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WMG / Longbox of the Damned

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Being an undead, he wouldn't age, and the late 19th century was well known for its gothic horror. Why the 1890s? Because, in a sense, it would make him his century's '90s Kid. Also his appearance is reminiscent of the Victorian era.

Moarte was the Linkara equivalent of the early 20th century.
There's a 2090s Kid and a Linkara 2099, so maybe there's an equivalent in the past as well as the future. While comic books weren't a thing in the 1900s-1910s, newspaper and comic strips were. The young Moarte critiqued them and the yellow journalism of Hearst, using an independent newspaper to publish his views. Sometimes 1890s Kid would voice his opinion. He didn't have the success Linkara had and quit the job, eventually getting into more popular gothic literature and eventually becoming the undead ghoul we see him as now.

Comic books and manga covered in future Longbox of the Damned episodes:
