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Characters / Dick Tracy - 2020s Era

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     Mr. Bones

Richard Bonhomme, alias Mr. Bones, was a killer hired by Ace of Spades to eliminate Dick Tracy.

  • Crazy-Prepared: Well before he meets the Ace and is actually given his contract, Bones assumes that he'll soon be hired to kill Dick Tracy and steals Blackjack's collection of Tracy memorabilia to provoke him into breaking out of jail and inadvertently help him set up a trap.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: His Wrist Wizard (a recalled model) explodes, blowing off his hand (take a look at his shadow) and setting him on fire. He runs around in panic and falls off a cliff (and yes, we do see his corpse).
  • Fanboy: He's a Tracy fan, though not to the extent of Blackjack. It ends up being subverted since it's not clear how much is genuine enthusiasm versus just an act to win Blackjack's trust, and not having an extensive knowledge of Tracy-related happenings (the whole "exploding Wrist Wizard battery" is a Call-Back to a story from six real-world years prior to Bones' appearance, and is certainly the kind of thing Blackjack would know) ends up being his undoing.
  • Mugged for Disguise: Bones drugs Blackjack and steals his Wrist Wizard, gun, and clothes, using the Wizard to message Tracy about turning "himself" in. When Tracy arrives he sees Blackjack's distinct silhouette and doesn't realize something's wrong until it's too late. As for Blackjack himself, Bones attempts to orchestrate his death in a way that looks like a suicide, the intent being that it'll appear that Blackjack snapped and killed his hero, and then himself.
  • Near-Villain Victory: Comes very, very close to killing Tracy, successfully luring him into a trap and shooting him at point-blank range. It's only because of Blackjack's "lousy taste in guns" that restricts Bones to a weak peashooter that can't penetrate a police vest even at close range, and the distraction of a conveniently-timed owl, that he fails. On the other hand the part of his plan that involves killing Blackjack failed due to his own poor victim-binding skills, so there would have been a surviving witness who knew his name and appearance.
  • Red Right Hand: He looks rather like a walking corpse. In particular he eyes bulge out of his head in rather uncanny fashion.
  • Self-Disposing Villain: Gets blown up by the Wrist Wizard he stole from Blackjack after the battery gets damaged in a fight. He refuses to take it off even when it starts glowing and Tracy desperately yells that it's going to explode because he thinks it's a trick.
  • Shadowed Face, Glowing Eyes: As though he isn't freakish looking enough already, his face gets shadowed when he's mad.
  • The Sociopath: He's a cold-blooded assassin who uses charm and manipulation to get close to his targets, and has no problem killing unrelated innocents when it's convenient.


Yeti is a professional chemist who manufactures and sells poisons to other underworld figures, operating out of a seemingly legitimate perfume shop.

  • Absurdly Spacious Sewer: After his perfume shop front falls apart, he sets up a secret laboratory in the sewers.
  • Albinos Are Freaks: He's called "Yeti" for a reason.
  • Bad Boss: Kills his minion Rabbit (who, to be fair, did screw up colossally, and later leaves his associate Daisy to die when the police show up. Ends up biting him when Daisy turns out to have survived and seeks revenge.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Aims a machine pistol at six people crammed into a tiny sewer passage and somehow misses all of them.
  • Master Poisoner: He develops poisons for other criminals to use.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Wears a tie to go to work in the sewer.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: In both his appearances it's underling incompetence that leads Tracy to him.
  • Uncertain Doom: Both of his appearances have him receive some sort of life-threatening injury and then just abruptly end (his stories are guest author shorts and so lack the normal denouement) Whether escapes, is arrested, or succumbs to his wounds is left up to the reader.
  • Unfortunate Item Swap: His poison business is exposed when one of his underlings mixes up a poison shipment with a legitimate perfume shipment and kills a bunch of customers.

     Mr. Memory

Heavyset computer genius and bank robber. Mr. Memory is a Canon Immigrant from the little-seen pilot for the 1967 live-action TV series.

  • Adaptational Badass: His TV version thought he had a computer in his head that could download data via radio receiver, but while the implant was real the computer tapes he used to store data were actually blank and his ability to “download” information was in fact a delusion; he was ultimately sent to an asylum and not prison (not coincidentally he was played by the same actor who played King Tut in Batman (1966), who had a similar gimmick). In the comic version of this backstory the high-tech implants are legit and do give him cool powers, and he's a legitimate crook and not a lunatic.
  • Affably Evil: He's a nice enough guy and seems to genuinely enjoy his neighbors' company. Although he did try to involve B.O Plenty in his schemes by having him activate his bank-robbing computer code while Memory was out of town to cover his tracks.
  • Canon Character All Along: Memory never appeared in the comics until 2022, but his backstory seems to be the same as it was in the TV pilot.
  • Canon Immigrant: Mr. Memory is originally from the little-seen pilot for the 1967 live-action TV series.
  • The Cracker: A computer whiz who uses his hacking skills to rob multiple banks.
  • Cute Owl: Has one as a pet.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: Has a pair of sunglasses that give him these. He confronts victims at ATMs and compels them to empty their bank accounts.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Tracy doesn't have much evidence to go on, but Memory flees when he shows up to question him and of course confirms his guilt. The writers evidently recognized this and wrote in a Hand Wave at the end stating that there was a separate, entirely off-panel investigation by the Cyber Crimes unit that gathered enough evidence by that point anyways.

     Croptop Jones

The younger sister of Flattop and the newest member of the notorious Jones clan to antagonize Tracy and associates
