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Recap / Lets Go Luna S 2 E 18 Mr Precise The Case Of The Missing Cheese

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Air date: October 30, 2021 (CAN), May 23, 2022 (USA)

Destination - Geneva, Switzerland.

"Mr. Precise": Carmen breaks her favorite clock and must recall what she has learned about how clocks and watches work.

"Mr. Precise" contains the following tropes:

  • Alliterative Name: Paavo Persnickety Precise.
  • And Then I Said:
    Mr. Precise: Then I said, 'But Ludvig, quantum mechanics regards the flow of time as universal and absolute!'
  • Arc Words: "If you know how something works, you know how to fix it."
  • Character Title: The episode is named after the episode's One-Shot Character.
  • Clock King: Mr. Precise carefully plans everything down to the last second. If the machinery for his circus act is off by one nanosecond, he gets Squashed Flat.
  • Don't Touch It, You Idiot!: Mr. Precise tells the characters not to touch anything in his workshop. Andy touches something and causes a bunch of clocks to break.
    Mr. Precise: Mr. Andy, perhaps you did not hear me when I said in very precise language...NO TOUCHING!!!
  • Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress: When he is about to jump off the high dive, Mr. Precise doesn't fall until he declares that it's time for precision panicking.
  • Ludicrous Precision: Mr. Precise's main schtick is accurately calculating and describing everything extremely precise.
    Mr. Precise: Yes, your 1976 Wake Up Ducky Deluxe Alarm Clock with quadraphonic quacking.
  • Mellow Fellow: When he does his circus trick, Mr. Precise has a nonchalant expression the whole time.
  • Oh, Crap!: Carmen is told to turn the crank on the device three times, but she cranks it four times. When she realizes this, she freaks out.
  • Third-Person Person: Mr. Precise sometimes talks in the third person.
    Mr. Precise: If the machinery is off by one tiny nanosecond, Mr. Precise gets flattened like a Swiss pancake.

"The Case of the Missing Cheese": Leo loves Swiss cheese, but becomes obsessed with finding out who or what is making the holes.

"The Case of the Missing Cheese" contains the following tropes:

  • Cheesy Moon: Mia references this trope by calling Luna her favorite cheese in the sky.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Fondue. Early in the episode, Leo learns about fondue, which is melted cheese often eaten with bread. When all of Mia's Emmental cheese melts, Leo helps put things right by making it fondue.
  • Cutaway Gag: When Mia jokes that cows with holes make Emmental cheese, we briefly cut to cows with holes in a field.
  • Everyone Is a Suspect: Leo deduces that anyone or anyplace involved with cheese is suspect.
  • Furry Confusion: We have Mia, an anthro cow working at a cheese factory, co-existing with regular cows.
  • Furry Reminder: Mia says "moo" when she laughs.
  • Impossibly Mundane Explanation: Leo assumes that Emmental cheese has holes because someone is stealing it. As it turns out, the explanation is extremely simple - gas makes the holes.
  • Mystery Episode: Leo tries to solve the mystery of why Swiss cheese has holes.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Andy's reaction to Leo's rant about Swiss cheese.
  • Single-Issue Wonk: Leo goes insane whenever Swiss cheese is brought up. He gets incredibly irritated by the holes in it, thinking that someone stole it. Andy implies that this isn't the first time Leo did this.
  • Torso with a View: The Cutaway Gag shows cows with holes in their bodies.
