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Nightmare Fuel / AMID EVIL

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Despite being a throwback to the games like Heretic, the game has some creepy and sometimes scary moments to itself. Spoilers ahead!

  • The premise alone. A whole multiverse, peacefully existing, only to one day conquered swiftly by a force from beyond no one was expecting. This force crushed every single opposition, leaving only you to counter it. And it's not exactly saving the world anymore: every world you visit is corrupted to the point of no return, with you pretty much walking around and delivering Mercy Kill to everyone.
  • Astral Equinox is a milder case compared to other episode, courtesy to Starter Villain faction, but it serves to show the power of whatever conquered the world. The local denizens, along with their Solar counterparts, lead peaceful coexistence, but now wager wars against them, simply because they see them as inferior.
    • The Starlight Defender Jumpscare during the first level can be startling, with him suddenly blowing up the bridge beneath your feet.
    • The Moon Guardian is a towering mage with sinister blue glowing eyes and lunar boomerangs who makes a hell of an entrance with a menacing growl and shatters into pieces upon death. And once again, he's just the first antagonist!
  • Domain of the Sentinels:
    • The entire race of Sentinels was this even before being corrupted. An extremely xenophobic and self-praising Blood Knight clan, they'd capture anyone who came to them, torture them and then either throw them off the mountain in a ritualistic fashion or make them go through deadly obstacle courses filled with spikes and traps. A sharp contrast to the previous faction and chilling to the bone.
    • When the darkness came, their xenophobia came back to bite them in the worst way possible: there was literally no one to come and help them because of their reputation, leaving them at the mercy of the powerful force.
    • The dimension was corrupted with an infestation of strange fleshy parasites with yellow slit eyes resembling that of Sauron, who took control of Sentinels. The enemies you encounter are those parasites in various growths stages, as fleshy turrets, stumbling warriors mages that throw corrosive blobs. There is even the flying enemy that shoots out psychic waves and is said to be the end result of a parasite fully consuming the brain. And to think that during all of this they might be conscious...
    • The Scrounge, the main antagonist of the dimension, is a strange mass of slime with orange tentacles and many eyes spread throughout its body. It is the source of all the corruption and it steps up the game from previous boss, hopping around the arena making strange noises, shooting eyeballs out as projectiles and even summoning his spawn en masse. And once you kill it, it bloats and then bursts like a balloon.
  • The Sacred Path is a visually stunning Mayincatec path of pilgrimage and spiritual development, but it is guarded by animated stone sculptures and flames who were corrupted into outright trying to murder travellers instead of challenging them.
    • Fire Visages, in particular, are levitating pieces of rock in shape of face with glowing eyes and mouth that spews flame and moves around with creepy breathing sounds.
    • One of enemy groups is corrupted constructs made out of plants. Whatever tried to taint the land was unable to fully turn the denizens evil, only misguided, so it still found an alternative, that is how powerful it is.
    • During the third stage, you gradually learn the story of Pilgrim as you ascend his temple. He was a peaceful seeker of knowledge, but was eventually corrupted since places he visited were already being consumed by the malicious force. Then you reach the very top and get hit by a huge Wham Line: his spirit is all that remained, killing all who'd follow his path and consuming them to increase and spread his power. And it seems that now you are his next victim.
    • During the final stage, you get to meet the eponymous spirit, and he provides the most epic and terrifying battle yet. A gigantic ghostly eye that materializes with the creepiest incantation yet, it immediately forms a tornado and starts throwing stones at you. Him being Stationary Boss doesn't ease the difficulty, since not only is he tough as hell, the stones that circle him provide solid defense. And then, when he reaches small amount of health, his tornado literally Turns Red and he cracks the floor of the temple to fill it with lava, taking away all your safe space as it emits about Evil Laugh at your expense.
  • Everything about Solar Solstice screams Light Is Not Good. This is the other side of planet Astronomica, where Astral Acolytes live, and it's denizens are the counterparts of them, but much more vicious and aggressive. It's most basic Mooks can jump into your face, you can get skewered by flaming spears or simply fried.
    • The second stage, set at the barracks of the Solstice, has a statue of the person who found their newfound aggression and war-like ways madness and was impaled for it.
    • Sol Butcher is not actually the local denizen, but a terrifying result of solar power combined with darkness itself. Hulking, towering purple-armored brute with a huge sword that can send out slices bigger and more powerful than Lunar Deacons, it's face frozen in permanent rage and eyes glowing with hatred. For sure the most menacing foe.
    • Their leader, Solar Saint, may seem like a simple counterpart to the Moon Guardian. But when he was a simple mage, this one is a straight up Humanoid Abomination. It lives on the Sun itself, shrugs off the Suns you throw at him like it's nothing, can jump a huge height in one leap and can just reappear at the arena should he fall. And that's not taking the huge hammer he can generate miniature exploding Suns with. And once you bring be to 25% health, he stops, opens up his faceplate and reveals his head is also a miniature sun, proceeding to turn into a walking minigun bomb launcher. And once you kill him, the sky goes dark. Just how exactly does he have all this traits is never explained.
  • The Forges. The gloomiest episode yet, with towering buildings rusting away, constant rain and thunderstorms being the only light sources. And then there's strange energy emanating from the ground in form of green lava that powers somehow-working mechanisms that continue to grind it's victims and produce ever-expanding army of Magitek Mecha-Mooks.
    • Some secret notes suggest that there were organic controllers of this place, but they were killed and converted into fuel for the mechanisms. Eesh.
    • The Forgemaster is a gigantic living set of armor that is constantly set on fire and can survive molten metal. And if you don't counter him with coolant liquid, he is unstoppable with his lunges and fire attacks. And his death would be gruesome if not for his robotic nature, each body part detaching, flying off and exploding.
  • The Arcane Expanse is another world messed up by its denizens. The experiments with time and space fracture the world, leading to creation of flying islands, impossible geometries and water bubbles that inexplicably hover in the air. Once it was even weaponised, creating a prison where proportions make no sense and where sanity quickly slips away.
    • The crystal beasts are unnerving with their swift movements and powerful strikes, especially sharks.
    • The boss of the dimension is not an Archmage of Chaos, but rather creatures from another world known as Twin Terror, a pare of gigantic monstrous serpents with glowing eyes, dark skin and terrifying combat capabilities. These things swim through the air itself, can produce harmful soundwaves and even ram the Champion to knock him into the void. The guttural growls and screams they make during the entire fight don't ease the horror factor.
  • As you are told in the beginning, you are told the Gateway of the Ancients is a hidden crossroads that has not been discovered by evil. Guess what? As soon as you're done with all dimensions, it abruptly breaks a part of the Gateway to make way for a portal directly into the Void. Had the Champion not intervened, the last save haven would surely be destroyed.
  • The Void itself. An absolutely hellish Eldritch Location where Reality Is Out to Lunch as bits and pieces come out of nowhere to make way for you, terrifying Living Shadows are aplenty and eagerly can tear you to shreds and darkness is everpresent. Alien Geometries replace any coherent form of landscape and Spikes of Villainy grow everywhere. An absolute hostile and fear-inducing, worthy of being The Very Definitely Final Dungeon.
    • The final fight is in equal parts awesome and terrifying as you finally come across the true Big Bad of the game, and it's not an evil wizard or demon - it's the Evil itself, a towering Eldritch Abomination Made of Evil humanoid with many eyes and tons of tentacle-like growths. This being can fight with your energy, from creating shotgun-like energy blasts and acid beams to taking the entire galaxies and throwing them at you, as well as Thinking Up Portals. What differs him from other bosses is that he has so much HP you're practically required to use Soul Mode attacks on him to do more than Scratch Damage. This absolute powerhouse of a Reality Warper singlehandedly corrupted every known universe and he didn't even have to leave his homeworld, and it is capable of feats to back up his reputation.
    • The being remains Defiant to the End - when low on HP, it destroys most of platforms and starts throwing out tears in fabric of space itself, which can obliterate you, and once it drops to 0, it makes a final attempt to crush you with it's fist. While it does that, everything but you and the entity disappears, suggesting that the Evil has even created the Void too, and now is the only bit of it that remains. And once you chop off it's finger, it shrieks madly and dissolves, only leaving behind a final void portal. If the Voice of Ancients wouldn't intervene, the Champion would die there and then by falling in. Thankfully, the intervention transports him to Haven of Ancients, averting a Downer Ending.
