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Funny / Transformers: Rescue Bots

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  • Blades' horrified reaction after he picks his vehicle mode.
    Blades: Wait?!? This thing...flies?!?
    Boulder: (to Optimus) He doesn't like heights.
  • The end of "Family of Heroes" shows the Burns family's reaction to learning the truth about their Rescue Bot partners.
    Chief Burns: .... They're aliens.
    Kade, Graham & Dani: WHAT!?
    • Then we see the family photo, with everyone freaking out except Cody and his dad.
    • Right after the scanning scene, Chief Burns is introduced to the Rescue Bots.
      Chief Burns: (Looking at the regular vehicles) It's an honor and a privilege.
      Heatwave: Over here.
  • In "Flobsters on Parade", poor Blades has to stand perfectly still as the lobsters keep pummeling him in the face.
    • When Blades finally gets Cody's "Flobster" joke, he laughs, and everyone looks at him like he's an idiot.
    • Frankie bats a few of the flobsters away with a spatula. Cue a horde of flobsters surrounding her, with one taking the spatula right out of her hand.
  • From "Four Bots and a Baby" we get this gem:
    • Heatwave stops him the first time by covering his mouth mid-song:
      Heatwave: Not helping!
  • "Return of the Dinobot". We ask you, is there anything more ridiculous than watching a rampaging robotic T-Rex getting a cup of coffee?
    "Trex is good boy!"
    • Though Cody and Graham seemed to like him.
      Cody: Noble! Dad?
      Charlie Burns: You're not getting one.
      Graham: What about—
      Charlie Burns: You either.
    • While Doctor Greene is getting a ride from Dani and Blades:
      Doctor Greene: I've never been in your copter before, Dani. It's quite...stylish.
      Blades: *smug look on monitor*
      Dani: *quickly turns off the monitor* And it's really fast. Especially when there's an emergency, like now.
      Blades: *whimpers*
      Dani: (to Doctor Greene) Uh, rotors need oil.
  • Blades and Heatwave, trying to find food for Cody in "The Lost Bell". Blades finds a crab on his finger and flings it off a few metres away and causing Heatwave to fall off a cliff after he found a nest full of eggs.
    • Also, Blades and Chase have an "encounter" while looking for camping materials.
      Blades: It's coming for us! (jumps into Chase's arms, then... a puffin appears)
      Chase: We tell no one of this.
      Blades: Agreed.
  • Chase's attempts at humor in "Shake Up".
    Two peanuts walked down the street. One had high sodium content. Ha ha ha. (hits Boulder on the back in a manner similar to beating a drum. The other Bots give Chase a confused stare.)
    • Chase's knock-knock joke.
    Chase: I would like to attempt some Earth humor, sir. Ding-dong.
    Chief Burns: Uh, Chase, you don't use the doorbell. It's a knock-knock joke.
    Chase: Ah, yes, then I am knocking.
    Chief Burns: Who's there?
    Chase: A concerned citizen.
    Chief Burns: A concerned citizen who?
    Chase: A concerned citizen who wishes to inform you that your car is in a "No Parking" zone! Ha ha ha!
    Chief Burns: (wincing) Uh, okay, we're gonna work on those punch lines, Chase.
  • In "Walk on the Wild Side", Blades gets startled by a giraffe.
  • When Cody announces they're going to watch a history movie instead of the war movie Heatwave wants to see: ".... War's a part of history..." and "Cody, you're hurting me on the inside".
    Cody: The natives have spears and blowguns!
    Heatwave: Now you're talking!
    • Afterwards, they wince over how horrible the movie was.
  • Near the end of "The Reign of Morocco", Morocco's deadpan reaction as one of his own grenades is about to blow up in his face.
    Dr. Morocco: Well, that's unfortunate. (runs away as fast as he can)
  • Bumblebee's awkward smile at the end of "Bumblebee to the Rescue".
  • While Chase is trapped inside the alien slime monster in "You've Been Squilshed", he has this to say:
    "It is growing rather crowded. The squirrels are becoming restless..."
  • At one point during "The Haunting of Griffin Rock", Cody brings his dad evidence that the Lady of Griffin Rock was a real person. Chief Burns is still more than skeptical.
    Cody: Dad! The Lady of Griffin Rock was a real person!
    Chief Burns: I know, Cody. But that doesn't mean she's returned to jay-walk on Ocean Drive.
    • Later, when the team is investigating a ghost sitting at the bank, the ghost appears and says, "Follow me, men!" While everyone else is shocked, Dani seems more concerned about the possibility of being offended.
  • During a crisis in "Countdown", Blades once again whimpers at the prospect of having to perform difficult flying manoeuvres while he, Dani and Cody are giving Frankie a lift.
    Frankie: What was that?
    Cody: Engine noise.
    Dani: Funky rotor.
    • The best part is how they both say it at the same time!
  • When Frankie learns that the Rescue Bots are sentient in "It's a Bot Time":
    Frankie: You can talk!
    Blades: I didn't say anything. ...Oops.
    • Later....
    Frankie: Do you Bots have to do everything Cody tells you to?
    Heatwave: Absolutely not!
    Boulder: Once in a while.
    Chase: I take orders only from Chief Burns.
    Blades: We have a choice?!
  • In "Road Trip", after the transporter takes Cody and the bots (minus Blades) atop Mount Griffin, Chase, of all people, goes into a panic.
    Chase: Mayday! S.O.S.! This is not a test! Mommy! (Heatwave looks at him confused) Those are all the human distress signals I know.
    • Kade during Heatwave's "drivers test".
    • This exchange when Heatwave recognizes the locations to which the teleporter has been sending them.
    Blades: That's amazing! You actually pay attention to Kade.
    Heatwave: Don't you dare tell him.
  • In "Tip of the Iceberg", Cody spots a control panel covered in ice. Blades tries to warn Cody not to touch it, but he presses a button on it anyway, and a hatch opens under Blades' feet. Then Blades turns downright strict and serious for a moment.
  • "A Virtual Disaster" ......... Where do we begin? It's basically one meme after another.
    CAT: I'm afraid I can't do that, Cody.

    Blades: I used to like video games, then I took an arrow to the knee.

    CAT: (glitches out) All your base are belong to us.

    CAT: A winner is you!
  • Chase going through narration like a Film Noir detective in "Bots and Robbers".
    • Highlights include:
      Chase: The air was heavy. Heavy with the fog of lawlessness. That's when she walked in...and asked me the one question I wasn't prepared to answer.
      Dani: Why is it so dark in here? Chase, is there a reason you're in here with the lights off?

      Chase: And like a swimming pool in winter, the case was closed.
      Boulder: Who are you talking to?
    • The Rescue Bots are forced to cross the town, huddled together, walking in sync and going "left, right, left, right" ad infinitum.
      Heatwave: UGH. Well...that was humiliating.
      • And shortly after, when trying to figure out how to disable a device and save the day:
        Chase: Evan and Myles put that device in the sky. Perhaps if we imagined we were villains like them, we could think of a solution!
        Heatwave: That's the dumbest thing I've—
        Boulder: Hello, I'm Myles! I love to steal!
  • Blades and Dani switch bodies in Switcheroo. Blades has entirely too much fun with being Dani.
    Dani (in Blades' body): Blades! Get out of my room!
    Blades (in Dani's body, eating frozen yogurt): This is amazing! It's cold, but it's smooth on my tongue. Ooh! Can I try potato chips? I'll mix them in with the yogurt.
    Dani: You're gonna make me sick.
    Blades (twirling around her room): I've always wanted to see where you live.
    Dani: There are a lot of chores you're gonna have to do for me.
    Blades: Grocery shopping! I've always wanted to push the cart.
    Dani: Get out of my room and get out of my dress!
    • Also funny is what Dani says when they've all switched back and a picnic is suggested.
      Dani: No thanks. For some reason, (Death Glare to Blades) I'm not hungry.
    • Actually there's a lot of funny in this episode given that all the characters switch mannerisms instead of voices so we see things like Chase acting like Frankie, Heatwave biting the dentist off-screen for putting his hand in his mouth, much to Kade's mortification, and Cody completely mangling driving as Boulder. Graham's reaction to discovering the switch is funny too.
      Graham: (watching the others freak out) Glad I stayed here.
  • Blades after being convinced by Optimus Prime to try acquiring a Dinobot form...
    Blades: But this time, I don't want to be....
    Blades (seeing the Pterodactyl): A flying thing!? Come on! Again?!
  • Blades telling Optimus he's "bigger than Elvis!"
  • When the Rescue Bots expose themselves as aliens, while all the other humans are shocked, Mrs. Neederlander looks unsurprised. Apparently, she made a bet with Huxley Prescott and he lost, holding out her hand as he gets his wallet out.
  • How do the Rescue Bots in "Ghost in the Machine" stop Evan and Myles' plan to get the Burnses arrested for harbouring aliens with a video featuring Quickshadow confirming her identity as a Cybertronian? Make a live sequel to the confession video with help from the townsfolk featuring Huxley Prescott warning the mainland about the ongoing "invasion" complete with the Bots' Bad "Bad Acting", cardboard setpieces along with the Rescue Bots toys, complete with a ridiculous amount of Special Effect Failures including hands holding the toys and Cody and Kade seen using flashlights. It ends with the townsfolk wishing everyone a "Happy Earlyween!" from Griffin Rock and a shot of a Heatwave toy falling over.
  • After Chase and Boulder catch an Energon eater in "Unfinished Business":
    Cody: What happened? Did you help the people who sent the message? Did you see another Energon vampire?
    Boulder: See it? We caught it!
    Blades: Pictures or it didn't happen.
    [Chase and Boulder show everyone a hologram of them presenting the captured Energon eater to Optimus]
    Blades: AAH! It happened! It happened!
  • In the episode "Countdown" Graham has the best reaction to being teleported to a dark, unknown location;
    Graham: (Finishes his explanation he started before being teleported, pauses when he realizes what happened) Oh... oh darn.
  • Quite a bit of the episode "All Spark Day", mainly due to the episode having CeCe become gigantic and inadvertently cause havoc in Griffin Rock.
    • CeCe attempts to eat a giant donut sign, only to spit out the bite she's taken in disgust and exclaim "Naughty donut!"
    • At one point, CeCe plays with Boulder and Chase as if they were toy cars. You can hear Chase protest "I am not a toy!"
    • High Tide gets CeCe to sleep by telling her one of his war stories.
  • Near the end of "Pizza Pi Party" when the town has made an enormous park-sized pizza, when the townsfolk eat it, turns out it tastes awful. One of the chefs demands to know whose recipe was it. Just as that question is asked, an embarrassed Dani can be seen attempting to sneak away.
  • In "Uninvited Guest", Blades and Bumblebee accidentally scare each other while searching for an Energon eater that's invaded the Rescue Bots' HQ.
    Blades: AAH! DON'T EAT ME!
    Bumblebee: ENERGON EATER!
    Bumblebee: This never happened.
    Blades: I won't tell.

