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Funny / The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald

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Scared Silly

  • In the beginning, Ronald and Sundae are watching a scary movie about dinosaurs. In the movie, a man and woman are trying to hide from the dinosaurs. Then this exchange occurs:
    Woman: "If you hadn't sat on that dinosaur egg...!"
    Man: "I did it for science!"
  • When Grimace explains why he's too afraid to watch television, he says it's because there are always movies about vampires, monsters, and baby ducks. The icing is Ronald mouthing "baby ducks" while showing a face that pretty much screams "You need serious help, Grimace".
  • During the hike, Tika informs Ronald that she's pretty sure they're heading off-trail, to which he responds that for a first-time camper, she sure knows her way around. She proceeds to stop and snark "I do know one thing. You're off the trail.", at which point Ronald realizes he's walked off the trail onto thin air and steps back with a sheepish chuckle.
  • Sundae chases a squirrel only to be snarled at by a larger anthropomorphic squirrel in camouflage pants.
    • He sounds almost traumatized when he says, "You're right it's just a squirrel. A very...nice squirrel."
  • The McNuggets come over to Grimace and offer to be "extra buddies" to get a free ride, complete with complaining that there's no ice for a soda when everyone complains about the hike being tiring and urging Grimace to run faster in the moment below.
  • Sundae complaining that having to hike is cruelty to animals.
  • When the Hamburglar uses a bear call and states that he hopes it works, a bear appears behind him and says "Oh, it works, alright!"
    • Adding to that is when Hamburglar runs out immediately after, shrieking "BEAR!", Grimace breathes a sigh of relief that it's not the Phantom...then the entire gang realizes what was said and runs off with a panic.
  • Hamburglar's response to Birdie telling him it's not nice to scare people.
    Hamburglar: And your point is...?
  • Sundae is more concerned that the maze riddle only mentions hands than that he doesn't know the answer.
  • The Phantom Head whining like an angry child after Ronald solves the final riddle.
  • When Franklin is revealed to be behind everything, he's ranting about how Ronald cheated. Tika rebuttals "You're just mad that somebody beat you." and he snaps back "They haven't beaten me yet! And anyway you never even made it past the second level." Tika shuts up but is most decidedly annoyed with him, especially since she doesn't appear to want to admit that between that incident and her not only wrong and overly complicated but also bizarre answer to one of Franklin's riddles, he has a point.
    • When Franklin gets caught out, Ronald challenges him to say 2 words. Franklin asks what they are and Sundae quips "Nice hairdo?"
  • Ronald's car is alive, and unhappy with the amount of passengers he has to carry. Sundae is rather dismayed by the car's attitude, even hoping Ronald merely leased the car.
  • At the end of the video, Ronald and Sundae watch a sequel to the dinosaur movie Sundae was watching at the beginning, with Sundae explaining that the sequel involves the baby dinosaur from the first movie becoming a teenager with an appetite for destruction.

The Legend of Grimace Island

  • The video begins with Ronald getting a call from Grimace.
    Grimace: Guess what I've got!
    Ronald: A new shower cap?
    Grimace: No.
    Ronald: A sock puppet?
    Grimace: Uh, no, not that, either.
    Sundae: A baby duck?
  • When Grimace tells the rest of the McDonaldland gang about how most of the treasure of Grimace Island was stolen by people who were mean to the Grimaces, everyone agrees that the worst part of the incident was that the people who stole the treasure didn't say "Thank you".
  • Birdie decides to interpret the map to Grimace Island under the reasoning that birds have an ideal sense of direction due to how frequently they migrate. Franklin points out that Birdie doesn't do that much migrating.
    Birdie: Details, Franklin. Details.
  • This exchange.
    Grimace: (panicky, covers his eyes) I can't look! I can't look!
  • The McNugget kids annoying One-Eyed Sally by incessantly singing "We're a bunch of pirates, we're a bunch of pirates!"
  • Blathers realizes he forgot to pack the torpedoes when asked to fire them, so One-Eyed Sally fires him out of the torpedo tube instead.
  • One-Eyed Sally's secret weapon is a cannon that fires fish.
  • One-Eyed Sally remarking that the Kraken is even uglier than Blather.
  • When Blather tells One-Eyed Sally what he thinks...
    One-Eyed Sally: Don't think, Blather! You're not good at it!
  • It turns out that One-Eyed Sally still has both her eyes and that Blather has both his legs even though they both have an eyepatch and a peg leg respectively.
  • When everyone is watching Grimace's home movies, Hamburglar laughs at a clip of Grimace's infancy because it shows Grimace wearing a diaper. Birdie chides him by bringing up that Hamburglar apparently has something embarrassing in an undefined home movie of him running through a sprinkler.

The Visitors from Outer Space

  • When Ronald activates his alien alarm
    Ronald: Do you think everyone can hear that?
    Sundae: People in space can hear it!
  • When we see the other residents of McDonaldland hear Ronald's alien alarm, we see Grimace getting a haircut, Birdie taking karate lessons, and the McNuggets at an audition. In spite of how swiftly Grimace, Birdie, and the McNuggets abruptly leave, the barber, the karate teacher, and the director just smile and wave as they leave.
  • When Hamburglar pranks the McDonaldland gang by lying about seeing aliens, the gang repeatedly sing a song to welcome the aliens. By the third time Hamburglar lies to them about where the aliens are, they are so exhausted that they give up and toss their instruments in the air. The McNuggets panic and run out of the way when they realize they are about to get crushed by some of the instruments.
  • Org pranks Ronald and his friends by putting dessert toppings on top of his rocket, most of which he gives an alien name for the dessert topping used. When Hamburglar asks what Org calls the third topping he's blasting onto the rocket, Org simply replies with "Sprinkles" while shrugging as if thinking "Does he think we have a weird name for everything?"
  • After saving Grimace from being ejected into space, the asteroid the two land on gets used as a baseball by some gigantic aliens. They end up getting eaten by a two-headed alien, which then spits them out through the other head. Ronald quips "Good thing it had a head on both ends!"
  • Org's father's response to Hamburglar trying to explain that 3,000 years isn't a period of time humans can usually survive.
    Hamburglar: It's not that I don't appreciate this, but 3,000 years is a long time for a trip.
    Org's Dad: Don't worry, there's a rest stop after the first thousand.
    Hamburglar: Oh, boy...
  • Hamburglar is eventually made to apologize for all that's transpired.
    Hamburglar: I fibbed!
    McNuggets: We know.
    Hamburglar: I took burgers!
    McNuggets: We know!
    Hamburglar: I painted Sundae's tail!
    Sundae:(looks at his tail and notices it painted black with white spots) Huh?
    Ronald: Didn't know that..

Birthday World

  • Right when Hamburglar messes up when the gang are trying to flee from Pinchworm, he and Birdie bicker while calling each other Burger Boy and Bird Brain, which leads to Baby Tika innocently parroting the insults.
  • Ronald having to remind his friends that Pinchworm is the bad guy and that they don't have to do what he tells them to when Pinchworm threatens to not let them have dessert after dinner and to send them to bed without a story.
  • Annoyed by them calling him a madman, Pinchworm shows off the giant ray he built to turn the world's populace into babies, and then asks the gang (turned into toddlers) if a madman would make such a thing. While the others are in complete awe, Ronald, unimpressed, simply shrugs and answers, "Yeah, probably."
  • After the McDonaldland gang make it to the center of the garden maze Ronald summoned so they could hide from Professor Pinchworm, Sundae complains about being surrounded by bushes, then he grins and says that he'll be back in a minute.
  • Professor Pinchworm throwing a tantrum after he's turned into a toddler.

Have Time, Will Travel

  • In this video's opening live-action segment, Ronald is seen dangling from an outstretched hand from a giant clock. We pan out to reveal that he isn't even that far from the ground!
  • Ronald pretending to be a talk show host and interviewing himself before starting the animated portion of the video.
  • On two occasions, a bug gets offended by someone saying "bug" in a negative light. The first is when Franklin remarks that his dad's time machine still has some bugs to work out, the second being when Birdie complains that the dungeon she ends up in during medieval times is crawling with bugs.
    Bug: You know, I don't have to take this.
  • Hamburglar's demands before he ends up joining the others in King Murray's dungeon.
    Hamburglar: I demand to see a lawyer! Or make a phone call? How about a last meal? A burger would be n—
  • After King Murray sends the McDonaldland gang to the dungeon, Ronald gets freaked out by everyone talking like they're in a play by William Shakespeare.
    Franklin: Now the bleakest hour is upon us. Surely, I shall be grounded for all eternity!
    Ronald: Huh?
    Sundae: A pox on my doghouse! Oh, oh, oh...
    Ronald: Huh?
    Hamburglar: And woe is me, for I have pushed the very button that landed us here!
    Ronald: Say, Grimace, is it my imagination or is everybody talking funny?
    Grimace: Perchance, methinks, duh.
    Ronald: I gotta get you guys out of here.
  • The fact that they reunite with an old favorite of McDonald's commercials, Mayor a disco.

The Monster O'McDonaldland Loch

  • In the beginning of the video, Birdie accidentally reveals that Hamburglar sleeps with a teddy bear. The McNuggets waste no time in making fun of him for it.
  • When he hears about the Monster O'McDonaldland Loch, Grimace fearfully asks if this means monster as in monster. Hamburglar sarcastically replies "No, monster as in cute, furry bunny".
  • Sundae and his cousin Scotty sniff each others' butts, which results in the rest of the McDonaldland gang looking at Ronald and Ronald remarking "It's a dog thing".
  • Grimace's weight causing him to fall right through the floor of a gazebo during the "Dance the Monster, Monster Dance" song.
