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Recap / Animaniacs Episode 25

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Airdate: October 19, 1993

Hercule Yakko: When Marita's priceless jewelry is stolen, the great detective "Hercule Yakko" is called to solve the case.

Home on De-Nile: Rita and Runt visit Ancient Egypt, where cats are worshipped...and sacrificed!

A Midsummer's Night Dream: Yakko recites Puck's monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream, with Dot translating.

Hercule Yakko has examples of

  • Bat Family Crossover: The sketch has characters from multiple shorts in one story.
  • The Cameo: Columbo turns up when "The World's Greatest Detective" is mentioned, only for the porter to clarify that he meant Hercule Yakko.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Minerva makes her in-series debut long before her own shorts debuted.
  • Eye Pop: Yakko's eyes pop right out of his head (and expand into the bargain) when he first sees
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar:
    Yakko: Number-one Sister, dust for prints!
    [time passes; pan over to Dot carrying Prince]
    Dot: I found Prince!
    Yakko: No, no, no, fingerprints!
    [Dot stares briefly at a grinning Prince, then back at Yakko.]
    Dot: I don't think so.
    [She tosses Prince out a nearby porthole.]
  • Head-Turning Beauty:
    • Yakko and Wakko fall for Minerva the second they see her.
    • Dot quickly loses it when a handsome passenger walks by.
  • Hypocritical Humor: After Yakko and Wakko go crazy over Minerva, both Minerva and Dot scoff that boys have no self-control. Immediately after, Minerva goes nuts over a picture of Marita's diamond, while Dot goes gaga over the handsome passenger.
  • Living Statue: The Sphinx is seen yawning in the establishing shot of the boat.
  • Match Cut: When Yakko asks Wakko to inspect a room for clues, and put them in a bag, Wakko stuffs the whole backdrop of the room in the bag. This leaves behind a blank blue background, which Wakko exits. Without so much as a fade, the blue background then becomes the door to Slappy's room. The extreme close-up of Yakko's hand knocking the door looks at first like a giant hand tapping the background.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Upon catching sight of Minerva, Wakko stretches out his tongue by hand, enough for it to form coils that he leaps into. He is then carried into the air as it snaps back.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Hercule Yakko is obviously a parody of Hercule Poirot, while Dr. Wakko is one to Dr. Watson (Sherlock Holmes' sidekick) and Number One Sister is one to Number One Son (Charlie Chan's sidekick).
    • When asked if she saw anything strange, Slappy claims that she saw Wally Gator dancing with a Smurf.
  • The Stateroom Sketch: At one point, a door is opened and the Marx Brothers fall out. Dot lampshades this as a reference to the gag from A Night at the Opera.
  • Visual Pun: After discovering that Marita had just been sitting on the diamond the whole time, Yakko jokes that he knew he'd get to the bottom of the case.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: Yakko takes on the role of Hercule Yakko, a parody of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot, specifically Death on the Nile.

Home on De-Nile has examples of

A Midsummer's Night Dream has examples of

  • The Cameo: Toward the end, Batman and Robin drive up in the Batmobile.
    Yakko: And Robin shall restore amends.
    Dot: [translating] "And the Boy Wonder will save us."
    [The Batmobile zooms up. The roof opens briefly to reveal the Dynamic Duo as Yakko, Wakko, and Dot jump in and speed away.]
  • Funny Background Event: While Yakko is reciting, Wakko is dancing through the forest. He picks a flower from a bush, but three tiny, shapely fairies in short, strapless dresses emerge from it and try to hit Wakko with a fly swatter. Wakko makes them leave by spraying them with a hose, then reaches into the bush, pulling out a human-sized fairy. He immediately falls in love and starts chasing her. She retaliates by trying to hit him with a giant fly swatter.
    Wakko: Hellooooooo, Pixie!
  • Lampshade Hanging: Dot acknowledges one of the original story's flaws by noting, "There is a hole in the plot you could drive a truck through."
  • Separated by a Common Language: Dot translates the Shakespearian dialogue for those "Who, like Yakko, have no idea what he's saying." Her renditions are a bit... inexact, however.
