the shield. However, he does not wear a scrap of clothing above his waist. His cape has to be strapped to his shoulders as a result.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Yhwach kills him and the other remaining Sternritter after successfully stealing Ichigo's powers, as he doesn't need their help any longer.

    X - Lille Barro 

Lille Barro
Vollständig 1
Vollständig 2
"If comprehension comes slowly, reaction will also follow suit. That's how it always is when you're on the losing side of things."
Species: Quincy
Weapon: Diagramm (sniper rifle)
Vollständig: Jilliel
Schrift: X - The X-Axis
Voiced by: Satoshi Hino (JP), Evan Michael Lee (EN)

Sternritter "X" of "The X-Axis". A dark-skinned, youthful-looking man with a tattoo over his left eye, he is the leader of the Schutzstaffel, Yhwach's elite guard comprised of exceptionally powerful Sternritter, and the first Sternritter to receive a Schrift.

His Quincy Cross manifests as a large sniper rifle, known as Diagramm. His ability is the "Perforator of All Creation", which makes his attacks unblockable and himself intangible. Barro's Vollständig is Jilliel. In this form, he obtains a halo and four pairs of wings, while also becoming encased within a vaguely seraphim form that lacks arms and possesses only rudimentary legs. If someone manages to kill him, he can enter an evolved form, which looks like a surrealist bird with amped-up powers.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In the anime, he's present when Yhwach inaugurates Uryu as his successor, unlike the manga, where he didn't debut until over a year after the corresponding chapter was released.
  • All Crimes Are Equal: Or rather everything is sinful. Once he enters Vollständig, Lille considers basically everything his opponents do as a grave sin.
  • All There in the Manual: In the manga, Lille falls to the Seireitei after his fight with Kyoraku and Nanao and transforms into multiple flamingo-type birds. He is confronted by a zombified Kira but what happens after that is never revealed. The wrap-up Bleach: Cannot Fear Your Own World reveals that Lille survives Kira, Yhwach's second Auswählen and the destruction of Seireitei, but was dealt with as the war wrapped up.
  • Angelic Abomination: After Kyoraku's Bankai decapitates his Vollstandig form, he regrows a long neck with an owl-like head. This new head has horizontal eyelids and can contort its shape and swivel its eyeballs around, making it look downright alien. He also gains detached arms and oddly-shaped "legs". It's completely unrecognizable from Lille's original form, and harkens to the Biblical depiction of angels.
  • Animal Motifs: Owls and birds. Upon his second transformation, Lille gains several owl-like properties and once his power disperses, he transforms into a flock of birds.
  • Antagonist Abilities: He is a Long-Range Fighter who carries a Sniper Rifle that allows him to perform an Unblockable Attack. He also prefers taking his opponents completely off-guard, and his Always Accurate Attack strikes down the target with a One-Hit KO. He also has a Super Mode that gives him Intangibility (which is normally limited precisely because he considers it unfair) and, in the event that something does hurt him, can just regenerate into an even stronger One-Winged Angel.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Lille manages to achieve divinity or something very close to it in his holy form. In this form, Lille displays several characteristics and move-sets displayed formerly only by Aizen when he became a transcendental and godly being. In this form, Lille is so strong that only a weapon meant to use against Gods is the only hope of the Shinigami to counter him.
  • Asteroids Monster: When his Heiligenschein is damaged by Nanao's Shinken Hakkyōken, his body shatters and rains down on Soul Society, leaving his wings behind. Each piece regenerates into a wingless copy of himself.
  • Badass Boast: Lille was the very first Quincy given power by Yhwach, therefore making him one of the most powerful of the Sternritter. As a result, he is a very boastful individual. He boasts to Nimaiya that the X-Axis is an Unblockable Attack. His attack slices through two separate Shikai and Nimaiya's chest and he tells the dumbfounded Royal Guard members to line up accordingly so that he can take them out in one shot. His Vollständig forces Kyoraku to use his last resort tactic — Bankai. He then blasts Kyoraku before he can react. When he then survives Kyoraku beheading him, he declares that he is an immortal, invincible Messenger of God who cannot be defeated by Bankai.
  • Bald of Evil: In his initial Vollständig form, he hasn't got a hair on his head.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: After his fall into the Seireitei and loss of power, Lille was transformed into a flock of silly-looking birds that constantly made chirp sounds, but was still capable of firing highly destructive beams all over the place.
  • BFG: Lille's Spirit Weapon takes the form of a white-furred, black rifle that's longer than he is tall, and with a very thin barrel, called Diagramm. At the very end of the gun is a large cross. He considers it his "bow", and can quickly repair damage by replenishing it with his reishi. It leaves perfectly spherical holes behind and is capable of destroying entire cities with a single shot.
  • Boom, Headshot!: He fires a bullet that burrows through Shutara's forehead and destroys her headdress. No hesitation, no explanation of his abilities, no bothering to allow his opponent to react. It's just point-and-shoot.
  • Combat Pragmatist: When the running Soul Reapers are forcibly split up by their differing abilities to handle the inhospitable Reishi environment as a result of injuries, stamina or strength, Lille decides to take advantage of this opportunity. He sets himself up in a protected location, at a distance, and snipes down any Soul Reaper that gets too isolated.
  • Cold Sniper: While Quincies are primarily long-distance fighters to begin with, Lille Barro has the power to shoot through anything between himself and his designated target, penetrating any substance. To that end, whereas other Quincies use bows and arrows, he uses a modified sniper rifle and picks off his opponents from a much greater distance than other Quincies. True to this trope, he keeps his cool much better than most of his Hot-Blooded comrades, even when an enemy gets within melee range. When sent to deal with the invading Soul Reapers, he opts to conceal himself atop city buildings and pick them off one by one instead of confronting them head-on. This cold pragmatism successfully incapacitates almost all of the lieutenants and forces the Captain Commander to play his hand.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: After Yhwach both revives him and the elites and gains power-ups, Lille demolishes Ōetsu just as effortlessly.
  • De-power: After the Hakkyouken reflects his attack back at him, his body shatters into pieces and falls into Seireitei, reforming as a bunch of giant flamingo-like creatures without his Heiligenschein. While he can still fire highly destructive balls of light, he is no longer intangible and has lost his regenerative abilities.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Zigzagged. Whereas Yhwach was born a demigod (half human, half...whatever the Soul King was), Lille was a Quincy who was gifted his power by Yhwach via his blood - the first ever, no less. As a result, while he's a Quincy (i.e., human), his powers are much closer to divinity than the rest of his kind. It takes a weapon specifically forged to kill gods just to defeat him, and even then it still fails to kill him. That being said, Lille never once acknowledges himself as a god, only his divine messenger.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He is defeated by Nanao Ise, aided by her Captain Shunsui Kyoraku. His Heiligenschein is destroyed which results in him losing his Godlike powers and being drastically weakened. How does he intend to pay Shunsui for the loss of his God powers? By destroying the entire Seireitei of course.
  • Exact Words: Lille explains The X-Axis to Squad Zero as a force that pierces through anything between his gun and his target. Oetsu tries to take advantage of this by positioning himself such that shooting him would also hit Yhwach, but Lille goes for it anyway and Yhwach is unscathed. He then reiterates that The X-Axis pierces anything between his gun and his target, which in this case is Oetsu.
  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: Double Subverted. After he tells Kyoraku that the Sternritter have extensive intel on Soul Reaper abilities, Kyoraku asks him to give him a little info to keep things fair. Lille scoffs at the idea of fights being fair, but doesn't think explaining his power will put him at a disadvantage. He therefore consents to explain the basic gist of his power.
  • Facial Markings: His left eye is always closed and sports a black tattoo in the shape of an encircled saltire cross. If he receives damage three times, this eye opens, transforming the tattoo into a spiritual Quincy cross that activates the full potential of his X-axis power and triggers Vollständig.
  • Fallen Angel: Lille believes to have become this as his fight with Shunsui caused him to lose his wings and Heiligenschein and himself to become a sinner. Also a literal example as he fell from the Royal Realm in the sky into the Sereitei several miles below.
  • Feathered Fiend: The loss of his Godly power causes Lille to transform into a flock of flamingo-esque birds. While considerably weaker, he still towers over most Shinigami and is more than a match for an undead and augmented Kira.
  • The Fundamentalist: Lille seems to consider Yhwach to be God Himself, and views himself as the messenger of God. Therefore, Lille wholeheartedly believes that everything he does in the name of Yhwach's cause is righteous. To him, the Soul Reapers are grave sinners who must be judged and punished. By the time he ascends to Godhood himself, Lille considers everything his enemies do to be unforgivable sins.
  • A God I Am Not: While Lille believes that he is closer to being a God than a human, Lille quickly mentions that he doesn't see himself as a full-fledged God, when actually called one. Lille is 'merely' a messenger of God. The one true God that Lille believes in is Yhwach. Though he admits to Nanao, he doesn't mind being called one.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Even after Kyoraku manages to cut Lille's head off with his Bankai, bypassing his Intangibility in the process, Lille just grows a new monstrous one.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: During their first fight, Oetsu kills Lille by bifurcating him. It doesn't stick, though, courtesy of Yhwach's Auswählen. His fight with Kyoraku and Nanao ends with his left half getting vaporized after the Hakkyouken reflects his Trompete.
  • Holier Than Thou: Thanks to his ascension into something close to godhood, Lille comes to believe that every action against him is a grave sin, even causing him to squint from a bright light, while everything he does is utterly righteous.
  • Holy Halo: Gains one in his Vollständig form named Heiligenschein.
  • Intangibility: One of the abilities granted by his Schrift, 'The X-Axis'. When his normally closed left eye activates, he becomes intangible. In this state, swords pass right through him without causing him any damage. He intentionally keeps his left eye closed to give his opponent a fair fight. When triggered three times, the left eye can remain open which activates his Vollständig.
  • Knight Templar: Lille believes Yhwach to be God Himself, and himself, the first Quincy gifted with power, as His divine servant. As a result, Lille believes that Yhwach's cause is the more righteous and holy one and has no problems with letting the world go to ruin. Lille's mindset in general is like that of a crusader.
  • The Law of Diminishing Defensive Effort: Lille initially sees Nanao's bladeless Hakkyouken as no threat to his intangible body, but puts up an arm to defend himself at the last possible second and is surprised to see it actually get cut and dispersed. He then chastises her for not making that cut count and vows not to let his guard down a second time.
  • Light Is Not Good: Lille in his Vollständig’s second form is a brightly colored Godly being. Lille in this state can generate balls of light to illuminate the entire area and can fire beams of light that will obliterate anything it catches. He uses it to purge sinners. Said sinners also happen to be the protagonistic Soul Reapers.
  • Mask of Sanity: Beneath the veneer of the professional sniper he typically acts in, is a disturbingly zealous Knight Templar who views everything his enemies do is heresy. This becomes more prevalent when he enters his first, but especially his second transformation.
  • More Dakka: His Vollständig grants him four pairs of wings, all of which have three holes. Every hole can fire a shot simultaneously, leaving destruction in their wake.
  • No Mouth: Hasn't got a mouth in his initial Vollständig release.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Lille Barro, like most Quincies, favors getting the job done as quickly as possible. He is pragmatic and serious in his sniping expertise. He goes for head shots and kills his targets efficiently.
  • Off with His Head!: Kyouraku bypasses his Intangibility with his Bankai and takes his head clean off. Lille just grows a new one, albeit more monstrous.
  • Ominous Owl: Once he transforms a second time Lille gains an owl motif and gains several characteristics of owls. This form recalls the bizarre and abstract nature of angels and is rightfully called 'fantastically grotesque'.
  • One-Winged Angel: The third time his left eye opens, his Vollständig "Jilliel" activates, giving him a halo, a cylinder body with no limbs, four pairs of wings, and holes all over his body and wings that produce his X-axis power. A further transformation gives him an owl's head with an elongated neck, deer-like legs, and his original wings and halo. His arm movements can produce a "divine light" attack, and his "Trompete" attack erases a large part of the city. Lille can only be injured or defeated by a weapon that's designed to kill Gods.
  • Our Angels Are Different: He claims that, as the first person to have been bestowed a Schrift upon by Yhwach, he's the latter's best creation, and refers to himself as the messenger of God, with Yhwach being his God. When he is revived by Auswählen, he resembles the popular depiction of an angel, an attractive human dressed in white complete with feathery wings. However, his Vollständig, while retaining some of the Hollywood-angel traits like the wings and halo, is more inspired by the Bible's abstract depictions of God's messengers, creating an alien, inhuman form. His 2nd transformation with an owl's head with an elongated neck, deer-like legs, wings, and halo brings the Abrahamic angelic imagery to mind.
  • Physical God: Lille is the very first Quincy granted a Schrift by Yhwach, and is by far one of the most powerful Sternritters in the Wandenreich, and is able to access a second form of his Vollständig that transforms him into a Transcendent being. He himself states that he is closer to a God than a human. In the end, only a weapon that was specifically designed to kill Gods could hurt him, and even that didn't fully destroy him.
  • Power Makes Your Hair Grow: Inverted; his Vollständig removes his already short hair and leaves him completely bald, with vaguely X-shaped streaks of light covering his head. His second transformation gives him hair, but his form is unrecognizable to his regular form.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: He is the leader of the Schutzstaffel and has the feats to back it up. After Yhwach's Auswählen power-up, he easily defeats Nimaiya, a member of the Royal Guard, and later defeats Captain-Commander Kyoraku, even after Kyoraku enters Bankai. It gets even further pushed once he goes all out with his Jilliel — nothing less than a weapon specifically designed to kill Gods can do him in. And even then he is far from defeated. There is a very strong implication that he's also a case of Asskicking Leads to Leadership, which is why he's the leader of the Schutzstaffel in the first place.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
    • He talks down to Senjumaru, claiming that her surprise is the result of being so weak that she doesn't realize she's lost until it's too late. He also claims that the Soul Palace was already conquered the moment Yhwach stepped into the realm.
    • In a soliloquy, he states that he can pick off the Soul Reapers the way a predator can hunt a herd: due to their differing abilities and injuries, the running Soul Reapers become separated from each other. He later comments on the vulnerability of the remaining survivors, stating that it only takes a single person to break a disciplined formation; Kyoraku promptly stops in an attempt to locate him and is instantly shot. Unfortunately for Lille, Kyoraku has a few tricks up his sleeve.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: Both the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and the Wandenreich believe that Lille perished when Nanao's mirror sword reflected his God's trumpet on him. But unbeknownst to them, he transformed into a bunch of birds.
  • The Scourge of God: He sees himself as Yhwach's divine instrument to punish all sinners.
  • Shout-Out: His Trompete attack is based on the geometric figure known as Gabriel's Horn, which is nicely in line with The X-Axis motif. Traditionally, Gabriel is said to be the angel who will blow the horn to herald the coming of Judgment Day. What does "Jilliel" mean? Judgment of God.
  • The Stoic: Is very calm and calculating as befitting of his status as a sniper. That said... Once he switches on Jilliel and particularly in his second transformation, he turns into a Not So Stoic Large Ham - losing all self-control in favor of revelling in his God-like power.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Even for the standards of the Schrift and outside of them, The X-Axis is an exceptionally powerful ability. First off, its primary usage is an Unblockable Attack that cannot be conveniently dodged. And if triggered thrice, it renders Lille completely intangible. Physical attacks? Useless. Kido? It does absolutely nothing. And after that, if Lille were to be somehow actually injured, he can simply regenerate into a more powerful form that is casually capable of Godlike feats such as city-wide level of destruction. It is very telling that the only way he was defeated at all was due to a very specialized tool specifically meant to deal with the divine.
  • Super Prototype: Lille reveals that he was the first Quincy to ever receive a Schrift from Yhwach, for which he considers himself Yhwach's "masterpiece" and "the man closest to God". The result was a nigh-intangible, absurdly destructive Godlike being who leads an elite squad which includes two fragments of the Soul King. The other Sternritter, who received their Schrifts later, are nowhere near as powerful.
  • Unblockable Attack: The Schrift that Lille was gifted with is called 'The X-Axis'. He aims for the target and releases his attack. However, this doesn't involve anything like "bullets", it simply pierces anything along his line of sight, hence the X-axis. It doesn't matter what comes between him and his target, as any obstacles will simply end up taking the same damage the target takes.
  • Undying Loyalty: Even after Yhwach decided to abandon the Schutzstaffel, performed the Auswählen on them, and was killed and the war ended, Lille still chose to fight against the Soul Reapers in his name.
  • Villain Teleportation: While in his Vollständig, he can warp to any location in his direct vicinity, appearing as a spiraling circle while doing so.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He goes crazy over the loss of his Holy Halo, vowing to utterly destroy Soul Society as revenge for Kyoraku aiding in his defeat, proclaiming that even his death wouldn't be enough to satisfy him.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Lille is under normal circumstances, the most composed and professional of the Schutzstaffel. However, when he undergoes his Vollständig, he slowly begins to become boastful with his religious zealotry while maintaining his stern tone and when he enters his second transformation, all all subtlety vanishes as he loudly proclaims everything is sinful except for himself and his liege.
  • World's Strongest Man: Lille Barro is the very first Quincy to receive power from Yhwach. As a result, Lille became one of the strongest Quincies to ever exist. He is selected by Yhwach to lead his Elite Guard. His Schrift, 'The X-Axis', enables him to pierce anything within his line of sight and become intangible. He can fight toe-to-toe with Shunsui Kyoraku, the new Captain-Commander of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, and can even overpower him when he enters his Quincy: Vollstandig. He is also one of the only two Quincies (the other being Gerard Valkyrie) who can enter into a second form of his Vollstandig, which outright transforms him into a Transcendent Being that can only be injured by a weapon that is stated to kill the divine.
  • "X" Makes Anything Cool: The first of the Sternritter to receive powers from Yhwach, and easily in the running for the most formidable and powerful, is "X".
