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Funny / The New Order: Last Days of Europe

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Although a mod as dark as The New Order usually doesn't focus on humor, there are some choice moments of Black Comedy sprinkled throughout...

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    Germany and the German Sphere 
GeneralSpeer's Germany
  • Some moments in the Speer victory scenario if you have him go down the full reform path are rather humorous. Because if you stick with them Speer is steadily deprived of more and more power to the point where he can shout at the Gang of 4 about ignoring him only for them to continue doing so. Schmidt eventually outright tells Speer to his face that he is their Puppet King.
    • Schmidt's summit with Willy Brandt and the other slave rebel leaders is also humorous, largely because the rebels know Schmidt is as keen on drastic reforms as they are and is only concerned about being able to implement them. Which means all of the conversations between the Reichsbanner leadership and Schmidt in essence boil down to each of them telling him 'come on, live a little.'
Bormann's Germany
  • The event where Führer Bormann goes to a diplomatic visit to the US, titled "A Strange Land" is completely hilarious, thanks to the fact that the US government decided to send Bormann to Disneyland to all places (presumably a reference to the fact that this almost happened with Nikita Khrushchev in OTLnote ). So seeing the leader of one of the most powerful nations on earth ordering a burger from Goofy is an amusing sight indeed. For bonus points, Bormann and his followers, rather than enjoy themselves, are trying to make a point of rejecting America's "degeneracy", and actively go out of their way to reject hospitality as much as possible, while trying to keep a straight face throughout the trip.
    • These events also always include a state visit to the White House. While they vary widely in tone, from cold and cordial to impromptu debates, if LeMay happens to be president and sees Bormann has brought his press team for propaganda purposes, it quickly escalates into a public argument as explosive and bitter as it is hilarious, which LeMay punctuates by shouting, "We will bury you!", all while the cameras and press look on and record.
  • Bormann has an event that challenges his agrarian reforms for territory in Norway. By concerning beans, of all things. It ends up being Serious Business.
    • The event opens with the line, "Beans, my Führer." The writing then expands from this, as Norway's quality of beans is apparently so underperforming that it just may jeopardize the entirety of Bormann's plans. All the while, the analyst quivers in his leader's presence, knowing that whatever he says can make or break his career then and there.
    • The responses deserve to be pointed out, with a rather dramatic "Perhaps we could give peas a chance" to adjust the strategy, and the alternative being no change to plans, which is represented by more placeholder text that just says "who cares lol."
  • To further establish his Cult of Personality, Bormann commissions for a television show to be made about him saving Germany, appealing to younger audiences. What follows is a Coming of Age Story surrounding audiences watching a Saturday morning cartoon of the Führer being a superhero. A young boy, in his favorite "Bormann t-shirt," watches as his hero in knightly armor defeats the other factions of the Civil War.note 
  • In the leadup to the German Civil War, Bormann believes he has enough connections within the Reichskommissariate to give him a decisive advantage over his opponents. He doesn't.
    "So to sum things up, Seyss-Inquart and Lohse are bedridden; Koch and Kasche claim they can't send any troops due to partisans, and von Krosigk and Frank have to fight bloody terrorists that aren't even supposed to exist anymore?"
    "What do you mean Kaukasia and Madagaskar didn't even answer?!"
    "That's treason Terboven!"
    • In the end, he can only get a paltry 1,000 manpower from the Danish garrison.
  • After having his art gallery destroyed by the OrPo during the Second Dismantlement, famous sculptor Arno Breker decides he has had enough, and approaches Bormann with a proposal for a "temporary excursion": he and several other artists arrested for degeneracy will take a trip to Switzerland and create a "satirical sculpture" that they will gift to the Swiss government pretending that it's good. Bormann agrees, letting him go with 20 other "degenerate artists." Breker defects, to the surprise of no one, not even Bormann who authorized the whole thing.
Heydrich's Germany
  • Should he negotiate with the slaves to join his anti-Himmler coalition before taking the focus to reach out to RK Kaukasien, the following phone conversation takes a turn for the hilarious. While Josias initially denounces Himmler as a "chinless worm" and "that fucking Mongoloid", he then takes umbrage with Heydrich reaching out to the slaves before him and refuses to support him either. His last words before he hangs up?
    "You know what they used to say about you in the SS? You look like a fucking Jew."
  • The inherent ridiculousness of Reinhard Heydrich, one of the architects of the Holocaust, allying with reformers, militarists, and even Poles and slaves against another Nazi too extreme for him. The "Avengers assemble" jokes write themselves.

GeneralThe Komi Republic
  • One event under Svetlana Bukharina sees her show up on the doorstep of an unsuspecting peasant family (consisting of a father and two children) with the State Sec and going on announce she is here to liquidate them. The father of the family resignedly closes his eyes expecting to be executed with his presumed last thought musing that she was supposed to be different from the old-school communists... only for nothing to happen, with the officer he expected to shoot him instead unveiling a set of books. It turns out that Bukharina is there to get them involved in the initiative to liquidate illiteracy in Komi.
  • Zhdanov's pursuit of mad science is portrayed both grimly for the catastrophic failure of most projects and humorously for how absurd said projects can get. An event highlights the day of a scientist and his assignment to either reject or approve of potential endeavors. It features ludicrous and highly impractical inventions, such as an ape-man Super-Soldier born from the hybridization of a chimp and a man. On top of that, this list contains a couple Shout Outs as shown below. And just when you think it's safe to laugh along with the scientist and his workmates about how ridiculous it all seems, the end of the event sees the poor researcher having a nightmare, in which he's ambushed by an ape-man and zombie-sharks with metallic legs—prompting him to make an escape with his laser pistol and hovercraft.
    "If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
  • The Passionariyy Organization broadcasts a talk show known as Radio Free Syktyvkar, hosted by Igor Shafarevich and Sergey Taboritsky. The first thing they report is President Nikolai Voznesensky allegedly having a scandalous relationship with a young woman, which is then said to be one of many scandals they've tried to perpetuate regarding him. They segue onto the ongoing diplomatic discussions between Voznesensky and Chairman Zhdanov, who they then mock since they know Suslov's really in charge. It's one thing to see the likes of Shafarevich and Taboritsky behaving like Gossipy Hens on the air, but it's especially funny to know that this event can actually weaken Komi's center faction, even if it's a small amount.
    Quality reporting, from a quality station!
  • A Steve event gives him the chance to pick one of three districts in Komi's capital city, and each one is a funny moment of its own. The first has him sit in on one of the explosive debates held by the government, where he makes observations of some of the politicians there, such as Taboritsky reminding Steve of his Uncle Earl (due to them both looking like creeps), and Komi's President and Vice-President "looking absolutely miserable" with the chaos. The second has them blunder into a "bad part of town" where far-right and far-left militias are shooting each other in the streets, and him and Zoya getting forced to pay one of them for "protection" (who then basically force Steve to only interview pro-socialist civilians due to having him and Zoya at gunpoint). The third has Steve roped into an interview with Radio Free Syktyvkar, which is mostly Heartwarming, but has a snicker-worthy moment where it's revealed the radio's host in named Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.
The Aryan Brotherhood
  • While Vagner's mainline faction uniting Russia is still Nightmare Fuel, there is a bit of Black Comedy to be had over it. They're a small group of aggressive warlords running on insane definitions of Nazi Germany's teachings on Aryans (which were already bunk to begin with) and are essentially LARPing as the Third Reich. They sport ragged uniforms from previous wars that they stumbled upon and have modified their language into "Deytsch." They cheer for the German bombers whenever they strike, and should they happen upon any actual Germans, they'll become fanboys and rush to offer hospitality, as seen in their event where they defeat Samara and find a soldier they've captured. Of course, should they succeed... they stop being funny very quickly.
  • When accomplishing superregional unification as a "Reykh", Nazi Germany's response to their most hated enemy adopting their ideology and believing themselves to be part of the Aryan Master Race is simply, "No comment."
  • A particular event that occurs during a playthrough of the Aryan Brotherood is Vagner being upset that he had sent a message requesting an alliance with Germany weeks ago and has only received radio silence since then. He doesn't think that Germany is purposely ignoring them, but rather, his assistant has failed him in delivering the letter. Then he comes to the conclusion that Zionist spies have intercepted the letters.
    "Is nothing safe from Judaean treachery?"
    • On the flipside of this, during a German playthrough where the Aryan Brotherhood has somehow reunified part of Russia, the German minister foreign affairs will receive said letter, with the response being, "What the hell is this nonsense?!".
  • Another Black Comedy note is the Aryan Brotherhood's interaction with Steve and his party, where they catch them crossing their territory, but Steve makes them second-guess their decision to enslave them by hastily speaking German (and, based on the event describing him as "potentially Aryan", likely having blond hair and blue eyes too). While the ensuing event (written from Steve's perspective) is absolutely mortifying in its depiction of the Brotherhood's treatment of Untermensch slaves, the fact they can potentially be duped by blond hair and a high-school command of German is somewhat chuckle worthy.
  • One of the Loading Tips for the game is loaded with Irony. Suffice to say, this is no doubt a propaganda poster made by the Aryan Brotherhood:
A true Aryan must be wise, like Hitler; strong, like Göring; and loyal, like Himmler.
A West Russian propaganda poster, 1960
MagadanThe Principality of Kemerovo
  • It's a tiny minor province ruled by a former Major-General of the Red Army who had a severe mental breakdown after the defeat of his country at the hands of the Germans. Which then caused him to believe he is the second coming of an ancient Varangian prince, Rurik. Kemerovo and its people fully embrace a Kievan and Muscovite aesthetic in a post-apocalyptic Russia in The '60s, much like Caesar's Legion. "Rurik II" himself even wears a Muscovite crown and fur coat over his modern suit. And not only can this eccentric mini-kingdom unite all of Russia, but it's actually one of the better unifying forces. That is, assuming his populist and idealistic son Yuriy/Rurik III is the heir; Lydia/Rogneda is more a morally grey character, though she's not quite evil and it makes sense for a queen to be militaristic in a world dominated by fascists.
  • Upon defeating the Siberian Black Army, Rurik can maintain the workers' councils that governed the SBA's territories. It goes poorly.
The Siberian Black Army/Free TerritoryBuryatiaThe Black League of OmskNovosibirsk
  • During a dinner party honoring the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a bombastic man loudly introduces himself to Pokryshkin as a fellow pilot claiming to be from the same flight school. Though the stranger sings much praise, Pokryshkin awkwardly struggles to recognize him, and he leaves just as quickly as he arrives. At least the guy didn't mind.
  • The event Novosibirsk has with Steve is pretty funny, as a bunch of soldiers take him to the capital in order to "commandeer" a plane, with the choice being between two of them debating about whether he should take an old-fashioned Il-10 (on the grounds "Americans eat up that historical stuff"), or a fancy prototype jet (under the belief "Amerikanskiy love fast and dangerous!") Choosing the jet leads to yet another Steve death event, but unlike the others where he's brutally murdered by hostile soldiers, it results in the jet joyride revealing the emphasis was on "Prototype", and promptly crashing into a farmer's field, leaving a very puzzled village unsure of what exactly happened.

  • Playing as America will take you to Richard Nixon's focus tree, which has been partially completed due to the In Medias Res nature of the playthrough. Much of it provides alternate "What If?" scenarios and usually gets written from his perspective.
    • One of the earlier branches that he can no longer take leads to America descending into chaos as it develops apartheid thanks to his disastrously bad policies down that path. It ends with a depiction of Nixon using a fire extinguisher attempting to put out the fire he caused and the title, "Calm the Hell Down!", implying that he's blaming everyone else for causing the tragic state of the nation rather than admitting that bending to the segregationists was a bad move.
      Shut up! Shut up! Shut the hell up, you goddamn animals. You think it's easy to run a country? You think we enjoy having to listen to this liberal whining day in and day out? For Christ's sake, we're the most tolerant people in this shop, but keep this up and we're capable of turning right awful hard. We'll make George Wallace and Bull Connor look like goddamn hippies.
      God help us, we're going to stop this noise once and for all. We're going to ignore our know-nothing advisors and air an unscripted presidential address where we tell the nation, for one last time: "CALM THE HELL DOWN!"
    • Another inaccessible branch concerns Nixon's corruption. You start the game having already completed the branch where he engages in his infamous dirty tricks, but there's also a branch where he can run a clean campaign. There's just one catch: it has a very... interesting prerequisite.
      [X] Let America know how much of a pocket liberal you are and bend over backwards for the whim of a fascist-funded mob of Jews and Communists who will spit on your grave no matter how much limp-wristed pussy shit you do to keep the fuckers pleased.
      [V] All is well
      This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.
    • The updated description introduced in Toolbox Theory is even better, and accurate to Nixon's real-life diction per the White House tapes to boot:
      [X] By going this path, we'll let some fucking Jew reporters from the New York Times write feel-good stories about us, not that they'll last. None of Sulzberger's boys are ever fucking satisfied with any of the goddamn good we do. All the press wants are sob stories or scandals or puff pieces about the Kennedys. They'll never give us the credit we deserve for saving this country. They'll always try to find some way to tear us down.
    • One of the later focuses is about painting the NPP as a bunch of fascists with election campaign rhetoric. What's it called? "Everyone I Don't Agree With Is HITLER!" It even uses the Memetic Mutation displayed on the main page as its icon.
      "Well, they are!"
    • The focus for stealing files from the NPP is headed with the phrase, "It's like taking candy from a baby! A fascist baby!"
    • As of Toolbox Theory, each President prior to 1968 gets a personalized event for the end of the South African War depending on the outcome. If the OFN should somehow win the war prior to Nixon's resignation, General William Westmoreland and Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird will both express bafflement at the improbability of the RKs collapsing so quickly. Nixon, for his part, doesn't care.
      That was easy.
  • Bormann has the option to pursue diplomatic ties to America, in favor of placing their focus on Japan and the Co-Prosperity Sphere. The long list of events that occurs from this includes a visit to the White House to meet the President, and each one has a unique event, and plenty of them double as Awesome Moments.
    • Lyndon B. Johnson shakes hands, and Bormann uses a subtle intimidation tactic in the form of squeezing tightly. LBJ responds with a crushing grip while pulling their hands to him, which cows the insecure Bormann.
    • George Wallace and Strom Thurmond will feel awkward when the Nazi leader praises their segregationist policies. Wallace is just grateful that this isn't being recorded live, and Thurmond just coughs before moving on.
    • Michael Harrington gets really nervous for the upcoming visit. He snubs Bormann by quickly welcoming him, posing for one photo, then sending him to his Secretary of State. The jackboots, confused, go along with it, and Harrington has to wait while pretending to write something down until they get out off the Oval Office.
      "It's all for the greater good."
    • Margaret Chase Smith is looked down upon by Bormann and his entourage, who ask if they can speak to her Secretary of State instead. She snaps at them, saying that they can either talk to the President of the United States directly or fly on back to Germany. They undoubtedly start their diplomatic discussion after.
      "Hell hath no fury..."
    • Finally, as mentioned in the folder for Germany, Curtis LeMay has no tolerance for the cameras starting to roll when they agreed to wait until the conference, as the Nazis will be using the footage for their propaganda. All hell breaks loose when LeMay coldly blows off Bormann's attempt at shaking his hand by calling him "Little Martin" to his face, resulting in the two begin a shouting match, capping off with LeMay declaring, "We will bury you!".
      "... Is the camera still rolling?"
  • As his policies are enacted, President Harrington will receive letters from citizens, more often than not praising him for helping them succeed or stay afloat. When he passes Affirmative Action, however, he receives a rather colorful letter that could plausibly have been sent by a particular Illinoisan far-right thinker:
    "Um... let's just toss that one."
  • The presidential transition letters can be hilarious at times depending on the reactions.
    • LeMay comes out swinging in pretty much every single one of his letters:
      • His response to Gus Hall succeeding him is informing the latter on the most effective way to eat his gun while savaging the firearm competence of his supporters. Hall's reaction is to frame the letter on his desk.
      • He makes it perfectly clear what he thinks of Harrington's book and Vanity Fair cred, and tells the latter his turtlenecks make him look gay.
      • His letters to both Scoop and Kirkpatrick let out some of his General Ripper tendencies alongside his filthy mouth as he openly advocates for nuclear war with Germany and Japan in both of them, the latter describing it as a figurative Groin Attack. While this is more horrifying than anything else, the shared reaction makes up for it:
      • To cap it off, the below is his response to Yockey in its entirety. Doubles as Catharsis Factor, at least from outside the run:
      "Fuck off and die you human cockroach."
    • LBJ is a lot more subtle, but he has his moments:
      "This letter is to acknowledge that you will be the next President of the United States.translation  It is remarkable that a college professor has risen to such dizzying heights.translation  I am certain you will receive much advice in the coming daystrans.  and that you have no need for anything that I might provide.trans.  I wish your administration the best of luck in pursuing its ambitious goals.trans. "
    • Pretty much all of the ones directed to Yockey are either this or Tearjerkers, but it is somewhat hilarious that pretty much every predecessor hates him, with even Hall receiving more respect.
  • While Philip Hart's efforts to come to terms with his cancer is a dour affair, one of the letters he recieves is rather... different. It is a letter from a 5 year-old Henry R. which consists of a poorly drawn figure of Hart and the words "be ok". The tooltips perfectly sum up his reaction
    He holds it for a long time. He does not know what to do with it.
  • While Chep Morrison's utter failure to pass the Urban Affairs Act and overall inability to live up to Hart's legacy is a big tearjerker, the player will be in for a surprise should they use console commands to pass the Urban Affairs Act. Hardly believing the news that all opposition to the URI has melted away in an instant (with even Goldwater being mentioned to have reaffirmed his "commitment to the project of liberalism"), First Lady Zsa Zsa Gabor proceeds to enter the Oval Office and berate the player for using console commands, before pulling out a gun and shooting poor Chep in the head. She then proceeds to establish herself as a radical liberal dictator leading America.

    Other Europe 
  • One player managed to use Nowa Polska to annex and reunite all of Russia. It took them two decades to do it, but still. Poland is not yet lost, indeed.
  • Iberia is full of funny moments, most stemming from the dysfunction of the Iberian state. Highlights include:
    • Artists from the Madrid and Lisbon art guilds attempt to create a mural depicting Iberia's hypothetical national animal. When it is finally unveiled, the audience looks on with horror, and the "eldritch rooster-bull from hell" is leaked to the international community to much ridicule.
    • After the collapse of the Triumvirate, Franco and Salazar undertake a series of debates in order to address domestic policies in Iberia. Over the course of 15 months, the two Caudillos fail to reach an agreement in nearly every single debate, including over things as small as workplace Siestas, and the gridlock would probably have continued were it not for an attempted bombing by a Galician separatist group scaring them into working together on the creation of an Iberian Council...which they had been gridlocked on just before.
      "Why do we live? Just to suffer?"
    • During the Caudillo debates, Franco and Salazar attempt to determine representation within the Iberian council. Salazar proposes a complex pyramidal system that takes several attempts for Franco to comprehend. When Franco finally does comprehend his proposal, he vetoes it immediately and calls an end to the meeting.
      "Can you explain Salazar's system again please?"
    • After the skirmish at Barcelona, Franco and Salazar decide to update the Constitution and provide some concessions to the Iberian Council and the population at large, based on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of basic needs. There is fierce debate by the Council on almost every issue, requiring the intervention of the two.
  • One Free English event - "A Conversation in the Foreign Office" to be precise - sees St John-Stevas struggle tremendously to get a straight answer out of his secretary on whether the CIA has plants in the Civil Service. The ensuing conversation is more at home in Yes, Minister than something like TNO, with the secretary giving the most convoluted, jargon-packed and non-committal answer one could possibly imagine. Stevas immediately recognises it as a no. It seems British politics is a farce in every timeline! That is, until it was cut in The Ruin and replaced with Fallen Lion content.

    South America 

  • A common bug in the early days following the launch of the mod was a scenario involving a shrimping boat being seized by the US from Japan triggering a nuclear war due to no path towards de-escalation being present. It became a meme very quickly.
  • Some events' dramatic gravitas is weakened by the fact the flavor text was still a placeholder in the early days.
    • One notable example is the "oh god oh fuck it's kishi" placeholder text for the Order 44 world event, which didn't help the following superevent with creepy music and terrified screams.
    • Another event in Japan was the arrival of the infamous 300 million yen robbery. While silly, the silliness works in the event's favor by echoing the odd and mysterious nature of the infamous scandal.
      "Someone stole 300 million yen"
    • If you go far enough with the Great Society, you get an event that just says "moderate Republicans are mad at u" and your only reaction available is "awww." There's also the placeholder text for LBJ's event for Democrats defecting, which simply reads "Social security makes me mad" and the response of "damnit."
    • Zhdanov's ultravisionary superculture was originally likened to "Earrape soviet anthem qwith [sic] galactic sounds." The only option is to respond, "Gang shit."
    • It's not just limited to events either. Serov's Ordosocialist decision tab once stated, "ooga booga nazbol gang unite."
    • Before its content was skeletonized, the Governatorato del Levante proved full of placeholder text, especially when it comes to executing Operation Masada. One decision you can take involves you attempting to assassinate leaders of Irgun or Harakiyyin.
      On a critical success: "Irgun/the Harakiyyin got fucking annihilated lol sucks to suck"
      "Begin more like end :sunglasses:"
      "bash the habash :sunglasses:"
      On a failure: "Shit backfired yo"
      "oh god oh fuck"
    • When the devs were testing bios for ministers with the new character system, they chose to give Speer the following text (and forgot to remove it from release)
      albert speer is the sussy chungus red imposter among hitlers crewmates. whereas everyone else is fascist crewmates he is a liberal libtard crewmate, and when hitler dies in electrical he will say that he was just doing tasks in maintenance but he is secretly planning to kill everyone else and achieve a total sussy liberal victory
  • If you wait around long enough in the After the End screen following the Thermonuclear War Superevent, you'll discover that Himmler's plan to purify the Earth in the long term completely failed. Not only did many, many other countries prepare well enough for nuclear war that non-white ethnicities largely survived, but enough bombs failed so that even the above-grounders largely survived, and to add further injury, by the time the descendants of the people he regarded as Aryan enough to live come down from the Alps, the Propaganda Machine has so convinced them that all of the non-Aryans died that they view the civilization they find as fellow surviving Aryans, no matter their appearance, completely and peacefully assimilating into the rebuilt world. We'd probably be hearing a strange whizzing noise if there was enough of Himmler's body left over to spin in his grave at Mach 5. Crosses over with Heartwarming as well.
  • At the end of the last post-apocalyptic event, the developers thank you for playing the game. They then make a recommendation for your next playthrough:
    Next time, though, try not to end the world.
  • Players browsed through the game files and found joke portraits, like George W. Bush with a Japan tag, Himmler in a British military uniform (with the internal name of Heinrich_HMMLR), "Punished Stalin" (a heavily scarred Stalin with an eyepatch) in Tyumen note , Alexander Kolchak (a skeleton in a military uniform) in Chita note , Todd Howard (dressed in a SS uniform) in Burgundy, a moai in Omsk...
    • One player browsing through Brazil's leader portraits found ten different portraits of potential president Jânio Quadros. Only one of these portraits is actually used, and after seeing the others, it's easy to see why. Devs later admitted it's not even Dummied Out content; Quadros just made so many bizarre expressions in public appearances that the portrait artists couldn't resist. And the No Step Back compatibility update adds even more.
  • Activating the debug mode through the console commands opens up an option to "Open the Rift." Doing so reveals that the lost Ninth Legion "Hispania" has not only reemerged in Turkey, but is armed to the brim with modern ordinance and hardware to rebuild the Roman Empire.
  • There are events that bring up various in-universe Alternate History novels detailing a world in which World War II went differently, and some of them fall into this.
    • One, titled The Greatest Story Never Told, is the ramblings of a pseudonymous American neo-Confederate imagining a world in which George Lincoln Rockwell was never killed. The event notes that Bile Fascination has made it a bestseller in the US on account of how ridiculous it is, with the author claiming that the Nazis are actually controlled by the Jews and stopped following the "National" part of National Socialism a long time ago. Out-of-universe, it also doubles as a Take That! to an infamous real-life neo-Nazi propaganda film.
    • Another one, titled Fear and Loathing in Los Angeles, is Hunter S. Thompson's crack at the genre, stated in the description to be a satire of all the self-serious alternate history novels that have been written in this universe. As befitting Thompson, the novel is surreal, with events that include a Unit 731 doctor accidentally drugging himself with a hallucinogen, setting off a chain of events that leads to him causing a Zombie Apocalypse in downtown Tokyo, and a street fight between Yockeyites and Nixon supporters in which "an inebriated Thompson watches with juvenile glee."
  • Using console commands to switch random nations' ideologies to something else may yield amusing results.
  • For the 2020 Halloween Event, the Zombie Apocalypse horde is led by The Rotting Corpse of Joseph Goebbels! It is darkly humorous considering that Goebbels has often been compared to a skeleton due to his Lean and Mean appearance and his Villainous Cheekbones, and is now fittingly leading an army of skeletons. Looks like all those "Herr Skeletor" jokes have finally come true!
  • The most Heartwarming Russian reunification path is usually a choice between either path for Sverdlovsk, liberal Vyatka's, a genuinely anarchist Siberian Black Army, Kemerevo's under Yuriy, any non-Bastillard Tomsk's, a constitutional Chita's, a libertarian Buryatia's, or Omolon's—unless you enable Project Ferus, in which case the most outlandish path possible indisputably takes the cake. That path is one where Nikolai Bukharin reappears to reunify Russia... having been turned into a pony. Yes, a My Little Pony-type pony. He will, if all goes well, then proceed to bring Russia back together through "Harmonic Communism", wielding the Magic of Friendship to do so. It's all very ridiculous, absolutely absurd, and disturbingly in-depth for an April Fools' joke.
