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Just For Fun / Bum Reviews TV Tropes

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*cue Luigi Boccherini's "Minuetto"*

And now it's time for Bum Reviews, with Chester A. Bum. Tonight's review... TVTropes.


There's this website called TVTropes, and it's AWESOME! But it can also ruin your life.

It was all started when this guy called Fast Eddie made an entire wiki about tropes from this show called Buffy The Vampirema Slayer, and then he and these people called tropers added more and more things! But what the tropers love to mention constantly include a novel series about people in a world balanced on elephants on a turtle, stories that sound like they were written on drugs, this anime about a giant mechanical face, this Japanese girl named Harry-Doo Susy-Maya, a British newspaper run by dicks, a unlicensed doctor who flies around in this magical British police telephone box, a hilarious family of yellow-skinned people, and the adventures of a boy accompanied by this death fairy on a quest to kill people by writing their names down in a notebook! I killed people by writing their names down in a notebook once! The Handy Dandy Notebook is truly a weapon of mass destruction.

The novel about the people in a world balanced on elephants on a turtle is called DISCWORLD! And the novels have lots of crazy things in them! Actually, I don't think I've read the Discworld novels. I must have gotten high instead.

But there's also other things the tropers love to mention constantly! Such as a literal space western, the adventures of an elephant and a scarecrow, some French frog show, these magical LGBTQ+ folks powered by gemstones, these ponies, a talking sponge, giant robots led by the narrator of Voltron, a much-hated DC Comics cartoon, some anthropomorphic Indian snacks, and this novel series about bizarrely-named cats in the wild that I keep forgetting the name of. Redwall I think it's called. Sometimes they bring up these Irish priests on a island, these frogs going on a adventure to find a fairy's jewelry, a show about a magical toy store, this alien kid who looks like a human, and The Nostalgima Critic! And they even have a tropes page for ME! Awesome!

And there are Video Examples! Most of them are for this musical about Aladmadin's enemy but there are some for this show about three British guys screwing about in cars! I was a British guy screwing about in a car once! I was driving a Bentley the wrong way down Route 66.

Also, there's this guy, called Candle Jack, who kidnaps those who say his na (May is a great month in my opini-) SHUT UP! And there's also Laconic pages, which condense the topic to a single sentence! Hooray! And also, there are Stingers, such as ones where these two old men criticize the page! If I can recall their names were Siskel & Ebert.

So as you can see TVTropes is really awesome! I love to hear about all these different tropes in various media! Though my life has now been ruined as a result like what I said earlier.

This is Chester A. Bum saying, CHANGE? YA GOT CHANGE?! AW, C'MON! HELP A GUY OUT, WOULD YA? C'MON, CHANGE! C'mon, I'll use the money to update the website!
