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Multiform Balance / Kamen Rider

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Multiform Balance is a tradition for modern Kamen Rider series. It was first started with Black RX, codified by Kuuga, and the rest is history.

Showa Era
  • While the trope is associated with the modern eras of the franchise, it actually first appeared in the original Showa era's Kamen Rider BLACK RX. BLACK RX has three forms:
    • BLACK RX: The default form and a Jack of All Stats.note 
    • Robo Rider: The Mighty Glacier with high defense and armed with a powerful Vortech Shooter, but his robotic movement is sluggish.
    • Bio Rider: A combination of Fragile Speedster and Stone Wall, with nimble movement and ability to transform into gel which makes him almost invincible. But his Bio Blade is weak, the armor is thin, and it's hinted that he's weak against heat while in gel state.note 

Heisei Era

  • Kamen Rider Kuuga acts as the Franchise Codifier, setting the pattern for future series:
    • Growing Form: The weakest form, only used when he doesn't get access to other forms.note  Usually regarded as useless but proven to be capable of fighting, just not being good at it.
    • Mighty Form: The balanced form.
    • Dragon Form: Fast and can jump very high but has the least protective armor, and is so weak that he needs the form's Dragon Staff to injure an enemy.
    • Pegasus Form: Has Super-Senses capable of perceiving ultraviolet light and ultrasonic sound, but even with focus training Kuuga can only use this form for 2 minutes before suffering from Sensory Overload. It's armed with a Pegasus Bowgun which shoots out a powerful air blast but has to be reloaded after every shot.
    • Titan Form: Mighty Glacier, with high strength to wield the Titan Sword and strong protection from Armor of Invincibility, but the sword and armor are so heavy that it's the slowest form. Despite its high defense, the armor still leaves some areas exposed so the enemy can exploit Attack Its Weak Point.
    • All four of the basic forms later get a Mid-Season Upgrade as Rising forms that boost their statsnote  but they're more of a Limit Break that only lasts for 30 seconds, and the power can cause serious collateral damage to civilians.
    • Amazing Mighty Form: Lightning Bruiser, with an overall stat boost from Rising Mighty Form.
    • Ultimate Form: Used in the last battle, superior to everything before it in every respect, but he must have a pure heart when he uses it, or it becomes a Superpowered Evil Side that corrupts him into an evil being. (Kuuga’s Transformation Trinket imitates the Grongi’s ability to transform into monsters, and Ultimate Form specifically imitates the Big Bad.)
    • It's also turned around when a few Grongi from the high-level Go Tribe develop their own alternate forms, which are analogous to Kuuga's in terms of performance: Grapple Form (Mighty), Nimble Form (Dragon), Shooting Form (Pegasus), Herculean Form (Titan), and Blitz Form (Amazing Mighty). While most use the same weapons as Kuuga, a few go in their own direction, like Go-Baberu-Da (the Buffalo Grongi) wielding a hammer in his Herculean Form.
    • An Alternate Universe version of Kuuga appears in Kamen Rider Decade; while he never achieves the Rising upgrades or Amazing Mighty form that the original did, he can crank up Ultimate form with the even more powerful Rising Ultimate Form. Then the hobby magazine story S.I.C. Hero Saga took it even further and introduced Super Rising Ultimate Form as a result of being supercharged with electricity, which makes him potentially the strongest Kamen Rider ever to exist.note 
  • Kamen Rider Agito:
  • Kamen Rider Kabuto:
  • Kamen Rider Den-O:
  • Kamen Rider Kiva
    • Kiva:
      • Kiva: The default Vampire-themed form with balanced stats and high jump power that gives him an acrobatic aerial fighting style.
      • Garulunote : A Werewolf-themed form transformed by using the Garulu Saber. Has the fastest land speed and a stronger kick in exchange for lower arm strength despite being the sword-using form although for the finisher Kiva goes a Cutlass Between the Teeth route.
      • Basshaanote : A Gillman-themed form transformed by using the Basshaa Magum, and has sharp vision to make better use of it; plus it can create and maneuver on pools of water (though Kiva is never shown going underwater). Marginally faster than Kiva Form but weaker in everything else.
      • Dogganote : A Frankenstein's Monster-themed form transformed by using the Dogga Hammer. He gains Super-Strength to wield it, transforming both of his arms and his upper body into heavy armor. Naturally, this costs him speed.
      • DoGaBaKinote : A one-time form transformed by using all three Arms Monsters at once and can use all three weapons at once. It's a good all-around Lightning Bruiser, while not being as strong as the base forms are in their specialties. Word of God also states that the form causes high physical stress, so it can only safely activate it for 5 minutes; but as it's only used once this is never stated or demonstrated in the show.
      • Emperor: The Super Mode activated by having Tatsulot remove his Power Limiter. Superior to the basic forms in almost every respect and can use the Arms Monsters without transforming as well as the new Zanvat Sword. In this form, Kiva can also transform into a bat-wyvern monster, called Emperor Bat or Flight Style, which he uses to combat giant "Sabbat" kaiju.
      • DoGaBaKi Emperor: A non-canon form only seen in a DVD. Activated by transforming into Emperor Form while in DoGaBaKi Form. Supposedly it's DoGaBaKi Form with Emperor Form's combat abilities.
    • Technically, Kamen Rider IXA can switch between Save Mode and Burst Mode in 2008, with Save Mode being weaker but more stable. However, Burst Mode is reliable enough by then to not need the fail-safe, so Save Mode is almost never used in '08; instead it mainly appears in the 1986 timeline when IXA was still being developed and only had Save Mode available. IXA also gets a Super Mode in '08, named Rising IXA.
  • Kamen Rider Decade is loaded thanks to Power Copying other Riders, primarily the nine preceding him, and most of their forms (he doesn't get their upgraded Lightning Bruiser or Super Mode forms, with one exception, but he doesn't get their Joke Character forms either). As the stats and abilities of Riders differ from series to series, here are some notable ones:
    • Faiz Axel form functions as a substitute for Kabuto's Super-Speed and is the only upgrade form that Decade is shown using.
    • Den-O's four basic forms are Joke Characters at first. All they do is cause Decade to strike a pose and say their Catchphrase.
    • Decade also has two Super Modes:
      • Complete Form: In addition to the usual stat boost, it also has the ability to summon previous Riders' Super Modes to assist him in attacking. There are also a few variations on this form called Saikyonote  Complete Form or Complete Form Saikyo Formation, where Decade is decorated with cards of the other nine Riders in their Super Modes instead of their base forms, but this is largely just a cosmetic change.note 
      • Violent Emotion: A Superpowered Evil Side that's used when Decade fulfills his role as the destroyer of worlds. It has only minimal visual differences to his base form, but allows him to use the powers and tools of other Riders without changing to other forms.
    • In Kamen Rider Zi-O, Decade returns with his power set expanded to include the next ten Riders after him. Supposedly, this makes his default form more powerful than the original Complete Form; and he can be seen using powers and tools of other Riders without transforming into them, similar to Violent Emotion. A post-finale web series then gives him an enhanced Super Mode reflecting this expansion with Zero-One on top of that, Complete 21.
  • Kamen Rider Double
  • Kamen Rider OOO takes Double's modular combination scheme much further, using three different animal Medals at a time and has more options available for each than Double did. In this case, though, the options are divided into groups and OOO gets a Set Bonus for using three similar Medals at once:
    • Random Combos: OOO usually uses mismatched combinations with two or three different types of Medals. They're not as strong as complete sets, but still fairly formidable and don't place as much of a strain on him. When not choosing Medals specifically to counter enemy abilities, he tends to use the TaToBanote  Combo as his default.
    • GataKiriBanote  Combo: A Magic Knight that's more agile than TaToBa but slightly weaker; however, it has the ability to create a seemingly unlimited number of duplicates.note  It tends to get used less often than the other Combos, with the In-Universe explanation that Eiji has a hard time getting back down to a single body (and the Real Life explanation that the duplication effect was prohibitively expensive).
    • LaTorarTarnote  Combo: A Fragile Speedster thanks to the Cheetah legs giving him incredible Super-Speed at the cost of armor.
    • SaGohZonote  Combo: A Mighty Glacier able to deliver incredibly powerful strikes and even possessing a degree of gravity manipulation. As one might expect, its drawbacks are being incredibly slow and short-ranged (aside from its Rocket Punch attack).
    • TaJaDolnote  Combo: A Lightning Bruiser that's good in all areas and can fly. Despite being a Mid-Season Upgrade, TaJaDol is sometimes considered OOO's Super Mode since, unlike the more powerful PuToTyra Combo, Eiji can use it without becoming The Berserker (plus he's thematically tied to it since the Bird Greeed, Ankh, is his ally).
      • In the final episode, Eiji transforms using Ankh's personal Medal, creating a variation sometimes labeled the Lost Blaze version. While the Transformation Sequence is slightly enhanced, the form itself has the same appearance and it's not clear whether it actually has any more power than before. But what it does do is allow Ankh's spirit to jump in and out of the battle as an Assist Character.
    • ShaUTanote  Combo: A Squishy Wizard, being physically weaker than the other combos but incredible within its element of underwater combat.
    • PuToTyranote  Combo: OOO's primary Super Mode, possessing power and speed beyond any other combo and the incredibly important ability to destroy Core Medals, meaning it's the only thing capable of destroying Greeeds permanently. However, it has major drawbacks like driving Eiji into a berserker frenzy and gradually turning him into a Greeed himself.
    • OOO's movies introduce a number of exclusive forms that didn't turn up in the show, but occasionally pop up in crossovers.
      • BuraKaWaninote  Combo: A Stone Wall, with powerful Turtle shields on its forearms and the Cobra head capable of generating a Healing Potion-like substance.
      • TaMaShiinote  Combo: A somewhat ridiculous Fighting Clown, giving OOO the power of Momotaros and Shocker. It's technically more powerful than any of the combos aside from TaJaDol and PuToTyra, but OOO only launches a Kamehame Hadoken before the Imagin and Shocker Medals dissolved due to history being corrected.
      • Super TaToBa Combo: A new Super Mode, an enhanced version of the original TaToBa. It's even more powerful than PuToTyra Combo in all regards except punching strength, and it grants OOO Super-Speed that verges on Teleportation as a result of being time-displaced.
    • When a collector's version of the Transformation Trinket was released years later, it took Medals that were programmed into the original toy and referenced (but not used by OOO) in canon and arranged them into five new Combos; however, rather than fitting a traditional multi-form structure these forms were designed with specific combat roles in mind. BiKaSonote  Combo is a Close-Range Combatant, the ShiGazeShinote  Combo is about equal to TaToBa Combo but more focused on ground combat, MukaChiRinote  Combo was designed to perform assassinations, SeiShiroGuinnote  Combo was made to operate in cold climates, SaRaMuionote  Combo was made for underwater melee combat.
    • The 10th anniversary movie adds TaJaDol Combo Eternity, yet another Super Mode as an upgrade to the original TaJaDol. Unlike the regular TaJaDol where Eiji just uses Ankh's power, this is a true Fusion Dance with Ankh possessing Eiji's body; and in a reversal of Lost Blaze it allows Eiji's spirit to manifest as an Assist Character.
  • Kamen Rider Fourze's form balance is affected by the fact that he can also equip a variety of Astroswitch weapons on his limbs:
    • Base States: A Jack of All Stats, being a basic no-frills form without any kind of specialization. It also has the advantage of being the only form able to use right-arm weapons, as form changes otherwise use up that equipment slot.
    • Elek States: Portrayed similarly to a Magic Knight, as its stats are very similar to Base States (only foot speed and defense are slightly increased) but its focus is on the use of an electrified baton with a number of useful functions.
    • Fire States: A Mighty Glacier, gaining power and a fireball-shooting gun but losing speed and mobility.
    • Magnet States: The Mid-Season Upgrade, but where most Riders become Lightning Bruisers at this point, Fourze instead effectively becomes a walking turret, armed with armor and Shoulder Cannons but losing almost all mobility. It has the further disadvantage of taking up two equipment slots instead of one, limiting Fourze to leg weapons.
    • Cosmic States: Fourze's Super Mode. Besides the stat boost, it possesses the power to combine two otherwise mutually-exclusive Astroswitches' powers, the ability to generate portals (allowing him to drag Monsters of the Week out to space to avoid collateral damage), and a Cool Sword that can be powered up with the right arm-based Astroswitches.
    • Rocket States: A movie-feature form (though it does make one appearance in the series later) that takes Fourze's existing Rocket weapon and expands it to a full form change, placing a rocket on both arms. Technically another Mighty Glacier since the extra equipment weighs him down (it's even slower on foot than Magnet States), but its main feature is advanced Flight ability so he wouldn't be using the form on foot anyway.
    • Rocket Drill States: A DVD exclusive variation on Rocket States, it exchanges the dual rockets for a single rocket/drill Power Fist; losing the ability to fly but gaining agility from the lack of extra weight, and focusing on its punching ability.
    • Meteor Fusion States: A movie-exclusive alternate Super Mode, combining the power of Cosmic States with those of Kamen Rider Meteor. It's slightly stronger than Cosmic States but a little slower, but grants Gentaro the fighting skills of Meteor and his Meteor Galaxy gauntlet with its three planet-themed attacks. But like with Magnet States, it takes up two equipment slots and limits his additional weapons.
      • Meteor Nadeshiko Fusion States: An enhanced version of Meteor Fusion States in a later movie, which adds Gentaro's Love Interest Nadeshiko and the power of Rocket States (which she created) to the mix. But the drawback is that it takes three slots and might not be able to equip Switches at all.
  • Kamen Rider Wizard
  • Kamen Rider Gaim:
    • Gaim's forms:
      • Orange Arms is a Jack of All Stats, the base level in all regards and armed with an orange slice-shaped Cool Sword. During a DVD-exclusive episode, it temporarily gets enhanced and becomes Fresh Orange Arms a Lightning Bruiser with strength similar to Jinba Arms (it has a little less attack power than Jinba, but is faster and can jump slightly higher) and a second sword.
      • Pinenote  Arms is a Mighty Glacier, gaining punching power and an Epic Flail in exchange for speed and mobility.
      • Ichigonote  Arms is a Fragile Speedster, losing power and gaining speed and agility plus kunai.
      • Jinbanote  Arms is a Lightning Bruiser that uses enhanced "Energy" trinkets and gives all of Gaim's stats a boost, as well as a new weapon in a multipurpose bow with bladed limbs. It comes in four variations, each with the same stats but granting an additional superpower: Jinba Lemon is physically stronger, Jinba Cherry has Super-Speed, and Jinba Peach has Super-Senses. Jinba Melon only appeared as concept art and possible toy combinations, so its specialty is unknown.
      • Kachidokinote  Arms is a mix of Mighty Glacier and Stone Wall, being incredibly slow but with higher power and exceptional armor. It's also armed with the DJ Gun, which can function like a machine gun, shotgun, or cannon.
      • Kiwaminote  Arms is a traditional Super Mode and portrayed as the Finesse to Kachidoki's Force, losing some of Kachidoki's armor but regaining normal levels of mobility. Its specialty is the power of Spontaneous Weapon Creation, letting him summon any of his or the other Riders' weapons, either to fight as a Walking Armory or to fling them at an enemy as a sort of Flechette Storm.
    • Baron's forms:
      • Banana Arms is Baron's Jack of All Stats, being the most balanced of his forms, but being more offensively-oriented than Gaim Orange Arms.
      • Mango Arms is a mix of Mighty Glacier and Glass Cannon, gaining punching power and a rather nasty-looking mace, but being as slow as Gaim Pine Arms and having poor defense.
      • Lemon Energy Arms is Baron's Lightning Bruiser form, stronger than Mango Arms and faster than Banana Arms, plus gaining the same bladed bow as Gaim Jinba Arms.
      • Later in the series he gets a Super Mode, but not by gaining a new Rider form: he becomes an Overlord, labeled Lord Baron, which puts him on par with Gaim Kiwami Arms.
    • Ryugen's forms:
      • Budounote  Arms is Ryugen's Jack of All Stats, with statistics equal to Gaim Orange Arms; the main difference is that Budou Arms is a Long-Range Fighter with a handgun.
      • Kiwi Arms is a Close-Range Combatant to Budou Arms' Long-Range Fighter, being a little physically stronger and equipped with paired wind-and-fire wheels, but not taking any significant hit to speed or mobility in the process.
      • Ryugen's Lightning Bruiser form is... an interesting case. Instead of getting his own, he steals his brother's Melon Energy Arms Transformation Trinket and becomes the second Kamen Rider Zangetsu Shin, which is more powerful but a little slower than Budou Arms and has the same bladed bow as the other Riders' Energy Arms forms.
      • Near the end of the series he gets Yomotsuhegurinote  Arms, a Deadly Upgrade that's the strongest of his forms and gives him access to many weapons (his own and the Overlords'), but continuously drains his life. It ends up being a Power-Up Letdown that leaves him in such pain that Kouta can hold him off without transforming, and prolonged use would be fatal. In light of all that, he only uses it once for obvious reasons.
  • Kamen Rider Drive
  • Kamen Rider Ghost is another series with a large variety of forms, specifically a pool of 15 historical figures shared among the Riders, meaning some are redundant in terms of stats but have their own specialized equipment and fighting styles.
    • Ghost's forms:
      • Ore Damashiinote  is his Jack of All Stats base form, while his early upgrade Toucon Boost Damashiinote  is a more powerful version of the same. Both are used as the basis that other forms build off of.note 
      • Musashi Damashii and Goemon Damashii are Glass Cannons, with excellent melee sword skills but little defense and no ranged options.
      • Edison Damashii is a Magic Knight. Its stats are lower in general but not terrible, with the specialties of a Lightning Gun and the ability to absorb electricity in order to "spark" ideas.
      • Newton Damashii and Benkei Damashii are Mighty Glaciers. Both are stronger but far slower; and Newton gains Gravity Master powers while Benkei wields a warhammer.
      • Robin Hood Damashii and Billy the Kid Damashii are Fragile Speedsters, faster and more agile than normal forms and wielding ranged weapons (a bow and arrow and Guns Akimbo respectively).
      • Beethoven Damashii and Himikonote  Damashii are Squishy Wizards, exchanging physical strength for magical powers (Magic Music for Beethoven and actual mysticism for Himiko).
      • Ryoma Damashii is a Jack of All Stats, giving only small stat gains over either Ore or Toucon Boost and being proficient with both sword and gun.
      • Grateful Damashii is Ghost's Mid-Season Upgrade, channeling the powers of all 15 Damashii. Beyond general heightened stats, its main power is the ability to summon any of the 15 Heroes to aid him in battle; however, the Heroes have to work in harmony or Takeru can't use this form.note  It also has the drawback that he's monopolizing the Damashii in this form, so his allies can't use them.
      • Mugennote  Damashii is Ghost's Super Mode, more powerful than Grateful Damashii, posessing incredible defense, and lacking Grateful's weaknesses. It is the only Damashii that can permanently destroy the Gammaizer.
      • The movie-exclusive Tenkatoitsunote  Damashii is even more powerful than Mugen Damashii and gives him access to Specter and Necrom's weapons in addition to his own.
    • Specter's forms:
      • His Specter Damashii base form is his Jack of All Stats, with balanced stats.
      • Tutankhamun Damashii is a Fragile Speedster, losing defenses but able to strike quickly with a scythe.
      • Nobunaga Damashii is a Glass Cannon, having more physical strength and a powerful rifle, but lower defense and speed.
      • Houdini Damashii is a Lightning Bruiser, superior to Specter in all regards as well as being capable of Flight, generating chains to attack and bind enemies, and other magic tricks.
      • Specter also occasionally borrows Ghost's Edison Damashii, becoming a Magic Knight.
      • Deep Specter is a Super Mode, stronger than all the others and roughly equivalent to Ghost's Grateful Damashii. It can also equip any of the 15 Damashii and gain their specialties, like the Riders' base forms can. Makoto can further empower this into Gekikounote  Mode, unleashing his full potential and giving him wings.
      • Sin Specter is a movie-exclusive even stronger Super Mode, even more powerful than Gekikou Deep Specter and his counterpart to Ghost Mugen Damashii.
    • Necrom's forms:
      • As with Specter, his Necrom Damashii base form is a Jack of All Stats.
      • Grimm Damashii is a Magic Knight, being slightly weaker than base Necrom but having mid-range offense thanks to the extending pens on his shoulders.
      • Sanzo Damashii is a Mighty Glacier, being stronger but slower than his other forms and possessing the power to summon characters from Journey to the West (specifically Sun Wukong, Zhu Wuneng, and Sha Wujing) to aid him in battle.
      • In Specter's movie, he gains a Super Mode called Yuujounote  Burst, but only really gets to use it to perform a Finishing Move before getting knocked out by a surprise attack.
    • A rare case of non-Riders using this gimmick occurs with Igor (Ganma Superior Perfect) who uses a prototype of Necrom's brace to assume the Parkas of Monster of the Week Ganma. Unfortunately for him, he is not the best fighter and is effortlessly bested by Jabel, the original, parka-less Ganma Superior.
  • Mostly averted in Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, which does have multiple "Gamer" forms but instead has a Next Tier Power-Up setup, with each Rider's various forms ranked at different Power Levels. However, there are a few cases where forms are equalized through trade-offs:
    • The Riders at the start of the show have two forms, a Super-Deformed Level 1 form and a regularly-proportioned Level 2 form. Level 2 is stronger and faster by just about every measure, but Level 1 has the unique ability to separate the parasitic Monster of the Week from its host, making it useful despite the physical drawbacks.
    • Kamen Rider Para-DX has two forms at Level 50 that contrast Force and Finesse; though both are incredibly powerful, Fighter Gamer is themed around direct combat while Puzzle Gamer is more supportive and has the ability to grant himself Status Buffs. He can later merge the two into his Level 99 Super Mode, Perfect Knockout Gamer.note 
  • Kamen Rider Build is similar to Double in that he combines the powers of two bottled essences, but Build possesses a much larger collection of Bottles with thirty for each half. Also, like OOO, he gets a Set Bonus for using certain Bottles together. Because this is more than the show can reasonably give proper focus to (many pairs only make one or two token appearances, and some are relegated to being All There in the Manual), we'll only give the highlights:
    • RabbitTank Form is the Jack of All Stats, being the best balanced of Build's forms but very few specialized weapons or abilities that other forms have (just a Spring Coil on one foot and tank treads on the other).
    • GorillaMondnote  Form is a Mighty Glacier, being incredibly powerful offensively and defensively but also incredibly slow.
    • HawkGatling Form is a Magic Knight, being weaker than RabbitTank all around but still being useful thanks to its combination of Flight and the Hawk Gatlinger gatling gun. It ends up being one of Build's most-used forms after RabbitTank, as he switches to it whenever he wants to try and get air superiority over an opponent or when he needs to fight on the move.
    • NinninComic Form is treated as a Squishy Wizard, relying most on a variety of ninja powers like Fire, Wind, Clone and Vanishing Jutsus. This form equips Build with the 4Koma Ninpoutou.
    • PandaRocket Form is a Glass Cannon, being strong but slow (though not to the level of GorillaMond) and being able to fly thanks to his rocket arm. Unusually for Kamen Rider, this finds more use for utility than for combat, as Sento often switches to it when he needs to blast off and make a quick getaway.
    • KeyDragon Form is a Deadly Upgrade, being incredibly powerful all around but effectively unusable because the Dragon Bottle overloads and injures Sento every time it's used. Eventually Sento retires it and gives the Dragon Bottle to The Lancer Ryuga permanently, who doesn't suffer the overloading issue and uses it to become Kamen Rider Cross-Z.
    • KaizokuRessyanote  Form is a Fragile Speedster, being one of Build's fastest forms and wielding a bow, the Kaizoku Hassyar, that gives him long-range capabilities.
    • PhoenixRobo Form is a Lightning Bruiser movie form and another powerful combo on par with KeyDragon, and it doesn't even have the overloading issue that the Dragon half does. Unfortunately, Sento is only able to use it a couple times because he usually doesn't have those Bottles in his possession.
    • RabbitTank Sparkling is Build's first major upgrade, being more powerful than any of his previous Best Matches and having free access to the Hawk Gatlinger, 4Koma Ninpoutou, and Kaizoku Hassyar in addition to his standard Drill Crusher weaponor even more than one of those at once.
    • Matching Bottles can be upgraded to Hazard forms (RabbitTank Hazard, HawkGatling Hazard et al.), which are Deadly Upgrades; increasing their power exponentially but also overriding Sento's mind and turning him into an emotionless killing machine. Even after getting stronger, more controllable forms, Sento will occasionally use Hazard instead because of the variety of powers and fighting styles it offers.
    • RabbitRabbit Form and TankTank Form, upgrades to RabbitTank Hazard which each ramp some of that form's attributes even higher and more importantly, allow him to keep control. RabbitRabbit has enhanced speed and agility and giving Build the ability to stretch all of his limbs in long lengths, while TankTank instead has tough armor and offensive firepower.
    • Genius Form is his Super Mode, combining the powers of all sixty regular Bottles. Its stats are an even balance between RabbitRabbit and TankTank, in addition to having its own features: bursts of Flash Step, the capability to analyze opponents for weaknesses, and the ability to neutralize the Nebula Gas that's the source of everyone's powers.
    • Near the end of the series, the Rabbit and Dragon Bottles get supercharged and create two alternate Super Modes: In the movie, they combine with the Genius Bottle and activate a Fusion Dance merging Sento and Ryuga together into Cross-ZBuild. In the series finale, the resulting RabbitDragon form uses the normal Rabbit and Dragon halves only colored gold and silver; and this form is only used for the final Finishing Move.
  • Downplayed in Kamen Rider Zi-O. Kamen Riders Zi-O and Geiz have an assortment of 20 Armors between them that have different stats and abilities (plus their base forms and upgrades),note  but a rule of fighting the series' monsters is that it Takes One to Kill One. Rather than focusing on the Armors' specialties, the key instead is to acquire the specific one that corresponds to the monster they're fighting.
    • Geiz Revive, Geiz' Mid-Season Upgrade, plays this trope straight with two modes: Goretsunote  is heavily armored and physically powerful, while Shippunote  unfolds the armor into a pair of wings and grants Super-Speed.
    • Kamen Rider Woz has a lot fewer "futurering"note  forms and therefore sharper, clearer contrasts between them:

Reiwa Era

  • Kamen Rider Zero-One:
    • Zero-One's forms:
      • Rising Hoppernote : Zero-One's default Jack of All Stats form, with a focus on jumping and kicking ability.
      • Biting Shark: A Magic Knight form; it's not as good as Rising Hopper in general but specializes in underwater combat note  and in the use of arm and leg blades.
      • Flying Falcon: A Fragile Speedster that specializes in high-speed Flight but not much else.
      • Flaming Tiger: An attack-focused form capable of Playing with Fire.
      • Freezing Bear: A form based on being An Ice Person.
      • Kamen Rider ZeroZero-One: Used in a movie when Aruto loses his usual Transformation Trinket and has to use one of the villains'. The stats of its Rising Hopper form are higher than the normal Rising Hopper,note  but due to being a Flawed Prototype never meant for human use, it's excruciating to use.
      • Shining Hopper: Zero-One's first major upgrade. It can analyze combat patterns and Flash Step to take the best angle of attack. He can also enhance the form with Vulcan's upgrade, becoming Shining Assault Hopper, which adds a set of combat drones.
      • MetalCluster Hopper: The mid-stage Lightning Bruiser form. Initially a Deadly Upgrade that placed Zero-One under the control of an insane hostile AI and commanded a horrifically destructive swarm of locust drones. The heroes eventually created a countermeasure that not only neutralizes the AI's control over Zero-One but can reverse corrupted programming in the robotic Magia monsters; though in exchange Zero-One either can't or won't command the locust swarm as effectively.
      • Kamen Rider Zero-Two: The Super Mode; a brand-new powerset created after the Zero-One system hit its limits. Besides being faster and stronger than any Zero-One form, it has improved predictive analysis over Shining Hopper. The Movie also shows off another advantage; since it's a separate system that doesn't have the same biometric locks on it as the original, Aruto can loan the Zero-Two gear out to a friend and team up with them while he fights as Zero-One.
      • Kamen Rider Ark-One: An alternate Super Mode and Evil Costume Switch. It pales in comparison to Zero-Two, but still outpaces every other Rider on the show.
      • Realizing Hopper: An 11th-Hour Superpower enhancement to Rising Hopper, boosting its strength to Super Mode levels (above Ark-One but below Zero-Two) and allowing Zero-One to go Back to Base Form in the finale without a major drop in power.
      • Hellrising Hopper: Another alternate Super Mode, seen in a movie when Aruto steals and uses the villains' weapon. Due to not being designed for humans, it's a Deadly Upgrade that's extremely painful and drives Aruto mad with anger, and has a Healing Factor strictly as Required Secondary Powers to make up for the self-harm that fighting ends up causing. Its one saving grace is that it also gradually builds up energy until it unleashes an explosion that vaporizes opponents, being the only thing that can overwhelm the enemy's own Healing Factor.
    • Vulcan's forms:
    • Valkyrie's forms:
      • Rushing Cheetah: Valkyrie's default form is a combination of Fragile Speedster and Glass Cannon; it's fast and makes Valkyrie the best melee fighter of the Riders, but defenses suffer.
      • Lightning Hornet: A Magic Knight; instead of straight combat skill it grants Valkyrie Flight and lets her command a swarm of electrified hornet drones.
      • Fighting Jackal Raider: A separate power set similar to yet disntinct from the Rider technology, she reluctantly adopts this form as an Evil Costume Switch at the insistence of her boss. While its performance stats were never formally revealed, it's portrayed as an equivalent to the Shining Hopper and Assault Wolf Mid-Season Upgrade forms.
      • Justice Serval: A Super Mode acquired in a post-series DVD — or rather, it's supposed to be. It's unstable like Vulcan's Orthros and Lone Wolf forms, and despite its supposed power it left her unable to fight as effectively as usual.
  • Downplayed in Kamen Rider Saber. The series uses a multi-part combination scheme with Set Bonuses like OOO and Build, but in this case the matching sets are all split up between different Riders. Saber's the only one who experiments with mismatches outside his designated set, and overall it's more of a Next Tier Powerup system where using more parts means more power than one where different combinations have noticable strengths and weaknesses.
  • Kamen Rider Revice has the twist that "Revice" is in fact two Riders, Revi and Vice, and they transform and change their forms together. Kamen Riders Evil and Live can also use their own versions of these forms for similar effects (demonstrated by both using Jackal Genome a few times).
    • Rex Genome is the basic Jack of All Stats. Evil's and Live's equivalent is the Bat Genome.
    • Megalodon Genome, Lion Genome, and Kamakirinote  Genome are attack-focused forms, with Megalodon giving Revi arm blades, Lion giving both him and Vice Playing with Fire powers, and Kamakiri giving Revi a bladed bow.
    • Eagle Genome is a Squishy Wizard, specializing in Flight and Blow You Away attacks but otherwise not as strong.
    • Mammoth Genome, Kong Genome, and Brachio Genome are all Mighty Glaciers; exchanging speed and agility for more strength. Mammoth Genome gives Revi Battle Boomerangs and Vice arm shields, Kong Genome fights bare-handed with Power Fists and Rocket Punches, and Brachio Genome has no real weapons but the stat changes are more extreme.
    • Ptera Genome is a Mechanically Unusual Fighter. While Revi can use bursts of Super-Speed, it's main feature is that Vice is turned into a Hover Bike.
    • Jackal Genome is a Fragile Speedster focusing primarily on agility, which is enhanced by the fact that Vice serves as a skateboard for Revi.
    • Neo Battanote  Genome: A special form featured in two of the tie-in movies (though it also appears in the series once), it features enhanced leg strength for jumps and kicks.
    • Baridnote  Rex Genome: The first Mid-Season Upgrade, which boosts Revi's stats, gives him An Ice Person attacks, and allows him to summon the "Remix" animal transformations of previous forms as separate entities and fuse them into a single enhanced beast. But meanwhile, Vice stays in his normal Rex Genome and only gets a shield.
      • Volcano Rex Genome: An upgrade to Barid Rex that boosts Revi's stats even further and swaps his ice powers for Playing with Fire, while the original Barid Rex powers are passed to Vice and allow them to team up for fire-and-ice combo attacks. But if Revi and Vice aren't aren't careful, they could lose control of their respective powers and hurt themselves.
    • Kamen Rider Revice (a.k.a. Thunder Gale Genome): A Fusion Dance of Revi and Vice in a single body, a Lightning Bruiser with literal lightning.
      • Jack Revice: The Flawed Prototype to the full Revice form. While still stronger than either Revi or Vice alone by virtue of combining both powers in a single body, it really messed up their team dynamic and led to a permanent awkward Sharing a Body situation until it was resolved by activating the true version.
    • Ultimate (a.k.a. Giffard Rex Genome): Revi and Vice's Super Mode. Their powers in this form tend to be portrayed as Magnetism Manipulation, with the Riders themselves often being the poles that attract and repel each other.
  • Kamen Rider Geats: Possible in theory, but averted in practice. The Riders use a two-part modular system like in Double and Build, but the items are difficult to acquire so the Riders generally only get to use one form and don't have options for alternates or combinations.
  • Kamen Rider Gotchard, like other series, features combinations of random items from different categories in the form of Cards of Power.
    • Gotchard's base forms all use pairs of cards with a combined value of 10. Unlike other series with similar paired powers, it's not clear if he can freely mix-and-match different components of the same value. Even so, he still has dozens of available forms, so like Build we'll stick with the major ones that have repeat appearances:
      • SteamHopper: Gotchard's Jack of All Stats, combining the power of a steam train and agility of a grasshopper.
      • AppareSkebow: Specializes in swordsmanship due to its samurai half, and high speed due to its skateboard half.
      • AntWrestler: A strength-based form combining a wrestler and an ant colony.
      • NeedleHawk: The Flight form based on a hawk, with the ability to shoot spikes thanks to being part cactus.
      • GoldMechanicer: A combination of a crab and a motorcycle; this form appears to be primarily defensive, being heavily armored and sporting a special energy-resistant coating.
      • LightningJungle: Another extremely bulky form like GoldMechanicer that merges a battery with a jungle, it can't move all that well but can discharge massive amounts of electricity.
    • Gotchard's upgrade forms:
      • Super Gotchard: A form that uses a category's Rank 10 card on top of SteamHopper. While Gotchard has multiple possible options, he uses two in the series that contrast Force and Finesse: Cross UFO-X specializes in trapping and immobilizing opponents, while Cross X-Rex focuses on brute force.note 
      • Star Gotchard: Exclusive to a movie, Star Gotchard is a Fusion Dance of five Super Gotchard forms.
      • Fire Gotchard: A Mid-Season Upgrade enhancement to any of Gotchard's base forms that not only imbues his attacks with flame, but straps a jet booster to his back that lets him dash at hyperspeed. However, the form can overheat and force him to switch to another one while the Transformation Trinket cools.
      • Iron Gotchard: When all of his cards but one are taken, Gotchard uses a Dangerous Forbidden Technique to boost his remaining Cool Train card to Level 10. It's a Mighty Glacier that's explicitly noted to be weighed down by heavy armor but can tank anything thrown at it and hit, well, like a train. He can also enhance his attacks with the powers of any card he manages to retrieve. But using just one card puts a heavy strain on Gotchard and can knock him out or kill him if he overexerts himself.
      • Platina Gotchard: In retrieving his cards and enhancing the train's grasshopper partner to Rank 10 itself, Iron Gotchard regains its missing mobility and becomes a Lightning Bruiser. It can also use pairs of cards for their special abilities, ignoring any pairing restrictions from prior forms.
    • Majade's forms:
      • SunUnicorn: Majade's default form and a Magic Knight, capable of fighting physically and with alchemic transmutations.
      • MoonCerberus: A martial arts-themed form that focuses on hand-to-hand combat and can enhance its blows with gravity manipulation.
      • BlackBahamut: While it's impossible to gague this form's physical abilities properly due to being used by Majade's father and Spear Counterpart Kamen Rider Wind, it can fly through wind manipulation and summon black holes as shields to absorb energy attacks.
      • Through the toys, we know that Majade's other possible forms include MercuryPoseidon, VenusGriffin, GokigenOdin, MarsPhoenix, SaturnFenrir, and JupiTaurus, but we don't know if they'll appear in the show. GaiarDragon, using dual Level 10 cards, would be her Super Mode.
    • Valvarad's forms:
      • (Kamen Rider) Valvarad: His base form, where he fights with a Cool Sword. He actually has two versions of this form; his original version is based on a Cool Car and is a Master of None, able to take on a base Monster of the Week but unable to scale to larger threats, while upgrading to a full Kamen Rider incorporates an Oni as well and makes him a much stronger Lightning Bruiser. Both forms can also equip "Custom" enhancements; vehicle powers originally and vehicle/Youkai or cryptid hybrids as a Kamen Rider (for berevity's sake, we're only listing the latter versions):
      • OrochiShovel Custom: A brawler with Orochi-head scoops for Power Fists, and the heads can extend as Combat Tentacles.
      • AngeCopter Custom: Grants ranged weaponry in the form of the angel's bow and helicopter's gatling gun, plus if the original copter-only version is any indication then it can also grant Flight.
      • Other Custom enhancements found in the toys include SpikeFairy (bicycle/fairy), SkeBerosol (skateboard/Karakasa), RescueZombie (fire engine/zombie), MarinePire (submarine/vampire), MackraDash (motorcycle/kraken), LinerTail (train/kitsune), UFOFighter (fighter jet/UFO), and possibly MadDaioh (an alternate version of car/Oni); but they may not appear in the show.
