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Characters from Despair Island. Unless mentioned, assume tropes related to their canon counterparts already apply.

Warning: due to the nature of the fic, spoilers are unmarked.

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    Multiple Characters 
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: The general nature of this fic, plus the several adaptational tropes that plenty of the characters invoke (i.e. Justin being an Adaptational Badass, allowing him to manipulate others to his advantage) means that instead of Gwen and Owen making it to the finals, it's Geoff and Justin.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Justified, in the canon show, while the teenage contestants had to compete in dangerous challenges when they lost, they just got voted off and lost their chance at the prize money. Here all the teenagers were kidnaped and forced to compete in a nightmarish new reality show, where if they are voted off, they are killed, and the winner is the only one that gets to live. The contestants are traumas that they have to both fight for their lives and send others to their death so they can live.
    • Bridgette especially has it bad in this story. According to her bio, Bridgette was raised by a single mother who she views as her best friend; she was also very popular at her school, on the honor roll at her school, and did numerous volunteers work around her town and all over the world. While Bridgette's social life is unknown in this story, here, her parents were killed in a car accident not too long before the show. And Bridgette is not only dealing with her depression from losing her parents, but she is also forced to compete in a nightmarish new reality show, where if they are voted off, they are killed, and the winner is the only one that gets to live. Bridgette enters the game already broken and terrified and is sad that even if she does win, she does not have her family waiting for her when she comes home.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Sierra and Alejandro appear in Island as newcomers when the merge arrives.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Several contestants have this applied to them, from Justin becoming a viable threat playing dumb to avoid attention, to Ezekiel becoming a religious homeschool kid with a heart of gold.
  • Character Exaggeration: Chris's sadism, Izzy's insanity, Cody's perverted nature, Lindsay's stupidity, and Sierra's craziness are all even greater than they are in canon.
  • Dead Guy on Display: A variation. All contestants have electronic photo frames in the mess hall, and as soon as one is eliminated, their photo is switched to whatever they looked like when they died, unless they had a Life Idol on hand, in which case, their photo remains unchanged.
  • Defiant to the End: Don't be surprised to see some campers either spite Chris and/or Zolkoff, and/or try to fight back against their execution.
  • Dwindling Party: Almost every episode ends with the losing team (before the merge; afterwards, all of the campers) having to vote off a team member to eliminate that night. The only way they can avoid this is if they have a Life Idol or a contestant dies in the middle of a challenge.
  • Face Death with Dignity: While all of the contestants are fighting for their survival for most of the fic, if a contestant is aware they may be voted off that night over a variety of circumstances, i.e. throwing a challenge, and don't have a Life Idol with them, then usually expect their confessionals, before or during voting, involving them expressing themselves about accepting their fate.
  • Forced into Evil: Villainous contestants, like Heather, Alejandro, and Justin, don't want to cause people to die so they can get ahead, they've just been forced to do so because of the game.
  • Sole Survivor: All the contestants are fighting to be this. Downplayed thanks to the Life Idol mechanic, which spares the user from a horrific fate if they manage to find it.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Lampshaded by Katie:
    "X number of days to live." Katie whined, lifting her gruel up with her spoon and letting it flop back into the bowl. "And he gives us this garbage? What's up with that?"

Screaming Gophers

    Beth, the Wannabe 
A short and homely farmgirl who makes up for her lack of spine with an eagerness to make friends.

    Gwen, the Goth 
A moody and sarcastic goth girl who prefers to stay outside of others' social circles.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: Thanks to Justin's much more cunning nature, allowing him to use his supposed 'stupidity' to his advantage (in this case, framing her for punching out Cody by mistake), instead of reaching the finale like in canon, she dies way before the merge.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul:
    • Gwen's first boyfriend in canon was Trent. She falls in love with him upon his arrival at the island. Here, Gwen and Trent don't get along at all, with Trent disliking Gwen's moody attitude and pessimism. Trent even votes her off after Justin sets her up. Justified given the situation in the story, though.
    • Cody was good friends with Gwen in canon. Here, Gwen immediately takes a dislike to Cody due to Cody's perverted tendencies and obsessions with sex, calling him out for saying things like "whore" and getting angry at her teammates for sparing him from elimination. However, she does forgive him for all his wrongdoings when Zolkoff executes her.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Not as dramatic or violent as the other deaths, but just as cruel and unusual; she has her wrists slit and forced to bleed out.
  • Dying Declaration of Hate: Upon being eliminated, she delivers a Cluster F-Bomb to her teammates for voting her off due to something she didn't do.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Even after she's framed by Justin and voted off by her team, she doesn't give Zolkoff the satisfaction of crying or screaming, even as he's cutting open her wrists and making her slowly bleed out. She even takes the time to forgive Cody as he silently comforts her in her very final moments.
  • Tricked to Death: Justin trips her up to make it look like she punched out Cody, leading to a very predictable elimination.

    Lindsay, the Dumb Model 
An extremely attractive cheerleader whose astounding idiocy has made her innocent and oblivious towards everything going on around her.
  • Adaptational Dumbass: While she was never the brightest character in canon, this fic ramps up her lack of her intelligence, to the point she lacks even basic awareness of the situation.
  • Boom, Headshot!: She gets executed this way just because Chef forgot to melt the hot wax she was supposed to be covered in in time.
  • Character Exaggeration: Her stupidity is far greater than in canon, as her inability to comprehend simple phrases and concepts or even the gravity of the situation she's in is extraordinary here. Once she realises what's actually going on, it's too late.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Ironically one of the only few times where she acknowledges she's actually in a Deadly Game:
    Chris tutted at the boy. "Breakfast time is over, Zeke, you know it's-"
    "It's 'Ezekiel'." The homeschooler interrupted, correcting the host firmly. "I only let my few select friends call me Zeke."
    Chris gasped melodramatically. "You don't consider me a friend?" He clutched his figurative pearls. "What have I ever done to you?"
    "Well you sorta put us on this deathy island thing, that could be a factor." Lindsay told Chris earnestly. "I don't mean any offense Chris, but that is kind of mean."
    Chris laughed out loud. "Ah man, you kids are priceless! Great TV!"
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Subverted. She was supposed to be covered in hot wax, but since that wasn't prepared in time, Chris just shoots her in the head. He even lampshades this just before he shoots her:
    "Consider yourself lucky, Lindsay."
  • Innocent Inaccurate: Her extreme naivety means she often doesn't understand the seriousness of the situation she's in, leading to her interpreting things in a more innocent light. For example, when LeShawna's bra is found under resident pervert Cody's pillow, she thinks it's "cute" that Cody has a crush on LeShawna. note 
  • Killed Mid-Sentence:
  • The Load: Her extreme stupidity makes her this in challenges. However, she lasts much longer than other similarly useless teammates, as her innocent nature is seen as a source of relief for her teammates.
  • The Pollyanna: She still remains as peppy and bubbly as ever due to the fact she doesn't understand that she's in a life-or-death scenario.

    Heather, the Queen B 
A mean and haughty "rich girl"-type who is ruthless in her determination to become the game's sole survivor.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Downplayed. While she does start off as an Alpha Bitch, she eventually relents once she realises that won't do much for her survival.
  • Adaptational Modesty: She wears the same Ms. Fanservice outfit as in canon, but she is shown to wear a lacy bra when she lifts up her top during the paintball challenge, whereas her canon self didn't wear anything underneath her top.
  • Alpha Bitch: Subverted. At first, Heather acts like this, just like in canon. However, after finding out that acting like this isn't conducive to her survival, she quits.
  • Anti-Villain: She does start out as an Alpha Bitch, but is just fighting for her life.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: With Justin usurping her place as the main villainous contestant, Heather ultimately fails to become a major threat at all in the game despite her ambitions, due to a concussion rendering her totally harmless and Alejandro then taking her under his wing.
  • Condescending Compassion: Upon arriving at the island, she assures the present contestants that once she wins, she will make sure to give them a nice memorial service, leading DJ and Beth to break down in tears and pissing Gwen and Geoff off.
  • Driven to Suicide: After Alejandro's death, she is pushed to this - or so it seems. Subverted by Word of God, which confirms that she actually died peacefully in her sleep after her brain couldn't recover from the second head injury she had received, but Chris staged her death to look like a suicide to not look incompetent.
  • Forced into Evil: She's all nasty and manipulative as in canon, but only because she wants to survive.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Sheds her Alpha Bitch persona once she realises that won't get her far in a competition like this.
  • Passed in Their Sleep: She never recovers from her head injury and dies in her sleep instead. Not that any of the campers know this, as they're told her death was a suicide instead just to cover up Chris' mistake.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite her animosity towards Gwen, Heather proposes that her teammates not vote Gwen off after the Awakeathon as Gwen was the Gopher who lasted longer in the challenge, earning her Gwen's gratitude. She then states in her confessional that she didn't only defend Gwen out of kindness, but because she honestly believes that someone who stayed awake nearly forty hours doesn't deserve to be voted off.
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: Early on during the cooking challenge, Heather considers spiking the sea food her team is going to prepare with poison to kill Chris, but desists when Chris warns the campers that if they do so, they will be killed instantly.

    Trent, the Cool Guy 
A handsome and laidback boy interested in music and motorcycles.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul:
    • Gwen was Trent's girlfriend in canon. He takes a liking for her upon his arrival at the island and later finds out about Gwen's mutual feelings. Here, Trent doesn't tolerate Gwen because of her moody attitude and pessimism, calling her out for not caring when Katie gets lost in the woods and even voting her off after Justin sets her up, remarking that Gwen proved to be a "one twisted bitch".
    • Cody was Trent's best friend in the Screaming Gophers in canon. Here, Trent dislikes Cody for his perverted tendencies and obsessions with sex. He does warm up to him when Cody tries to tone down his behaviour a bit, but ultimately votes him off after Justin sets Cody up.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: He's snappy and ill-tempered in the story, but he does have some standards.
  • Comfort the Dying: He (along with LeShawna) comforts Harold as he dies from his gunshot wound, even crediting Harold for "having the balls" to rebel against Chris.
  • Missing Mom: Unlike in canon, it's mentioned that Trent's mother left him and his father when he was six. She doesn't even appear when Trent wins a five minute video call with his parents, despite the attempts of Trent's father to contact her.
  • So Proud of You: Trent's father calls him to be the "best thing that has ever happened" to him.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: He dies when he accidentally falls onto a mine face-first in the middle of a challenge.

    Noah, the Schemer 
A sarcastic and cynical bookworm whose apathetic demeanor hides an incredible intellect.
  • Aborted Arc: According to Word of God, he would have returned in the cancelled follow-up seasons as an intern alongside Bridgette to help the second and third casts.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: He's lazy, but don't be fooled — he's not called "the Schemer" for nothing. In fact, his Zero-Approval Gambit, mentioned below, is what ultimately gets him off the island unscathed.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Subverted. It looks like he's going to be dragged off and hung by the neck until he dies, but, after dragging it out as long as possible just to screw with him, he's intentionally freed at the last minute so Chris can reveal he found the first Life Idol.
  • Dude, Not Funny!: In-universe. After Owen's execution the very next morning, Trent calls him out on making a comment about how 'at least the air is breathable today'. Later on, as Chris reveals he pranked him by pretending to hang him at the gallows despite having given him the first Life Idol:
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: On his last night on the island, just after Chris 'announces' he's about to die, Noah tries to point out that he found the first Life Idol, only to be cut off by Chef putting a burlap sack over his head. Only after they make a whole show and dance over Noah's supposed execution does Chris reveal that Noah found the first Life Idol.
  • I'm Not Here to Make Friends: Expresses this while arguing with Beth, criticizing her attempts to make friends during a Deadly Game where most of them will be eventually killed, though he apologizes after saying this when LeShawna assures him that Beth means well.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite his snide and condescending attitude, he comforts Bridgette during their time together at Playa De Losers.
  • The Load: Invokes this in the dodgeball challenge in order to get himself eliminated and use the life idol to escape safely.
  • Loophole Abuse: He found the first Life Idol in a safe. And technically, he did find it before Chris could even properly hide it, so it counts, leading to his Zero-Approval Gambit below the next day. Chris even lampshades this in the flashback that reveals how he got the idol:
    Chris: "You weren't labeled the Schemer for nothing. I thought you would've used your brains for something more… antagonistic-y, though."
  • The Man They Couldn't Hang: Chris pretends to drag him off to his execution at the gallows up until the very last minute, where he deliberately cuts the wrong rope and frees him.
  • Mistaken for Dying: Of course, this being Chris, he tricks the campers, and Noah himself, into thinking he's about to be executed up until the very last second, just to reveal he found the first Life Idol.
  • No Longer with Us: Chris says this word-for-word when he reveals to the Killer Bass that Noah got the first Life Idol, and therefore, escaped with his life.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has this reaction when Chris 'declares' he's the next to be executed and 'drags' him off to his 'execution'.
  • Parental Favoritism: Implied. Noah has eight older siblings and apparently has a bit of an inferiority complex regarding this. In the penultimate chapter, his parents, relieved that he's alive, reveal that they never told his siblings about his predicament because they "didn't want them to worry"… which justifiably leaves Noah feeling quite bitter.
  • Potty Emergency: The first part of his scheme to find the first Life Idol and escape as soon as possible is to fake this during 'The Big Sleep' challenge, so he can sneak off and retrieve it from a safe - before Chris has a chance to hide it himself.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The end result of his gambit ensures he escapes off the island unscathed - much to the chagrin of his teammates.
  • Shoot the Rope: A variation, where The Executioner (in this case, Chris) actually does slice open the rope himself to free him... right after pretending to send him to his death at the gallows up until the very last second, all just to screw with him and his soon-to-be-ex-teammates.
  • Speak Ill of the Dead: The next morning, after Owen's execution, Noah has the gall to make a morbid joke by noting that "At least the air is breathable today". Unsurprisingly, Trent and Justin don't find it funny.
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: He intentionally turns himself into The Load so that the other campers will vote him off- because he had found one of the life idols, and wanted out of the game as quickly as possible.
    "Perfect. I got a one-way ticket out of this hell-hole. I vote for myself."

    Leshawna, the Sister with ‘Tude 
A loud, sassy, and street-smart ghetto girl who has a strong focus on winning the game.
  • Anti-Hero: As the author says themselves, she assumes the role that Duncan did in the canon season. While she does believe firmly in playing fair, shows remorse for some of her less moral actions, and does treat most of her teammates with respect, she ultimately remains firm on winning the game and is unafraid of sacrificing those close to her if absolutely necessary. This mentality proceeds to completely screw her over after she betrays Beth, and because Chef gets to choose who to kill (albeit reluctantly) that night, he's so disgusted by her actions he chooses to kill her.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Chef executes this way, explaining that he'd rather not subject anyone to cruel torture.
  • Comfort the Dying: She (along with Trent) comforts Harold as he dies from his gunshot wound, holding his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze while asking him why he tried to escape.
  • Death by Irony: She tried to get Beth eliminated with a Wounded Gazelle Gambit, but, thanks to Chef given free reign to choose who to eliminate (outside of Justin and Geoff winning immunity that night), he chooses her instead for betraying Beth, which he calls 'condemning behaviour'.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Before Chef kills her by shooting her directly in the head for betraying Beth, she goes into silent prayer, asking for forgiveness while looking at the stars one last time.
  • I'm Not Here to Make Friends: Strongly adheres to this, refusing to let herself become too attached to any of the contestants she gets along with so that it'll be less difficult for her to focus on winning when in the final two with her alliance mate.
  • Karmic Death: Her Wounded Gazelle Gambit to try and eliminate Beth backfires on her when Chef reveals he gets to choose who to vote off, and he picked her for 'selling out a teammate', according to his "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Her last words, as she's kneeling in prayer, heavily imply this:
    "Forgive me."
  • Nothing Personal:
    • Upon setting foot on the island, she warns her fellow campers that while she will be friendly, she doesn't want them to take personally her intention to win the competition.
    • After giving Cody the beating of his life for trying to use her lucky bra to get off note , leading the team to vote Cody off for his pervertedness and responsibility for their losing the cooking challenge, she assures Cody that while she doesn't regret what she did to his "pervy ass", she doesn't feel that he deserves to die. Once the two are in the bottom two, realizing that Cody futilely tried to vote her off, she concludes that she can't blame him for doing that.
  • This Is a Competition: This is her primary mentality throughout the entire fic. And it inevitably screws her over after her Wounded Gazelle Gambit to get Beth eliminated falls flat on it's face, simply because they didn't know who Chef would vote off.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Punches out Cody for stealing her lucky bra.note 
    • She ends up on the receiving end of this by Chef after he reveals he got to choose who to eliminate (outside of anyone with immunity), and he chose her for 'betraying Beth' to get her eliminated in her steed.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: In a bid to try and get Beth eliminated while in the final 4, she fakes hurting her ankle to deliberately slow down the girl's team so they can't win immunity and the others can potentially vote her off. Unfortunately for her, Chef gets the final say on who to eliminate that night and this backfires on her hard.

    Katie, the Nice Girl 
A bubbly and sweet-natured girl who finds herself separated from her best friend during their nightmarish stay on the island.

    Cody, the Pervert 
A scrawny little geek driven primarily by his own hormonal obsessions with girls.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Cody's personality is significantly altered from that of canon, transforming from a good-natured and childlike Casanova Wannabe to a lustful and dirty-minded creep with a one-track mind obsessed with women and little else.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul:
    • Gwen was Cody's crush in canon, leading him to woo her until he realized that she loved Trent, then helping her and Trent to get together. Here, Cody's perverted tendencies disturb Gwen and she tries to get him eliminated at all costs. He does earn her forgiveness when he stays by her side during her execution so she doesn't die alone, though.
    • Trent was Cody's best friend in canon, with Cody helping Trent to get together with Gwen even though he also had feelings for her. Here, Cody disgusts Trent with his perverted tendencies, and while Trent later accepts him when Cody tones down his behaviour, he ultimately votes Cody off after Justin sets him up.
  • Character Exaggeration: His perverted tendencies are far more prominent, as he cannot go a single scene without making some dirty comment or looking lustfully at a female character.
  • Comfort the Dying: He takes the time to hold Gwen's hand during her own execution, allowing her to forgive him for his wrongdoings.
  • Death by Irony: He's executed by being thrown into an Iron Maiden shaped like a beautiful woman. Not helping is Chris rubbing salt on an open wound by declaring that his execution will involve 'doing something' about his head, hands, and 'beans and sausage'.
  • Do Not Go Gentle: See Must Not Die a Virgin below.
  • Dying Declaration of Hate: After being framed for stealing Leshawna's bra, courtesy of Justin, and realizes he's most likely going to get eliminated, during the ceremony itself, he goes on a short but explicit Cluster F-Bomb rant at the rest of his teammates.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: While yes, Justin does successfully frame him for stealing LeShawna's bra, Cody took the bra from Justin's bed, and, according to the author, 'planned to use it himself'. Combined with Justin feigning innocence and he's voted off 7-1 very easily.
  • Iron Maiden: How he meets his end when he's eliminated.
  • Karmic Death: Chris executes him by tossing him into a woman-shaped Iron Maiden to take care of his 'naughty bits', a reference to how he 'stole' LeShawna's bra and wound up being eliminated.
  • Must Not Die a Virgin: He's determined to get as much action as possible during his stay on the island, and is very disappointed by how the girls aren't desperately throwing themselves at him given their situation.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Tries to flee when he's eliminated. Chris just quickly captures him in a net instead.
  • Tricked to Death: Justin hides LeShawna's lucky bra underneath his bed to make it look like he stole it. LeShawna herself is none the wiser.
  • Too Dumb to Live: It's not apparent in the actual fic itself, but according to the author's notes, he was planning to use LeShawna's bra for himself before he put it back.
  • Undignified Death: It's not enough that he's just thrown into the woman-shaped Iron Maiden and leave it at that. No, in fact, after he tries to escape when he's eliminated, he's captured in a net, called out by Chris himself for his perverted nature, then picked up and unceremoniously tossed inside, goring him instantly. And that's before Chris slams the door.

    Owen, the Optimist 
An extremely overweight and none-too-bright boy with an enthusiastic and positive attitude towards everything.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: Like Gwen, he doesn't make it to the finale like in canon. In fact, he's the first Gopher to be executed here, because his gimmick didn't fit into a fic like this.
  • Alas, Poor Scrappy: In-universe example. While he's not very liked by his team, when he gets voted off and is forced to swallow a fast-acting cyanide pill, the rest of the team react in horror as he practically chokes to death. Trent even calls out Eva for calling Owen 'the fat guy' and Noah for joking about how 'at least the air is breathable today' the very next day.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Unlike in canon, Owen doesn't have any romantic interactions with Izzy (who isn't transferred from the Killer Bass and is the first executed camper) and makes some explicitly suggestive comments about Justin, like that he "is good in bed" and that his "buns are firm", creeping Justin out. He also finds Cody's attraction to his female teammates "weird".
  • Big Fun: Deconstructed. His happy-go-lucky personality is seen as an annoyance, and he is generally viewed as The Load. This is what results in him being the second elimination.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He's forced to swallow a cyanide pill and ends up choking and gagging to death. The other campers are practically forced to flee from the sight alone.
  • He Had a Name: Trent calls out Eva for proclaiming that the Gophers voted off 'the fat guy' the very next morning.
  • Heroic BSoD: When he believes that he won't be getting a marshmallow, his once-optimistic personality starts to drain from his body, and when the inevitable does happen, he practically bursts out crying when he realizes he's been eliminated and he's going to be the first to die on his team.
  • The Load: His oafish nature makes him this, and results in him being executed first on his team.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: His peppy, happy-go-lucky personality falls apart when he realises he won't survive his first elimination ceremony and once it's official, he breaks down crying.
  • The Pollyanna: He's still as extremely positive and enthusiastic as ever despite his situation. Unfortunately for him, his teammates don't take a liking to it. That positive nature quickly collapses as soon as they get to the first Gopher elimination ceremony.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Owen reached the finale in canon, but is the first member of his team to die in this fic because his Toilet Humor gimmick is poorly suited to the fic's darker tone.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Like Izzy before him, his Toilet Humor gimmick was ill fitting for a Dark Fic like this, so he's the first Gopher to die when his team loses their first challenge.

    Justin, the Eye Candy 
An impossibly gorgeous teen model whose pretty face hides a scheming and manipulative nature.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: In this version of Total Drama Island, he wins the entire competition. There's not even an alternative version where Geoff wins, but both are saved anyways, along with the rest of the surviving campers.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: Here, he's a model born into the Serbian mafia.
  • Adaptational Badass: Justin is a lot more competent and devious than in canon, essentially taking the spot of Heather as the main villainous contestant, to the point where he successfully manages to eliminate 3 people through cunning manipulation alone (albeit he voluntarily stops after he declares "My God, What Have I Done?" concerning Cody's elimination).
  • Adaptational Intelligence: This time, he's a lot more cunning and clever, to the point of faking his own stupidity to eliminate 3 contestants.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: His overall character is altered to have much more in common with his more competent canon successor Alejandro, with his ineffectual qualities as a villain that were seen in the show being reimagined as being little more than an act to keep others from catching on to him.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Downplayed. While he's much more cunning in this adaptation, he's ultimately just trying to survive a Deadly Game, to the point he opts to stop trying to fix eliminations once he realizes he's gone too far.
  • Anti-Villain: For all his manipulation, he is trying to survive a Deadly Game and see his family again, and even shows deep remorse for his deeds, even apologizing to Geoff after beating him in the finals.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: He actually wins the final challenge and becomes the Total Drama champion. However, just before Geoff is executed, police arrive and rescue them both.
  • Being Evil Sucks: Once he realizes he's gone too far in his manipulations, he relents his ways and focuses on just trying to win.
  • Fingore: Near the end, he's forced to chop off one of his fingers if he wants to be in the running to win immunity to get into the finale. His only consolation is that he'll get medical attention and he gets to choose which finger he'll lose. He loses his left pinkie thanks to one clean cut from Zolkoff.
  • Forced into Evil: He is manipulative for sure, but like everyone else, he is playing a Deadly Game.
  • Easily Forgiven: After the contestants are rescued during the finale, Duncan is surprised by how easily Geoff accepts Justin's apology for almost getting him executed at the end of the challenge, especially since Bridgette adamantly refuses to forgive Justin for the same actions. He's not invited to their wedding anyway, though.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Cody's death makes him realize that he's gone too far, and this is what ultimately stops his manipulations to focus on just winning.
  • The Heavy: He is the deadliest contestant in the game by far, and makes it all the way to the end, making him the main physical threat in contrast to Non-Action Big Bad Chris.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He is wracked with guilt after getting Eva, Gwen and Cody eliminated, to the point where he decides to stop scheming and engineering others' eliminations.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He pretends to be little more than a vain and lazy pretty boy so as to avoid being seen as a threat by the others. This easily allows him to frame Courtney for stealing Eva's MP3, Gwen for punching Cody and Cody for stealing LeShawna's bra.
  • The Prima Donna: Thanks to Adaptational Intelligence and Adaptational Badass-ery, he's able to use his good looks to his advantage to easily fake this trope and look whiny at times to make everyone else not suspect a thing, allowing him to slip under the radar in the long term and get certain contestants eliminated He only stops on Cody after he gets him eliminated out of sheer guilt.
  • Tricked to Death: His manipulations manages to get Eva, Gwen and Cody all eliminated early on.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: After his scheme to get Cody eliminated goes as planned and everyone goes to vote him off, he's seen vomiting into the confessional toilet as he expresses regret over what he did to get Cody killed.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He is afraid of fire, leading Chris to force him to wear a fire suit and stand in a makeshift building which is on fire.

  • Would Hit a Girl: Has no qualms in punching Gwen in the face to make it look that she blackmailed Lindsay into claiming that Cody had harassed her to set him up for elimination.

Killer Bass

    DJ, the Brickhouse with Heart 
A kind and sensitive Jamaican-Canadian linebacker who is more terrified than anyone else of the life-or-death situation they're all in.

    Geoff, the Funnest Guy Around 
A cheerful party animal whose ability to look on the bright side has made him surprisingly calm and compassionate in his horrifying situation.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: This time around, he makes it to the finale against Justin.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Geoff was already a Nice Guy in canon, though he picked on Harold on two occasions and temporarily behaved like a bully during the Aftermath show in the second season. Here, Geoff never mistreats Harold and doesn't behave like a jerk even once.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After surviving Total Drama Island in its entirety, up to and including the final execution that was interrupted at the last minute, he gets to marry Bridgette, live comfortably and they end up having 3 children.
  • Face Death with Dignity: He's the (intended) last execution in the story, and as Chris walks over to shoot him, he shuts his eyes and waits for the end.
  • Foil: To Owen in this story. Both are optimistic, none-too-bright, fun-loving blonds who still manage to keep their heads up in their nightmarish scenario, but the similarities end there. Whereas Owen ends up annoying his whole team with his positive attitude, extreme enthusiasm for everything, and oblivious and oafish behaviour, Geoff is liked by his teammates for his optimistic nature, has a more laidback approach to everything going on around him, and is generally much more aware of his surroundings and how he affects others. As a result, Owen becomes the first executed on his team while Geoff makes it all the way to the finals.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Non-death example. He gives up his Life Idol to save Bridgette and get her off the island as soon as possible. In his own words:
    It just seemed like the right thing to do. Believe me, I know what it means and I thought it through. And besides, if you think I'm not winning this thing when you're on the outside waiting for me, you're nuts.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: His optimistic and selfless personality makes him this, especially with his comforting of Bridgette and eventual decision to sacrifice his Life Idol (following up by encouraging some of the survivors to vote her off to get her off as soon as possible) to save her.
  • Nice Guy: As per canon, he is one of the nicest characters on the show, with his easygoing attitude and friendliness allowing him to make friends with many and help them feel better about their situation.
  • Oh, Crap!: Inverted. In the penultimate episode, after he hears of the twist that Noah and Bridgette got to also choose to vote off, he's the only one breathing a sigh of relief.
  • Reunion Vow: He promises Bridgette that, after she's been eliminated and he reveals he used the Life Idol on her, he'll go on to win the competition while she's 'on the outside waiting for me' so they can eventually reuinite. While he eventually loses to Justin in the finale, he's saved at the very last minute by the Canadian military with the rest of the campers, allowing him to keep his promise.

    Duncan, the Delinquent 
A tough and street-smart juvenile delinquent who is determined to escape the game by any means necessary.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Compared to his canon self, Duncan is nicer here, as he doesn't pick on nor try to humiliate Harold despite teasing him a little, mostly treats his teammates with respect even when voting them off, like he did with DJ and Tyler, and never creates a romantic triangle between himself, Courtney and Gwen, despite having feelings for Courtney. Justified and Played With given the situation in the story, Duncan knows that causing trouble with the other players will just put a target on his back to get him voted off and killed. So Duncan decides that he needs to be a little nicer if he is going to survive this game. Privately Duncan admits that it is killing him being this nice and that he is not a Nice Guy. To his credit, Duncan shows genuine compassion for both the people who lost their lives to the game and the people who suffered.
  • Anti-Hero: Like his canon self. While he manages to become good friends with a few of his teammates and does his best to play fairly, he ultimately remains focused on his own survival first and foremost and won't hesitate to make this clear to even his own friends.
  • Bears Are Bad News: He actually uses a cameraman mauled by bear to his advantage to escape the game.
  • Beneath the Mask: Harold theorizes that Duncan's bad behaviour, like when he jokingly warns Harold that he will be executed next if they vote Ezekiel off, is just a way to hide his fear due to fighting for his life in a Deadly Game.
  • Dead Guy Junior: It's revealed he named his baby girl 'Courtney', after his deceased teammate, in the "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue.
  • Faking the Dead: How he manages to escape the game itself; by using an actual dead cameraman to fake his own demise.
  • Hypocrite: He engineers the eliminations of the teammates who aren't part of his alliance, though he knows that he will have to eventually turn on his alliance-mates once the non-alliance members are gotten rid of. However, when Harold tries to backstab the alliance so he can save Ezekiel from elimination over Courtney (in order to delay his own) and fails, Duncan gets pissed off at him, even though he constantly teased Harold that once they got rid of Eva, DJ, Tyler, Sadie and Ezekiel, he would be the next on the chopping block.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: During the Brunch of Disgustingness challenge, he admits that the human flesh hot dogs actually taste pretty good... at least compared to the slop Chef usually serves.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: He's mauled by a bear in one of the challenges... at least according to Chris. In reality, a cameraman got mauled instead and he disguises himself as the cameraman and the cameraman as himself to trick Chris into thinking he really was mauled. He hides himself for the rest of the time on the island so Chris really believes he died.
  • Reformed Criminal: According to the "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue, he eventually shed his criminal ways and became a police officer, before becoming the Minister of National Defence. He now aims to avoid a repeat of Total Drama Island and subjecting teens to possibly the same fate once more.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Has no qualms in punching Sadie in the face when she refuses to shoot paintballs at Katie and shoots Courtney in the face with them instead.

    Tyler, the Accident Prone 
An extremely clumsy boy who constantly hurts himself when performing athletic stunts.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: His Lovable Jock character and obsession with sports is downplayed in favour of reimagining him as a simple klutz for whom sports is only a de-stressing hobby.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He's executed by being forced to hold a grenade in his mouth, courtesy of Zolkoff, until it explodes... and that's somehow less cruel than how Chris wanted to kill him: tossing bowling balls at him until he died.
  • Disabled in the Adaptation: Whereas Tyler's first season performance ended with him leaving the competition unscathed, here he twists his ankle in the first challenge, which leaves him confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his stay.
  • Eat the Bomb: He is forced to hold a grenade thrown at him in his mouth until it explodes.
  • Face Death with Dignity: An odd example, as the way he reacts to being eliminated actually determines how he's going to die, according to Chris, thanks to a bet he did with Zolkoff. If he started crying (or, as he put it, 'went all freak out mode and scream-y') upon hearing the news, then he'd have bowling balls thrown at him until he died (the way he'd get to kill him). Instead, his (relatively) more calmer reaction results in him being forced to stick a live grenade in his mouth. At least he didn't have to suffer for long...
    • His final confessional has him admit that he's going to do this, albeit reluctantly. Justified, as he was forced onto this show against his will, and, apart from his injury, he's still a young and healthy man:
    "Tyler's eyes are red. "I've made my peace." He sniffles. "For the most part, anyways. Let's face it, there's no way I'll beat Courtney in a tie-breaker. Not in my condition. I had a long talk with Ezekiel and we prayed a lot, and I feel like I'm ready." He sniffles again. "Not that I'm happy about it. Mom, Dad, just so you know, I love you guys."
  • Heroic BSoD: He has a brief one during the first elimination ceremony, which only stops when Izzy ends up being the first eliminated instead:
    Tyler is trying to keep it together. "I-I vote for Izzy." He said, his voice shaking. "How could she mess up the challenge and then set me up for elimination? It's not right….it's not right."
  • I Gave My Word: He placed Ezekiel's Bible 'exactly where [he] asked [him] to put it' (in his drawer once he finished reading), which is why he sees him as a good person.
  • The Klutz: Tyler, like in canon, is especially clumsy and prone to having accidents and injuries, to the point that he got put into a wheelchair in the first challenge.
  • Living on Borrowed Time: He lampshades this when DJ gets eliminated that night, aware that his mauling and subsequent Mercy Kill spared him from what otherwise could've been own elimination, and, if he doesn't recover in time by the time the team loses another challenge, it might be him next on that chopping block.
  • The Load: Becomes this for his team when he ends up in a wheelchair at the end of the first day. He never recovers in time, to the point where he secretly expresses relief that DJ got mauled by a bear, lest he ended up on the chopping block himself, and when he gets voted off, he laments that "I tried my hardest... and it just wasn't enough."
  • You See, I'm Dying: His last non-voting confessional has him admit he's most likely going to be voted off that night to Ezekiel, hence the long talk and prayer session to help prepare for his own execution.

    Harold, the Nerd 
A gangly and awkward nerd who takes great pride in his intelligence and multiple talents.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In canon, it's mentioned that Harold's unnamed little sister thinks that he is "weird". Here, Harold's little sister Carrie is shown to love him, even asking him when he is gonna come back so he can be the "dragon" for their mother to rescue her from.
  • All Men Are Perverts: Like in canon, he gets to see more of Heather's body, but rather than seeing her topless, he just stares at her bra when she lifts up her top to distract him during the paintball hunting challenge so she and Justin can "hunt" Geoff.
  • Better to Die than Be Killed: A variation. He shows no regret for being fatally shot in his failed escape attempt, deciding that he is happy to have died on his own terms rather than through being voted for by the others.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Despite the realistic and serious nature of this Dark Fic, Harold breaks the fourth wall before the talent show challenge by pointing out that there's a "continuity error" when Chris asks the campers if they have noticed the amphitheater that's near to the dodgeball court, satirizing the fact that both locations were never shown in the canon series premiere and that the dodgeball court was never seen again afterwards.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Non-execution example. He gets shot by Chris during the first rescue attempt through the chest and proceeds to bleed to death in the process. Not that he really seems to care that much though.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: How he considers his own death in his dying words.
  • A Good Way to Die: A variation, as he didn't choose to go on this game show, but he takes pride that he gets to die on his own terms (which he considers "wicked"), rather than facing a potentially demeaning and humiliating death at the hands of Chris and/or Zolfoff's executions.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Just like in canon, he leaves the game (which, unlike in canon, is a Deadly Game) with his head held high and a smile on his face, due to his death being, as he observes, "wicked awesome".
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: His attempt to escape the island during the first rescue attempt results in him getting shot by Chris.
  • Stop Being Stereotypical: He doesn't like Duncan constantly referring to Ezekiel as "Preachy" due to his religion and calls Duncan out for doing it.
  • Traumatic Haircut: More of a traumatic cut of facial hair here. During the Wheel of Pain challenge, Harold's dare is to have Chef pluck out his facial hair for ten seconds. He doesn't want to do it, as, according to him, his goatee is how he "gets all his chicks", but ultimately gives up and lets Chef do it, yet he is given no hydrogen peroxide for his bleeding chin.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: He runs to the bushes and throws up after he and his teammates witness how Izzy's lifeless body is still moving as her brain slowly shuts down immediately after her execution.

    Bridgette, the Pacifist 
A sweet and soulful girl who loves surfing and nature, but abhors conflict and violence.
  • Aborted Arc: According to Word of God, she would have returned in the cancelled follow-up seasons as an intern alongside Noah to help the second and third casts.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: Here, she's a child to both parents, who were killed in a car accident shortly before the events of the fic.
  • Character Development: She arrives on the island completely broken and terrified, but thanks to her friendship and eventual romance with Geoff, she gradually becomes less fearful and more outgoing, culminating in her activating a device that allows the police to track down the show's location and rescue the survivors.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Unlike in canon, where she's implied by her official bio to be the only child of a single mother, her parents were killed in a car accident not too long before the show. This is part of what motivates Geoff to use his Life Idol on her, and in the end, she gets to live with Geoff's family as a result.
  • Death by Adaptation: While she's implied to be the only child of a single mother in canon, both her mother and father die just before the events of this fic.
  • Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: Apart from Chris, of course, she hates Justin for nearly letting Geoff die in the final challenge, and doesn't invite him to the wedding.
  • Happily Married: With Geoff during the "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue.
  • Heroic BSoD: Goes through one briefly when she finds out she's been voted off, only to find out Geoff gave up his Life Idol to save her.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Defied in the Brunch of Disgustingness challenge, where the contestants have to eat hot dogs made out of human flesh for a chance to win a 3 day cruise and a 5 minute call with their parents. She can't bring herself to stoop to a low like this and forfeits the challenge, giving the boys the win.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Her kind and gentle nature makes her this in the story's horrifying scenario.
  • Nice Girl: Like in canon, she remains among the kindest characters on the show, managing to keep her humanity and her morals, as well as showing sympathy for those she votes for, despite the horrific situation.
  • Rejected Apology: Unlike Geoff himself, Bridgette doesn't forgive Justin for nearly getting her boyfriend killed, and forbids Geoff from inviting him to their wedding in the epilogue.
  • Reunion Vow: Geoff promises her that he'll win the competition and re-join her back in the outside world after using his Life Idol on her.
  • Sole Survivor: Of all the contestants, Bridgette is the sole girl who survives the entire competition.

    Sadie, the Nice Girl’s Friend 
A chubby but sweet-natured girl who is the nigh-inseparable best friend of Katie.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: While she was established to be slightly smarter than Katie despite still being The Ditz in canon, Sadie shows herself to be much more strategic here, quickly pointing out to Katie that them being in different teams is better because they can focus on winning. She even tries to engineer Courtney's elimination after Courtney decides to get rid of her, though it unfortunately fails thanks to Duncan's alliance.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her friendship with Katie, despite the two being on different teams, ultimately screws her over. Her refusal to shoot Katie during the Paintball Deer Hunter challenge, followed by her subsequent fight with Courtney, sees her eliminated that very night.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Her execution involves her being strapped to a table and being cut in half with a three foot saw.
  • Morality Chain: She's this towards Katie, but it's not exactly prevalent until she dies, as her death leads Katie into becoming more bitter and spiteful.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: She dies at Zolkoff's hands, pleading to let her at least say goodbye to Katie, to no avail.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Her death is what kickstarts the subplot of Katie's downfall into a vengeful cynic with a grudge against the Screaming Gophers, and Chris, for killing her friend.

    Ezekiel, the Homeschooler 
A farmboy who has been homeschooled his whole life by his devotedly Christian parents.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Here, he's much more respectable and friendly to his teammates, to the point he serves as the Morality Pet for the rest of the campers up until his death. In the author's reasoning for his elimination, they explain that he served as a great 'pre-merge protagonist' who'd look after his teammates and be there for them at the face of certain death.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Canon Ezekiel's cluelessness and poor social skills made him prone to rudeness and jerkassery, especially later on. Here, he's got much stronger social skills, which combined with his religious upbringing, makes him surprisingly compassionate towards everyone and one of the story's most moral characters.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Whereas Ezekiel was widely disliked by his fellow contestants in canon, he gets along very well with pretty much all his teammates here.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Ezekiel is made devoutly religious rather than just being some dweeby kid with old-fashioned views. He's also far less naive and socially inept, and while he does have his occasional social slip-ups, they're never as bad as in canon.
  • Ascended Extra: He makes it much further than in the season being reimagined and plays a far larger role, with the author describing him as a sort of pre-merge protagonist.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Just as he's about to be executed, he calmly reassures himself that he'll be up in Heaven soon enough once it's all over. Chris, of course, mocks him for this afterwards:
    "Well well well! Looks like Ezekiel is now in a better place, or so he thinks!"
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He's burned at the stake until he's nothing but burnt remains. Notably, it's one of the few executions that Chris allows the others to leave just before he meets his demise, just because it's 'rather gruesome', as he puts it. If it's any consolation to Ezekiel, the smoke does knock him out rather quickly.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": Inverted. He only allows his close friends to call him 'Zeke', as shown in this exchange:
    Chris tutted at the boy. "Breakfast time is over, Zeke, you know it's-"
    "It's 'Ezekiel'." The homeschooler interrupted, correcting the host firmly. "I only let my few select friends call me Zeke."
  • Dramatic Irony: After Noah deliberately throws the dodgeball challenge (for good reason), Ezekiel proclaims that Noah essentially sent himself to his own demise after a stunt like this - unaware that Noah used a Life Idol already and, therefore, won't be killed.
  • Everyone Has Standards: His reasons on why he voted for Izzy on the first night:
    "Someone who is gleeful at the thought of death is unwelcome in this place, it is already horrible enough without you here, which is why I vote for you."
    • He also gives this reason on why he votes for Courtney over Eva on the night the former is eliminated (over Courtney (supposedly) stealing Eva's MP3):note 
    "While violence is not the answer, thievery is a sin."
  • Face Death with Dignity: When he realizes he might be eliminated that night, he calmly accepts his potential fate, and when he actually does, he takes the time to say his goodbyes to the rest of the contestants and comforts himself with the belief that he'll be up there with the stars soon. Sadly, it doesn't last long though, as Zolkoff proceeds to burn him alive at the stake until he's completely charred, forcing him to scream out in pain, despite trying his hardest to resist the urge to do so.
    • In Tyler's final confessional just before his own elimination, he reveals that he had a 'long talk' with Ezekiel before going to prayer to him to help make peace with himself before he dies.
  • I Gave My Word: After his team loses the paintball challenge, and Sadie and Courtney get into a fight because the former doesn't want to shoot Katie and risk getting her eliminated, he promises to vote to Sadie, for Katie's sake. Not that it saves her from being eliminated.
    • He also says that's one of the reasons why he opts to vote for Izzy over Tyler on the first night, despite the latter's injury: according to him, he found his bible 'exactly where [he] asked Tyler to put it'.
  • Kill It with Fire: His execution involves him being tied to a stake and burned to death. As a small consolation, he quickly succumbs to the smoke from the fire itself.
  • Mythology Gag: While facing his fear of drinking blood, Ezekiel is assured by Chris that his hot, bloody drink isn't something that will turn him all feral and zombie-like, referencing the canon Ezekiel's tragic fate.
  • O.C. Stand-in: For all intents and purposes, the character is pretty much the Ezekiel of the canon series only in name and appearance.
  • Team Dad: He behaves a lot like a community preacher here, giving religious advice and comfort to his team and looking out for everyone, regardless of their usefulness to the team.
  • Token Religious Teammate: As stated above, he's depicted as a devout Christian, and it's his defining trait and a major part of his homeschooler stereotype here.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He is afraid of blood, leading Chris to force him into drinking a glass of hot monkey blood.

    Eva, the Muscle Girl 
A tough and tomboyish jock-ette whose strength and leadership abilities are hampered by her bad temper.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Implied. When Sadie curiously asks her why she got all muscular and into athletics, she replies in a dark tone that she'd rather not talk about it.
  • Defiant to the End: A short one, but when she realizes she's been eliminated over Courtney after she 'stole' Eva's MP3 (getting 6 votes over the latter's 4), she calls out the rest of the team for keeping 'this lying little bitch over me, your strongest player'. It's cut short by Zolkoff's first appearance, who quickly ends her by slamming a large barbell against her skull. It's only after she dies Chris drops this bombshell on the group:
    "Oh, just so you know. Courtney didn't steal Eva's mp3."note 
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite her foul temper and generally sour disposition, she is perfectly willing to work with her team and will not tolerate disruption in the group, even helping the crippled Tyler whenever she can.
  • Speak Ill of the Dead: The next day, after she and her team meet with the Screaming Gophers and learn that the Gophers voted Owen off, Eva dismisses Owen as "the fat guy", leading Trent to call her out for doing so.

    Courtney, the A-Type 
A perfectionistic overachiever whose competitive streak has made her determined to win Total Drama Island.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Compared to her canon self, who became progressively far worse after the first season, here Courtney is mostly cordial to her teammates in general, befriending people like Duncan, Geoff and Bridgette in the process. While she votes off all of her non-alliance teammates, she deadens her emotions to not feel the blame of causing their deaths and expresses huge remorse after eliminating Sadie. Though she justifiably bullies Harold after he tries to get her eliminated, she later realizes why he did it and stops antagonizing him, even expressing comfort that he got to die on his own terms.
  • Anti-Hero: Like Duncan and Leshawna, she is completely determined to win the game no matter the cost and will not hesitate to sacrifice anyone as necessary, but still manages to befriend quite a few others, seeks to play fair, and is generally a polite and civilized person.
  • Defiant to the End: She doesn't let Zolkoff carry her off to the guillotine itself, and merely tells Chris to 'bring it on' when she's eliminated.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: Platonic example. Her last words just before she dies is taking the time to tell her parents she loves them.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Possibly the most dignified death in the fic. She takes her time to say her goodbyes to the rest of the surviving contestants and even outright sasses Chris over the choice of execution, before walking herself over to the guillotine, and shouting out one last goodbye to her parents just before the blade falls.
    "Mom, dad, I love you guys."
  • Hypocrite: She reluctantly engineers some of the eliminations of the teammates who aren't part of her alliance, though she knows that she will have to eventually turn on her alliance-mates once the non-alliance members are gotten rid of. However, when Harold tries to vote her off to save Ezekiel from elimination and fails, Courtney gets pissed off at him, even though she agreed with Duncan that they would get rid of Harold once the team was reduced to the alliance-mates. She does realize later on her hypocrisy and stops antagonizing Harold.
  • It Has Been an Honor: Thanks to Chris giving her time to say her goodbyes to the rest of the surviving contestants, she takes the time to tell Geoff this:
  • My God, What Have I Done?: She is wracked with guilt after getting Sadie eliminated due to not thinking how Katie would react and realizing too late that she voted Sadie off due to a conflict they had, whereas she deadened her emotions when voting off for Izzy, Eva, DJ and Tyler as she wasn't close to them.
  • Off with Her Head!: After she loses to Leshawna in the tie-breaker challenge, she's gets her head chopped off by guillotine. As Chris puts it, it's a 'prim and proper exit for a prim and proper lady'.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: She's not impressed with Chris' decision to execute her via guillotine.
    Courtney: A guillotine? That's the best you could come up with?

    Izzy, the Psycho 
An extremely energetic girl who is way too excited by the idea of being on a Deadly Game and seeing the others die.
  • Adaptational Villainy: She's much more of a psychopath in this version, to the point she's excited to see people die.
  • Adaptational Wimp: While she was portrayed as an Action Girl in canon, Izzy doesn't seem to be as skilled here, where she is quickly restrained by Chef, whom her canon self was able to best in combat, when she tries to escape before Chris executes her.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Oh sure, she's fine with watching others die, but when she realizes that she's going to die first, she starts pleading like crazy to an unfazed Chris holding a pistol. No prizes for guessing what happens next...
  • Asshole Victim: Izzy threw the first challenge for the Screaming Bass, and lost the vote by just one to Tyler, resulting in her to be the first eliminated. This doesn't stop the team from reacting in sheer horror when she actually dies, though.
  • Ax-Crazy: Even moreso than in canon. She happily prances about celebrating the idea of seeing others die and taunting them about it.
  • Boom, Headshot!:
    "Izzy," Chris said walking over to the redhead, who was now merely crying on the ground, "I declare your run in this competition…"
  • Character Exaggeration: Her insanity is even worse here than in canon, as she's genuinely excited by the idea of seeing people die in the competition. Ultimately, she never does get to see one.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Compared to the other deaths later down the line, how she dies may seem relatively tame, at least in comparison. However, this being the first death in the game, the other campers are extremely horrified, because Chris managed to blow a hole clean through her head with a single gunshot.
  • Death by Irony: She dies before she got to see someone else die in an execution, from her own actions, to boot. She even votes for Tyler in her voting confessional as she cries "Bye-bye, Tyler." Extra ironic is that she was eliminated by just one vote.
  • Dying Declaration of Hate: Izzy says this when she learns she's the first to be eliminated, period, conveniently overlooking the fact she wanted to watch at least one of them die before she did:
    "You guys? What? You assholes!"
  • Karmic Death: She dies first, never actually getting to see someone die before her. She lampshades this by crying out she was meant to have 'seen the blood of at least six people' before she died.
  • The Load: Her craziness does nothing for her team but disturb them and make things worse for everyone, so she becomes the first executed.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Apart from the apparent glee on potentially seeing the others die, she thinks it's a good idea to write 'Chris is a faggot' on her team's jacuzzi.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Intends to flee once Chris declares Tyler safe from elimination, but Chef quickly restrains her from behind by pinning her arms to her side, allowing Chris to walk over to her and shoot her dead.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Izzy was canonically the most cartoonishly comic character in the entire cast, and as such was completely unsuited to the much darker tone of this fic, so she is the very first contestant eliminated. She even references this when she's about to be executed, claiming she was meant to see at least 6 others die before she does (akin to how she made it through 6 eliminations in canon before being eliminated herself).
  • Too Dumb to Live: While she wasn't helping her case with her constant excitement over potentially seeing someone die in the flesh, her writing graffiti stating 'Chris is a faggot' on her team's jacuzzi, costing them the first day's victory, ultimately seals her fate.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She's the first Killer Bass, and camper in general, to die in the first bonfire ceremony at the end of the two-parter pilot, thanks to her cartoony personality clashing with the tone of the fic.


    Alejandro, the Dangerous One 
One of two contestants who originally escaped being brought over at the start of the game, but was captured to be introduced at the game's halfway point. He's the much more cunning and scheming of the two.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: He and Sierra appear in Island as newcomers when the merge arrives.
  • Adaptational Nationality: Whereas Alejandro hails from Spain in canon, here he is mentioned to be from Peru.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Whereas he hates his brother José in canon, here Alejandro and José get along much better, with José attempting to save Al from being taken by Chris and asking Al to do what he taught him so he can survive.
  • Anti-Villain: He, like Heather and Justin, is someone forced into a Deadly Game who is trying to escape with his life.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He essentially plays the role canon Justin did- a manipulator who seems to be dangerous early on, but is taken out before he can be a real threat. Ironically, he loses to Justin.
  • Face Death with Dignity: In one of his confessionals, he admits that's he's going to have to do all he can to win and escape alive, admitting that while he doesn't fear death, he still enjoys life.
  • Forced into Evil: His devious and manipulative nature here are all necessities in his bid to escape the show alive.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: He dies at the hand of the Psycho Killer with the hook and chainsaw during one of the challenges.
  • Nothing Personal: After causing Trent's death by tampering with his bike, Alejandro admits in a confessional that he had considered the chance that Trent could die as a result, but all the contestants must die so he can survive:
    Alejandro sighs, "it is...rather unfortunate that my tampering with Trent's bike led to his literal demise, but I knew it was a possibility when I did it. Besides, all must die in order for me to live. However unfortunate the thought is, it remains a fact."
  • Pet the Dog: He is pretty friendly with Harold, the first contestant who greets him upon his arrival at Camp Wawanakwa, accepting his handshake, later shivering sympathethically for him when Harold is given the dare to have all his facial hair plucked out by Chef due to his claims that his goatee makes him attractive, leading Alejandro to assure Harold that he doesn't envy him while he strokes his own soul patch, and praises his observational skills when Harold finds out during the pirate challenge that the maps are behind their clues.

    Sierra, the Fan 
A Loony Fan of Total Drama Island and the second of two latecomer contestants introduced with the merge.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: She and Alejandro appear in Island as newcomers when the merge arrives.
  • Alas, Poor Scrappy: In-universe example. While disliked by her fellow competitors due to her Nightmare Fetishist vibes, Trent expresses his relief that she was at least granted a quick death and Heather is left traumatized after witnessing her execution.
  • Anvil on Head: Or rather, 'Giant cinder block the size of 2 confession stalls on head', for her execution.
  • Character Exaggeration: Her craziness is even worse here, as the game she fangirls over is a Deadly Game.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Just as she's voted off to her death, she admits that maybe she took her fangirl-ism a little too far.
  • Hypocrite: She dislikes Alejandro for being a "newbie" rather than an original contestant, even though she also joined the competition later on at the same time as him.
  • Jerkass to One: She particularly dislikes Alejandro for no other reason than him not being an "original" but a "newbie" who joined the competition later on.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: She fangirls over Total Drama, despite it being a Deadly Game which kills teens in horrific methods for profit.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Is killed in the very same chapter she makes her debut in.


    Chris McLean 
The host of Total Drama Island and main antagonist of the story. Cruel and sadistic, he puts the campers through his horrific reality show to fight for their lives.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Unsurprisingly, Chris is considerably more evil here than he is in canon, as he actively kills his contestants for fun and ratings.
  • Asshole Victim: Is killed by Zolkoff at the end of the fic. The same Zolkoff he used to kill the campers for him.
  • Big Bad: As the host of the Deadly Game which the campers are being put through.
  • Boom, Headshot!: How he offs Izzy and Lindsay once they're eliminated, the latter on such short notice because the original execution (death by being covered in molten wax) couldn't be prepared in time.
  • Character Exaggeration: His sadism reaches downright evil levels here.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: While he tends to just off losing contestants by just shooting them in the head, he expresses disappointment that he doesn't get to inflict one onto Tyler, all because Tyler didn't undergo a Heroic BSoD as soon as he heard the news because of a bet with Zolkoff. Likewise, he calls out Chef for not melting the hot wax in time for Lindsay's execution. He does get a few in himself, however, from forcing Owen to swallow a cyanide pill, to tossing Cody haphazardly into the Iron Maiden.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Chris tears up when he eats some gooey cookies Duncan baked for him during the cooking challenge, as their gooey state remind him of how his grandmother baked them, suggesting that he loved his grandmother. He also mentions during the trust challenge that his mother thinks he is funny when the contestants don't laugh at a sadistic joke he makes about Tyler's death, but it's ambiguous if he loves his mother or not.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • Despite all the atrocities he commits throughout the fic, Chris does feel bad when DJ is left paralyzed due to his unfortunate encounter with a grizzly bear, leading him to give DJ a Mercy Kill via injecting a painless snake venom in his veins so he will not suffer. Not that this prevents him from making a cruel joke about his death later on, but DJ gets to be the sole eliminated camper who dies quickly and painlessly.
    • He acts with honor towards some of his contestants, letting everyone say goodbye to Harold as he expires from his gunshot wound, letting Courtney say goodbye to her friends and allowing Geoff to share his final moments with Bridgette before trying to execute him for losing the finale to Justin.
  • The Executioner: While he tends to let Zolkoff do most of the dirty work, he's not afraid to get his own hands dirty, to the point where he shows disappointment that he doesn't get to kill Tyler his way because he didn't go 'all freak out mode and scream-y', as he put it, meaning Zolkoff got to kill him his way.
    • He also pretends to be this to Noah during his 'execution', despite the fact he presented him with the first Life Idol. Once the latter finds out it was all a ruse just to screw with him (plus so that Chris can reveal he found the first Life Idol), he's not happy.
  • Faux Affably Evil: His snarky, sometimes chummy behavior does little to hide the monster he truly is.
  • He Knows Too Much: He is killed by Zolkoff after being arrested in order to prevent him from blabbing out Jonathan Gavrilovic's involvement in the show's production.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: He spends most of the fic hosting a reality show and taking pleasure in the suffering and misery of the dying contestants. He himself dies at the end of the fic, to the same Zolkoff he'd often use to off the campers.
  • Karmic Death: If he isn't killing the campers himself, he sends Zolkoff to do the dirty work for him. Fittingly enough, he dies at Zolkoff's hands at the end of the fic.
  • Mercy Kill: The only time he does this in the fic is after DJ is mauled to near-death by a bear and unanimously voted off by the rest of his teammates just to relieve him of his suffering. He injects snake venom into his veins, which kills him off quickly.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: Zolkoff acts like if it was this trope after Katie stabs him in the arm in a fit of rage during her own execution, to the point of calling him a 'big baby'.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Chris is the one running the Deadly Game, and he does execute some campers himself, but he typically prefers to leave the legwork to his employees. Once the final challenge is over and the police arrive, Chris gets arrested with minimum fuss.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: Any attempts on his life (i.e. poisoning the food in one challenge) or attempts to escape will result in instant death. While nobody attempts the former (apart from Katie, who was eliminated anyways), Harold learns the latter the hard way during his escape attempt.
  • Only in It for the Money: According to Chris himself, that's why he pitched the show in the first place.
  • The Prankster: He tricks Noah into thinking he's going to be executed anyways despite finding the first Life Idol, up to the point they put the noose on him. Needless to say, nobody, not even Noah, is amused by this.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: While Zolkoff is doing most of the killing, Chris is still overseeing the executions himself, so he still manages to get some out:
    "Strike three! You're out!"note 
    "Sleep tight, Gwen."note 
  • Politically Incorrect Villain:
    A squeaking sound was heard as Tyler booked his handicapped ass towards the campfire. He stopped too abruptly and was flung from his wheelchair. Face beet red, he quickly hoisted himself back into his wheelchair, amidst several chuckles.
    "Ah, the entertainment the mentally disabled provide us." Chris smirked.
    • Later on, after Katie brings up the possibility of everyone sitting out of the 'psychotic challenges':
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Even moreso than in canon, as he gives the contestants gruesome executions while giving the same wisecracking Game Show Host demeanor. Even the author admits they might have made Chris too psychotic compared to his canon self.
  • The Sociopath: Even more so than in canon, as he takes a lot of glee out of the camper's terror of the situation and in their gruesome deaths. The only time he shows any shred of empathy is DJ's horrific fate- and he quickly gets over it.
  • Troll: But of course! Even those who manage to find the Life Idol aren't safe from this as Noah learns the hard way, as Chris pretends to prepare to hang him despite having presented the Idol way earlier. He also never reveals the true thief of Eva's MP3, leaving the rest guessing.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Ends up as this, as it’s revealed that Jonathan was simply using Chris’ idea to get money, having him arrested and killed to prevent himself from getting exposed.
  • Villains Out Shopping: In the chapter 5 flashback, he is watching Friends when Johnathan calls him.

    Chef Hatchet 
A convicted war criminal who works as the chef of Camp Wawanakwa and Chris’ helper. He dislikes Chris and the game, but is forced to serve them.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: He used to be a sergeant before being arrested for several war crimes, and forced to assist on the show in order to get a shorter sentence.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Downplayed. He's being forced to help kill the campers against his own will, just in the hopes of receiving a lighter sentence.
  • Anti-Villain: He really does not enjoy assisting Chris in killing the teenagers, and at several points, is willing to help the forces trying to rescue the contestants.
  • Boom, Headshot!: How he executes LeShawna. He justifies this by pointing out he's not willing to use the sort of violent executions Zolkoff specializes in.
  • Co-Dragons: Alongside Zolkoff, he works for Chris and helps him run the game. Unlike Zolkoff, however, he takes no pleasure in doing this, since he was forced to do so against his will.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: According to one of the soldiers delivering food to the island (and former teammate of his), while as a sergeant, he desecrated the corpses of several fallen soldiers, stole from civilians, and executed a whole group of POWs when one of them 'knifed his buddy'. In order to get his sentence shortened to 5 years, he only agreed to take the job, not knowing what it would truly hold in store for him.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Evil is pushing it, but he frequently shows how disgusted he is by his boss and the game he is forced to help run. Also, when he is allowed to choose which camper to execute, he chooses Leshawna because he is disgusted by her betrayal of Beth.
  • The Executioner: While he's usually only there to 'assist' in the executions, near the end, he is given the role to vote off and eliminate one of the contestants himself. He ultimately chose LeShawna for betraying Beth and trying to get her executed instead.
    • According to one of the soldiers, he also executed a group of POWs for 'knifing his buddy'.
  • Forced into Evil: He's really only assisting Chris because part of the agreement for doing so was that he would get his prison sentence shortened to 5 years. He didn't even know he'd be doing this until the very last minute.
  • Internal Reveal: It's only when he reveals who he chose to eliminate when he is allowed to do so because he watched all of the footage of the challenge beforehand, and he picked LeShawna for attempting to get Beth eliminated, that the campers learn the former attempted to slow the team down to eliminate the latter herself. Beth takes it as well as expected.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Him, along with the the cameramen and interns. None of them like doing what they have to do or seeing what Chris does to the campers, but due to all of them being convicted criminals being given a chance at a lighter sentence, they'll take what they can get.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives a short but brutal one to LeShawna when he explains why he chose to eliminate her:
  • Sent Into Hiding: According to the "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue, he was relocated to Europe to avoid getting captured for his (unwilling) involvement in the show and spends the rest of his days in peace.

A hired hand from the Serbian mafia who helps Chris run the game. Unlike Chef, Zolkoff is very happy to execute innocent teenagers.
  • Balkan Bastard: A cruel and sadistic criminal from Serbia who takes pleasure in assisting a psychotic host send teenagers to their deaths.
  • The Brute: He is the muscle for Chris who helps him with the physical stuff like setting up executions.
  • Co-Dragons: Alongside Chef, he is Chris' hired muscle.
  • The Dragon: He aids Chris in setting up the game and is his most enthusiastic helper.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: A lot of his executions tend to involve this, from being sliced in half to being burned to death. It says something when Chris reveals during Tyler's execution that Zolkoff's way (being blown up by a grenade) is more merciful than his own (hit by bowling balls until he dies).
  • Establishing Character Moment: He's introduced shortly after Eva is voted off; by slamming a sledgehammer into her skull and killing her instantly.
  • The Executioner: Per his role, he's the one to execute most, if not all, of the eliminated campers in a variety of horrific ways.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Tyler doing this on the night he's eliminated allows him to win a bet with Chris, meaning he gets to kill Tyler his way (being forced to hold a live grenade in his mouth) rather than how Chris would get to kill him if he won (a barrage of bowling balls being thrown at him).
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: The first rescue attempt implodes when Zolkoff shoots the helicopter pilot in the head despite not having a realistic angle to do so at any range close enough for his sidearm to be effective.
  • Karma Houdini: He escapes prison and is never recaptured.
  • Kill It with Fire: He ties Ezekiel to a stake and sets it, and him, alight. While Ezekiel himself quickly succumbs to the smoke, the fire doesn't clear up until his corpse is completely charred.
  • Original Character: Specifically created for this fic.
  • Psycho for Hire: Unlike all of Chris’ other staff, who are reluctant and Forced into Evil, Zolkoff is a Serbian mafia thug who loves his job and the chance to brutally murder teenagers.
  • Ruthless Foreign Gangsters: He is a member of the Serbian mafia, and his foreign, Eastern-European nature is emhasized as much as his brutality.

    Johnathan Gavrilovic 
A prominent Canadian politician with secret ties to the Serbian mafia. He is the producer of Total Drama Island, giving Chris some of his minions and a private island so he can sell the tapes on the black market and make money.
  • Corrupt Politician: He is a member of the Canadian government with ties to the Serbian mafia and a large role in producing a snuff reality show that he plans to sell on the black market.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: A member of the Serbian mafia who has somehow become a high-ranking Canadian government official risks his reputation and even his liberty to produce a "snuff" reality show for the black market, even though a man with his power and connections could have made money more easily and far more safely by producing a legitimate reality show.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: Turns out to be this, lying about the legality to Chris and getting him arrested all the while forcing the Canadian Government to cover up his actions.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: He, a high-ranking and well-respected Canadian government official, is the one who funded Chris' Deadly Game and allowed it to happen without the knowledge of anyone in Canada. But despite his large role, he never appears in-person except in one flashback, and Chris serves as the Big Bad who hosts and directly controls the game.
  • Greed: His entire reason for helping Chris produce his Immoral Reality Show is that Chris promised him huge profits for selling it on the black market.
  • Karma Houdini: His role in creating Total Drama Island is never exposed after Chris' death, and he remains a respected member of the Canadian government, with nobody knowing of his ties to the Serbian mafia.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He initially expresses concern with Chris’ idea for a deadly reality show- because he is unsure if he can get it made without getting caught.
  • Original Character: Specifically created for this fic.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Downplayed. He's an important and respected member of Canada's government who is in fact a member of the Serbian mafia and is secretly organizing an Immoral Reality Show to be distributed to the black market. However, Jonathan himself acknowledges that he doesn't exactly has the best reputation due to the public (correctly) speculating him to be a member of the Gavrilovic family and the shady details of his rise to power.
  • Walking Spoiler: Knowing his involvement spoils the twist of Total Drama Island not actually taking place in a dystopian world, but in a normal world under the noses of the legal system.

    The Psycho Killer 
A one-shot character that appears in the 'Hook, Line and Screamer' challenge. He's meant to capture the campers, but is rather prone to anger...
  • An Arm and a Leg: He loses his hand in the fight with Alejando. He returns the favor by effortlessly slicing off his arms with his chainsaw.
  • Chainsaw Good: His weapon, and what he uses to kill Alejandro with.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He subjects Alejandro to this by chainsawing his arms off, then cutting through his torso. Notably, unlike other examples on this page, Chris isn't happy because this robbed him of a proper execution, and he wasn't supposed to kill anyone, to the point where he tells the campers that the Killer was 'appropriately punished' heavily imply he suffered a similar fate in return.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After he's surrounded by four armed cameramen wielding guns, he willingly surrenders with a maniac grin on his face.
  • Uncertain Doom: The last we hear of him is Chris telling the other campers that he was 'appropriately punished' for killing Alejandro outside of an execution. The other campers are just happy he didn't elaborate on that punishment.

Other characters

Head of the Ontario police force and Duncan's father.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In canon, it's shown that Duncan's father has a great contempt for him due to his criminal ways and even questions whether he should love his son. Here, it's shown that despite their differences, Reg does love his son.
  • Ass Shove: He hides a GPS tracker disc up his ass, which prevents Chris' men from finding it due to not doing a full body cavity search on him. It is later used by Noah and Bridgette to contact the police.
  • Cop/Criminal Family: Reg is a cop and his son Duncan a juvenile delinquent. However, he still loves his son regardless of their differences.
  • Named by the Adaptation: Duncan's father was never named in canon.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: He is led to believe that he's outlived Duncan after Zolkoff notifies him about his son's death after being mauled by a bear, leading him to wait until the first season wraps up to be released and then get his revenge. Subverted later when it turns out that Duncan had actually survived by impersonating a dead cameraman.
  • Papa Wolf: After Duncan is abducted by Chris McLean and forced to participate in Total Drama Island, Reg succeeds in tracking him down after Duncan wins a video call with his parents for winning the Brunch of Disgustingness and tries to rescue him and the remaining campers in a helicopter.
A Sasquatch-like creature who is nearly used by Chris for Geoff's dare during the Wheel of Pain challenge.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: In canon, Sasquatchanakwa's origins were never explored and he seems to be one member of a yeti-like species if The Ridonculous Race is any indication. Here, Chris states that Sasquatchanakwa used to be a normal gorilla who got mutated when a gene experiment went wrong.

Cut characters

Screaming Gaphers

    Beverly "B", the Silent Genius 
A quiet teen genius who is cold and manipulative in his determination to be the last one standing in the game.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: In canon, B only lasted the first three episodes. Here, he makes it to the finale alongside Jo.
  • Adaptational Villainy: He is much more cunning and malicious in this version, adopting the role of the main villainous contestant that Scott plays in canon. While still acting as The Leader and The Smart Guy to his team, he detaches himself from his fellow competitors and views them as steps in his path to victory.
  • Anti-Villain: He does see his fellow contestants as tools to his victory, but ultimately, he is just trying to survive a Deadly Game.
  • Ascended Extra: He makes it much further than in the fourth season and gets to the finale alongside Jo, whereas he only lasted three episodes in canon.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The in-between to Sam's nice and Scott's mean. He gets along with Dawn at first, aids Sam to come out of his depression and is initially hesistant to throw a challenge to get rid of Lightning. However, as the game progresses, B starts acting more ruthless and calculating so he can make it to the finals.
  • Pyromaniac: He burns down the Craft Services Tent to scare the Killer Grips just to win the challenge, even though the Killer Grips could have gotten killed in the process.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After losing to Jo in the finale, he tries to escape with a handmade EMP and a nifty smoke bomb, but is quickly subdued and disposed of.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Was a huge reason his team won challenges early on, and had an alliance that lasted a long time. However, he lost in the finale to Jo, and unlike Geoff from the previous season, he does not get to live.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He gets along with Dawn, form an alliance together and joins her in aiding Sam to come out of his depression. However, once Dawn sees him burning down the Craft Services Tent just to scare the Killer Grips and win the challenge, she ends all association with him.
  • With Friends Like These...: Despite helping out Sam with his depression, B is less willing to console him when Sam's depression returns following Zoey's execution due to having made it too far in the game.

    Dakota, the Fame Monger 
A rich brat who only joins the game for the fame, as her survival is already guaranteed thanks to her father's money.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Unlike in canon, rather than be a Spoiled Sweet girl, Dakota is much more of an Attention Whore who will do anything to be famous, even joining a Deadly Game while letting her father pay $25,000,000 to guarantee her survival.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Like in canon, Dakota joined Total Drama for the fame, but in this version, she joins the competition despite it being a Deadly Game. Even after surviving thanks to her father paying for her survival, Dakota rejoins the game later on for "more screentime". Upon returning, she engineers Mike's elimination (which fails thanks to Manitoba Smith finding a Life Idol) just because she finds the act of doing so dastardly enough to improve her screentime and later eliminates Anne Maria because she finds a finale between Jo and B more interesting.
  • Character Exaggeration: Like Anne Maria, her desire to become famous at any cost is far greater than in canon, joining Total Drama just for the fame, knowing that it's a Deadly Game but not caring at all who lives or dies due to her father paying Chris to spare her from execution.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite joining a Deadly Game for the fame, even she looks horrified when Cameron is executed.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: After being brought back to the competition, Dakota is dismissed by Chris after she chooses Jo and B to be the final two of the season, leading her to take the limousine again and leave the show.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Despite being eliminated (unlike the other eliminated contestants), she is spared from execution thanks to her father paying Chris enough to spare her, guaranteeing her survival after the competition's first day.
  • Spoiled Brat: While she was Spoiled Sweet in canon, here Dakota does whatever she wants thanks to her father's money and arrives at the show nonchalantly thanks to her father paying Chris and the producers to spare her regardless of her performance in the competition, even returning later just to have “more screentime”, despite the show's horrific nature.
  • What the Hell, Player?: Upon arriving at the film lot, she greets her fellow contestants as if they were just playing a fun game, getting this reaction from Jo.

    Dawn, the Moonchild 
An enigmatic and humble girl who intends to comfort everyone stuck with her in the game.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Since her first day in the competion, she has accepted her fate and believes that all things happen for a reason.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Even she could see Cameron was a lost cause, and wasted no time voting him off with everyone else.
  • Suicidal Pacifism: Her hatred for war leads her to refuse to participate in a war movie challenge, leading her team to decide to vote her off if they end up losing. Subverted by the fact that she survives due to having a Life Idol in her possession.
  • Team Mom: She joins the show with the mission of comforting everyone else stuck in the Deadly Game.
  • Token Good Teammate: She is the most generous and friendly of all her team. She is completely against the idea of killing someone, and when Chris offers to allow the Screaming Gaphers to not do a challenge so they and the Killer Grips could avoid executing someone that night, Dawn tries to convince her teammates to accept the offer, to no avail.
  • We Used to Be Friends: She gets along with B, form an alliance together and joins him in aiding Sam to get out of his depression until she realizes his true colors when B burns down the Craft Services Tent to scare the Killer Grips, ending her association with him.

    Lightning, the Uber Jock 
A brainless and arrogant jock whose strength makes him a target in the game despite his confidence on winning the competition.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: Like Cameron, he doesn't make it to the finale like in canon. He manages to outlast Cameron early on, but is eventually voted off and executed after four eliminations.
  • Innocently Insensitive: When B arrives at the film lot, Lightning asks what kind of name he has in an unintentionally rude manner. B doesn't care and shrugs.
  • Too Powerful to Live: His strength and atlethicism are what cause his team to throw the challenge to vote him off, as Scott, B and Sam realize that he is too dangerous to make it to the merge.

    Sam, the Gamer 
A depressed and useless boy who arrives to the game with low expectations due to his lack of social skills.
  • Adaptational Personality Change: Whereas he wasn't determined to win but stated in canon that he would be fine if he was voted off sixth or seventh, here Sam arrives at the competition depressed due to his poor real-world skills and game addiction, in part because he doesn't have his game console there to distract himself.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Downplayed. While he joins B and Scott in an alliance which leads to the executions of Lightning and Zoey, he only does so to survive a Deadly Game and ultimately regrets his role in engineering the latter's execution, to the point of warning the others about Scott's deviousness before being executed himself.
  • Face Death with Dignity: He hollowly accepts his loss without complaints, but gives one last warning about Scott's nature before his execution.
  • The Load: Starts off like this because of his depression, but after B and Dawn help him come out of it, he becomes a more useful asset to his team. However, after his role in orchestrating Zoey's execution along with B and Scott, his depression returns and he is executed shortly thereafter.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The nice to Scott's mean and B's in-between. He gets along with Dawn and B, who help him to come out of his depression. While he joins B and Scott in an alliance as the game progresses and votes Lightning and Zoey off, his alliance-mates show indifference at sending them to their deaths but Sam does show some remorse for his actions.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: He gives up on winning the competition even before he arrives, owing to his game addiction and poor real-life skills.

    Scott, the Devious One 
A scheming and deceitful trickster who intends to do whatever it takes to survive and betray whoever he has to.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: With B usurping his place as the main villainous contestant, Scott acts more like an ally of B despite his ambitions, though he still manages to orchestrate some eliminations.
  • The Bully: Insults Dawn and calls her names like "psycho" and "weirdo" because she sensed so many dark auras surrounding her. He also calls Anne Maria "gross" when Lightning compliments her appearance and refers to Cameron as "first boot" due to him crying at his predicament.
  • Hope Spot: Unable to find a Life Idol, he carves a fake one and uses it during his elimination to be spared by Chris and Zolkoff. However, the two see through his ruse and Zolkoff executes him anyway.
  • Mythology Gag: He is actually referenced back in the first season as part of an Easter Egg referencing his actions in the canon fourth season. When the Screaming Gophers discuss what to do to win the talent show, Trent sarcastically suggests just throwing the challenge, leading Katie to say that doing that is something "only a dirt-farmer would do".
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The mean to Sam's nice and B's in-between. He bullies many of his fellow competitors, doesn't give a heck when some of them are executed, cheats in some of the challenges and even turns his back on Sam, his former alliance-mate, when his depression returns, before tricking Mal into voting Sam off.
  • Taught by Television: He models his game plan after watching how Justin schemed his way to the finale in the first season.
  • With Friends Like These...: Despite joining Sam and B in an alliance, Scott doesn't seem interested in helping Sam out with his depression following Zoey's execution and makes things worse with his negativity and jerkassery, even convincing Mal to eliminate Sam to ensure his own survival.

Killer Grips

    Anne Maria, the Jersey Shore Reject 
A vain and fame-seeking girl who focuses not only on surviving the game, but also in her potential break into fame if she wins.
  • Attention Whore: Anne Maria desires to win not only to survive, but also to finally make her break into fame.
  • Character Exaggeration: Like Dakota, her desire to become famous at any cost is far greater than in canon, as while she is forced to join Total Drama, she sees it as an opportunity to finally make her break into fame, even though the competition is a Deadly Game.
  • Dumb Muscle: When deciding to vote off either her, Mike or Zoey, the alliance of B, Sam and Scott consider Anne Maria to be unintelligent despite her brawn, which leads them to vote Zoey off instead. She later displays her strength and stamina during the kung-fu challenge, which Mal barely manages to win.
  • Ms. Fanservice: During the superhero movie challenge, Anne Maria dons a sexy and revealing costume.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: She manages to keep her head down and cruise along during the game, making it further in the competition. However, Dakota ultimately chooses Anne Maria to get the axe in the final four just because she finds a finale between Jo and B more entertaining, making Anne Maria's efforts throughout the season to become famous pointless, as she dies with no one in the entertainment world knowing about her.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: She is overconfident that adopting a take no prisoners attitude is enough to win the competition, despite having no skills to back it up due to being incredibly vain.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Despite getting along with Jo due to her take-no-prisoners attitude, Anne Maria accuses her from being a "cruddy leader" after the Killer Grips lose two challenges in a row, leading Jo to instantly hate her.

    Brick, the Cadet 
A strong and noble boy whose morals and heart surpass his own survival instinct, willing to die so his teammates can live another day.
  • Everyone Has Standards: As honorable and willing to take death over other people as he is, even he decided (along with everyone else) that Cameron wasn't worth the trouble.
  • Face Death with Dignity: He tells his team that he is willing to sacrifice himself after screwing up a challenge for a second time. His team complies and when they vote him off, he bravely goes to be executed.
  • Honor Before Reason: He insists on sacrificing himself for his team's sake, but Jo spares him the first time due to him being a valuable asset to the team unlike Staci. Averted during Cameron's elimination; he did not show any willingness to sacrifice himself before him even though Cameron was a hysterical mess. Cameron thus lumped him in with everyone else, who also all voted for him, in calling them murderers.
  • Men Don't Cry: He does his best to put on a brave face after Cameron's execution.

    Jo, the Heartless Tomboy 
A ruthless yet fair tomboy who intends to win the game by leading her team to victory, confident in her own survival.
  • Aborted Arc: According to Word of God, she would have returned in the similarly cancelled third season in a pivotal role.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: Unlike canon, Jo makes it to the finale and wins, becoming the show's second winner.
  • Adaptational Heroism: While her determination to win remains, she is less harsh and jerkish than in canon, never bullying her teammates and being fairer as The Leader of her team.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: She beat B in the last challenge by a "healthy margin" to earn survivorship.
  • Determinator: She arrives at the competition confident that she will win and survive.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: She managed to make it out of this season alive by winning.
  • I'm Not Here to Make Friends: She states this upon her arrival in the first episode, refusing to thank Zoey for saying that it was nice to meet her when Zoey greets her. Understandable, as she likely knows that any potential friendship with a contestant will end with that contestant's death if she is to win.
  • I Will Find You: According to the author, after winning, she is planning to go after the people who forced her to join the show.
  • Ironic Nickname: Despite being labeled as the "Heartless Tomboy", she does show some compassion to her fellow teammates, as when she expresses her respect for Brick when he goes to his death.
  • The Leader: She serves this role for the Killer Grips.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Despite getting along with Anne Maria due to her take-no-prisoners attitude, Jo starts hating her once Anne Maria accuses her of being a "cruddy leader" after the Killer Grips lose two challenges in a row.

    Mike, the Actor 
A kind boy who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder, whose Split Personalities are willing to protect him so he can survive.
  • Aborted Arc: According to Word of God, he would have returned in the similarly cancelled third season in a pivotal role.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Due to Zoey's death, Mike's alternate personality Mal resurfaces from his mind much earlier than in canon, causing him to go after the ones who engineered Zoey's execution.
  • Adaptational Explanation: Canon Mike was mentioned to have served time in juvie thanks to Mal, who, according to Duncan, always caused trouble so the guards would lock him up. Here, it's mentioned that Mal learned to fight thanks to his years of experience on the streets and in juvie, implying a more extensive criminal past.
  • Adaptational Heroism: His alternate personality Mal. Whereas the canon Mal is a full-blown Hate Sink, here he takes over Mike's mind after he suffers a mental breakdown due to Zoey's execution, targeting B, Scott and Sam because of their role in voting Zoey off and making Mike miserable.
  • Determinator: When Mal discovers that B, Scott and Sam conspired to vote Zoey off, he does whatever he can to get rid of all three, resulting in the executions of Sam and Scott.
  • Enemy Mine: Despite their constant clashings, all his alternate personalities agree to work together to help Mike survive the competition.
  • Heroic BSoD: He breaks down when Zoey is eliminated thanks to the alliance of B, Scott and Sam, resulting in him suffering a mental breakdown which triggers the resurface of Mal, his evil alternate personality.
  • Sole Survivor: Of the second generation contestants, Mike is the sole boy who survives the second season.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: In light of how this fanfic's universe is more realistic, Mike's Multiple Personality Disorder isn't curable like in canon, so all five of his personalities also make it out of the show "alive" with him.

    Staci, the Compulsive Liar 
A pathological liar who makes up stories, as lying is better than facing the reality of the situation.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: While it's implied in canon that some of Staci's claims about her ancestors may actually be true, here Staci's claims are confirmed to be nothing but lies.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Whereas Staci was a bit competent in canon and performed decently in the only episode she competed in despite annoying her teammates with her lies, here she is totally useless, which, coupled with her annoying lies, seals her fate, though at least she survives two eliminations before her own.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Upon her elimination, begs Chris to let her live while crying loudly. It doesn't save her from being executed, anyway.
  • Beneath the Mask: In addition to lying to gain sympathy from her peers, she also lies to hide her insecurities.
  • The Load: She is the worst player among her teammates, performing terribly in the challenges and annoying everyone with her lies, leading them to vote her off in favor of Brick, who volunteers to sacrifice himself to spare Staci.
  • Team Member in the Adaptation: With the Killer Grips being formed by the contestants who formed the Mutant Maggots in the canon fourth season, here Staci is placed in the same team as Jo, Anne Maria, Brick, Zoey and Mike due to Cameron being voted off prior to the formation of teams. Not that it makes her fare any better, however, as she still ends up being the first member of her team voted off.
  • Too Dumb to Live: She mostly tells lies to gain sympathy from her peers despite knowing that it's a haphazard plan. Eventually, her teammates grow annoyed at her and vote her off, resulting in her execution.

    Zoey, the Indie Chick 
A kind and skilled girl who wants to discover her potential to win.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Though kindhearted and skilled like in canon, she is also incredibly shy and scared.
  • Morality Chain: She's this towards Mike, but it's not exactly prevalent until she dies, as her death leads Mike's alternate personality Mal to resurface and target anyone involved in Zoey's execution for making Mike miserable.
  • Sacrificial Lion: B, Scott and Sam choose to get rid of her due to her becoming more of a threat as the game progresses thanks to her skills. Her resulting execution leads Mike's alternate personality Mal to resurface from his psyche.
  • Sensual Spandex: During the superhero movie challenge, Zoey dons a spandex outfit which raises the eyebrows of Mike, Sam, Scott and B, leading her to score well after Chris judges her costume.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: She runs offscreen to throw up following Cameron's execution.


    Cameron, the Bubble Boy 
A cowardly homeschooled boy whose physical weaknesses hide a brilliant intellect.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: Like Lightning, he doesn't make it to the finale like in canon. In fact, he's the first contestant to be executed in his debut season, even before the teams are formed, all because of him being the weakest of all.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: In canon, Cameron was very excited and curious to see the world outside his bubble, developed a lot of friendships, was confident, and was able to display his skills. Here, he sobs like no tomorrow the entire time, is beyond useless in challenges, and has absolutely no one even attempting to keep him safe. The only sign of his canon skills seems to be him recognizing Lightning as a threat, as that was why he was in the bottom 2 and Cameron was the only one who voted for him.
  • Adaptational Wimp: He's much more useless and weak in this version, which leads the other contestants to choose to get rid of him first due to him not posing a threat.
  • Black Dude Dies First: He’s the first contestant in the second season to get voted off and killed.
  • Demoted to Extra: Went from being a finalist (and in most places, the winning finalist), to being the first boot.
  • Dying Declaration of Hate: As Zolkoff drags him away to be executed, he calls out his fellow contestants for "killing him" and demands to know why they voted him off.
  • The Load: In his short stay, he was the weakest competitor due to his perpetually despondent attitude. All twelve of his teammates (even the likes of Dawn and Brick) decide to just toss him straight to the cemetery without a second thought because he was just that weak.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: After he’s dropped off at the set for the second season, he pleads for the taxi driver who dropped him off to come back.
  • Prone to Tears: Cried pretty much the entire time he was there. Especially notable in that he never cried in canon.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Tries to flee when he's eliminated, but Zolkoff quickly tackles and restrains him before dragging him to his execution behind the curtains.
  • Speak Ill of the Dead: Chris refers to him as a “crybaby” following his execution.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He is the first contestant to be executed by Zolkoff at the end of the season's premiere, precluding him from getting the friendships and alliances he does in canon.
