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Headscratchers / Despair Island

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  • This fanfic is more realistic and the Amusing Injuries in the show are not Played for Laughs here. Then why is the first challenge still the same? It's even pointed out in this video's lyrics that a fall from that high is like hitting the ground. Shouldn't all the contestants have died right then and there?
    • Chris says the cliff is actually about 35 feet tall, and notes that they'd all die on impact if it were that high (or at least, 200 feet high like Duncan estimated).
  • Izzy and Owen are the first members of their respective teams to be killed off because their funny gags in the show didn't suit this fic's nature. Why then is Lindsay not killed off early if her lack of intelligence is too comedic as well? That said, even if Owen's antics weren't suitable for this fic, he still farts, so Toilet Humor is still present in the story.
  • The whole reason Chris pitches Total Drama as a Deadly Game is because of his belief that it would pave the way for a new form of entertainment in which killing people on live television will be legal and accepted. However, even if Jonathan had found the necessary loopholes to have the Canadian government authorize the show and air it internationally instead of selling the episodes in the black market, what was Chris gonna win? Surely there would have been other countries which would find the show taboo and censor it, so the program wouldn't have been a hit. Besides, being a celebrity himself, did Chris believe he would get any more job offers after killing people just for the sake of a reality show?
  • Upon arriving at Camp Wawanakwa, why does Geoff high-five Chris just like in canon? Yeah, in canon he did it because he had yet to witness Chris' sadism, but here, just like all the contestants, Geoff knows that Chris has forced him into a Deadly Game and he may not see his family and friends again if he doesn't survive. So why be so chill and nice to the psycho who has forced you into a situation where you may die?
  • In the third chapter, it's revealed at the end that Noah found the first Life Idol during the Big Sleep challenge, allowing him to survive the competition and go to Playa Des Losers until the season finale. Why didn't Noah use then his Life Idol in the second chapter if his survival had already been guaranteed? He would have spared Owen from execution and avoided any trauma, as he still got to see Owen die before he was able to leave.
  • In the ninth chapter, Sadie points out in the confessional that her hair doesn't look like that of Katie anymore after Courtney mocks Katie's fashion sense and insults Sadie by referring to her as "Katie's sheep". How does Sadie's hair suddenly regrow? She got her whole head shaved by Chef two chapters ago. Doesn't look like enough time for her to have her whole hair back.
  • The day after the paintball hunting challenge, Courtney expresses her feelings to Bridgette that Sadie's death was a "real wake-up call" to her, so Bridgette asks her if the deaths of Izzy, Eva, DJ and Tyler weren't wake-up calls, leading Courtney to say that she deadened her emotions while interacting with them and such wasn't the case with Sadie. However, why does Bridgette include Izzy among this people? She voted for Izzy due to Izzy's psychopathy and desire to see someone die! It's not like Izzy was a good person who didn't deserve to die, unlike Eva, DJ and Tyler.
  • When Chef punches Geoff, why does Bridgette get angry at Harold for refusing to help Geoff if Harold has every reason not to do so? He had asked them to aid him in voting Courtney off to spare Ezekiel so he would not be the next to die, and they didn't! She and Geoff's treason could have doomed him and they still expect him to be nice with them? By the way, why does Duncan get angry at Harold for betraying the alliance if Harold understandably doesn't want to die and Duncan has teased him about it?
  • In the author's notes for the eighteenth chapter, they mention that the What Could Have Been for the chapter involved Chris getting killed and the helicopter being blown up, apparently by Harold. Then how exactly was the fic going to proceed if Chris was not going to be around any longer to host the show? And what would become of Duncan's father?
  • In the "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue, it's mentioned that the only time Noah saw any of his surviving competitors again was during the wedding of Geoff and Bridgette, but he has no plans to see them again. Really? He doesn't want to see them again even after he and Bridgette became friends during their stay at Playa Des Losers? This comes off as if Noah hated all the survivors.
  • According to the author's Season 2 notes, the first elimination ceremony was gonna be tense due to people debating whether to get rid of Cameron for not wanting to deal with him or Lightning due to being a potential threat. However, in the end, everyone was gonna vote for Cameron and only Cameron was gonna vote for Lightning. Shouldn't at least the kindhearted contestants like Brick, Dawn, Zoey and Mike at least have voted for Lightning rather than Cameron? By the way, Brick is willing to go to his death for his team to spare any of his teammates. Then why does he vote Cameron off before the teams are formed? Really honorable, pal...
    • Cameron was described as "thoroughly inconsolable." Having spent an entire day with someone who sobbed loudly and aggressively with no signs of stopping makes him look like a lost cause to everyone. Brick (or anyone for that matter) wouldn't be willing to die over someone who would only continue to sob uncontrollably and get killed very soon anyways.
