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Funny / Team Four Star Among Us

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  • The first time he becomes the Impostor on stream, Lani casually starts whistling while murdering everyone. In fact, whistling the Animaniacs theme tune (also the theme for his fanbase) becomes a staple when he’s off murdering.
  • Whenever Lani and Taka are a pair of Impostors for a round, Lani refers to it as “Two Saiyans Kill.” Similarly, Kirran and Grant as the Impostor duo is called “World’s Greatest Detective turned World’s Greatest Killer.”
  • Grant naming himself “that” in in the first game order to prompt people to ask, “Who’s that?” only for Kirran to immediately kill the joke.
  • For three consecutive rounds, Kirran immediately calls an emergency meeting to claim that he’s the Impostor, and everyone gets increasingly incredulous as they vote him out each time, all while wondering if it’s some galaxy-brained gambit on his part to make them distrust him whenever he says he’s the killer. The only thing that keeps their incredulity from turning into irritation at Kirran is the fact that Kirran really was assigned the Impostor role three times in a row.
  • The fourth round of the first stream comes to a pretty nail-biting conclusion with only Quinn, Kirran, and Grant left on the ship. Not really due to the Impostor, who's only gotten ONE kill, but due to the team consistently throwing the wrong crew member out the airlock. Kaiser even got spaced before any kills actually happened. Thankfully, the Impostor (Grant) is able to get spaced at the last minute.
    Kaiser: "I haven't been avenged. I was just murdered in cold blood because you assholes were paranoid."
  • One round has Kaiser kill Lani and feign innocence after reporting the corpse. This kickstarts a feud between them where Lani has committed himself to getting Kaiser eliminated regardless of who the Impostor is. Furthermore, Lani makes sure Kaiser will Never Live It Down and pins him with a reputation of always reporting his own kills, which often gets Kaiser tossed out regardless of whether or not he was innocent of murdering the body he came across.
    • Not long after, this rivalry of theirs becomes a pseudo-innocence check, as if they both attest that they passed by each other alone and neither of them has killed the other, neither of them are killers.
    • When Taka reports Kaiser’s corpse and that he saw Lani walk away from it with blood on his hands, Lani cheerfully yells, “Oh no, Kaiser’s dead!” before admitting that he did it and is proud of it.
    • Quinn testifies in one meeting that he only saw Kaiser once and this mere mention is enough evidence for Lani to cast a vote against him, with everyone jumping on the “Toss Kaiser” bandwagon while he protests that his quietness gets him voted for. The fact that Kaiser is the killer that round is the cherry on top, and he can only ask what the hell is wrong with everyone that they were Right for the Wrong Reasons.
    • Lani’s ghost spends a round haunting the killer and telling him to get Kaiser in a spooky voice.
  • In the group’s second stream, there’s a round where Lani the Impostor. He kills Zito, but unfortunately for him, Quinn witnessed this and immediately reports the body. Lani tries to pin it on Quinn, but Taka had seen Quinn get scanned earlier, which results in the both of them ganging up on Lani and getting him voted out.
    • Lani’s response as he’s being ejected?
  • In the group's second stream of the game there's a round where, during the first meeting, Tyler claims, “So, real quick, I forgot to mute my headphones and Scott forgot to mute his mic, and he said, ‘I’m the killer!’ Real loud.” Kirran backs him up and almost everyone accepts this and reluctantly votes Scott out, despite his honest protests that he said no such thing… which wins the game, since he really was the killer. Only for Kirran to admit that Tyler was bullshitting. Everyone dies laughing, and Grant compares it to The Boy Who Cried Wolf, if there really was a wolf at the beginning and the boy was celebrated for saving the town.
    • For bonus points, Lani—whose report prompted the meeting—has donned the username TossKaiser for this round and he chants it victoriously when this happens. Kaiser’s response is to name himself LaniSucks in a later round.
    • Right after getting voted out, Kaiser ends up completely confused if he actually did forget to mute his mic afterall.
      Kaiser: Okay unfortunately I gotta ask. Did I actually forget to mute my mic or what?
      Kirran: No.
  • Following this successful manipulating of everyone to throw Kaiser out, Tyler becomes dedicated to sowing discord and distrust with Blatant Lies and ridiculous claims in all subsequent games. Quinn and Lani both independently refer to Tyler as an Agent of Chaos and Grant’s chat tells him that Tyler is too dangerous to be left alive, Impostor or not. Complicating matters is that despite Tyler’s penchant for throwing obvious false flags, Quinn eventually notes that Tyler’s lies have a tendency to become Accidental Truths and usually pin the blame on someone who actually turns out to be an Impostor. Lani and Kirran refuse to ever vote Tyler out because his accusations are always hilarious.
  • The third round kicks off with some technical difficulties, namely, the server closing due to inactivity just as the last of the players finally logs in. Also, Corrine (Megami33) randomly playing a harmonica.
  • One round in the third stream has Quinn, Kirran, and Corrine as the last players. Despite the fact that Quinn called the meeting because he has been suspicious of Kirran the entire time and spent most of round in Corrine’s presence to verify her innocence, Kirran convinces Quinn to vote Corrine out, giving the Impostors victory. Everyone is amazed that Kirran was able to gaslight a lawyer, after being the Impostor several times in a row. Cue Kirran calling himself “god of this new world” and Zito proclaiming that Kirran now wears Quinn’s law degree as a medal of honor.
  • Corrine returns for the fourth stream—for which LittleKuriboh and Lewis Lovhaug join as guests—and quickly proves to be the Butt-Monkey, always getting killed immediately when the round begins, leading to Quinn’s chat clamoring #LetMagamiPlay.
  • Quinn kills Lani early on in the fourth stream and for the remainder of it, he has Quinn substitute for Kaiser in his usual feud, taking on the name YeetQuinn. This develops into what Lani later describes as a rivalry where he always distrusts Quinn, secondary to his TossKaiser routine. Eventually, Kaiser and Quinn are just resigned to the fact that Lani and Kirran will always accuse them due to Rule of Funny.
  • The high tension and drama when it comes down to Tyler, Linkara, Kirran, and Grant. During the intense discussion, Grant invokes Heterosexual Life-Partners/roommates trust with Kirran to confirm they are not the killers, which Kirran says is a pass he gets to call on once per life. It comes down to a tie vote between Linkara and Tyler. Tyler then calls the next emergency meeting, by which point Linkara has convinced Kirran that he’s innocent. Cue Mass "Oh, Crap!" when Tyler is tossed out and the game doesn’t end, especially when a sabotage crisis prevents them from hitting the emergency button again. In the aftermath, Taka compliments his fellow Impostor on being the one to bamboozle both halves of the World’s Greatest Detective.
    Grant: “I don’t like this! All my best friends and Linkara are here, and I can’t trust any of them!”
  • Quinn begins and ends one of the streams with a fan animation of the famous “Tyler & Kirran get Kaiser tossed out on a bullshit claim and win” moment from the second stream.
  • Jesse, Antfish, and Stephan join in for the fifth stream. Jesse spends all his time running around to look at the decorations, not knowing how to do any tasks.
    • Jesse also notes at the beginning of the stream that he's in an interesting situation because his voice never really changes with his emotions, and he's unsure how the rest of the group will take the lack of vocal cues from him in the voting sessions. Sure enough, it comes up.
    • Jesse's main tactic in voting chats is to claim incompetence—that he simply doesn't know enough about the game to play it well enough to kill people. Everyone buys it every time. It doesn't hurt that he only managed one task in his first game.
  • Lani proudly boasts about his 100% victory rate after Grant and Quinn lose an Impostor round during the sixth stream, and in the immediate next round Grant suggests voting him purely out of spite, which Kaiser and Stephan are eager to jump on. Taka refrains from joining the mob against Lani purely to deny Lani the satisfaction of saying the only time he lost was when the whole team went against him. Grant actually gets cold feet when he realizes he’s led the discussion in the direction of eliminating Lani despite having no evidence that Lani is an Impostor that round, but ultimately commits to his initial spite vote. The cherry on top is Quinn—who is an Impostor once again—declaring, “#LaunchLani,” and Lani considering it Actually Pretty Funny.
  • During one round in the sixth stream, Lani quickly casts blame on Quinn (as he is wont to do) despite it being so early in the round that he hasn't even had time to do anything yet. Quinn's response is an angry rant about how not only is he the Cosmic Plaything who Can't Get Away with Nuthin' in this game and will be marked as suspicious no matter what he does, but also the fact that, unlike the rest of the group, he has to put up with smartasses in the chatroom and Youtube comments saying, “Wow, Quinn must be a shitty lawyer!” every time he performs poorly in the game. Miraculously, he garners just enough pity from this to barely survive getting thrown out by one vote to skip.
  • In the sixth stream, Antfish calls an emergency meeting to say he’s one of the Impostors. Kirran—who did the same three consecutive times in one of the earliest streams—calls BS and starts discussion on who it really is. Antfish does convince them to vote him out, but then proceeds to implicate almost every other surviving player as his partner. The only one he doesn’t name is his actual partner Jesse.
  • Antfish naming himself Im Pasta in the sixth stream and making the Incredibly Lame Pun when he’s accused. The Lame Pun Reaction from Stephan and Quinn is to join Kirran and Grant in chucking him off the building. He declares Worth It as he costs the Impostors victory (also putting a legitimate dent in Lani’s win record that stream after the spite vote). Another fan made an animation out of this that was then shown at the end of the seventh stream.
  • Lani takes his feud with Quinn to a new level in the 8th stream. Kirran kills Quinn and walks straight into Lani who just stares at Quinn's still warm corpse and then walks away, with both of them laughing their asses off. Quinn was not amused, leading to the quick creation of the #Launch-Lani meme. Which of course Lani instantly embraced.
  • Lani, Jesse, Ant, Zito, and Kirran get together and play VR Chat Among Us. It is entirely chaotic.
    • Ant's first avatar is Joenareff, and Zito changes to Chuck E Cheese.
    • Jesse is the first Impostor and kills Kirran as the latter asks if Jesse has killed anyone yet. Lani and Zito are both within earshot and sight range of the kill and don't see a thing. Jesse is eventually found out when he kills Lani in front of everyone as the latter is struggling with the card swipe task.
  • Kirran becomes Impostor and his partner is Jesse, who is rather known for being bad at being the killer (just one round earlier Jesse was flattered that he was suspected of killing because he's such an indecisive Impostor) and has a distraught Oh, Crap! reaction to being one of them. What does Kirran do? Murder Nick right in front of Jesse, self report the body, and blame Jesse for it hoping that Jesse will figure out his master plan—that since Jesse is useless for killing people, he should sabotage as a ghost (unseen by the other players) to set up kills for Kirran. This does in fact work, with Kirran calling Jesse a "god" for figuring out his plan while Jesse praises Kirran as a genius for knowing to toss him to the afterlife as quickly as possible.
    • Meanwhile Nick spends the entire time making amused/horrified faces since he did not know Jesse was the second Impostor when Kirran killed him, and instead being shocked anyone would think Jesse was bold enough to walk up and kill him.
    • Kaiser is the only one not to vote Jesse off, citing that he feels something's wrong. He is very vindicated at the end when the Impostors win.
    • Made even better in the mashup cut “ANXIETY!” where Jesse added edits to show his thought process during the entire event, including how confused he initially was at Kirran blaming him so soon before he realized why.
  • In the round after Kirran's masterful gambit above, Jesse correctly figures out the killers are Kirran and Lani. Cue Kirran running around the ship screaming through gritted teeth as he cannot find Jesse to kill him, while also deciding Nick can kill everyone else, but he needs to kill Jesse. Again, the mashup makes it better with red filters over Kirran's rage and zooms on his face as his fury grows.
  • Stephan never gets to be Impostor in the eighth stream, leading to him whining about how how he “just wants to murder.”
  • The first stream to have proximity chat works out fairly well, as Kirran’s last words before getting murdered—“If I die, it’s Ant,”—are clearly heard by Lani and Quinn. Unfortunately for Ant, his chat isn’t working until the next round, so he has no way to defend himself. Kirran soon takes to this “Stranger Danger” strategy where he repeatedly yells, “If I die, it’s [X]” whenever anyone is near him.
    • In a later game this backfires, because Kirran was so busy screaming that if he died "it was Grant!" he didn't notice Lani come up and kill him. So Antfish, who was in the next room and heard but didn't see, dutifully reports Kirran's last words after finding the body...which a suspicion-free Lani gleefully has him repeat, dooming Grant.
  • After Jesse gets a stack kill on Quinn at the dropship keys, he isn’t even mad because he’s just proud that Jesse has blossomed into a beautiful murdering flower. Unfortunately for Jesse, the Cannot Tell a Lie strategy he pointed out earlier is turned against him, and he immediately answers yes when Stephan asks if he killed Quinn.
  • Quinn’s push-to-talk button is mapped to the same key used for the kill button, so he accidentally murders Kirran right when Kirran is saying he won’t do his stranger danger flag in front of the dropship. Cue Stephan walking up to them and reporting the body, while Quinn can only sit there in Stunned Silence.
    Lani: Don’t you hate it when you replace your cell phone with a gun?
  • By the proximity chat stream, Lani has started treating his “TossKaiser” routine as an addiction that he has to kick. Every time Kaiser speaks, he feels compelled to vote him out and must resist the urge. He especially plays it up when he’s an Impostor and kills Kaiser again, to deflect suspicion.
  • The proximity chat allows Quinn’s ghost to overhear Lani and Kaiser have a conversation about what it will be like if they eventually become an Impostor duo.
    Kaiser: Y’know, sooner or later, we’re both gonna be the killers, and I’m looking forward to that day. I’m also dreading the hell out of it.
    Lani: Yeah? What do you think’s gonna happen?
    Kaiser: I DON’T— That’s it! We don’t know! Both of—
    Lani: Do you think we’ll just turn on each other and kill each other like this? (murders Kaiser)
    • The subsequent meeting when Jesse finds Quinn’s corpse in decontamination ultimately leads to them voting out Lani. While grateful, all three ghosts are disappointed that no one in the discussion brought up the fact that Quinn and Kaiser were the first to die as evidence against Lani.
  • Kirran doesn’t get to be Impostor for the entirety of the first proximity chat stream, and he begs to be made a killer. When he doesn’t get the role for the last round, he loudly proclaims that he will gladly team up with the actual Impostor duo and clear the way for them to victory. Cue immediate backlash when the first meeting shows that Kirran is the only one to have been killed off. Then Lani goes on a tirade about how whoever crushed Kirran’s dreams is the meanest player they know, culminating in an Evil Lawyer Joke that accuses Quinn (who—for bonus points—is one of the Impostors, but not the one that killed Kirran).
  • An Obvious Rule Patch is introduced to prevent Jesse’s Cannot Tell a Lie disposition from becoming a Game-Breaker: Everyone else is only allowed to ask Jesse if he’s a killer once per stream. To enforce this, Kirran jumps into the conversation whenever anyone tries to ask him, claiming to be his lawyer speaking on behalf of a defendant. Quinn—the actual lawyer—continues to believe that Jesse is guilty the first game he does this, but Kirran insists on playing Jesse’s lawyer even in the face of mounting evidence that his “client” is guilty. By the end, Kirran has flat out admitted that Jesse probably is the killer but he still wants to play lawyer, and Jesse doesn’t get caught until Quinn reports his attempt at a stack kill, which ended up murdering his own lawyer.
    • Also when Kirran is questioned, Jesse declares he is now Kirran's lawyer. And that there's nothing weird about being each other's lawyers.
    • In the next game, Kirran and Quinn are killed first. "Who will defend us now!" is the cry as "both lawyers" are now dead.
    • In another game, Kirran is killed first (by Quinn), so Jesse declares he's his own lawyer. The group asks Jesse if he's the imposter via the loop hole that they're asking Jesse's lawyer, not Jesse himself, but Jesse refuses to answer on the grounds that it's more chaotic and fun that way, resulting in him getting tossed, despite the fact he was innocent and could scan.
      Quinn: Any attorney that represents themself has a fool for a client.
      Jesse: My client is very smart and cool, thank you.
  • Brachy manages to figure out that Quinn is an Impostor based on his movement in the camera feed. However, he responds to Quinn’s usual indignant denial of this with “you little turd,” which leads to everyone feigning outrage at his profane language and voting Brachy out.
    LittleKuriboh: Go wash your mouth out in space.
    • Confusing matters was the fact Grant walked in on Tyler, who wasn't an imposter, standing right over Antfish's corpse, so while everyone is feigning outrage at Brachy, Grant is becoming more and more incredulous over everyone ignoring Tyler staring at Antfish's still warm body.
    • Later in the round, Quinn kills Kaiser in electrical and Brachy is not amused.
      Quinn kills Kaiser
      Kaiser: NO OH GOD IT'S QUINN!
      Brachy: Oh oh oh what happened? Oh what happened?
    • Kirran spent the entire round suspecting Grant, following and harassing him as Grant tried to prove his humanity by emptying the trash chute. Along the way, they picked up Jesse, who killed Kirran without Grant noticing he wasn't being followed until he reached the chute.
      Grant: Get fucking ready. Are you suspicious motherfuckers ready for this? Come... Uh oh. Which one of you... finds Kirran's body GODDAMMIT JESSE!
  • The first 3 imposter game takes the paranoia to a whole new level, with Brachy (an imposter) chasing Kaiser wanting to know why he thinks Brachy will kill him and Kirran being suspicious of everyone and everything.
    • Jesse kills Martin in electrical with Tyler in the room and Kirran walks in on both, suspecting the two of them to be imposters together. Jesse digs deep and lies to blame Tyler, meanwhile Tyler is distracted by Lani talking about touching his asshole. Kirran mentions Tyler talking about his stinky dog and Blue instantly starts barking, which convinces the others that Blue is ratting Tyler (who isn't even an imposter) out and they all vote for him, all the while Jesse is clearly feeling guilty and trying not to say anything.
    • Jesse then spends the rest of the game chasing an increasingly hysterical Kirran, resulting in both of them along with Scott, Grant and Ant being locked in storage getting chased around in circles with Kirran yelling that he doesn't want to die.
    • Lani comes across Brachy in security.
      Brachy: Hey, you wanna see a magic trick?
      Lani: Yes.
      Brachy kills Lani
      Lani: That was a good trick.
    • After Jesse killed Kirran for the win, he pointed out that the imposters, Jesse (Bonebone), Grant (Billiam), and Brachy, all started with B, with Blue then being labelled as the 4th imposter due to Tyler being voted out.
  • On the Airship, Lani and Kaiser are finally an Impostor pair for the first time in over a dozen streams. Unfortunately, Quinn, through a combination of deduction, spite, and dumb luck, manages to get them both voted out in two meetings. Lani declares that the combination of himself and Kaiser must be cursed, and he spends much of his time as a ghost yelling at Kaiser for undoing the sabotage he set up.
  • Also on the Airship, Jesse has finally learned to Just Not Answer questions as to whether or not he's the Impostor, in another Obvious Rule Patch.
  • During the first game, what convinces Little Kuriboh that Antfish is probably not the Impostor? Ant ranting about how much he hates the Safe Opening task, which Little Kuriboh also hates and struggles with.
  • Tyler's kid Asher proves the apple does not fall far from the tree as he sows chaos and frames Kaiser (the other Impostor) and Jesse in his first run as Impostor. Also hilarious is how in Lani's stream of events he refers to Asher as the "Murder Child" right before getting killed while running away, while Quinn admits he's torn between "letting the cute thing be cute" and just tossing Asher because he thinks he's guilty and eventually decides "I'll be the monster."
    • Everyone joking about how much Quinn wants to murder a child. Before, during, and after the match.
  • During the 15-player game, there's a glitch that locked some players in place, unable to move...including both remaining imposters (Grant and Tyler). On his stream, Grant mused about how long it would take to get a task victory on the airship and if anyone else he cannot see is frozen (it turned out Kuu was) so that he could frame them if a meeting was called because no one was finding bodies.
  • The new roles cause even more chaos, resulting in Kirran being chased by two Tylers at one point.
