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Characters / #BChat

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With many regulars in the chat, it's a sure bet that #BChat has a metric ton of characters.

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The residents:

    A - E 
Alistair Liedan — A Pooka stranded at the Mansion. He finds the place a little too crazy, and is constantly trying to figure out a way home.
  • Metamorphosis: Permanently transformed into a Pooka like all the other survivors of Valentine.
  • Only Sane Man: Prompted him to leave the Mansion temporarily when he was unable to handle the kind of wackiness that occurred there.

Amber — Some sort of werewolf, she's in charge of the dimensional policing agency team Chaotic Justice.

  • The Chosen One: Selected to wield a magic sword by a nearly omnicient being

Asotoku — Someone who is rather... unusual. An assassin? A vampire? Or just absolutely bonkers?

  • Awesome, but Impractical: He is capable of regenerating lost body parts by ingesting something flammable, and then setting himself on fire.

Azure — A masked painter who actively goes out of his way to get people to leave him alone.

  • Art Initiates Life: His most prized possession is a special set of paint, the origins of which have yet to be satisfactorily explained.
  • Loners Are Freaks: Amidst the hustle and bustle of the Mansion, he always keeps to himself and wears a mask perpetually to shut people out.

BabyCharmander — The owner of the Mansion. She's short-tempered, fiercely protective and very hot-headed.

Basil Glorifis — Scholar and government worker from the Tail Concerto universe, sent to investigate the existence of a possible artifact in the region.

Bazzoka — He loves his bazooka and could be best described as a personification of the phrase WTF.

BClone — An unexplained clone of BabyCharmander who is a little more terse and likely to eat things found under the couch.

Blue Indivar — A snarky, hotheaded swordsman who is never seen without his mask.

  • Butt-Monkey: Several RPs have resulted in something bad happening to Blue, and other people don't let him forget it.
  • Cool Sword: Two of them: one for hitting, one for throwing.
  • Dual Wielding: Aaand sometimes he uses both swords at once.
  • Heroic Neutral: The best (and pretty much only) way to get Blue to act against you is to threaten his friends, his family, or his home.
  • Superpower Meltdown: A bout of extreme self-doubt resulted in him learning so much magic his brain exploded. Not literally.
  • Walking the Earth: Blue can't sit still for very long, and so as a result goes on swashbuckling adventures with some regularity.

Cassey — Mecha crazed, scientifically endowed, mostly stable catgirl.


Cole Essery — A young bard who also researches as a hobby. He has comprehensive notes on every resident of the Mansion thanks to his observations.

Diddgery — Oh my! Some sort of cute, brave, horned thing?

The Egg That Will Never Hatch Ever — Also known as Captain Twethen, this egg communicates through facial expressions and seems to be impervious to damage.

  • Silent Bob: The Egg cannot speak and communicates entirely through facial expressions that can somehow be understood by other animate objects.

    F - N 
Felrok — A thief with an eye for the ladies and an ego to back it up.
  • Informed Ability: Felrok knows how to fence, but has never demonstrated the skill.

Flora — Flora exists so that the other residents have someone to hate.

Hypotenuse Man — An enigmatic robot with grand aspirations and his creator breathing down his neck.

Jason — An alien feline with aerokinetic powers, he's second in command of team Chaotic Justice.

Kayla Renee/Blackthorne — A dragon who doesn't take anything from anybody. She's also fond of making things explode.

  • Breath Weapon: Dragon form: large, can fly, and of course, breathes fire.
  • Cute Bruiser: Though less powerful in her human form, she can still reduce a city to twisted metal and smoking concrete.
  • Dark Action Girl: She puts Rat's Action Girl status to shame.
  • Healing Factor: One of the things she uses her immense amount of energy for.
  • Ki Manipulation: Her weapon of choice, her most favorite being huge beam attacks.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Blackthorne is a dragon crossbreed, which resulted in a mixed physical appearance, but an unequal mix of powers, due to an unplanned lack of training.
  • Parental Abandonment: The fact that her parents were more like DNA donors didn't help.

Kuno — A construct formed from several different birds (and some others thrown in there for good measure), he's always ready to help out, even if he's not the most effectual.

  • Break the Cutie: Let's see... Very little memory of his prior life/lives aside from how they ended (horribly)? Check. Fed to the wolves (almost literally)? Check. Separated from the few friends he'd made and the only home he's known? Check. And let's add a smashed-up wing to that, too!
  • Least Is First: Both the Corporate Takeover event and the setup RP the day before it; Kuno was the first to offer to help Hypotenuse Man, no questions asked despite being fully aware that he's useless.
  • Soul Jar: Sort of; his body is the jar, and the person whom the soul belonged to was already dead at the time. Breaking the bond holding his soul to his body might kill him instantly (he's not particularly interested in testing this, for obvious reasons).

Lyrra — A sentient shadow who is mostly content to be extremely snarky.

  • Break the Haughty: He's been unable to manipulate shadows very well since being shot with a laser by Mr. Stone. Ironically, it was while he was trying to help the others.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Being a shadow, light hurts him.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Lyrra is perfectly capable of being polite and considerate, even gentle when he wants to be, as shown by his conversations with Alistair. He just normally doesn't want to be.
  • Hidden Depths: Both in the metaphorical and literal senses. Did you know that your shadow is a gateway to another level of existence, by the way?

The Men's Room Sign is an animate bathroom sign brought to life by magic.

Morrie — An ex-brigand with some... issues who tries to avoid the past.

'Nigma — A shapeshifting embodiment of the unknown.

  • Body Horror: 'Nigma once turned into a duplicate of Snowblarg right in front of him...and then melted. (Try not to think about the implications of that too hard.) It can also have some very...interesting mood swings.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: 'Nigma has interesting mood swings.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Into just about anything, in fact.

    P - Z 
Pelleas — A Pooka vendor who, unlike Alistair, has taken to life in the Mansion rather well.

Piranha Plant Joe — A Piranha Plant (of course) who exists to be as obnoxious as possible.

Pitch — A giant mech who refuses to work for anyone but his Primary User Cassey.

  • Rule of Cool: He's a sentient, giant mech. This is a given.

Revor Alfrey — A mage who, after an unfortunate encounter with a werewolf, contracted lycanthropy himself.

  • Mode Lock: For a short time Revor was stuck in his wolf form. This can happen if his amulet is removed while he is in wolf form.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Revor's wolf form isn't anthropomorphic, and his transformation can be controlled.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted; Revor has glowing red eyes but is, by all accounts, sociable and mild-mannered.

Ryker Solsby — A ghost who, after meeting his end by execution, took up residence at the Mansion.

Shara — A meek, unassuming magic-user who draws power from Lyrra.

Snowblarg — A rare type of Blargg who is loud-mouthed, opinionated, and generally a nuisance.

  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Snowblarg is a self-described "atheist and skeptic" in a world where angels, demons, ghosts, and all other sorts of supernatural creatures show up on a day-to-day basis.
  • Third-Person Person: Regularly switches in and out of the third person, to the point where he could refer to himself as "I" and "Snowblarg" in the same sentence.

Tanner — Best described as "life's punching bag," Tanner seems to have at least found a niche at the Mansion.

  • Break the Cutie: His life in a nutshell, and it hasn't been getting any better.
  • Character Development: When he first showed up in the Pirate RP, he was a lot more talkative and cheery.

Vernard Garrett Justice — A Draigon (as he calls himself) with a hidden past and unusual abilities. Better known as VGJustice or just VGJ.

Weilic Undial — A Rodian doctor with a short fuse and a fondness for hypodermics.

  • Ace Pilot: Apparently, Weilic's awesome in a frigate or fighter.
  • Heal Thyself: Stimpacks seem to be his quick answer for any damage.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Weilic's white eyes mean he's gone berserk, not exactly physically, but mentally.
  • Walk It Off: Let's see, a fireball to the back, a cannonball to his front, getting kicked in the stomach, a too-close-for-comfort explosion, and taking a serious burn to the face, yet Weilic somehow continued on in the Heartless Invasion. (This may be excused by high pain tolerance, but not to that point.)

Windy Rat — A shapeshifter who happens to be BabyCharmander's best friend.

  • Badass Normal: In the original storyverse, particularly the second book, she doesn't have the array of useful abilities her other companions have.
  • Chaotic Good: Personality aside, she planet-hops, so ignorance of countless law structures is more of a side effect than anything.
  • Parental Abandonment: Subverted; she was raised by a single father, but her mother was gone before Rat could remember. Also possibly subverted somewhat for the entire Nearian species, because of their overall short life span.
  • Razor Wind: Her Wind Rend attack.
  • The Chosen One: Of her home planet, at least.

Yue Usagi — An assassin rabbit thing with a great deal of skill with knives.

Zene Tyler — A frank and energetic winged girl who stakes out the Mansion, watching for suspicious activity.

  • The Speechless: Zene was originally mute; she usually made herself understood via gestures and sign language
  • Stationary Wings: Averted; she can soar if she has the height and space, but aside from that she generally needs to flap her wings at least a little.

Zeo — First of his species, he is generally calm and collected while being deeply thoughtful. Not always a nice guy, though.

The rogues gallery:

     A - Z 
Dennis — A Heartless who attacked the Mansion, intending to devour its world's heart. He died.
  • Tin Man: He gets all emotional at the end and was fairly regretful the entire time.

Entac the Calamari — The Big Bad of the Pirate RP. A squid fishman with a dangerous pirate crew, Entac and his crewmates caused all sorts of trouble over the course of the RP. And then he kidnapped BabyCharmander's children... Naturally, he was soundly defeated.

Lash — The CEO of CombinaCo. She loves making money and has incredibly far-reaching goals, and she doesn't care who she steps on in the process. Currently a Nobody.

  • For Science!: Despite her greed, she does a lot of things out of genuine scientific curiosity.

Mr. Thratch and Mr. Stone — Workers at CombinaCo. They're always seen together, and Lash tends to use them as gophers. They're both very intelligent, though Thratch may be a bit more so, being the man behind Hypotenuse Man.

  • Punch-Clock Villain: Both Mr. Thratch and Mr. Stone are just doing what Lash tells them to do.

Vahrokh — Asotoku's archnemesis and a Marine Captain, Vahrokh has a rather skewed view of justice. He's capable of transforming into a shark or a shark-human hybrid thanks to a Devil Fruit he ate. Hasn't appeared since the Pirate RP, for various reasons.

Zachu — A bounty hunter with ridiculous tenacity and a temper liable to violate several fire safety regulations.
