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Tear Jerker / I Don't Run An Orphanage!

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As is the case with all pages detailing Tear Jerkering Moments, Spoilers Off

Main Story

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     Beginnings Arc 
  • Destiny Comes Knocking:

  • Set in Stone:
    • Kei's first appearance is being forced to use her quirk on the innocents by a robber or she'll get shot by his gun. When Izuku saved her, she was about to hug him, but because she was facing him, she accidentally petrified him, making her rapidly apologize for it to the petrified young boy while crying.
      • Her background isn't pretty either. She was thrown out by her parents after getting her Quirk, so she became "the world's problem instead of theirs", and lived by scavenging trash for food before being used by the robber.

  • Double Trouble:

  • Oozing In:
    • None of the kids besides Eri knew that Izuku is Quirkless, and when Fu asks his new family member about what his Quirk is, he just says "It's not important".
    • The background of Sansan, the Slime Girl. Her Quirk kills her mother while she is still in her womb, causing her father to angrily drop her to her relatives, but none of them can take care of her until one of them had enough and put her in a jar and dump her at Dagobah Beach a year ago, giving her Claustrophobia.
    • The O.P.C.C.C contract keeps repeating that Izuku cannot back out of any agreements or stop accepting children. Before he signed it, Izuku recollects what he learned from researching O.P.C.C.C. Due to them being Incompetence, Inc., their Division is small, making them lack the necessary resources to track down OPC and take care of them more than locking them in Extranormal Prison, and a noticeable number of them turned villains. To the organization, Izuku is their last hope.

  • Shorts 2:
    • As they pack kinds of stuff before moving out in a few weeks, Fu finds Izuku's old Quirk Analysis notebooks. but the note slowly becomes less coherent and full of messy scribbles before it ends with him writing that he now sees his analysis hobby as a constant reminder that he can never be a hero.
      I can't keep doing this it hurts too much every time I look at these things it hurts I can't be a hero Kacchan's right I'm just a useless, Quirkless Deku I'm putting these notebooks away one day I'll throw them out I don't even know why I'm writing this.
      • Izuku then found the kids with the notes and started stuttering. When the kids started asking questions, he kept telling them that it was unimportant before Kiba asked if it was because his Quirk was robbed, forcing him to correct her by coming out that he is born Quirkless, and he did not want to be open about it because he's worried what would they think of him.

  • Something Afoot:
    • Kioku's backstory. Parental Neglect + Big Sister Bully = Desperately Craves Affection. So when she sees The Midoriyas in the park, she uses her Quirk to blend in with them under the fake name of "Izumi", adding Youthful Freckles to her features to make sure that she is related to Izuku.
      • "Izumi" looks overly tired because she's been using her Quirk the entire day and night without sleeping, worried that otherwise would mean she'll be back to her original family.
    • Kioku's Quirk allows her to see through memories, and that gives her a front-row seat to Eri's. It was too much to her that she rewrites it for Eri's sake.

  • Shorts 3:
    • As Izuku feared, Eri was having Thousand-Yard Stare because she prefers Kioku's Fake Memories and longing for it. Thankfully, Izuku decided that while not all, Kioku could cut off most of Eri's memory that was directly about Overhaul.
    • We learn a bit more about Fu's past through a flashback as he explains that he supports Misery Builds Character.
      Fu's Mother: This is the second time you've bit someone! And you got your rotten body parts all over the floor! I don't want a disgusting undead monster as a son! And are those tears!? So have you just been pretending not to feel all this time!? Get out! And never come back!
    • Izuku worries that the kids may only have each other as friends due to their Quirks.

  • Caught In the Rain: Izuku found Kota passed out in a rainy park by himself. From the child's inner monologue, it seems that the Water Horse Duo's passing was recent.

  • It Hides The Tears:
    • Izuku explains to Kota how Quirks are unfairly treated within today's social structure.
      "The world has a very limited view of what quirks are ok, and what quirks are not. And if you fall into the second category, then the world will hurt and shun you."
      • He then explains to Kota why Pro-Heroes are important in the current society.
        Izuku: Heroes exist to protect people from villains. Without heroes, those people would be free to hurt people all they want. They'd kill a lot more people. And no one could stop them.
        Kota: Why don't people just use their quirks to stop them?!
        Izuku: If people could only use their quirks to defend themselves, then that would make quirks even more important. The world would completely revolve around quirks, and people with weak quirks or quirkless people would suffer even more.
    • Kota is furious when Kioku offers to remove the memories of his parents. When she angrily asked why, considering (to her) that it's their death's fault that he becomes so constantly hating things, Kota's dam breaks.
      "Because...because I don't hate them! I don't hate them! I was wrong! I miss them! I don't want to forget! I want them back! *Starts crying* I-I want them back!"

  • Mistakes of the Past:
    • Ochako saw Izuku's eyes directly for the first time. It was a sad look, desperate for a purpose.
    • Ochako defends Izuku that he can be a hero after hearing about All-Might's first time meeting him, giving the pro hero a pang of guilt.
    • The amount of Info Dump Ochako receives enrages her. From the OPC and how people treat them to Izuku's past.
      It's like the entirety of today was dedicated to making her hate the world

     Peaceful Days Arc 

  • Adopt One Get One Free: Shiruku was raised in O.P.C.C.C's Extranormal Prison since birth by uncaring agents, only knowing about the outside world and social interactions through works of media like movies and TV Series.

  • Into The Woods:
    • After some investigation, it is discovered that the Wild Child's parents do love him, but they were killed by wild animals, and the reason he survives is that he had his Quirk the moment he was born.
    • The reason the Wild Child kidnaps Izuku? He has the ability to detect emotions, and the Quirkless teen is the first positive emotion he ever felt in his life.

  • Shorts 5:
    • While the chat has fewer Quirk discriminatory comments from Fu banning them, he did notice the drop in the number of the Kiba's stream's viewers after Shiruku appeared on camera.
      Fu: Even if we escaped from the city, they're still out there. It's just a reminder of what everyone is really like
    • Izuku ranting about how reckless Kiba was before realizing that the injured girl is Trying Not to Cry due to feeling like she has disappointed the only person who cares about her, making Izuku realize that his tirade is going too far.

  • Hang Out: Ochako asked if Izuku feels cheated that All Might did not choose him to receive One For All, causing the green teen to cry and admit that at times, he imagined what would his life be as All Might's successor, but he's used to imagining what would his life be with a Quirk. And now, he has a responsibility. Not to mention he doubts he can score high in the entrance exam with One For All compared to her, who has her own Quirk in case One For All can't be used.
    Izuku: But I wasn't lying when I said I didn't feel cheated (...) I never felt like I deserved it in the first place.

  • Shorts 6:
    • While her traumatic past was mostly removed by Kioku, Eri still has enough memories about Overhaul that she has ornithophobia.
    • Shiruku regrets trying to put on clothes on Sansan, now that Izuku explains the slime girl's past.

  • Mighty World:
    • Tenya asked Fu why did he even joined the other kids visiting The Mighty World if he did not enjoy it. Fu explains that he loses the ability to feel anything ever since his Quirk is active, and he's longing for it.
      Fu: When I'm by myself, it doesn't just feel like I'm alone, it feels like I don't even exist. I don't have a presence or a strong personality, so I just feel...nothing, when I'm by myself. (...) I can barely remember what it was like before I got it (his Quirk), But I still miss it. I wish I could feel the ground as I walked. I wish I could feel people's warmth when they hugged me. I wish I could taste food again. But I can't, and I never will.
    • Shiruku's unique anatomy renders her incompatible with most of the carnival rides. She has to cram and contort her legs to sit on a roller coaster
    • Kiba gets upset over her loss streak from the carnival games from a combination of both being one-upped by Sansan and her own lack of self-control, causing her to run away crying.

  • Friendly Faces: Fukunoko's backstory is elaborated further here. After realizing that he will have a daughter instead of a son, her father raises her to be someone he can set a Arranged Marriage to rich people, including forcing her to learn cooking, cleaning, and sewing, and when she fails, he beat her up. He even tied her up to a chair to learn how to sit still. When she gains her Quirk, he sees his grand plan failed, calling his daughter "unmarriable!" and "A complete failure!" before locking her in her room until D.O.C comes and rescues her. It's no wonder she's a Nervous Wreck.

  • Shorts 7:
    • Kai implied that D.O.C did not accommodate him that much, with his room in the mansion being way bigger than his cell.
    • Otoko is used to people fearing and even disgusted with him, which is why he finds Kei's enthusiasm surprising.

  • Teachers Visit:
    • While there are positive comments, Eraserhead's Inner Monologue is harsh yet realistic.
      About Izuku's Quirk Training License: Midoriya is technically a Quirk counselor but considering his age and how stupidly easy it is to get that license, I doubt he's very good.
      About Izuku's treatment of the kids: He's surprisingly mature, especially considering his age and background. Still, I can see him being too soft on these kids. Overall not the worst thing, especially considering most of these kids' past, but it could be an issue in the future.
    • Eraserhead sees signs of exhaustion in Izuku, from the thick makeup that hides eyebags to his body language that is similar to the one that's fighting tiredness.

     Eri's Choices Arc 

  • Preparing For the Worst:

  • Hard Choices:
    • Izuku explains to Eri what he learned from the D.O.C Secret Division's representative, that there are children who are suffering from their own Quirks, and that they need Eri's blood to save them. The two suffer from the harsh choice: forcing Eri to go through her old trauma again or letting those children suffer.
      He felt like he was about to vomit. How could he put Eri through such a difficult and stressful choice? Especially after what she's been through!
      But at the same time, what else could he do? Was he supposed to force her? That would be terrible! After being forced to give blood to Overhaul and then this! She would never trust him again.
      And he couldn't just say no and condemn all those people to suffer! He PHYSICALLY could not bring himself to do that.
    • After realizing the weight of the decision she has to make, Eri decides to ask her siblings for their opinions first, making Izuku regret putting this responsibility on her in the first place.
      Why her? Why out of all the children did it have to be her!?

     Bad Omens Arc 

  • Shorts 8: Izuku is starting to accumulate stress. When Namae tells him that D.O.C will send him 5 more kids instead of the agreed number of 3 and snobbishly explains why he just yells "NO!" at her. The incident was immediately noticed by Yami, but Izuku insists that he is okay now. When Yami presses on because he can see through Izuku's lies, the teen snaps at him as well. While he did regret yelling at both of them and he agrees with Namae that he needs to seek professional help, his job as OPC caretaker comes first.
    I can't keep going like this. I've started yelling at the kids! I need to hire help!
    * Izuku receives an email about the soon-to-be-arrived OPC*
    I'll look at the workers...after this

  • Three? Make it Four!: Izuku cannot hide his tiredness from overwork from Yonda, and the teen, being a Bad Liar, unable to convince her that he is fine.

  • Shorts 10:
    • We see more signs of the teen being overtaxed. He considers 3 hours of sleep to be "refreshing", and he only eats toast or whatever leftovers from the children's meal, or worse.
      Izuku: I really need to stop forgetting to eat.
    • Yami notices Fukunoko's negative emotion engulfing her when he's bringing her breakfast to her room, but he's unsure of what to do to help her.

     VS 1-A Arc 

  • Roaring Revenge: Ever since Bakugo was under thin ice and people in the U.A. know about his record of being a bully, he's been isolated by his classmates with no one talking to him. Kirishima wants to befriend him, but the explosive teen's record makes him keep second-guessing himself.

  • 2 V 4: Izuku is disappointed that, while Ashido and Hagakure are fans of Kiba, they are too new to recognize Fu, for he was hoping that someone would, and not be terrified by his Quirk.
    (Izuku) had hoped that at least one person would have seen Fu's quirk. Because he was well aware of how...grotesque Fu's quirk could be, and it tended to make things...complicated.
    It was one of the reasons that Kiba's channel was often described as Gap Moe. On one hand, you had Kiba's adorableness and super endearing personality, then on the other hand you'd see her rip Fu's head off and a fountain of blood burst from his neck stump.
    It put a lot of people off.

  • Queen Of Eternal Darkness:
    • Izuku has a Humiliation Conga that his negatives revealed to class 1-A.
      • Ashido, after seeing Kiba releasing The Nuckelavee, asked if There Are No Therapists at Midoriya Foundation. Izuku sadly admits that he having a hard time trusting other people to be entrusted to the kids.
      • That conversation reveals that Izuku is the sole worker at the Foundation, with Ochako scolding him about it.
      • When the class asked if Izuku happens to have a Quirk that helped him run the Foundation all by himself, Bakugo blurted out Izuku's Quirkless-ness in front of everyone, causing the other students to look at Izuku with bafflement and pity, triggering some traumatic flashbacks.
    • Ochako sympathizes with Izuku having the responsibility of having the final say in Q.R. branch, possibly condemning kids into suffering the same fate as him, even with D.O.C's assurance that they will be moved into neighborhoods where Quirk discrimination is very low.
    • Nezu lied about the exercise's restriction that the student cannot harm the OPC, because that would be what most of the heroes' superiors (including H.P.S.C) would say due to not being in the field, and sometimes a child's Quirk is dangerous enough that if they weren't stopped immediately, there will be casualties.
    • Izuku explains that, if Kai's exercise scenario were a real situation, the villain would be savvy enough to hide his parents and themselves better, meaning by the time heroes found the parents/villain, the casualty would reach thousands, and even if he regains his parents, the damages he causes alone would scar his mind and the society will alienate him for good, regardless if he apologizes or not.
      • While she dreamed of helping Izuku in seeking out OPCs, Ochako is disheartened that there are as many chances that she will be beating them and dropping their unconscious body at Midoriya Foundation as saving them from their abusive family or picking them up from the streets. She then noticed Izuku's resigned face as he made the explanation. He is already aware of the odds she just thought, and at the end of the day, the Midoriya Foundation will be the designated place for heroes to drop Unstable Powered Child they defeated, and he will be the one responsible for taking care of them.
      • Izuku's explanation makes Shinsho realize that, while he did have no friends and was bullied thanks to his Quirk, he was lucky that he never used it to break the law or kill people, even by accident, unlike some of the OPCs Izuku raises.

  • Acid April:
    • After the discussion from the previous chapter, the mood turned somber. Even the Genki Girl Ashido is affected. Kirishima wants to cheer her up but is unsure of what he can do to do that.
    • Nezu explains the purpose of this particular exercise: most children look for heroes for comfort, but sometimes it can hinder their work if not outright kills them.
      Nezu: Sometimes children will look to you for comfort, sometimes in a physical way, such as attempting to hug you. This, however, may impede your ability to perform your job as a hero, or it will just kill you.
      Izuku: There are unfortunate cases of children attempting to hug people, only for their quirks to end up killing the person they were attempting to hug.

  • An Overdue Talk:
    • Bakugo notes how tired Izuku is from his new occupation.
      Izuku's tone, the way he spoke was all very...tired. As if he hadn't slept for days. And his face reflected that tiredness.
    • Izuku hammered down on Bakugo's head that he truly gave up trying to be a hero, for chasing it while raising multiple kids is just irresponsible. It is so Out of Character to what Bakugo remembers "Deku" used to be, he is shocked.
      Izuku: What else could I do? Trying to be a hero while Quirkless would have been hard enough, but trying to be a Quirkless hero while also raising five kids and giving them all the attention they needed? That would have been impossible. And unfair to them.
      Bakugo had never heard Izuku sound so...defeated. And that said a lot. It was like he really was watching a dream die in front of him.
    • By the end of the talk, one thing is clear: "Deku" and "Kacchan" as both of them know it no longer exists.

  • Red and Green:
    • Izuku elaborates about Bakugo and Quirk discrimination in general to Kirishima. How the dynamic between the former friends changed when one of them is Quirkless, how the explosive boy grew up in an environment with a toxic mindset, how All-Might has an indirect hand in influencing the public with that mindset, and how the Izuku's father abandoned him after he's diagnosed being Quirkless.
      Kirishima flinched after hearing that. He knew that quirk discrimination caused a lot of people to turn their backs on Izuku, but for even his own father to turn his back on him?
      It made Kirishima debate how much he really knew about quirk discrimination.
    • Kirishima told Izuku that if he wanted to, he and the other students would cover him, but the green teen insisted that he is fine.

     The Fall Arc 
  • Q&A:
    • Since people keep asking it, Izuku eventually relents and tells the children that the audience wants to hear about their life before being in The Foundation, and the children are variably upset about it.
      "Why do I have the feeling they have a range of backstories that go from Bad to Worse"
      "I feel bad for asking"
      • Eventually, the viewers learn some of the children's Dark and Troubled Past. And they are justifiably horrified and enraged.
        "Oh, this is taking a dark turn"
        "We asked for it"
      • One audience asked why heroes did nothing.
        "Why didn't the heroes help?"
        Queen Crimson (Himiko Toga): What a silly question! Heroes don't help with things like this, silly.
        Bloodcurdle (Stain): Yeah. Doesn't give them any glory.
    • Yonda's backstory. She was only given basic necessities, and her drunkard mother blamed her for revealing her dad's affair, overwhelming her with negative thoughts before she was sent to D.O.C. Even then, D.O.C's agents are a balanced bunch of Child Hater and Beleaguered Bureaucrat, eventually giving her cynicism from overexposure to their thoughts.

  • Shorts 12:
    • Nara was not allowed to use her Grey Matter form because she was told it would be "unfair to the other kids", and her previous teachers would threaten her with detention if she did so.
    • Izuku lectures Nara on how the world is unfair when it comes to Quirks and talents, and since she has an advantage in Quirk, she must utilize it.
      • Izuku is shocked that Nara knows what Quirkless is, considering how young she is. She admits she learned it for her homework. When she is about to ask more about how Quirkless are treated, Izuku dodges her question, but the way he dodges it is a good enough hint for the horrified Nara.
    • Nara is observant enough that Izuku's Chronic Hero Syndrome, Self-Deprecation, and declining health are signs of an oncoming disaster.
      She (Nara) questioned his (Izuku's) decision to not hire more employees and was worried about the effect that was having on his health. Effects that he was passionately denying, despite them being clear as day.
      Not to mention she just found out he was Quirkless and his unwillingness to talk about it implied very bad things about his past.
      All signs pointed to something going wrong, and Nara was left wondering if she would need to save someone long before she ever even got into U.A.

  • Fall:
    • Izuku is drowned in paperwork daily to ensure the Foundation is well-funded through various means, because some of his money sources have dried up, and he needs to prepare in case the government stops funding him because there are no other jobs in the world that can sustain the Foundation WHILE still having time for the kids.
      In summary, Izuku NEEDS to be rich at all times for this (Midoriya Foundation) to work.
    • The Uraraka construction company was embarrassed that they tended to be out of their league whenever they worked at Midoriya Mansion. Since they are a small company, they sometimes lack supplies, which Izuku then purchases himself (which means even more paperwork). They have since sworn to reorganize the company to ensure this won't happen again.
    • Izuku finds that one of the kids has requested a maid in the suggestion box. With the sentence "You need help, Dad" written underneath it. This triggers Izuku's Self-Deprecation so hard that he has major Belated Injury Realization from his cumulative tiredness and exhaustion.
      Children should not spend their time worrying about the health of their parents. They should be free to play and do as they wish, learning about the wonders of the world around them until they grow up to be well-adjusted adults and live happy lives.
      If he couldn't let them do that then what was he even doing!?
      • His last thought before succumbing to Heroic RRoD?
        I failed.

  • Panic:

  • Reactions:
    • Inko felt like she had failed her son when she learned that Izuku was hospitalized and she is on the other side of the world running her company.
    • Kota is having Thousand-Yard Stare when Mandalay explains that Izuku is hospitalized and he appointed Wild Wild Pussycats in his letter to temporarily take care of the kids. His aunt wanted to assure him that everything is going to be okay and that Izuku will recover, but she knows it wouldn't work with her orphan nephew.
      Mandalay's eyes never left Kota. She felt like she should reassure him somehow. Say that Izuku was going to be ok.
      But she already knew what his response would be, having lived with him long enough.
      That's what they said about my parents.
    • Ochako rants about how she sees this coming due to Izuku being too stubborn to hire employees and hyperventilating after hearing the bad news on the phone to the point the other girls try to make her sit down and calm her down.
    • Nezu is surprised how Izuku's Determinator pushes his body longer than anticipated, but that means the strain on his body is worse than expected as well.
    • All Might blames himself because he believes that Izuku's Triple Shifter was inspired by his own, since the teen now coughing out blood as often as himself.
    All Might: It's this my fault?
    Eraserhead: *Asked him to be more specific*
    All Might: Young Midoriya overworking himself. I feel his role model, I may have inspired that behavior...

  • Picking Them Up:
    • Yami realizes, from his trip to U.A. and from feeling the emotions of Izuku and the other kids as the teen falls unconscious, why he is an OPC and why D.O.C fears him: His Quirk is not fueled by negative energy in general, but suffering specifically. And this bothers him.
      Yami: Is my Quirk...evil?
      Fu: You've heard what we told Eri, right?
      Yami: Eri's quirk doesn't need people to be in pain.
      • He also blames himself for not making enough G.R.I.M.M.s to ease Izuku's workload.
    • Fukunoko nervously tries to walk into Kiba's room to tell her that Izuku survives and will recover, only to find Kiba's room practically trashed with Kiba herself sitting in front of the TV with messy pajamas and hair, bloodshot eyes with eyebags. She even loses her Large Ham and drops her Chuunibyou act when Fuku tries to talk to her. Fukunoko doesn't like how much Kiba resembles herself right now as she asks if her daddy is all right.
      Kiba was begging. Fuku would now. She had spent so much of her life begging. Begging for love from her parents. Begging for the pain to stop. Begging to be good. Begging for someone, anyone to save her.
      In front of her wasn't the strong and powerful Lady Kiba. The Kiba in front of her right now was just like Eri and Kei. A little girl begging for her father to be safe.
  • Call To Action:
    • After months of not seeing each other, Izuku and Inko finally see each other in his hospital room. They spend the day crying with each other.
    • Izuku was surprised that Ochako visited him with All-Might, Nezu, Mandalay, and Namae in tow. Why? To hammer down into his head that his behavior needs to be stopped, for his sake and the kids.
      Nezu: Midoriya, this is an intervention.
      Inko: You can't do this job on your own, sweetheart. Look at what you've done to yourself Izuku, you can't do this again.
      Mandalay: The kids were completely heartbroken when this happened.
      All Might: Young Midoriya, I understand that maybe I'm not the best person to be saying this, but it needs to be said. You can't do everything alone. Everyone needs a support system.
      Ochako: *Hoarsely whispers* And we've been telling you this for months!
      Namae: Listen to 'em kid. Think about how badly it would affect the kids if you died.
      • Hearing his loved ones (besides his adopted children) asking him to stop doing everything by himself triggers some auditory flashbacks about his former bullies calling him "useless" because he believed that he had failed.
    • After listening to Aizawa saying that class 1-A, a bunch of Heroes-in-training, will assist the Midoriya Foundation in taking care of the OPCs not only because both sides are familiar with and trust each other, but also to imprint their mind about why Pro Heroes are important, Who they're working to protect, and why, Todoroki started to wonder if Endeavor becomes who he is today because he's too focused on his goal to remember what it truly means to be a hero.
    • Most of the 1A students are horrified by the idea of shooting a (tranquilizer) gun at a child, but Aizawa reiterates that Eri's Quirk can accidentally kill people instantly, especially when it goes out of her control. This sobers up a lot of the students who were initially excited by the monetary rewards.
    • Shoji sympathizes with Otoko due to how their Quirks mutate them into frightening visages, and that if he did not want to become a Pro Hero, then his Quirk is nothing but a burden for his daily life.

  • The Return:
    • Izuku is coming home in a wheelchair as his mother pushes him.
    • While he is proud that Fukunoko started going out of her room and helping around the mansion, Izuku is upset that she has to because he fell sick.
    • Izuku notices how much Kiba has changed in his absence, becoming quieter, less well-groomed, and completely ditching her Queen of Eternal Darkness act.
    • Izuku saw Kota glaring at him, left out of the Group Hug, and presumably angry about how the teen almost followed the footsteps of the orphaned boy's parents.

     The Cavalry 
  • Fu, Ken & Nara cringed when Ashido & Hagakure excitedly asked about Kiba, causing some of the students - Even Dark Shadow - concerned about what happened to her.
    Dark Shadow: What happened to the little queen?
    • Fu, who has known her the longest, is so stumped that even he has no idea how to help her.
  • The planning for who does what goes well until Todoroki abruptly and stubbornly declines training Netsu for reasons unknown to everyone in the room.
  • Instead of her usual bombastic Chuunibyou self, Kiba quietly thanks her fan club members for watching her, stunning them.

     Shorts 13 
  • Fu sees Kiba wanting to join Eri and Kei eating breakfast next to Izuku before stopping herself, leaving him unsure of what is going through her head.
    Fu: Kiba...what the heck is going on with you?
  • Ochako vents to her dad about how selfless Izuku is despite his condition.
    "I...I feel...frustrated! Pretty much everyone he met treated him like crap! And then it finally seems like he gets to have the life he deserves, and he just...he just sabotages himself! And I'm angry! He's such a wonderful person and he cares for everyone! Everyone but himself! He thinks of the people that bully him! More than himself! And that's just...ahh!"
    • Her dad warns her of how self-sacrificing someone like Izuku can be if not careful.
    Mr. Uraraka: Listen, honey, you can't leave people like him alone for too long. They'll end up killing 'emselves one way or another eventually.
    Ochako: *Horrified* Don't say that!
  • Eri blames herself for not being able to master her Quirk to help Izuku.
    Eri: ...If I could use my quirk...I could fix Dad. And he'd never have to be like that ever again.
  • Izuku forced himself to do some paperwork despite still recovering because the papers are from Q.R. branch, and too classified to be seen by anyone else. Ochako asked if he could just put it on hold, making Izuku snap.
    Izuku: How would you feel if you had to stay three more weeks in a bunker, unable to see the outside or even your family because the person responsible for releasing you was being an idiot!?

     Sinking Into Darkness 
  • Kiba having Despair Event Horizon after reading the number of money and paperwork needed to fix the things she breaks, causing her to run out of the office crying.
  • Izuku tries to talk Kiba out of locking herself in her room.
  • It's been days since Izuku spoke to Kiba, and true to her word, she didn't budge, even through the efforts of the other kids and 1-A students.
  • Even Fu, who knows Kiba longer than anyone else is still unable to convince her to stop.
    • Fu tries to claim that Izuku would blame himself for her attitude, but she believes that he will get over it eventually.
    • Kiba explains to Fu that she is being mindful for once by doing this because all she did was cause trouble, giving out several Call-Back when she was scolded for injuring others or herself.
      "Why do you think daddy scolds me the most!? Like that time I argued with you guys about colors. And that time I threw a car at All Might. All those times I broke things. That time I hurt myself in the greenhouse. All those times I spread your insides across the house. I'm always doing something wrong!"
    • Kiba lashes out at Fu, not believing that he knows how she feels since he is an Emotionless Boy, that his Quirk never broke or destroyed anything like hers, and how he and Yami are definitely Izuku's favorite children because of how obedient and non-destructive they are, unlike her.
    • Kiba even commits to abandoning her dream as a Pro Hero and her Job as a streamer, to Fu's genuine shock, believing it's for the best, despite sounding unhappy and unsure about it.
      "I do a lot of stupid things while streaming. I hurt myself, I break things. I...I...I...I'll stop for daddy's sake."
    • Fu finally leaves her, after leaving a parting shot.
      Fu: But I know, that you know, that dad will never really be happy, if you're not. So while you're sitting in here, ask yourself...are you happy?
      Kiba: *Mutters* I'm fine.
  • Kiba started developing Afraid of Their Own Strength-based paranoia, and desperately wants to do more exciting things, but she forces herself not to for Izuku's sake.
    A part of her wanted so badly to go out and do...anything. She wanted to feel the night's cool air on her skin, see the moon shining brightly in the sky, and around and enjoy herself.
    But she couldn't, she reminded herself. Because what would happen if she went out there, did some stretches, and broke twenty trees or something? Izuku would have to do a lot of work to replace each and every one of those trees.
    Or maybe she'd throw a rock through the house and make holes in fifteen walls. Which Izuku would also have to fix.
    Oh, actually Ochaco's classmates would fix those. Maybe she'd bring them to collapse too.
    Izuku didn't mind if he got hurt. But if she hurts others?
    Maybe then Izuku would finally have enough and kick her back out onto the street, as her parents did.
    That thought alone was enough to make her sit still, stay in her room, and watch T.V.

    Here, in her room specifically made for her, reinforced to make it harder to destroy, she was fine. And Izuku would be fine.
    Even if she was bored and sad, and more than a little bit lonely...she'd get used to it.
    Fukunoko lived like this, so why couldn't she?
    I'll get used to it, Kiba thought, curling up into a ball on her bed. Ignoring her urges to get up and do...anything. I have to.
  • Ochako is conflicted. On one hand, Izuku blames himself too much again, but on the other hand, Kiba's situation is partially his fault. So she decided to just give him comforting shoulder pats.

     Seeing The Light 
  • Fukunoko's part of her plan is to enact exciting activities like fighting, having a tea party to watching fireworks, to lure Kiba out of her room. To see the activities she once loved to do but swore not to anymore is torture to the Genki Girl.
  • Kiba is furious that everyone intentionally does fun things outside her room and was about to call Fukunoko a Hypocrite - for trying to lure her out of her room while Fuku never leaves hers - before Fukunoko explains that she did NOT enjoy being a Hikkikomori nor wanting to live like that for the rest of her life.
    Kiba: Why would you do that!? Just to lure me out!? You spend all your time in YOUR room! But it's bad when I do it!? Why won't you all just leave me alone!? Why do you care!?
    Fukunoko: Because I know how it feels! [...] I know what it feels like to live that kind of life, and I hate it! I hate constantly being afraid to go outside and talk to people! I WANT to leave my room and have fun with my friends!
  • Fu begs Kiba's audience to show her how much she meant to them.
    "Please. If you're going to show your support, do it now. Otherwise, this may be the last video on this channel."

  • After going home from giving Eri away to her father and her Anguished Outburst subsides, Tsuma realizes that she just gave away her last link to her recently deceased husband. When she tries to get Eri back, her father refuses to see and talk to her, deeming her "unworthy parent" for his granddaughter.
  • Izuku observes how not only Tsuma's eyes are red NOT because she is Eri's mother, but due to bloodshot, she also looks very dishelved, unhealthily thin, and reeks alcohol.
  • While Tsuma feels happy and relieved that Eri is having a better life in Midoriya Foundation, she also feels jealous that she has no part in Eri's happiness and anger toward herself for being the reason why.
  • Izuku accidentally blurted out that Overhaul had done something to Eri, and Tsuma recognized the name as her father's acting leader when the Yakuza boss fell ill. After repeatedly declining Tsuma's pressure, Izuku finally concedes and tells her more if she promises him one thing...not to kill herself after the explanation. Despite the implication, Tsuma insists on finding out, at least so the curiosity won't lingers in her mind for the rest of her life. The story then skips through the explanation into Tsuma crying heavily until her tears dry out, as her head is buried to the table and the light in her eyes is on the brink of dying out. Izuku even compared looking at her to watching someone drown.
    Tsuma: I...I'm a monster...I...I...Eri...oh god Eri. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
  • While Izuku allowed her to atone for what she had done, some of the deal's rules are an unfortunate necessity.
    • Tsuma is banned from visiting Midoriya Mansion or meeting Eri directly, out of concern that Eri's mental recovery might regress if she saw her biological mother who had given up on her.
    • Izuku insists Tsuma seek a psychiatrist because he's been through what she's enduring right now and where it might lead her.
      Izuku: know where this kind of depression can lead, and just looking at you tells me if I don't intervene you'll be dead before the end of the year, promise be damned. You have no use for Eri (if you're) dead, and god forbid she finds out about it and blames herself for YOUR death.

     Understanding Suffering 

     Exploring Pain 
  • Yami explores the city by himself to understand the plight of common people. His Quirk sees pillars of negative emotions towering over small buildings. When he passes by one of the larger pillars, he sees the poorer neighborhood, with disheveled-looking people, some of them also homeless. The sight shocked Yami, who only knows the life of a Wild Child and a Spoiled Sweet.
    Now Yami understands why there was so much negativity here. These people looked miserable even without looking at their auras.
    So Yami looked around the area with pity. These people were so sad and scared. He doubted that therapy could help THESE people. What they seemed to need was money.
    Why didn't they have money? Why were they so poor? Couldn't they just get jobs? Why didn't anyone help them?

     Finding Hope 
  • Yami asked Izuku why the bully hurts other kids, despite being a victim of abuse himself. Shouldn't he know what his father did is bad, therefore, doing it to others makes him as bad as his dad? Izuku has an educated guess.
    Izuku: Ok...well...I guess it was probably about control.
    Yami: Control?
    Izuku: *Nods* That boy didn't know how to process what was happening to him. He felt so helpless and powerless. So when he was bullying that boy, he control. Like he had power. It made him feel better for just a little bit. But it wasn't going to fix anything, and in the end, it just made someone else feel bad.

     Here Comes A New Challenger 
  • Fu is baffled that, despite being practically battered, Nise did not surrender nor retreat.
    Fu: You can't win this fight. So what are you even trying for? Why put yourself through all this?
    Nise: I...I can't fail! *Gritting her teeth* Mommy and Daddy said I had to kill him (Izuku)! I have to! Otherwise, I'm worthless! A-And they'll put me in the training room again! I'm not going back! I can't go back! I won't!
  • After defeating Fu, his word of how Nise could just surrender and come with him to The Foundation to be actually adopted lingers in her mind. Nise is sick of being The Fake Cutie, sick of killing people, and sick of her parents who are never satisfied with her accomplishments as their assassin, yet punished her when she fails. But after living with her parents for so long, she is just unable to believe such a happy life is possible.
    For a moment, she allowed herself a fantasy. A fantasy of a world where she was that sweet girl, and her parents were like how Fu described his father to be.
    No more assassinations, no more training, no more blood.
    Just, love, smiles, happiness, and warmth.
    She felt a bit of warmth growing in her chest, which quickly tightened up and became painful.
    Because as nice as that fantasy was, it was just that.
    A fantasy.
  • While Izuku is proud that Fu and Kyosei managed to stop Nise and survive, he doesn't like how Fu chooses to endanger himself by fighting Nise without backup, especially since, as Kyosei's host, he also endangers the baby Blob Monster. This shocks Fu.
    Fu most of the time tended to think of Kyosei like his own sentient quirk, rather than a separate person, or the baby that he actually was.
    It was part of the bonding process. It was natural to think of them as one being.
    But they weren't. Kyosei was a baby, he was gonna do whatever Fu wanted him to do because Fu was his host. He NEEDED him. He didn't really have much of a choice but to go along with Fu.
    Fu actually felt a bit bad about that part in particular.

  • Despite recently recovering from his collapse and just recently dealing with an assassination attempt, Izuku has to attend the press conference set by D.O.C., otherwise, the media might spin the narrative in a way neither D.O.C nor Midoriya Foundation wants to.
  • Kyoka asked if wearing Aegis Robe may bring the wrong kind of assumption about the Midoriya Foundation. Izuku told her that people are more likely to judge him for being quirkless than for wearing the robe.
  • After the meeting, only Ochako stays, looking unsatisfied with Izuku's decision.
    Izuku: Ochaco, I know that you don't like this but-
    Ochako: No, it's just that! It's doesn't feel like we've reduced your workload by that much! I still see you working pretty much every day! We were supposed to come here so you could relax! So what's the point of us being here if you're still working so much!?
    Izuku: That's not true in the slightest. You guys have reduced my workload by so much it's insane. I actually have time to relax for a few hours and sleep for a healthy amount of hours. If I had a normal job, then you guys would have left me with nothing to do and then some...but I don't have a normal job. My job brings many, many benefits, and they vastly outweigh the negatives. But one of those negatives is that my work never ends, and much of it is too important to just let anyone do it. Thanks to you guys I was able to rest for a while, but I can't do that forever.
    Ochako: ...I guess your right. *Sighs* It just seems unfair that you have to be saddled with all this work, and you are still only fifteen. I mean, I've felt swamped with work before, but it was nothing compared to how much you have on your plate.

  • When the interviewer, after hearing that Izuku is contracted as the OPC caretaker for the rest of his life, questions if he has any legitimate plan for his own future, Izuku tells her about his past, from how much he wanted to be a hero despite his Quirkless-ness, how people don't believe he can achieve it, how he was bullied by his classmates and ignored by the teachers due to his Quirklessness, to how even a pro hero told him that his dream is impossible.
    • Izuku even admits that he has various mental illnesses from it, and hasn't sought help due to being too busy.
  • When The interviewer says that she finds the process of adopting OPC out of Midoriya Foundation convoluted, Izuku reiterates that these children have dangerous Quirk that can accidentally harm or even kill others, and that there have been people that use OPCs for their own gain or to adopt them solely for the hefty sums of money provided to raise them.

  • Izuku explains to Kioku that he needs to hire Sori to protect her and the other kids because, despite his wealth and influence, and as much as he wants to do it himself, he's still a Quirkless teenager.
    Izuku: Kioku, what do you think a father's number 1 priority should be?
    Kioku: Giving out love and hugs.
    Izuku: Close. The number 1 priority of a father is to make sure his family is safe. And yet, I sent my daughter to fight a potential assassin. In pretty much every situation, that is unacceptable. The only reason I even considered it was because I looked at her fighting all the Grimm, and figured she didn't have any way of actually hurting Sansan. And I was right. But in the very slim chance I was wrong about that, then I would have sent my daughter directly into harm's way. And that thought makes me feel ill.
  • While he initially thinks, back when Sori trespasses the woods, to offer himself to Sori if it means the kids won't be harmed, Izuku stops when he realizes that if he dies now, The Midoriya Foundation will fall apart. Not to mention how his death will be affecting the kids.


     Bad Luck 
  • We see how jaded Kioku is, from assuming the guy who helped her might have a bad intention, to feeling vindicated of her nihilist point-of-view from seeing a kid being bullied for his arcade tickets, to assuming that Ashido is secretly a Stepford Smiler who had bad parents at home. Yami and Yonda are both incapable of comprehending her level of cynicism.
    Yami: So she gets upset when people help her. And happy when people are mean.
    Yonda: Yup. It's almost as if the girl WANTS to believe the world is full of bad people.
    Yami: Maybe she does. Maybe she wants to believe that the world is bad. And gets angry when belief is shown to be no good.
    Yonda: That actually almost makes sense. But why? What possible reason could she have for WANTING the world to be horrible and filled with bad people?

     Why Me? 
  • Ashido tries to console the crying Kioku, thinking that her breakdown was based on how uncomfortable she is with strangers, and telling her that not all people are as horrible as her birth parents, only for the little girl to reveal that she's already aware of that, but the fact that there are nice people in the world made her question why she's the one with neglectful parents...
    Kioku: If people can be so nice, then why did I have to go through all that? *Sobbing* Why did my parents make me go hungry when other parents don't? Why did my parents never hug me? Or smile at me? Or-or-or love me at all?
  • Izuku, once again, blames himself for being unable to provide a therapist for his children.
    Izuku: It's ok to not be able to let things go right away, it's ok to be upset that bad things happened to you. It's ok to be hurt. And I'm sorry if I haven't exactly been leading by example. And I haven't provided you all with the help you needed. And I'm so so sorry that you had to suffer because of it.
    Kioku: It's not your fault daddy, you've been busy!
    Izuku: No Kioku. My job, first and foremost. Is to make sure you're ok. I should have gotten you all therapist.
  • Kioku's breakdown really opened Ashido's eyes to how important Izuku's job is.
    Ashido: I always respected what you were doing here, helping kids that need help, it's a pretty great thing to do. And I really respect how much effort you put into it but…I don't think I understood just, how important your job was, or how much these kids needed help. The stuff with Kiba was a bit of an eye-opener, and after that interview and the stuff you said about Eri's past…ugh…but this was…I've never seen a kid so…broken. I never want to see a kid so broken! It broke my heart to see her that way. But, I'm glad I was there for her. Because I hate thinking about what would have happened if she was alone.

     Reach for the Stars 
  • Eri feels horrible that she is grateful that Kioku's breakdown took people's attention away from her after spending a week being pitied by those who learn of her past.
  • Chole's perspective of her situation with Alice. Her daughter spends her early childhood seen as Quirkless since her Quirk is too complex to be apparent, but when she finally finds out what her Quirk is and the word spread at the office, the people Chloe works for now want to use Alice for their own gains.
    • It is also hard on Casey as she feels like she has to choose between her family and the country she serves.

     I am the Bone of My Sword 
  • Sai realizes that the third test involved if she could kill when it is necessary, and explains her thoughts of it to Izuku. Izuku's reply emphasizes how much less innocent he becomes after his assassination attempt.
    Izuku: I despise the thought of killing. And if it was up to me, I would never, ever take a life. But, as a father and caretaker, my children must always come first. While I would never go to it as a first resort, I have to acknowledge that there are some opponents that are simply unable to be contained or captured. Therefore, I need the people charged with protecting this place, to be able to do the same.
  • Sai had a Broken Pedestal toward the H.P.S.C, who helped her train to become a Pro-Hero, after they disrespect her closest teammate, Berserker, after she was forced to kill him after being controlled by their turncoat teammate, Caster, despite all of his good deed and record as a Pro-Hero. They also prevent her from investigating Caster's betrayal further, causing her to quit the life of Pro-Hero altogether.
    • Even then, The H.P.S.C marred her reputation to prevent her from getting a new job.
    • Note that every time someone recognizes her as Saber or her Pro Hero record, she feels uncomfortable, if not ashamed of it.

     Who You Are to Me 
  • One of the outdoor activities that Fukunoko wants to do with Izuku is a game of catch, but when its Izuku's turn to throw, Fukunoko immediately ducks down, pulling Troubled Fetal Position and immediately apologizes to him. As it turns out, Fukunoko's father used to throw things at her, so she ducked from the throw from reflex.
  • After Izuku gently confronts her, Fukunoko explains that she spends the entire day with him so she can get used to calling Izuku "dad" like Eri & Kei did so they can properly be sisters, but she can't bring herself to say it no matter what they do nor how much he earns it in her eyes.
    Fukunoko: I...I want Eri and Kei to be my sisters. I mean, they might already think of me as their sister, I think they've called me that a few times but…I want it to be official. But for that, I need you to be my…to be my dad. But I…I just can't think of you as my father! [...] A-And I don't know why!*Tearing up* I like you! You are a really good person who's done so, so much for me and the people I care about. You've given me everything I ever wanted, and things I didn't even know I wanted! And you even worked yourself to the point of getting sick, just for us! But whenever I try to think of you as my father I feel…I feel sick! I feel like I want to throw up and I don't know why!? What's wrong with me!? *Cries* I'm sorry... I thought that maybe if we spent more time together, then I'd be able to think of you as my father no problem but…I still feel gross when I try to think of you that way. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I don't know why I feel like this!
    • In the end, Izuku found the root of the problem: Fukunoko is unable to dis-associate the word "father" from her abusive biological father.
      Izuku: I asked, "What is the definition of a father to you"? If you were to guess, what would be the dictionary definition of the word father?
      Fukunoko: Oh, um…a man who takes care of his children, and helps them grow?
      Izuku: Alright. But when you think of the word father or dad, what do you think of? What comes to your mind first? Please, be honest.
      Fukunoko: *Closes her eyes as she thinks, then wincing by reflex from the memory*
      Izuku: ...You keep thinking of him, don't you.
      Fukunoko: I…yes.
      Izuku: And therein lies the problem. That man has ruined the term father for you. When you think of a father, you don't think of a man who cares for and supports you. You think of a terrible person who mistreats and abuses you.
      Fukunoko: But-but I know that's not what a father's supposed to be like!
      Izuku: You know that up here. *Pointing at her head* But not down here. *Pointing at her chest* The heart and mind can often disagree. Even if you know something is true, it may take a while before you ever accept it. Sometimes people simply don't and let themselves go on believing lies because they can't bring themselves to accept the truth. Even if they want to.

     Cupid Candy Chaos 
  • Ken, under Amai's Mood Candy's influence, admits many things to Nara.
    • He admits that he doesn't understand why Nara always supports him, defends him against their abusive parents, and even joins him when D.O.C took him away from their parents even though she can live a normal life if she doesn't, and he hates himself for always returning her caringness with being rude and ungrateful, often wondering when will she had enough of him and leave him like everybody else.
    • Ken brings up the time when he, as Ghostfreak, strangles Nara in her bed. When she assures him that it was Ghostfreak that hurts her, not Ken himself, he counters that Ghostfreak is as much as himself as his other Quirk's forms.
    • Ken confesses that he is jealous of her for being smarter, more popular, and more favored by their parents, but he can't bring himself to hate her because he knows it's not her fault that people prefer her over him.
      Ken: Yeah, I was jealous. How could I not be? You were always so much...better than me. Or at least everyone always seemed to think that. You were smarter than me and more popular than me, and whenever something went wrong, it was never your fault. Always mine. They'd always accuse me! And I...I know it's not your fault. I know that. But I just kept feeling this...this anger bubbles up for you, that you didn't deserve. And I always knew you didn't deserve it, and that just made me even angrier!
  • Ken & Nara are really affected by what they learn of Eri's past, realizing that they, who went through less, had no right to feel entitled, complain, or want something when she didn't. Ken can't even stand to be around Eri out of guilt and shame.
  • Izuku told Ashido & Shiruku that Fukunoko was devastated to learn that her newfound confidence was not from her own will, but from Amai's candy and that it will not last long.
    Izuku: Fuku enjoyed the feeling of loving herself so much, and she was absolutely crushed when I told her the effects weren't permanent. And it was a good thing I did find out, otherwise, she would have had to figure that out the hard way. Can you imagine how distraught she would have been, trying to figure out why she can't view herself in the same positive light anymore?
  • Izuku blames himself for the situation for fully understanding the potential of Amai's quirk, but not properly warning people about it, giving Ashido even more guilt, knowing that this was entirely her fault that things got out of control.

    In the Face of Death 
  • Kakei, Amai's classmate, used to have plenty of friends until her Quirk developed into having a goat head, causing them to turn away from her. Since then, she swore to Never Be Hurt Again by acting tough at her new school, only for her to go overboard with constantly bullying other kids, turning her into The Friend Nobody Likes at her new school so bad that her classmates (sans Amai) choose her as a Human Sacrifice.

    Frozen Fury 
  • After being defeated by Ochako, Todoroki says that he accepts that his oath not to use his fire side to spite Endeavour was foolish in a hollow, defeated voice, causing Ochako to cringe in regret that she played into Yonda's hands and gave Todoroki as much mental damage as she did physical damage.
  • After Izuku dismisseed Ochako & Yonda, he apologizes to Todoroki not only because of Yonda getting involved in his personal life but also because he himself cannot, despite having the money, connections, and resources, because he currently has too much on his plate to afford to antagonize the No.2 Pro-Hero.

    Clearing the Snow 
  • Kei tries to understand Todoroki's unhappiness with Endeavor, causing him to realize that by being spiteful, he actually let his father control and influence him and that he hasn't tried to find happiness for himself.
    Todoroki: "Do I not want to be happy"? What a ridiculous question. Or at least I'd like to think that. I guess, if you look at it from an outside perspective, I refuse to get a hobby, play games, make friends, or…do literally anything that might make me happy…maybe it's not all my father's fault that I'm so miserable all the time. I mean he's definitely at least part of the problem. But have I really done anything to make myself happy? [...] When I look back on my life, it just seems like I've spent half my time chasing an impossible goal, and the other half hating my father.
  • One of the reasons Yonda solves Todoroki's issues by herself instead of trusting Aizawa or Nezu to do it is because she learns, from Izuku's experience, that most teachers can be completely indifferent to a student's plight or ill behavior, and since she didn't know the two U.A staffs personally, she has to work assuming them to act that way.
    Yonda: So tell me Ocahco, what have the U.A. staff done about Mineta's actions towards the girls? About Mina's reckless, thoughtless actions? About Todoroki's obviously troublesome mindset? Have you seen Aizawa, Nezu, or anyone at U.A. do something, literally anything to put a stop to these behaviors?
    Ochako: ...Maybe it's just too soon. I mean there is a whole three years for them to do something about those three.
    Yonda: Endeavor. [...] Endeavor was also a U.A. student. So clearly, the U.A. has completely ignored troublesome behavior in the past, so what makes you think it's different now?

     In the Mind of A Traitor 
  • Both All Might & Izuku don't like that they can disclose to the 1A students that Aoyama is a mole to a villain, with All Might feeling bad about using Hagakure & Kirishima as unsuspecting bait, and Izuku really can't say it to Ochako even as she feels frustrated on being feel left out of something important.
  • From Yonda's observation, Aoyama is indeed a good person but was forced to be All for One's mole, possibly by threatening his parent's safety.
    • Just the fact that All for One is still alive brings deep regret to All Might, for not only that he failed to finish him off, but his survival led to the villain using the Yuugas.

     Girl's Night 
  • Ken's ex-crush only likes him as Blitzwolfer, but Ken tolerates it for a long while, until she asks him to put on a collar, implying that he is so desperate for a friend that he's willing to endure such humiliation.

     Performance Review 
  • Izuku doesn't like that he is forced to utilize Yonda to find out if Aoyama suspects him.
  • Ashido doesn't like that Izuku still blames himself for Amai's love candy incident, and hopes that the psychiatrist he currently interviewed with tackles his Self-Deprecation habit. When it's Ashido's turn to calls herself dumb, Izuku wants to argue against it, but can't bring himself to lie since she did screw up.
    • Ashido also cannot believe someone is willing to send an assassin to kill Izuku just because he's a Quirkless person in a position with power & influence.
  • Izuku is very concerned with the safety of his kids, even with Kirishima's assurance that they are tough, running over each of their weaknesses in his head and the fact that none of them have any chance against All for One.
  • Izuku is so tired & frustrated of hearing that the 1A students wish that they could have done more, that he snapped when it is Hagakure's turn to say it. When he explains why to her, Hagakure can't help but notice the hypocrisy in his explanation.
    Izuku: I'm sorry for that, it's just…today has been kind of stressful. I'm not used to being…the boss you could say. And I'm not really used to other people saying things like that.
    Hagakure: You don't like other people devaluing themselves? *Raising eyebrows* Well imagine how your mom and Uraraka feel.
    Izuku: ...Oh. Right. I guess I do say stuff like that a lot too. Is that how they feel when I say it? I really owe both of them an apology.
  • Inko mentions to Izuku that she'll return to her work overseas around the same time as the 1A students, shocking him since they rarely interact with each other despite she's been staying in the mansion since his return from the hospital.

     Field Day 
  • Just the fact that Kei didn't see what's wrong about celebrating a party all by themselves, since she had celebrate couple of her birthdays as a Street Urchin.

     Fuku's Outing 
  • When Fukunoko tries to apologize for forgetting that Kioku can't climb up the Beowulf by herself, Kioku harshly cuts her apology off, stating that not everything is her fault, only for Fukunoko to tell her that she's been trying to be less apologetic, knowing how annoying that is, causing Kioku to regret what she said and apologizes.
  • Fukunoko breaks down crying after being constantly complimented by Kioku, who turns out to have been worried that her life at Midoriya Foundation is just a dream due to being Too Good to Be True.
    Fukunoko: I'm sorry. It's just…sometimes, it still feels like a dream. Or like I'm inside an Isekai. It…the months I've spent here sometimes don't feel real. I'm worried I'm going to wake up one day, and everything will go back to normal. I won't have Eri, or Kei, or you. No one will tell me I'm amazing. No one will tell me I'm useful. I'll go back to being Fukunoko, the "Child of Misfortune".
  • Kioku eventually tells Fukunoko how much she hates herself for feeling envious when seeing stable families due to her experience with her neglectful birth family, only for Fukunoko to reveal that she knows how Kioku feels, that she grew envious of characters in books she reads due to them having loving families, best friends, or lovers while she had an abusive father, that even now, months after being adopted by the Midoriyas, she still endures the effects of his abuses, especially since she found out what she has been missing out of growing up normally after eating Amai's Love candy.
    Fukunoko: I can still hear him sometimes, judging me. Insulting me. Sometimes I can even feel him hitting me. I don't even know how that's possible but it is. He can't touch me anymore, but everything he did still happened, it made me into…into this. He made me not able to call someone father, he made me always afraid that someone is trying to hurt me. He made it so I can't LOVE myself.

     Baby Faced 
  • Even though he understands the potential danger Aka possesses, Izuku doesn't like that it necessitates stocking up on a chemical that, while able to forcibly disable Aka's control over her Quirk's victim by having them inhale it, can be lethal to her if she got directly exposed to it, and hoping that she can receive some therapy before the chemical becomes necessary.

  • Kiba is heavily conflicted when Eri offers her blood to her. On one hand, it is the very stuff that put Eri's life before being adopted in tatters, and the thought of it nauseated her out of trying to drink it, but declining the offer after Eri draws it out for her and all but begged her to drink it might not be the wisest decision, so Kiba chose to suck it up and drinks it, hating how much she cannot enjoy it despite how sweet to is because it caused Eri so much pain throughout her life.
  • When Izuku asks Eri why she gave her blood to Kiba without telling him, she admits how she feels like she can't help anyone as much as her blood can as she is still unable to master her Quirk. Izuku then warns her that her Quirk — and therefore her blood's Healing Factor — works through limited energy that is charged within her, so the more of the energy spent on her blood, the less she has left to train her Quirk, prolonging her Quirk training even more.
    • In the end, Izuku understands Eri's need to be useful and help others, but he can't accept that she thinks so little of herself that she's willing to cut herself if it means she can help more people with her blood.
      Izuku: I'm not angry with you Eri, I'm just concerned. You know I hate it when you kids hurt yourself.
      Eri: *Quietly* I'm sorry.
      Izuku: Don't apologize to me. Apologize to yourself. You're the one you disrespect. You're the one that you hurt. And remember, when you hurt, it hurts your family too. *Eri winces* Just remember that whenever you feel like hurting yourself.

     Under Attack 
  • Shina is a child of MLA members who were raised as their assassin as soon as her Quirk was developed, under the promise that she kill to improve the world for future generation's sake. But, since she can't bring herself to take lives, they force her to remove her emotions, ethics, and even her female gender with her Quirk, becoming a boy called Gami, on every mission so she could kill without remorse or feeling disgusted. But when her Quirk times out, all of that returns to her, making her feel disgusted with herself.
    • She was initially planning to jump ship mid-invasion by helping the Midoriyas so she could have protection from the MLA, but Gami, out of skepticism, chose to test the kids by fighting and toying with them, causing the Midoriyas and U.A. people even weaker, making her regret not removing her stupidity before the invasion.
  • Aoyama regrets complaining to his parents so much about his quirklessness, which led to them becoming under All for One's mercy while he became his mole in U.A., and for telling All for One about how long his class was staying at the Midoriya Mansion, which leads to LoV & MLA invading the mansion, putting his classmates and the Midoriyas in danger. So when Aoyama is the last person standing against Chronostasis, he is ready to take his attack head on, believing it is a deserving fate for a villain's spy like him.
    Aoyama: Perhaps this is for the best. With this, the U.A. traitor dies. An unglamorous, bloody death. It's what I deserve. Just please, someone save the others. They don't deserve my fate.

  • Even though she contributes a lot to their victory, the majority of the kids don't warmly welcome Shina due to her being part of MLA who invaded their home, faltering her already shaky smile.
    • Not to mention how Shina feels useless due to not being able to give much information about MLA despite using her Quirk to disable her ability to forget things, regretting that she didn't dig a bit deeper and learn more while she was still with them.
  • Sai questions why discrimination is a thing. Izuku, through his experience, explains that there are three reasons — superiority, justification & handed-down teachings, citing the last as to why Bakugo is who he is now.

     Start Up 
  • Mairu Jikan, D.O.C.'s intern, has her research on Gin's Chaos Energy dismissed due to her being, well, just an intern.
    • She is also often being bullied during her childhood because, due to a birth defect, she possesses two fox tails instead of one.
  • As he drives away from Mairu's house, Izuku becomes introspective about what he'll be doing going forward to anticipate future threats. He didn't like that he'd have to be more ruthless, but he knows that it is necessary.
    He NEEDED to step it up. No more hesitation, no more considering if something was overkill. If the Meta Liberation Army wanted to declare war on him, he needed to make sure he was ready. He needed more money, more power, more everything. And this was just the first step.
    Izuku wasn't happy about the path he'd have to walk, but if the end result of this path was his children being safe, then he had no choice but to walk it.

     Checking In 
  • Both Fu and Yonda asks each other as to why neither of them asks Izuku to remove their Quirk if they hate it so much.
    • For Fu, his Quirk is the only thing that keeps him alive, as his body is technically already dead.
    • As for Yonda, she have been exposured with people's negative thoughts for so long that she fears that if she loses her Quirk now, she'll become a paranoid mess, unable to stop wondering about other people's true thoughts.
  • There was a time where Yonda had enough of her Quirk to the point that she tried to cut her ears off to make it stop working, only for her ears to grow back.
    • While Yonda claims that her ears' regeneration is a known fact and documented by D.O.C, it is implied that she's lying about how known that fact actually is.
  • Izuku and the other kids agree not to mention to Kiba that she had assaulted and injured some of the kids when she was in Desperation Mode. After Kiba left Nara & Ken after thanking them for holding her back from harming others as she's in Desperation Mode (when the fact is that the two almost died from her rampage), Nara asks Ken if lying to Kiba is the right thing to do. Ken vehemently defends the decision — shocking Nara with his tone — since he knows how Kiba feels since he has Ghostfreak form.
    Ken: Sorry, it's just…I know what it's like to become a monster. To just…lose control of who you are to something else, and be completely helpless as you do awful things. It's a blessing she doesn't remember what happened.
    Nara: Ken-
    Ken: She can never know what she did to us back there. Ever. Because I know that if I were her, and I found that out, I'd never be able to forgive myself.

  • Meta: Kyodon wrote this chapter as a memorial to his recently passed away cat, Greenie.
  • After interacting with her Shadow self in her Palace, Yonda realizes how annoying she must be to other people, and how she'll never understand people due to her Quirk, including Izuku's All-Loving Hero-ness.
  • Fukunoko is frustrated with the fact that she starts to have nightmares about his birth father again to the point of her Quirk triggered mid-sleep, despite having been improving a lot from being a traumatized Nervous Wreck.
