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Nightmare Fuel / Krypton

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And you thought your stuffy nose was bad.

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    Season 1 

  • Brainiac is downright creepy with his pale green skin, Black Eyes of Evil and Voice of the Legion and the multiple tendrils circling him.
    • His ship is monstrous in appearance, looking more like a gigantic centuries-old rotten organism or skull than a ship.
  • Brainiac's sentry is a parasite that possesses Rhom's mind and body, which makes her veins protrude, darkens her skin with green energy visible through it, jams cables in her back and gives her a Creepy Monotone Voice of the Legion.
    Rhom: There is no Rhom. [punches Seg across the room] Rhom has been collected. Krypton is worthy of collection. You will be collected.
  • The Voice of Rao gets infected by another of Brainiac's sentries.
  • The way Seg is tortured by Dru-Zod: a rare Kryptonian bug inserts itself into his body through his nose. And while it seemingly doesn't do any lasting damage inside his body, it's surely painful.
  • The "weapon" House of El and House of Zod conceived long ago that could help Krypton against Brainiac? None other than Doomsday. Seg wisely chooses not to awaken him.
  • The Voice of Rao gets new levels of creepy in "Civil Wars", due to being infected by Brainiac's sentry.
    • His sentry-distorted voice slips through his dialogues here and there.
    • Ona is alone with him for all of her scenes in the episode. And he offers her to "join" her mother... Read: Brainiac wants to collect Ona like he did with her mother.
    • The end of the episode has him finally unmask, revealing the black eyes of Brainiac before he starts jabbing people in the head with Combat Tentacles.
  • Brainiac using poor Ona as a child suicide bomber.
  • Brainiac's bottled cities are even more horrifying in this series than other depictions. Everyone trapped inside is kept in a living stasis, unable to move, never aging, never dying, but always conscious, just so their minds can be studied by Brainiac.
  • Seg is sucked in the Phantom Zone with Brainiac.
  • Kal-El is Ret-Gone. Clark Kent / Superman will not exist due to Seg being sucked in the Phantom Zone. A Zod will take his place.
  • The Stinger of the last episode: DOOMSDAY IS FREE.

    Season 2 

  • We see a painful torturing process, described as 'healing the rifts in the mind'. Then we see a Cythonnite prisoner undergo somatic reconditioning, which is said to be 'extremely painful for a very long time'. At the end, the prisoner is brainwashed into a loyal citizen of the regime, smiling at the person who questioned them during interrogation.
  • The creation of Doomsday a thousand cycles before the show's present-day. He was originally a normal Kryptonian named Dax-Baron, and volunteered for an experience. Said experience was headed by Wedna-El who, unlike her descendants, was a Mad Scientist whose main trait was her Lack of Empathy. She put him through endless suffering and agony, gassing him repeatedly and resurrecting him in-between tests, which made him the monster that he is now. And she kept a stone-cold face throughout.
    • The Body Horror on Dax-Baron during his transformation, with the trademark bony protrusions sprouting out of his back.
  • The sight of the Black Mercy plant on a victim (Lyta-Zod here) is more nightmarish than shown in the comics and animation, with vivid Orifice Invasion and Tainted Veins, and the Black Mercy more resembling a medium-sized facehugger than a plant.
  • Brainiac kidnaps baby Jor-El and goes to Earth with him.
  • Doomsday being unleashed on La RĂ©sistance on Wegthor and tearing them to bits.
