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Nightmare Fuel / Muppets Most Wanted

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You don't know who you're dealing with. I am the world's most dangerous frog!

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Laughably Evil he may be, Constantine can be quite frightening at times. These cases really stand out.
    • When Walter and Fozzie discover that Kermit had been replaced by Constantine, he catches them, saying threateningly "You have wocka-ed your last wocka, Bear." and advances toward them, suddenly barring bear trap-like teeth.
    • Later, after proposing to Miss Piggy and arranging a wedding at the Tower of London, so he could get close to the Crown Jewels, Constantine plans to murder Miss Piggy with a time bomb disguised as a wedding ring to cover his tracks. Once his ruse is exposed, he hears the signal from Dominic to escape and proceeds to set off his bomb to blow up everybody at the church with a Pre-Mortem One-Liner in the form of his last Kermit impression, which at that point stops being funny and becomes unsettling.
    Constantine: That is right, Muppets! I am Constantine! The world's most dangerous frog and number one criminal and a thousand times more frog than this Kermit person! And now, I have only one thing to say to you fools! [pulls out a detonator and imitates Kermit] Goodnight, Folks! [detonates bomb] YAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!
    Scooter: [unnerved] What is that?
    Kermit: IT'S A BOMB!
  • The Wall. A wall in the yard of the gulag where inmates that defy the guards are stuck to and left to freeze to death out in the snow, with Nadya threatening to put Kermit there if he doesn't help with the Gulag Revue rehearsals. As if that wasn't bad enough, if the inmate on the wall telling Kermit to just help Nadya with the rehearsals and that he's never getting out is any indication, inmates that are stuck to the wall have very much given up and accepted that they are to hang on the wall until they die.
