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Trivia / The Man Who Would be King

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  • Actor-Inspired Element: In one scene, in which Peachy Carnehan and Daniel Dravot are called to answer to a local official in colonial India on suspicion of conspiracy to blackmail. They enter and exit the scene as military men under command of "former Gunnery Sergeant" Carnehan, with him giving commands such as "Hats Off!", "About Turn!", and "Left Turn!". This was Michael Caine's idea, inspired by the routine of command during his National Service in the British Army, and intended to show that although formally discharged from service they take pride in having been soldiers in the British Indian Army.
  • Awesome, Dear Boy: Michael Caine had long been an admirer of John Huston's films and couldn't believe he got to work with such a legendary figure. He also became excited when he learned his role had been originally intended for Humphrey Bogart, his favorite actor as a young man.
  • California Doubling: Despite talk of India, Afghanistan, et cetera, no part of this movie was filmed in Asia.
  • Creator Couple: Roxanne is played by Shakira Caine, Michael's wife.
  • Creator's Favorite Episode: Sean Connery and Michael Caine consider this to be the best film they ever made.
  • Dueling-Stars Movie: Sean Connery and Michael Caine.
  • Enforced Method Acting: Michael Caine stated that Sean Connery did not like heights and was not fond of the final scene in which he had to walk to the middle of the bridge.
  • Fake Brit: The Canadian Christopher Plummer as Rudyard Kipling.
  • Fake Nationality: Shakira Caine, the daughter of Indian Muslim parents born in Guyana, as the Kafiri woman Roxanne.
  • The Other Marty: The role of Roxanne was originally slated for Tessa Dahl. Dahl, excited to take the role, had prepared for the part by losing weight and capping her teeth. However, at the last minute, John Huston had decided to cast someone whose appearance was more in keeping with natives of Kafiristan. "We've got to find an Arab princess somewhere", he is recounted as saying over dinner with Caine. At that same dinner, Michael Caine's ethnic-Indian wife Shakira was present, so Huston and Caine persuaded her to take on the role.
  • Promoted Fanboy: John Huston had been an avid fan of Rudyard Kipling since childhood. In a 1976 article for Film Encyclopedia, Huston remarked:
    I read so much Kipling, it's in my unconscious. You start a verse I'll finish it. Kipling writes about a world gone, a geography gone. It's the world of adventure, high honor, mystery.
  • Saved from Development Hell: John Huston had been trying to make the film since The '40s, starring Humphrey Bogart as Peachy and Clark Gable as Danny. Over the years, it was planned with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas, then Richard Burton and Peter O'Toole. John Huston initially approached Paul Newman and Robert Redford to play the leads. Redford said the parts should be played by British actors, and suggested Connery and Caine instead.
  • Stunt Double: Stuntman Joe Powell doubled for Sean Connery and it was he who performed the fall from the rope bridge at the film's climax. Execution involved a potentially fatal fall of 80 feet (24 m) onto a pile of cardboard boxes and mattresses. John Huston was so impressed with Powell's performance he stated "That's the darndest stunt I've ever seen!"
  • What Could Have Been:
