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Characters / Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Innovades

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Tropes associated with The Innovators/Innovades:

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    The Innovators/Innovades as a whole 
  • Affably Evil: With the exception of Ribbons, all of the Innovades are genuinely polite.
  • Ambiguous Gender: All of them are highly androgynous, and while it is confirmed that they have physical sexes, it can be difficult to tell which they are.
  • Artificial Human: Created by Veda to serve as its instruments with specific roles in mind.
  • Born as an Adult: Most Innovades are created to be young adults or teenagers. Since they have no age limits, they will "return" to Veda once their tasks are over or they die in their mission.
  • Dark Is Evil: Revive, Hiling, Bring, and Devine join the A-Laws as proxy members, and thus wear their distinct dark forest green uniforms and pilot suits.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Most of them care for one another, although Ribbons views the others as nothing more than expendable pawns.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After being defeated, with Veda ultimately taken back by both Celestial Being and the Federation, many of their clones (including the Ribbons-type Innovades and the Gaga Force) are shown willingly helping the reformed government to rebuild the future instead of continuing to fight or take revenge. The sole exception was Anew Returner, the Innovades' double agent within Celestial Being, who had changed her alliance in the same episode where she died.
  • Light Is Not Good: They all wear white clothes at some point, and they secretly rule Earth with an iron fist.
  • Master Race: They truly believe that it is their providence to guide/rule humanity.
  • Non Human Nonbinary: They are a race of artificial humans created by Veda for its specific mission and most of them, especially the combat-types, lack a specific biological gender, preferring to choose their own preferable pronoun to refer themselves. However, both canon and side material confirmed only gathering intelligence-type Innovades, like Anew Returner, carry genders so they can fit into society. Any human who undergoes modification by using or inherited Innovade DNA still retain their biological gender.
  • Smug Super: All of them love to gloat about how they are superior to humans. They end up wrong.
  • Superior Species: For a while, they do have some legitimate claim to this, being born more physically capable and possessing telepathy. Then Setsuna begins to undergo his innovation, and this would be the predestination for all of humanity in the coming decades...
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: Their eyes glow gold when they connect to Veda.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Constantly through the series. They keep thinking because they're advanced beings that humans are beneath them and they can just easily manipulate and beat them at their discretion. Celestial Being keeps proving them wrong at every turn. Then the humans begin their transition into true Innovators, the very thing the Innovades claim to be but can never become. Heck, Aeolia Schenberg pretty much had them screwed over with his backup plans before the series even started.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Many of the Innovades' Mobile Suits come with built in Core Fighters: high-speed crafts designed as an Escape Pod to their machines, allowing a pilot to eject should their Mobile Suits get heavily or critically damaged. By the last episode, Celestial Being had caught on to this tactic, and Allelujah Haptism tore out Hiling Care's Core Fighter before destroying her Garazzo, ensuring she would not escape.

    Ribbons Almark
Main mecha: GN-000 0 Gundam, CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam

Alejandro's mysterious assistant. He is very ambitious and seeks to rule over all of humanity.

Voiced by Tōru Furuya (Japanese) and Michael Adamthwaite (English)

  • Abusive Parent: To the Trinity Siblings, whom he created from his DNA. First, he sent Ali to kill them after they stopped being useful. Four years later, he tricks Nena into fighting Louise in order for the latter to exact her revenge.
  • Ace Pilot: While he is nowhere as good as his ego makes him think, he's still able to fight Setsuna to a draw despite using the statistically inferior Reborns Gundam.
  • Agent Peacock: He is exceedingly beautiful in terms of appearance, while being an cunning tactician and pilot.
  • A God Am I: He literally claims to be both "God" and a messiah for mankind in the final episode, cementing his egotism.
  • All Your Powers Combined: The Reborns Gundam possesses weapons and technology used in all of Celestial Being's and the A-LAWS's arsenal, with the most notable additions being the Twin Drive System and the Trans-Am System.
  • Ax-Crazy: It’s not apparent on the surface, but he’s quite insane when he drops his mask.
  • Bad Boss: He can trust anyone if he needs them. However, Ribbons always manipulates or brainwashes his allies to make sure they always obey his orders no matter what, and will kill them without a second thought once he deems them useless. He not only does this to his human allies, but also to his fellow Innovades.
  • Badass Back: Not him but his mobile suit, the Reborns Gundam. It can kick ass no matter what side one approaches it from.
  • Bastard Understudy: Towards Alejandro, whom he manipulates into granting him power and disposes of.
  • Beauty Is Bad: He’s a beautiful and charming young man. He’s also the Big Bad and will casually toss aside anyone and everyone.
  • Big Bad: Primarily during the second season, but retroactively for the first as well.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: At first, it seems he’s a little more sane than Alejandro, but it turns out he’s actually worse than his boss.
  • Bitch Slap: Delivers these twice. Once to Liu Mei and the other to Regene. In Regene's case, it was a lot looser.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Regene shoots him in the head, but Ribbons just uploads his consciousness into a new clone body.
  • Broken Pedestal: To Setsuna, as he was the pilot of the Gundam that saved and inspired Setsuna as a child to become a Gundam Meister in the first place.
  • The Chessmaster: The events of the entire first season were primarily his doing.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He constantly betrays his allies when they're no longer of use to him.
  • Cloning Gambit: He has multiple clone bodies that he can use by having Veda upload his consciousness to a new one if his current body is killed. Tieria and Regene controlling it would ultimately cause his downfall.
  • Colony Drop: Causes the Break Pillar incident when he lets the A-Laws attempt to destroy the African Pillar with the second Memento Mori. Setsuna barely manages to make the beam graze the orbital elevator instead of completely destroying it, but the falling autopurging wreckage still causes quadrillions of dollars of damage and kills hundreds of thousands of people.
  • Cool Starship: Aeolia Schenberg's magnum opus, the armed deep-space exploration vessel Celestial Being, which he and the Innovades use as their homebase and the server room for Veda. He's apparently been chilling aboard it for a majority of season two, but only puts it into use in the Final Battle because he can't risk the destruction or hijacking of Veda until his plans are in place.
  • The Corrupter : He exploits Louise's grief to turn her into his revenge-obsessed personal puppet.
  • Dark Messiah: Sees himself as the guide humanity needs and is willing to kill millions to ensure that he has the authority he feels he is entitled to.
  • Death by Irony: He was killed by the very boy he saved, inside the very Mobile Suit he used to save him. And said boy is also the one who inspired his plans and ruined it just when it was on the cusp of completion.
  • Death Is Cheap: Was killed at least twice. Apparently all other Innovades including himself, have a valid backup copy of his memory inside Veda. The reanimation was just a matter of downloading a conscience into a new clone body.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: This is pretty much the reason why he developed into a Godhood Seeker, refusing to let himself be someone or something that was expendable compared to Aeolia Schenberg's master plan for humanity.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: He claims to be akin to a God or a creator figure for mankind and the Innovades alike, but he is far more devilish than anything in his tendency to cozy up to other key players of the Aeolia plan, nearly giving them what they want. Then he proceeds to steal everything and their lives away from them to further his own ends. Just ask Setsuna, Alejandro, Wang Liu Mei, Nena, Louise, Regetta, Anew and Tieria.
  • Drone Deployer: The Reborns Gundam possesses GN Fin Fangs both large and small, which can either fire beams at their targets or serve as remote-controlled beam blades to impale the target.
  • Enigmatic Minion: He serves Alejandro and has mysterious powers, but the reason for why aren't revealed until the first season finale.
  • Evil Counterpart: Surprisingly, he can be considered this to Sergei. Both are skilled tacticians and excellent pilots while also having a young woman connected with them. Whereas Sergei was fine letting Soma/Marie off to be with Allelujah, Ribbons refused to let Anew be with Lyle.
  • Evil Gloating: He constantly gloats to others about his evil plans in a condescending way, especially when he's about to kill someone or have someone killed.
  • Evil Overlord: This is what he aspires to be, although he rules from the shadows rather than out in the open.
  • Fallen Hero: He was a Gundam Meister created to work with humanity to help them become true Innovators. Unfortunately, Ribbons couldn't stand the idea of serving inferior humans and decided to conquer the world and make himself its god.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Veda could recreate him in a clone body so he could start his plans anew. But with Tieria in control of the system who has his data buried behind mounds of encryption which likewise corrupted his data, he's pretty much stuck in the very thing he was using for his own plans with little to no possibility of coming back, if at all in his original form. What's more, humans have begun their evolution to Innovators. So even if he did return, they'll be long evolved enough to deal with him accordingly. Either way, he's never going to get his envisioned world.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride. Over the course of the series, he manipulates and toys with people's lives all around him all just to boost his planet-sized ego, however, this often causes problems for him later down the line. He drives his saner allies (Wang, Regene) away, eliminates anyone who doesn't fit in with his way of ruling (Kill Sat blasting of a peaceful conference in S2) and those he does keep close at hand are either forcibly controlled (Anew Returner) or are practically the extension of himself (Innovades) to begin with.
    • Perhaps his biggest mistake is to take the whole Death Is Cheap thing that the Innovades have access to and keep it to himself believing that only he is privileged to use it. Tieria and Regene prove him wrong.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He is soft-spoken and polite, and is The Stoic. However, his god complex and smug tones make it easy to see how false his niceties are. It's easier to see when something he didn't count on occurs, and his temper wavers.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: You'd never expect the true Big Bad to be named Ribbons.
  • Foreshadowing: During a discussion he has with Alejandro in season one, he makes a small remark hinting at his god complex.
    Ribbons: Maybe they mistake the power of the Gundams for the power of God.
  • Grand Theft Me: Controls Anew just when Lyle reached out to her. It took Setsuna killing her to stop it. He does it again not long after with Nena's Haro.
  • Hates Everyone Equally: As much as humans get most of it, he doesn't really care for anyone, be it his allies or enemies. It shows when he has no problem disposing allies.
  • Ho Yay: Invoked With Alejandro. Confirmed in the Special Edition. It's all an act on Ribbons' part though.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Unlike most of the Innovades, who still have some redeeming qualities despite their proud and jerkass personas, Ribbons has absolutely none for his character, is close to a Satanic Archetype, and is the only one of them who is capable of possessing or taking over his fellow Innovades' and Louise's mind.
  • It's All About Me: At the end of the day, he's just a selfish egomaniac, who treats all of his allies like pawns and cares only for his personal empowerment. He has the power to change the world but refuses to connect with the people in it, believing in his Master Race theories.
  • "It" Is Dehumanizing: As part of his misanthropy and massive superiority complex, he refers to the entirety of humanity in the world as "it" instead of "their/they/them" and sees them as nothing but animals.
  • Karmic Death: After toying with the lives of so many, including his Dragon’s Sole Survivor in his con as a priest, Setsuna takes him out and no tears were shed.
  • Kick the Dog: He loves doing this.
  • Kill Sat: Provides the A-Laws with the horrifically appropriately named Memonto Mori electromagnetic satellite guns, which are capable of flash-cooking an entire city district and leaving only a crater, or destroying one of the Orbital Pillars.
  • The Man Behind the Man: He was using Alejandro's plans so he could take over the world himself.
  • Misanthrope Supreme: Ribbons despises humanity and claims it is too flawed to learn from its mistakes and build a better future. Therefore, he believes he should be the one to take control of the world and force humanity to follow his vision.
    Ribbons: Ever since the industrial revolution, humanity has used its technological knowledge for conflict and repeatedly risked its own extinction. Though great leaders appeared at the times, they'd reach the end of their lives in a few decades, and the world would return to a state of chaos.
    Regene: That's the history of the world of humanity.
    Ribbons: Humanity learns nothing from the past!
  • Mind Control: Abuses his power over Veda to do this to his fellow Innovades when it suits him. It’s also the reason behind Anew’s death. While Setsuna may have killed her, it ultimately fell on Ribbons.
  • My Hero, Zero: Pilots the 0 Gundam, The Hero's childhood hero. (Twice.)
  • Not Quite Dead: Since his mind is backed up in Veda, even at the end of the series he isn't truly gone. Tieria buried Ribbons' backup data behind as much encryption and data locks as he could, ensuring it would never again surface in Veda. It's also hinted that the data is corrupted anyway, possibly as a side effect of all that encryption. So even if he did come back, it wouldn't be the same as before. It's hinted that even if he did return, humans would have long since entered innovation, the very thing he was trying to prevent, and thus he could no longer lord his egotism over anyone anymore. A fitting punishment for someone as prideful as him.
  • Not So Stoic: He barely raises his voice and is generally collected, but if something doesn’t go his way, he gets pretty mad.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: Ever since a young Setsuna stared at him in awe, he gradually twisted Aeolia's plan to advance humanity into serving his new god complex, admitting he doesn't give a damn about the humans he was supposed to serve once he becomes arrogant enough.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: In Season One, he acts carefree and pretends to not understand Alejandro's schemes very well. It turns out that he was manipulating everyone for his own gain.
  • One-Man Army: With the Reborns Gundam, Ribbons is able to take out three of Celestial Being's Gundams — including the 00 Raiser — in mere minutes, and even disable the Ptolemaios II. Justified Trope, as the Reborns Gundam was made based on all of Celestial Being's and the A-Laws' previous mobile suit and mobile armor designs, and utilizes the very latest technology. That said, the 00 Raiser damaged the Reborns Gundam enough that Ribbons is forced to eventually abandon it.
  • Opposite-Sex Clone: Has one in Hiling Care... sort of.
  • Pet the Dog: During the performance test of the 0 Gundam in Krugis, Ribbons was to dispose of any and all eye witnesses. However, after seeing young Soran Ibrahim gaze up at him in pure awe, he decided to spare the boy, which can be seen as Ribbons showing compassion and mercy for his worshippers. He would even then go to recommend that same boy as a Gundam Meister through Veda, which may have been an extra measure on Ribbons' part to make sure the young child would be spared.
  • Pride: Believes himself to be superior to humanity and entitled to rule over them as a god. This would end up being his undoing.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He's basically an adult with the mind of a self-entitled teenager, and also the most powerful man in the world in Season 2. Whenever something doesn't go his way, he freaks out and lashes out at his allies or escalates the conflict at hand.
  • Psychotic Smirk: When he first unveils the Celestial Being, the camera suddenly cuts away from the massive battle between Katharon, A-Laws and Celestial Being to Ribbons' wide smirk as the ship unleashes it's Wave-Motion Gun upon both A-Laws and Katharon's fleets.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: He usually says these to people before killing them, or having them killed. In order, the people he gave this speech to are Alejandro Corner, Nena Trinity, Regene Regetta and Tieria Erde.
    • Subverted in Tieria and Regene's case as they not only hijack Veda back, but the former delivers his own reason you suck speech right back at Ribbons whilst he's battling Setsuna while the latter shuts down the Innovades' mobile suits and prevents Ribbons from being able to pull a Cloning Gambit.
  • Shadow Dictator: In the second season. Publicly, the Earth Sphere Federation and the A-Laws are led by an unnamed president and Homer Katagiri. In reality, he's the one pulling the strings on both of them from behind the scenes, him having used Veda to elect the former into power, while the latter answers directly to him.
  • Slouch of Villainy: Spends a majority of Season 2 sitting in a massive couch inside what appears to be a castle garden. He has a near identical looking room aboard the Cool Starship Celestial Being.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Ribbons believes he's the greatest thing of all time. While cunning on his own, he ends up being beat by Celestial Being and even the A-Laws.
  • The Sociopath: He cares about absolutely nobody except for himself, and will happily lie, manipulate, and kill to achieve his goals.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: His singular tone of voice in every kind of situation, whether it be in battle, ordering the deaths of thousands, lying to someone's face or while he's revealing his grand designs denotes just how deep his contempt for everyone else is.
  • The Starscream: To Alejandro Corner. He was originally the former's confidant, only to turn against him in the final episode of Season 1 for his own gain.
  • Transforming Mecha: His second to last MS, the Reborns Gundam/Cannon, which is an All Your Powers Combined kind of mecha.
  • Treacherous Advisor: Tells Alejandro the location of Veda and how to usurp Aeolia's plan, only to betray him in the end.
  • Übermensch: Is fully convinced he is far superior to both mankind and the Innovades and that this superiority gives him the right to do anything to anyone who he believes is inferior to him, which is everyone.
    Ribbons: You humans keep animals caged out of convenience. I do the same.
  • Unfriendly Fire: Doesn't give a shit whether he hits the A-Laws in the process of hitting Katharon with the 80m GM Beam Cannon. Going by just how many A-Laws he hit with it and the fact that the Wave-Motion Gun can move along a wide axis, he seemingly picked the one that'd hit the most A-Laws ships possible.
  • Villain Respect: Grudgingly complements Setsuna's skills during their fight.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Ribbons rarely ever loses his calm demeanor and smug attitude. But when he does...
    • The first time he loses his composure was after witnessing the 00 Raiser quantize. He was so shaken that he slapped Wang Liu Mei after she mockingly asked about what had him so stunned. It is an incredibly subdued breakdown, showing how close he is to throwing a fit as he hisses at Liu Mei to shut up, calling her a "greedy bitch".
    • His second and final one builds up after he's locked out of cloning again through Veda by Tieria, who gives him "The Reason You Suck" Speech for not wishing to understand humans. Ribbons goes from the calm, composed chessmaster to shouting indignantly, "I don't want to understand them!", and he is not too happy when Setsuna and the damaged 00 Gundam gravely damage the Reborns, taking down his greatest weapon. His growing rage peaks when he realizes that Setsuna swapped out the damaged 00 Gundam for the Exia R2, which outclasses Ribbons' 0 Gundam and carries the GN Drive that he was trying to procure. That makes Ribbons finally fly off the hinge, and he furiously denounces Setsuna as they clash one last time.
      Ribbons: You are nothing but a mere HUMAN!
  • Villainous Valor: Even when he's outnumbered, outgunned, and cornered by Celestial Being late in Season 2, he chooses to fight them all at once rather than run away. This shows during his Last Stand as, despise having a Villainous Breakdown and having no chance of getting away, he chooses to fight out his last duel with Setsuna and the Exia R2 rather than give up or retreat.
  • Visionary Villain: He does genuinely believe in Aeolia's plan... he just interprets that he should be the ruler of all mankind to bring it about.
  • Walking Spoiler: Given that he spends almost all of the first season as a minor character, pretty much anything about his true role is a major spoiler.
  • Where It All Began: His final mobile suit is the 0 Gundam, the very first Gundam in the show and the first mobile suit Ribbons ever piloted. It's also a take back to the original gundam, since the RX-78-2 and 0 look exactly alike and Ribbons IS Amuro.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He gives Wang Liu Mei a brutal slap after she condescendingly questions him, and knocks out Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee in the epilogue of Scenario 44 of Super Robot Wars Z2 as per his agreement with Grace O' Connor.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Actually does a Judo one-arm shoulder throw with Setsuna's Exia Gundam in the Final Battle while piloting the 0 Gundam.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: If he feels that he’s done using someone, he’ll have them disposed of without second thought.

    Regene Regetta

A strange somebody who looks exactly like Tieria Erde, Regene made his first appearance in the Season 1 finale, accompanying Louise in an elevator. In Season 2, he is seen working with Ribbons and the other Innovators. Although he works closely with Ribbons, the two do not always see eye to eye. As a result, Regene often acts of his own will to complete the plan Aeolia intended in his own way.

Voiced by Romi Park (Japanese) and Nicole Oliver (English)

  • Affably Evil: Perhaps the most notable example of this trope in the Innovades. He's generally polite towards just about anyone and he genuinely wants Tieria to join the Innovades. And unlike the other Innovators, he barely resorts to violence, only doing it if it's absolutely necessary.
  • Anti-Villain: While he is nominally on Ribbons' side, he never directly opposes the heroes and he gives Veda's location to Wang Liu Mei so she can deliver it to the other Celestial Being members. In the penultimate episode, he locks Ribbons out of Veda and helps Tieria to use the Trial System to disable all of the Innovators' mobile suits.
  • Boom, Headshot!: At least how his body goes out.
  • Brain Uploading: After Ribbons kills Regene's body, Regene uploads his consciousness to Veda and remains within it.
  • The Chessmaster: Plays Ribbons, Ali, Wang, and Nena like a fiddle.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He's Ribbons' subordinate, but often works against him to fulfill his own agenda. He gives Wang Veda's location so she can leak it to Celestial Being, only to send Nena after Wang to eliminate her once she finishes.
  • Co-Dragons: With Ali. Though Ribbons doesn’t exactly trust Regene.
  • Death Is Cheap: He can upload his consciousness to Veda if his body is killed.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: He's Ribbons' second-in-command, but he has his own agenda.
  • Enigmatic Minion: He works for Ribbons but has his own agenda. After he believes that he killed Ribbons, he gloats that he will use Ribbons' and Aeolia's plans to guide the world as he sees fit, but when Ribbons kills him, he helps Tieria and the rest of Celestial Being.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: While he’s much less heinous compared to the others, even he gets tired of Liu-Mei and it's one of the few things he and Ribbons agree with.
  • Evil Laugh: Laughs after he thinks that he has killed Ribbons. He’s proven wrong instantly and is killed himself by Ali, though not entirely. It’s implied Regene did this to fool Ribbons.
  • Evil Twin: He was created from the same DNA as Tieria, but Regene serves Ribbons. Subverted when Regene turns out to be more morally ambiguous than evil.
  • Full-Name Basis: Regene calls others by their full names rather than either last or first ones.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Has a feminine name, but identifies as male.
  • Graceful Loser: Fully acknowledges Setsuna as the one who will lead humanity to a better future.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: He ultimately turns against Ribbons and shoots him, but since it’s Ribbons, he is cloned and brought back in another body and has Ali kill Regene for him. Of course, the latter just merges into Veda. It’s implied he saw this coming anyways and just made Ribbons think that he didn’t.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: He wants to usurp Ribbons and stir Aeolia's plan a way he sees fit, but his exact vision of the plan is never revealed.
  • Last Episode, New Character: Introduced during the Season 1 finale.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: Ribbons had Ali shoot him, only for him to merge with Veda and become more powerful than ever. It would cause both Ribbons and Ali’s downfalls.
  • Non-Action Guy: Never gets into an actual fight and unlike the rest of the Innovaders, he doesn’t involve himself with the A-Laws. He is the only one of the Innovades aside from Ribbons himself to never wear the A-Laws uniform.
  • Not Quite Dead: While his physical body is killed by Ali, he becomes one with Veda.
  • Only Sane Man: Of the Innovades. Regene is the only one not fanatically loyal to Ribbons, and seems to be less against humanity compared to the others. He also doesn’t seem to care about the A-Laws as he rarely involves himself with them.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: He tries to kill Ribbons. When that doesn't work, he shuts down his fellow Innovades' mobile suits and prevents Ribbons from being able to pull a Cloning Gambit, giving Ptolemios and co. the advantage.
  • Purple Is Powerful: A purple haired Innovade that is able to even manipulate the Big Bad and ends up helping with changing the world.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To the remaining Innovators after his "death".
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: While he does have red eyes, it’s something of a downplayed trope as he’s never seen fighting and seems to be more on Celestial Being’s side than Ribbons.
  • Repetitive Name: Regene Regetta.
  • Say My Name: Shouts "RIBBONS ALMARK!" when he realizes that he failed to kill Ribbons. Shortened down to just "RIBBONS!" in the dub.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: The only one of the Innovades to wear glasses and they shine quite a bit. Though he isn't exactly evil, he's just using his allies to further his plans and after his "death", he helps Celestial Being.
  • The Stoic: Proves to be much better than Ribbons at being this. Even his "final moments" implied he was doing it to fool Ribbons.
  • Stoic Spectacles: Wears glasses and is a cold, calculating person.
  • Token Good Teammate: Somewhat downplayed. Aside from Anew, Regene is the only Innovade not totally loyal to Ribbons. He has his own plans to carry out Aeolia’s will and doesn’t involve himself with the A-Laws much. However, he still helps Ribbons carry out Liu-Mei’s murder, though it does help Celestial Being find where Veda is. In the end, however, he helps orchestrate the Innovades’ defeat and change the world.
  • The Unfought: Regene's the only Innovator within the series who didn't fight in a mobile suit or mobile armor at all, despite being the former pilot of the GRM Gundam. Then again, seeing as he's actually a good guy (or at least not really on Ribbons' side), this makes sense.
  • The Voice: He and Tieria after their physical death.
  • We Can Rule Together: Goes behind Ribbons' back to try to recruit Tieria for the Innovators. Ultimately they do wind up controlling Veda and guiding humanity together, although their guidance is far more benevolent than Ribbons'.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Is technically the Sole Survivor of the Innovades on Ribbons’ side, but doesn’t return in the Big Damn Movie. However, considering he doesn’t really interact with the heroes aside from Tieria, it’s unlikely anyone knew about Regene since he was far more private than the other Innovades.

    Revive Revival
Main mecha: GNZ-003 Gadessa

Revive Revival is an Innovator who is the genetic twin of Anew Returner, and pilot of the Gadessa. Joined the A-Laws under the rank of captain, though with a special license like Mr. Bushido to act independent. Unlike him, however, Revive agrees to follow Kati Mannequin's battle strategies. Revive usually attempts to pinpoint the Ptolemaios II's location using quantum brainwaves and Anew.

Voiced by Mitsuki Saiga (Japanese) and Jillian Michaels (English).

  • Affably Evil: While he is arrogant like most Innovators, Revive genuinely acts polite and easy-going, as he shows respect toward Kati Mannequin as a superior, trusts Louise Halevy when she is selected to pilot the Regnant, and obviously cares for his fellow Innovators (except for Regene and especially Anew).
  • BFG: The Gadessa's main weapon, a massive GN Mega Launcher.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Tells Kati that he is different from Mr. Bushido and will always follow her orders. He's only saying this to make sure that Kati will not become suspicious of the Innovators' true colors.
  • Cold Sniper: Is usually eerily calm and his favored weapon is a long range BFG.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Revive sees most of Andrei Smirnov's actions as purely selfish, such as killing his own father and trying to push his ideals towards Louise, since he has a crush on her. At one point, he presses Andrei to do whatever he has to for Louise's sake if he indeed cares for and loves her... but not "poison her mind with his toxic ideals".
  • Evil Counterpart: To Lockon Stratos, for favoring long-range combat and being a marginally compassionate member of their respective sides. Which is very ironic the fact his sister, Anew, became an Official Couple with the 2nd Lockon Stratos.
  • Evil Twin: Anew's twin, and on the side of Ribbons and the A-Laws.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: Willingly allowed himself to be captured by Celestial Being, only so he could release Anew's Innovator persona to help him capture the 0-Raiser.
  • Karmic Death: Had a part in his sister's "betrayal" and death. Her lover was the one who struck him down.
  • No Range Like Point-Blank Range: At the receiving end. Lyle shoves one of his Cherudim's GN Pistols into his Gadessa's side, where the cockpit it. Revive can do nothing but flinch as Lyle pulls the trigger repeatedly.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Lyle jams the Cherudim's GN Pistol into his Gadessa's side, Revive gets an Eye Take and futilely attempts to shield his face as the consecutive GN blasts shred him apart.
  • Punny Name: He dies in the final episode, which is fittingly entitled Rebirth.
  • Repetitive Name: Revive Revival.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: All Innovades can do this, but he is the most prominently competent at it. This is why he is chosen to use his Quantum Brainwaves to track the Ptolemy-crew via his sister, Anew Returner.
  • Straw Misogynist: A rather... complicated example. It's not because the idea of women in the military disgusts him... rather, he can't understand why his twin, Anew Returner, was made a woman; he believes her "womanly emotion" made her become too soft toward their enemies, which was why she attempted to resist Ribbons. Word of God justifies this attitude from Revive as practical, as most of members of the Innovator group and Innovades in general are genderless, combat-type Innovades. Anew is an intel gathering-type Innovade, and distinct sexes are only given to Innovades meant to live and mingle in human society.
  • Villain Respect: Unlike the other Innovator members, he shows some respect for Kati Mannequin as field commander... albeit with a Backhanded Compliment. Overlaps with You Are a Credit to Your Race.
    "Well, for a human, she's useful."

    Hiling Care
Main mecha: GNZ-003 Gadessa, GNZ-005 Garazzo

Hiling Care is the genetic twin of Ribbons Allmark. Joining Revive Revival with the A-Laws, Hiling is eager to battle with Celestial Being and its Gundams. Hiling also frequently teases her comrades, and unlike her more affable comrade Revive, seems to get off on annoying or pissing off other people. Hiling pilots a Gadessa and later a Garazzo in several operations against the Ptolemaios II.

Voiced by Miyuki Kawasho (Japanese) and Brenna O'Brien (English)

  • Affably Evil : While she's kind of an obnoxious, hot-blooded and pompous Dark Action Girl, Hiling genuinely acts much like a carefree and playful teenager.
  • Asshole Victim: A lot more prominent with her compared to the others. She’s nothing but a major Jerkass and happily rubbed in Anew’s status to Lyle. When Allelujah kills her in the final episode, her death goes totally unmourned (Revive briefly does so, but is killed not long after by Lyle, with both Meisters seemingly out of the count).
  • Bifauxnen: She was a Badass in a Nice Suit (a tuxedo, at that) in her first proper appearance.
  • The Brute: She revels in combat and prefers to overwhelm her targets with melee superiority as opposed to tactics.
  • Comforting the Widow: Gender-swapped; Hiling oh-so-suggestively offers to "comfort" Devine Nova after his brother Bring is killed by Tieria, only for her advances to be swiftly shot down.
  • Dark Action Girl: While girl is still questionable due to combat-type Innovades being classified as "sexless", Hiling acts like a teenage girl and has no problem with people around her treating her like she's female.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Ribbons' female twin.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Her Garazzo gets snapped in half by Allelujah and his Arios, not her (seemingly), but she was still screwed regardless when the Garazzo exploded and vaporized her.
  • Hates Being Called Cute: Averted. In the side story Mobile Suit Gundam 00V, she takes it as a compliment when Amy Zimbalist calls her "cute", and she freely admits her "type of woman" is a bad girl like her.
  • Jack of All Stats: Has no problem fighting in a close-range combat mobile suit like the Garazzo or in a long-range combat one like the Gadessa (though she definitely prefers the former).
  • Jerkass: Mocks everyone she meets for fun, even her fellow Innovators. She also often remarks about humanity's flaws.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: She's extremely flirty with her fellow Innovades and Gundam Meisters both, even offering pity sex to Devine Nova in the wake of Bring's death, though he deftly rebukes her. 00V even treats her as Ambiguously Bi through her interactions with Amy Zimbalist, who calls her "cute".
  • Opposite-Sex Clone: Of Ribbons.
  • Perky Female Minion: Considerably more cheerful than her extremely smug clone, she treats war like a game she's defaulted to win.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: She sure loves belittling her opponents. She received one herself courtesy of Hallelujah before she died.
  • Shipper on Deck: For Andrei and Louise... albeit for really warped rationale.
    Hiling: A man who killed his father, and a woman who seeking revenge for her family. You're perfect for each other.
  • Smug Super: Which makes it all the more satisfying when Hallelujah kills her
  • The Smurfette Principle: The only woman among the group, if only by her personality as combat-type Innovades are sexless. Excluding Anew, who spends most of her screen time as a Manchurian Agent.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Ribbons, which makes a great deal of sense because she is one of his clones.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Becomes noticably less composed when things turn against the Innovators, and is especially livid in her final sortie when Allelujah tears her a new one.

    Bring Stabity and Devine Nova
Main mecha: GNZ-003 Garazzo

Bring Stabity is an Innovator who is assigned to the A-Laws in order to combat the Gundams.

Voiced by Ryōtarō Okiayu (Japanese) and Brian Drummond (English)
Main mecha: GNMA-Y0001 Empruss

Devine Nova is Bring Stabity's genetic twin and makes his first appearance piloting the prototype Mobile Armor Empruss after Celestial Being successfully destroys Memento Mori.

Voiced by Ryōtarō Okiayu (Japanese) and Brian Dobson (English)

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Their clones. Most of the heroes are disgusted with Ribbons for creating them just to act as suicide bombers.
  • Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: Bring believes that Innovators should not kill one another. Ironically, he is killed by his fellow Innovade Tieria, who would prefer to be a human being as opposed to an Innovade.
  • Angsty Surviving Twin: Devine outlives Bring (for another two episodes) and becomes obsessed with avenging the disgrace that Bring's death brought to him.
  • The Big Guy: Both of them are the tallest and most physically imposing Innovators.
  • The Brute: Both of them prefer fighting to thinking.
  • Death Is Cheap: Because Ribbons uses them as a Red Shirt Army.
  • Evil Redhead: Both Bring and Devine have bright, pure red hair, and are among the Innovators' top fighters.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Bring would rather not kill Tieria because they are both Innovades.
  • Red Shirt Army: Ribbons created an entire army of clones consisting of the brothers, and uses them as suicide bombers against Celestial Being.
  • Send in the Clones: Ribbons created an entire army of clones based on them.
  • Suicide Attack: The Gaga Forces are essentially to be nothing more than an endless volley of kamikaze Trans-Am missiles.
  • The Stoic: Neither of them show much emotion.
  • Taking You with Me: Their clones pilot the Gaga Mobile Suits, which are merely suicide bombers fueled on Trans-Am.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Devine dies after two episodes of screentime.
  • Zerg Rush: The army of their clones that Ribbons creates have no real sense of tactics beyond overwhelming their opponents with their vast numbers and self-destructing.
