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Characters / Girl Café Gun

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Squad 08
Squad 08*

The cast of playable characters you control in Girl Café Gun. Battlefield Processor Squad 08 is a group of girls—with the sole exception of their leader, the Manager—that works as a paramilitary unit under R.o.S.E.'s employ. Twelve girls are available to collect from the beginning, with Shirou and Aniya coming in a later update, then Kaanal and Yui after.

    Tropes applying to Squad 08 
  • An Adventurer Is You: Character Cards use a class system divided into five roles (called "Positions") determining what active and passive skills they use: Firepower, Assault, Defense, Support, and Medic. This is also a case of Gameplay and Story Integration, since—at least for the first few cards, especially with the girls gaining more cards in different positions—said positions also correspond to what jobs and personalities each girl has in-story.
    • Irene's tendency to rush into battle makes her fit as an Assault, but her reasons for doing so is to save lives and protect her teammates, so you'll find just as many Support Dresses too.
    • Wuxia is often paired with Irene, fittingly as Firepower to bring down health once the latter wears her enemies' Break Meter down, but as the Blue Oni to Irene's Red Oni, she also has cards in other positions prepared for the broader battlefield.
    • Cornelia mostly has Firepower cards, being a veteran soldier from a young age.
    • Eksistere has a pretty even spread of mostly offensive positions—as of 21 July 2022, she has four each in Assault, Firepower, and Support. Given that she is a Child Prodigy with Psychic Powers and has a hand in weapons development, her offensive role makes sense.
    • Yuki, whose Ionus-powered shikigami creates barriers, has three cards in the Defense position; what makes this notable is that she is the only girl so far to have more than one card as Defense.
    • Juno is a sniper, thus she usually has the Firepower to exploit any opening in her targets.
    • Rococo's cards do not favor one position; as an officer of R.o.S.E. and its chairman's daughter, it makes sense that she responds to outside expectations by learning everything she could to match her pedigree.
    • Wuyou follows in her older sister's footsteps as a Jack of All Trades, having at least one Dress in each category (except Medic). In particular, she has a number of Firepower Dresses, but also has just as many Support Dresses because that's just how much she idolizes Wuxia.
    • Lida takes on a number of odd jobs, ensuring she has Dresses for every role (except for Defense).
    • Grainne is The Medic so of course you'll normally find her as a Medic or Support.
    • Xiaozhen is an Idol Singer before she is a soldier, justifying her playing Support most of the time.
    • Moon is essentially a Blood Knight, not to mention short-sighted without her Ionus powers, making her want to fight up close in Firepower positions and have quite a bit of Shotgun-using cards.
    • Shirou having Dresses in every category except for Defense is likely, according to her profile, her being "willing to study any war-related history".
    • Aniya has a submissive personality that often makes her defer to others, which translates to her preference for 'passive' Support-type Cards than any more of the 'aggressive' kinds.
    • Kaanal is a caring person so her Official Dress is Defense and her Casual is Support. Then out comes the rest of her cards being Firepower-type, especially her Crystal Suit, which comes from her high-order Alpha side.
    • Yui is a twin to Yuki despite their temperaments being polar opposites of each other, hence her Official Dress being Support, along with Journey to the Other Side and City Lights cards. Her Casual card however is Firepower-type unlike Yuki's being Defense, which shows how more willing Yui is to get her hands dirty.
  • Alternate Self: The Fantasy Oath system gives you stories of girls independent of the primary world we know, usually revolving around a relationship with the Manager that is intimate or growing to be one. (Note that not all girls have their Oaths available at the moment.)
  • Battle Harem: Each squad member is an Action Girl that willing to fight for (and can be romanced by) their leader, you, as the Manager.
  • Character Signature Song: Every girl on the squad has their own song, featured in the game as their Fantasy Oath musical theme (although not everyone has their own at the moment). You can find a list for the first twelve on this page, and here for Shirou, Aniya, Kaanal and Yui.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: While the degree of harshness may vary, every girl has some kind of past that would make anyone feel sad or balk at in horror.
  • Improbably Female Cast: Justified by an explanation that young females are more resistant and adaptive to Ionus-polluted conditions, so R.o.S.E. also recruits girls.
  • Multinational Team: The official wiki has profiles that include each girl's nationality that you won't find in-game. Even then, it's obvious that everyone comes from different backgrounds and cultures.
  • Nice Girl: Irene, Yuki, and Grainne all qualify the most, bordering on Chronic Hero Syndrome.
    Grainne: "I know I can't just pay lip service to work-life balance, but I just have to occupy myself with something or I'll go nuts."
    Irene: "I understand that feeling! You start to feel uneasy when you run out of things to do!"
    Yuki: "And then you find yourself helping people left and right."
    Juno: "A bunch of altruistic girls commiserating with each other!"
    — From Moments
  • Running Gag: You could say that the Running Gag for the squad is that there is one for every girl, where one quirk each have is so prevalent that you'd find an element of it in nearly all of their stories. Examples include Irene's mathematics, Wuxia having No Sense of Direction, Wuyou's Big Sister Worship, Rococo's whims, etc..
  • Stylish Protection Gear: "iOnus Tactical Equipment", abbreviated as O.T.E., which are Ionus-powered exoskeletons with full-body cloth (to an extent) and anti-Ionus protection. However, this also includes the various character cards that range from official gear, to casual clothing, to swimwear, and to cosplay. Justified by the Manager having the ability to dampen Ionus fluctuations on top of Ionus protection devices that likely could go into any clothing.
  • Theme Naming: With the exception of the side stories, all the girls' main Shared Moments are named after their personality or what they like, such as Juno's Moments being named after drinks and Grainne following the pattern of "[X] cuisine".
  • True Companions: Although Yui is a tense addition to this crazy family at the time of her joining, they all care for each other in no uncertain terms.
  • Undying Loyalty: All the girls trust the Manager with their lives.
    • During Chapter 10 when the Manager gives Rococo the slip from being put into custody for his own safety, he gets into the middle of fighting saving civilians, but activates his beacon as he puts his faith in his teammates to save him. And sure enough, they gather for him right on time.
    • The girls prove it once again at the end of Chapter 13. To investigate the human traitors aiding the Alphas, the Manager must go to N City, which is Allied Army territory, and R.o.S.E. will disassociate with the renamed Squad i (which stands for "Imaginary"), thus cutting off the reliable source of supplies and technology they had until now, let alone what little chance there is that they would return after all this is over to Princess Island for a heroes' welcome. The Manager offers the girls to back out of this suicide mission. Not a single one stepped back.

    Irene White
"All life has a right to exist."
Age: 16
Identity: Riflewoman of BP Squad 08
Birthday: January 18th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Nationality: French
Height and Weight: 158cm / 45kg
Blood Type: B
Measurements: 84-57-86
Cup: B
Favorite Gifts: Vintage Movie Poster and Fashion Accessory
Love/Hate Food: Crayfish/Durian
Hobbies: Shopping; making accessories
Good At/Poor At: Inspiring others/Maths
Pet Phrase: "Everyone's happiness is my happiness!"
Dream: World peace
Secret: The sole survivor of her class during the Outbreak.
Alternative Names: アイリーン·ホワイト (Japanese), 艾琳·怀特 (Chinese)

If there is a way to save everyone, especially those right in front of her, she will take it—that is the kind of creed that defines this bright girl's life, however naïve and clumsy she is.
  • All-Loving Heroine: While Irene is a contender with Grainne and Yuki for position of being the nicest girl on the squad, her sense of morals clashes greatly with the pragmatism demanded on the battlefield, even when facing mindless Alphas and hostile humans. This is what leads to her argument against Juno when it comes to dispatching Alphas as seen in her Lv. 20 and 40 Shared Moments.
  • Book Dumb: As soon as anything involving mathematics gets brought up, Irene does her best to stay out of them, or if she does start counting, then expect to see every calculation go wrong.
  • Break the Cutie: During the campaign story, she gains the will to kill enemy humans when Princess Island is invaded by the Allied Army. The Manager is understandably worried when she waves his concern away with her usual smile.
  • Engrish: Not so egregious as other examples of this trope, but one of her lines when she sorties in gameplay, clearly accented, is "Processor, is away!"
  • Fan of the Past: She has a love for old indie films, making several references to them at times. One of her favorite gifts are Movie Posters.
  • Idiot Hero: Irene has a strong sense of justice and desires to help as many people as she can, but this leaves her prone to numerous bouts of recklessness in missions and getting butterfingers in other circumstances. That, and she's bad with maths. Like, so bad that she has a dedicated sprite animation and a café event where she tries to count with her fingers and gets spiral-eyed in a few seconds.
  • It Gets Easier: This appears to be an overhanging problem for girls formerly of civilian life, but Irene in particular suffers from this. It was just mindless Crystallids at first, but upon the Allied Army invading, she eventually resolves herself to kill the invading human soldiers. Later in Chapter 14, she gets the most kills of the entire squad during one engagement, apparently seeking to kill them as quickly as possible rather than drawing out their suffering. Even when the Manager warily asks about her thoughts on what she did, she doesn't even see any problem in killing one who escaped afterwards.
  • Messianic Archetype: There is quite a bit of lampshading on this trope: she wears a necklace with a cross, has a sprite animation where she does the sign of the cross over herself with her hand and clasp hands together in prayer, her Shared Moments are titled after references to Abrahamic religion, and she's virtually alone in her belief that Alphas should be considered living beings rather than simple monsters.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Her Lv. 10 Moment has her feel up the Manager for a health checkup, even when he's sleeping, and again in Lv. 30 when she tries to undress a sleeping Rococo to wipe her sweat off.
  • Pseudo-Romantic Friendship: With Wuxia, even in her own Fantasy Oath where the Manager took Irene as his girlfriend and earned Wuxia's resentment, but still cares for her, and Wuyou's, although they share an unusual degree of closeness between them.
  • Series Mascot: Is the face of the game's app icon.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Crawfish. She likes it so much that she insisted Grainne to cook it in one café event. In fact, her love for crawfish is so deep that during a birthday story, she had to decide between going out with the Manager or attend the girls' birthday party where Grainne has cooked a lot of crawfish. After much head-whipping and internal warring, and to the Manager's great disappointment, she chose the crawfish.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Though the squad does its best to help others if they can, Irene is always first to stand up for those who can't fight for themselves, no matter the consequences. This is to the extent that she challenges Princess Island's inhumane treatment of Alphas.

    Shi Wuxia
"How could I face the others if I went easy on myself?"
Age: 18
Identity: Riflewoman of BP Squad 08
Birthday: 14 May
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Nationality: Chinese
Height and Weight: 164cm (5.38 ft) / 46kg (101.4 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Measurements: 85-59-85
Cup: D
Favorite Gifts: Datebook and Fountain Pen
Love/Hate Food: Spicy Food/Five Nuts Moon Cake
Hobbies: Reading books; planning schedule
Good At/Poor At: Studying/Doing chores
Pet Phrase: "The schedule has been set."
Dream: Becoming someone that her younger sister can rely on.
Secret: Directionally challenged. She once stalked Wuyou but got lost herself.
Alternative Names: ジムカ (Japanese), 时无瑕 (Chinese)

A disciplined soldier of the squad, most known for her nigh perfect variety of skills. She is often partnered with Irene and the older sister of Shi Wuxia.
  • Consummate Professional: She is very strict with herself, and her conduct when it comes to work is nothing but praiseworthy. At least, until she has to deal with Ionus... and maps. See No Sense of Direction below.
  • Does Not Like Magic: She detests anything and everything to do with Ionus to the point she expresses great reluctance at using O.T.E. and always looks for substitutes to Ionus-powered weaponry. One of her Shared Moments has her even drag Wuyou away from Moon, an Ionus-using Alpha, in the middle of a private piano recital. It's ironic that she was experimented on with Ionus in the past and has no memory of it.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: As the story goes on, it's clear that Wuxia is missing memories, at least those involving her father and his Ionus research. Her Defiler Card story, where the Manager encounters a hostile Ionus-using copy of Wuxia and the real one unaware of the event, seems to lend credence to this. Wuyou however keeps taking down any chance of something reminding her.
  • Lethal Chef: In spite of her repertoire of skills, Wuxia seems oblivious to her poor cooking. Her Floral Times UR Dress explains that she actually used to be competent even at a young age to cook for Wuyou, but Wuyou looked up to Wuxia so much that the latter spoiled the former by doing all the cooking for her to the point Wuxia's own skill deteriorated from the subsequent lack of chances to cook.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name (时无瑕) uses the characters for "time" (时) and "flawless" (无瑕); the latter part refers to the perfection she projects and actually practices. However, her full name (using "时" as an adverb) means "sometimes/occasionally flawless", which hilariously refers to the moments that image gets broken, like being a Lethal Chef and having No Sense of Direction. Even her own bedroom CG (unlockable as an achievement) is a slight mess, stacks of books strewn here and there, in contrast to Wuyou's perfectly clean room. Not to mention the irony of being a test subject and potential user of Ionus, despite hating Ionus.
  • No Sense of Direction: Like Irene's little mathematics problem, this is Wuxia's Running Gag. Her Level 1 Shared Moment has her trying to get to the café following a GPS; she unknowingly walks down the same path repeatedly, gets so concentrated on her GPS that she misses the Manager who is barely 2 meters away, and finally reaches a city square near to the café... although it's left ambiguous as to whether she went the right way in the end.
  • Pseudo-Romantic Friendship: With Irene; not only are they often together in the campaign, they also appear in Wuyou's (with an unexplained strange air of intimacy between them) and Irene's (although things are tenuous between them in that reality, Wuxia still does her best to save her from blindness) Fantasy Oaths.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Wuxia's nationality is Chinese, but her prim appearance and disciplined personality epitomizes the spirit of this trope. Her New Year UR Dress even has her dressed up in a kimono, doing a flower arrangement like Yamato Nadeshiko are popular for.
  • Your Worst Memory: Her and the Manager at the beach, watching the sunset before the young man is taken to have his memories wiped. Since then, she never went to the beach except for a summer event and her birthday event story, "Seaside Holiday"; this dislike of beaches was noted by the Manager in the latter story.

"I will not follow a command that harms my comrades."
Age: 15
Identity: A former mercenary who is trying to live an ordinary life.
Birthday: 28 December
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Nationality: German
Height and Weight: 157cm (5.15 ft) / 44kg (97.0 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Measurements: 78-56-80
Cup: A
Favorite Gifts: Special Artillery Book and Illegal Firearm Part
Love/Hate Food: None
Hobbies: Firearm maintenance; doing physical exercise
Good At/Poor At: Combat/Fishing
Pet Phrase: "Remember to stock up on drinking water."
Dream: Being able to tell a joke in front of others
Secret: Never catching a fish successfully
Alternative Names: コーネリア (Japanese), 高奈利亚(Chinese)

A girl completely loyal to her squadmates, having been a mercenary in the past, then a member of the old Squad 08 before the Manager and the rest came.
  • Boring, but Practical: Crosses with Ice Queen; she has a heart and can make her own decisions, that's obvious in her interactions, but she tends to be very dry in how she acts.
  • Child Soldier: Before the present day members came to be, Cornelia was a mercenary before becoming one of Squad 08's first members alongside Soshi, Jia Jia, and Luo Zhen before he left for R.o.S.E.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: A chat conversation with Aniya has the android asking why the Manager appears exhausted, to which he replies is a side effect of Cornelia's harsh training—apparently it's bad enough that Aniya has to intervene by suggesting less harsher methods. Another one with Shirou also let's the Manager say "Nellie's training" as a dialogue option to solve her physical strength problems.
  • Family of Choice: She spares Squad 08 no lack of care and still feels the same for her former squadmates, particularly Soshi, who she desperately tries to subdue rather than destroy when met in the Campaign.
  • Fishing Episode: Constantly averted as part of a Running Gag; every time Cornelia tries to fish, she never gets a bite to the point everyone wonders if it's a curse. More amazingly, in her Doki Doki Wonderland story, the Manager tries to go fishing with her since being in virtual reality should theoretically let her net catches, but instead the fishing goes on for hours without a bite until she actually, finally lands one: a shark.
  • In-Series Nickname: Nellie.
  • Nondescript, Nasty, Nutritious: A mark of how her mercenary life left its marks on her is the fact that she treats military rations as delicacies. In a café chat together with Grainne, Cornelia is convinced by her to eat something she cooks instead of the rations the former mercenary planned to eat.
  • The Stoic: Emotes the least of the entire squad, on top of being as blunt as a hammer. She does make up for it with her actions whenever the situation gets to her.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Her blunt, icy, mercenary attitude heavily contrasts with most of the other girls who have lived civilian life previously, but she has her moments when she gets soft and concerned, like sending off the Manager before his memories are erased with a respectful gesture, and her desperation in rescuing Soshi.

    Eksistere Kyrenia
"All Eksie needs is Joker."
Age: 12
Identity: Expert Researcher of R.o.S.E.
Birthday: 13 November
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Nationality: Norwegian
Height and Weight: 150cm (4.92 ft) / 35kg (77.16 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Measurements: 70-50-72
Cup: A-
Favorite Gifts: Salmon Ice Cream and Adv. Rubik's Cube
Love/Hate Food: Smoked Food/Banana
Hobbies: Playing Sudoku; playing games on 8 consoles at the same time
Good At/Poor At: Pranking/Swimming
Pet Phrase: "JOKER!"
Dream: Unveiling the mystery of Ionus.
Secret: Being a landlubber.
Alternative Names: イーコス·キレニア (Japanese), 伊珂丝·卡里尼亚 (Chinese)

Despite her very young looks and age matching, she is a researcher of R.o.S.E.'s special team of researchers, Beef Chow Mein, and an Ionus-power user. Be wary of her childish acts, or risk being a target for her pranks.
  • Child Prodigy: She's barely over twelve years old and yet has worked as part of Beef Chow Mein for a long while, a very prominent group in charge of R.o.S.E.'s weapons development amongst other scientific ventures. Outside of it, she's basically the Science Hero the squad turns to when it comes to technology both Ionus and mundane.
  • Deliberately Cute Child: Don't let her childishness fool you, even if it's genuine sometimes. She tends to use this to hide her intentions and get out of trouble for pranking or slacking around.
    • She often cries crocodile tears in front of Grainne to get out of punishment for slacking off. Other times, she'll act like some innocent kid who did nothing wrong. All of this irritates the Manager to no end.
    • In Doki Doki Wonderland's Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament when you go up against her, she'll say what she's going to throw, and unlike the other girls' genuine shows of kindness in doing this, she's only tricking you into losing.
  • Gamer Chick: Whenever she gets the chance, she'll sneak in some video gaming time slacking on her café shifts. Besides that, she also owns plenty of video games and consoles, and is more than skilled enough to beat the Manager hundreds of times over (save for one time).
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: It's rare for Eksistere to show anything close to kindness or humility, but such moments do exist, and she's come to care for Squad 08 since her joining.
    • Her Doki Doki Wonderland intimacy story is all about her taking care of the Manager and all his café work after surprising and making him dodge into a motorway, despite the Manager noting that this is something she would have shirked responsibility for. It's because that after coming to deeply care for him, she feels guilty for the trouble she caused in the past and orchestrated the incident as her way of repaying him.
  • Mundane Utility: She often uses her Psychic Powers to do her chores or play at least eight games all at once without any noticeable difficulty or even looking.
  • Phlebotinum Overload: During campaign Chapter 9-12, titled "Overload", the squad fights against an Ionus-mutated Faust and take him out this way. In the mission before this, Moon explains how bodies have a limit to the Ionus fluctuations they can handle, like filling up a balloon until it explodes, and advises Eksistere against it. When Eksie does go overboard in Chapter 10-10, she has to get away from the Manager because of his Ionus-dampening field, which would have trapped the fluctuations inside her instead of releasing it safely.
  • Pragmatic Hero: In Campaign Chapter 9, she has Lida rig Faust's transport with explosives and blow it up in secret, and given how much of a hand he had in various crimes like running Ionus experiments on Catherine, it's probably for the best the Squad is rid of him in the long run. Unfortunately, it didn't kill him, the professor now an Ionus mutant who serves as Chapter 9's final boss.
  • Precocious Crush: While she treats the Manager like an annoying boss who makes her work at first, she comes to see him in a different light as time goes on until her affections become something that can't just be explained as 'precocious', especially with her mature mindset despite being twelve years old. Best showcased in event stories like Festive Fortune, where the Manager's date with Eksistere... starts off with him Mistaken for Pedophile by police because of the latter saying she wants to marry him one day, aloud in public. Though the Manager dismisses this as Eksistere being playful, she sulkily says she was being serious when she declared that.
    • Her (Global) 2023 birthday event and Character Card story has her and the Manager discuss this, the latter being aware of the birthday the former's feelings but worried about her age. And aware of her own age, Eksistere invokes The Jailbait Wait.
      Eksistere: "A few more birthdays, and you won't have to worry about it."
  • Psychic Powers: As an Ionus test subject in the past, she gained the power to use Ionus energy like Yuki and Moon, albeit on a lower scale compared to Moon, who is an Alpha.
  • Revenge Before Reason: In Chapter 11-3, she refuses to save Catherine from her Ionus infection or Juno's pleas to do so on account of the former's association with Faust, justified in that Catherine always helped Faust without a care for what he did in his cold-blooded experiments, let alone Eksistere and her fellow test subjects. Even after Wuyou seemingly convinces her, and Eksistere reasonably making Catherine apologize for the lives Faust ruined, she still pushes it by wanting Catherine to kneel, not helped by her callously dismissing her torture of the JUDAS employees when Catherine asks about it. That she got off with only her hair cut meant she's lucky Catherine kept her own animosity in check for all she had been dispirited.
  • The Slacker: She'd rather be playing video games rather than doing work of any kind. Whenever her café shifts come up, she'll try to lessen the work somehow, usually by foisting it onto Grainne without any remorse, or play games whenever she can even in the middle of working.

    Kikuri Yuki
"May my blessings pass through you."
Age: 16
Identity: A humanoid weapon of unknown origin
Birthday: 30 August
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Nationality: Japanese
Height and Weight: 162cm (5.31 ft) / 48kg (105.8 lbs)
Blood Type:
Measurements: 84-59-86
Cup: C
Favorite Gifts: High-quality Tea and Clover Omamori
Love/Hate Food: Sushi/Coriander
Hobbies: Meditating; cleaning the room
Good At/Poor At: Making tea/Pounding rice cake
Pet Phrase: "Is there anything I can help you with?"
Dream: Becoming a real human.
Secret: Tending to bite her tongue when talking too fast.
Alternative Names: 菊理千姬 / きくり ゆき (Japanese), 菊理千姬 (Chinese)

A soft-spoken priestess who lives in a shrine, capable of using Ionus like Eksistere and Moon.
  • Artificial Human: Though her origins are not fully explored at the time of her introduction, Yuki is known as a replicant, which simply means being made artificially and is how she uses Ionus powers. This comes with side effects that include being unaffected by Ionus Infection and having a dependence on a lotion. Then we find out that she wasn't even born human or created by humans, but created by Alphas, more specifically Astel.
  • Barrier Warrior: Her main use of Ionus fluctuations is to shore up defensive barriers through her shikigami. This is a signature technique of her batch of clones, termed "Void Wall", which can be cancelled out by another Void Wall.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Coriander.
    • In her Shared Moment, "Self-sacrifice", she is forced to eat a mouthful of coriander (whether because she lost a game or because she has to overcome her dislike). This is followed by a message of her apparent death Message and the Manager shouting for Irene and Grainne to do an emergency operation.
    • In another Moment, "Hard choices", she says she's fine with anything so long as it doesn't have coriander.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: In a chat conversation with her about her sleepwalking at night, she recalls having a note stuck to her forehead and realizes it was the Manager's work. She calls him a "baddie", then gets nervous about it being too harsh a word and says she learnt it from Eksistere. The Manager just tells her to "keep it coming".
  • Hidden Buxom: Her usual miko outfit hides it well, but her other costumes show she's got quite the chest.
  • Miko: She wears a typical Japanese miko's uniform, lives in a shrine on a mountain in Princess Island, has habits associated with Yamato Nadeshiko like holding tea ceremonies, prays to multiple gods as per Shinto religion, and devoutly worships Lord Lynx... who is an ordinary-looking cat that lazes around. Probably.
  • Nice Girl: 'Nice' is an understatement. Like Irene and Grainne, she does her utmost to help others however she can.
  • Psychic Powers: Like Eksistere and Moon, she has Ionus powers, though she specializes in making energy barriers. Her Cleaner card story shows that she has a level of control to liquify Ionus and change its structure so that its fluctuations won't irradiate anyone.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: When she first met the Manager, she directly tells him that she's a "weapon". Since then, especially in light of her creation as an Artificial Human, it's clear that she doesn't think much of herself if it means everyone else's safety. One example of this happens in her Lv. 50 Shared Moment, where she offers to take advantage of her immunity to Ionus Infection to scout potentially Ionus-dense areas.

    Juno Emmons
"I'll wait even a week for the lethal shot."
Age: 19
Identity: An arrogant and domineering senior.
Birthday: 1 April
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: American
Height and Weight: 169cm / 49kg
Blood Type: O
Measurements: 88-60-88
Cup: D
Favorite Gifts: Handmade Apple Pie and Competition Skates
Love/Hate Food: Apple Pie/Yam
Hobbies: Shooting; skating
Good At/Poor At: Controlling others/Peeling onion
Pet Phrase: "Who doesn't have a past?"
Dream: Something to do with her elder sister.
Secret: Being a very bad FPS player.
Alternative Names: ジュノ·エモンズ (Japanese), 朱诺·埃蒙斯 (Chinese)

  • The Alcoholic: As the Manager learns, get between her and drinking, and there'll be hell to pay.
  • Arms Dealer: Alongside Catherine, she is essentially this as a founder of JUDAS, an independent weaponry modification workshop while plying her sniping skills on the side. After JUDAS is dismissed after what happened in Chapter 6, she gives up her former job for a place in Squad 08.
  • Femme Fatale: Her charm and beauty are only matched by her shrewdness, like asking the Manager if he wants to get close and intimate before asking for help as her café task.
  • Fighting Your Friend: In the climax of Chapter 6-12, fittingly titled "Duel", Juno fights her best friend, Catherine. They get a draw, the sniper having broken her rifle and taking a cut destroying Catherine's swords. However, the latter lost her will to fight further when the former points out the abnormality of a normal human being able to see her electromagnetic-powered bullets, making Catherine realize she was an experiment for Faust.
  • Friendly Sniper: Underneath her veneer of casualness is a professional who takes pride in her marksmanship with sniper rifles. Her skill is such that she is evenly matched against Catherine Miyamoto in the campaign story, a Master Swordswoman Dual Wielding hi-tech katana, and destroying said blades despite losing her rifle to get a tentative draw.
  • The Gadfly: Mixed with The Tease, ensuring that she can worm into the personal space and mind of any target she has her eyes on, especially the easily-agitated Rococo.
  • Hidden Depths: She once studied ice skating as a child. She still practices it today, if her favorite UR gift being competition skates is anything to go by.
  • I Don't Know Mortal Kombat:
    • Her one weakness, enough that it's actually her profile's secret, is that she's bad at FPS games. One bond story has her try her hand in one such game, only to realize that her sniping skills don't translate to gaming skills, even the Manager could beat her every time.
    • Subverted in her Swimsuit story. She was somehow doing poorly against Irene in a game of volleyball; apparently normal sports games are a no-go too. The Manager and Rococo see and decide they'll humiliate her in return for all the teasing she's done to them, only for Juno to smash a ball into the Manager's face and reveal she's been waiting for them to take the bait.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Oh, does she know it. More than a few stories of her involve the, let's say, fine points of her curvaceous body, and flirting with the Manager a lot.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Irene's Lv. 20 bond story has Juno being vehemently against Irene wanting to treat Alphas as living beings rather than hostile monsters, and in Irene's later Lv.40 story, Juno forces Irene to deal the final blow to an Alpha during a mission.
  • What If?: This is the premise of her Innocent Days card story, featuring Rococo. They talk about their childhoods, finding a common connection about the street they stand on—Juno practiced ice skating in a gym there, and Rococo practiced several skills as demanded of her station as an heiress nearby. When they finished, Juno would take a walk on that street while Rococo would play with her older brother, the Manager, when he picks her up. That they came close to meeting each other in the past is something to wonder about, which you get a glimpse of when you interact with the Live2D art of them talking to each other.

"Listen up! My orders are final!"
Age: 17
Identity: The only daughter from a wealthy family
Birthday: 14 June
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Nationality: Chinese
Height and Weight: 159cm (5.35 ft) / 46kg (103.6 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Measurements: 80-58-85
Cup: A
Favorite Gifts: Honey Milk and Swiss Roll
Love/Hate Food: Dessert/Mustard
Hobbies: Afternoon tea; listening to Italian opera
Good At/Poor At: Lecturing her subordinates/Expressing her feelings straightforwardly
Pet Phrase: "The manager is an idiot!"
Dream: Becoming the Queen of Arms
Secret: Afraid of dentists. Tries very hard to control the amount of dessert she eats.
Alternative Names: ロココ (Japanese), 洛可可 (Chinese)

  • Big Brother Attraction: It's not made clear whether they're related in blood, but Rococo knew the Manager as an older brother figure in her childhood. To this day, she refrains from revealing their shared past together, hiding her feelings under her harshness but still caring for him in ways that goes past being just siblings.
  • Book Dumb: For all she is capable, the fine and wordy details of anything quickly causes her to lose concentration.
  • Butt-Monkey: Her Hair-Trigger Temper makes her a prime target for teasing, usually from the Manager and Juno.
  • Grade-School C.E.O.: Downplayed given that she's actually 17 years old, even with her childish personality and looks making her seem young. Even so, she's young for someone who holds such a high rank in R.o.S.E. as its heiress and actually serves well in the position.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Coco", or "Princess" to be overly respectful.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: As much as she can be mean-spirited at times, she deeply cares for her squadmates. This goes double for the Manager, who she tries to keep out of combat for his own safety during the Campaign.
  • Posthumous Sibling: Her older brother was presumed to have died in the past. Subverted when it turns out the Manager was that older brother, without memories of Rococo. Or so it was assumed until Zero came along, revealing himself as the 'original' brother before the Manager, is still alive.
  • Spoiled Brat: Downplayed; as a Grade-School C.E.O., she's heiress to R.o.S.E., daughter to its chairman and a woman from I Kingdom—combined with her haughtiness, this seems like a setup for a stereotypical Royal Brat, but her sense of responsibility and her skills in logistics and commanding erases any doubt that she didn't earn her position. That said, she does tend to make use of her vast resources on her whims.
  • Sweet Tooth: The easiest way to her heart is by giving her sugary treats, her favorite gifts being Honey Milk and Sweet Roll. Even her Shared Moments are titled after sweets.
  • Tsundere: A classic Harsh Type, made prominent with the Manager; she even gets this archetype for her character in the Doki Doki Wonderland event. She lets up a bit on this attitude when acting as a high-ranking officer of R.o.S.E..
    • Whenever you go up against her in the Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament, she'll inexplicably throw the first round by not doing anything, complaining she was thinking about her move until time ran out. This is not something that ever happens with the other girls, and more rounds with her reveal she does this every time. The likely explanation for this is that she'd rather support you like Irene, Grainne and Moon would have done, but is embarrassed by doing it openly and resorts to this roundabout way.
  • Young Entrepreneur: Despite her age, she easily handles waitress duties and entrepreneurship in her Lv. 10 bond story that it worries the Manager he might lose his job to her.

    Shi Wuyou
"My sister's happiness is everything to me!"
Age: 15
Identity: Newbie of BP Squad 08
Birthday: 2 December
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Nationality: Chinese
Height and Weight: 159cm (5.21 ft) / 47kg (103.6 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Measurements: 82-58-86
Cup: B
Favorite Gifts: Bluetooth Earpiece and Polaroid
Love/Hate Food: Fried Chicken/Preserved Egg
Hobbies: Observing her sister; Observing her sister secretly
Good At/Poor At: Doing chores/Lying to her sister
Pet Phrase: "I will protect my sister!"
Dream: Making her sister the happiest person in the world.
Secret: Motion Sickness.
Alternative Names: ジムユウ(Japanese), 时无忧(Chinese)

  • Big Sister Worship: An understatement. No matter what, she'll do her best to spoil Wuxia in every possible way and/or stalk her, take pictures, and, as her Casual Card Story shows, stealing her clothes because according to her, "When a girl takes her older sister's underwear, that's not stealing!"
  • Headphones Equal Isolation: Inverted; Wuyou has always been social and nice towards everyone she meets, and likes music a lot that she has the headphones she wears to listen with, to the point she busts them out as her victory pose in her Casual dress.
  • Jack of All Trades: Like Wuxia (barring some cases), Wuyou's nigh-perfection in any subject, from understanding complex theories to cooking, is often remarked upon... except for driving.
  • Prone to Vomiting: Of all the things she can't do, it's driving any sort vehicle. In one Shared Moment, she reluctantly goes for a drive as part of a training session, then stumbles out sick after it's over.
  • Secret-Keeper: She seems to know something about Wuxia's past involving their father's Ionus research. Whatever it was, it's serious enough that she feels the need to distract her older sister from any chance to remember those memories and destroy a computer in Chapter 15 where their father's name suddenly popped up in an enemy Alpha base.
  • The Social Expert:
    • According to a café event with Aniya, she struck up a conversation with a stranger and was later talking to them like they're friends in mere moments.
    • During Chapter 11, she's the only one trying to get the group of Eksistere, Juno and Catherine to get along despite their tense relationships and managing to convince Eksistere to save Catherine from her Ionus infection. Too bad Eksistere wanted to humiliate Catherine by making her kneel.
  • Supreme Chef: Yet another one of her talents. According to Wuxia's Floral Times card story though, Wuyou picked up cooking to take care of and spoil her sister, causing Wuxia to lose her cooking skills and become the Lethal Chef we know today.

    Lida Romero
"Savin' the world? Hah sure, just don't forget the pay!"
Age: 17
Identity: Newbie of BP Squad 08
Birthday: 30 July
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Nationality: Mexican
Height and Weight: 170cm (5.58ft) / 54kg (119.0lbs)
Blood Type: A
Measurements: 86-62-87
Cup: D
Favorite Gifts: Cactus Pot and Supermarket Coupon
Love/Hate Food: Millet Pepper/None
Hobbies: Sleeping-in; purchasing discount food
Good At/Poor At: Sports/Acting cute
Pet Phrase: "Be sure to let me handle the money-making tasks!"
Dream: Opening a restaurant
Secret: Worked in men's wear, thus owing a debt of love to many admirers.
Alternative Names: リタ·ロメロ(Japanese), 丽达·罗梅罗(Chinese)

  • Ambiguously Brown: Her profile on the official wiki reveals her nationality is Mexican, which explains her tan skin.
  • Bag of Spilling: Played for Laughs; Lida's victory animation has her spill a ton of Crystala and gold coins, forcing her to scramble and pick them back up.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: She's genuinely a moron, especially when it comes to money in daily life, but she's a mercenary through and through when it comes down to it.
    • In Chapter 11-9, she came close to outing Impostor!Yuki's near-perfect disguise even with Moon saying her Ionus signature is the same as the real Yuki's, simply because of instinct, and trusted it by subtly keeping Impostor!Yuki in front of the group where she can't try anything.
    • In the Combat Waltz: Wars X Waltz event, Juno and Grainne are matched against the Cleaner-outfitted Lida, their only opponent. The Manager describes Lida as a "monster", and she proves it in the first moment by taking advantage of the cramped stage that keeps her opponents from dodging her costume's Mega Blast, and matching the talented mercenary Juno in close combat.
      Manager: Excellent reflexes, a strong will to survive, unrivaled combat instincts... These are what make her a horrifying top-tier merc. She's from the "secret special squad." Only a few would stand a chance against her in one-on-one combat.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: Her focus on survival all the way from childhood let to not only her frugality, but also a distortion in empathy. In one bond story, during a mission cooperating with the Allied Army, one Army soldier mourns over the loss of their friend. Lida walks up to him, but contrary to the comfort the Manager expected her to show, the girl cheerfully asks why is the soldier crying and says they should be glad they're alive. This instantly angers the soldier and forces the Manager to intervene, while Lida just watches on with genuine confusion; in the episode after, she explains that she doesn't understand concepts like emotions and camaraderie, and is hardly interested in anything not concerning her own life.
  • Gut Feeling: In Chapter 11-9, Impostor!Yuki gets nearly outed by Lida who immediately accused her of not being her Yuki with nothing but her intuition. Impostor!Yuki's cover is only saved by Moon explaining that she didn't detect any difference in Ionus signature fluctuations from this Yuki and theirs, but Lida continues to stay wise by keeping the impostor watched in front of them.
  • The Scrooge: Big time. She'll save money however possible and works multiple odd jobs to earn money, even trying to shamelessly coax more out of the Manager. Eksistere even gets her to cough up Crystala in Chapter 9-11, knowing she'd keep Ionus as wealth on her person at all times.
  • Too Desperate to Be Picky: Her childhood was spent mostly on survival, scrounging for scraps and money until she joined R.o.S.E., though the experience has made her keep an extreme habit of saving money that she didn't even know what ramen is until she asked the Manager to treat her to a bowl. This fact alone was enough to make the Manager swear he'll get her a lot to eat.
  • Wingding Eyes: One of her sprite animations makes her eyes sprout gold dollar signs at the mention of money.

    Grainne Draser
"Does it hurt? Let me see."
Age: 18
Identity: Medic of BP Squad 08
Birthday: 6 July
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Nationality: British
Height and Weight: 165cm (5.41 ft) / 50kg (110.2 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Measurements: 89-60-87
Cup: E
Favorite Gifts: Exquisite Hairband and Luxury Kitchenware
Love/Hate Food: All Chinese food/Fish and Chips
Hobbies: Knitting; developing new dishes
Good At/Poor At: Cooking/Getting along with furry animals
Pet Phrase: "Is anyone hurt?"
Dream: Learn all Chinese cuisine.
Secret: Being able to distinguish artificial fiber from real pelt (which she is allergic to).
Alternative Names: グルニエ·デラサール (Japanese), 格兰妮·德拉萨尔 (Chinese)

Squad 08's foremost medic and cook. She is all but the mother of the entire squad, gladly putting others first before herself.

She is first met during Campaign Chapter 3 as a temporary member of the Allied Army for Operation Hell Sky, then transferred to Squad 08 after an incident that wiped out most of the Army's forces.
  • All-Loving Heroine: To name a few examples:
    • She never complains about filling in for Eksistere whenever she foists café work onto her.
    • In the campaign story, she keeps on trying to treat hostile captured researches of JUDAS loyal to Catherine; even when one of them injures her, she remains steadfast in her work. At this display of goodness, they give in and tell her Catherine's whereabouts.
    • In Chapter 12-6, she asked for the Allied Army officers she is being held captive by to provide humanitarian aid to Princess Island's wounded, even though she had been moved into a tent as special treatment, likely for having given the Allied Army medical treatment. When Cornelia tries to kill the lieutenant trying to persuade her into leaving with them, Grainne convinced the young soldier to stop... only for Jia Jia to kill the lieutenant anyway, whose death she is reduced to tears for.
  • Chekhov M.I.A.: It's revealed in her bond stories that she's been looking for her childhood friend, Anna, to hand over Anna's deceased father's memento. After making use of R.o.S.E.'s database, they eventually find Anna in the Lv. 60 story "Rejected Cuisine", but it turns out she isn't happy to see Grainne and turns her away for unknown reasons.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: If there's ever a decision to be made between someone else's well-being and her own, she'll always choose the former. This tends to result in her being fatigued because she won't stop working until every life she finds is saved and people telling her to rest. The Manager in particular often has to frame his reminders as orders.
  • Death Faked for You: How the Manager gets Grainne into Squad 08. It's speculated during Chapter 3-6 (after) that the Allied Army force Grainne was a part of was actually a "limit test" set by the Structural Research Institute on how well a combined military force of modified Crystalids and human soldiers can go against an Archon. Grainne, a temporary soldier and not an active duty one, was disposable, so the Manager took advantage of the expectation that she'll die by shooting a bullet into the air, shout loudly that she's downed, and load the 'patient' onto a stretcher to Princess Island.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Her mother, that is, who worked hard for herself and her young child until she passed away as a result. This is part of why she feels guilty for taking a logistical "comfy" role while everyone risks themselves at the frontlines, so at dinners, she waits until everyone's finished before she eats and cooks her own meals with leftover ingredients.
  • The Medic: While she certainly qualifies for Combat Medic, she is staunchly focused on saving people rather than fighting.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her Level 50 bond story reveals her father left her and his wife when they were young, not even showing up for his wife's funeral, though what for exactly Grainne doesn't know.
  • Performance Anxiety: She nearly panics in her Level 30 Shared Moment when she is a guest for one of Xiaozhen's shows. It takes the Manager, Xiaozhen, and the viewers cheering her on for Grainne to get a hold of herself and impress everyone with her cooking.
  • The Promise: Two: one with childhood friend Anna's father, who passed away asking Grainne as she watched to give a memento to his daughter, whose mother suddenly took with to S City before Grainne could do anything; the other is with Anna as children to be friends forever, so it has left her heartbroken when Anna spurns Grainne's presence when they finally reunite for the first time in years.
  • Rags to Riches: Before becoming a medic of the Allied Army, she and her mother lived alone in poor housing and with little money, her father having suddenly left them for no reason given. This likely played a part in her living in an old and used home as seen in her home's CG, and why she likes the Exquisite Headband and Luxury Kitchenware gifts.
    • In her Maid card story, she twists her ankle in the middle of work because she wasn't used to wearing high heels; having been in a poor family, she could never afford it and got jealous of girls who wore them, and even when she became a medic, it'd be impractical since she has to keep moving and the heels would've got in her way, so her maid shoes became her one chance to fulfill that dream. The Manager, seeing that desire, 'orders' her to take some time off instead of working to get used them.
    • In a side bond story, this past results in her habit of letting everyone else eat first before she cooks leftovers for herself, forcing the Manager to intervene and make her eat like everyone else.
  • Team Mom: If there's a kind soul in Squad 08 who always puts another's wellbeing before her own, look no further than Grainne. Doubles as the Team Chef, one so good the Manager says in one of her Moments that the takeouts he eat are trash compared to her cooking.
  • The Teetotaler: Though not strict against it, as a medic, she's aware of the problems alcoholism causes. Her "Prohibition Philosophy" side story has her refuse a customer his wine when she overhears his phone call to his family, verbally abusing them that it convinced her to stick to her decision not to serve, and the Manager when he hears it to prohibit drunk customers from being served alcohol.

    Su Xiaozhen
"Let the food cheer you up~ Kira~"
Age: 17
Identity: Idol, Host of Gourmet Show
Birthday: 12 February
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Nationality: Chinese
Height and Weight: 163cm (5.35 ft) / 47kg (103.6 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Measurements: 83-57-85
Cup: D
Favorite Gifts: Concert Lamp and Delicacy Collection
Love/Hate Food: Baozi/None
Hobbies: Singing; tasting delicious foods
Good At/Poor At: Dancing while singing/Cooking
Pet Phrase: "Kirakira~"
Dream: Eating and playing for life.
Secret: She is an heir to some huge family.
Alternative Names: 蘇小真 (Japanese), 苏小真 (Chinese)

A famous idol singer who infects everyone with her cheeriness, genuinely doing her best to make everyone happy. She is also very gluttonous and loves all sorts of stuffed baozi.

She makes her debut in Chapter 4-5 alongside Nola Moon.
  • Beneath the Mask: At the last episode, Non-anomalous Asylum reveals Jenny to be the supervisor of the Cleaners all along. After The Reveal, the Manager posits that the Jenny in front of him is from another dimension while the Jenny that left the room is the one he knows; the idol herself corrects him that they are one and the same, but she monologues at the end, "We're bound to meet each other in every dimension."
  • Big Eater: And how. She practically loves Grainne for her cooking. It also says a lot that her profile "Hate Food" lists "None" for an answer.
  • Catchphrase: "Kirakira~⭐"
  • Idol Singer: Her main job besides being a Battlefield Processor, for some reason.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Susu" and "Jenny".
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Chinese baozi.

    Nola Moon
"This heart of mine, is yours now."
Age: 26
Identity: A natural airhead piano tutor going mental at times.
Birthday: 10 October
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Nationality: Hungarian
Height and Weight: 168cm (5.51 ft) / 51kg (112.4 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Measurements: 90-61-89
Cup: E
Favorite Gifts: Anatomy Book and Famous Vinyl Record
Love/Hate Food: Black Coffee/Garlic
Hobbies: Playing the piano; composing
Good At/Poor At: Music/Taking pictures of someone
Pet Phrase: "Let's be together forever!"
Dream: None
Secret: Often unable to buy suitable underwear
Alternative Names: ノーラ·ムーン(Japanese), 诺拉·沐恩(Chinese)

She is first met in Chapter 4-5 alongside Su Xiaozhen.
  • Berserk Button: Harm a single hair on the Manager and you'll find yourself on the receiving end of her wrath.
  • Black Comedy: Coming from another world where Might Makes Right, it comes as no small—but still unfortunate—surprise that she easily talks about gore (also in front of children in her first bond story), dissecting rats and whatnot, and has a human skull (maybe real, maybe fake) for a room decoration.
    • We get this tidbit for the start of her birthday story:
      Manager: "Wait, you meant that you originally wanted to fight me? Like a physical fight?"
      Moon: "Yes! And the winner takes the loser's heart." [...]
      Manager: "Heart... figuratively speaking, right?"
      Moon: "Yes! Because Coco said physically taking the heart out would be too much."
  • Humanoid Abomination: Nola quickly makes it apparent that she is actually a high-order Alpha, an Archdemon previously named Amdusias (and actually split off from the original) upon her introduction, becoming the team's greatest heavyweight when she uses her Ionus powers.
  • The Piano Player: She is actually Rococo's piano teacher, sometimes demonstrating her skill with classical pieces in scenes involving herself.
  • Yandere: Even if she wouldn't ever harm the Manager, at least physically, she tends to adopt a possessive attitude towards him.

    Nie Shirou
"Exactly! I am Miss Valentine, the 'No.1 Landlord from Hell!'"
Age: 17
Identity: Allied Army Third Regiment Lieutenant Staff Officer
Birthday: 12 September
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Nationality: Chinese
Height and Weight: 165cm (5.41 ft) / 42kg (92.6 lbs)
Measurements: 82-60-93
Cup: B
Favorite Gifts: History of Warfare and Memorial Medal
Love/Hate Food: Canned Food/Milk Chocolate
Hobbies: Debating with someone online; learning military knowledge
Good At/Poor At: Talking about theories/Putting theory into practice
Pet Phrase: "This does not make sense theoretically!"
Dream: Becoming the hero of her time
Secret: Owning a faded dog tag.
Alternative Names: ジョウ シジュウ (Japanese), 聂诗柔 (Chinese)

  • Chuunibyou: Just look at the picture quote, and you'll get an idea of the grandiose/overly militaristic speech she has when you talk with her. Even her own profile invokes this.
  • Gratuitous English: One of the lines she can shout upon deployment is a really loud "Engage!"
  • Hidden Buxom: Although her profile says she's a B-cup, her Tactical card shows her with a seemingly larger size along with a dash of Sideboob.

    Aniya Jung
"Oh! Pardon me! I meant no offense!"
Age: 4
Identity: Allied Army Third Regiment Sub-lieutenant Staff Officer
Birthday: 24 February
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Manufacturer: R.o.S.E. Precision Instruments
Height and Weight: 156cm (5.12 ft)/ 193kg (425.5 lbs)
Measurements: 89-59-85
Cup: F
Favorite Gifts: O.T.E. Ionus Battery and Special Servicing Kit
Love/Hate Food: None
Hobbies: Internal mechanic maintenance; standby in low power mode
Good At/Poor At: Providing housekeeping or logistics services/Autonomous Operation
Pet Phrase: "It's your call."/"Sorry!"
Dream: None
Secret: Her storage contains the residual data of the beta version of a military cyber countermeasure program.
Alternative Names: アニヤ·ユング (Japanese), 阿尼娅·荣格 (Chinese)

  • Affectionate Nickname: Though not in the English text, Eksistere calls the android "Nyanya" in JP dubbing.
  • Auto-Tune: The tone of her voice has a humming, synthetic quality one would find in machine-made voices as a trait of her robotic identity.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: In an earlier part of the main storyline, the Manager gives Kiriko a software called "ANIYAstrike" he managed to buy from the black market to hack into Allied Army military servers, which is so reliable that Kiriko still uses it when the Allied Army invades Princess Island. Aniya is revealed to have hosted this software before having it removed.
  • Ridiculously Human Robots: She is an android with a near-identical appearance to a human girl. What sets her apart are her mechanical traits, like her Auto-Tune voice, a weight of nearly 200 kg and the flapping, rabbit-like, tentacle ear things on the sides of her head.
  • Running Gag: Her weight is higher than any of the girls due to her android parts, so most things she sits on (like a lawn chair in her Casual card story) breaks under her weight.
  • Shrinking Violet: She has a very passive personality, often listening to others' requests at any cost to herself.
  • Signature Headgear: On the left and right sides of her are a pair of black, thigh-length, flexible 'ears' that move and react to her mood. Because of the way they flap combined with Aniya's submissive personality, the Manager compares her to a Holland Lop rabbit in their Café Talk.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Water; her mechanical body is not entirely waterproof as her Birthday card story shows. It isn't fatal, but just dipping her hand in a stream is enough to lock her up.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: She puts herself on a lower priority than any human, which results in her acting deferential to virtually everyone she meets.

    Kaanal Scott 
Age: 13 (by document)
Identity: Allied Army Third Regiment Lieutenant Staff Officer
Birthday: 25 May
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Nationality: Antarctic
Height and Weight: 145cm (4.76 ft) / 34kg (75.0 lbs)
Measurements: Unknown
Cup: B
Love/Hate Food: Hot Pot/Ice-cream
Favorite Gifts: Buttered Cat Lottery and Durable Warm Paste
Hobbies: Reading encyclopaedias in a warm and comfy place; playing quiz games
Good At/Poor At: Luck-based things/Going to cold places
Pet Phrase: "How lucky!"
Dream: Discovering about everything in the universe
Secret: High-order species who failed to evolve into an Archdemon.

  • Beware the Silly Ones: She's as sweet and silly as she acts, but she's got her share of experience fighting on the battlefield and still does now as one of your squadmates. Moreover, her Café Talk has her introduce herself as a black market dealer who also hunts down traitors to the Allied Army, is able to get Cornelia off her tail in Ending 4: Lost at a Corner because her luck made one inexplicable distraction after another stop the expert tracker, and Ending 1: Be Blessed By Luck reveals she was the secret contact who guided them to escape from S City.
  • Born Lucky: And then some. Events that happen around Kaanal can only be explained by luck, and the girl knows it.
    • Kaanal's stories feature this a lot, such as her and the Manager going on a trip to the mountains and finding animals that should have been rare to see, especially in a world polluted by Ionus and its consequent lack of safe habitats.
    • In a Moments topic where Kaanal goes up against Shirou and the Manager in a simulated battle game, randomly generated meteorites take out the latter's troops. The losers lost their sanity afterwards.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She makes her first appearance during Chapter 13-12's Hidden Story 1, although offscreen and voice-only to greet Squad 08.
  • Foreshadowing: Upon petting her head at the last phase for Ending 4 of her Café Talk, she says "Is that human behavior?" when the Manager consents to her request to do so despite saying "No". The Manager wonders aloud why Kaanal would use a specific word like "human", which causes her to clam up and run away. After all, she is an Alpha.
  • Genki Girl: Rarely a single moment goes by without her being all cheery about something. Her high-pitched kid voice makes sure you'll know it too.
  • Secret Test of Character: Her own Café Talk reveals the entire thing was this in Ending 1. As per Shirou's orders, Kaanal offers the Manager jobs to gain money quick because he lost access to his bank account since leaving Princess Island. The jobs are very risky, but Kaanal's luck ensures he'll get it done; it's only matter of whether the Manager will dutifully complete all the tasks, which he does, proving that he and his squad are trustworthy for the Allied Army.
  • Walking Techbane: She's a really curious girl when it comes to machinery. Problem is, she either takes them apart to study their contents or machines malfunction after she uses them, somehow, and it frustrates her to no end.
    • The second phase of her Café Talk, after giving the Precision Chips, has her try to upgrade the café's coffee machine with one, only for it to set itself on fire in mere moments after she tinkers and recites an incantation, even though the Manager says it shouldn't be combustible.
    • One café event for Kaanal and Aniya has the former pacing around the latter, making the android nervous while the luckster assures her she wouldn't take her apart.

Age: 16
Identity: Project Kaguya-hime’s ultimate backup
Birthday: 30 August
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Nationality: Japan
Height and Weight: 162cm (5.31 ft) / 48kg (105.8 lbs)
Measurements: 84-59-86
Cup: C
Favorite Gifts: Clay Tea Set and A Bag of Clothes
Love/Hate Food: Sushi/Coriander
Hobbies: Meditating; stalking cats
Good At/Poor At: Being jealous/Talking things out
Pet Phrase: "Manager, a little time with me?"
Dream: Becoming a real human
Secret: Body is crumbling. Requires Ionus or the Manager’s blood to sustain life.
Alternative Name: 唯 (Japanese and Chinese)

One of the seven Yukis created by the Patriarch, Astal, for Project Kaguya-hime. As the Final Backup, she was supposed to be awakened in the case of No. 4's (Squad 08's Yuki) death, but was awakened prematurely to serve Allocer, thus debuting in Chapter 11-7 along with the other hostile Yukis.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Her Live2D sprite as the Final Backup lacked the diverse facial expressions and moving mouth she has as her playable self.
  • Evil Twin: To Yuki, at least initially on the Alphas' orders to infiltrate Squad 08 before doing a Heel–Face Turn and officially joining the squad. They even seem to be on good terms with each other as seen in Yui's bond stories, or at least Yuki is more accepting despite being the one Yui acted as when infiltrating Squad 08.
  • It's All About Me: Mostly in regards to the Manager, who she's always coaxing into spending time with her. Her Café Talk is also centered around the Manager acceding to a couple of requests like reading a bedtime story for her or buying a pair of expensive shoes.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: She's only known as the "Final Backup" before her rename to "Yui".
  • The Only One I Trust: Given that she's an enemy prior to joining the squad, relations between herself and her squadmates are tense that it causes her to act reserved around them; not even those who stick up for her like Nola, Lida, and her own twin Yuki are people she would act freely around. The only one who has her full trust is the Manager.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Has shades of this on the Café Talk page, where her sprite is reclining on a sofa, her posterior's full view only covered up by her skirt and a leg, all while she slyly smiles looking at you
  • The Tease: No matter the situation, she expresses her genuine affection for the Manager clear and does her best to get intimate alone time with him.
  • Walking Spoiler: Just her very existence as a creation of the Alphas is a spoiler, let alone how this ties into Yuki's true background.

Non-playable Characters

Squad 08

    The Manager 
The stand-in character for the player, and the leader of Squad 08. He also works as an actual café manager, which is where his title comes from.
  • Artificial Human: He called himself a "Reconstruction" of Project ONI during the prologue, implying that he's some kind of genetic creation of R.o.S.E., though what exactly those terms meant only were revealed in Chapter 10: he is Rococo's older brother revived using Project ONI, though without the memories, let alone identity of that previous self and is now virtually his own person.
  • Audience Surrogate: With most of the story viewed through his eyes and having a fairly neutral personality, he acts as this for players.
  • Butt-Monkey
  • Chick Magnet: His caring personality attracted every girl on Squad 08, including Soshi (or at least Asuka implies it).
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He can be, uh, weird every now and then. A crowning one would be during the summer event Beach Chef, where he rates the dishes given by the girls by comparing them to scenes in romance-genre visual novels.
  • Deal with the Devil: Makes one with Zero, an Alpha whose plans may or may not end with world domination for help to stop the Alphas at the end of Chapter 13.
  • Determinator
  • Easily Forgiven: Though he's initially shocked over finding out he's an Artificial Human, he doesn't hold a grudge to Rococo, who approved the project, and Irene, Wuxia, and Cornelia, who all knew and kept him in the dark.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Despite everyone knowing his name (your account name), they still call him Manager, much to his confusion and discontent.
  • A Father to His Men: To his girls, but same point. No matter what happens, he'll have everyone under his command taken care of.
  • Guile Hero
  • Hello, [Insert Name Here]: You give a name to the Manager used as your account's name and something for the characters in-game to call you by.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In a subtle manner during Chapter 15, when he sees Wuyou and Lida casually take out numerous enemies. He wonders where they've gone from being ordinary girls to soldiers.
  • Only Sane Man: He's hardly The Everyman being a military battlefield commander, but he's otherwise more down-to-earth compared to most of the outstanding personalities he meets. This is especially required when having to deal with the girls of his squad, like Grainne overworking for everyone else's sake, Eksistere slacking off, Lida's money-making/spend-thrift ideas, Shirou's overenthusiastic military fantasies, and so on.
  • Pragmatic Hero: As much as he won't stand for letting people suffer, he has awareness of his limits. This quality casts him as a Foil to the Nice Girls of the squad, whose acts of selflessness are often detrimental to their wellbeing.
    • In her bond story, he argues against Irene keeping an Alpha baby, knowing that having a monster hostile to all humans is likely to get them into hot water with Princess Island, if not worse.
    • Discussed in Grainne's Shared Moment, "Damaging Goodwill". In response to Grainne saying she can't turn a blind eye to people in suffering, like giving away her food to refugees, both of the Manager's replies call out the self-destructive nature of the act.
    • Takes a dark turn in Chapter 14 when he takes the remains of Nomads hostage and blackmails the group looking for them into being the squad's guides in the unfamiliar rainforest. Grainne catches onto what happened later and chastises him for it, throwing back words he told Grainne that morality does have it's place on the battlefield.
  • The Strategist: He's very good at implementing tactics that play to the strengths of every girl's skills, which saw them all through numerous battles, including winning against the Four Swords of Grace and the Allied Army.
  • The Tease: He has his moments with the girls.
    • Rococo may be his boss, but he knows what buttons to push for a desired reaction and what sweets to tear her will down with.
    • In Grainne's Lv. 50 Shared Moment, he flusters her by calling her cute and asking whether she likes hearing it.
  • This Loser Is You: If you're a gacha game player. There are a couple of times when he plays a mobile game, including a moment during a long shopping date with Irene (Bond side story "Student story") and getting constantly distracted with playing in the middle of policework with Yuki (One Day Police). One crowning example is during Kaanal's second phase of her Café Talk, upon choosing "Ask questions", Kaanal demonstrates her luck by rolling the gacha on the Manager's mobile game; the Manager babbles about saving on 10x draws and complaining about his bad luck when he gets 5 SSRs in a row in a single ten-pull.
  • Unique Protagonist Asset:
    • Downplayed. The Manager has an Ionus-resistant body that covers others in a field to block out and weaken Ionus Infection, although both Eksistere and Yuki possess this trait too (though it's not elaborated whether it's limited to themselves or can be spread out from their body as well). What makes his distinct is that the girls' powers are products of experimentation, whereas Moon notes in Chapter 4-6 (before) that she never met someone like him who is born with the ability. That's because he's essentially a creation of Ionus using Rococo's brother's body.
    • As a product of Ionus experimentation, his blood has a special quality needed to prevent Yui from breaking down.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Is on the receiving end a few times. Chapter 14 seems to be where the consequences rear their ugly head, especially when the Manager has to make choices without allies in R.o.S.E.
    • Downplayed in Chapter 14. In one battle, Irene kills nearly every enemy the squad fights before Juno could fire her rifle; this is despite having been reluctant back on Princess Island to do so, yet now wondering if she did anything wrong doing so when the Manager questioned her about it. The sniper wonders aloud whether the Manager did something that 'broke' Irene, and concerned because the latter has knowingly "sinned like no other"—that is, by letting his loyal squadmates continuously follow him into battle. The Manager painfully agrees it's accurate.
    • When the squad encounters Nomads in Chapter 14, the Manager takes the remains of the fallen comrades they've been carrying hostage and forces them to act as their guide in the rainforest. Grainne fully realizes what's going on later when the Nomads get wounded, then calls the Manager out on it for cruelly manipulating them. Chastised, but grateful for being reminded of morality, he makes sure to let the Nomads go with the remains, although they're understandably pissed at his actions.

    Soshi Mizuki 
Former Squad 08 member "Type-95 Torpedo", a robot who later gained an android body. She is first met in Chapter 4 as an antagonist working with Silicon Castle during Operation Hell Sky, later being defeated at the end of the chapter and accepted into Squad 08 as an electronics countermeasure specialist.
  • Ridiculously Human Robots: Without any obviously robotic parts to look for, not many people would have guessed she's an android.

    Jia Jia 

  • The Ghost: To the point that this is even invoked as her title amongst the Battlefield Processors.
  • No Social Skills: Cornelia explains in Chapter 10-4 (after) that she "only meets she's known for more than ten years"; not even the young veteran has ever met her, despite her closeness to Jia Jia. When she's finally met in Chapter 12-1, she stutters while talking to Cornelia in concern, then tries to end the conversation with some words of comfort, only to fuss over different phrases before awkwardly cutting herself off.
  • One-Man Army: Showing her skills as a soldier is how she debuts in Chapter 10. Up until that point, there were few mentions of her doing clandestine missions, let alone an appearance until the Allied Army's invasion of Princess Island, where she takes out an entire enemy chopper force Squad 08 only just detected—alone.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Downplayed given that she's always been The Ghost and her first words to the Manager were just repeated verbatim by Cornelia. She is first voiced in Chapter 12-1 talking to Cornelia, but even that's through their comms only.


    Luo Zhen 
Commander of R.o.S.E.'s Battlefield Processors. Formerly a member of Squad 08. Has a very shrewd sense of business.


    Adminstrator No. 7 

  • Friendly Shopkeeper: She's always there to greet you when you access the Shop, also appearing as the cashier for the café.

Brain in a Vat system #42—the same brain that Moon dug out of the Type-3 Small Tactical Mecha in Chapter 4-6. Since then, she has been taken into R.o.S.E. custody spending her time surfing the worldwide internet in a matter of seconds and playing hundreds of video games at a time.
  • Chuunibyou: Her avatar is that of a girl with a cat pout, long purple hair styled in a hime cut, and wearing a red ribbon around her neck like you'd see on school uniforms. It would've made her look like a normal girl if it weren't for the two horns on her head and the eyepatch covering her right eye. She's self-aware of how chuuni she's being with her full name in particular, but she's not ashamed of it.
  • Gamer Chick: In a chat conversation, she mentions being able to play games for as long as she wanted without getting tired or hungry was part of her reason for joining Silicon Castle and being converted into a digital being. She also says in the third conversation that she played 13,000 games against Eksistere, using the research center's supercomputer to run 100 games simultaneously.
  • Lotus-Eater Machine: In her fifth chat dialogue, she reveals she was specialized in dream making technology. This leads into the sixth and last ever chat log, which is a message programmed to be sent to the Manager after he accesses the Fantasy Oath where she explains that she is its creator, a simulator that allows access to the subconscious dreams of Squad 08's girls.
  • Overly Long Name: She claims that her full name is Asuka Nebuchadnezzar Daniel the First.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: She was not seen after being taken by Squad 08 in Chapter 4-6 until she's mentioned again by Grainne in the "Invisible person" Shared Moment, who wondered what happened to the two Brains in Vats (Asuka, and the one who declared their will to live in 5-9 (after)). It's only after viewing that story you get to chat with the now-named Asuka in your terminal.

    The Chairman 
The current CEO of R.o.S.E. Corp and Rococo's father. Though not much is known about his motivations and objectives, it is clear he knows far more than he lets on about Ionus and the Otherworld.

He is finally met by the Manager during Chapter 13.


    Catherine Miyamoto 
A master swordswoman known to kill dozens of Crystalids in seconds with just her swords. She is a co-founder of JUDAS alongside Juno.

United Earth Allied Army

    Major General Nie 

Structural Research Institute

A leading scientist of the Structural Research Institute. His drive to advance the field of Ionus science knows no bounds.
  • Asshole Victim: And good riddance to this crazy scientist's "killing people for the sake of advancing humanity by becoming Crystallids" sophistry in Chapter 9-12, where he blows up from an overload of Ionus fluctuations.

The Alphas

    In General 

Four Swords of Grace





The Archangelic Halo

Rococo's older brother thought dead and the genetic origin of the Manager. Introducing himself as "Zero" after Chapter 10-12, he leads the Archangelic Halo.

Astal Army

Other Characters

An Ionus test subject of the Structural Research Institute, a boy who mutated into a hulking giant. He is encountered rampaging around Princess Island in Chapter 2.

    The Bearer 
Leader of Silicon Castle, an organization believing in mechanization of the human body to resist Ionus infection. His work is found first in Chapter 4, before he himself is encountered in Chapter 5.
