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Characters / Guardians, Wizards, and Kung-Fu Fighters, Phobos' Court

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Phobos' Court

The Evil Overlord of Meridian and his nominal supporters and minions, most of whom have their own goals separate from his.
  • Decadent Court: Virtually every member is plotting against Phobos and/or each other.
  • Enemy Civil War: Briefly suffers this when Wong stages his coup, sending his brainwashed Shapeshifters and Lurdens against the Lurdens and Guards still serving Phobos. And then there’s the matter of the fact that Lothar's troops and the nobility's armies are no longer following Phobos' lead.
  • Head-in-the-Sand Management: Except for Servantis, the entire court dedicates itself to securing an iron-fisted rule of Meridian. Actually managing the realm is delegated to the nobility.

     Prince Phobos 
The tyrant who rules Meridian with an iron fist, his lust for power blinds him to everything but victims and assumed threats.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: While a power hungry tyrant like in the cartoon and comics, this story also makes Phobos paranoid and emotionally unstable, which he was not in canon.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: According to Servantis, he was hated long before he seized the throne, merely for existing — many saw him as an unnatural creature that was never meant to exist, others as a danger to the power held by the Escanor line.
  • Ax-Crazy: He hovers on the edges of sanity for much of the story, finally crossing over the line after Wong's failed coup.
  • Bad Boss: Even worse than in canon. To the point that eventually, virtually his entire court has either abandoned him or is actively plotting against him.
  • Broken Pedestal: To Wong, who loses his admiration for the Prince after being tortured by him for failure.
  • The Caligula: Is completely insane, a situation that only gets worse following Wong's failed coup.
  • Character Death: Dies from his injuries shortly after the Final Battle.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Excludes Roberta from his plans to eliminate his servants now that he no longer needs them because, as a "god" he feels that he should reward those who remained loyal and faithful when others turned out to be The Starscream.
  • The Evil Prince: Even more so than in canon, due to his insanity.
  • Evil Versus Evil: In Chapter 24, he faces off with Wong during the latter's coup attempt.
  • Eye Scream: Will gives him a serious poke in the eye during their fight. Later, Jade slashes an eye out altogether.
  • Facial Horror: Jade slashes his face during the Final Battle, costing him an eye, his nose, and a chunk of one cheek.
  • Fatal Flaw: His self-centeredness, paranoia, and quick temper make him such a Bad Boss that in the end, every single one of his allies ends up turning on him.
  • Fisher King: Meridian has been decaying ever since he took over, due to his draining of the world’s energies to make himself stronger.
  • A God Am I: Declares himself a god after stealing Elyon's powers.
  • Groin Attack: During the final battle he gets a blow to the groin.
  • Hate Sink: He is presented with zero redeeming qualities to his reign.
  • Hearing Voices: As a product of his Sanity Slippage after Wong's coup attempt.
  • Hero Killer: Kills Uncle in Chapter 32.
  • Hypocrite: While he is sometimes willing to reward good service, it’s only when it’s of no inconvenience to him. If one of his servants knows things that could endanger his plans, that servant is disposed of in short order.
  • It's All About Me: He is very clear on the fact that as long as he rules Meridian, he doesn't care if all of Meridian suffers. Even before Wong's first failure, he was silently considering taking his dark chi magic for himself after gaining the Heart of Meridian, just because he could.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While it's presented as part of his Bad Boss persona, he has every right to be angry at Wong for turning Jade into a Shapeshifter, as that just inadvertently gave the heroes a powerful new weapon at their disposal.
  • Lack of Empathy: He's only capable of caring for one person, and that's himself.
  • Light Is Not Good: After his theft of Elyon's powers, he's glowing blindingly bright, yet is evil and cruel to the core.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: While his mother was a caring and loving ruler, he only cares about himself and rules with an iron fist.
  • Narcissist: In Chapter 32 when he makes his Whisperer Mooks, they all have a single face: his.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: His mistreatment of Wong causes the latter to turn against him. And later, Lothar and all the Guards go the same way.
  • Not So Invincible After All: After stealing Elyon's powers, Phobos seems unstoppable. However, as the narration notes, all that power doesn't stop him from being made from flesh and bone that can still be injured by the Guardians if they actually manage to land blows.
  • Obviously Evil: As Jade mentally notes, he practically screams with "I'm the bad guy" vibes.
  • Orcus on His Throne: He always stays in his castle, where he can continue to siphon Meridian's energies into himself while leaving fighting the Rebellion and the Guardians to his minions.
  • The Paranoiac: He's convinced that everyone's out to get him… which, thanks to his own actions, ends up actually becoming the case.
  • Pet the Dog: Of all people, Phobos has a moment of this when he spares Roberta because she was the only one of his minions that was loyal, and makes her his new right hand during the climax of Season 1.
  • Reality Warper: Once he steals Elyon's power, he gains the ability to manipulate reality on Meridian, starting with making the Whisperers humanoid Mooks with his face.
  • Self-Made Orphan: He killed his parents in order to seize the throne.
  • Stupid Evil: He is blatantly cruel and power hungry, to the point that he eventually drives away all of his allies.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: He apparently showed signs of his future personality even as a boy.
  • Ungrateful Bastard
    • His reaction to being saved from Wong's coup attempt is to berate his minions for allowing it to happen in the first place.
    • However, he later subverts this when he actually rewards Roberta for being the only minion to stay loyal to him all the way through to the endgame.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Cedric's been playing him like a fiddle for years.
  • Villainous Breakdown: As noted elsewhere, he was already insane by the time the story started, but despite that, he was at least functional. Following Wong's failed coup, however, he completely loses it, to the point he starts hearing voices.
  • Villainous Demotivator: His insanity and cruelty eventually result in all of his minions abandoning or plotting against him.
  • Wanted a Son Instead: Inverted; due to Meridian's matriarchal society, he faced prejudice for being a male heir.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Once he gets Elyon's power, he pulls this on all his minions save Roberta.
  • 0% Approval Rating: Everyone hates him, even his own minions.

A powerful serpent Shapeshifter who serves as Phobos' right hand. He's also Ludmoore's middle brother and mole.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In a case of being an even worse villain than he already was — whereas in canon where he stayed loyal to Phobos throughout Season 1 and only betrayed him at the end of Season 2, here Cedric is manipulating Phobos for his own ends right from the start.
  • Agent Provocateur: Manipulates Phobos into taking the actions he and his brothers want for their Long Game.
  • Badass in Distress: After being knocked out by the collapse of Cavigor, he's captured by the Guardians and turned over to the Rebellion.
  • Birds of a Feather: He and Miranda share a love of books.
  • Blood Knight: Is a fighter first and foremost.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: He's only working with Phobos to further his own goals.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Appears to genuinely love Miranda and his brothers.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: As he states to Miranda in Chapter 25, even he won't kill innocent children just because Phobos doesn't trust them and wants them eliminated.
  • Healing Factor: As a Reptilian Shapeshifter, he has a potent one.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: To Phobos, being much more sane and cunning than the Prince is.
  • Kindness Button: His love of books brings out his best side.
  • Lizard Folk: Turns into a serpent man.
  • The Man Behind the Man: He has spent years manipulating Phobos, acting as the true power behind the throne in order to intentionally fan the unrest on Meridian, as part of his family's master plan.
  • Matricide: In the interests of his family's Long Game. It's implied that his mother was on board with it, and "Epilogue 1" all but confirms it.
  • May–December Romance: His relationship with Miranda, who is at least a decade younger than him.
  • The Mole: For his brother.
  • Related in the Adaptation: To Jonathan Ludmoore, who is his ancestor here.
  • The Starscream: Has been playing Phobos like a fiddle for years for his own agenda, and quickly joins up with Wong in his own planned coup when he discovers it only to betray Wong in order to further his own grip on Phobos.
  • Treacherous Advisor: As Servantis explains it, Phobos only degraded from basic tyrant to The Caligula after Cedric came into his service and started whispering in his ear. And over the years since, he’s continued manipulating Phobos to his own ends.
  • Villain Team-Up: When he learns of Wong and the Tracker's plans to usurp Phobos, he talks them into an alliance only to betray them at a key moment.
  • Wicked Cultured: He and Miranda have a shared love for classic literature.

A spider Shapeshifter, one of Phobos' senior lieutenants, and Cedric's lover.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Turns into a giant spider.
  • Birds of a Feather: She and Cedric share a love of books.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She seems to genuinely be in love with Cedric.
  • Hidden Buxom: Jade suspects this of her, given that Shapeshifters, by default, have human forms that are quite pleasant to the eyes.
  • May–December Romance: Her relationship with Cedric, who is at least a decade older than her.
  • Mook Lieutenant: Serves as a prominent but not first-tier member of Phobos' inner circle. And for a while, after Wong creates his new Shapeshifters she acts as the squad leader, though once he starts plotting against Phobos he phases her out in favor of Roberta, whom he feels is more personally loyal to him.
  • Wicked Cultured: She and Cedric have a shared love for classic literature.

     Daolon Wong 
A Dark Chi wizard from Earth, whose quest for power led him to Meridian, where he became Phobos' Archmage.
  • Adaptational Badass: While strong enough to match Uncle in canon, here he's on a whole other level altogether, making him one of the most powerful magic users in the setting.
  • Ambition Is Evil: He turned to darkness because he wanted the knowledge and power he couldn't achieve as a good wizard.
  • The Archmage: His official position in Phobos' court.
  • Arc Welding: He gained the mouths in his hands (and the ability to extend his life by using them to drain the life-force of others) by cutting a deal with the Jiangshi which the Chans fought in a canon episode.
  • Beam-O-War: Occurs during his Wizard Duel with Nerissa.
  • Broken Pedestal: He admires Phobos until he ends up one the receiving end of one of his punishments. After this, he starts plotting betrayal.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Not always, but he does so when using spells developed by the Demon Sorcerers.
  • Canon Welding: He's gone from being an independent Big Bad in JCA canon to serving Phobos here.
  • Combo Platter Powers: In addition to his own vast magical powers, he also comes into possession of the Pig and Rooster talisman powers.
  • Cruel Mercy: Is on the receiving end of this when Ludmoore decides to let him live after stealing his magic.
  • De-power: He ends up completely stripped of his magic and powers by Ludmoore.
  • Evil Versus Evil:
    • His Wizard Duel with Nerissa in Chapter 22.
    • Chapter 24 sees him stage his long-planned coup attempt against Phobos.
  • Hypocritical Humor: As Nerissa points out, he's in no position to call her old and decrepit.
  • In the Back: Is literally stabbed in the back by Roberta during his attempted coup.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Starts plotting against Phobos after receiving a round of You Have Failed Me torture.
  • Mythology Gag: Ends up with the Rooster and Pig talisman powers, which he came into possession of in canon.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: He turns Jade into a Shapeshifter, which comes back to bite him and the other villains big time.
  • One-Winged Angel: Downplayed. He can enter a transformed state by making his Dark Chi Warriors reenter his staff after some time, which makes his skin turn the same color as theirs, makes one of his eyes go pitch black and the other completely white, and gives him more magic power, which allows him to use very devastating spells originally created by the Demon Sorcerers. However, this form only increases his magical might, not the physical, and its main purpose is to allow him to use the demonic spells without tiring himself to death. Also, it has a downside, since he can only last in this state for as long as his Dark Chi Warriors had been materialized.
  • Really 700 Years Old: His Start of Darkness chapter reveals that he was born at the end of the 15th century.
  • Squishy Wizard: His enhanced state only boosts his magical stamina, not his physical strength.
  • Start of Darkness: His is explored via extensive flashbacks in Chapter 24. He was a student of one of China's premier Chi Masters, until his ambition to gain more power drove him to study Dark Chi, which ultimately twisted his body and mind.
  • The Starscream: He eventually turns on Phobos, planning to steal his power and take control of Meridian.
  • Villainous Friendship: He and the Tracker get along disturbingly well.
  • Villain Team-Up: When he starts plotting against Phobos, he’s joined by his buddy the Tracker, with Cedric talking them into an alliance as well. When these plans fall apart due to Cedric betraying them and he's forced to retreat to Earth, he allies with a Jiangshi in order to regain his lost power.
  • Wizard Duel:
    • He has several with Uncle over the course of the story.
    • He also has one with Nerissa in Chapter 22.
  • Wizards Live Longer: He’s been using magic to extend his life for centuries.

     The Tracker 
The magically reanimated corpse of an ancient Meridianite hero, now in service to Phobos as an enforcer.

A brutish warrior in service to Phobos.
  • Blood Knight: Loves a good fight.
  • I'm Standing Right Here: His internal reaction when a noble calls him a brute and implies he's distrustful, while he's still in the room.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • He flees the fighting at Torus Filney once the rebels break out the guns.
    • He also abandons the big fight in Chapter 32 because it's gotten too chaotic for him.

The Captan of the Guard, until he's framed by the Guardians for treason.
  • Adaptational Heroism: On the show, he was a one-dimensional villain in his first appearance, before becoming a Noble Demon in Season 2 and pulling a Heel–Face Turn in the finale. Here, his later characterization is brought up right from the start.
  • Adaptation Origin Connection: With Caleb and Lothar. Whereas on the show he was merely the former's enemy and was never shown to have interacted with the latter, here he's responsible for the apparent death of Caleb's father and was Lothar's mentor.
  • Adaptational Sympathy: Raythor is made more sympathetic here than he was in his canonical Season 1 appearance, with the heroes quickly feeling guilt for framing him after seeing his fate.
  • Blade Brake: After being thrown into the Abyss of Shadows, he strikes the wall with his sword. His descent is slowed enough for him to take a hold of the wall before the sword eventually breaks, and he starts climbing back up.
  • A Father to His Men: His leadership style. It's part of why Lothar is initially so desperate to avenge him.
  • Frame-Up: As per W.I.T.C.H. canon, he's framed as a rebel spy by the Guardians, leading to him being thrown into the Abyss of Shadows.
  • The Mentor: To Lothar.
  • Parental Substitute: While as noted above he's already A Father to His Men, his relationship with Lothar, in particular, comes across as this.

Raythor's lieutenant, who replaces him as Captain upon Raythor's banishment.
  • Adaptation Origin Connection: On the show, he and Raythor were never even shown interacting. Here, Raythor is his mentor and father figure.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Loses the lower half of his left leg during the Final Battle.
  • Ascended Extra: On the show, he was an incredibly minor character. Here, he has a significantly larger role.
  • Asleep for Days: He sleeps for several days after he's possessed by Uta's mask.
  • Avenging the Villain: He seeks to honor Raythor after he's framed as a traitor by the Guardians and thrown into the Abyss of Shadows. However, after his possession by Uta he has an epiphany regarding how that obsession has been blinding him to his responsibilities, and he moves on.
  • Character Development: He starts out driven by a desire for revenge for what happened to Raythor. He later realizes that this is self-destructive, and moves on.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: After being defeated by the Rebellion, he's recruited to lead the Guard in Elyon's new reign.
  • Demonic Possession: When wearing the Ninja Khan mask, Uta eventually ends up taking control of him.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: He willingly takes on the Ninja Khan mask in order to destroy the Guardians and avenge Raythor. This backfires horribly, as Uta ends up possessing him.
  • A Father to His Men: Aspires to emulate Raythor in this regard.
  • Foil: To Caleb. Both start out utterly convinced that their side is in the right no matter what, but over time have enough Character Development to realize that there's good and bad on both sides.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Eventually getting sick of Phobos' tyranny, he and his troops abandon him and his castle, focusing instead on fighting the Rebels and defend the civilian population of the Capital.
  • Mook Lieutenant: To Raythor, before being promoted to take his place.
  • Mook Promotion: Is appointed as Raythor's successor after he's thrown into the Abyss of Shadows.
  • O.C. Stand-in: As he was little more than a bit character in canon, but has a very large role here.
  • Out-of-Clothes Experience: His epiphanic dream after being freed of Uta's possession has him being chased naked through the Castle.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: In the cartoon, it was implied that Lothar was murdered by the Mage in the late Season 1 episode episode "The Stolen Heart". In this story, he's still alive by the end of Season 1.
  • Token Good Teammate: After he moves past his obsession with avenging Raythor, instead focusing his attention on protecting his men and the civilian population from both Phobos' madness and any actions taken by the Rebellion.
  • Tragic Keepsake: The bracelet that Tynar's son made for him becomes this after Tynar's apparent death.

A Guard who becomes Lothar's lieutenant upon the latter's promotion.
  • Death by Adaptation: He's seemingly killed long before he could make his canon Mook–Face Turn when Cyrus feeds him to Sandpit.
  • The Mentor: To Lothar after Raythor is thrown into the Abyss of Shadows.
  • Mook Lieutenant: Serves as Lothar's second after the latter's promotion to Captain of the Guard.
  • Mook Promotion: Goes from just another Guard to being Lothar's lieutenant.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Even more so than in canon, as he's shown to have a loving family he goes home to when not on duty.
  • Token Good Teammate: He's a decent sort of man, and he does his best to help Lothar become a better person, though he unfortunately doesn't get to see the results.

     Viscount Roderick Servantis 
A senior noble, ruler of Torus Filney, and one of Phobos' closest advisors, he attempts to moderate the Prince's cruelties.

     Viscountess Ishol Servantis 
Servantis' wife.

A peasant boy who volunteers for Wong’s experiments, becoming a scorpion Shapeshifter, out of a desire for revenge on the Rebellion.
  • And Then What?: Jackie is able to talk him down in Chapter 31 asking him this regarding his vendetta for what happened at Carhaiz, pointing out that he'll eventually run out of legitimately guilty people and start hurting innocent ones.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Part of the reason he switches sides is because Elyon is the first person in some time to treat him like a human being.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Jackie is able to talk him into switching sides in Chapter 31.
  • I Owe You My Life: Not directly, but he spares Caleb once, upon realizing that he’s the son of Julian, the man who spared Tristan’s life during the Carhaiz massacre.
    • He later has Blunk pass on the info that Julian is alive.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Initially wants to kill Caleb out of the belief that he was the leader of the Rebellion at the time of the Carhaiz incident.
  • Mook Lieutenant: Serves as a pretty prominent minion, but is outranked by most other members of Phobos' court.
  • Original Character
  • Scorpion People: Turns into a giant scorpion.
  • "You!" Exclamation: In Chapter 26, when he encounters several of the Chan Clan and Guardians in Elyon's bedroom.
  • You Killed My Father: Wants revenge on the Rebellion for his whole village being massacred.

A runaway from Earth who is taken for Wong's experiments, becoming an eagle Shapeshifter.
  • Ambition Is Evil: She wants to gain as much power as possible. Which is how Miranda convinces her to backstab Wong, by offering her more power than he could give her.
  • Bald of Evil: Not completely, but she only has a few clumps of hair in total and works for the Big Bad.
  • Bird People: Turns into a monstrous eagle.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Will serve whoever is in the best position to help her gain power.
  • In the Back: How she ends up betraying Wong.
  • Mook Lieutenant: After Wong starts plotting against Phobos, he puts her in charge of his new army of Shapeshifters.
  • Mook Promotion: Goes from just being another member of the Shapeshifter squad to running it. And eventually becomes The Dragon to Phobos after all his other minions are gone.
  • Original Character
  • The Quiet One: She never speaks.
  • Silent Snarker: Delves into this a few times, like when she gives Phobos a look for forgetting that she can't maneuver well in enclosed spaces.
  • The Starscream: Ironically, she betrays Wong during his own betrayal of Phobos, due to Miranda and Cedric offering her more power.

A runaway from Earth who is taken for Wong's experiments, becoming a crocodile Shapeshifter.
  • Blood Knight: Loves fighting, and is thrilled by the fights that serving Phobos let him be part of.
  • Character Death: Is gunned down during the Battle of Torus Filney.
  • Eye Scream: He gets shot in the eye with an arrow by Aldarn during the Sack of Torus Filney. His Healing Factor regenerates it, but this just makes Aldarn shoot the other eye with an arrow coated in a mold that feeds on the eye's liquids. This he can't fix, so he just rips the whole eye out.
  • Fat Bastard: In his human form. Also counts as Stout Strength.
  • Healing Factor: As a Reptilian Shapeshifter, he has a potent one. It's not enough to save him.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: Turns into a humanoid crocodile.
  • Original Character
  • Spanner in the Works: Serves as this to the rebel attack on Torus Filney, as they weren't expecting him to be there.

     Jordan Johnston 
A runaway from Earth, taken for Wong's experiments, becoming a vulture Shapeshifter.

     Archduchess Galiene Sebille 
Ishol's mother, and one of the most powerful sword masters in Meridian.
  • Awakening the Sleeping Giant: She was happily retired on an out of the way island until the Sack of Torus Filney left her daughter and son-in-law prisoners of the Rebellion, which was enough to spur her to act against them.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Is allowed to live and return home after surrendering so she can maintain order in her territory under Elyon's regime. The threat of Jade's Blood Magic does help with that.
  • Master Swordsman: Is known as the Blade of Meridian for her extreme skill with a sword, which she demonstrates to devastating effect against the Rebel forces she slaughters in her first appearance.
  • Never Mess with Granny: She’s at least 70, but is still one of the most dangerous people on Meridian.
  • One-Man Army: Her introduction has her slaughtering an entire group of armed Rebels entirely by herself.
  • Original Character
  • Worthy Opponent: Views Will as one after she forces Sebille and her allies to yield twice in a single day, the second time using Jade's Blood Magic to demonstrate what would happen if they step out of line. She even swears to make sure that history remember her name, if just to warn future generations of the might of Kandrakar.

A Shapeshifter and old comrade of Cedric's, who serves as co-warden of Cavigor.
  • Facial Horror: His face and neck are heavily damaged, completely exposing his teeth and gums. It's even more disturbing in his tiger form.
  • Horrifying the Horror: He's one of the most powerful fighters ever encountered in the story, and is an absolute beast in combat. But when he realizes that Drago has escaped his cell, he's terrified.
  • Just Toying with Them: Calisto gives Jade the toughest fight she's had since becoming a Shapeshifter, despite the impression that she gets that he's not even trying.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: When Cavigor starts to collapse, he grabs the Shapeshifter kids in his charge and flees, unlike Sidriss, who insists on still fighting.
  • The Nose Knows: Has an incredibly powerful sense of smell, able to detect scents from incredibly far away.
  • Panthera Awesome: He turns into a truly massive tiger.
  • Red Right Hand: His facial wounds.
  • Scars Are Forever: His above-mentioned facial wounds are completely scarred over, which are kept even in his tiger form.
  • Villainous Friendship: Is partnered with Sidriss, and considers Cedric an old friend.
  • The Worf Effect: Gives Jade the toughest fight she's had since she became a Shapeshifter, dominating their fight utterly, despite her getting the impression he's not even trying.

Another old Shapeshifter comrade of Cedric's, and Calisto's co-warden at Cavigor.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Is loud and jovial, and a fierce fighter.
  • Dumb Muscle: While not stupid, she tends not to think things through and gets tunnel-vision on her goals.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her obsession with her duty, to the point that she won't even flee the collapsing Cavigor.
  • A Father to His Men: Cares deeply for the soldiers under her command. Them all being killed when the fortress collapses causes her to swear revenge on the Guardians.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Moves surprisingly fast for her size.
  • Scars Are Forever: Has a scar over one side of her face, which is even present in her elephant form.
  • Villainous Friendship: Is partnered with Calisto, and considers Cedric an old friend.
  • War Elephants: Her alternate form is a massive anthropomorphic elephant.

An amoral Passling who sold out his kind to serve his greed.
  • Cruel Mercy: Rather than kill him for his crimes, the other Passlings exile him from their community.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He's utterly baffled that Blunk helps the Rebellion for free because they're his friends, as he believes that no one cares for Passlings and that money is all that matters.
  • The Exile: For selling other Passlings to Phobos, he's banished from all their settlements.
  • Greed: Even more so than other Passlings, Jeek is driven by his greed.
  • Irony: He states to Blunk that Passlings are all on their own, as no one cares for them. For his crimes, the other Passlings banish him from their settlements, leaving him on his own.
  • Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: Passling law forbids the selling of lives, but Jeek chooses to sell several Passlings to the Underwater Mines for payment.
