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Justice By Other Legal Means / Fan Works

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Justice by Other Legal Means in Fan Works.

  • Fairy Without Wings:
    • Jiemma abused the members of his guild, but faced no consequences for his actions... until he attacked Suzaku, which got him arrested for assaulting an officer of the council.
    • Suzaku repeatedly attempts to nail VV through this, to no avail, convincing Lelouch that Murder Is the Best Solution for dealing with him.

Hetalia: Axis Powers

  • Sold to the Highest Bidder: Kirkland's piracy is ignored by the Council, as they see it as stimulating the economy. However, they are willing to arrest him for murder.

Marvel Universe

  • In Ultimate Spider-Woman: Change With The Light, there's not much Mary Jane Watson can do about Roderick Kingsley sexually harassing her and trying to ruin her modeling career for rejecting his advances. Mary Jane doesn't need to, since Roderick's Woman Scorned wife Rebecca rats him out to the authorities about all his illegal activities in exchange for an immunity deal, and then sues him for control of his cosmetics company. The last anyone sees of Roderick is his getting arrested by SEC agents, and it's implied that he'll be both broke and behind bars for a very long time.

Miraculous Ladybug

  • In Tax Evasion Gabriel is exposed as Hawk Moth and charged for "conspiracy, aiding and abetting, attempted theft, assault, terrorism, and felony murder", but his lawyers manage to create reasonable doubt and he's declared innocent... But the prosecutors realize that the money for everything they found in his lair had to come from somewhere and there was no way he had paid taxes on it, and get the now adult Max (computer genius) and Lila (bloodthirsty paralegal after she toned down her lies) to find the paper trail. He's eventually convicted for embezzlement, perjury, and tax evasion.


  • In the Forewarned is Forearmed, Akira realizes Ichiro Hoshino has been beating his daughter, but the cops don't have enough evidence to arrest him for that because the daughter is too scared to talk. Akira ends up goading Hoshino into assaulting him in full view of a cop, resulting in Hoshino getting arrested for assaulting a minor, something that will likely result in him losing custody of his daughter.

A Song of Ice and Fire

  • In The Dance is Not Over, by Antony444, a Morally Bankrupt Banker involved in an unsuccessful (and needlessly bloody) coup against House Lannister is careful to use Exact Words in the letters with his coconspirators that give him Plausible Deniability. Lady Lannister admits that there's no hard evidence of his treason, but there is evidence that he's only paid a tenth of the taxes he owes her due to hiding money that was being funneled to the rebels. Tax evasion is a very serious offense in a feudal fantasy setting.
    Johanna Lannister: The crime is smaller, but I'm told the sentence at the end of the trial is oddly similar.

Star Wars

  • Palpatine is the Worst: In Palpatine Is Arrested for Fashion Crime the Jedi find evidence that Palpatine is a Sith and the mastermind behind the Clone Wars, but realize they can't prove anything but that he follows a different religion, so they turn to Padme for help... And she nails him with a Naboo law that boils down to forbidding him from wearing the same clothing more than once in a way not covered by the exceptions to said law, allowing his temporary removal for power while he serves the sentence. The whole thing is actually an attempt to get him to snap and nail him for the much direr charges of assault and attempted murder, something a comment from Jar Jar Binks right after he's arrested succeeds at.
