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Characters / Fighting Fantasy Celestial Court

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The major deities of the Celestial Court, the Upper Chamber of the Greater Deities, giving its name to the entire Pantheon, the Hall of Mind gathering deities of spirit and emotions, and the Animal Court gathering animal deities. They influence heroes all over the world and send their servants help them, acting as the greatest forces of good in activity, though less than they would like to be after having to retreat from the Earthly Planes after the apocalyptic First Battle and the Enforced Cold War against the corrupted Dark Gods...

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    In General 
Tropes common for every deity listed here.

Primal Deities

Arn, the universe personified, and the three elder gods who sprang from him at the very Beginning and shaped all Planes of Existence, but disagreed on what to make of it. They created the Young Gods who rule Titan, but their conflict worsened shortly after the First Battle, forcing the Gods to intervene and to exile them. As of now, they lost all interest in creation and their whereabouts are totally unknown. Their very existence and role in Creation is long forgotten by almost everyone, though some of their cultists remain.

A priest of Arn before a statue representing him
The Supreme Being above everything in existence, who created the Primal Deities. Worshippers of the gods don't know about him, but he is worshipped as the heart of a monotheistic religion in The Isles of Dawn, Fantasy Counterpart Culture of Medieval China.
  • Above Good and Evil: Arn predates both and cares for none, being the sum of both (and everything else). According to his priests, he wants the best for the universe but he clearly looks for the big picture beyond mortals' and even gods' comprehension.
  • Above the Gods: Taken up to eleven. He is above the Primal Deities, themselves an example of the trope, making even the Top God of the local Fantasy Pantheon a small fry by comparison.
  • All-Powerful Bystander: He could have easily stepped in and solved the conflict between his children, and their children, but for reasons unknown he left them to their own devices.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Believed to be this to the entire universe and everything and everyone in it, no less.
    • Ashra, Vuh and Elim are believed to each personify an aspect of himself.
  • Bald Mystic: He is represented without hair and is the single mightiest being in existence.
  • Cosmic Entity: The Supreme Being above all else who encompasses the entire universe.
  • Divine Delegation: Arn is the source of everything, but he left the shaping and ordering of the universe to the Primal Deities... Who themselves did Divine Delegation of their own to create the Fantasy Pantheon.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: He is represented as a humanoid figure, but is never confirmed to look like this and is described as unfathomable for mortals.
  • Have You Seen My God?: His absence is never explained. (Aside from the obvious, as he could solve all conflicts by merely lifting an eyebrow.) He is implied to be the universe, with everyone and everything being a part of him, waiting for all to attain perfection and Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence.
  • Heaven Above: Worshippers of Arn believe that when they die, they will join him in the Heavens, just like in Monotheistic religions.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: No mortal is to meet him, perhaps even his clergy. The guy clearly favours the hands-off method.
  • The Ghost: Arn never appears in the story, and even the Mythopoeia only mentions him at the beginning.
  • God: Arn is this both as the Supreme Being several magnitudes of power and scale over all else, and more classically as the center of the sole monotheistic religion of Titan.
  • God Is Neutral: He lets the everlasting struggle between Good and Evil unfold without intervention.
  • Heroic Build: Judging from the statues in his likeness, describing him as a "hunk" is putting it mildly...
  • In Mysterious Ways: No-one knows what Arn has in store for Titan, but he is implied to act in ways beyond deities' and mortals' notice. Mortals don't have to worry in the long run, but they won't see the result anytime soon.
  • Meaningful Name: In-universe, his name means "The First".
  • The Old Gods: The oldest of all.
  • The Omnipotent: His power knows no limit.
  • The Omnipresent: He is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
  • The Omniscient: His knowledge knows no limit.
  • Person of Mass Construction: "In the Beginning there was Arn, and Arn was the Beginning." Enough said. All comes from him and exists through him.
  • Powers That Be: The never-seen, unconcievable, almighty deity who unfolds the universe In Mysterious Ways.
  • Reality Maker: Everything comes from him, from the infintely big from the infinitely small.
  • Sentient Cosmic Force: If one considers that he is and/or encompasses the entire universe.
  • Shrouded in Myth: Next to nothing is known about Arn, not the reason why he does not take part in the conflict, nor why he created the other gods.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: Arn is distinctly described as "a being beyond imagination and time".

The Primal God of Creation and creator of the Earthly Planes. He regards Creation as perfect and refuses to change a thing.
  • Above the Gods: Co-creator of the Fantasy Pantheon and Stock Gods, several magnitudes more ancient and more powerful.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of Primeval Light.
  • Cain and Abel: The biggest feud between the Primal Deities opposed him and Elim, both being too extreme in their vision to consider compromise. Vuh only joined Ashra after their brother went of the deep end and caused open conflict between their worshippers.
  • Cosmic Entity: One of the very oldest and mightiest beings in existence, who predates concepts like space, time, physics, existence and mortality.
  • Death of the Old Gods: The First Battle was the last straw for the Primal Deities, who were cast out of the universe by the Young Gods, and did not really protest much.
  • Divine Delegation: The Primal Deities always meant to leave the world to the Young Gods and watch the result, to avoid conflict between them. And they left the universe altogether, following the First Battle. There are hints that they are still around, watching from afar without intervention, no longer interested.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Ashra is never represented in-universe and out-of-universe, but like Arn and Elim, he is very likely portrayed as a musclebound, bald giant. Though keep in mind that like both, he is something too old and powerful to be truly represented.
  • Foil: Ashra and Elim are diametrical opposites, though both share the same obsession with perfection and did everything following what they deemed as right. One representing Light and pushing creation further, the other Darkness and trying to restart it all. Ashra's stauch refusal to even consider a flaw in creation and Elim's staunch insistence that it should not go further fanned each other's flames and led to a disaster.
  • The Ghost: Ashra never appears in person in the gamebooks, though his High Priest plays a major role in Advanced Fighting Fantasy. Justified since he is an Old God who no longer manifests in the universe.
  • God of Good: As the Primal Deity of Light and the staunchest opponent of evil.
  • God of Light: Primeval deity of Primordial Light.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He wants the best for the universe but he will reduce any follower of evil into smithereeens without batting an eyelid.
    • In the series proper, he and Vuh are the Greatest Scope Paragon above Titan and Glantanka in person. Ultimately averted though, due to their inactivity.
  • Knight Templar: A clearly benevolent example, but he is still uncompromising and far too unwilling to admit that creation might be flawed for his own good and the good of everyone.
  • Lawful Stupid: Not stupid per se, but like Elim he is uncompromising and stubborn beyond reason.
  • Light Is Good: Ashra wants the best for the universe. If only he had not been so overzealous.
  • Light 'em Up: He controls the fundamental cosmic force of Light.
  • Meaningful Name: In-universe, his name means "Light".
  • Never My Fault: Like Elim, willingness to consider being wrong, or even compromise, are not his forte.
  • Not Quite the Almighty: Nigh omnipotent, but absolute power still belongs to daddy dearest.
  • The Old Gods: Older than the gods, but no longer in activity.
  • Order Versus Chaos: He chose Order, which ironically led in no small part to the troubles that plagued Titan for all of History.
  • Person of Mass Construction: One of the architects of the universe.
  • Principles Zealot: Adamantly refused to even consider that Creation might be flawed, despite Elim rightly pointing it out. Had he agreed to change a bit while they still could, nothing would have been the same.
  • Red Baron: He is also known as the Light of the World.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Ashra and his two brothers left the entire universe to the Fantasy Pantheon they created and don't intend to come back. Well at least they finally agreed on something.
  • Sibling Team: He used to be in one before it all went to sh*t.
  • Super-Empowering: He remains the source of power of the few priests he has left.
  • Unperson: The Primal Deities left the universe instead of being killed, but all traces of them was wiped out from History and Living Memory, with their role Creation of the Universe itself being known only to the gods and a select few.
  • Villain-Beating Artifact: He created the Staff of Ashra that obliterates any worshipper of Elim at contact. And serves this very purpose during the Final Battle of Advanced Fighting Fantasy.

See his entry on the Dark Gods page under Primal Deity of Destruction.

The Primal Deity of Existence and creator of the Spiritual Planes. He agrees with Elim that creation is not perfect but agrees with Vuh in refusing to dismiss it as hopeless. All in all the most reasonable of the three.
  • Above the Gods: Co-creator of the Fantasy Pantheon and Stock Gods, several magnitudes more ancient and more powerful.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of Primeval Life.
  • Cain and Abel: Against Elim, though he only joined Ashra after their brother went of the deep end and caused open conflict between their worshippers.
  • Cosmic Entity: One of the very oldest, mightiest beings in existence, who predates concepts like space, time, physics, existence and mortality.
  • Creating Life: He controls the fundamental cosmic force of Life and is the one who pushed for the creation of living beings.
  • Death of the Old Gods: The First Battle was the last straw for the Primal Deities, who were cast out of the universe by the Young Gods, and did not really protest much.
  • Default to Good: After Elim's Demon Gods threatened all of Creation, Vuh could no longer stay neutral. Elim saw it as a betrayal and it all went From Bad to Worse quickly.
  • Divine Delegation: The Primal Deities always meant to leave the world to the Young Gods and watch the result, to avoid conflict between them. And they left the universe altogether, following the First Battle. There are hints that they are still around, watching from afar without intervention, no longer interested.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Vuh is never represented in-universe and out-of-universe, but like Arn and Elim, he is very likely portrayed as a musclebound, bald giant. Though keep in mind that like both, he is something too old and powerful to be truly represented.
  • The Ghost: Vuh never appears in person in the game books, and contrary to his brothers his few remaining cultists never appear in the series proper. Justified since he is an Old God who no longer manifests in the universe.
  • God of Order: As the Primal Deity of Balance and the only willing to compromise.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Neutral he may be, but no follower of evil can expect mercy from him. He is more lenient than Ashra though.
  • Humans Are Special: Vuh holds this belief, though he extends it to each and every mortal. According to him, life is the key to decide whether or not Creation is unfolding correctly.
  • Meaningful Name: In-universe, his name means "Life".
  • Neutral No Longer: Had no choice left after Elim refused to see reason when his gods were defeated... See Default to Good above.
  • Not Quite the Almighty: Nigh omnipotent, but absolute power still belongs to daddy dearest.
  • Only Sane Man: Only Vuh sought to compromise and stated that it was too soon to judge. If only the other two had listened...
  • The Old Gods: Older than the gods, but no longer in activity.
  • Person of Mass Construction: One of the architects of the universe.
  • Red Baron: He is also known as the Life of the World.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Ashra and his two brothers left the entire universe to the Fantasy Pantheon they created and don't intend to come back. Well at least they finally agreed on something.
  • Sibling Team: He used to be in one before it all went to sh*t.
  • Super-Empowering: He remains the source of power of the few priests he has left.
  • True Neutral: Vuh seeks balance above all else.
    • Played with over time due to Elim going off the deep end, but Vuh acted against him to restore Balance instead of having changed his mind...
  • Unperson: The Primal Deities left the universe instead of being killed, but all traces of them was wiped out from History and Living Memory, with their role Creation of the Universe itself being known only to the gods and a select few.
  • Villain-Beating Artifact: He created the Shroud of Vuh that not only obliterates any worshipper of Elim at contact, but can No-Sell any spell they cast at its wearer. It is not used in a story.

Gods of Earth and Mind

Deities created by Ashra, Vuh and Elim together, consequently among the most powerful and influential.

Appears in: Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World | Night of the Necromancer (invoked)
The God of Learning and Magic, which considering how widespread magic is in the series, makes him quite influencial, if only by proxy. He can appear as both an old scholar or a young apprentice, and is married to Galana, Goddess of Fertility and Plants.
  • Arch-Enemy: Being God of Magic, he is this to Shekka, Goddess of Dark Magic who perverts his domain. Still, thorn in his side she may be, but he is magnitudes mightier, so she dares not confront him directly.
  • The Archmage: Hamaskis is their god, and as well. Being the source of magic makes him its most powerful practitioner bar none.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: The god of knowledge and sorcery looks like a scholar and a mage. What a shocking surprise right?
  • Badass Bookworm: Learning and Magic make quite an epic combo, guaranteeing both knowledge and the power to use it effectively.
  • Benevolent Mage Ruler: Their patron god, and being the Greater Deity of magic makes him one as well.
  • Bookworm: No matter his aspect, he's always depicted in and out of universe with a book in hand and many others around him. Libraries are even his temples for crying out loud. Makes sense with Knowledge being his domain, and with books being rare and expensive in a medieval world, he protects them.
  • Embodiment of Virtue: Hamaskis is pretty much the thirst for learning, and the satisfaction of it, personified.
  • Fountain of Youth: Downplayed trope as it is only physical. He usually resembles a learned old man, but often appears as a learning youngster, representing the search for knowledge from start to finish.
  • Grandpa God: The only elderly-looking deity, and one of the mightiest and wisest to boot. However, his second most common aspect is that of a young bookworm.
  • I Have Many Names: Elves call him Livurien. In remote regions he is known as Serion and Tyralar.
  • Little Bit Beastly: Hamaskis was revered in Djarat as Khunam, a ram-headed god.
  • Magic Staff: The God of Magic whose symbol is the conduct for roughly 80% of mages in Titan.
  • The Magnificent: Elves call him Livurien the Sorcerer. With a Capital S if you please.
  • May–December Romance: In many legends, he is married to Galana who was born some time after him and look much younger. Downplayed still, for they are both immortal deities whose physical age is only skin deep (and he often appears as a young man).
  • Minor Major Character: In a setting filled to the brim with mages of all sorts, he should be a major player, but his influence is rarely felt, likely due to the gods being weakened by the First Battle.
  • Mother Nature, Father Science: The God of Scholars is married to the Goddess of Nature.
  • Old Master: Hamaskis is old-looking, and extremely powerful. During the First Battle, the evil Goddess of Dark Sorcery Shekka and the Voodoo Idol of Death Quezkari had to join forces against him, and still lost.
  • The Omniscient: Hamaskis knows everything and imparts knowledge to those who seek it.
  • Our Mages Are Different: The god of them all: White Mage, Black Mage, The Red Mage, Druids, elementalists, illusionists and so on and so forth... He despises the Evil Sorcerer and the Wicked Witch though, stemming from Shekka's corruption of his domain.
  • Pointy Ears: He has them, despite not being related to elves.
  • Purple Is Powerful: His sacred colour is purple.
  • Specs of Awesome: Wears pince-nez spectacles, representing his vast knowledge.
  • Staff of Authority: His symbol is the staff.
  • Wizard Classic: Hamaskis looks every bit like your standard Fantasy wizard, minus the beard.

Click here to see him as a Mad God restrained by Kata and Petros
Appears in: Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World | Dead of Night (invoked)

The True Neutral Lord of the Trickster Gods, tasked to maintain both the Balance Between Good and Evil and the Balance between Order and Chaos, the creator of humans, as well as the referee judging the quarrels and disputes among the deities. Not a bad pedigree. He is either represented as sane and serious, whose judgment is always listened, or raving mad needing to be restrained.

Logaan was created by Vuh, Primordial God of Order. He is always followed by two undistinguishable and faceless twin gods named Kata and Petros, one representing positivity created by Ashra, Primordial God of Light and the other representing negativity created by Elim, Primordial God of Darkness. By listening to both, he can make the best decisions.

  • All Your Colors Combined: His sacred colours are all the seven of the rainbow, with his priesthood wearing garments ornate with all of them at once.
  • Badass Longrobe: Wears robe and being an extremely powerful Greater Deity makes him badass by default.
  • Balance Between Good and Evil: He's tasked to maintain it. No easy feat I assure you...
  • Chaotic Neutral: That's what you get when the God of Neutrality and Balance of the setting is also the God of Disorder and Strife.
  • Cryptic Conversation: His priesthood, and most likely Logaan himself, seldom give straight answers. His priestess in Dead of Night gives precious intel, but good luck telling truth from lies.
  • Delighting in Riddles: Related to the above, his servants loves playing riddles of all sorts. This is the speciality of the Riddling Reaver, his most famous divine servant.
  • Devilish Hair Horns: Subverted, for while Logaan does have hair styled as points, he is not evil (though he can be if keeping the Balance requires it).
  • Fairy Trickster: The Leprechauns, very powerful prank-loving members of The Fair Folk follow his creed. Though whether they worship him or this is just in their nature remains unclear.
  • God of Chaos: Not the primordial force disturbing the universe, but disorder, strife and the like.
  • God of Order: Yes, he's also this in contradiction to the trope right above. Same as above, he does not meddle with the primordial concept beyond his reach.
  • God Is Neutral: Logaan never takes sides, which makes his counsel so valued.
  • Humans Are Special: Logaan created him to be versatile, with equal proclivity for Good and Evil, and no shortage of potential in all sorts of fields.
  • I Have Many Names: Depending on the region, he is named Ranjan or Akolyra.
  • Karmic Trickster: He is said to interfere with cheaters and profiteers.
  • Mad God: Sometimes depicted as this, frantic and demented. To such a point that Kata and Petros have to physically restrain him.
  • Magical Star Symbols: The six-pointed star is one of his sacred symbols. (The other being a two-pointed arrow.) Both indicate all possible directions, hinting the multiple choices availables.
  • Our Genies Are Different: Genies are Logaan's servants.
  • Red Baron: Referred to as the Trickster.
  • Stern Old Judge: A godly variation. He is the arbiter of conflicts among the gods, whose word is final.
  • The Trickster: It's even his title. Logaan always stirs disorder to make sure nothing gets stagnant, and at the same time keeps order to make sure all possibilites are available.
  • Trickster God: He is their ruler, although none of the others are known. He (along with his priesthood) tells truth and lies at the same time, and generally pulls pranks and other Mind Screw.
  • True Neutral: Knowing that both Good and Evil coexists, he makes sure none can threaten the very delicate balance of the Cosmic Order.
    • That might explain why the Riddling Reaver acts heroic in one appearance and evil in the next.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: It was Logaan who discovered Time, kickstarting the Disaster Dominoes leading to the First Battle after the God of Evil Death abducted him.
  • Villainous Widow's Peak: Sports one despite not being a villain.

Appears in: Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World | The Keep of the Lich-Lord

The Goddess of Luck and Fate, presiding over the destinies of every mortal. Ironically enough, the Luck Stat has been a defining characteristic of the series' Featureless Protagonists, from day one, affecting their quest (and often their survival) long before she was created. In a way, this makes her the only deity playing a hand in every gamebook.

Click here to see him as the Horned God
Appears in: Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World | Legend of the Shadow Warriors

The God King ruling all Planes of Existence, with the world in which the franchise takes place being named after him. He is the God of Heavens and Wisdom, the creator of the Giant race, the husband of the Sun Goddess Glantanka, and the overall most powerful force of Good of the franchise.

  • Arch-Enemy: With his Evil Counterpart Death, the Supreme God of Evil of the setting.
  • Barbarian Longhair: Has long hair to fit with his somehow wild theme.
  • Being God Is Hard: It sure would be waaaaaay easier without those pesky Demon Gods and the harm they inflicted, from which the universe is still healing.
  • Cernunnos: Like the Gaul God of Nature, his depiction as the Horned God sports an impressive set of antlers, and is a protector of Nature and the Living.
  • The Chooser of the One: Titan choses you as his Champion in Legend of the Shadow Warriors. Make sure you do not disappoint.
  • Cool Crown: A rather simple golden headband.
  • Divine Intervention: Titan can and will put his foot down when the situation becomes too grim. Most notably to seal away Voivod the Waster.
  • Divine Delegation: He might be nice enough to give you the means to do it, but it remains the good old It's Up to You. Hey, you are the hero or are you not?
  • Embodiment of Virtue: Being the God of Wisdom, Titan is unsurprisingly the wisest being in existence. Which comes in handy when you have an entire universe to rule and want to do it right.
  • Genesis Effect: He created the entire world that bears his name, and likely all others.
  • God-Emperor: Divine ruler of the Celestial Court and subsequently the entire universe.
  • God Is Good: Rest reassured, good people of Titan, your God King and his court want to see you thrive and prosper. Unfortunately God's Hands Are Tied...
  • God of Order: Pretty much his role, as he repels the forces of Chaos to keep the world viable.
  • Good Counterpart: As the ruler and most powerful of the Gods of Good who protect mortals, Titan is this to Death, the ruler and most powerful of the Gods of Evil, who target mortals.
  • The Good King: Contrary to the Jerkass Gods of Classical Mythology and other Pantheons, Titan is this to deities and mortals alike.
  • Heaven Above: Titan is the God of Heavens, though whether it means the sky above or the Afterlife, if not both, remains unclear.
  • Heroic Build: The guy is ripped something big.
  • Horned Humanoid: Titan is sometimes depicted with large antlers.
  • Magic Knight: He has unbelievable divine powers, and uses a spear in battle with supreme proficiency.
  • Modest Royalty: He is the God King, ruler of all universe, and yet eschews pimped-out royal clothing. Likely an effect of his wisdom.
  • Not Quite the Almighty: He is not exactly omnipotent, being dwarfed by the Primal Deities and Arn, but he is so damn obscenely powerful that it makes little difference for mortals.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: He created these, granting them their size and might.
  • Plant Person: As the Horned God, he is represented as made of vines.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: The mightiest of the local Stock Gods and their ruler.
  • Red Baron: He is also known as the Horned God.
  • Top God: The God King of the Fighting Fantasy universe, mixing aspects from his counterparts from many Real Life Mythologies.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: A wise, just and benevolent king.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Titan is never seen wearing anything covering his upper body.

Gods of Light and Fire

Deities created by Ashra.


The Sun Goddess and Titan's wife, who rule the Celestial Court along with him. She created the Dragon God Kilanirax as her main agent and imbued her power to the Gold Dragons.
  • Divine Parentage: She gave life to the Dragon God Kilanirax, who became her Number Two and created the Dragons for her. She remains the Patron Goddess of Gold Dragons.
  • Elemental Hair Composition: Made of sunlight, no less.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: A rare benevolent example, her eyes are as bright as the sun and emit sunrays.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: She is represented in gold and yellow is her sacred colour.
  • God Is Good: Same as her hubby dearest. Glantanka and Titan rule everything and want the best for the world and everyone in it.
  • God of Light: The Goddess of its source.
  • The High Queen: Of the Fantasy Pantheon, and by extension the entire universe.
  • I Have Many Names: Depending on which part of Titan you are in, she is revered under different names, and sometimes different aspects and characteristics. She is known as Ariella, Assamura, Herel, Numara, Sevena and Quuosshreeggaa.
  • Light 'em Up: As the source of all light in the world, she has absolute dominion over it.
  • Night and Day Duo: Glantanka is very close to his brother, the Moon God Lunara.
  • Not Quite the Almighty: Close, if not equal to her husband. While not omnipotent, being dwarfed by the Primal Deities and Arn, she is so damn obscenely powerful that it makes little difference for mortals.
  • Phosphor-Essence: How can she be the Sun Goddess without radiating light all around?
  • Playing with Fire: She gifted this to the Gold Dragons' Breath Weapon. As such and given the nature of the sun, she more than likely controls fire to some extent, though it is more of her brother Filash's domain.
  • Power Glows: Her hair and eyes glow with the radiance of the sun.
  • The Power of the Sun: Glantanka's Divine Domain.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: The second mightiest of the local Stock Gods and their queen.
  • Red Baron: Revered as the Mother of the World and the All-Consuming Blindness.
  • Solar and Lunar: Glantanka and Lunara are siblings. Contrary to most, they are not in opposition and share a close bond. While the Sun is often controlled by a God and the Moon by a Goddess, here it is the other way around.
  • Super-Empowering: She bestowed fire breath to the Gold Dragons.
  • Top God: Top Goddess in that case. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the most powerful and influential goddess of the Celestial Court, second only to Titan himself.
  • Weather Manipulation: Commanding sunlight and heat.

The Moon God, and brother to Glantanka and Filash.
  • Cold Flames: He gifted this to the Silver Dragons' Breath Weapon. As such, he more than likely controls it to some extent, though like his sister, cold or not, fire remains their brother Filash's domain.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He controls the Night but he holds firmly on the Good alignment. He is good enough to accept worship from the Always Chaotic Evil dark elves, for instance.
  • Depending on the Writer: In universe. Some aspects of his character, up to his name and gender, depends on the beliefs of the region. In some parts of Titan he is worshipped as a goddess.
  • Elemental Powers: He controls the Moon and everything that comes from it.
  • Gender Bender: Lunara is worshipped as a goddess in some regions of Titan.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: A rare benevolent example, Lunara's eyes emit moonlight.
  • God of the Moon: The one and only, ladies and gents.
  • Gravity Master: Lunara controls the moon's influence on Titan's gravity. The tides just to name a few.
  • I Have Many Names: He is mostly known as Lord Moon, but Lunara is but the most common of his many names, among which Kuran.
  • Light 'em Up: Lunara controls moonlight.
  • Lord Country: Divine variation. He is mostly known as Lord Moon, the name of his divine domain.
  • Lunacy: His Divine Domain.
  • The Man in the Moon: He is often depicted in and out of universe as watching down the earth from the sky, with his face replacing the moon. In addition, he is the personification of the moon itself.
  • Mystical White Hair: He has white hair, befitting the moon.
  • Night and Day Duo: Lunara is very close to his sister, the Sun Goddess Glantanka.
  • Solar and Lunar: Lunara and Glantanka are siblings. Contrary to most, they are not in opposition and share a close bond. While the Moon by a Goddess and the Sun is often controlled by a God, here it is the other way around.
  • Super-Empowering: He bestowed cold fire breath to the Silver Dragons.
  • Star Power: The guy might be God of the Moon, but he controls Night and the Stars as well.
  • Villain Override: Not him of course, but evil has the nasty habit to step on his domain.
    • Sadly, the Demon Gods have perverted the Night and use it as an evil force, much to his displeasure.
    • Lunara is unlucky, for the evil Goddess of Sorcery Shekka hijacks his power during the night of Shekka's Moon or the Witches' Moon: Every thirty-seven years, the moon rises blood-red, spreading Shekka's power all over Titan and vastly empowering practices of The Dark Arts.
    • Not to mention that the Demon Gods linked lycanthropy to the full moon. The poor guy just cannot catch a breath.

Gods of Wind and Water

Deities created by Vuh

  • The Aloner: He retreated into the oceanic depths after the wounds he suffered during the First Battle, and rarely visits the Celestial Court.
  • Elemental Rivalry: The ex of the Lord of the Ocean is now married to the God of Fire, thus Water and Fire becoming opposing Forces.
  • Fish People: Hydana created them to alleviate his boredom and loneliness due to the lack of sentient aquatic life-forms. Of course, he is their Patron Deity.
  • Lord of the Ocean: His godly domain.
  • Making a Splash: Well duh!
  • The One That Got Away: Hydana was rarely around and eventually left, so Throff ended up marrying Filash instead of playing Penelope. Despite pretty much dumping her, he's very bitter about it.
  • Prongs of Poseidon: Of course, his sacred symbol is the trident.
  • Starter Marriage: His marriage to Throff ended after he returned to the sea and she got tired of waiting.
  • Water Is Blue: His first sacred colour is blue, playing it straight, but the second is a more realistic green, playing with the trope.


God of Storms and Thunder, a very irascible and capricious fellow, but still a very powerful and ultimately benevolent deity.

Children of Titan and Glantanka


Appears in: Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World | Phantoms of Fear | The Gates of Death (mentioned)
The Goddess of Fertility, Nature and Plants of all sorts, married to the God of Learning Hamaskis, who created the elves. With little doubt the sweetest, most generous deity of the Celestial Court.
  • All Your Colors Combined: Her robe always changes its colour.
  • Benevolent Mage Ruler: Like her husband, she is a master of magic, and the reason why Elves surpass any other race in this field. She is the mother of Alliarien, God of Elven Magic.
  • Berserk Button: Threatening her beloved forests is the surest way to get reminded that even the nicest deity in all the Celestial Court can get angry.
  • Enchanted Forest: The One Forest in the proto continent of Irritaria was imbued with her holy presence. It was there than the demi-god TĂ©la Oriens, first of the Elven Mages, learnt magic with her. After the splitting, its remnants remain sacred: the Forest of Night in Allansia, and the Forest of Affen in Khul.
  • Explosive Breeder: Fitting her Fertility domain, Galana birthed the most divine children: (Deep breath) Argowen God of Trees, AĂ«graven Goddess of Flowers, Istarel God of Forest Creatures (Plant Persons included), Euthillial God of Languages, Ititia God of Reason, Alliarien God of Elven Magic, Iatro Goddess of Healing, the Ploughman God of Agriculture, and Varantar God of Shepherds... Phew that's a lot!
  • Fertility Goddess: The one and only.
  • Flowers of Nature: Galana's outfit is covered in flowers of all sorts. She is also the mother of AĂ«graven, Goddess of Flowers.
  • Food God: By ruling over fertility, she controls the growth of fruits and agriculture (though the latter is more the domain of her son the Ploughman, sometimes worshipped as the goddess Cholumbara).
  • Garden Garment: She is clad in plants and flowers, as expected of a Mother Nature.
  • God Is Good: Galana is so benevolent that she accepts worship even from the Always Chaotic Evil races, and allows them to grow food, unable to let them starve. Then again, as soon as they start threatening the land, they can expect no mercy from her.
  • Green Means Natural: Galana's sacred colour is green.
  • Green Thumb: The goddess of vegetation, who grows and controls plants, trees and flowers of all sorts. Her sacred symbol is the tree and her temples are built in (or just are) glades of trees.
  • I Have Many Names: Elves call her Erillia (meaning Elf Mother), and in some regions of the Old World she is called Kachasta or Zaran.
  • May–December Romance: In many legends, Galana a second generation deity is married to Hamaskis, not only one of the First Gods but who looks much older. Downplayed still, for they are both immortal deities who only look their age (and he often appears as a young man.)
  • Mother Nature: Her role in a nutshell. She plays the providing aspect of the trope, while her sister Throff is more nurturing.
  • Mother Nature, Father Science: The Goddess of Nature is married to the God of Scholars.
  • Nature Equals Plants: Well, vegetation of all kind are her godly domain after all...
  • Nature Is Not Nice: A truly sweet and gentle deity, but still as fearsome as nature can be if one incurs her seldom occurring anger.
  • Plant Person: Galana created tree-shaped spirits of the forests such as the wodewoses, who protect her domain and can be deadly to anyone they deem a threat against it.
  • Super-Empowering: Galana is known for granting powers to the worthy.
    • In Phantoms of Fear, she is the source of power of the Eldenurin, the Elf Shaman protecting the Sacred Forest of Affen, who can spellcast and visit the Dream Realm.
    • She grows magical seeds in her Garden granting many power-ups and abilities, which prove mandatory during the Final Battle of The Gates of Death.
  • Red Baron: Known as the Veiled Sorceress, due to veiling her face before the First Battle to steel herself and avoid looking at the forces of Evil. In some regions she is called The Gardener, or the Lady of Corn.

  • Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: She was married with Hydana, but got tired of waiting for him to return from the seas, eventually falling in love with Filash, whom she married.
  • Absurdly Youthful Mother: Justified by her divinity, but she only looks a decade older than her children.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: One of the most benevolent deities, whose sacred days happen in the months of Dark and Skies in Darkness.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: She created the stuff, so it goes without saying that it obeys her every whims.
  • Earth Mother: Represented without pregnancy or wealth of food, but otherwise she fits the bill. She's the Nurturing Earth after all.
  • Law of Chromatic Superiority: One of the mightiest Greater Deities, whose sacred colour is silver.
  • Mother Nature: Throff is the nurturing goddess from which comes all vegetation and nature, leaving its growth and fruits to her sister Galana.
  • Taking the Bullet: During the First Battle, she shielded Titan from a bolt made from Hatred of Fear sent by Death. She was badly wounded but survived, causing outrage in the Forces of Good.

Children of Throff and Hydana


  • Emissary from the Divine: He is the Messenger of the Gods, and serves as an intermediary of sorts between deities and mortals.


Children of Throff and Filash

  • Magma Man: Given his godly domain, he is bound to control magma and lava under all their forms.


Hall of Mind


Courga, represented as male





Unsorted Deities



  • Butt-Monkey: A divine one. Everything that could turn wrong for a creator god happened to him.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: What he had in mind with his creations. Unfortunately, his crude designs only interested the God of Evil who was fishing for Mooks. By the time he produced a viable specy, the Goblin race, Death wanted them as well.
  • War God: A minor one.

  • Berserk Button: She utterly loathes undeads and undeath in general, viewing them as an affront against all she stands for.
  • Dub Name Change: She is called "Itra" in the French edition.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: Mostly associated with her sacred colour, White, to the point of reflecting in her titles.
  • Healer God: Healer goddess, but hey, same difference.
  • Red Baron: She is reverred as the White Goddess or the White Lady.
  • Turn Undead: Iatro devised one of the mightiest variation of the trope, verging on Holy Hand Grenade, which she teaches to her clergy and her most devout followers. It is powerful enough to dust a Praetorian Guard of two hundreds undead Elite Mooks.


  • War God: The second one, in charge of battles.
