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Trivia / Power Rangers in Space

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  • Acting for Two: Carla Perez, Ed Neil and Hilary Shepard Turner respectively play Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd and Divatox, as well as the human forms they take at the end of "Countdown to Destruction, Part 2".
  • Blooper: Both involving the Quantron actors:
    • In "The Wasp with a Heart": One of the Quantron actor's masks slips enough to see a human chin underneath, during the fight at the birthday party, after Cassie sends her friend and her mother away to hide, and after Waspicable says "I can't stand to watch!"
    • In "Dark Specter's Revenge, Part II", when the rangers are being attacked while planting bombs to destroy an asteroid headed for Earth, Andros shoots a Quantron, but the stunt actor inside the Quantron suit puts a bit too much force into his pained acting, causing the silver robotic mask to flip up for a second, revealing the actor's real face.
  • Cast the Runner-Up: Patrick David auditioned for the role of Andros before being cast as Psycho Red.
  • Costume Backlash:
    • Christopher Khayman Lee hated the Andros hairstyle. He had signed on being told that it would only be a wig, and didn't find out he'd had to bleach stripes into his hair until he arrived in LA for filming. He describes the process as "excruciatingly painful", and the first session took eight hours. And due to his hair growing fast, his roots had to be touched up every month or so.
    • Selwyn Ward was a little upset that he was getting demoted from Red Ranger to Blue Ranger in this season, especially since in Turbo he had become the first African-American to lead a Power Rangers team. He has however made returns as both the Red Turbo Ranger and the Blue Space Ranger.
  • Creator Backlash:
    • Christopher Khayman Lee stated that none of the cast were that thrilled about the Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation crossover, especially since said crossover was only a few episodes in and was sewn into the overarching plot, meaning it couldn't be considered non-canon. He admits that he enjoyed getting to beat the crap out of three of the turtles, however. He also revealed that he didn’t like Andros' tears bringing back Karone in "Countdown to Destruction", as he felt it was too cheesy, even by this series' standards.
    • Tony Oliver, a former producer from the days of Mighty Morphin'-Turbo, didn’t like that Zordon was killed off due to his preference for the character.
  • Dawson Casting: Par for the course in any Power Rangers cast, but this series has one of the most egregious examples with Melody Perkins (Astronema/ Karone) being 4 years older than Christopher Khayman Lee, yet playing his character's younger sister. It's also worth noting that Melody and Christopher are respectively the oldest and youngest out of all of the In Space cast members—Melody was born in 1974; Chris, in 1978. Everyone else was born between 1975 and 1977.
  • Deleted Scene: In "A Line in the Sand", there was a kiss filmed between Andros and Ashley before they encounter Tankenstein. It did not make it into the final cut, according to Christopher Khayman Lee.
  • Descended Creator: Some of the monsters were voiced by the show's writers.
  • Dyeing for Your Art: Christopher Khayman Lee — the cartoony, sci-fi skunk stripes in his hair were not his idea. At first, they told him he was going to wear a wig; but then, when he came to L.A. the crew were basically like, "Surprise! We`re going to bleach your hair now!" It was painful to say the least; in fact, it took at least 8 hours to get it just right, and with his head feeling like it was on fire on top of that. Even worse, his hair grew so fast which meant his roots began to show in his streaks... meaning that they had to touch-up those roots with the bleach each time, yikes! In this Q&A video posted on his YouTube channel, at around the 7:28-minute mark he answers a fan's question about whether or not he would sport the Andros-'do again (he said no) and he continues to talk about it for another 3 minutes or so. In spite of it, he still enjoyed his time on the show regardless.
    • When he made his appearance in the 10th anniversary special, "Forever Red", he did not want to go through the bleaching process again so they gave him a wig.
  • Enforced Method Acting: On Christopher Khayman Lee's first day on set, he was pulled aside by Jonathan Tzachor and was told to act like an asshole to his castmates and to avoid them off-screen so that Lee could get into full character as Andros, much to Lee's chagrin. So when you see Andros eventually warming up to the rest of the Space Rangers, you'll know why.
  • Late Export for You: The series didn't reach Japan until 2000, when it aired on Super Channel.
  • The Other Darrin:
    • Brianne Siddall replaced Alex Borstein as Queen Machina for her cameos in "From Out of Nowhere" and "Countdown to Destruction".
    • In the Japanese dub, Sanae Kobayashi replaced Eri Miyajima as Ashley.
    • The crossover with Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation didn't have any of the Turtles' actors reprise their roles because Power Rangers in Space was an American show and The Next Mutation was produced in Canada, having Michael Reisz voice Leonardo instead of Michael Dobson, Tony Oliver voicing Michaelangelo instead of Kirby Morrow (and noticeably doing an impression of Townsend Coleman's Michaelangalo unlike the others), Ezra Weisz voicing Donatello instead of Jason Gray-Stanford, Brad Orchard voicing Raphael instead of Matt Hill, and Tifanie Christun voicing Venus de Milo instead of Lalainia Lindbjerg. The impressions vary in effectiveness.
  • Prop Recycling:
    • Dark Specter was reused from the elaborate Maligore costume from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. Acknowledged by Divatox in the season premiere.
      Divatox: You remind me so much of my fiancée!
    • Electrotramp's costume is made from the head of an unused Ohranger monster (Bara Police), and the body of a Varox.
    • Waspicable was a reused Grumble Bee with different wings and the red bits repainted silver as well as a buck tooth.
    • The forms Body Switcher showcased included monsters from Big Bad Beetleborgs.
    • The Kerovan-Ouster's costume is the same as Ghoulum's from Beetleborgs but repainted red.
    • Destructoid was a reused monster from Beetleborgs Metallix.
    • Numerous monsters from Big Bad Beetleborgs are reused for Rita and Divatox's monster armies.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: It's been theorized the reason Elgar was so prominent in the early episodes was to cover for Ecliptor's costume being unavailable and/or the only Ecliptor costume they had on-hand was the one with the twisted shoulder piece, as opposed to the early version without the shoulder bit and with the red cape, hence explaining why Ecliptor didn't appear outside of Megaranger footage until after "A Ranger Among Thieves", when said new form debutednote .
  • Recycled Set: The Surf Shack is quite obviously the Juice Bar set redressed to include some tropical set pieces and decoration. At no point does the show explain if the Juice Bar was bought out or the Surf Shack being a separate business.
  • Spared by the Cut: Rita, Zedd and Divatox were supposed to die in the finale because of the Z-Wave. However, the Fox Kids censors did not like this, so they were spared.
  • Swan Song: In Space was Bob Manahan's final appearance as Zordon before his fatal heart aneurysm less than two years later.
  • Technology Marches On: Thanks to the series being made in 1998 and adapting a Sentai that was focused around then-cutting edge tech, there's a lot of it on display:
    • The Rangers' "Lightstar helmet" symbols, which are based off random Earth technology of the period (also serving as The Artifact). Andros has a clunky old 90s computer, TJ has a giant tube TV, etc.
    • The Rangers' Megazords (save for one) are controlled with joysticks and computer keyboards, the latter of which sticks out against the futuristic touch-interface of In Space's Astro Megaship systems. (That being said, considering the Megashuttle — which contains the Megazord cockpit — was built on Earth, you could chalk it up to our technological levels being behind that of KO-35, where the Megaship itself apparently originated from.)
    • Zhane's morpher is a 1990s-era-style cell phone, and can even be used like one.
    • The Rangers begin to be hunted by the Psycho Rangers because of a pocket organizer's beeping sounding just like the Rangers' communication signal.
    • Silvy gives Carlos a pager to contact him (at first, to be at her beck-and-call).
    • Psycho Yellow converts herself into a computer virus (then one of the hot new threats) to infect the Mega Voyager.
    • Astronema converts living beings into "data cards", which seem to be more akin to floppy disks or CD-ROMs than, say, a flash drive or SD card.
    • Ecliptor, when he discovers the location of the Mega Voyager's base, transports himself into the base out of a 1990s-era beige box and monitor computer.
  • Underage Casting: Christopher Khayman Lee is 4 years younger than Melody Perkins. He plays her character's older brother.
  • What Could Have Been: Enough for its own page
