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Characters in Soulfyre's The Raven & the Owlet.

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The Owl House

    Luz Noceda 
The human who recently lost her mentor.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Eda's death has hit her hard, and she's more prone to fits of anger and violence, at times even lashing out at the people she cares about. On a more comical note, she starts swearing.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Lilith gives her a few after accepting her as her daughter, including "Sweetie", "Light bulb" and "Sunspot".
  • All-Loving Heroine: Luz cares about everyone and everything, and there are very few people she actually hates. At one point she admits that, despite hating Lilith enough that she tried to kill her, the part she hates the most is that she hates Lilith at all.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Luz might still be an All-Loving Heroine, but she is a lot more prone to violent outburts. She gets into several physical fights with Boscha, and at one point she nearly hits Willow in anger. In the very first chapter, she nearly kills Lilith before Amity stops her.
  • Blow You Away: Chapter 26 shows she managed to figure out a glyph combo for wind spells at some point comprised of light, ice, and three fire glyphs.
  • Break the Cutie: Poor Luz gets put through it. The fic starts with her losing her mentor and mother figure to that mother figure's sister, which only happened because Eda was trying to protect Luz. This alone leaves Luz so broken that the first chance she gets, she goes against every code of ethics she has and outright tries to murder Lilith, only failing because Amity stops her. She then slips into depression and develops anger issues, causing her to make a mistake that nearly kills her two best friends and herself, only to be saved by the person she hates the most. She does eventually start healing, but the poor girl suffers one heck of a Trauma Conga Line.
  • Broken Tears: After Lilith steals the portal key and strands Luz on the other side, she's left screaming and sobbing into the dirt in despair over the situation.
  • Butt-Monkey: She becomes one when everybody, especially Lilith and Willow, starts teasing her about her crush on Amity and not realizing her own feelings.
  • Commonality Connection: After learning that Boscha has more or less lost all her friends, Luz, with her Friendless Background, feels like she can relate.
  • Crush Blush: Constantly when she realizes she likes Amity, which Lilith wastes no time teasing her for. Later starts having them when she begins to like Boscha.
  • Dissonant Laughter: After she destroys the portal, Luz laughs slighly while taking in the enormity of what she's done, before it devolves into weeping into Lilith's chest.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Luz has a really hard time focusing on anything when around Amity or Boscha.
  • Domain Holder: After Eda's death, Luz became the new owner of the Owl House, which gives her a number of privilieges, namely that Hooty cannot disobey her orders. She doesn't like using it, since it feels like violating his agency.
  • Easily Embarrassed Youngster: Luz finds a lot of Lilith's motherly acts and love of puns absolutely mortifying. She begs Lilith not to become one of those parents who have strongly worded talks with the principal. Lilith becoming her history teacher is so embarassing that she becomes practically catatonic.
  • Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones:
    • Luz hates Lilith for what she did to Eda, though deconstructed as Luz doesn't like hating someone. Over time her all-loving nature gets the better of her and she does start liking Lilith, even seeing her as a mother figure.
    • She also hates Kikimora, and unlike Lilith, that doesn't change. Unlike in the show, when Luz overhears Kikimora talking to her mother during the coven day parade, she tells Lilith to let her rot.
  • First Friend: After learning that Boscha has really never had any proper friends, Luz becomes determined to be her first (after her palisman, of course).
  • Freudian Slip:
    • A mental example. Luz thinks to herself that Boscha is a lot like Maya, hard shell on the outside but cute and soft on the inside. She then catches and corrects herself to insist that Boscha is not cute.
    • In chapter 25, Luz slips up and calls Lilith mom, though once she stops freaking out about it she does it again deliberately.
  • Friendless Background: On Earth, Luz had no friends aside from her mom, as she notes while scrolling through the images on her phone and notes that there are none of her with friends before she came to the Demon Realm.
  • Generation Xerox: Lilith notices that Luz is a lot like both Eda and herself, having Eda's chaotic and wild nature combined with Lilith's curiosity and love of learning.
  • Guilt Complex: Luz tends to blame herself before anyone else for anything that goes wrong, most notable in how she feels that Eda would still be alive if it wasn't for her.
  • Has a Type: Considering that her two main love interests in the fic are Amity and Boscha, she apparently has a thing for athletic girls who used to hate her.
  • Heroic BSoD: She slips into one after destroying the portal, silently staring into her lap and not reacting to anything around her. She takes Amity's hand when prompted, but otherwise doesn't even move.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: Luz several times catches herself thinking a bit too much about how attractive Amity and later Boscha are: it gets to the point where she has to take precautions to avoid seeing them in a state of undress in the girls' locker room. Not to mention she begins finding Boscha more attractive between noticing her well-toned athletic body and seeing her in a swimsuit.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Luz seems to be completely oblivious to how much her friendship with Boscha bothers Willow.
  • Like Mother, Like Daughter: Surrogate daughter in this case, but Luz and Lilith are a lot more alike than either would like to admit at first, both being nerds who struggle with social skills and are or were romantic with the school mean girls. Luz also eventually takes up grudgby, and Lilith gifts her her old jacket.
  • Lovable Jock: She isn't quite as well-trained as her teammates yet, but Luz is a Banshee and strong for her age, and is very lovable.
  • Magnetic Hero: Luz has an almost supernatural ability to make friends. Boscha notes that she managed to become better friends with Amity and Skara in the short time she's known them than Boscha has her entire life. Lilith's normally shy and introverted palisman warms up to her within a single conversation, and Eda spends a good deal of her time pointing out how Luz' sheer goodness is slowly getting even to Lilith.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Luz tells Amity that she sees herself in Boscha, who also doesn't have any real friends because her attitude drives people away. Amity insists that they are completely different, though Luz isn't convinced.
  • Oblivious to Love: It takes Luz a lot of chapters to realize she's in love with Amity, despite everyone else seeing it clearly (except for Amity herself). To her credit it takes slightly shorter to realize she likes Boscha.
  • Official Couple: As of chapter 26, she and Amity are dating.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: After Lilith attempts to betray her by sending her back to the Human Realm and steal the portal, Luz falls into an even more severe depression and upon seeing Lilith again, Luz tells her she wants nothing more than for Lilith to go to hell. That's when Lilith comes to see how much she's made Luz suffer.
  • Parental Substitute: Luz already saw Eda as this, but over the course of the fic she slowly starts seeing Lilith in these terms as well, often catching herself thinking of Lilith as her mother. In chapter 25, she embraces it and starts calling Lilith "mom".
  • Phoneaholic Teenager: Luz gets a scroll, the Boiling Isles equivalent to a phone, in chapter 20 as a gift from Lilith. She's not obsessed with it, but she is clearly very excited about getting one, and spends several nights afterward browsing it and chatting with her friends.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Of course she has them, and she knows how to use them. Even Lilith can't say no to her when she pulls the sad eyes.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Luz is fundamentally against killing under any circumstances, reasoning that even the worst people (like Lilith) deserve the chance to redeem themselves, and killing them means permanently taking that away.
  • Trauma Button: The events of chapters 14 and 15 leaves Luz with a deep fear of being trapped in the human realm, to the point where she can't even bring herself to click the portal key button.

    Lilith Clawthorne 
The witch who recently lost her sister. Lilith is assigned by Emperor Belos to get into Luz' good graces in order to recruit her into the coven, as well as secure the portal door.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: While she does get better eventually, Lilith starts of much worse than she did in the show, continuing to work for Belos in the hopes of regaining her position and power even after Eda's death, manipulating Luz in the hopes of gaining access to the portal door, and blaming Eda for being too stubborn to accept her help and therefore getting herself killed.
  • Adaptational Protagonist: Lilith is a major character in the original show, but not a protagonist. Here she is one of the main two viewpoint characters.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: By the time Lilith was revealed as aromantic and asexual in the show proper, her former relationship with Odalia had already been established. As such, Lilith is a demiromantic asexual in this continuity.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Luz finds a lot of her motherly affection, teasing about her crush on Amity, and puns to be mortifying. This becomes ten times worse once Lilith becomes her teacher.
  • Ascetic Aesthetic: Prior to the fic's beginning, Lilith's rarely-used residence was a white apartment with not a speck of dirt. The most colourful things in it were the off-white couch and a black coffee table. Eda remarks that it doesn't look like anyone lives there. After moving to the Owl House, Lilith starts getting an appreciation for homely clutter.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Lilith is a very quick thinker and can do complicated math on the fly, as demonstrated in chapter 16 when she calculates the trajectory she predicts an attack will fly after Osran blocks it, so that it will ricochet off the walls and hit him in the head from a different angle.
  • Celibate Heroine: Lilith has had a relationship in the past (pointing out that being asexual does not make her celibate, and she can and does enjoy sex), but she's moved on and Word of God is that she will have no other romantic interest in the fic.
  • Character Development: Over the course of the fic, Lilith goes from a cold and petty woman who denies her emotions and is fully under the hand of a cult leader, to a mature, maternal woman who cares deeply for the people around her and is willing to bend or even break the rules for their safety.
  • Comical Coffee Cup: She has one printed with "#1 Aboma-mama" that Darius gave her.
  • Conflicting Loyalties: Lilith struggles with her loyalty to the Emperor's Coven and Belos, and her growing affection for Luz and the other residents of the owl house, especially as it becomes increasingly apparent that she has to choose.
  • Costume Evolution: As part of her decision to reinvent herself into a new and exciting Lilith, living her life more the way she wants instead of adhering to the rigid customs of the Emperor's Coven, Lilith drops her old dress and buys a dark-blue suit with a green waistcoat.
  • Dissonant Serenity: In chapter 17, she's suffered several broken ribs, coughs blood, and it hurts her to breathe. She goes into perfectly serene and, in her own words, "disturbingly calm" teacher mode when instructing Amity on how to heal the damage.
  • Emotion Suppression: Lilith spends a long time supressing her grief over Eda's death, treating it with cold, emotionless dissonance, focusing on the consequences for herself, and insisting that her initial tears were simply from the ash in the area. Luz accuses her of being The Sociopath because of it.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Even in the first chapter, at her absolute worst before any character development whatsoever, Lilith is horrified at the implications of Odalia's abuse.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Lilith initially can't imagine why Eda would be attached to a "pathetic creature" like Luz, much less Hooty or King. She grows out of this over the course of the fic.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Lilith has some anger issues, which unfortunately often affect the already self-loathing and depressed Luz. She gets better at controlling it over time, but not before deeply terrifying Luz and her friends several times with her outbursts.
  • Hated by All: For the first two arcs at least, Lilith does not have a lot of friends. Luz, Amity, and King all hate her, Eda is pissed at her, Luz's friends are scared of her, and her old colleagues in the Emperor's Coven look on her with disgust. Pretty much the only people who don't hate her are Hooty, Odalia, and Steve.
  • Healing Hands: While Lilith is adept in all fields of magic, she has an aptitude for healing magic. This comes in handy considering how often Luz is injured, which is what leads Amity to take lessons on the subject from her.
  • Heroic Neutral: She makes it clear to Darius that, despite having defected and hating Belos, she has no intention of joining any rebellion against him, since she just wants what's best for Luz.
  • I See Dead People: Lilith is the only one, aside from the palismen, who can see and hear Eda. Eda takes great delight in how much this allows her to annoy her sister.
  • Like a Daughter to Me: While it takes a while and requires a lot of Character Development on her part, she does eventually start to see Luz as her surrogate daughter. Chapter 23 has her fully accept her role as Luz' mother and starts internally thinking of her as her daughter.
  • Love Redeems: Familial example, the impetus for Lilith growing as a person and overcoming how awful she is at the start of the fic is the maternal love she develops for Luz.
  • Mama Bear: Lilith will go ballistic on anyone who threatens her surrogate daughter, even before she acknowledges that that's their relationship, which Tibbles finds out the hard way. Even Emperor Belos is not safe from her wrath once she gets over her cultish conditioning.
  • Master of None: The downside of being The Red Mage. Lilith is skilled in all magic fields, but she's not an expert in any of them. She admits that all of the coven heads are better than her in their chosen fields of magic, though she can make up the difference by sheer flexibility.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Lilith is a fairly lithe woman, but far stronger than one would expect, even taking into account how witches tend to be stronger than humans on average. She's able to knock down a solid adult tree in a single punch.
  • Never My Fault: She initially tries to avoid blaming herself for Eda's death, instead blaming Eda for being too stubborn to see what's best for her. She gets better.
  • One-Woman Army: The new most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, with a repertoir of magic to match. By herself she's able to take on an entire mercenary company and defeat them all in a Curb-Stomp Battle. She also reckons that she could take on any two of the other coven heads and win, or possibly three if she faces one of the weaker or less combat-inclinde heads, though she would rather not risk it when it comes to the most powerful coven heads like Darius or Terra.
  • Play-Along Prisoner: Luz considers Lilith her prisoner, but practically there is nothing she can do to stop her, and if she actually wanted to she could kill everyone in the Owl House (except for maybe Hooty) within seconds.
  • Queer Colors: In Chapter 26, Lilith wears beach attire bearing all the colors of the demiromantic flag.
  • The Red Mage: As a member of the Emperor's Coven and later wild witch, Lilith can mix and match magic at her leisure, allowing her a greater variety of magic than her fellow coven head and making her much more adaptable than any other witch on the isles. She goes as far as calling herself the most powerful witch on the isles.
  • Serious Business: Lilith takes a special interest in ink, claiming that there are subtle differences that require fine taste to differentiate. She also squees in an uncharacteristically undignified matter when she gets a pair of inkwells from a particularily fine brand.
  • So Proud of You: In chapter 25, Luz tells Lilith "I'll make you proud, Mom" after joining the grudgby team and being given Lilith's old letterman. Lilith assures her that she already has.
  • Struggling Single Mother: While it takes her a while to embrace the role of mother, Lilith still spends most of the fic providing for Luz, King, Hooty, and herself, which is made all the more difficult when Kikimora locks her out of her bank account. Still, she tries her best to provide, and even let Luz have some small celebrations from time to time. It gets more prominent after the portal is destroyed, as Lilith loses her primary source of income, but keeps it secret from Luz to avoid worrying her with financial troubles.
  • Supreme Chef: Maybe not supreme, but Luz notes that Lilith is a much better chef than Eda, and her egg muffins are described as one of the best things Luz has tasted in the demon realm.
  • Teen Hater: Lilith finds teens insufferable, thinking that puberty makes them stupid, emotional and prone to making bad decisions. This gradually goes away as she becomes more maternal.
  • Tranquil Fury: When she talks with Odalia after the latter attempted to have Luz killed, Lilith doesn't raise her voice, and the narration points out that shouting and screaming will only make Odalia push back harder. Instead, she stays completely calm as she tosses Odalia into a wall with enough force to break it, then makes it clear that if she ever does anything to harm Luz or her friends again, she will kill her.
  • Tsundere: Platonic example, Lilith spends the first few arcs of the story insisting that she doesn't care about her sister or the children in her care, despite clear evidence to the contrary. In just the first chapter, she brushes away tears for her sister and gives maternal reassurance to Amity while insisting that it's just pragmatic.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Says that this is the difference between her and Eda's approach to magic. Lilith's reserves of magic are greater than a common witch, but not much compared to her sister who focused on building up her raw power. To make up for it, Lilith is more versatile and precise, being able to perform magic in ways that most witches lack the skill to.
  • Womanchild: Lilith tries to act mature and dignified, but she has a rather childish side to her, acting like a petulant child around her sister.
  • Worf Had the Flu: In the first chapter she's recovering from having her coven brand ripped out by Belos, which is how Amity is able to restrain her and throw her out of the Owl House. Later chapters establish that Lilith would usually have no issue taking out a child, being strong enough to take on other coven heads without issue.

A young demon whom Eda cared for.
  • Affection-Hating Kid: King thinks Luz and Amity's affectionate behavior towards each other is super gross.
  • Happily Adopted: While they never had time to make it official, King was happy to have Eda as his mother, and she openly calls him that after her death. He also eventually comes to accept Lilith as his caretaker, though he sees her as his aunt.
  • Hidden Depths: King shows an interest in baking after learning it from his grandmother, claiming that he wants to learn it because Luz and Lilith are always cooking all the time. Lilith thinks that he might just want to make sugary treats on demand.
  • Running Gag: Whenever Lilith is annoyed at him, she'll magically put him to sleep. Eda eventually asks her if it's gonna cause any brain damage, which Lilith is reaonsably sure it won't. Once Lilith officially sides with the Owl House residents, the gag comes to an end.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Like in the show, King believes himself to be a magnificent king of demons cursed into his current form. Like in the show, this is a lie and he is devastated when he learns the truth.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: He has the mentality of an eight-year-old, and consistently calls for feeding Lilith to a monster or rambles about killing his enemies in brutal ways.

    Owlbert and Morrigan 
Eda and Lilith's palismen, an owl and a white raven.
  • Even the Dog Is Ashamed: When Lilith strands Luz in the human realm just after Luz finally started trusting her, Morrigan makes her disappointment very clear.
  • I See Dead People: Both can, for unknown reasons, see Eda in her ghost form.
  • Meaningful Name: The Morrigan is an Irish divinity who often appeared in the form of a crow. Owlbert is a portmanteau of "Owl" and "Albert".
  • Only the Chosen May Ride: Palismen will usually only let their witches ride them, though Owlbert and Morrigan both make exceptions for Luz.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Morrigan likes Dell's palisman Cardin, but is intimidated by Gwendolyn's, Hawksley. Lilith thinks that it probably reflects something of her and her mother's relationship.
  • Undying Loyalty: A trait of palismen in general. Owlbert and Morrigan stick with their owners through thick and thin, despite the questionable ethics of their actions. Owlbert remained with Eda throughout her years of crime, and Morrigan doesn't even consider leaving Lilith despite disagreeing with her manipulation of Luz. This does have limits, however.

The Owl House itself, a House Demon.
  • Domain Holder: Hooty, despite his Cloudcuckoolander nature, is an immensely powerful demon within the confines of the Owl House, and the land surrounding it. Unless he is actively blocking out noise, he automatically hears anything that happens nearby, and he's strong enough to fend of an entire squadron of the Emperor's finest soldiers, including Lilith.
  • Geas: Hooty has to obey whoever is the owner of the Owl House, first Eda and now Luz. That said it's only direct orders he cannot disobey, and he's allowed to be snarky and refuse regular requests. Either way, Luz dislikes using this priviliege since it violates his agency, even with his consent.
  • Odd Friendship: Lilith takes an initial disliking to her, but once she actually sits down and listens to one of his stories she finds it interesting (if somewhat disturbing) and starts enjoying his company.
  • Sacred Hospitality: When a person has "guest rights", Hooty can't meaningfully fight them, even if they attack him first.
  • The Soulless: Hooty claims to be a soulless entity from before the dawn of time, and King isn't keen on figuring out if he was joking or not.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: Lilith explains that house demons like Hooty have varying degrees of power depending on whether a person is welcome in the house or not. Amity, who was considered a guest at the time, could easily beat up Hooty because he couldn't really do much to fight back. Lilith, who was trying to arrest the lady of the house, was not welcome, so Hooty could fight back with his full power, easily trashing her.
  • Talking to the Dead: "Raven Pellets" reveals that Hooty has been visiting Eda's grave and telling her his stories. Eda('s ghost) is surprised by this since she's been staying away from her grave, but decides to hang out and listen to him from time to time before deciding on doing it another day because his current story is too boring.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: He gives Willow advice on forgiving Luz over what happened at the arboretum because he doesn't want Luz to have any more grief.

    Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne 
Luz' mentor and mother figure, and Lilith's sister, recently dead from her curse. For mysterious reasons, she lingers as some kind of ghost only Lilith can see.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Lilith frequently complains about Eda's immaturity and tendency to mess with her. Chapter 11 plays it for drama, as it turns out that Eda's insistence on inserting herself into every aspect of Lilith's life when they were in school together more or less ruined her social life entirely, and was a major reason why she eventually resorted to cursing her.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Deconstructed. Despite being Lilith's younger sister, Eda spent their school days protecting her from bullies, wanting to repay her for having looked after her when they were children. Despite her good intentions, this only resulted in Lilith being ostracized at school for not being able to stand up for herself and making her live in the much more popular Eda's shadow for her entire school years.
  • Cool Aunt: Luz describes her as something between a Parental Substitute and a crazed aunt.
  • The Gadfly: Eda is dead and can't do much, so she spends her time being a menace to her sister, poking fun of her for her general serious behavior and trying to annoy her into seeing that Belos is evil.
  • If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: According to Lilith, Eda did not approve of her and Odalia's relationship. She has no idea how their relationship managed to last as long as it did when Eda kept butting into their dates.
  • Invisible to Normals: For whatever reason, only Lilith and the palismen can see her.
  • Like a Daughter to Me: Has come to see Luz as her daughter and is gleeful when she realizes that the kid is getting to Lilith as well.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Eda is a ghost of some kind, though she notes that she's different from any other ghost she has heard of. Given that she can only be seen by one person, that person's palisman, and her own palisman, it'd be hard to prove that this has happened before either way since someone claiming to see dead people that no one else can see would be locked up in the conformatorium.
  • Parental Substitute: To Luz, prior to her death, having taken the girl in and cared for her over the summer.
  • Posthumous Character: The fic opens on Eda's death, and mostly deals with the fallout of that. She hangs around as a ghost, but doesn't know for how long, and can only be seen by Lilith and the palismen.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: According to Lilith, this is the fundamental difference in her and Eda's approach to tactics. Eda has trained her magical reserves to be the most powerful witch on the boiling isles, but it's all raw power with little finesse.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: When she lets Lilith sleep in her nest, it leads to Luz growing more resentful of her (since she doesn't know Lilith had Eda's permission, she thinks Lilith is trying to forcibly insert herself into Eda's place), which again leads her to go on a quest to the Emperor's Arboretum to get Eda back, which nearly gets her killed.
  • Womanchild: She's mature enough to function as an adult, but she can certainly be childish at times, especially towards her sister. Examples that stand out is using childish insults or annoying her out of spite.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Eda has no idea how long her pseudo-dead ghost state will last for, and her main goal is to make sure Luz, King, and Hooty are well cared for after she fades away, which is why she's so determined to make Lilith see reason.


    Amity Blight 
Luz' classmate, friend, and crush-turned-girlfriend.
  • Anti-Hero: Initially, Amity is disturbingly fine with murder for revenge, due to being raised in the Social Darwinist enviroment of the Boiling Isles. She also supports Emperor Belos for the same reason. She grows out of it over time.
  • Broken Pedestal: It's mentioned that Amity's faith in her mentor, Lilith, took a hit after Lilith made her cheat in the Covention duel, and made even worse after learning that she killed Eda and manipulated her in order to get closer to Luz.
  • Bully Turned Buddy: Amity started out as an elitist jerk who looked down on Luz and her friends for being less prestigious and skilled. With Luz' help, she eventually grew out of this and became one of Luz's closest friends.
  • Crush Blush: Almost constantly whenever Luz is around. Lilith finds it both adorable and hillarious.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: Amity tells Luz that no one on the isles thinks anything bad about revenge, even when it goes as far as killing, so she wouldn't think any less of Luz if she kills Lilith. Luz, who's from a culture where murder is generally seen as a bad thing regardless of circumstance, and revenge is especially frowned upon, is horrified.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She goes into panic mode when she thinks Luz is dating Boscha, though she doesn't do anything monstrous other than beg Luz to say it's not true.
  • Healing Hands: Under Lilith's tutoring, she takes up healing magic because she wants to help Luz with the injuries she receives on her adventures. She later starts multi-tracking in Healing.
  • Hypocrite: She makes it absolutely clear to Luz that Boscha is a heartless bully completely Beyond Redemption. Luz points out that Amity was like that at one point too, and only became a better person as a result of Luz believing in her, so she's really not in any position to judge when Luz tries to do the same with Boscha. The callout clearly gets to her, and she agrees to at least give Boscha a chance.
  • Jerkass Realization: While she remains adamant that she was right to leave, she eventually comes to recognize that her treatment of Boscha was extremely unfair, playing along and pretending to be her friend for several years before ditching her suddenly out of nowhere. She ends up apologizing once she realizes how much it hurt Boscha.
  • Lovable Jock: While she hasn't played for a while, Amity is a former star Grudgby player and gets back into it along with Luz. She is also very sweet and lovable.
  • Love Interest: Like in the show, Amity and Luz are being set up to have a relationship, with them very blatantly crushing on each other.
  • Official Couple: As of chapter 26, she and Luz are dating.
  • The One That Got Away: To Boscha, who was in love with her. Amity breaking off their friendship and effectively telling her that she never cared to begin with hit her very hard, and is part of the reason she was so antagonistic towards Luz.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: After she and Luz have a small fallout in the second chapter, Amity's attempts at making up with her unintentionally come across as just her continuing to insist she was right all along.
  • Rebuilt Pedestal: While their relationship is never the same as it was before, Amity does come to see Lilith as a good person as her Character Development sets in and seeks her out to teach her healing magic.

    Boscha Arends (and Maya) 

Boscha Arends

A three-eyed student of the potion track and the school bully.
  • Academic Athlete: Despite being more of a Grudgby player than an academic, Boscha is the top of her class and the best potion witch her age.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: In the show, Boscha largely stopped bullying Luz & co after "Wing it like Witches", and is reduced to just a minor character who makes a good point sometimes. In the fic, she remains a cruel bully long after "Wing It Like Witches", and in "Hunting Palismen" she goes beyond merely asking if Luz can do magic in the human realm and directly makes fun of her for being magicless.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Paradoxically, Boscha is at once worse and nicer than in the show; She makes it clear to Luz that she won't bully her while she's still dealing with her mentor's death, gets injured saving her from a failed potion experiment, and over time goes under Character Development and becomes a good friend of Luz.
  • Adaptational Sympathy: While Boscha was not devoid of sympathy in the show, the fic goes a lot more into it. Boscha's targeting of Luz is largely caused by jealousy, as Luz is a naturally charismatic person who makes friends easily, while Boscha really only had Amity, Skara, Amelia, and Cat, all of whom left her due to Luz' kindness making them realize that Boscha is a bad friend.
  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Once she and Luz become friends, Boscha tends to playfully flick Luz on the forehead.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Likewise after going through many nicknames, Luz eventually starts calling her "Bee" since she finds Boscha adorable and dangerous.
  • Ascended Extra: A supporting extra then minor antagonist then supporting extra again in the original show. In the fic, her motivations and personality are more explored and her and Luz' antagonism is the focus of a subplot. She eventually graduates to the main supporting cast and becomes a love interest for Luz.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Hunter assumes that Luz and Boscha have this going on, though both girls of course deny it.
  • Beyond Redemption: Discussed. Luz is uncertain if Boscha deserves her friendship, which is complicated by seemingly contradictory actions like saving Luz' life only to immediately go back to bullying her. Luz' friends certainly don't think Boscha is able to improve as a person, though Luz does eventually befriend her.
  • Character Development: Goes through a hefty dose of it. Over the course of the fic, Boscha goes from a cruel bully if anything even worse than she was in canon, to more of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold who still acts like a jerk but secretly cares deeply about her loved ones, to an outright close friend of Luz who openly shows her affections and grows out of her bossy attitude.
  • Closet Geek: She turns out to be a fan of an in-universe science fiction comic, which she shares with Luz. Amity is surprised by this, since she always hid her own geeky interests, so Boscha assumed she would think it was lame.
  • Crush Blush: As she starts to grow closer with Luz, and even develops romantic feelings for her, she gets a blush whenever Luz acts like her usual affectionate self.
  • Determinator: During a private moment with Lilith, Boscha says with absolute certainty that she'll one day beat Lilith's old grudgby ball speed record. With how certain and determined she is, Lilith has no doubt that she'll achieve it.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Luz suggests "Bo" and "Bobo" as nicknames, with Boscha threatening to punt her through a wall for the second one. Turns out that Bobo is what Sylvie calls her. She later suggests "Cha-cha", which Boscha also turns down.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She eventually admits that her bullying of Luz is because Luz is naturally charismatic and makes friends easily, whereas Boscha's only friends have more or less all left her behind, and in some cases started hanging out with Luz instead.
  • Hates Being Touched: Boscha really doesn't appreciate Luz' physcially affectionate nature, and pushes her away whenever she tries to go in for a hug or even just casual touch. In her case it's not so much that she hates affection itself, and more that she just doesn't like Luz. It takes until their first win as the Banshees for Boscha to not reject one of Luz' hugs.
  • Homosexual Reproduction: Mentions her moms (plural) in chapter 22. They are named and properly introduced in chapter 24, and since Boscha looks like both of them it seems like she's biologically related.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: While hanging out with Luz at the beach, Boscha checks her out in her swimsuit. Luz manages to catch her and strikes a pose that makes Boscha blush and swim away from her.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Boscha originally had a crush on Amity, and resented Luz for stealing her. After bonding with Luz in chapter 26, however, she encourages her to confess her feelings and "get the girl", despite how much it hurts her.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Before the Banshees' third game, Boscha tells Amity that while she knows she's a bully, she at least cared about her friends compared to Amity, who only pretended to like the girls Odalia forced her to hang out with and can't even remember any genuine moments of friendship Boscha considered between them. Even worse, Amity didn't even tell them that she was just spending time with them because Odalia forced her, leading them on without actually making any attempt at reciprocating their friendship. Boscha spits it in Amity's face that she just didn't try to make an effort with them, rejecting her initial apology and reducing Amity to tears.
  • Jerkass with a Heart of Gold: A very well hidden heart of gold, but a heart of gold none the less. While she's a selfish brat, she does care about people, even if she is bad at showing it, as is the case with Amity, and she is deeply fond of cute critters like palismen.
    Luz: There’s a real sweetheart buried under that rough exterior. [nervous laughter] Very, very deeply buried.
  • Leg Focus: Luz notes that seeing Boscha stretch is the first time she finds legs attractive, and has a very hard time focusing on the conversation they're having.
  • Love Interest: Boscha is slowly being set up as one to Luz and Amity.
  • Made of Iron: Boscha is resistant enough to take being thrown into a solid wall with enough force to crack it, and getting away from it with only minor injuries (and a bout of unconsciousness).
  • Mama Bear: Towards palismen. Boscha is perfectly willing to outright murder the Golden Guard, a high-ranking government official, because he threatened them. She is also very protective of Maya and won't let anyone ride her alone.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Since Boscha isn't really Luz's friend despite being teammates, any statement regarding the people Luz hangs out with tend to be phrased as her friends and Boscha.
  • Named by Adaptation: No last name in the show, is named Arends here.
  • Sleeps in the Nude: Downplayed. Boscha uses a loose fitting shirt and boyshorts for pajamas, which Lilith, Viney, and Emira identify as her underwear.
  • Taking the Bullet: When Luz is attacked by a rogue abomination she accidentally created, she freezes from a trauma flashback, and Boscha shoves her out of the way. It results in Boscha being thrown into a desk with enough force to crack it and the wall behind it, and knocks her unconscious for the rest of the day, but it might have killed Luz.
  • Third Eye: Duh. Boscha can actually move her third eye independently of the main pair, to a somewhat unsettling effect.
  • Tsundere: Boscha keeps insisting that she and Luz are not friends, despite having sat down with Luz in a nearly empty classroom, chatted with her in the hallways, smiled warmly upon meeting her out in public, and everything else. Luz outright calls her tsundere, though Boscha has no idea what that means.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Luz notes that Boscha is a lot like her palisman, Maya, calling her hard on the outside but cute and sweet on the inside.


Boscha's palisman, a crab.
  • Badass Adorable: She's a cute little crab with a fish plushie she calls Mr. Bubbles. She also has a knife and will stab you if you try to take Mr. Bubbles away.
  • Only Friend: When Amity and Skara leaves her, Boscha comes to see Maya as her only real friend.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: A tiny little crab who likes to next on top of Boscha's head. Luz approaches Cuteness Proximity every time she sees it.

    Willow Park 
Luz' friend from the plant track at Hexside.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Willow is generally a very nice and kind person, but she is also terrifyingly powerful, not just in magic but in physical strength. She is perfectly willing to restrain Luz if she needs to.
  • Beyond Redemption: Willow is one of the people who insist to Luz that Boscha is not worth trying to save.
  • Broken Pedestal:
    • Willow's faith in the Titan has been shaken as a result of the events of the fic, as she refuses to believe that a good and just being would allow Eda to die so pointlessly, or let its prophet to act like Belos does.
    • Willow also loses her faith in Luz after the arboretum, refusing to forgive her for having led them to what would have been their deaths if it wasn't for Lilith, all for a vain and foolish hope that she might resurrect the dead. Not to mention all the unique plants that were wiped out forever as a result of Luz's actions.
  • Emotion Suppression: Willow has a bad habit of not talking about her feelings and problems, openly admitting that her method of dealing with her anger is to bottle it up.
  • The Heart: Willow takes this role when Luz started grieving, giving her a shoulder to cry on, teaching her techniques to help with her anger issues, and overall helping her through her grief.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: She spends several chapters teasing Luz and Amity about their romantic tension and even tells Emira about the Side Bet the residents of the Owl House have debating when Luz confesses her feelings, which Emira ropes the rest of their friends into. She pays for it big time when Luz orders Hooty to submerge the Owl House in filth so everyone who participated in the bet has to clean it, right after they give Luz their pot as an apology.
    Willow: Well, we might deserve this.
  • Only Sane Woman: During the quest for the Phoenix Bloom, she's the one who insists that she and her friends turn back. As it turns out, the entire quest was All for Nothing and nearly gets them killed.
  • The Resenter: Over the course of the events of the fic, Willow builds up a lot of resentment for Luz that she keeps bottled up, for disrespecting what she wanted during the events of "Understanding Willow", for nearly getting her and Gus killed in the Arboretum incident, then for being so quick to forgive and forget that Boscha and Amity bullied her for years.
  • Revenge: Willow admits in "Raven Pellets" that her constant teasing of Luz for her crush on Amity is her way of getting revenge for Luz almost getting her and Gus killed in the Arboretum.
  • Talking to the Dead: Chapter 3 of "Raven Pellets" reveals that Willow takes regular visits to Eda's grave, cleaning it and venting her feelings. Eda can hear her, of course, but Willow doesn't know that.

    Principal Hieronymous Bump 
Hexside's principal.
  • Badass Teacher: Bump took the title of headmaster from his predecessor, Faust, through a violent coup.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When Luz returns to school, Bump happily greets her, but when she calls him "Bumpers", he flatly tells her that she may leave again.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Bump wants to help Lilith take care of her family because he knows Lilith is a good person, though also can't because he doesn't want to risk his students' safety by supporting a wanted criminal. He does end up hiring her as a history teacher, but only after Odalia lays the pressure on him. He also lets Luz, Willow, and Gus off without punishment after they do something particularly dangerous since he knows they've learned their lesson, but warns that it won't fly next time.
  • Redeeming Replacement: From what Lilith says, Bump's predecessor Faust was just was bad in this version as he was in the show, with Lilith outright admitting that the only reason she was top student in the potion class instead of Sylvie was that Faust valued following orders above learning or skill. By contrast, Bump can be harsh but is overall a nice guy who cares about his students and his duties as an educator.

Family members

    Odalia Blight 
Amity, Edric and Emira's abusive and controlling mother.
  • Abusive Mom: To her children, being extremely controling and at times physically abusive, putting way too high expectations on their shoulders.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Odalia is still an abusive and controlling Abusive Mom, but the fic gives her a Freudian Excuse, a healthier relationship with Alador, and makes her willing to improve (for Lilith's sake rather than her children's, but still).
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: Odalia and Alador's relationship is purely transactional rather than romantic, but unlike in the show, Odalia is not shown to be a Bad Boss to him.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Odalia is deeply in love with Lilith, who may have returned her feelings once upon a time but makes it clear that she no longer does.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: She uses her Oracle magic to spy on her family, which even pre-Character Development Lilith finds abhorrent.
  • The Chain of Harm: Odalia was abused as a child, and grew up to be an abuser herself.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite being an abusive mother and cruel and manipulative person, Odalia cares about Alador, her best friend since childhood, and him pleading with her is one of the few things that can change her mind.
  • Fantastic Racism: By way of Unusual Euphemism, she calls Luz a pest problem that needs to be exterminated.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Lilith makes it very clear that having been abused herself does not make Odalia's treatment of her children acceptable.
  • Love Redeems: Played with. Odalia's long standing love for Lilith is the only reason that Lilith gets through to her and even manages to convince her to at least try to be a better mother to her children, but Lilith is clear from the start that nothing romantic will ever come of that love. It's less "love redeems" and more "love is an exploitable weakness that can be used for good."
  • The One That Got Away: Odalia is not over Lilith and is still deeply in love with her, doing what she can to win her back despite Lilith making it clear that it will never happen.
  • Power Incontinence: A danger for Oracle witches, when something triggers her trauma, it causes her to magically relive the traumatic memories, trapping her in a feedback loop.
  • Trauma Button: Fire. Her mother was an abusive monster who punished her by burning her, and Odalia has a strong aversion to fire as a result. Lilith threatens her with fire once without thinking about it, and Odalia ends up going into a Heroic BSoD for several days.
  • Wants a Prize for Basic Decency:
    • She argues that she's not the same as her mother because she doesn't abuse her children physically. Lilith has no patience for it.
    • She expects her daughter to be grateful because she came to her grudgby game, after a lifetime of emotional abuse and never having shown any interest before. Lilith tries to explain to her that showing up to one major game is the bare minimum, and she should really be showing up to all of them.

    Dell & Gwendolyn Clawthorne 
Lilith and Eda's parents, and later Luz and King's grandparents.
  • The Gadfly: Both delight in calling Luz their granddaughter, despite Lilith's insitence that she is not Luz's mother. Becomes more genuine when Lilith genuinely does start to see herself as Luz's mother, with Gwen's help.
  • Good Parents: Compared to Gwen's well-meaning but flawed parenting, Dell is always shown in a positive light, despite neither of his daughters having talked to him much in years. When Lilith confesses to having cursed, and therefore indirectly killed, Eda, Dell assures her that he does not hold it against her, and apologizes for having failed so much as a parent that Lilith felt the need to do that.
  • Parents as People: Like in the show, Gwendolyn has neglected Lilith in favor of Eda, seeing Lilith as more independent compared to the disabled Eda. Lilith gets to call her out on it at Eda's funeral, and she resolves to do better afterward.

    Petra & Sylvie Arends 
Boscha's mothers. Petra is the pink-haired triclops, and Sylvie is the bespectacled redhead.
  • Affluent Ascetic: Despite being among the richest families on the Boiling Isles, the Arends live in a moderately sized house and Sylvie prefers simple common clothing. Petra is a bit more willing to flaunt her wealth with extravagant clothing, but she still seems okay with living in comparative modesty.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Sylvie openly calls Boscha by her Embarrassing Nickname "Bobo" in public, and talks about how much Boscha talks about Luz with Luz present.
  • Ascended Extra: To an even greater degree than their daughter. While Boscha is at least an established character in the show, her possible parents are merely Recurring Extras for a single episode. In the fic, once Boscha becomes a major character, they rise in importance along with her.
  • Brains and Brawn: According to Lilith, this is their roles in their company's creation, with Petra handing the ruthless business maneuvering, and Sylvie developing new potions.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Lilith states that Petra could have been her rival for top student in the potions track if she actually put in the effort, but since her family was already wealthy enough to afford her favorable treatment in school, she didn't. She grew out of this after graduation, and founded a successful company with her wife.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: After Terra's death, Petra goes to a local pub to celebrate, and when Sylvie invites Lilith for a night on the town for them, she asks Lilith to come before her wife drinks too much.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Downplayed. Petra isn't corrupt and treats her workers and partners with respect. However, she also threatens to "disappear" Luz when she pries too much into her business tactics.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Petra took over Bonesborough and Latissa's potions industries by absolving or eliminating both towns' potions businesses in the two years since she graduated from school. She would come to see how short-sighted this was when her company supplanted popular local businesses, and the damage her reputation took led to her leaving said businesses to operate without messing with them.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Petra is mentioned in Raven Pellets chapter 1 before she appears in the fic proper.
  • Everybody Knew Already: While she didn't show it at first, Petra knew that Boscha lost all her friends because of her selfishness and pushy attitude.
  • Family of Choice: They tell Lilith that they will protect their family - and that said family includes the residents of the Owl House.
  • Fiction 500: They own an apothecary business and are among the wealthiest on the Boiling Isles. According to Amity, the Arends are even richer than the Blights.
  • Foil: To Odalia Blight. Where the Blights live in a mansion and Odalia flaunts her wealth, the Arends live in a humble house and Petra is the only one who dresses remotely opulent. Odalia is an abusive and demanding mother who controls her children's social lives, while Petra and Sylvie are good parents who allow their daughter to follow her passions in professional sports and are maybe even a bit too lenient with her. Petra even has a rivalry with Odalia.
  • Good Parents: In sharp contrast to Odalia, Petra and Sylvie appear genuinely supportive and caring of Boscha, though maybe a bit lenient.
  • Healing Potion: Sylvie was the original inventor of the base potion for de-cursing elixirs, which revolutionized the field of curse healing, and which Eda's elixirs are based on.
  • High-School Sweethearts: Sylvie and Petra have been together since they were in Hexside, where Petra used her family's influence to protect Sylvie from Faust's draconic teaching methods.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Boscha never told them that her and Amity's friendship ended, so for them it simply seemed like Amity stopped coming over for a while. Subverted for Petra whrn she admits to Lilith that she always knew the truth.
  • Lonely at the Top: Petra admits that, being so wealthy, it's difficult for them to have interpersonal relationship since most everyone wants something. It's for this reason that they appreciate their friendship with Lilith.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Upon their first meeting, Sylvie gets excited about meeting Luz she's heard so much about and gets maybe a bit too close for comfort. This is a recurring issue of hers.
  • Self-Made Woman: Petra's family were respectable business owners, but it was Petra and Sylvie who grew it into a massive corporation with reach across the entire boiling isles, Petra doing so through smart maneuvering and business tactics, and Sylvie through the development of revolutionary new potions.


    Tibbly Tiblet Grimhammer III 
A scam artist who Luz and her friends have tussled with before. He returns to offer Luz a unique opportunity.
  • Awesome McCoolname: His last name is Grimhammer III, and many know him as Grimm Hammer. Luz and the lead demon hunter are both baffled that he prefers to go by "Tibbles."
  • Character Death: Lilith has a lot less patience for his scams than Luz and Eda, and simply kills him for threatening Luz.
  • Famous Ancestor: While Tibbles himself is largely insignificant, his grandfather, according to Lilith, was the first head witch of the potions coven.
  • Generation Xerox: His Famous Ancestor was apparently also a criminal, having been petrified for smuggling dangerous and endangered plants out of the emperor's arboretum.
  • Hate Sink: Like in the show, Tibbles is utterly despicable and has no redeeming qualities. Possibly even more so, since the fic is Darker and Edgier and does not gloss over the fact that he sent adult mercenaries to kill three children after luring them into a trap that would most likely kill them anyway. This is especially notable in that the fic tries to redeem Boscha and even Odalia.
  • That Liar Lies: Gus and Willow both point out that Tibbles is notoriously untrustworthy, though Luz is too deep in her depression to care.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Would sent a child on a suicide mission and then hire mercenaries just to finish the job.


The Emperor of the Boiling Isles.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Currently, it's unknown if this version of Belos is Philip Wittebane, the author having stated that they haven't made up their mind on the subject yet.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments, making snarky remarks about Lilith's capabilities (indicating that she's not strong enough to defeat a child) and when she objects that Luz hates her, his response amounts to "Too bad, good luck".
  • The Dreaded: Him merely lowering his hand is enough for Luz to lose all confidence in her plan. He is known as the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles, and very few even dare consider standing up to him.
  • Exact Words: He attempts it by saying that Lilith will receive "her just rewards." Luz sees through it and points out that it's the exact sort of vague wording a villain would use.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: For the first part of the story, he's the source of Lilith's internal conflict over her loyalty to his coven and wish to return to her old position, and her growing affection for Luz. After Lilith leaves his coven for good and dedicates herself to being Luz' mother, he remains as a less direct threat looming in the background.
  • Historical Hero Upgrade: In-Universe. Luz notes that her only gripe with the Titan: Beyond the Stars graphic novel is that it depicts Belos making a Heroic Sacrifice to save the people of the isles, something the real Belos would never do.
  • Humanoid Abomination: The Emperor's true nature is vague, even to his closest servants. For whatever reason the Titan's heart seems to match up with Belos', and Lilith wonders if the Titan's heart is perhaps also Belos'.
  • I Let You Win: After the throne room battle, both Lilith and Eda realize that the Emperor let them go way too easily, as he could have stepped in and stopped them at any point.
  • I Lied: Once they're just the two of them, he reveals to Luz that he had no intention of letting Lilith live, much less return to her former post as head of his coven.

    Hunter, the Golden Guard 
The top enforcer of Emperor Belos. A bad but sad boy.
  • Accidental Truth: Hunter manages to accurately predict that Luz and Boscha will develop feelings for each other way before anyone else even considered it, much less the girls in question. He did so by misinterpreting their bickering as romantic tension.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Having little concept of actual romance, he assumes Luz and Boscha's bickering is romantic tension and tells them to just kiss already and get it over with.
  • Pet the Dog: He apparently has some faith in Lilith, as Kikimora mentions he was the only one who placed a bet in her favour when the guards were betting on whether or not she would collapse after her expulsion.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Hunter assumes that Belligerent Sexual Tension applies to this story. As Luz points out, constantly fighting and bickering with your partner is a very unhealthy way to start a relationship.

    Terra Snapdragon 
The Plant coven head.
  • Acid Attack: She can create acid with her plant magic, and uses it for attempted killing blows.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Makes her presence known to Luz before the events of "Escaping Expulsion".
  • Asshole Victim: After her death, Petra decides to take Lilith out for a night on the town to celebrate her death.
  • Bastard Understudy: She was the apprentice of the previous plant coven head, but was very excited to take over his place once he got petrified.
  • Death by Adaptation: In chapter 28, she attempts to capture Luz and Lilith and kill their friends. Raine saves them by mortally wounding Terra, then Lilith finishes her off.
  • Evil Old Folks: One of the very few characters in the story with zero redeeming qualities, and also one of the oldest.
  • Green Thumb: As a plant witch, Terra of course has powers over nature. Lilith admits that Terra is among the most powerful head witches, and isn't sure if even she can take her down on her own.
  • Smug Snake: She claims that Lilith is not nearly as strong as she thinks she is, but notably knocks Lilith out with poison before revealing herself, and is later killed by Raine and Lilith.

    Darius Deamonne 
The Abomination coven head.

A Coven Scout who used to work under Lilith.
  • Friend on the Force: Steve, and a few other unnamed ones, still considers Lilith their leader and is happy to help her out when she needs a hand despite her technically being a wanted criminal.
  • Friend to All Children: Part of the reason he was willing to help Lilith defy the Emperor is that he thought it was cool that she was doing it for Luz's sake.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: He's a friendly and affable Nice Guy who just so happens to work as an enforcer for a fascist dictatorship, but is willing to put that aside to help out a friend.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: So far Steve has only really appeared twice briefly, but his assistance both times saves the lives of several main characters.
  • Undying Loyalty: Even after she is exiled and labeled a criminal, Steve is loyal to Lilith. His loyalty is so great that he commits outright treason to help her, aiding in her plan to escape the Emperor's Castle.
