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Recap / Bob's Burgers S8E15 "Go Tina On The Mountain"

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"What's that, Giant Eagle? You want to become one and forever be known as Teagle!"

"I didn't come all this way to not have a life-changing nature hike!"

Tina attempts to have a "nature epiphany" on a school field trip, while Bob and Linda try having fun with the apartment to themselves.

Go Trope It on the Mountain:

  • Adults Are Useless: The one time the Belcher kids actually need Mr. Frond (specifically to help find Tina), he completely ignores them. When he finally remembers what they said, he thinks they were pranking him.
  • Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: Bob and Linda get drunk on Long Island Iced Tea and invite an entire nightclub to party at their place.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: Played with; Martha admits she almost believed herself when lying about being a Wonder Woman of the Woods.
  • Blatant Lies: Everything about Martha, about her being a Wonder Woman of the Woods, her inventing an anger relieving exercise, about "leveling up" and about climbing the mountain by herself is stuff she made up to impress Tina (for instance, the "level up" bit is from a video game).
  • Broken Pedestal: Gene and Louise are less than amused to find that Martha is a fraud.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Tina is dubbed "Fluffy Butt" when she's overheard singing a jingle from a toilet paper commercial.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Jimmy Jr. and Zeke both shoot Tammy an unamused look when Tammy acts appalled at supposedly being called a "Labeler", showing that although they joined in on the "Fluffy Butt" craze, even they recognize she's being a huge hypocrite.
  • Failed a Spot Check: After inviting a large number of people over to their house for an afterparty and making a huge mess of the house, Bob and Linda desperately try to clean up before the kids get back to avoid undermining their already near-nonexistent authority over the kids. They seem to be successful, other than still having their spray-on tan, until Gene finds a random hung-over middle-aged woman sleeping in his room.
  • Fancy Camping: Martha lives in the woods with a generator, a TV, a microwave (which she stole) and a smartphone among other things.
    Gene: You're not a hermit! You're not even a camper! You're a glamper! Yech!
  • Giant Flyer: Tina's Imagine Spot of getting to the top of Mount Windygap has her riding a giant bald eagle.
  • Gilligan Cut:
    • Linda and Bob decide to do something fun for the evening. Cut to them asleep on the couch. It happens again the second night, with a Smash Cut from Bob midsentence and both of them already dressed up to party.
    • Tina declares that this is the last time anyone will hear "Fluffy Butt". Cut to everyone singing the jingle at the bus.
  • Grows on Trees: Gene thinks sausage comes from trees.
  • Hermit Guru: Martha, the "Hermit" who has been giving Tina some questionable life advice.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    • Jocelyn & Tammy call out Tina for seemingly calling Tammy names even though they have been calling Tina "Fluffy Butt" the whole trip (and call her that while calling her out). Tina quickly points out their bullshit, and even Jimmy Jr. and Zeke aren't amused.
    • When Bob remarks that he and Linda are too old to party, Linda says "You're old". Not only is there not even a year separating the two, but there's a distinct possibility that Linda is the older of the twonote .
  • I Have This Friend: Bob "knew a kid who had to change schools because of a nickname," said nickname being "Bobby Belchbottoms." Tina seems to buy that this was just a random boy from her dad's past, despite the nickname basically giving it away as well as ignoring how Bob gets angry immediately when she tries to ask further questions about the boy.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Despite acting as some sort of camping expert, Martha knows as much about being a hermit as Gene knows about the origin of sausage (read: nothing).
  • Not Now, Kiddo: Gene and Louise try to warn Mr. Frond about Tina going to the mountain alone, but he's too busy dealing with the other kids and puts their warning at the bottom of the list of things all the kids are complaining about, thinking it's just another prank.
  • Not So Above It All: Even Mr. Frond joins the kids on the bus in singing the "Fluffy Butt" song even though they were doing it to mock Tina. A throwaway line from Gene indicates that even the morning announcements (presumably done by Ms. LaBonz) used it.
  • Pet the Dog: It's very brief, but shortly after Tina returns from visiting Martha, Jimmy Jr. actually calls her by her name instead of "Fluffy Butt".
  • Polly Wants a Microphone: A crow apparently heard everyone calling Tina "Fluffy Butt" and repeats it when they're at Mount Windygap. Fortunately, she's over the nickname by that point.
  • Pop-Culture Pun Episode Title: It's a Shout-Out to the famous Gospel Music song "Go Tell It on the Mountain".
  • Portmanteau: Tina wants to be called Teagle (Tina + eagle) after she gets her "nature epiphany". Jimmy Jr. doesn't get it at first.
  • Rain, Rain, Go Away: The Belcher kids are stuck indoors on their school road trip after rain causes Camp Windygap to stop outdoor activities.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Ranger Carl refers to the Windygap Hermit as a male, but shortly after it's revealed that the hermit is a female named Martha. Carl doesn't realize this until the two meet up to help rescue Tina from Mount Windygap.
  • So Proud of You: Teddy tells Bob this when he learns about the party Bob and Linda threw at their apartment.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Living in the wild on your own for weeks at a time is way more difficult than it sounds. Within just a day of camping, Martha resorts to stealing from the ranger's cabin, and relies heavily on modern luxuries just to not go insane.
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: The "Fluffy Butt" song from the commercial sounds awfully similar to "Lollipop", a song famously covered by The Chordettes.
  • Wild Teen Party: An adult version of this involves Bob & Linda inviting everyone in the dance club to their apartment for an afterparty. They even try to cover up their tracks—not so they won't get in trouble (since they can't ground themselves), but so their kids don't interpret it as a green light to pull the same stunt.
