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Trivia / qxlkbh

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  • Creator's Favorite Episode: Andrew stated on Discord in late August 2022 that his favorite plotline up to that point was the "phone" arc.
  • Development Hell: A comic by Sonata suffered from delays due to Windows, on two separate occasions, insisting on updating in the middle of the comic being drawn and Sonata being unable to save it beforehand. Sonata ended up stepping down as an author before it got completed.
  • Early-Bird Release: As of July 2023, the "3d" arc, a series of Guest Strips by FORTY7OUT, is only available on the Discord. These will be added to the mainline once the current story arc involving the zvillainsrg is complete.
    • Furthermore, the comics were originally linked here, but were taken down as they were old versions with mistakes.
  • Inspiration for the Work: Musi has acknowledged that xkcd served as a major inspiration for qxlkbh, given that it's also a Stick-Figure Comic whose name is an unpronounceable string of consonants. Descriptions of the latter will tend to compare it to the former.
  • Milestone Celebration:
    • Both Andrew and Musi have comics celebrating qxlkbh reaching 50 strips, although the latter had to cross out the "50" since Andrew got there first.
    • 64: another milestone is a celebration of the comic's 26th strip.
    • 142: qxlkbh turns 1 is a celebration of the comic's first birthday.
  • Out of Order: Comics 87 and 88 were posted on Discord in the wrong order, due to Musi forgetting to post #87. The result was that #88 was labeled as #87, which was later fixed.
  • Permanent Placeholder: The fanservice-obsessed cueball's "[Insert something deeply creepy here]" in 125: The Triumphant return of The Fourth Wall was intended to be replaced with a line that both established the character as contemptible while still being appropriate for the comic. However, the authors couldn't think of anything, so the placeholder was kept in the final version of the strip.
  • Promoted Fanboy: A few non-authors have made cameo appearances in the comic, with the authors inviting them to provide feedback on how they are depicted. These include Mous, who has participated in Nomic games with the authors, and Ian07, who wrote the TV Tropes page you're reading right now (and who later did become an author after all).
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: Concerns about whether the use of a default Discord profile picture to represent Dandan would go against intellectual property laws led to the comic being replaced with a version where Dandan is instead shown as a capital sigma (Σ), a symbol which is thankfully public domain.
  • Shrug of God: In the title text of 139: the search for TRIANGLE ROCK, Musi refuses to explain why Ethicsbot is only able to control some aspects of its physical appearance.
  • Throw It In!:
    • The name "zOption 12rg" originated when Musi started a Google Form asking users to vote on villain names following the "Z__rg" format. "Option 12" was accidentally left an option rather than being changed to a different name... and won the poll in a landslide.
    • Ian is unintentionally shown without a beard in 115: qxzlkbh. Although this was a simple oversight, it is later used to set up jokes in 118: beard (where the comic gets a sponsorship from Hanlon's Razors) and 121: author despot (where Ian disguises himself as Crossley who doesn't have a beard).
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Before the comic got its own website, an early idea for the tagline was "the webcomic ever".
    • The crackpot theorist character originally wore a monocle instead of the pince-nez glasses that he wears in the final comic.
    • An idea for the "canonicity court" arc was to have characters ask the court about the nature of the setting, such as "Do we exist outside of the comic?" "What's the rest of the world like?" "What country is this?" "Why aren't we wearing masks? Isn't there a pandemic?"
    • One comic idea shared on Discord by Musi was another Two Gamers on a Couch parody pointing out the staleness of the genre. In this one, there would have been two versions of the comic, one with two gamers and another with three gamers, but both of which have the same dialogue.
  • Word of God: Outside of the comic itself, the authors have made various statements on Discord clarifying aspects of it:
    • In general, most characters do not have established genders, with the exception of Author Avatars Andrew and PlanetN9ne. And maybe Inconsistent Man who is, well, inconsistent.
    • The Most Beautiful Stickman is also frequently subject to catcalling.
    • The cellular automata crackpot theorist from the "phone" arc prefers serif fonts because "they just feel more intellectual".
    • In 23: canonicity court part 5, the judge reads that "La Croix married the Most Beautiful Stickman", with La Croix clarifying that "their spouse [didn't know]". However, Musi has clarified that "married" is actually used in a different sense - the Most Beautiful Stickman was married by La Croix to an unspecified extra character (possibly the Fanservice-obsessed cueball), without any prior warning being given to said extra character. In the "normal" interpretation, La Croix believes that the Most Beautiful Stickman is cheating on their first spouse.
    • Andrew and Musi have confirmed that whether the Narrator is omnipotent and/or omniscient depends on what's funnier for that particular comic.
    • One piece of character art depicts a tentacled character named Steve. Musi has described him as a "friendly local Eldritch Abomination".
