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Characters / Sekirei - MBI

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A pharmaceutical company that rose dramatically in prominence roughly twenty years ago, thanks to the discovery of the Sekirei. Utilizing the technology discovered on the crashed vessel, it has become an incredibly powerful company and owns almost everything in the capitol. With their own private military force and the Disciplinary Squad, the company has almost unlimited resources and command of the city. It oversees the care and maintence of the Sekirei, as well as forcing them to participate in the Sekirei Plan.

    Hiroto Minaka 

Hiroto Minaka
Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (JP), Chuck Huber (EN)

The eccentric chairman and founder of MBI. Hiroto has completely taken over the city with MBI in order to implement Sekirei Plan in which all Sekirei and their Ashikabi must participate.

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Attempting to be this, prior to discovering the Sekirei.
  • Affably Evil: Dude might be the power mad head of MBI, but dude's got style.
  • Big Bad: The main antagonist of the series who is behind the entire Sekirei Plan, controlling everything.
  • Big Entrance: Hanging from a rope ladder, extended from an MBI helicopter. turns out it's Actually a Doombot, which warns that is about to explode. Homura cannot resist the chance to Kill It with Fire anyway.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Sports one often.
  • The Chessmaster: The head of the Sekirei Plan, literally using everyone involved as his game pieces.
  • Common Law Marriage: He and Takami are in a complicated relationship and have two children together. Minaka is asking her to get legally married all the time, but Takami keeps refusing.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: The corrupt corporate executive of the series. He can pretty much do whatever he wants, due to his power and influence.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Escape hatches? Robotic messengers? An emergency escape rocket? He apparently keeps stuff around just in case he gets a chance to use them.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: He always seems one step ahead of everyone else, with everything playing into his game.
  • Disappeared Dad: It is shown that he hasn't been in touch with his children for years or never met them to begin with. Minato doesn't even know Minaka is his father until near the end of the series because his mother told him his father was dead. Minaka has shown interest in knowing how Yukari turned out to be, but Takami doesn't want him near their kids.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He genuinely cares about Takami, and has expressed interest in being a father to Yukari and Minato, despite Takami's objections.
  • Evil Laugh: He loves to do this one. Lampshaded in the anime, when his laugh tapers off to coughing when he pushes it too far.
  • Fiction 500: His company is one.
  • First Love: She was the first man Kazehana ever loved. After being rejected, Kazehana was hung up on him for 20 years until she falls for Minato.
  • Game Master: Fancies himself one.
  • Hybrid Power: His Sekirei ancestry is what allowed him to enter and reactivate the crashed Sekirei ship.
  • I Gave My Word: He honored Takehito's request to not involve Miya in the Sekirei Plan.
  • It Amused Me: Pretty much his reason for doing anything.
  • It's All About Me: He pretty much acts like a child wanting the game to go the way he wants for his own amusement and cares more about how fun it is for himself despite others dying from the cause.
  • I Gave My Word: He's an amoral scumbag to the core, but when he gives his word, he will honor it.
  • Large Ham: He loves being overly dramatic and flashy, especially during his speeches.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Zig-zagged. He's still alive in the end of the series running MBI, but upon the Sekirei Plan being over, his organization is suffering from his actions, all the Sekirei are now freed, and despite Minato now working for MBI to help the Sekirei, he and Yukari have no desire to be with him or get to know him and will live forever never getting to know his own children.
  • Laughably Evil: While he's a shifty Corrupt Corporate Executive, it's hard to not get a laugh out of his hammy and trickster character.
  • Law Enforcement, Inc.: Turned MBI into this when he took control of Tokyo and all authority.
  • Let No Crisis Go to Waste: Takes full advantage of the Bridge escape to justify stricter control of the capital, claiming it to be a "terrorist attack".
  • Locked into Strangeness: Flashbacks show that he, along with Takami, had black hair before they found the Sekirei ship.
  • Mad Scientist: To the core. Everything he does seems to be for his own amusement and SCIENCE, with no concern for the morality of his actions.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: He's not a fighter at all, relying on his soldiers and the Disciplinary Squad to handle all violent matters.
  • Older Than He Looks: He looks older than most of the male characters, but not old enough to have two adult children.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • He's willing to use MBI's resources to save the fatally ill Chiho. He may have some ulterior motive regardless of what happens, but he's not all bad.
    • When Takehito was willing to sacrifice himself to save the Sekirei from terminating and the civilians around, Minaka was against it but reluctanly gave in and apologized to him. Upon his last moments, he begged Minaka to not let Miya be involved in his plan, and Minaka promised him he would. True enough, Miya is never involved in his plans and has stayed away from her since then.
    • He gave Natsuo Benitsubasa and Haihane as a way to help him move on from his lover's death and find True Companions in the two of them.
  • Prematurely Grey-Haired: He and Takami discovered something during their researches. It also gave them white hair.
  • This Page Will Self-Destruct: A life-like robot states this after delivering a message to the heroes. Homura takes the chance to Kill It with Fire on reflex.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child: He's a Large Ham who rarely acts seriously, whereas Minato is quiet, emotional and very serious.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Sekirei Plan indeed put the Sekirei and some Ashikabi through a lot of pain, but Minaka organized it all because he truly wishes to set the Sekirei free from the Kouten's system that trapped them. In the epilogue, Minato can figure out everything Minaka did was in order to save the Sekirei.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Beneath his eccentric behavior is a ruthless individual toying with the hearts and lives of human and Sekirei alike.
  • The Wonka: Eccentric, but undeniably brilliant and ruthless.

    Takami Sahashi 

Takami Sahashi
Voiced by: Miki Itō (JP), Shelley Calene-Black (EN)

The mother of Minato and Yukari, MBI's head researcher, and the person in charge of the Sekirei Plan. She often expresses disapproval over how Hiroto is going about the plan.

  • Anger Born of Worry: She often gets upset with Minato because she doesn't want him to end up like his father.
  • Boyish Short Hair: Her short hair shows her headstrong and assertive personality.
  • Brutal Honesty: She's often blunt whenever she criticizes Minato for disappointing her.
  • Common Law Marriage: With Minaka. They have two children together, but live separately and Takami refuses to take his surname despite Minaka's persistent requests.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: While Minaka is the titular head of MBI, she's the one who really runs the show, although she will obey his orders even when she strongly disagrees with them.
  • Evil Parents Want Good Kids: Downplayed. Takami isn't evil herself, but she still serves as The Dragon to the Big Bad who is also the father of her children. Through her two children's entire lives, Tamaki did her best effort to keep them away from any contact from their father so he wouldn't be a bad influence to them.
  • Eye Scream: A flashback shows that one of Mikogami's Sekirei, Yomi, slashed one of her eyes with a scythe while trying to kidnap Kusano, leaving her grievously wounded and traumatizing the young sekirei. While Minaka may overlook this, she does not, and the final chapters show that she is quite bitter about it. Mikogami remains completely unrepentant, only realizing that she hates him but utterly refusing to admit he was wrong.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: Minaka is her superior, but she's far more competent than he will ever be, and she knows it.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Even though she's often tough on Minato, Takami's a good-hearted mother underneath it all.
  • Labcoat of Science and Medicine: She wears a labcoat to show her profession as a scientist.
  • Locked into Strangeness: Flashbacks show that she, along with Minaka, had black hair before they found the Sekirei ship.
  • Mysterious Parent: Her own children don't know much about her.
  • Older Than They Look: She looks thirty at the oldest despite her oldest child being in his twenties.
  • Parental Substitute: She's a mother figure to the Sekirei she adjusted, Musubi and Kuu among them.
  • Prematurely Grey-Haired: She and Minaka discovered something during their researches. It also gave them white hair.
  • Properly Paranoid: She refuses to tell her children that Minaka is their father under any circumstances. As it turns out, Minaka is the main villain in the series.
  • Scars Are Forever: She's left with a scar down her face, after being attacked by Yomi.
  • Secret Relationship: Minaka is the father of her children, and is forbidden from joining the Sahashi family or telling anyone he's their father.
  • Slasher Smile: Now we know where Yukari got it.
  • Smoking Is Cool: She's frequently shown smoking, playing up how cool she is.
  • Smoking Is Glamorous: When dressed up for a night on the town, she immediately has Homura give her a light.
  • So Proud of You: She's genuinely proud of Minato for standing up to her. But she gleefully has him arrested anyway.
  • Tough Love: Takami is harsh towards Minato for being unable to deal with pressure, but she does it out of love.
  • Troll: After Tsukiumi spent all night by Minato's hospital bed, after the Bridge incident, Takami asks Tsukiumi "shouldn't you be addressing me as 'Mother' by now?" and when Tsukiumi complies due to her extreme dedication to proper manners, Takami then turns away and proclaims she was just kidding. It took Minato restraining her to keep Tsukiumi from blasting Takami through a wall with water pressure.
  • Tsundere: Harsh type towards Minaka. She's infuriated by his overall irritating character and underhanded way of doing things, but his rare human moments make it hard for her to fully hate him and they have two children for that reason.
  • Uneven Hybrid: Like Minaka and her children, she's a descendant of ancient Sekirei and she inherited their traits.
  • What Does She See in Him?: The biggest question is what she ever saw in a sociopath like Minaka given she gave birth to two of his children yet refuses to ever marry him or let her children near him. It is implied he wasn't as bad as before yet the whole Sekirei Plan ordeal made him get an enourmous ego in the process.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: Minato mentions that she worked a lot, so both him and his sister didn't get to spend much time with her. When we do see her, she clearly has a lot going on since she works for MBI.
  • Years Too Early: When Minato calls her out, she captures him and proudly tells him that he's "100 years" too early to do that.

    Takehito Asama 

Takehito Asama
Voiced by: Susumu Chiba (JP), John Burgmeier (EN)

Miya's late husband and Seo's best friend. A researcher of the MBI, he was the discoverer of the emerging system, Norito, and the existence of the Ashikabi. He was the adjuster of the first generation Disciplinary Squad (Matsu, Kazehana, Karasuba, and Mutsu), Homura, Uzume, Hikari, and Hibiki. After witnessing the destructive power of the first generation, he comes to doubt the intentions of Minaka and the change of the S-Plan from scientific study to a battle royale. He eventually comes to oppose the Sekirei Plan, but died and was never to see his plans through. Seo was given an unspecified task by him, and Miya continues to carry on his will.

  • The Atoner: He was attempting to free the Sekirei from their bond to Kouten before his death.
  • Back from the Dead: In the final chapter of Sekirei 365 Days Without Her, Minato has succeeded in waking him up.
  • Cute and Psycho: He could be terrifying while smiling sweetly.
  • The Defroster: Miya's love for Takehito turned her away from her cold and ruthless self. In fact, he was the first person who could make Miya laugh.
  • Demon Head: Like his wife, a hannya mask appeared behind him when he was angry. Miya apparently learned it from him.
  • Freak Lab Accident: Upon being revived by Minato, it's revealed that Takehito now has Ashikabi genes in his body due to his near death experience with the Jinki. After being reunited with his wife Miya, he can finally give her wings and cure her from her illness.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Went out with a smile, after apologizing to Miya.
  • Happily Married: He and his wife Miya were very happy together in the little we know about him.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He sacrificed himself to save everyone trapped in MBI's main headquarters from a lab accident caused by the Jinki going out of control.
  • Labcoat of Science and Medicine: He was one of MBI's best scientists and wore a labcoat as protocol.
  • The Lost Lenore: His wife Miya still loves him very much and mourns him years after his death.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Regretted making the first five Sekireis so powerful and his involvement in the Sekirei Plan which he was against.
  • Posthumous Character: He's been presumed dead for years by the time of the series, making all his appearances flashbacks.
  • Only Mostly Dead: Turns out he didn't die but instead was "terminated" when the Jinki went out of control. Minato eventually wakes him up in the final epilogue.
  • Retirony: He wanted to start a family, and had quit MBI....then he got a call to go help them out one last time. He told Miya it would be fine, and he would be back soon. He never made it home.
  • Someone Has to Die: He felt he was the logical choice, being the only normal human in range of the Jinki.
  • Sorry That I'm Dying: Apologized to Miya prior to dying.
  • Take Up My Sword: Minato has unknowingly taken up his goals, thanks in no small part to grooming by Miya and Seo. Seo also seems to have been charged with a yet-to-be-revealed task.
  • Tragic Dream: He longed to free Miya, and all the other Sekirei as well. Since he wasn't an Ashikabi, freeing Miya was impossible for him and his death prevented him from doing more than laying the foundation for Minato.



A scientist from MBI who was Tsukiumi's modifier and unofficial adoptive mother.

  • Anger Born of Worry: Some of Tsukiumi's most "terrifying" childhood memories are Miyajima yelling at her and punishing her after Tsukiumi did something she shouldn't, like almost falling off the roof or eating sweets back when her modifications to eat human food weren't done yet. When Tsukiumi tells Minato some "scary tales" about Miyajima, all Minato gets from it is how much Miyajima loves Tsukiumi as her own child.
  • The Dreaded: She's the only person Tsukiumi is absolutely terrified of.
  • Hair Intakes: Her hairstyle has "cat ears" similar to Tsukiumi's.
  • Mama Bear: When some creep tried to kidnap little Tsukiumi, Miyajima electrocuted him with MBI's stun gun.
  • No Full Name Given: Her first name is never mentioned.
  • Parental Substitute: She raised Tsukiumi from childhood and cares for her like she was her daughter.

Disciplinary Squad

The Disciplinary Squad is a specialized unit used by MBI to enforce the rules of the Sekirei Plan. Their membership has changed over the years, but their purpose in eliminating threats remains the same. They are the primary antagonists of the series.

  • Terrible Trio: The Disciplinary Squad is formed by three Sekirei. Their job is to terminate any Sekirei who tries defying MBI or running away from the game. Kasuba is the deadliest one, while Benitsubasa and Haihane are more used for comedic moments even if they can be competent fighters.
  • Theme Naming: Karasuba means "crow feathers", Benitsubasa means "crimson wings", and Haihane means "grey wings".

    Natsuo Ichinomiya 

Natsuo Ichinomiya
Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (JP), Anthony Bowling (EN)

An MBI clerk for the pharmaceutical department and Ashikabi of the Disciplinary Squad. He is a deeply cynical person, and harbors a deep hatred of the world because of the death of his lover, a military doctor. To most, he comes across as casual and unconcerned about the events taking place around him, with his true intentions known only to Karasuba.

Sekirei: Karasuba, Benitsubasa, Haihane

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: A brunette in the anime, but his hair is white in the manga.
  • Cool Car: His car resembles a Ferrari 430 Spider. He likes to take rides in it with Karasuba.
  • Death Seeker: There's many times where he looks pleased at finding himself in a situation where he could die and seems somewhat disappointed when he survives.
  • Despair Event Horizon: His lover was a military doctor, killed in action. As a result, he's given up on the world.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Nothing fazes him, and he keeps smiling cheerfully whether his life is in danger or his Sekirei are brutally slaughtering their victims.
  • Excessive Mourning: The death of his lover left him "empty" inside and with no interest in forming new bonds with people. Near the end of the series, he realizes the warmth of his Sekirei's love for him which he had ignored until then. He finally understands those bonds can give him a new purpose in life.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He seems very friendly and polite. However, it's all a cover for how utterly empty inside he is.
  • Foil: To Karasuba, surprisingly enough. Both lost the most important person in their lives, leaving them empty and with the sole goal of destroying the world. At the end, Natsuo learns to appreciate his bonds with his Sekirei and this makes him value life once more. In contrast, Karasuba rejects those bonds and walks down the path of self-destruction because she never wanted to care about anyone but Yume.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Once the Sekirei Plan concludes, he, Benitsubasa, and Haihane turn good, with Natsuo striking a friendship with Minato.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Completely cold and dispassionate.
  • Interrupted Suicide: The day he winged Karasuba, he would have thrown himself off the MBI building if Karasuba haven't asked him to help her destroy the world.
  • It Amused Me: Responded to Karasuba's request to help her destroy the world was, "Sure, why not?". She describes him as a whimsical man.
  • Mr. Exposition: A source of valuable information when Minato first meets him, revealing just why attacking an Ashikabi is forbidden by the rules.
  • Nietzsche Wannabe: He casually wonders why Minato doesn't kill him, since doing so would eliminate the Disciplinary Squad and remove much of MBI's power over the Sekirei.
  • Non-Action Guy: As typical of an Ashikabi, he sits back and lets his Sekirei do all the killing.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: As befits a representative of the company.
  • Stepford Smiler: A more low-key example. He seems cheerful and carefree, but he's really dead inside and just waiting for the world to end.
  • The Stoic: He doesn't show much genuine emotion, unconcerned about the carnage and chaos that go on around him.
  • Straight Gay: He's so lacking of stereotypical homosexual traits that one would never guess Natsuo is gay unless Haihane said so.
  • Synchronization: Karasuba forcefully ripping out her wings really took a toll to Natsuo.
  • The Tease: Playfully strings Benitsubasa along, giving her an Affectionate Nickname and doing absolutely nothing to discourage her from being a Hopeless Suitor.
  • While Rome Burns: It doesn't matter what kind of chaos the Sekirei Plan has caused or currently causing. He remains calm and isn't bothered. He's angry at the world and no longer cares what happens to it.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: In the manga, describing himself as "empty" and genuinely unconcerned about the horror Karasuba intends to unleash on the world. Subverted Trope after he realizes he isn't alone anymore.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Karasuba offered him the means to destroy the world he hates, during his Despair Event Horizon.
  • Worth Living For: Natsuo had lost any will to live after the death of his lover. When he realizes how much Benitsubasa and Haihane love him and want to live alongside him, Natsuo decides to live and be happy with his Sekirei.
  • You Are Not Alone: He comes to realize this was the purpose behind Minaka assigning Benitsubasa and Haihane to him, providing him with two Sekirei that would eventually help push him past his despair.


Karasuba (Sekirei #04)
Voiced by: Romi Park (JP), Christine Auten (EN)

The "Black Sekirei", and longtime member of the Disciplinary Squad. She is the primary antagonist of the series, and fully intends to destroy humanity if she claims victory. She longs for the end of the Sekirei Plan.

Ashikabi: Natsuo Ichinomiya

  • The Ageless: She looks the same age as other Sekirei, but was an adult when all the others were still infants and hasn't aged in nearly twenty years.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: She falls into despair after learning Yume's soul merged with Musubi's core and dies without ever getting the chance to fight the one person she respected more than anyone. Both Musubi and Natsuo are visibly hurt by how Karasuba dies having lost her will to live.
  • Arch-Enemy: Eagerly waiting the day that she becomes this to Musubi.
  • Ax-Crazy: Death, destruction, and suffering are her bread and butter.
  • BFS: Her nodachi is nearly as long as her body.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Along with Minaka and Higa, Karasuba serves as one of the main antagonists of the series.
  • Blood Is the New Black: Played straight, and also used for comedy. She's often left splattered with blood after dealing with targets, and a side story parodies this with Musubi's flashback of a Super-Deformed Karasuba coming to tell her about the new hot springs that just opened. Arrows point to splatters of blood, noting it to be from her victims.
  • Blood Knight: She lives to take on strong opponents, which is the only reason she keeps Musubi around as a Morality Pet. She's grooming her to be an opponent worthy of the Final battle.
  • By the Power of Grayskull!: This is the Blade of my Pledge. Exterminate the sworn enemies of my Ashikabi!
  • Close-Call Haircut: Ends up losing her long hair, when she narrowly escapes Kaho's Norito. Since she's pragmatic to the extreme, she uses her coat and lost hair as a decoy....
  • Coat Cape: She wears her grey coat like a cape, as did most of the original Disciplinary Squad.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: Excited by killing, as well as the very idea of facing opponents capable of killing her. She discusses almost dying at Miya's hands as something positive, and longs to experience it again.
  • Combat Stilettos: She fights really well while wearing high-heeled boots.
  • Dark Action Girl: She's a deadly swordswoman dressed in black that terrifies everyone but Musubi.
  • Death by Despair: She could have been revived after her defeat, but chooses not to due to realizing Yume could not be brought back.
  • Despair Event Horizon: When Musubi reveals Yume is no longer within her because her core was completed by her love for Minato, Karasuba goes off the deep end and rips off her own Sekirei wings, symbolizing her rejection of all connection with Ashikabi and the world. After her termination, Karasuba apparently refuses to be revived by Musubi because she lost all will to live after knowing Yume was gone for good.
  • Dodge the Bullet: Shown to be able to dodge automatic weapon fire at close range, in both the anime's prologue and the Kamikura island flashback. She does it while wearing a full-on Slasher Smile.
  • The Dreaded: She is feared by other Sekirei as a monster because of her strength and blood lust. That Musubi gets along with her shocks many.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: She openly cannot comprehend The Power of Love that drives other Sekirei, and expresses disgust upon sensing positive emotions through her bond with Natsuo.
  • Evil Wears Black: She's known as "The Black Sekirei" because of the color of her clothes. She's also one of the most villainous and bloodthirsty Sekirei.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Early on, she constantly keeps her eyes closed. She opens them more often later on.
  • Faux Affably Evil: She comes across as very nice most of the time. It's probably because she's thinking about killing everyone around her.
  • For the Evulz: She doesn't seem to have any reason for doing things other than because she loves destruction.
  • Four Is Death: She's Sekirei #04 and few people survive an encounter with her. Karasuba is also the only Sekirei who stays dead even in the epilogue.
  • Hero Killer: The only time anyone has survived facing her was either because they managed to escape, or she lost interest in them. With the one exception of Miya...
  • Icy Gray Eyes: Her gray eyes signify how cold, uncaring and dangerous she is.
  • Idiot Hair: She has a long and prominent strand of hair sticking out atop her head.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: She can dodge bullets at close range, slice and dice with amazing precision, and stop a full charge within a second.
  • I Need You Stronger: She actively encourages Musubi to become strong enough to challenge her in the final battle.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Her main weapon of choice is a katana.
  • Kick the Dog: Aside from causing needless bloodshed, she ruthlessly kills innocent Sekirei and even their Ashikabi just for fun.
  • Killed Off for Real: Even after the "game" is over, she is still "terminated" because she ripped out her own wings, and Musubi can't revive her even with the power of Kouten. It's implied this is Karasuba's own choice as she lost the will to live the moment she knew Yume was really gone forever.
  • Lady of War: An antagonistic version of this trope. And her reason for fighting is simply "to watch the world burn". Classy...
  • Limit Break: Mei no Tachi - Kuon (Blade of the Underworld - Eternal Rage). Her Norito is revealed to actually be quite weak, due to lacking any emotional bond with her Ashikabi.
  • Master Swordswoman: She's an incredibly skilled swordswoman.
  • Minidress of Power: Her uniform as a member of a Disciplinary Squad is a black mini dress.
  • Murder by Suicide: She goaded Takehito into making his Heroic Sacrifice, by asking if he intended to abandon the Sekirei. He took the bait.
  • Necromantic: Her true goal is terminating Musubi in hopes that will bring Yume out of her core and Yume will take full control of Musubi's body. However, in their final fight, Musubi reveals Yume's personality is no longer within her after the complete fusion of her cores. Karasuba doesn't take it well.
  • Older Than She Looks: She looked the same as she does now twenty years ago.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: She wants to watch the world burn.
  • One-Woman Army: Once left a pile of corpses for Yume to see, after slaughtering human soldiers.
  • Only Mostly Dead: Subverted, sort of. At the end of the series, she's technically not dead, just in suspended animation like any other Sekirei that stops functioning. However, she's the only one who doesn't wake up after Musubi revives all terminated Sekirei as she lost all hope of getting Yume back.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: In the past, her one goal in life was defeating her partner and rival Yume. She was distraught when Yume sacrificed her life to save Musubi before she ever came close to surpassing her. In the present day, the feeling has been passed on to Musubi, reminding her to not let anyone take her out of the game before she terminates her herself.
  • Pet the Dog: After her final defeat by Musubi, and being comforted by Natsuo despite earlier cruelly ridiculing him, Karasuba finally relents and realizes how much Natsuo and the other squad members mean to her. She apologizes to Natsuo and admits he really means a lot to her.
  • Psycho for Hire: The one reason why she's still on the Disciplinary Squad is because the job gives her the chance to cut people up.
  • Psycho Lesbian: Obsessed with Yume, and by extension, Musubi. Further hinted at, when Natsuo talks about his deceased lover. His comments about "hating the world where the person he loves no longer exists" makes her think of Yume.
  • Red Baron: The Black Sekirei.
  • The Rival: She has a very personal desire to fight Musubi (or more accurately, Yume).
  • Sadist: She loves killing.
  • Scars Are Forever: Hints at the existence of a scar left from when she almost died at Miya's hands.
  • Single-Stroke Battle: Dishes these out like candy. She was once on the receiving end of one thanks to Miya, who did it with her BARE HANDS. Karasuba recalls it fondly and wants to experience that "fear and pain" again.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: It's implied that Karasuba could never react to an Ashikabi because the only person she ever wanted to be bonded with was Yume.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: A same-sex example. It's heavily implied that she doesn't love Yume because of her immense power but for her idealism.
  • Slasher Smile: When she gets worked up.
  • The Social Darwinist: Her hatred of humans is based on them being "weak". Similarly, she once tried to kill Kaho as a small child, because she considers weak Sekirei useless.
  • Super Prototype: She's one of the first five Sekirei models and one of the most powerful due to the special adjustments given to her by Takehito.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: She's a powerful Dark Action Girl who ties her hair back in a ponytail.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: She seems to be incredibly fond of apples. At one point, she brings a basket of them to Musubi and offers her one with a creepy smile.
  • Villain Respect: After Kaho gave her a tough fight, where even after using her Norito, she had to turn to fighting dirty to win, she stops, looks upon Kaho and promises to never forget her name again. Now remember that the reason she forgot Kaho in the first place, is that she considered Kaho a pathetic weakling for not being able to protect herself from armed soldiers as a small child.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Her hair is light gray to identify her as a main villain.
  • Worthy Opponent: She respected Yume as the strongest and greatest Sekirei she wanted to surpass no matter what. She wants to fight Musubi for this very reason since she posseses Yume's core.
  • Would Hurt a Child: She threatened Musubi and Kaho when both were small children.
  • You Should Have Died Instead: She really lost it when Yume sacrificed her core to save Musubi, in which Karasuba blames the latter upon the former's death. She seems alright around Musubi during the series because she knows Yume still lives as a dormant personality inside Musubi. That's until their final match in which Karasuba learns Yume's personality has disappeared forever as a result of assimilation between Musubi's and Yume's cores after Musubi's Sekirei declaration to Minato. Karasuba then goes into a murderous rage, blaming Musubi and Minato for "killing" Yume.


Benitsubasa (Sekirei #105)
Voiced by: Shizuka Itō (JP), Trina Nishimura (EN, as Anita Neukar)

Known by the title of the "Red Sekirei". She has a vicious temper, as well as serious insecurities about her figure, and enjoys causing pain to her opponents. Her abilities allow her to cause massive destruction. Completely in denial of her Ashikabi's sexuality, she is often the butt of her squadmate's jokes. After the battle on the bridge, she becomes obsessed with killing Musubi.

Ashikabi: Natsuo Ichinomiya

  • A-Cup Angst: Don't tell her she's on the itty bitty titty committee.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Shijime, who calls her "Beni-ko" and glomps her.
  • Ax-Crazy: Clearly when she's worked up.
  • Badass Decay: Invoked in the second phase along with Haihane.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Like Musubi, she's a Sekirei specialized in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Butt-Monkey: Often on the receiving end of comedic violence and taunts.
  • Berserk Button: She hates being reminded how flat she is compared to Musubi or when others ruin her time with Natsuo.
  • By the Power of Grayskull!: Palm of my pledge, crush the stones torturing my Ashikabi!
  • Close-Range Combatant: She's a close-combat fighter like Musubi.
  • Combat Pragmatist: She'll cheat in a heartbeat to win.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Pink hair and eyes.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Musubi - though they're both hand-to-hand fighters, Benitsubasa's (relative) intelligence and viciousness forms a polar opposite contrast to Musubi's ditziness and sweetness.
  • Evil Redhead: Cruel, spiteful, and just plain mean.
  • Fiery Redhead: She has reddish pink hair and a really nasty temper.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Hers is even worse than Tsukiumi's, and she's definitely a lot more sadistic.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Once the Sekirei Plan concludes, she, Natsuo, and Haihane turn good, though she still holds some animosity towards Musubi, waiting for her to return for a rematch.
  • Incompatible Orientation: She's utterly in denial over the fact that her Ashikabi is gay, and will never fall in love with her. She's convinced she can make Natsuo heterosexual with her pure love.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She has an awful temper and anyone who isn't Natsuo is garbage in her eyes, but she does care for her squadmates and especially Natsuo.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: She's expressed the desire to murder Karasuba and Haihane, so she can have Natsuo all to herself.
  • The Nicknamer: Variously refers to Musubi as "boobsy", "big breasted bimbo", "the big breasted woman" and "the girl with the pneumatic knockers".
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Enjoys dishing them out to other Sekirei. Her first battle with Musubi is particularly difficult to watch, for both the characters and the audience.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Her default expression is an angry frown.
  • Red Baron: The Red Sekirei.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The hot-headed, vicious Red Oni to Haihane's level-headed, relaxed Blue Oni. They're even referred to as "The Red Sekirei" and "The Blue Sekirei" respectively.
  • Say It with Hearts: Her speech bubbles often include a star when she's in a vicious mood, and her called attacks include them as well.
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: As a member of the Disciplinary Squad, she enforces the rules, among which is "Sekirei can not kill Ashikabi." She has tried to kill Ashikabi on several occasions.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: She's a martial artist with a masculine vocabulary and wears her hair in a side ponytail.
  • Tsundere: An extreme Harsh type. She's incredibly ill-tempered, rude, and violent to everyone who isn't her Ashikabi and becomes completely lovestruck towards Natsuo alone.
  • Unknown Rival: Has an intense hatred of Musubi, who basically forgets that she exists after their first battle.
  • Villain Decay: A brutal and vicious fighter during her introduction, she goes on to become one of the series' most predominant Butt Monkeys.
  • Why Won't You Die?: To Musubi, during their first battle. This results in an extended and absolutely brutal No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, since Musubi kept getting up.
  • You Are Not Alone: She declares that she will never allow Natsuo to die, making him realize the true purpose of her being assigned as his Sekirei was to show him this and help him find the will to go on living.


Haihane (Sekirei #104)
Voiced by: Mitsuki Saiga (JP), Clarine Harp (EN)

Known by the title of the "Blue Sekirei". She is far more laidback than Benitsubasa, and takes any opportunity to mock her over her various shortcomings. Her weapon is a pair of clawed gauntlets, and her body is covered in scars from injuring herself on multiple occasions. Unlike her partner, she is an intelligent and level-headed well as completely aware of their Ashikabi's sexuality. She claims to simply admire his personality, but is extremely protective of him and easily flustered when he mentions kissing.

Ashikabi: Natsuo Ichinomiya

  • Amusing Injuries: Prone to these.
  • Badass Decay: Invoked in the second phase along with Benitsubasa.
  • Beady-Eyed Loser: Beady-eyed and unkempt, making her look slightly least by Sekirei standards.
  • By the Power of Grayskull!: Wire claws of my pledge...tear apart...the guards Ashikabi.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: She gets totally shitfaced just from inhaling the fumes from alcohol, let alone actually drinking.
  • Collared by Fashion: She wears a leather dog collar for no apparent reason other than odd fashion sense.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Not above cheap shots or cheating to win.
  • Covered with Scars: Under all those bandages, she has scars all over her body.
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: Usually shadowed further by her hair.
  • Deadpan Snarker: A fountain of snark, especially concerning Benitsubasa.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Tsukiumi - though they both fight with bladed weapons, Haihane's level-headedness and underhanded tactics form a stark contrast to Tsukiumi's temper and chivalry.
  • High-Pressure Blood: Whenever she's injured.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Once the Sekirei Plan concludes, she, Benitsubasa, and Natsuo turn good.
  • Ironic Fear: Afraid of heights. When questioned by Benitsubasa, she claims to only remember her phobia when not fighting.
  • Noodle Incident: We never find out how she obtained the extensive scars all across her body.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Her beady and tired-looking eyes make her stand out when alongside the other Sekirei, and cause her to look creepy and (comparatively) less attractive.
  • Only Sane Woman: In spite of her creepiness, she is actually the most emotionally stable and sensible of Natsuo's Sekirei.
  • Perky Goth: Though creepy looking, she's actually laid back and comical.
  • Red Baron: The Blue Sekirei.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The level-headed, relaxed Blue Oni to Benitsubasa's hot-headed, vicious Red Oni. They're even referred to as "The Blue Sekirei" and "The Red Sekirei" respectively.
  • The Stoic: Doesn't ever seem to be particularly interested in anything.
  • Super Drowning Skills: Her claws make it impossible for her to swim, resulting in several near drownings.
  • Taking the Bullet: She shields Natsuo from a collapsing building, and cheerfully states that she protected him.....while bleeding profusely.
  • Villain Ball: Invoked by Benitsubasa in-universe; "you're so useless today!"
  • Villain Decay: A legitimately terrifying opponent during her introduction, she goes on to mostly serve as comic relief.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: She enjoys her role as one of MBI's enforcers, showing no mercy to fellow Sekirei or even humans. Subverted Trope when she, Natsuo, and Benitsubasa have a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Wolverine Claws: Her weapons are clawed gauntlets.

Former Members

    Yume (Unmarked Spoilers

Yume (Sekirei #08)
Voiced by: Saori Hayami (JP), Alexis Tipton (EN)

The captain of the 'second generation' Disciplinary Squad. Yume and Karasuba were the only two members of the squad at the time she was active. Years ago, she gave her Sekirei Core to a child Musubi after the latter's core was damaged beyond repair. Yume lost her life as a result, but she "lives on" as an inactive double personality within Musubi.

Ashikabi: None

  • A-Cup Angst: According to Karasuba in an omake, Musubi's large breasts are a manifestation of Yume's will as Yume herself was only a B-cup (although Karasuba claims she was an A-cup wearing breast pads).
  • Affectionate Nickname: Karasuba called her "Yu-chan."
  • All-Loving Heroine: Pure, kind, and personally driven to free the Sekirei from their sad fate. Her greatest wish, passed on to Musubi, is that all Sekirei will learn to love.
  • Animal Motifs: Flashbacks show her with a bird on her finger.
  • Badass Adorable: Cute, sweet, and the most powerful Sekirei since Miya.
  • Bare-Handed Blade Block: She blocked Karasuba's sword with her bare hands in their first meeting.
  • Bequeathed Power: She gave her Sekirei core that is both her power and life source to Musubi, resulting in Yume's death.
  • Blessed with Suck: She had a perfect core and full crest that let her reach her full potential without an Ashikabi. However, this meant she could never experience the special bonds Sekirei and Ashikabi share, something she yearned for badly.
  • The Captain: Of the second Disciplinary Squad.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: She effortlessly defeated Benitsubasa and Haihane after being awakened by Minato.
  • Death of Personality: For a long time, Yume continues to exist within Musubi as they have the same Sekirei core. After Musubi's Sekirei declaration to Minato, her soul has completely merged with Yume's core, effectively ceasing Yume's existence.
  • Dodge the Bullet: She's seen dodging multiple automatic weapons AT CLOSE RANGE in the prologue of the anime.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: When she's in control of Musubi's body, her eyes' pupils change into a yin-yang symbol.
  • Girly Bruiser: She's very innocent and girly, but a physical fighter capable of going toe-to-toe with Karasuba and Miya.
  • Friendly Rivalry: She saw Karasuba as terribly misguided and became her biggest rival as well as partner so Karasuba would be less lonely.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She gave up her core, and therefore her own existence, to save Musubi as a child after some invaders destroyed Musubi's own core.
  • Identical Stranger: Musubi grew up to look exactly like her, but with bigger boobs.
  • Idiot Hair: She had one just like Musubi, showing her innocence.
  • Immune to Bullets: Bullets couldn't even leave a scratch on her.
  • Implied Love Interest: Flashbacks show Karasuba was extremely attached to Yume and took losing her very badly. It's up in the air whether Karasuba's feelings towards Yume were deep respect for a rival, companionship, or romantic love. It's notable that Karasuba thought about Yume when she heard Natsuo talk about his dead lover.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: Her punches could release the energy of her Sekirei core, creating a blast of light. This eventually becomes Musubi's Bear Paw technique.
  • Kung-Fu Jesus: A Messianic figure that was the second leader of the Disciplinary Squad.
  • Light 'em Up: She appears to have light-based abilities.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: To Karasuba. Competing with Yume was her whole reason for living and she might have been in love with her. After Yume gave her core to Musubi, Karasuba intends to terminate Musubi so Yume comes back. When Musubi reveals that's no longer possible because Yume's core fused with her soul, Karasuba rips off her own wings and is terminated by Musubi. It's implied that Karasuba never wanted to live in a world without Yume, choosing to not wake up even after Musubi revives all the terminated Sekirei.
  • The Lost Lenore: It's heavily implied Karasuba was in love with Yume, explaining her current obsession with fighting Musubi who inherited Yume's core. Near the end of the manga, it's revealed the reason why Karasuba wanted to terminate Musubi was that she hoped Yume would come back to life.
  • Love Freak: She loved to preach about the importance of love and bonds between Sekirei and Ashikabi.
  • Martial Pacifist: Though the leader of the Disciplinary Squad, she despises killing because death is the ultimate destruction of bonds between people.
  • Messianic Archetype: Yume was very special among Sekirei because she had both a Sekirei core and an Ashikabi core, meaning she was more powerful than winged Sekirei without need for an Ashikabi. Despite being this, all Yume tried to do was get Karasuba to understand the meaning of The Power of Love. In the end, she sacrificed her physical existence to save a child Musubi who was about to die. Yume's personality remains dormant within Musubi and comes out to save the heroes in battle a couple of times. In the end, Yume's consciousness is erased for good so Musubi can reach her full potential through her bond with Minato.
  • Red Baron: The Sekirei of Bonds
  • Sharing a Body: She gave her core to Musubi, and now lives on within her. After Musubi's Sekirei declaration to Minato, Yume's soul vanishes from within Musubi.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: She does possess Musubi's body to save her from termination, but other than that, she only appears in flashbacks. Still, her Heroic Sacrifice allows Musubi to inherit her powers and ideals with her core, eventually leading Musubi to defeat Karasuba and Miya and resurrect all the terminated Sekirei.
  • Super-Powered Alter Ego: The first time she takes control of Musubi's body, Yume can almost instantly wipe the floor with Benitsubasa and Haihane when Musubi just nearly got terminated by them. However, Musubi eventually grows even more powerful than Yume because of her love for Minato so Yume doesn't need to come out ever again.
  • Super-Strength: One of her abilities is her incredible physical strength.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: She was the only person who never saw Karasuba as a bloodthirsty psycho. Instead, she saw her as a lonely woman who tried to fill her inner void through endless fights without understanding what she truly needed was the love and warmth found in the bonds the Sekirei form with Ashikabi.
  • Take Up My Sword: She charged Musubi and Kaho with defeating Karasuba, and freeing the Sekirei to find love.
  • Walking Spoiler: Yume's role involves several important spoilers involving Musubi and Karasuba, as her Heroic Sacrifice to save Musubi was a very big influence in the motivation for their actions.
  • Worthy Opponent: She was the only Sekirei who had Karasuba's deep respect because she didn't need an Ashikabi to reach her full potential.
  • You Are Not Alone: She was released initially and thus could do whatever she wants, but stuck to Karasuba in order to invoke this trope and thus forming the second incarnation of the Disciplinary Squad.
