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Narm / Fire Emblem Heroes

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Being a mobile spin-off with a vastly large roster, Fire Emblem Heroes is not safe from this.

  • One of the early trailers released for the game features an introduction to Regular Nino saying "I'll do my best!", but then in the following scene, she dies to a blue cavalier, which can be unintentionally (and/or darkly) hilarious, especially since she has the advantage.
  • Masked Marth's English voice lines sound fine for the most part, but her "Hope will never die!" quote sounds unusually off, sounding like it cracked mid speech. It comes across as unintentionally funny because of how out of place it sounds.
  • When units end a turn, they turn grey and completely freeze. While this isn't a problem most of the time, the Fallen Heroes have demonic aura on their sprites, which makes them look silly when not in motion.
  • Ishtar is usually depicted as sorrowful, but her default artwork in this game gives her a pouty expression and a pose that makes her look like she's putting up an attitude, as if she's sorrowful of something nonsensical instead of her much more serious issues.
  • One of Fallen Takumi's lines count as this, mostly because he just sounds so frustrated, and also used in the exact same tone and word with Reaper from Overwatch:
    Fallen Takumi: Die, die, DIE!
  • The idle pose for Arvis, Saias, and Julius. They all hold their tome with one hand, while they raise the other hand up in the air. While this is actually a reference to some artwork for Arvis, it's still a bit silly looking, though it could also be seen as endearing.
  • Some defeat quote of seasonal units can count for their Skewed Priorities such as Bridal Ninian worrying about her dress and Bridal Caeda her flowers.
  • Nowi's defeat quote has her go "Aww..." in a pouty tone, sounding like she's upset about having lost a game rather than falling in battle.
    • Fae's has her go "Oh no" in a similarly sad and pouty tone, befitting more of her having to end play time than being defeated in battle.
  • Walhart looks menacing in his neutral and damaged portraits, but his attack portrait looks awkwardly stiff with him standing straight up while swinging his weapon. It's been compared to a golfer or baseball player swinging. Even his artist Soeda Ippei poked fun at it by drawing him as a baseball player.
  • Story wise, the reveal of who the Mysterious Man truly is. Rather than any of the Askr Trio figuring it out from hints given or the like, the Summoner tells them, themselves after stopping Alfonse from killing Bruno... As in, with the Summoner being mute, Alfonse repeating almost 'word-for-word' them pretty much telling him. It's a rather awkward execution to a huge reveal, making the Askr Trio look foolish for not managing to figure it out themselves, especially since Bruno is their old ally, Zacharias, on top of the already incredibly awkward way it was revealed.
  • The final fight with Laegjarn in Chapter 13 of Book II is a strong and tragic moment, but it's a bit difficult to take some of it seriously. Even though she gives herself to the Flames of Múspell, she looks and fights the exact same as before, which isn't helped by the awkward red flashes that appear when she invokes it, and looks the exact same after battle in terms of artwork. While making new art or sprites might have been out of the question, it can be a bit funny and hard to take seriously for the sheer Gameplay and Story Segregation, especially when they could have used her battle damaged art if they wanted to have her look defeated. Adding to this, is that Hrid had a unique portrait made that has him looking slightly battle damaged, making Laegjarn's stick out even more.
  • The ending of the main story of the "Power's Den" Forging Bonds event for the "Darkness Within" banner ends with Fjorm making a small speech about how despite the heroes summoned for the event being filled and corrupted by their power, they still seek to do what is right and want to control it. This favorable talk and praise fits Corrin, Tiki, and Mareeta, but given how the last hero is Berkut at his lowest point, this is unintentionally funny because unlike the other three who are indeed burdened with powers against their will, Berkut sacrificed his fiancé to achieve his power, making Fjorm's speech about them having powers they must master for the greater good a little bit hilarious when you think about it.
  • Some of the special animations for Legendary/Mythic heroes' finishing attacks involving multi-hits can invoke this if their opponent was in their idle state before being defeated. It looks incredibly awkward when Marth raises his sword high and proceeds to stabs at his opponent several times, none of the attacks besides the last one making them flinch.
  • Darkness Within Female Corrin became this just for the choice of how to portray her "feral form". What is supposed to be Corrin having gone feral and berserk in reference to the death of their mother in Fates instead makes Corrin look like she's having mild pains from bad food, and stands out as not looking like she's evil except for her special attack art. Compared to the other units from that banner, she lacks the whole Fallen Hero angle and seems out of place, resulting in what is supposed to be a dramatic character being hard to take seriously if not for her Game-Breaker status. Her male counterpart averts this for looking genuinely feral and about to lose control.
  • Most of the level up quotes usually range from Self-Deprecation,note  to praising their own abilities and/or performance in battle.note  Meanwhile, one of Legendary Lilina's level-up quotes has her say "My magic is a weapon of peace! With it, I will incinerate evil!", but because it comes off as cheesy and contradictive, it's hard to take it seriously, since it makes the Lycian Leader sound like she's going to save Elibe just by destroying everything that gets in her way.
  • The intro to the trailer of the Dark Desert Rituals banner has all of its featured units in their attacking portrait, with the exception of Raphael, who's basically just standing there and looks very out of place compared to everyone else (both thematically and just pose wise). While it's clear that using his attack portrait at the start of the trailer would only result in his face getting partially blocked by the text, the fact that he's using his neutral portrait instead makes him look silly compared to the others.
  • Líf's English voice line when he's defeated has him says "No, no, NO!", meant to be portrayed in a dramatic, serious tone with the rest of Book III. However, many players found the line impossible to take seriously, comparing it to Cleveland Brown's Running Gag of repeatedly saying "no" as he falls off the edge in his bathtub.
  • During the course of Book V, the translator decided to translate a battle grunt/Kiai or wounded/death cry into "Nyaaah!". That sounded more like the attacker/wounded just imitated a cat instead of portraying the actual attacking/being gravely wounded.
  • In the middle of Book V, Chapter 12, Nótt ends up getting killed, trying to defend Dagr and Reginn from Fáfnir. What should’ve been a heartbreaking moment is ruined by not only it feeling like it came out of nowhere, it also felt more like it was done to motivate Reginn into fighting her older brother. Alfonse's comment about how Dagr and Reginn should get over it and focus on fighting Fáfnir adds further salt to this wound.
  • In many Chapters, starting from Book 2, New Heroes will have dialogue… That are almost, if not always ripped straight from the game, leading to them saying lines that are not even remotely related to the situation going on, some of them even lines they already said on their Status screen or even the trailer they were introduced in, making them seem less like actual characters and more like talking dolls whom say specific lines after you pull their string. One of the most glaring cases is Vyland plainly introducing himself right after the above scene. Needless to say, many found this painfully awkward and a poor transition, to the point of being memed about. Another example is Attuned Nino in Book VII Chapter 1 complaining about her midriff getting cold, which happens right before facing off Gullveig for the final time, which many found to be out of nowhere to the point where it loops back to being hilarious.
    • Another oddity with the New Heroes are that they’re rarely, if ever even acknowledged after Book 2, basically treated as Elite Mooks to deal with. Nowhere is this more glaring than Fallen Gustav in Chapter 7 of Book 6, an Original Character from Heroes itself, appearing in his Hel General form from Book 3 despite the Big Bad herself having been dealt with long ago. (Notably, Hel’s theme plays for him rather than the generic upbeat tune that typically plays for Heroes as they speak.) Just like many other Heroes, he’s only given one line of dialogue, of which he says on his Status screen no less and nobody even blinks an eye.
  • Bertram has a special line where he growls at his foe but until mid-February 2022 note  its subtitle was literally "*growl builds to a crescendo*", which heavily damages the intimidation factor of an otherwise well-delivered line. It's even more jarring when one considers that other special lines that aren't spoken words, such as Fallen Ike's roar, aren't subtitled this way, making this oddity even funnier.
  • During one scene in the Book 6 Trailer, Veronica is shown with tears in her eyes, falling forward as she tries to reach out to her allies. What should’ve been a dramatic shot falls flat as Veronica does, looking more like she tripped over something in comedic fashion then giving way from fatigue or the like with how she just flops down and completely out of screen for a long second.
  • Dedue's Forging Bonds has him once again bearing the brunt of Felix's anger over how he acts, especially towards Dimitri. This would be tense and poignant, were it not for the fact that the only Felix in game at the time of the Forging Bonds was his Christmas alt. So rather than Dedue talking to Felix and it seeming like a normal conversation, it comically looks like Dedue is talking to a disgruntled Santa.
  • The timing of Ascended Hilda’s Forging Bond could not be any worse; The plot involves Hilda helping Thrasir get Bruno, represented by his Bunny self, a gift. This would normally be a sweet story on its own. However, it coincides with the same Chapter where Bruno is killed off (possibly for good). So one could easily have seen the story chapter where the character tragically perishes, only to then see another story bit involving the same character, now in a goofy outfit, made all the more darkly hilarious by Thrasir being undead, herself and still grieving over losing her own brother, being what made her distance herself from Bruno in the first place.
    • The death scene in question, is found to be difficult to take seriously for some with the art of Bruno in this scene having his shirt entirely ripped off with otherwise no visible injuries on his body, similarly to the much-memed in-game injured art of his. This has lead to many either further joking at Bruno having a habit of losing his clothes or simply admiring the Fanservice, taking them out of the seriousness of the scene.
  • The final part of Book VII Chapter 9 is intended to be a very emotional battle where Seiðr is forced to put Heiðr (who is now transformed into an Orochi-like monster) out of her misery. However, the moment you notice that Heiðr's monster form has weird and tacky breasts, it becomes very hard to take it seriously due to the design looking very ridiculous.
  • Despite Njörðr being set up to be the real Arc Villain of Book VII according to chapter 9, the following chapter has him abruptly killed by Gullveig instead, with a CG showing him disintegrating. The initial setup followed by how abrupt his death is comes off as more funny than dramatic.
  • The April 2024 FEH Channel, as well as the Mythic Hero reveal trailer that followed afterwards, featured a sneak peak at the upcoming Mythic hero, Loki. Both were hard to take seriously, however, because of the blatant Censor Steam covering her chest and hips, which also had the opposite effect of making her art appear far racier than it actually was.
