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MATA (Meta Advance Tactical Agency) is a secret agency organization from Cyberaya, Malaysia.

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Associated Politicians

    Dato' Othman 
Voiced by: Abu Shafian Abdul Hamid (Malay)
Introduced in the first movie, Dato' Othman is the mayor of Cyberaya and the founder of M.A.T.A..
  • Asshole Victim: Through the construction of his factory, Othman destroyed many slum citizens' houses, including Niki's house, which caused her parents to killed by the building debris. In the present day, he hasn't changed much and he gets almost killed by Niki after she incapacitates him.
  • Bad Boss: Othman is the founder of the M.A.T.A agency. However, he is never shown to be benevolent and always forces the rest of the agents to follow his demands. He even threatens to fire General Rama, Chief Ganz and Chief Dayang and replace them with someone else if they don't follow his orders.
  • Create Your Own Villain:
    • Although Djin became Uno because he felt the chiefs had tried to remove him from M.A.T.A., the comic shows that before he confesses his intention to be the agency's sole chief to Zain, Djin had an argument with Othman due to his refusal to involve himself in Cyberaya's problems just because the Mayor didn't want to waste his money and time to help them.
    • Niki's flashback shows that he instigated her Start of Darkness since his destruction of some slum citizens' houses not only made her lose her parents and result with her having paralysis but also caused other citizens' suffering.
  • Hate Sink: Instead of him being a morally grey person, Othman in one movie is shown to be selfish, arrogant, demanding and Lack of Empathy, which makes it easy to hate his character.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: During his reign, he didn't pay any attention to the criminals of Cyberaya and is also responsible for the slum citizens' suffering and didn't face any real consequences. Thanks to Ali working together with Niki, his wickedness is exposed by Niki and she almost kills him. While he doesn't face arrest, "Post Mission: Neo Logs - Part 2" confirms that he temporarily lost his position as Mayor.
  • Mayor Pain: Othman is an apathetic mayor who is willing to do anything to reach his goals without regards to the consequences.
  • Never My Fault: He refuses to take responsibility for his failures or mistakes that happen to "his" M.A.T.A agents.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: As a mayor, he is often seen in a neat suit and tie.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He is just a secondary character in the series. However, his past actions heavily impact the existence of M.A.T.A. and Niki's Start of Darkness.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Namely, if you are not a slum citizen, you will never know of the suffering he caused them, due to the technological developments he pursues for the sake of Cyberaya overshadowing the truth that it was at the cost of the livelihood of said lower-class citizens.

    Dato' Hisham 
Voiced by: Usamah Zaid Yasin (Malay), Ryan Colt Levy (English)
Introduced in Season 3, Dato' Hisham is the deputy mayor of Cyberaya.
  • Benevolent Boss: He's very considerate and kind to his coworkers unlike his predecessor.
  • Big Good: As the new Cyberaya Mayor, he's both a politician who governs the city as well as the leader of the secret agency that fights terrorists.
  • Establishing Character Moment: He's first introduced attending a supposedly important meeting with MATA chiefs, but arrives late in a casual suit, gives them coffee, and talks about his well-intentioned but bold plans.
  • Red Herring: He was suspected to be the identity of Cero. It was false, as he was simply brainwashed by Nueve to aid the Numeros.
  • Sheep in Sheep's Clothing: He was a mysterious and unusually cheerful successor to the cruel Othman. His actions were suspicious as they would pose high risk and be unconventional. Furthermore, he was a prime suspect of being Cero of the Numeros, pulling the strings behind everyone's backs. As it turns out, he's innocent and a truly good leader. He really does want to help Cyberaya and was unknowingly hypnotized by the Numeros.

M.A.T.A Senior Agents

    General Rama Kheng 

General Rama Kheng

Voiced by: Azman Zulkiply (Malay)
General Rama is a general of the M.A.T.A agency and Alicia's father. Just like his daughter, he is a Neuro agent. He is rarely seen in action like Chief Ganz and Chief Dayang, and only serves as mission control and an informant.
  • Benevolent Boss: Despite his strict demeanor and toughness, Rama is overall a very good and caring General to his underlings . He also acts like a super strict Papa Wolf to the young agents, as if he feels guilty over Rizwan's betrayal, and he is very grateful to Ali for successfully saving his daughter from danger although he used to scold Ali for his certain records and failures.
  • Catchphrase: BERTINDAK SEGERA note 
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He wears a black uniform with a blue shirt. Besides his strict persona, General Rama is a compassionate and caring man.
  • Incoming Ham: He and his "Mamak Maju" gang make quite the entrance in the battle against Niki much like an Indian Superhero with extra hammy-ness, and Alicia can't help but hide her face due to embarrassment. But still, once they take action, it's clearly satisfying to watch.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: General Rama is a genuinely caring and compassionate man. However, due to his status as general, he acts very strict and is little bit of a jerk, even to his own daughter.
  • Manly Facial Hair: His mustache resembles with a generic fictional Indian superhero. The movie and other releases such as Mission: Juang (Fight) would bring this resemblance further in his scenes of action.
  • Mission Control: He rarely joins battles or missions aside from giving the commands and explaining missions to the Agents.
  • Tough Love: General Rama clearly cares for and loves his daughter. Because of this, he decided to forbid Alicia from going on some dangerous mission even though she was already fully trained since she was very young. However, this caused Alicia to feel underestimated by him and feel like the Un Favorite due to General Rama seeming to put more trust in Ali than his own daughter. Mission:Neo confirmed that Alicia is his adopted daughter due to her parents having already passed away, so it makes sense why Rama is very protective of her.

    Agent Jenny Woo 
Agent Jenny Woo was a senior Techno agent who worked as a quartermaster to provide many gadgets for agents. She turs out to be The Mole from Numeros and her codename is Cinco. Click here for her entry.

    Agent Karya 
Voiced by: Usamah Zaid Yasin (Malay), Anthony Sardinha (English)
Agent Karya is a senior Inviso agent of M.A.T.A and one of the main mentor agents.
  • Ambiguous Situation: As a teacher in Ali and Alicia's school, Karya is called Mr. Bidin. It's unknown whenever "Bidin" is truly his last name or his undercover civilian name.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Karya's appearance is heavily influenced by modern magic performers. His abilities in battle are also similar to magic tricks, using card projectiles as one of his weapons and being able to hypnotize his targets.
  • Blatant Lies: In Mission: Alpha, he announces that school was dismissed early due to haze. Even though Mrs. Munah knows there was no haze, she chooses not to care and lets her students go back home anyway without asking him.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Karya makes a voice-only cameo in season 1 as a school announcer under the name "Mister Bidin", supposedly as one of the teachers in Ali and Alicia's school in episode Mission: Alpha. He then makes his full appearance in episode 1 of season 2.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: Karya can hypnotise his targets by removing his sunglasses to look into their eyes with his silvery glowing stare.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: After Rizwan is seen together with one of the Numeros agents, Karya suggests catching and killing Rizwan as punishment.

    Agent Geetha 
Voiced by: Shara Kirby (English)
Agent Geetha is a senior Techno agent of M.A.T.A and one of the main mentor agents.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Geetha is a nice woman. However, as stated by Bulat, she is scarier than Agent Leon when she gets mad.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Heavily downplayed. She is still fairly attractive in the present. But comics displaying flashbacks showed that she used to be a very cute young woman (even more than Jenny) with short black hair.
  • Only Sane Woman: Geetha disagrees with Agent Karya's opinion that they need to kill Rizwan as punishment for his betrayal.
  • Team Mom: Geetha deeply cares for the other young M.A.T.A agents. She even suggests the other mentors to watch them after Ali's incident in Mission: Return, and begs to Uno to not hurt them after being overwhelmed by the Numeros.

    Agent Leon 
Voiced by: Muhammad Zulhilmi (Malay)
Agent Leon is a senior Neuro agent of M.A.T.A and one of the main mentor agents.
  • The Napoleon: Leon is shorter than the rest of the M.A.T.A Senior Agents, but he is the Stern Teacher.
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: He used to be this in past, much to Bakar and Karya's annoyance.
  • Stern Teacher: Leon is a very strict mentor, and doesn't hesitate to scold Ali when he fails his training session for the second time due to his selfishness.
  • Stoic Spectacles: Agent Leon is the only senior agent who wears glasses, and he is shown to be stoic, tough and calm.
  • The Strategist: As a Neuro agent, he has great skills in gaining information and as a master strategist.

    Chief Zain 
Chief Zain is the leader of the Neuro Pillar, who used to be Chief Djin's rival in the past.
  • All-Loving Hero: Although Zain knew about Othman's immorality, he didn't hate him. Instead he kept being patient and focused on his mission to protect innocents within the city. After his rival became Uno, a Big Bad who tried to Take Over the City, Zain still believed that he could pull a Heel–Face Turn and make peace with M.A.T.A.
  • The Atoner: He feels that Djin's betrayal and becoming Uno was the fault of the chiefs, who failed to make him work together with the other chiefs to be protectors of Cyberaya and instead let him act selfishly, leading to him becoming obsessed with gaining the title of leader and super agents for his own. So, he decides to train and motivate Ali personally to avoid the same thing from happening in the future.
  • Badass Teacher: Aside from being the Neuro Pillar chief, he is also Ali and Alicia's secret mentor.
  • Badasses Wear Bandanas: Wear one both in past and currents.
  • Dented Iron: Averted. He still badass agents despite his age and able to fight alone Uno and the other Numeros agent all alone by himself.
  • A Father to His Men: Zain is very caring towards the young agents, especially to Ali and Alicia. Losing him in the last battle heavily impacts both of them.
  • Foil: To Djin, his fellow Pillar Chief — They were both figures who were respected by many young agents and both specialised in close-range combat. Beside their differences in morality, both Djin and Zain were determined to protect and change the city for Cyberaya citizens. However, Djin's hatred towards Othman drove him to be narcissistic and to believe that he is the rightful leader of M.A.T.A. Zain on the other hand, although he knew Othman's morality, didn't hate him and kept trying to be a protector of innocents within Cyberaya.
  • Good Counterpart: Although he serves as a Foil to Djin who is also known as Uno, Zain's character is essentially if Dato' Othman was a good leader and responsible person.
  • Sacrificial Lion: He pulls a Heroic Sacrifice to save the other agents from the explosion in Academy and to stop Uno from killing Ali. Zain orders Alicia to use PROTOCOL: GEGAS to leave him behind and save the others, resulting in him being killed in action along with his former rival, Uno/Djin.

    Chief Ganz and Chief Dayang 
The respective leaders of the Combat Pillar and the Techno Pillar who are often seen together.
Dayang Voiced by: Aina Nadzir (Malay), Rogin Rashidan (English)
Ganz Voiced by: Shafiq Isa (Malay)

  • The Big Guy: Chief Ganz is the Combat pillar chief, an Afro Asskicker and the toughest among the rest of the chiefs.
  • Guys Smash, Girls Shoot: Dayang is a Long-Range Fighter who uses her five floating miniature sphere gadgets that form an Orbiting Particle Shield in battle, while the rest of the chiefs prefer short range combat with their own specialties in martial arts and swordsmanship.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Chief Ganz is known to be tough and undoubtedly intimidating, but is still respectful towards others.
  • Secret-Keeper: Justified. Dayang knew Ali could have been another relative of another agent aside from Bakar, who turns out to be none other than Ali's late mother, Aliya, because she was the one who recruited those agents.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: Both in the past and present, Chief Ganz's Combat Agent suit are sleeveless.

    Agent Fit and Agent Bobby 
Fit Voiced by: Megat Zahrin Megat Hisham (Malay), Gavin Yap (English)
Bobby Voiced by: Ahmad Sufian Mazilan (Malay)
Fit (left) and his student Bobby (right)
The two agents who become the first users of IRIS NEO as its beta-testers. Fit is a Techno agent while Bobby is an Inviso agent.
  • Battle Boomerang: Bobby's main weapon.
  • Butt-Monkey: Fit constantly gets beaten by Ali and ignored by Bakar when he was defeated.
  • Closest Thing We Got: Following Rizwan's apparent betrayal, Fit and Bobby are shown to have taken the role of MATA's go-to top agent.
  • Implausible Boarding Skills: Bobby has skateboarding skills, as shown by the chase scene with Ali.
  • Ironic Name: Played for Laughs. Despite his name is Fit and physically sturdy, he constantly gets beaten by Ali.
  • The Poorly Chosen One: They are the first people to be chosen to be users of IRIS Neo, a gadget which was supposed to be superior to the original IRIS. Although they are competent agents, they're no match for Ali, who used the original IRIS and is now able to fully control the Override Mode.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Their student-mentor relationship mirrors that of Rizwan and Djin if Djin hadn't pulled his Face–Heel Turn and became Uno. It also somewhat mirrors Ali and Rizwan's relationship, before the latter became a Fake Defector, except their pillars are switched.

    Mamak Maju gang 
The True Companions gang of General Rama, they are Rahul, Razman and Rajesh.
  • Chef of Iron: All of them work in "Mamak Maju", a twenty-four-hour restaurant, while they are not on missions.
  • Cool Uncle: They are involved in taking care of Alicia. Since Rama became her adopted father, the rest became her uncle figures and all of them are very doting over her which sometimes embarrasses Alicia.
  • Cultured Badass: They own an Indian-food restaurant and are shown to have mastered making said food while singing Indian songs. And they are all still badass agents.
  • Doting Parent: More like doting uncles. They are very affectionate and caring for Alicia, maybe a bit too much for her liking.
  • Edible Bludgeon: Played With. Rajesh and Razman utilize dough and coffee mugs as weapons, which are completely edible, but disguise their real weapons which are kitchen rings and daggers.
  • Good Counterpart: To Wak Musang. Both run a food business as their cover while assisting MATA or the Numeros and utilize food-based codewords. Rahul, however utilizes codewords that aren't likely to be ordered by civilians by accident.
  • Incoming Ham: They make a grand entrance in the battle against Niki much like an Indian Superhero with extra hammy-ness, and Alicia can't help but hide her face due to embarrassment. But still, once they take action, it's clearly satisfying to watch.
  • I Was Quite the Looker: Rahul used to have a full head of hair in the past.
  • Theme Naming: Each member's first name starts with "Ra-"
  • This Cannot Be!: After they witness Ali and Alicia arguing and Ali ends up rudely calling her out, Rahul wants to hit Ali with a spatula out of anger. Razman and Rajesh stop him before he could.
  • Token Minority: Downplayed. Razman also Malay-Indian just like the others. However, judging from his name and his character it's implied he is the only Muslim member of Mamak-Maju.

    Previous Super Agent (Spoiler Alert!!)
Voiced by: Salina Salmee Mohd Ali (Malay), Shara Kirby (English)
Aliya is Ali's mother, older sister of Agent Bakar, and Dr. Ghazali's wife. In the movie, it is revealed that she is the creator of IRIS and the original "Super Agent".
  • The Ace: She used to be M.A.T.A's "Super Agent" and was a Gadgeteer Genius since her teens. Footage of one of her videos showed that she can overpower her fellow Ace Rizwan, who was Djin's favorite student, at their sparring.
  • Action Girl: Even before she was recruited by M.A.T.A, Aliya is shown to be a good fighter when she faced the Pillar chiefs.
  • All-Loving Hero: In her past, she used to be a M.A.T.A agent, and is also known to be a very selfless, brave and kind-hearted woman.
  • Battle Tops: Her main weapon is a spinning top, popularly known in Malaysia as "gasing", modified for combat use.
  • Cool Big Sis: She is Bakar's older sister. While she is not very strong physically, Aliya is shown to be laid-back, nice, confident and brave, which inspired Bakar to become like her.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: She died due to overexertion from Override Mode, resulting in her suffering brain damage and leaving noticeable black veins around her head.
  • Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: Aliya is a gentle and nurturing woman and a tough Action Girl, as well as the Super agent and Gadgeteer Genius of M.A.T.A.
  • Hero of Another Story: Long before she was recruited as a M.A.T.A agent, she and Niki were the "heroines" who saved helpless people in the slums of Cyberaya. One of their heroic actions was bringing a synthetic heart for an old lady named Mak Nyah.
  • The Lost Lenore: Her death has a huge impact on her husband, Dr. Ghazali, who becomes emotionally distant as a result.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Her "data" inhabits an "I.R.I.S Dimension" and becomes the Guardian Entity of the original I.R.I.S and appears less robotic. It's still vague if it's Aliya's spirit inhabiting through the I.R.I.S Data or it's just her holographic program.
  • Posthumous Character: She passed away before the first season started.
  • Sickly Green Glow: Subverted. Her tops were shown to glow green when a flashback made it appear Aliya was a criminal. Later it was revealed she was Just Like Robin Hood, making her less immoral and eventually turned to the good side upon becoming a M.A.T.A agent.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Being a Posthumous Character, she only appears in flashbacks. Her death has a big impact on both her husband and her son. Dr. Ghazali became a depressed man who shifted his focus from his family to his job, resulting in Ali being lonely and feeling neglected by him. This impacts his studies too where he became a demotivated, lazy student who only prefers playing video games. ,In MISSINON:NEO, it's revealed that she is the creator of I.R.I.S and used to be a Techno agent of M.A.T.A. She was killed in action on her mission along with another chief where she pulled a Heroic Sacrifice to use Override Mode to prevent missiles from blowing up the city. As a result, the Chiefs agreed to stop the IRIS Program in order to prevent anyone from facing the same fate.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Before Alicia become the next winner in MATA Arena, Season 3 shown that she was the only female of M.A.T.A.'s top agents who ever win in MATA Arena.
  • Walking Spoiler: Her picture above and everything about her life before her death is revealed in the Movie.

Young Agents of M.A.T.A Training Academy

    In General 

Young Agents of M.A.T.A. Training Academy

They are the characters who made their debuts in the first episode of season 2. All of them were recruited to become the next generation of M.A.T.A agents to protect Cyberaya in the future.
  • The Ace: Ali (Tekno), Alicia (Neuro), Iman (Kombat), Rudy (Inviso) are often treated as the best agents of each pillar. They are the last remaining combatants in the final battle of Season 2, who also took part in defeating Uno. These 4 were also the only ones in their class to reach the final obstacle of the gauntlet challenge in Season 3. In the Arena, they also have the highest scores out of their classmates, with Ali and Alicia being near the top overall.
    • Ali and Alicia also place in the top 4 in the arena.
  • Affirmative Action Girl: Season 2 starts to introduce many young female M.A.T.A agents, namely Moon, Roza, Iman and Mika.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Niki controls them along with the other M.A.T.A agents via IRIS Neo.
  • Dwindling Party: They are slowly eliminated by batch in the MATA Arena of Season 3. Only Ali and Alicia remain in the end.
  • Flanderization:
    • Moon's one-off gag about going mad has become a recurring trait of hers.
    • After Rudy was shown stealing for food, he is shown to be eating often, usually for comedic purposes.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: Because Rizwan has doubts about M.A.T.A, and Comot isn't a human, the Inviso agent of Ali's group cycles between Moon, Zass, and Rudy. So far it's only limited to Inviso for Ali, since Rama thought his underperformance in training required him to remain with Alicia and Bakar.
  • High Collar of Doom: Subverted. Although some of them wear high-collared spy suits, none of them are evil. Not even Rudy.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Even though they act very rude towards Ali by bullying and underestimating him due to his screw-up in episode Mission:Return, Rudy, Roza, Mika, Chris and Jet have good points. The senior M.A.T.A agents along with Alicia kept Ali in the dark with regards to their secret mission because of his tendency to be reckless and to safeguard the I.R.I.S. Due to Ali's curiosity however, he demanded to Iman, Khai and Moon follow their mission, believing he could help them. However, Ali didn't know that the exact aim of the mission was to capture Dos who was, without the agency's knowledge, released by Rizwan on purpose. As a result, Ali unwittingly activated Override Mode and went berserk, accidentally injuring the others after seeing Rizwan's "betrayal". Instead of Ali realising his failure, he kept blaming I.R.I.S' Override Mode, which made them believe Ali is nothing but an arrogant weakling who kept trying to be right.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Jet's name is a reference to his jetpack gadget and flight ability.
    • "Bulat" means round, which is a nod to his character shape or to his puzzle balls.
    • Moon's don't have light but reflect the sun's, like how Moon's holograms aren't actually her but light projections.
    • Zass is an onomatopoeia of his fast speed.
    • Rudy sounds like "rude", a lot like his personality.
    • Iman can mean "faith" or "believe", fitting for her trustworthy and reliable personality.
    • Mika is a pun on Mecha, like her combat gear.
    • Chris is a play on "kris", a bladed weapon he uses.
  • Older Than They Look: Downplayed. While Zass and Roza look noticeably older, everyone else appears to be around the same age as Ali and Alicia. Misi: Buru reveals everyone is already in high school while Ali and Alicia are in elementary. Given how Ali is 12, while their eldest is around 15, they're all older but not by a big margin.
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: They are all featured in the opening intro for Season 3.
  • Put on a Bus: Zass and Iman were absent from the movie.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: In Mission: ATLAS, after Ali successfully created ATLAS that can help the other agents, he is welcomed back by the others, especially Roza, Mika, Jet and Chris, with exception of Rudy.
    • In Season 3, they're all on Ali's good side unless he does something reckless. The very group that bullied him was also the same one who defended Ali when he got bullied by other international agents.
  • Tyke-Bomb: These young agents consist of pre-teen children from age 12 until 15 years old, to be trained as M.A.T.A agents, so they can protect Cyberaya from any threats.
  • Uncertain Doom: Discussed in Season 3. After the eliminations of Jet, Moon and Bulat, the remaining agents talk about what will happen to them. Since elimination means expulsion from MATA, a secret organization, they have speculated whether those kicked out will have their memories erased or be "eliminated". Episode 10 reveals they are all alright with their memories in tact.



Voiced by: Syahrul Matnizam (Malay), Aaron Phillips (English)

You don't know everything about Djin!

  • Always Someone Better: Even Alicia admitted she was not sure if she was able to defeat him.
  • Ambiguously Bi: In season 3, when Kim cheers for him, he blushes, but has the same reaction when Ali compliments him in an earlier episode.
  • Anime Hair: Has a similar hairstyle like Djin when he was young, but spikier than his.
  • Big Eater: He can be seen eating a lot more than his classmates, even secretly stealing food from Jet.
  • Bully Turned Buddy: He goes from a bully to one of Ali's close friends. While still cold, he means well and diverts some of his bad behavior to avenging Ali from his new bullies.
  • Byronic Hero: Rudy is known to be a very cold, cynical, rude and arrogant young agent who idolizes Chief Djin and adopted all his skills and ideals to become one of the great agents, which makes him refuse to believe that Chief Djin, now known as Uno, is their biggest enemy who leads evil agents named Numeros. Even though he is now convinced that Djin was Uno all along, he doesn't join his side and keeps his goal to become the greatest M.A.T.A agent besides his cynical attitude.
  • Demoted to Extra: He was the most story-relevant Young Agent of Season 2, but becomes a smaller supporting character in the third season.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Rudy is on the side of M.A.T.A, but he is not very nice and a huge jerk.
  • Heartwarming Orphan: While not good to both Ali and Alicia, he seems to have good relations with the other young agents. His flashback alludes to him being an orphan, as he initially was a Street Urchin pickpocket before encountering Djin.
  • Hero-Worshipper: After being saved by Djin, he became fascinated with his skills and almost worshipped him as his protector, wishing that one day he can become as strong as him.
  • In the Hood: His standard agent uniform. It also functions as a device for disguises. He also wears a hooded shirt in his civilian outfit.
  • Ironic Echo: He tells Ali to not mess around with him or bad mouth Agent Djin since he "doesn't know everything about him". This is ultimately backfires him after he learns the truth about Djin.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: For an ally of the protagonists, he is a big jerk. Rudy not only underestimates Ali for his Beginner's Luck as a M.A.T.A agent, but also Alicia just because she defended Ali and believes she uses her status as General Rama's daughter to accept and forgive Ali's mistakes. When Alicia challenges Rudy in their training and promises they would quit M.A.T.A if they lose, he eagerly accepts it and tells them that he can't wait for them to be kicked out. Even though Ali was proven to be right about Uno and Agent Djin's true identity and already created a useful gadget for M.A.T.A, he still keeps his bitterness and dislike of Ali. However, Rudy is not evil and he still on M.A.T.A side to protect the innocents. In season 3, while he is still shown to be rather cold, he's now on friendlier terms with Ali giving him advice and help on some occasions.
  • Master of Disguise: Much like Rizwan, his suit is also programmed to disguise him without anyone noticing.
  • Meaningful Name: Rudy is rude.
  • Pet the Dog: While Rudy has still not mellowed, at least he gives Ali some encouragement to not give up or underestimate his abilities as an agent.
  • Shadow Archetype: Although not a villain, he fits this with Ali and Alicia.
  • Situational Sword: Despite being a powerful tool for stealth and deceit, Rudy's Camo Suit is only useful during group fights because he not only needs to disguise himself as an enemy, but teammates to distract others from his disappearance. He can't disguise himself as an ally of the enemy to trick them if he's fighting only one opponent. He was able to use it in the fight against (only) Uno by pretending to be Ali, but it puts himself at risk as he uses himself as bait. His suit is also useless in non-combat scenarios, like a race.
  • Street Urchin: His flashback showed that he lived in the streets prior to being a M.A.T.A Agent. After Djin saved him from Komeng and witnessed Rudy's skill and determination, Djin praised him and offered him to join M.A.T.A.
  • Strong and Skilled: Currently, he is the most skilled young M.A.T.A agent that can rival or equal with Alicia.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: After Alicia became more of an ally to Ali and more of a comically serious character, Rudy takes the role of Stock Shōnen Rival from her.
  • When He Smiles: Unlike Alicia and the other serious young M.A.T.A agents, it is extremely rare to see him genuinely smile. But in the promotional video MISSION: RAYA '18 where the young agents celebrated Eid Al-Fitr in the Academy for him, he finally showed his smile to them.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Despite rivaling Alicia, he was kicked during the second elimination while Alicia made it to the finals in the MATA Arena. He was once in the Top 5, but his injuries during the Cyberscience attack made him unable to earn any more points to stay in the game and to compete at all.



Voiced by: Ain Hafizah (Malay), Francesca Monet Calo (English)

  • Baby Of The Bunch: She's 10 years old, younger than even Ali, and the youngest agent at the academy.
  • The Cutie: She is sweet, energetic and a lovable young agent.
  • Drives Like Crazy: In the episode Mission: Atlas, she chases a mook in a construction vehicle, Laughing Mad all the while.
  • Fragile Speedster: While not so physically strong, do not ever underestimate her speed, since she is an Inviso agent of M.A.T.A who specialises in getting out of sticky situations. Her ability to make hologram duplicates of herself also aids in confusing the enemy to get the upper hand.
  • Genki Girl: Unlike most young female M.A.T.A agents who are usually calm and serious, Moon is full of energy and a cheerful girl.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: She is often seen together with Iman.
  • Informed Flaw: Rudy states that he thinks Moon does not know how to cover up her tracks, which is an essential skill that must be mastered by Inviso agents, implying that she can turn invisible. However, we never see any of her skills aside from her being able to make holographic clones.
  • Me's a Crowd: Her suit is programmed to duplicate herself and create perfect clones of her for distractions. Even in her first introduction, she uses this to introduce herself to Ali.
  • Nightmare Face: Played for Laughs.
  • Self-Duplication: Her holographic suit is able to help her to create clones of herself.
  • Smurfette Principle: As of season 3, she is the only known female Inviso agent.



Voiced by: Khairul Anwar Suwandi (Malay), Khoi Dao (English)
No More Mr. Naisu Khai
  • Catchphrase: Naisu.note 
  • Easily Forgiven: Subverted. He is still hurt after the accident accidentally caused by Ali's Override Mode which hurt him and damaged his R-O. After Ali succeeded to repair R-O, he quickly thanks him and helped him to create ATLAS.
  • Forbidden Friendship: While he and Ali are close friends, they are both part of the Tekno pillar which prevents them from being assigned together on missions and training exercises. It's mostly Played for Laughs.
  • Nerd Action Hero: Khai is the only young M.A.T.A agent who wears glasses and specializes in hacking and observing.
  • Playful Hacker: With his knowledge on robotics, he can aid his comrades by hacking some technology with the help of R-O, whether it be for the purpose of missions or just because.
  • Robot Buddy: Has a small wheeled friend named R-O, courtesy of his father who saved the money to buy the AI chip to make him.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Unlike Moon and Iman who had no choice but to leave Ali due to his failure, Khai straight-up blames Ali for accidentally destroying his R-O and furiously rejects his offer to help repair R-O.
  • Took a Level in Badass: His new upgrade for R-O allows it to turn into a suit with mounted blasters, allowing Khai to be a destructive force.
  • Two Girls and a Guy: Khai is often seen with Moon and Iman.


  • Beware the Quiet Ones: While he is quiet and rather friendly, he is shown to be a highly aggressive fighter. Even without weapons.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: He is an exceptional Inviso agent with great combat ability and experienced at utilizing his high speed. However, he is often seen slacking around and being rather laid-back.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Most likely called Zass due to the sound he makes when performing his Super-Speed run.
  • Fragile Speedster: Much like Moon, he is insanely agile and has super speed, which helps make enemies unaware of his presence. But he can still get easily knocked out by the enemies if he loses focus or concern.
  • Headphones Equal Isolation: Downplayed. He wears headphones and doesn't talk, but he isn't a loner.
  • Nice Guy: While he never speaks to the others, Zass is proven to be nice and compassionate. He is also one of the few young Agents who never appears to hate Ali for his senseless failure in the episode Mission: Return.
  • Sole Survivor: He is the last remaining Inviso Agent in the M.A.T.A arena as Moon was eliminated while Aleks and Rudy were dropped due to sustaining injuries. Unfortunately, he too was later dropped alongside them the following episode, having one of the four lowest scores.
  • The Speechless: Zass has no voice actor. According to Moon and throughout the series, Zass never speaks and only uses gestures. It's unknown if he is mute or if he just rarely speaks.



Voiced by: Salina Salmee Mohd Ali (Malay), Rogin Rashidan (English)
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Iman is very beautiful, and is also shown to be one of the nicest and most polite young agents.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Iman is a Nice Girl and very polite. However, she is a master of the Wushu arts since she is the daughter of a Wushu master. In battle, she is a tough and fierce fighter. In the battle against Uno, she is one of the female young agents who stands out along with Alicia.
  • Foil: To Mika, another young female Combat agent. Both she and Mika are skilled in martial arts. Mika is a tough tomboyish girl who has a very boyish appearance while Iman is a beautiful, soft-spoken girlish girl. Mika is one of many young agents who joined in bullying Ali due to his senseless failure, but Iman never bullied Ali even though she was one of those physically hurt in the accident.
  • Gender-Blender Name: For a Girly Girl like her, Iman, in some Muslim cultures, is a male name.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Played With: Her hair is black, as shown by her eyebrows, but her hijab is always shown to be a golden yellow in her suit, casual clothes, and school uniform. She also very kind and compassionate. It's seen best when Ali is ostracized for his mistakes, as Iman would avoid picking on him and even be on his side.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Often seen together with Moon. In Season 3, she's seen to be close with Kim after Moon's elimination
  • Improbable Weapon User: Iman's shawl is fitted with a rope dart that can be used for striking enemies. The shawl's lengthy fabric is used as a lasso to entwine opponents in battle and as a rope to swing.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Iman's flail possesses explosive power upon impact and she is very agile and quick on her feet too. While she's not wearing heavy armor like Mika or Bakar, Iman can take a lot of punishment and keep going in a fight.
  • Moveset Clone: Iman gains access to Rudy's disguise when temporarily switched to the Inviso pillar.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: She wears a long yellow shawl which merges with her hijab. Its length is equipped with a Meteor Hammer at the end, and swinging it around makes it impactfully bounce off enemies, causing them to rebound.
  • She-Fu: Iman is a master of Wushu just like her father.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She is the girly girl to both Moon and Mika.
  • True Blue Femininity: Iman is a beautiful and feminine Combat Agent, who sport blue in their outfits.



Voiced by: Syuhadah Hysham (Malay), Anne Yatco (English)
  • Cold Sniper: Sniper motif? Check. Stoic, no-nonsense personality? Check.
  • Good Is Not Nice: While she is rather humble, Roza constantly gives sharp comments with no social filter.
  • Hidden Depths: Roza enjoys camping and knows how to pitch a tent by herself without any problems.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Although it doesn't result in her death, Roza willingly endangers her own life to save a young boy in Cyberscience from falling debris. This results in Roza being so badly wounded that she needs to be rushed to hospital to receive urgent treatment.
  • Humble Heroine: Besides being very no-nonsense, she still keeps her cool and always remains calm.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Roza is somewhat rude and very no-nonsense, much like Rudy. However, Roza is shown to be very compassionate and welcomes Ali back after his success in creating ATLAS and saving the others.
  • Long-Range Fighter: Roza's specialty in battle, since she uses a sniper rifle.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Aside her nasty treatment towards Ali and always giving sharp comments, she is still accepting towards him to return as a M.A.T.A agent and cares for her other comrades.
  • Spy Catsuit: Roza wears a black tight suit with yellow linings.
  • Sweet Tooth: Roza often chews gum when during their missions and their training, to help her focus.
  • Those Two Girls: Her and Mika. They are pretty much the closest with each other.



Voiced by: Fikri Zainal/Mohammed Haziq Hilmy (Malay), Christian Banas (English)
  • Foil: To Khai. Both of them are the son of builders and depend on the technology given by their fathers to make them become M.A.T.A agents (R-O to Khai and the Jetpack to Jet). While Khai is friendly, compassionate and a Nice Guy to Ali, Jet is arrogant and prideful, as he is one of the young M.A.T.A agents, along with Rudy, who started mocking and bullying Ali.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He is not fully a jerk like Rudy and Roza, but Jet is very confident, arrogant and also underestimates Ali for his Beginner's Luck too. However, Jet is a genuinely friendly Big Fun boy toward the others, and still accepts Ali after he successfully creates ATLAS.
  • Jet Pack: His main gadget as a M.A.T.A Neuro agent is a rocket-propelled pack on his back that even has airplane wings.
  • Punny Name: A boy named Jet who has a Jet Pack as his main gadget as an agent.
  • Two Girls and a Guy: The only guy of the young Neuro M.A.T.A agents academy, the girls are Roza and Alicia.



Voiced by: Iqbal Mustaqim
  • But Not Too Foreign: As stated by his voice actor (Iqbal Mustaqim), Chris is a Caucasian person who has an interest in eastern culture. Given that he has Kelantanese dialect and is also a Muslim, it's unknown if he has mixed ancestry or he just moved to Cyberaya with his family.
  • Flat Character: The only one of Rudy's gang who has little characterization. The only thing we know about him is that he is close with Rudy, that he joined him in bullying Ali and that he is Caucasian.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: He has blue eyes and is involved in bullying Ali.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Although little is known about his character, the series seems to show that Chris is a jerk when bullying Ali, but not a total jerk like Rudy and Roza. He is accepting of Ali after he successfully creates ATLAS.
  • Punny Name: His name, "Chris", sounds like the type of knife he uses, the "keris".
  • Token Minority: The only Caucasian in the bunch.
  • Two Girls and a Guy: The only guy of the young Combat agents of M.A.T.A academy, the others are the girls Mika and Iman.
  • Weak, but Skilled: His Plasmakris lack the powerful impact of Mika's armored punches or Iman's flail, but his skill in Silat allows him to maneuver his weapons around in ways that can disarm opponents leaving them vulnerable.



Voiced by: Shafiqah binti Zulkefli (Malay), Anjali Kunapaneni (English)
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Despite clashing and quarreling with Chris often, she is deeply concerned and enraged when Rizka injured him in the Arena.
  • The Big Gal: Mika is tomboyish and a tough girl who comes from the Combat pillar, whose agents specialise is in tough short-range combat.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Mika's fighting style is rougher and tougher than Iman's. In the comics, Mika is shown to happily give a tight hug to her fellow female agents.
  • Handicapped Badass: Mika was born with a nerve disease that causes disability in her legs resulting in paralysis and the inability to walk. But it didn't stop her from becoming one of the great young M.A.T.A agents. Season 3 confirmed even without the help of her wheelchair, Mika shows her true strength by weightlifting.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Turns out, her suit just helps her stand and walk and she's incredibly strong even without the gauntlets.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Mika is serious and somewhat intimidating. But she still has a genuine warm side and later accepts Ali to be part of the Academy again.
  • Lady Looks Like a Dude: Mika has a very boyish appearance with dark brown skin and a Boyish Short Hair style. Some fans mistook her for a boy.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Just like Roza, which is probably why she is good friends with her. Also, Mika is the rare tomboyish version of this trope.
  • Super-Strength: When Rizka mocks Mika's strength, which she believes comes from her robotic wheelchair, Mika pridefully shows her true strength by weightlifting an 160kg dumbbell with her arms.
  • Super Wheelchair: Mika owns a special wheelchair that can transform into a mecha-suit to help her in battle.
  • Those Two Girls: Her and Roza. They are pretty much the closest with each other.



Voiced by: Muhammad Aqil/Fadhli Shafian (Malay), Anthony Sardinha (English)
  • Difficult, but Awesome: His Rubik's spheres. While they require time to set up, they have been shown to be one of the most versatile pieces of technology in-universe.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means round, referring to his plump body shape and his Rubiks spheres.
  • Nice Guy: He seems to be accepting towards either side if they want to include him in their training sessions. Even though he's one of the ones who asked Ali why he damaged Khai's R-O, like Zass, he never bullies Ali. He still warns Ali to do their project assignment from Agent Geetha before it is too late if he doesn't want to be scolded by her.
  • Out of Focus: Bulat has the fewest scenes that include him appearing since he never involved himself with bullying Ali nor was he that close to him.
  • Sphere Factor: Bulat uses Rubik's spheres as weapons. If he can solve the sphere, it can project an object or more, such as confetti, robots or a force field projection.
  • Squishy Wizard: His puzzle balls allow him to unleash a plethora of support abilities, from freezing opponents, shielding them, and even setting traps. Bulat however, is easy to defeat as he lacks mobility and defenses when his shields are down.

International M.A.T.A Agents

     In General 
  • Foil:
    • Aleks and Rizka are the International MATA Agents from the North and South branches. Both of them are aggressive combatants, who specialize in short-range combat and join the Agency because they are the best students in their circle due to being physically strong. Rizka is prideful Agent who looks down on anyone who she feels relies too much on gadgets rather than their physical strength in combat. Meanwhile Aleks, while he is confident of his own strength and more aggressive than Rizka, still respects anyone who is able to be strong in their own way even though they are not physically strong like him.
    • Sam and Kim are the International MATA Agents from the West and East branches. Both of them specialize in long-range combat and eventually reach the final four in Arena. Sam is initially introduce as a bully who underestimates anyone,including all the Cyberaya Young Agents, who he considers weaker than him. Kim is a Nice Girl who willingly socializes with the Young Agents which makes them easily befriend her. As the story progress, it shows that Sam was a jerk because he was being bullied by his senior due to their superior skill and is very insecure over his own ability as an Agent. After he admits his fault, he becomes lot more mellow. Meanwhile, beneath her kind and sociable side, Kim turns out to be a Numeros secret intel who is obeying Cinco's order to destroy the MATA Agency.
  • Multinational Team: Sam's team consists of four Agents from different countries. Kim is from East Asia, possibly South Korea. Rizka is from Indonesia. Aleks and Sam are possibly from Europe.
  • What You Are in the Dark: Misi: Jerat reveals the true nature of them all after some foreshadowing. Despite being nothing but bullies to the Malay branch of young agents, the disaster brought upon by the Azureum-powered engine shows that deep down they are good people willing to sacrifice themselves to help others and save lives even without their gadgets. As for Kim, she is revealed to be very submissive to Jenny. She chose to assist her evildoings even when she clearly regretted it and could have stayed to help out the others.
  • Younger Than They Look: Despite looking much older than Ali and the other Academy Agents, they are still 14-16 years old. The youngest are the same age as Roza and Zass.


Samuel Thompson Jr.

Voiced by: Hakim Kamal (Malay), Kyle McCarley (English)
  • Alpha Bastard: Agent Sam regards the young agents as losers, as demonstrated when he stops Aleks from fighting with Rudy, saying that he doesn't want Aleks to get "loser disease" from the young agents. He gets better in "Black Out".
  • Big Ego, Hidden Depths: It turns out the reason why Sam acted like big jerk toward the young agents was because he was trying to cover his weakness as an Agent and felt he was the weakest one of his generation.
  • The Bully: Sam and his team payback the young Agents' pranks with harsh pranks of their own. These include making Mika's wheelchair and R-O malfunction, putting ugly make up on Rudy's face, and later putting extra spicy sauce in the young Agents' sandwiches.
  • The Chain of Harm: Sam used to be a victim of bullying at both his school and the West Branch due to him being weak and too ordinary compared to the other children. Tired of being underestimated and not wanting to be hurt by his senior anymore, Sam becames a bully to compensate for his own weakness.
  • Gratuitous English: While the characters use English words from time to time, Sam's dialogue utilizes it the most frequently, often in interjections.
  • Karmic Jackpot: Sam was a bully out of insecurity about his own skills and the need to be respected. He learns to change his ways and becomes nicer to the other agents, learning to be a team player and being more respectful in combat. In the end, his atonement results in him placing in the top 4, guaranteeing his graduation from the academy and promotion to a senior agent.
  • Master of None: Sam feels he has no good skills as an Agent. He's not physically strong, has no mastery of using gadgets, is a bad tactician and is terrible at prediction. However, when Aleks trusts him to be part of his teamin "Mission: Hunt", it's shown that Sam does have potential in prediction during the third round although he's not as fast as Alicia.
  • Number Two: He steps up as the leader of the Young Agents when Alicia is not around. Without the traitorous Kim, he is ranked just below Alicia in the Arena, logically making him the next in charge.
  • Red Herring: He is set up to be the third season's antagonist from MATA. His skills in hacking and the ability to see the security cameras of the Arena provide logical evidence he is Cinco's secret informant. Episode 7 confirms that it's actually Kim.


Aleksander Zakariiev

Voiced by: Shafiq Isa (Malay), Harry Wood (English)
  • Animal Motif: Bear. Aleks is a big guy with an intimidating personality. He also uses wrestling as his fighting style as shown when he grapples Rudy for the first time.
  • Boring, but Practical: When he is given the choice to receive a free upgrade from Agent Geetha, it's not a more powerful weapon or additional gadget, but soundproofing. All it does is enhance his stealth, but it's proven to be highly effective.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Aleks has no problem using violent brute force to beat his opponents just like in his introduction where he easily defeats Mika and Rudy by slamming them.
  • Gentle Giant: Zig-Zagged. He is huge for a teenager and towers over the other young agents of MATA. While he is a brutal and violent combatant in the Arena, he is shown to be very kind, selfless, and even actively stopped a fight between Rizka and Mika.
  • I Can Still Fight!: After the accident in Cyberscience, he become the first International MATA Agents who being eliminated due to his injury. Aleks unable to accept this and going so far he runaway from MATA infirmary to continue join the ARENA despite being unhealed. Luckily, Agent Karya quickly stops him.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Aleks chose to break the fight between Rizka and Mika in MISSION: BLACKOUT, and doesn't side with either (both are looking to pick a fight, neither in self-defense). Later, he bumps up to third place and gets to choose his own teammates in the next round.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's a big sturdy guy with impressive strength and, with the aid of his gravity suit, is very nimble and can dash through a grueling gauntlet like it's nothing.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Realizing how pointless Rizka and Mika's argument about who is tougher is and tired of being antagonistic toward the young Agents, Aleks chooses to stay away from the girls by saying he'd rather train alone with bears than with them. This indirectly lampshades that he's tougher than them.
  • The Big Guy: Taller and more physically intimidating in comparison to his teammates.
  • The Quiet One: Very quiet and almost never speaks.
  • Third-Person Person: Always refers himself as "Aleks" instead of "I".

    Kim (Spoiler Alert!!) 

Kimberly Song

Voiced by: Nur Atika Abdullah (Malay), Kayli Mills (English)
  • The Ace: Apparently so far, Kim keeps getting the top score in every part of the competition. "Mission: Camp" show that she already being trained via Training from Hell before joining MATA.
  • Being Evil Sucks: "MISSION: TRAP" reveals that Kim's senior is none other than Jenny/Cinco and she works with her as a Numeros secret intel. Despite seeing her as her own big sister, Kim is not happy to help Cinco do her dirty jobs. Kim only follows Cinco all because she is nice to her since childhood and helped Kim to escaped from Orphanage of Fear.
  • Big Sister Worship: She was Kim's Only Friend during her days as an in-training Agent in the east branch. She is a senior Agent who guides Kim to be an Agent and even makes her a Sonic Keytar as her personal weapon. This results in Kim seeing her as her own big sister and she still mourns her disappearance since they never contacted each other after her mentor moved away to another branch. The senior in question is Jenny Woo, better know as Cinco. Kim still refers to her as "Big Sis" despite her being a traitor to MATA, and the new Big Bad in season 3.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Kim is an orphan who was raised in the same hellish and grim orphanage with Jenny somewhere in East Asia. It's shown that one of the handlers harshly punished her and Jenny just because they were playing a flute during the night and undergoes a brutal training from her oprhanage.
  • Distinctive Appearances: Agent Kim is the only Agent with very odd colored hair as she has blue hair with yellow and pink streaks.
  • Friendly Rival : Toward Alicia. Despite knowing that Alicia jealous of her skill and her closeness with Ali, she didn't held ill-hatred toward her even accept Alicia declaration of her being strongest Worthy Opponent in Arena.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Half her face is scarred by Microbugs identically to Uno after her actions have caused a commercial plane to crash.
  • Musical Assassin: Agent Kim's main weapon is a Sonic Keytar, which when played makes bright waves of sound that knock down opponents.
  • Morality Pet: Kim provides a means of redemption for Jenny/Cinco since Jenny was Kim's mentor while they were still on the east branch of MATA. Despite her later role as the new Big Bad and treating the Numeros Agents like tools, Cinco still acts like a big sister to Kim, even encouraging her to follow her orders.
  • Nice Girl: Agent Kim shows that she is sociable and friendly toward the young agents unlike her teammates, as shown where she entertains Chris in the infirmary by playing a tune with her Keytar and the way she interacts with Ali during the search for the upgrade gadget.Despite the revelation, its seems that her Nice Girl side is genuine.
  • Token Good Teammate: Kim is the only one in Sam's team who's not antagonistic toward the young Agents. She even willingly socializes with them and combines her skills with Ali's during the second round. To the extend she also this for Numeros since she doesn't seem happy with their activity.
  • Weapon-Based Characterization: Kim's main weapon reflects her personality. She uses her Sonic Keytar when she becomes one of the contestants in the Arena, who known to be friendly, cheerful and sociable young Agents.Once she reveals that she is siding with the Numeros, Kim switches to a Laser Sword, which is more lethal than the Sonic Keytar and is shown to be able to cut an opponent into pieces. This reflects her determination to aid the Numeros Agents by any means even though she needs to hurt someone.


Rizka Widjaya

Voiced by: Azi Shafian (Malay), Tiana Camacho (English)
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Girl: Rizka is master of "Pencak Silat" and its very proud of it. Her first Establishing Character Moment shown that she want keeps continue her fight with Chris by attacks him when he rendered unarmed and defenseless.
  • Beta Bitch: Rizka is this to Sam. They really get along with each other and both of them are very arrogant and look down on the young Agents, considering them loser.
  • Bullying the Disabled: She outright look down on Mika and even mocked her by said Mika couldn't became Agent without her Super Wheelchair even compare to her frail and powerless grandmother. Mika, however, shuts her mouth by show her true strength during weight lifting without her MEKA-suit.
  • Easily Forgiven: Zig-Zagged. She's the last foreign agent who was on good terms with the Malay branch. Even after the events in Misi: Blackout, Mika still hasn't forgiven her. However, once she helps rescue Roza, the two share a look of respect. In the same episode however, Alicia picks Rizka for her team rather than Mika, showing she doesn't have any grudge against her. When it comes to Chris whom she injured, he holds no ill will towards her when she openly apologizes.
  • Foil: To Chris. They are both knife-wielding Kombat agents with skill in Silat who have both bullied Ali at one point. While Rizka's intent was out of spite and maliciousness, Chris like the other agents was mad at Ali's irresponsibility and welcomed him back after his atonement. Their fighting styles are also different, with Chris using er.. kris that levitates, Rizka opts to manually hold her kerambit. Chris is also more defensive, while Rizka is aggressive.
  • Friendly Rival: It's implied. After making up with Chris, the two become rather close but still banter with each other. Once they are allowed to compete in the next Arena, they share a look with each other excited about being able to fight again.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: She attacks Chris even when he's lying on the ground, unarmed and defenseless, which leads him to getting injured and put out of commission for a while.
  • Reverse Grip: Her kerambit are daggers that are traditionally held in this manner, which she does so.
  • She-Fu: She relies on "Pencak Silat" as her fighting style as an agent, which result in highly active, acrobatic-like moves.
