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Nightmare Fuel / Slimyswampghost

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The adolescent bridge worm folding back its false face as it prepares to feed.
It shouldn't come off as a surprise that Trevor Henderson's whole rogue gallery is a cesspool for nightmares. Even if the monster in question doesn't come off as too creepy, there still the fact that he can blend said monsters in with photos surprisingly well, not to mention the (rather unfortunate) fact that there's a lot of these things.
  • Siren Head. An enormous ambush predator that hides in plain sight and mimics the voices of its victims to lure potential prey into its clutches. It gets a fair amount of focus and almost all of its photos/stories emphasize the fact it can strike at any moment, wherever you may be.
    • Then there's the implication that Siren Head hunts people not out of hunger, but for other reasons entirely.
    • You'd probably expect it to be easy to find a 40-foot humanoid that rambles constantly, and perhaps easy to kill too? That would be, except for the fact that the damn thing is not only impervious to conventional weaponry, but it's also capable of mimicking other structures as well. The process is still not entirely known, but it is known that Siren Head can manipulate and assimilate technology into himself to aid in hunting humans. This means that he could potentially be some lone lamp pole or pile of pipes, just waiting for the moment to strike.
      • Speaking of pipes, it not only manages to mimic a pipe perfectly, but it's implied in one report to have stayed in the home of a family while in this form for an entire week before massacring all of them.
  • Cartoon Cat. Despite the fact he's one of the few who haven't killed people (at least that we know of) he's confirmed to be the most dangerous cryptid, there's a whole species of these cartoon monsters out there, all sporting nightmarish, ear-to-ear grins.
    • According to one post from Trevor, Cartoon Cat is so terrifying that it scares every other monster ever. Keep in mind, many monsters choose to be either neutral or ambiguously hostile to each other at best, not outright fearful.
    • The only thing stopping it was that it could not escape the mall where it was found. Now that no longer matters.
    • And if Cartoon Cat alone isn't scary enough for you, Word of God states there's an entire species of cartoon monsters.
  • Long Horse itself ventures into this territory at times. Sure, it's one of the more benevolent monsters out there, but there's still the fact that it's a literal, decaying skull attached to a decaying neck. Said neck makes a lot of cracking sounds, and it's also long enough that, even in full view, one can never find its actual body.
  • The Bridge Worms. At first glance, they look weirdly pitiful, with sad faces. But if they find you, they'll reveal their true face (the page image) to you as you become their next meal. According to some reports, a majority of Bridge Worm photos depict the monster in its adolescent stages. If that's the case, what do the adults look like?
    • There is a picture of an earthworm-like Giant swooping by a car. Captions have indicated that this particular entity might be what an adult Bridge Worm looks like.
    • Trevor did a sketch of a Bridge Worm, and its face looks even more grotesque than the Photoshop version. Have fun sleeping tonight!
  • The Country Road Creature. Its look is already disturbing enough, but one picture suggests that the creature has the ability to shapeshift. The picture in discussion is a pale man standing in front of a car, with one of his hands being similar to that of the creature.
  • Followed You Home may not sound too bad, but if you click on the link, you're getting way more than you bargained for.
    • Firstly, there's it's creepy as hell face.
    • Then there's it's Creepily Long Arms. The torso and head are so small that the arms appear even more disproportionately large.
    • It's missing it's legs, meaning it is forced to crawl towards you. Imagine going home late at night, turning around, and seeing this mildly humanoid.. thing crawling towards you.
    • Hell, the fact that it follows you home is creepy enough, but it's weakness? To stop it. Which began the question: how does one stop this thing?!
  • The Fugitive's situation. It is unclear whether or not it has otherworldly powers like some of Henderson's other monsters, but either way, it's on the run from the Pursuer, even though the Fugitive is innocent.
  • Just an owl. Dear god. As if barn owls weren't ominous enough...
  • The Smile Room. This creature's method of luring its victims is chilling. Walk into the wrong room, and you become this thing's dinner. The worst part? It can infect its victims with an unknown disease and use them to further its goals. Even better, no one knows what is beyond its jaws. The only ones who would know are those who are lured to their deaths.
  • A fan noted Trevor that if the situations regarding the Earth are that dire, humanity should evacuate the planet. Trevor's response? "Oh boy, wait’ll you see what’s in SPACE!"
  • The Giants. They're huge abominations that just so happened to have paid a visit to Earth one day, and with no intention of leaving. The people of this alternate Earth can only watch in madness, awe, and horror at the sight of the Giants wandering the Earth daily, doing ungodly things to anyone they decide to attack.
  • The Patron Saints is a rough categorization for powerful monsters that represent qualities in life. Unfortunately, a good many of them provide the more unnerving aspects of life. Expect wonderful descriptions such as, "Patron Saint of creeping dread, of things going missing, of bad things coming," or "Patron Saint of dark places, of hungry life, of spotless bones."
    • Concerningly, Cartoon Cat's portrait, instead of a symbolic message, just says, "*laugh track intensifies*" It doesn't help that, unlike a majority of the portraits besides Good Boy's, there aren't any halos present.
      • For those who don't know, a patron saint's morality standards are indicated by the number of halos they have. In other words, Cartoon Cat is actually more evil than the likes of Siren Head (who has just one halo) or the Man with the Upside-Down Face (who has more halo rays).
  • Big Charlie is pretty much a over-sized, likely abused cow with chicken features. It doesn't help that the poor thing has a wound in his stomach that, quite regularly, drops meat chunks that form into Lil' Nuggets. At least he's one of the more passive creatures out there.
    • The Lil' Nuggets, at least by themselves, don't look too creepy for little meat chunks with googly eyes and stubby legs, even looking a little cute. The problem comes when they eventually grow up, transforming into eldritch abominations that defy certain physics and possess lethal, omnipresent powers. These adult stages also come in two forms: the surprisingly benign Lambs, and the not-so benign Void Nuggets.
  • In general, a big part of what makes the art so creepy is that most of it takes place in a normal looking suburban environment. The implication is that most of the monsters don't live in inherantly creepy places, they live in totally normal mundane surroundings which could even be the viewer's own home.
