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Playing With / The Lad-ette

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Basic Trope: A woman with the personality of a frat boy.

  • Straight: Alice is a woman with long blonde hair, wears a tanktop, jean shorts, and naught else, has a athletic figure, doesn't shower often, enjoys drinking, sex, guns, and sports, and has a very wry, crude sense of humor including Cluster F-Bomb. She fits right in with her brother, Bob's, friends.
  • Exaggerated:
    • On top of that, she spends a large amount of her free time gaming, exercising, and eating out. This causes Bob's friends to think of Alice as being more "one of the guys" than they do of Bob.
    • Butch Lesbian
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice is relatively conventional... but she appreciates a good dirty joke and a beer.
    • Tomboy
  • Justified:
    • Alice grew up with five brothers and no mother.
    • Alice comes from a rough background.
    • Alice is either military or works in a blue-collar job and has picked up her coworkers' habits.
    • Alice is transgender and doesn't bother changing her personality to pass, just her appearance.
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted: Bob has the personality of what you'd expect from a sorority girl.
  • Subverted: Alice was only acting this way so Bob would want to hang out with her more, in hopes of getting along better with her brother. The truth is, she's fairly girly.
  • Double Subverted: After she tells Bob the truth, he offers to take her out to do whatever she wants to do that day. Cut to the siblings playing paint ball, Alice handing Bob's ass over to him.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob and his friends occasionally forget Alice is, in fact, female, much to her frustration. Or not.
    • What makes Alice fit in with the guys is beating them in a farting contest.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Alice acts like a guy... to get along better with her brother. She kicks his ass at paintball, though... but she still prefers knitting.
    • At home and with friends Alice is One of the Boys, dominating and extroverted, but during social events She Cleans Up Nicely, wears extremely feminine clothing and is unwaveringly polite to everyone.
  • Averted: Despite being Raised by Dudes or working in a stereotypically male job, Alice doesn't act particularly masculine.
  • Enforced: "Carly needs a Foil." "Maybe we could introduce a character who's a girl, but acts more like a guy?"
  • Lampshaded: "I don't normally like having a girl around when I hang out with the guys, but Bob's sister is pretty cool. She's practically one of us."
  • Invoked: Alice explores more boyish interests in hopes of fitting in better with Bob and his friends.
  • Exploited: Alice decides to use her tomboyishness as a fighting skill against feminine villains.
  • Defied: "I'd like to try shooting sometime, but guys are all over those places... They kind of freak me out, to be honest."
  • Discussed:
    Bob: My friends like you. They say you're one of the guys.
    Alice: Cool! Hey, could you pass me that beer?
  • Conversed: "I like Alice as a character. It's not very often I see a female character guys can really relate to."
  • Implied: We never see Alice act as The Lad-ette, but scattered across her room are mountains of beer cans and generic sports magazines.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's tendency to hang around with boys leaves her unable to identity with other girls, mainly her female friends who are put off by her interests
    • Alice's mannish behavior means her options for committed romance are limited, and also means she can't put up with more feminine women.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played For Laughs: Alice is by far the most manly person around, with actual males regularly going to her for advice.
  • Played For Drama: Alice lives in a restrictive society, which punishes her for not acting as a woman "should" there.

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