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Funny / The Unusual Suspect

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     Harry Potter 
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  • When Hagrid arrives with Harry at the Dursley's, the scene is then edited to look like Hagrid crashed the bike and they blew up.
  • The slo-mo reactions of the Dursleys when Dudley gets locked in the snake display.
  • Adding in a farting sound effect when Hagrid arrives on the island.
  • Suspect wondering if there's a poo flavored Berty Bot's Every Flavor Bean.
  • The slight Running Gag of Dumbledore being a pervert towards Harry.
  • The Stating the Obvious count.
  • When Harry receives the broomstick, Suspect points out how stupid it is that they don't know what could be in the broom shaped package.
  • When the Slytherin queditch captain jumps onto his broom, the scene is then edited to have the captain with a pained look on his face and a popular in pain Stock Scream to boot.
  • Immediately followed by:
    Slytherin Queditch Captain: *hisses* TAKE THAT SIDE!
    Suspect: Sheesh! Hitler didn't sound that evil!
  • Suspect pointing out that Dumbledore said he'd trust Hagrid with his life. Cue montage of Hagrid saying "I shouldn't have told you that."
  • This:
    Hermione: Devil's snare, devil's snare, is deadly fun-
    Suspect: So shoot it with a gun. *pulls out gun and shoots the plant, making it explode*
  • Suspect throwing up after the clip of Hermione giving the old friendship speech.
    • And then later:
    Suspect: Harry wakes up in the hospital as Dumbledore explains what happened.
    Dumbledore: Love Harry, love.
    Suspect: *throws up* Ugh, I've been bested by the power of love.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

  • After showing the scene where Dudley says he'll open the door, Suspect wonders what your reaction to someone talking to you like that would be.
    Suspect: *opens door* (in kind of creepy falsetto voice) Can I take your coat sir? *gets punched*
  • Suspect noting that he flu network's voice recognition is crap compared to a modern voice search, with Suspect saying Diagon Alley the way Harry did in the movie, and the result is Diagon Alley.
  • The Running Gag of Snape saying "Silence!" at Suspect.
  • The scene where Ron is tossing up slugs is disgusting, but you know what can make it more disgusting? Playing it in reverse.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  • Suspect pointing out that Cedric should have broken his neck jumping out of a tree, complete with a screaming sound effect and blood splatter.
  • Suspect getting mad at the movie for skipping the Quiditch match, complete with doing a Skyward Scream yelling "Fuck you movie!"

     The Lord Of The Rings films 
The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Naming one of the Ringwraiths "Jerry".
  • His comparison between Legolas and Aragorn's bows.

The Two Towers

  • In the opening he notes that with most movie trilogies, there's usually one that fans don't like. Like for the Tranformers films, we've got, every Transformers film.
  • Suspect calling Il Neige (who's playing with a stuffed Pikachu and Goofy) and yelling into the phone: I'm stealing one of your jokes! SUCK IT!
  • As he's watching the Helm's Deep battle scene he notices that Gimlli struck an orc in the balls with his axe after declaring he's gonna get more kills than Legolas.
    Suspect: Does that count as two?
    Gimlli: *laughs*
  • Gimlli playing the Hawaii Five-O theme on the Horn of Helm Hammerhand.

The Return of the King

  • The "Two and a Half Hobbits" parody scene. In which the "sneaking" scene is given a laugh track.

     Star Wars 
Top 10 Things the Original Star Wars Trilogy Got Wrong
  • When noting that Obi-Wan's lying to Luke about Vader would scar Luke for life, cue clip of Luke getting his hand cut off and...
    Suspect: "Way to go Ben, you just gone from Padawan, to Master, TO IDIOT!!
  • The ending with him dreading having to do Spider-Man 3 next.

Star Wars Episode I

  • The introduction of Bob the drug dealer is him offering Suspect death sticks from Episode II and a bottle of limited edition "Qui-Gon" Gin.
    • Later Suspect tries to take one of them to help him get over a particularly stupid part of the movie. However he's completely stumped.
    Suspect: Hey Bob, how do you take one of these anyway?
    Bob: Oh, they're suppositories.
    Suspect: *beat* I'll save them for a special occasion.
  • Suspect's reaction to Jar Jar's lack of reaction to getting kicked in the crotch by a pit droid.
    Suspect: He just got kicked in his Gungan boombas [...] I mean what does that tell us?
    Jar Jar: Messa no have a boomba.
    Suspect: WTF face
    Captain Jack Sparrow: You're not a eunuch are you?
    Jar Jar: Uh huh.
    Suspect: Well at least he can't procreate.
  • Suspect inserting himself into the Jedi Council scene is utterly hilarious as he completely mocks the Council's unwillingness to do anything about the situation, or anything at all. It has to be seen to be believed.
  • When Anakin wins the pod race, Suspect edits in a Tuskin Raider sniping his pod, causing him to explode.
Star Wars Episode II
  • When the fireplace scene starts:
  • When Anakin starts slaughtering the Sand People Tribe:
    Suspect: I mean, I know he doesn't like sand, but jeez.
  • Suspect notices a huge Continuity Snarl (Obi-Wan disappears from a shot he is clearly supposed to be visible in) and adds this:
    • Which becomes funnier if you remember the memes about the Church brochures with a caricature of Jesus...who many have noted looks a lot like Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan.
  • "But it's not over for Dooku, for there is a new challenger!...AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!"

     Home Alone 
Home Alone 2
  • His edit of Kate McCallister screaming "KEVIN!!!": a mashup of the Star Wars Episode III Teaser.
    • This:
    Suspect: Heh, no, I think you mean:
    Kate: KEVIN!!!
  • When Marv tries to throw a brick at Kevin, Suspect scoffs at his attempt and shows us what would more likely happen: Marv somehow throwing the brick into his own face.
    Marv: Whoa...

Home Alone 3

  • Hedwig's return.
  • Suspect saying that the crying doll is one of the most depressing things ever, then says imagine what it would be like in real life. Cue clip of Suspect pulling the string of a Woody doll with audio clips of some of Woody's most depressing lines playing after he pulls the string.

    Spider-Man films 
Spider-Man 2
  • To accentuate just how much of a failure Peter is in being a friend for Mary Jane, Suspect points out that along with John Jameson, Harry Osborn, Aunt May, and MJ's sick mother, even he saw her play.
    Suspect (in the audience): BOO! GET YOUR TITS OUT!
    Suspect: I was arrested, but I was there for her!
  • During the bank fight scene, when Aunt May is hanging onto her umbrella for dear life, slipping down inch by inch...until her feet touch the ledge of the building she's immediately above.
    Aunt May: (To angel statue) Thank you.
    Suspect!Angel: You're welcome.
    Aunt May: D8
    • Comes back in his Spider-Man 3 review.
    Brock: (To Jesus) I want you to kill Peter Parker.
    Suspect!Jesus: Okay!
    [Eddie Screams]
Spider-Man 3
  • During Gwen's photoshoot, the Suspect doesn't take too kindly to the rather stereotypical photographer.
    Photographer: Ok, Gwen 'I've got a secret. It's my copier.'
    Suspect: Yeah. I've got a secret too; it's called my middle finger. Kindly direct it up where the sun don't shine.

Raiders Of the Lost Ark

  • When Marion is tossed into the Well of Souls and hanging off a statue of Anubis:
    Suspect: Marion's gotten herself in a very dangerous situation!
    [Jumps into the scene]
    Suspect: Don't worry, Marion! I'll save you!
    [Tosses a censor bar onto Marion's underskirt]

Toy Story

  • The video starts off with Suspect entering his room and picking up his Woody figure, asking him if he's ready to review Toy Story, with Woody's answer being none too pleased.
    Suspect: You ready to review Toy Story, Woody? (pulls Woody's string)
    Woody: Oh, shut up. [[Suspect frowns over Woody's answer]]
  • While Suspect is showing off his Toy Story toys, he displays his Buzz action figure which he has lovingly nicknamed "Nearly-Headless Buzz" due to the rough play over the years and pops Buzz's head off his body.
    Suspect: (while displaying Buzz's severed head) "I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in pieces!"
    • While Suspect is holding the beheaded Buzz figure, he realizes that it reminds him of Mysterio.
  • Suspect trying to imitate the way Andy makes Woody slide down the stair banister, only to find that his Woody won't slide without actually doing something to the banister. And even when he does, Woody is rather slow and hits the tip rather feebly, prompting Suspect to pretend he goes flying the way he does in the movie.
  • Bob the drug dealer officially seals himself as a recurring character, even going as far to battle the Suspect in an ERB parody; as the devil on Woody's shoulder and Suspect as his conscience, akin to Eminem and Dr. Dre's "Guilty Conscience".
    Narrator: Meet Woody. Age: unknown. Fed up with Buzz getting all the love and attention, he decides to push him out the window, but before he goes ahead, he has a sudden change of heart and suddenly, his conscience comes into play.
    [Suspect grabs Woody]
    Suspect: Alright, stop! Now before you, the hero, stoop to ground zero and knock Buzz out the window, you better think of the consequence!
    Woody: Who are you?
    Suspect: I'm your mothafuckin' conscience!
    Bob: [grabs Woody from Suspect] That's nonsense! That fucker think he can fly? Then let this be how you respond: Knock him out the window! To infinity and beyond! Treat this like a rare treat! Pair his face onto the street! It's just a shame that pussies always land on their feet.
    Suspect: But then the other toys will find out, they'll be revved up like gasoline. Pull the voice box out of your ass and replace it with a fart machine. Then Buzz will peep over at Bo. "Alright!" Then you'll be the one watching the sheep tonight!
    Bob: But Buzz is such a faker. He ain't a real ranger. To space, he's a stranger. Tosser's from Taiwan, Asia! So go ahead, resume! Show this goon your full moon! Kick him in the chest and shout, "This is Andy's room!"!
  • During Woody and Buzz's small fight in Dinoco, Buzz closes his helmet on Woody's hand, Suspect remarking that "the cowboy is gonna scream", only to question why such concept would sound familiar. Cue Woody screaming in the similar tone to "Big Enough" by Kirin J Callinan.
  • Suspect equates the driver of the Pizza Planet truck to rally driver Ken Block and during the driving sequence, plays the song "Deja Vu" from Initial D.

Iron Man

  • During the scene where Tony asks for a cheeseburger:
    Tony: I want an American cheeseburger.
    Mary Jane: I'd like a cheeseburger.
    Superintendent Chalmers: I thought we were having Steamed Clams.
    Ed [[face smushed against the window glass]]: Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?
