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Main Character Index | The Belmont Clan | Antagonists (Dracula)

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  • Ancestral Weapon: All of the Belmonts (and Belmont relatives) use the magic Vampire Killer whip, passed down through the generations from Leon Belmont.
  • Badass Family: The whole Belmont family has fought monsters for generations, and for a long time, they were the only people who could destroy Dracula.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: All of the notable Belmonts are stronger and faster than any normal human should be by virtue of their own specialized training that puts them on par with vampires. However, some members are actually stronger due to wielding magic or having other special abilities. It's implied the Belmont Clan actually has a natural predisposition to detect and confront vampires, or the forces of darkness in general, and dispel certain magic or curses.
  • Epic Flail: The Morning Star variation of the Vampire Killer transforms it into one of these.
  • Family Eye Resemblance: Nearly all of the Belmonts have the same pale blue eyes.
  • Flechette Storm: The Dagger subweapon, although the trope itself is only inflicted via Item Crash.
  • Generation Xerox: Each Belmont whips his way through Dracula's Castle to defeat the Dark Lord, just like the previous Belmont, and it keeps going for an entire millennium. This trope was played dead straight with the nearly-identical early Belmonts (aside from the hundred-year gap between them), but there are more distinct variations between IGA's Belmonts.
  • Heroic Lineage: Every subsequent Belmont carries and builds upon the badass legacy of the previous ones, inheriting the Belmonts' famous Ancestral Weapon.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: The Holy Water subweapon is almost literally a holy hand grenade, leaving a puddle of fire that damages enemies after it's thrown.
  • Improbable Weapon: The Cross subweapon, which acts as a boomerang... somehow.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: True of most of them with Ayami Kojima's designs.
  • Superior Successor: Every Belmont generation is stronger than the last. The reasons for this vary; Trevor's descendants are stronger than him because he married Sypha Belnades, thus adding a very strong magical lineage to the Belmont bloodline. Other clans, such as the Renard and Morris clans, who have their own abilities/talents as well, are also mentioned to be distant relatives, implying more intergenerational mixing. It's also implied that their methods and experience are refined and passed down, making each Belmont more skilled and knowledgeable. Naturally, the last known member of the family, Julius Belmont, is widely considered as the strongest.
  • Time Stands Still: The Pocket Watch subweapon is used to perform this.
  • Vampire Hunter: All the Belmonts are locked in a perpetual struggle against Dracula and his followers.
  • Vicious Cycle: Later games make increasing allusions to the Belmont clan as a whole being cursed— that is, due to Leon’s vow, they must slay Dracula, not merely because they’re the best ones for the job but because their blood eternally calls them to take up the Vampire Killer and fulfil this destiny whenever Dracula arises. And since Dracula will continue to resurrect at least once a century for as long as the greed of humanity keeps calling him back, the Belmont family are trapped within this fate for almost a millennium until Dracula is finally defeated for good in 1999.
    • Maxim Kischine, Juste Belmont’s best friend, was certain enough of this being a literal curse that he went as far as to gather Dracula’s remains himself to try and free his friend from his fate. It… didn’t quite work out the way he intended, and the final words of the Big Bad are an ominous taunt that the Belmont’s cursed powers will call them to hunt for all eternity.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: A plot-point in the games set after Symphony of the Night as the entire family apparently disappeared from Transylvania after Richter gave up the Vampire Killer to other Vampire Hunting families. Not reappearing to the public until the Demon Castle War of 1999.

Appeared in Lament of Innocence

    Leon Belmont 

Voiced by (Japanese): Nobutoshi Canna

Voiced by (English): Dave Wittenberg

"I'll kill you AND the night!!"

A near-invincible knight active during the medieval era, and along with Mathias Cronqvist, formed an invincible team. He abandoned his position when his betrothed Sara Trantoul was kidnapped (according to Mathias) by the vampire Walter Bernhard. Leon discards his sword and takes up the Whip of Alchemy from Rinaldo Gandolfi, and storms Walter's castle, only to find Sara in process of being vampirized. The only way to save her is to kill her. Leon does the job, changing the Whip of Alchemy into the legendary Vampire Killer.

Leon swears to kill Walter and the night. He almost succeeds, only to see Walter get backstabbed by Death, and Mathias reveal himself as the Magnificent Bastard behind the scenes. Leon refuses Mathias' offer to join him, survives a battle with Death, and swears that his family will always exist to oppose Mathias.

  • Badass Boast: After defeating Death, he asks him to deliver a message to Matthias that doubles as this and a Badass Creed:
    Leon: You have become a cursed being, and I will never forgive you. This whip, and my kinsmen, will destroy you someday. From this day on, the Belmont clan will hunt the night!
  • Badass Long Coat: As shown in his folder image, he wears a red-white sleeveless coat, and he's a former knight and professional vampire hunter.
  • Break the Cutie: Good grief, the game does NOT like Leon. Sacrificed everything to find Sara and then forced to kill her, his vengeance on Walter was meaningless in the end since it played into Mathias' plans, and his best friend has stabbed him in the back and left him to be killed by Death for denying him. No words are spoken in the final scene before the credits, where he's just walking away from the destroyed castle, but you can almost feel how utterly ruined the poor man is.
  • Career Versus Man: A gender-flipped example; in spite of his success in the Crusades, Leon renounces his title and leave his company of knights behind in order to rescue his beloved Sara, since the Church refused to grant him permission to bring his army back with him to fight the monsters overrunning his domain.
  • Character Development: Leon enters the castle an idealistic young man, shown by wanting to do the honorable thing by leaving his sword behind and attacking the castle with only a dagger in hand and good intentions. By the end of the game, however, he has lost his idealism, realizing that he's bearing not only his own hatred and vengeance, but Rinaldo's as well, and swears to hunt Matthias no matter where he goes, the venom in his voice evident.
  • Don't Call Me "Sir": When Rinaldo recognises him as a baron after they first meet, Leon insists that the two of them are equals and asks that Rinaldo not refer to him as a Lord, since he gave up his titles in order to be able to come rescue Sara.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Towards Matthias, when the man that was once his best friend reveals that he manipulated and used not only him, but indirectly caused Sara’s awful fate as part of his plan to gain eternal life.
  • Famous Ancestor: He's the founder of the Belmont family, whose descendants would plague Dracula/Mathias as long as the line continues.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: The Whip of Alchemy gains these powers whenever Leon defeats the respective element bosses, and even retains them when it becomes the Vampire Killer. Oddly enough, these powers rarely show up again (or at least in their full capacity) throughout the series.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Has blonde hair, is unquestioningly good despite the fact of being Lawful Stupid, and refuses becoming a vampire over the fact that Sara wouldn't have wanted that and his love of Sara motivating him. There's also the factor that he doesn't initially attack Matthias or Joachim. It says a lot for someone who's gone through one terrible night to not have suffered a Despair Event Horizon.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Mathias, until their "falling out."
  • Kill the Ones You Love: To spare Sara from the fate of becoming a vampire, he reluctantly killed her (though with her consent).
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Almost literally.
  • Lawful Stupid: He comes to Walter's castle unarmed, having relinquished his sword along with his knighthood.
    • Not entirely unarmed as he does have the Dagger subweapon upon starting the game, but he had intended on finding a new sword from a fallen warrior on the way. Still doesn't mean it was the greatest choice though.
  • Leitmotif: Lament of Innocence is considered to be Leon's theme.
  • The Power of Hate: What gives the Vampire Killer its incredible power is explicitly the hatred of Sara’s soul towards vampires; a power that Leon grimly accepts in order to destroy Walter and keep his promise to Sara that no other will suffer her fate.
  • The Power of Love:
    • Knowing that she'll eventually fully succumb to her vampirism, Leon's betrothed, Sara, willingly bonds her soul to the Whip of Alchemy, transforming it into the Vampire Killer.
    • His promise to his beloved Sara is also the reason why Leon so adamantly refuses to join Mathias.
  • Second Love: We're not told who she is, but he must've found a wife after Sara became the Vampire Killer (since most other games star his descendants).
  • Shoot the Dog: Leon's original motive was to rescue Sara, not to gain a cool whip. This causes him to swear to hunt down Mathias as long as he still breathes.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To Matthias. Knowing how far he is willing to go for love, as well as how Walter's boredom will pan out to make the "game" more interesting, Matthias essentially used Leon to kill Walter in order to steal Walter's soul and become a vampire.
  • Wild Hair: Lacks the usual Barbarian Long Hair of most of his descendants, but it's still quite messy.

Appeared in Legends

    Sonia Belmont

"We all decide our own fate. It was you who taught me that, Alucard."

A woman who was gifted with strange magical power. When her land is ravaged by Dracula, she takes up the Vampire Killer whip and invades Dracula's castle, encountering her friend Alucard along the way. After her ordeal is over, she settles down and has a child, Trevor.

She was slated to appear again in Castlevania Resurrection, but the game's cancellation prevented that. On top of that, when IGA took over the series, he retconned Sonia from the Castlevania timeline entirely.

  • Action Girl: She's just as willing able to fight demons as the rest of her clan.
  • Babies Ever After: She's shown holding her newborn infant in the epilogue of Legends.
  • Braids of Action: Wears a braid, and is a Belmont vampire hunter.
  • Canon Discontinuity: IGA took her out of his Castlevania timeline.
  • Magic Knight: Sonia does not make use of subweapons. Instead, defeating boss monsters grants her various magical powers, such as the ability to heal herself or obliterate everything on the screen. She can also enter a Burning Mode which improves her movement speed, damage and makes her invincible.
  • Pregnant Badass: Implied. She and Alucard are hinted to have a thing for each other, he seals himself away after they spar, and the full ending shows that she gave birth not long after Dracula's defeat (looking exactly the same age), which is described as carrying "the bloodline of dark ways". The implication that the Belmonts may be related to Dracula starting with Trevor might have been a contributing factor for IGA's decision to leave it out of his timeline.
  • Show Some Leg: You thought Isaac was the first to wear kinky boots in battle? Think again!
  • The Smurfette Principle: So far, she's the only female Belmont protagonist in the series, and possibly the only female to wield the Vampire Killer.
  • Stripperiffic It appears that dressing as a stripper is not limited to male Belmonts.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Subtly implied during her exchanges with Alucard. Official art definitely gives off this impression.
  • Willing Suspension of Disbelief: Reportedly, a woman warrior being accepted in the 1400s broke IGA's, and that's one of the reasons why her game was removed from the timeline.

Appeared in Dracula's Curse

    Trevor Belmont 

Voiced by (Japanese): Kiyoyuki Yanada (Symphony of the Night) Yasunori Masutani (Curse of Darkness), Takashi Kondo (Castlevania: Judgment)

Voiced by (English): Terrence Stone (Curse of Darkness), Gideon Emery (Castlevania: Judgment)

"No matter who may challenge, my clan will not falter."

Leon's descendant (with or without Sonia) and the first Belmont to succeed in killing Dracula. When Trevor was young, he went into exile as the people feared the Belmont Clan's powers. But when Dracula strikes, Trevor takes up the Vampire Killer whip that was passed down through his ancestors, and travels around Wallachia to save the land and win the people's trust. It works, and the Belmonts are no longer feared. He also gets to marry one of his allies, Sypha Belnades.

He gets to reappear in Curse of Darkness as an uneasy ally for Hector. He ends up getting wounded by Isaac, but survives the overall ordeal. Unfortunately, he loses his headband in the process.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: At his time, his family was feared due to their power, prompting him to fight Dracula to prove that his family is good.
  • Badass Longcoat: In CoD and all Pachislot slot machines, including III, which takes place in the Dracula's Curse storyline.
  • Barbarian Long Hair: More so in Dracula's Curse. In Curse of Darkness, with Kojima's design, he's more of a Long-Haired Pretty Boy (although still relatively macho-looking).
  • Battle Couple: Along with Sypha. Though inverted in that they're a fighting duo first before getting married.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Grant sees him as this, along with being a part of his True Companions.
  • Divergent Character Evolution: In Dracula's Curse, he looks nigh-identical to Castlevania I Simon in both his game sprite and official art of the time. He was redesigned to be more visually distinct for later games (as was Simon).
  • Dub Name Change: In Japanese versions, his name is Ralph Belmond in Dracula's Curse and Ralph C. Belmont in Symphony of the Night. Because of this, he's also referred to as "Trevor C. Belmont" sometimes, such as in the Anniversary Collection.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Has this in Judgment.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Gets a few physical combos sprinkled into his CoD moveset.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars:
    • He has a scar on his face around his left eye in Curse of Darkness. It's stated in the Judgment manual that it (along with another scar on his chest) was incurred during his fight with Dracula, although he also wears an eyepatch in that game; presumably, he wears it since it's still healing, as he threatens to pay Dracula back for his scars but doesn't specifically call any attention to his eye.
  • Henpecked Husband: Subtly and hilariously implied with his winning quote against Sypha in Judgment:
    I fought fair and won the day. If only that was true in the household.
  • Hero Antagonist: At first, to Hector in CoD.
  • Honor Before Reason: In Curse of Darkness, he's very much a "fight first, ask questions later" kind of guy. He attempts to kill Hector without bothering to check which Devil Forgemaster he is.
    Trevor: Wait! That crest... Are you the Devil Forgemaster?
    Hector: That whip... could he be?
    Trevor: Answer me! Are you the devil forgemaster?
    Hector: I am.
    Trevor: Then this is the hour of your death! *cracks whip*
  • Jack of All Stats: Out of the four heroes in Dracula's Curse, he's the balanced one. Strongest basic attack. Greatest variety of subweapons. Tied for strongest defense. Second-longest attack range.
  • Knight in Shining Armor:
    • Personality-wise in Curse of Darknesshe's quick to point out to Hector that he didn't beat Dracula alone; he had a LOT of help from people just as brave as him.
    • Literally according to Grant in Akumajou Densetsu. He offers to join as the speedster because Trevor's heavy armour's gotta be slowing him down.
  • Leitmotif: "Beginning" is strongly associated with Trevor, and he has "Belmont The Legend" as his boss theme in Curse of Darkness.
  • Mysterious Middle Initial: "C." What it stands for is unrevealed, but it's most likely meant to be "Christopher", whom is mentioned in the original Japanese manual of Castlevania as Simon's ancestor and was used in a different game.
  • Official Couple: With Sypha.
  • Put on a Bus: In Curse of Darkness, Trevor all but disappears after he's attacked by Isaac while he's weakened from his battle with Hector. Julia mentions that she's hospitalized him, but he isn't in any condition to fight.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Both his encounter in Curse of Darkness and the Fake version in Portrait of Ruin drop Beef Curry.

Appeared in The Adventure / Belmont's Revenge

    Christopher Belmont 

Voiced by (English): Gideon Emery (Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth)

"Now you will lead us to Dracula and Illya, old man, or—"

A Belmont descendant that takes on Dracula when he revives... that's all his story is about in Adventure. In Belmont's Revenge, his story was fleshed out a bit with the birth of his son Soleiyu, who was about to inherit the Vampire Killer until Dracula possessed him. Chris jumps back into action to save his son and succeeds. There is a remake of Adventure, which seems to be rather different in content.

  • Barbarian Long Hair: He even has long hair as an old man; now, that's badass.
  • Bootstrapped Leitmotif: "Battle of the Holy" has become strongly associated with Christopher.
  • Cool Old Guy: "Belmont's Revenge" took place 15 years after his first appearance and he was still capable of kicking ass to save his son. Also one of only 2 Belmonts to fight Dracula on more than one occasion.
  • Fore Head Of Doom: We can't deny it.
  • Papa Wolf: He will go to hell and back to save his son.
  • Playing with Fire: He one of the few Belmonts to gain the ability to shoot fireballs from his whip.
  • Punny Name: "Soleiyu", his son, is a corruption of "Soleil", a French word which means sun. This name is corrected in Konami GB Collection Vol. 4.

Appeared in Resurrection

    Victor Belmont

Although Victor was born in the 1800s, the Powers That Be pulled him to the year 1666 to assist Sonia Belmont in destroying Dracula. When he was young, he decided that he wanted no part of the Belmont family's job as vampire hunters, and ran away from home. As he grew older, he took up gambling and also learned of the arts of warfare. One night in the 19th century, he got in a fight with another man when gambling. As Victor pulled out a knife, he was suddenly transported to the year 1666 by mysterious forces.

Victor was going to be one of the protagonists of Castlevania: Resurrection, along with Sonia Belmont, but the game was unfortunately canceled.

Appeared in Castlevania / Simon's Quest

    Simon Belmont 

Voiced by (Japanese): Hideo Ishikawa (DreamMix TV World Fighters, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate), Kenichi Suzumura (Castlevania: Judgment)

Voiced by (English): Keith Silverstein (Castlevania: Judgment, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)

"On my honor as a Belmont, I will destroy you."

The very first Belmont in the series, and by far the most well-known and popular of them all. At first, Simon's purpose is simple: Fulfill his family's legacy by entering Dracula's castle and defeating him. He did so. But, Dracula, in his dying breath, gave him a curse that would slowly kill him. He didn't count on Simon's badass qualities, though, so despite being cursed, Simon travels around Transylvania and collects Dracula's body parts so he can revive and destroy him, ending the curse.

He also gets to appear in Captain N, but he's a completely different character; a bumbling Jerk with a Heart of Gold instead of the straightforward hero he usually is in the games.

  • Badass Normal: Armed with naught but a magical whip and a few subweapons, he defeats Dracula twice, by himself. Let it be known: Simon Belmont doesn't need silly things like Jump Physics, item crashes, massive inventories, or RPG Elements to kick your ass.
  • Barbarian Hero: His first official appearances had him look like this, although as time went on he changed a bit; oddly enough, Ayami Kojima's Bishōnen design for him is also the one in which he looks the most barbaric; go figure that one.
  • Barbarian Longhair: Longest in Kojima's design.
  • The Cameo:
    • Input The Konami Code when the Konami symbol shows as you boot up Harmony of Dissonance, and you get to play as Simon in Boss Rush mode. 8-bit Simon. And he can still whoop every monster the game chooses to throw at him.
    • Not to mention his random cameos in other Konami games, his most recent having him take part in a track-and-field tourney along with other Konami personalities like Pentaro, Vic Viper, and Solid Snake.
  • Depending on the Artist: Simon's design differs depending on the game that you're playing. In the original Castlevania, Super Castlevania IV, Grimoire of Souls, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, he's portrayed with an appearance akin to a leaner version of Arnold Schwarzenegger's portrayal of Conan The Barbarian. Chronicles keeps his toned build but softens his face and makes him a red-head, and Judgement expands on this with the infamous Light Yagami-Simon hybrid.
  • Determinator: In Simon's Quest — he manages to kill Dracula and his hordes while suffering from what is effectively magical leprosy... And in the best ending, he survives the affliction.
  • Expy: Of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan the Barbarian.
  • Guest Fighter: Appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as the main Castlevania representative.
  • Hellbent For Leather: His Barbarian Hero design has a lot of leather tassles.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: His name is listed as Simon Belmondo at the end of the first game (as well as Chronicles), but it's Simon Belmont in the sequel. Japanese material tends to be based on the former, while the latter is the English standard.
  • Leitmotif: SCIV gave us "Theme Of Simon Belmondo" (also shortened to "Simon Belmont Theme" or "Simon's Theme") which has appeared many times since. Vampire Killer from the original Castlevania is sometimes used as this as well, when not the theme of the series in general; it was notably remixed as his theme in Judgment, and said remix later accompanied him into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • Nice Guy: He is ridiculously polite and modest to everyone in Grimoire of Souls. Charlotte even notes that Simon is often thought of as the most noble of the Belmonts.
  • One-Man Army: Unlike many other Belmonts, Simon fought Dracula entirely on his own. And he was able to do this twice!
  • Ornamental Weapon: Following a precedent set by the games' box art, his Kojima Chronicles design and updated sprite havd a sword strapped to his hip, but he never uses it in place of the Vampire Killer. Castlevania Fighter and Haunted Castle makes him use it though. The action figure released by Neca also has it.
  • Retraux: He uses his sprites from the original Castlevania in his playable appearances in Harmony of Dissonance and Harmony of Despair.
  • Wolverine Publicity: Has appeared in more games than any other Belmont due to his status as being synonymous with the entire franchise.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: As a result of being cursed by Dracula in Simon's Quest.

Appeared in Harmony of Dissonance

    Juste Belmont 

Voiced by (Japanese): Tadasuke Oomizu

"I told you so. Do not underestimate the power of my bloodline!!"

Simon's grandson, a prodigious warrior who inherits the Vampire Killer in his mere teens. Juste is unique in that he has a lot of the Belnades blood in him, making him a Magic Knight. For some reason, he likes decorating rooms. He is best buds with swordsman Maxim Kischine and is the lover of Lydie Erlanger. At one point, Lydie vanishes, Dracula's castle rises, and Maxim leads him there (acting a bit strange in the meantime). Juste investigates the castle, finding out that Maxim is being possessed, and ends up repeating Simon's feat of gathering Dracula's parts and reviving him only to destroy him again. Juste saves Lydie and Maxim, and it's all good.

  • Badass Longcoat: A red longcoat, which brings an interesting parallel to certain Devil Hunter
  • Barbarian Long Hair: It runs in the family. Though with his overall mid-16th century nobleman design, it's less "barbarian" and more "stylish" by now.
  • Bring It: To the Dracula Wraith just before they throw down.
    Dracula Wraith: Hmmph, I'm not stable, but your blood will once again make me whole.
    Juste: Take it if you can... Do not underestimate the power of Belmont...
  • Camp Straight: Decorating rooms is one of his hobbies and he has a very androgynous appearance. Even then, he is in a relationship with a girl.
  • Charged Attack: Juste can land a strong blow with the whip if he is using an item that attaches to the end of his whip that slightly detracts the whip's normal strength, but allows him to destroy walls that require a charged attack to break and to deal double damage to enemies when this attack is used.
  • Expy: Has the dubious distinction of being called "Alucard Belmont". Also the counterpart of Nathan Graves from Circle of the Moon which influenced his game.
  • Hot-Blooded: Just hear his battle cries. He even screams ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA
  • Icy Blue Eyes: They run in the family, but Juste's are especially piercing.
  • Ironic Echo: When Juste declares that the Final Boss deserves no mercy, his foe dismisses it as a 'weak threats from an unworthy opponent'. What words does Juste have for it after making good on those 'weak' threats?
    Juste: Vile spawn of Maxim, you are not worthy of being my opponent.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: His wind + sacred fist spell. It is so powerful it does a significant amount of damage even to enemies who are strong against wind attacks.
  • Leitmotif: "Successor of Fate"
  • Lightning Bruiser: He runs instead of walks except in certain cutscenes or if he is cursed (which causes him to do the classic "Belmont trudge"), and has the ability to dash not just backward but also forward at a mere press of a button, making him one of the speedier and more nimble Belmonts in gameplay. As NES-era Simon is playable in Boss Rush mode, he becomes the Mighty Glacier in comparison.
  • Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards: Juste's ability to damage enemies with the whip without an item that allows him to use a Charged Attack with his whip is adequate if a bit weak throughout the game. His magical attacks with the books he finds near the beginning of the game is not really worth using unless you can memorize each enemy's elemental weakness. However, books found later in the game will allow him to deal major damage to enemies.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: The Belmonts went from looking like rough barbarians to bishounen under Ayami Kojima, but Juste is perhaps the one who best embodies this.
  • Magic Knight: Has the most spells amongst the Belmonts, and he can fall back to his whip when he is out of magic.
  • Memento MacGuffin: His Bracelet.
  • Mystical White Hair: Has white hair, and it's noted that he has some magical power thanks to the Belnades blood in him.
  • Nice Guy: He is very worried for the well-being of the merchant he finds in the castle, and polite in all their interactions.
  • Power Glows: Juste's magical talent may account for the colored after-images he makes when he dashes, and he is always outlined in a glowing blue aura.
  • Red Is Heroic: Dons a red Badass Longcoat to battle the forces of evil.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Badass vampire hunter finds a rather dusty room and has some furnitures in his inventory. What does he do with it? Decorate the damn room to a stylish room, even if it's gonna go down with the castle when he's done with the master of that castle.

Appeared in Rondo of Blood / Dracula X / Symphony of the Night

    Richter Belmont 

Voiced by (Japanese): Jin Horikawa (Rondo of Blood), Kiyoyuki Yanada (Symphony of the Night, The Dracula X Chronicles, Harmony of Despair), Shin-ichiro Miki (Nocturne of Recollection)

Voiced by (English): Scott McColloch (Symphony of the Night), Liam O'Brien (Portrait of Ruin, Dracula X Chronicles prototype), David Vincent (The Dracula X Chronicles, Harmony of Despair, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)

"Die, monster! You don’t belong in this world!"

One of the more infamous Belmonts (thanks to Symphony of the Night) and probably Juste's son or at least his grandson. Richter has a girlfriend named Annette, until Dracula suddenly takes an active stance and assaults his home, kidnapping Annette, Maria, and several other women. Richter heads to the castle, saves the maidens, confronts Dracula, and kicks his ass.

Four years later, due to a plan by the dark priest Shaft, Richter gets possessed and raises Dracula's castle, acting as its master. He's freed by Alucard, and leaves the rest to him. Since the release of Portrait of Ruin, he is canonically the last full-blooded Belmont to wield the Vampire Killer until Julius Belmont two hundred years later in 1999.

  • The Ace: Richter is outright called the strongest vampire hunter by multiple characters, and he clearly outclasses his ancestors in terms of raw power. The only Belmont who might possibly be stronger is Julius, who lives centuries later. The reason Shaft brainwashed Richter is because killing him would be too difficult.
  • Badass Bandolier: His redesign in The Dracula X Chronicles, the remake of Rondo of Blood, has him carry holy water bottles in one.
  • Badass Creed: In The Dracula X Chronicles:
    Richter Belmont: I'm a Belmont. That's my job.
  • Badass in Distress: He was badass in his debut, then he got caught and below in Symphony of the Night. Then, he retains much of the badassery off-screen, but Jonathan Morris can feel it when he fought the Whip Memory in his form.
  • Badass Longcoat:
    • Dons one after the Time Skip in SotN.
    • Also sports one in The Dracula X Chronicles.
  • Barbarian Long Hair. He lets it grow out after Rondo of Blood.
  • Big Brother Mentor: To Maria.
  • Blood Knight: In Symphony of the Night, the once noble Richter Belmont has become this, desiring to resurrect Dracula so that they can continue to fight for all eternity, in part so he can feel useful again and in part due to unsated bloodlust. Since he’s being controlled by Shaft, it’s ambiguous as to whether this is solely due to the spell, or if Richter himself possesses such darker desires deep down. An unused voice clip (reinstated in the updated release as a game over line should you lose to him) even has him demand a more satisfying battle.
    No! Fight harder! I still lust for blood!
  • Blue Is Heroic: Richter wears a blue coat in all of his depictions.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In his tenure of distress in SotN.
  • Chick Magnet: For a total of four girls!
  • Combat Parkour: By quickly double-tapping the jump button, Richter can perform a back flip to evade enemy attacks… or just to look cool.
  • Dark Reprise: "Strange Bloodlines/Blood Relations", his battle theme in Symphony. The same goes for "Bloodlines Bequeathed" in Portrait of Ruin.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Richter's special moves in Symphony of the Night require some dexterity, but when mastered he can speed through the game faster than Alucard and even Maria can.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: He's the last boss of Symphony of the Night... unless you get a particular item, then defeat him in an alternate manner, in which case defeating him grants access to the second half of the game, the Inverted Castle.
  • Distressed Dude: After he goes missing, Maria goes into Castlevania to rescue him.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Becomes the Big Bad of Symphony of the Night. Subverted, in that he was being controlled by Shaft and goes right back to being a hero once he's rescued.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Sports a brown fingerless glove on his right hand in Rondo, so he can hold his whip carefully.
  • Fragile Speedster: Played straight with the appropriate alternate modes in Symphony of the Night and Portrait of Ruin. He can't use equipment like the respective main characters can, resulting in monsters being able to inflict more damage, but that run speed. Just look at him go!
  • Guest Fighter: Makes an appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a Moveset Clone of Simon.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: His name is spelled "Rihiter" in the Japanese manual of Dracula X for Super Famicom, and "Richiter" when selecting his mode in Portrait of Ruin.
  • Large Ham: Less so than Dracula, but still. The opening dialogue of Symphony of the Night is infamously Ham-to-Ham Combat.
    Richter: Die monster! You don't belong in this world!
  • Hotblooded: Powerful and passionate, yet also inexperienced and impulsive, at least during Rondo.
    • Also shown in the radio drama Nocturne of Recollection, where Richter gets riled up enough by two rookie vampire hunters rudely demanding information out of him and calling him useless that he challenges them to try and beat him in a fight. They promptly (and wisely) skedaddle instead.
  • Hypnotize the Captive: The main objective of the first half of Symphony of the Night is to rescue Richter from Dracula’s Castle, but he turns out to be Brainwashed and Crazy. It’s revealed that Shaft brainwashed him to get him out of the way, because it was easier than outright killing him, and would make trouble for Maria and Alucard.
  • Leitmotif: "Divine Bloodlines" and most of its variations, including "Blood Relations"/"Strange Bloodlines" from Symphony of the Night and Bloodlines Bequeathed from Portrait of Ruin.
  • Lighter and Softer: As opposed to the other Belmonts usually being depicted as stern and serious 24/7, Richter smiles more often and is cheerful towards the other humans he meets in Rondo of Blood.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Moreso than other Belmonts, as he is capable of performing dashes, uppercuts, kicks, and even backflips.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Becomes one in Symphony of the Night with Ayami Kojima's design.
  • Martial Arts Headband: Wears one in Rondo, though it's ditched in The Dracula X Chronicles remake. He does wear it again in Symphony, but not in the alternate outfit represented in the game's official artwork. Most other representations of Richter use the headband.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In Symphony, after Alucard has saved him from Shaft's control and he realizes he's helped to revive Dracula.
  • My Greatest Failure: Getting mind-controlled into helping resurrect Dracula, which Richter felt such shame over that he ended up quitting vampire hunting and taking the whole Belmont family into hiding. Speculation also suggests that Shaft used Richter to curse the Belmont bloodline to be unable to use the Vampire Killer until this was undone by Jonathan Morris in Bloodlines, something that would certainly add to Richter's sense of guilt if true.
  • Official Couple: With his girlfriend Annette, who he storms Castlevania to rescue. Canonically, he does indeed manage to save her and they settle down.
  • Optional Boss: In Portrait of Ruin, you can have Stella and Loretta perform a ritual to have Jonathan fight the Vampire Killer's memory of him. Winning allows Jonathan to use the Vampire Killer's full power.
  • Ornamental Weapon: His Rondo and Symphony sprites and character art have him wear a short sword in a brown scabbard, but he doesn't use it in-game until Symphony as part of a super jump that doubles as a slash attack. (He's holding it in a Reverse Grip.)
  • The Paladin: If his opening dialogue with Dracula in SotN is any indication, he's an idealistic Hunter of Monsters who is completely dedicated to fighting the forces of evil. Until he suddenly ends up the lord of Castlevania, that is.
  • Passing the Torch: Some time after Symphony, due to the events of that game, Richter decides to retire from vampire hunting and disappear alongside Annette, but not before entrusting the Vampire Killer to the Belmont clan’s distant relatives, the Morris family.
  • Playing with Fire: If Richter tries to perform an Item Crash with no sub-weapon equipped, he instead unleashes a flame-empowered super attack with his whip.
  • Rogue Protagonist: In Symphony of the Night, due to being Brainwashed and Crazy. He goes back to being heroic when Alucard breaks Shaft’s control over him.
  • Shipper on Deck: Noticing that Maria had developed a romantic attraction to Alucard, he assures Maria that she should go after Alucard and try to soothe his tormented soul.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Richter has precisely no patience for any of Dracula's philosophical musings no matter the version of their legendary Ham-to-Ham Combat.
    Dracula: It is not by my own power that I am resurrected. It is the greed of humanity which calls me back. And thus, by might, I rule. Might becomes the one and only justice in this world.
    Richter: Of all the self-serving claptrap!
  • A Sinister Clue: How do we know that Richter is Not Himself in SotN? In artwork, he holds his whip with his left hand.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: In Rondo.
  • Staking the Loved One: Should the player fail to save Annette in Dracula X Chronicles, she gets turned into a vampire and Richter has to do this.
    Richter: Oh my god, Annette… I’m so sorry I didn’t save you. But you know what I do to vampires. What I have to do.
  • Stone Wall: He is just about as slow as most other Belmonts in Rondo of Blood. Unfortunately, most enemies are made more agile, so he comes off as slow. His normal attack is only as half as potent as Maria's normal attack as well. However, he can take much more damage than Maria can before he dies. Averted in SotN, however, as he is given an expanded moveset that allows him to move at a much faster pace.
  • Victory Is Boring: In Symphony, he tells Alucard that his reasoning for reviving Dracula is so that he and Dracula can be locked in glorious combat for eternity. He's actually being brainwashed by Shaft.
  • Was It All a Lie?: Discussed above, but Richter makes a very valid point in Symphony of the Night. When Alucard confronts him in Dracula's throne room and demands an explanation for why Richter is siding with Dracula, Richter points out that each Belmont has at best a single shot at Dracula (if even at all due to his returning once a century) before ultimately becoming useless beyond siring the next generation to continue the ongoing war. He IS being controlled by Shaft, however, but given that there's no explanation given for the nature of this mind-control, it's unclear whether this thought was implanted into Richter's head by Shaft or if Richter himself believes this and it was simply the weakness Shaft exploited in order to control him. Given the game never explains any of this bit, it's open to player interpretation as to whether Richter sincerely believes this way or no.
  • World's Best Warrior: Stated in the Castlevania lore that Richter is, when it comes to vampire hunters and even the Belmont Clan, the most powerful of any era until Julius, who surpassed him by permanently defeating Dracula. This is most likely why Dracula tried to get rid of him preemptively by sending the normal late-game boss Death to kill Richter early on, as well as the reason why he ordered his minions to launch a sneak attack to destroy Richter's village. When that didn't work (Richter was not there at the time), Dracula kidnapped several women, including Richter's girlfriend, to use against him and lure him to the castle on Dracula's own terms. Richter is the only Belmont that Dracula has put this much effort into getting out of the way instead of directly facing him.
    • Richter's power is further emphasized when Jonathan Morris has to fight the memory of Richter carried in the Vampire Killer to prove himself worthy of wielding it, and even Richter's shade is utterly badass.
    • In Symphony, Shaft thought it would be easier to control Richter's mind and make him Lord of Castlevania than to risk fighting him again, with the added benefit that having the greatest vampire hunter under their control meant that Richter himself could take care of any other hunters that might show up.
  • Wolverine Publicity: Appears in several other games thanks to his popularity in Symphony. Only second to Simon in this regard.

Appeared in Castlevania 64 / Castlevania Legacy of Darkness

    Reinhardt Schneider 

Voiced by (English): Andrew Hanikson

"This is not the anger of a vampire killer. This is the rage of all humanity!"

Though carrying a different name, he is a Belmont by blood and recognized as such by Death itself, who only addresses him as 'Belmont'. He's inherited the Vampire Killer whip as well as the duty of destroying Dracula whenever he arises. He was raised in the ways of the church and abhors attacking women and children, a trait that comes into question when he comes across a female vampire named Rosa in the abbey grounds. Even after her demise at the hands of Death, he remains resolute, successfully destroying Dracula's new incarnation and proving that even the damned are worthy of forgiveness.

  • All the Other Reindeer: No pun intended. As explained in his backstory, Reinhardt grew up being known as a descendant of the Belmont Clan, but without their last name, he was mocked as a child as a pretender. This caused self-doubt in him, which eventually turned into a powerful drive to prove himself worthy of his family's legacy. Seeing as how Death itself recognized him as a Belmont by the end of the game, it's safe to assume he succeeded.
  • Badass Normal: Ok, he comes from a long line of badass Vampire Killers, however Reinhardt plays pretty much like the old school Belmonts... just in 3-D. He doesn't get crazy magical powers or item crashes like the later Belmonts, he doesn't have vampiric or werewolf powers, temporary invincibility, or more modern weaponry. Just like Simon, Reinhardt accomplishes the task of defeating Dracula with only the Vampire Killer whip, the sub-weapons, a short sword and nothing else.
  • Church Militant: Reinhardt is said to be part of an organisation within the Church. They are the ones who send Carrie and Henry along with him to vanquish Dracula.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: If you do everything right, Reinhardt not only rids the land of Dracula and his servants, but he also redeems Rosa's tortured soul and presumably lives happily ever after with her.
  • Energy Weapon: Once you've managed to fully upgrade the Vampire Killer whip in Legacy of Darkness, it becomes a weapon of pure energy, producing impressive detonations on contact with the enemies.
  • Epic Flail: Though Reinhardt's whip starts as a leather one at first and becomes a weapon of pure energy in it's ultimate form, the second form of the Vampire Killer whip in Legacy of Darkness is essentially a long flail.
  • Fiery Redhead: Averted. While Reinhardt is a badass Vampire Hunter, and while he does have a mane of red hair, his is a far more introspective story, and, unlike Carrie who's resolve and confidence in her power is unshakeable, Reinhardt's backstory establishes he's had to deal with bouts of self doubt over his destiny, mainly because of people always doubting his status as a Belmont, since he doesn't carry their name.
  • Flaming Sword: A variation. When Reinhardt uses the fully upgraded knife sub weapon, he throws volleys of them, all wreathed in flame.
  • God Is Good: Believes God forgives all.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Reinhardt has a short sword strapped to his waist, though it's a secondary weapon meant for close-range foes.
  • Heroic Build: Reinhardt is built like a Tank. He has massive arms and shoulders, which he accentuates wearing some huge pauldrons. He stands alongside Simon as being one of the strongest-looking Belmonts, particularly considering the Bishonen style later taken by the series. He stands out even more when compared to the petite Carrie and the lean Cornell.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: His Holy Water, as usual, which is spectacularly compounded once you fully upgrade the weapon, allowing him to burn his undead opponents in a veritable inferno of holy flames.
  • Hunter of Monsters: Though the protagonists of Castlevania are usually referred to as Vampire Hunters, Reinhardt, like a good Belmont scion, vanquishes every kind of monster in his quest to kill Dracula, from spiderwomen, to werewolves, spectres, demons and even Death itself.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: His default costume in Legacy of Darkness. His standard costume in 64 also counts, although his chest plate and pauldrons are of a much subtler color and under his vest. His alternate costume in 64 also has him wearing a red suit of armour meant to evoque Simon Belmont's armour.
  • Knight Templar: Played with, although subtly. Reinhardt has no doubts dealing death to all the monsters he encounters in his quest... up until he meets Rosa, the tragic beauty. Her pacific and noble demeanor make him question his idea that Vampires and demons are without redemption. He even saves Rosa from suicide, and after she sacrifices her life for him, he prays for her absolution and comes to believe anyone can be redeemed.
  • Men Are Tough: Reinhardt is one of the more manly-looking examples of a protagonist in Castlevania lore, and he seems to subscribe to these expectations about men, telling the boy Malus "You are a man, you can do it." when he sends him off after helping him escape Dracula's castle.
  • Pretty in Mink: His outfit in 64 has what basically amounts to a fur high collar. Legacy of Darkness ditches it for more practical armor.
  • Precision-Guided Boomerang: His cross subweapon acts as such. In particular, once upgraded, each cross will home-in on any enemies in the area until it has killed three of them.
  • Religious Bruiser: Physically the strongest and toughest playable character in both 64 and Legacy of Darkness, raised by his father and the Church, Reinhardt is built like a tank and as religious as they come.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: A bright red one in 64.
  • The Paladin: Reinhardt is undoubtedly one of the most devout vampire hunters in Castlevania, making the sign of the Cross at the game's start, he prevents Rosa's suicide saying that God forbids suicide even if you are a vampire, and he also prays to God for Rosa's absolution, giving her his cross to hold and reassuring her that she would be welcomed in Heaven, as she lays dying in his arms. Deconstructed, as Reinhardt was raised in the ways of the Church and his Father's teaching to protect women and children, yet as a good Paladin, he has no qualms about destroying vampires wherever he finds them... up until he meets Rosa, a vampire who laments her curse and the damnation of her soul. By the game's end, Reinhardt has come to believe anyone can be saved and forgiven. His unshakeable faith is rewarded when Rosa is resurrected, healed from her vampirism, thanks to her sacrifice and Reinhardt's bravery.
  • Vampire Hunter: Reinhardt and all of his distinguished ancestry are renowned for this, though they do hunt everything that goes bump in the night.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Subverted. Initially, but then he's forced to fight Rosa, making him drop this out of necessity.

Appeared in Aria of Sorrow / Dawn of Sorrow

    Julius Belmont 

Voiced by (Japanese): Osamu Ryutani (Aria of Sorrow), Tetsu Inada (Dawn of Sorrow, Harmony of Despair)

Voiced by (English): David Lodge (Harmony of Despair)

"Farewell, my friend. Don't let me use that whip again."

The next Belmont after Richter to wield the Vampire Killer. There was a prophecy that it wouldn't be wielded by the Belmonts again until a great battle in 1999, and when that magic time rolled around, Julius was the lucky one to be on Dracula duty. Julius has the honor of being the one who beat Dracula for good, sealing Castlevania in an eclipse (thereby denying Dracula's soul access to the stone that was keeping it out of the cycle of reincarnation long enough to resurrect), but the battle cost him his memory, and he lived as an amnesiac for over thirty years under the name "J".

Since the name "Dracula" filled him with dread for reasons he couldn't explain, he headed to Castlevania during its return at the solar eclipse to hopefully restore his memory. He meets up with Soma, and is eventually asked to kill him should Soma ever fall to The Dark Side.

Julius reappears to assist Soma in Dawn of Sorrow, and is the one to put him out of his misery in the bad ending of both games. In Otomedius Excellent, Kokoro Belmont is apparently his (non-canonical) little sister.

  • Author Avatar: Visually. He's essentially IGA with lighter brown hair and blue eyes.
  • Badass Longcoat: Just look at it! No wonder he killed Dracula for good!
  • Badasses Wear Bandanas: He's never caught without a red bandana around his neck.
  • Braids of Barbarism: He trades the Belmont's trademark long hair for a neat combed braid. He can still kick your ass, though.
  • Big Bad Friend: In the bad endings, Soma succumbs to his inner darkness and becomes this to him, and he takes it upon himself to kill him. Averted in the good endings.
  • Bootstrapped Leitmotif: The remix/combination of "Heart of Fire"/"Don't Wait Until Night" became associated with him.
  • Cool Old Guy: He's in his late fifties, and he is regarded even in-universe as one of the more awesome Belmonts.
  • Cross Attack: He has his own distinct variation of the "Holy Cross" Item Crash that summons a giant cross of energy behind him that pulls enemies in.
  • Feeling Their Age: Julius moves much more slowly in Dawn of Sorrow than in Aria of Sorrow, even though only a year has passed between the two games. Given that he complains about getting older in the former, it might be that his age is quickly catching up with him.
  • Fragile Speedster: Zig-zagged with Lightning Bruiser in his gameplay mode in Aria of Sorrow to some extent. While Julius does grow in overall power by defeating the games boss encounters, becoming quite a powerhouse if all save for his Final Boss are defeated, one thing that he will always have an edge over Soma on is his overall movement speed. Defensively, though, Soma has him beat. Painfully averted in his gameplay mode in Dawn of Sorrow, though.
  • Growing Up Sucks: Or so he says. The fact that most of his adult life has been spent as an amnesiac hobo has probably affected his judgement in this matter. And being that he says it in Dawn of Sorrow, it may also be referencing his age starting to catch up to him. Need further proof? Play Julius Mode in Dawn of Sorrow, and compare how Julius performs there to the same mode in Aria of Sorrow.
  • I Work Alone: He initially invokes this when he enters the castle in Dawn of Sorrow... then he ultimately decides to cooperate with Soma and Arikado when they enter as well.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: His battle against Dracula cost him his memory, though he gets it back during the events of Aria.
  • Last of His Kind: Possibly. As he does not appear to have any surviving family or children of his own (Kokoro doesn't count), Julius may be the last surviving member of the Belmont clan.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Like Richter before him, he is capable of performing dashes and uppercuts.
  • Shout-Out: Like most Castlevania games since and including Symphony of the Night, both Aria and Dawn featured a mode of play that allowed you to go through the game as if it were a classic Castlevania, with Dawn's variety being modeled after Castlevania III. The best part? If you get Soma's bad ending a little over halfway through the game, it still counts as beating the game and unlocks Julius Mode. Soma's bad ending is of course canon to Julius mode.
  • Superior Successor: He's this to every preceding Belmont because, whereas every other one only temporarily killed Dracula, he killed him so thoroughly that when the vampire came back, it was as the good natured human Soma Cruz. He basically fulfilled his bloodline's destiny and permanently ended Dracula.
  • Willfully Weak: He has a habit of holding back his true strength, either for personal reasons or because of the amount of stamina it would deplete him of. So one can imagine how scary it must be to see that, despite having been confirmed to be holding back during his fight, Julius' Grand Cross damages the castle in the background!
  • World's Best Warrior: The Belmont Clan gets more powerful with each generation, and Julius is the last known one. He is the only one of their line to permanently kill Dracula, although that was with the help of the Hakuba clan and the combined might of the Catholic Church alongside every countries military — allies that none of Julius's predecessors had the benefit of meeting.

Appeared in The Battle of Old Castle

    Simon Belmont

An actor descended from his namesake.

  • Canon Foreigner: He only appeared in The Devil Castle Dracula: The Battle of Old Castle, an early gamebook in the franchise.
  • Legacy Character: Named after his ancestor, the original Simon Belmont. Just like him, he takes up the Vampire Killer and defeats Dracula.
  • Sole Survivor: Of the film crew that was making a film on Dracula's fight with the original Simon Belmont, alongside Lucy.

Appeared in The Legend of Satanic Castle: The Vampire Hunters

    Sid Belmont

A descendant of Trevor Belmont.

  • Canon Foreigner: He only appeared in The Legend of Satanic Castle: The Vampire Hunters, an early gamebook in the franchise.
