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Fanfic / Palpatine is the Worst

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"A series of unrelated stories, connected only by the common theme of making things go poorly for Palpatine/Sidious/The Emperor, as he rightly deserves, that evil old bastard."
-The series description

Palpatine is the Worst and deserves to have his plans, day, and life ruined is a series of oneshot fanfics written by Peppermint_Shamrock in which Palpatine's attempts to take over the galaxy go wrong in hilarious fashion. So far, there are four fics in the series:

  • "The Chips Didn't Work"
  • "Palpatine Is Arrested for Fashion Crimes"
  • "Why the Sith Don't Have Class Reunions"
  • "Palpatine Loses His Job"

The series can be found on Archive of Our Own here.

This series provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Back from the Dead: Dooku in "Why the Sith Don't Have Class Reunions". There is no explanation given.
  • Batman Gambit: The obscure Naboo law against wearing the same clothes twice in "Palpatine Is Arrested..." is not the immediate basis by which Palpatine gets taken out by the Jedi Council before he can fulfill his entire plan, especially since the penalty for breaking it is a mere 100 hours of community service. However, the fact that Padme had confronted him with the charges, went through a very meticulous go over through all of the law's intricacies and verification that none of the listed exemptions of said laws were applicable, and the fact that Mace Windu was standing right there for such a small thing which tipped off Palpatine that the Council was suspicious of him being Darth Sidious — all of this took everything Palpatine had to keep his composure as he left to perform the charged community service. Then Jar Jar speaks up and innocently invites him to living among the Gungans, causing Palpatine to snap and giving Mace the excuse to fight him openly.
  • Crack Fic: The premise of the fics. "Palpatine Is Arrested..." takes the concept on which it is based fairly seriously, however.
  • Everybody Lives: It appears that zero Jedi were killed by Order 66 in "The Chips Didn't Work". Anakin was also quickly but nonlethally subdued.
  • Faking the Dead: By some of the Jedi in "The Chips Didn't Work", including Jaro Tapal and Ki-Adi Mundi. Intentionally quite badly.
  • Flipping the Bird: Rex flips off Palpatine when he tries to order the clone to kill Ahsoka in "The Chips Didn't Work".
  • Justice by Other Legal Means: In "Palpatine Is Arrested...", since the Sith aren't technically illegal, the Jedi don't have anything to get Palpatine Padme suggests using an obscure law from Naboo which prohibits people from wearing the same clothes twice. And it works.
  • Loony Laws: In "Palpatine Is Arrested..." Naboo apparently has a law against wearing the same clothes twice.
  • Loophole Abuse: Liberally by the clones in "The Chips Didn't Work".
    • Rex claims that since Ahsoka isn't a Jedi anymore and Palpatine didn't say to kill former Jedi, he can't kill her.
    • Fox points out that Palpatine dissolved the Republic, and since the Clones were created to be loyal to said Republic, he doesn't have to do anything Palpatine says.
  • No, You: After Commander Fox outright refuses Palpatine's orders in "The Chips Don't Work", on the basis that the Republic no longer exists and so he has no obligation to listen to him:
    Palpatine: This is treason.
    Fox: It is. But not on my part.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Basically every one of Sidious' apprentices feels this way about Obi-Wan Kenobi for various reasons, and spend most of "Why the Sith Don't Have Class Reunions" bickering over him.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: When Darth Sidious checks in on the clones after issuing Order 66, he discovers that they've used Loophole Abuse to avoid following his orders. All of their Jedi generals are standing right next to them in plain sight, while only making minimal efforts to disguise themselves (or none at all) as the clones snarkily insist that he’s mistaking innocent bystanders for Jedi and that they did execute Order 66. Sidious isn’t fooled in the least, and the clones aren't putting much effort into fooling him, while several of the Jedi can't keep from laughing. Some of the highlights include putting a mustache on Aayla and a hat on Plo Koon. Illustrated in this series of sketches.
    "Of course this isn't General Secura, my Lord,” Commander Bly said, gesturing to his side. “General Secura doesn’t have a mustache.” Sidious glanced incredulously between the clone and the twi'lek beside him, whose ridiculous set of spectacles, peach nose that stuck out from her natural blue tone, and yes, dark mustache – did nothing to hide her identity. "Twi'leks do not have mustaches!” he snarled back. "She has a condition," Bly said, unperturbed.
  • Peggy Sue: "Palpatine Loses His Job" has Padme traveling back in time after her death in Revenge of the Sith and removing Palpatine from the Senate at the first opportunity, replacing him with Jar Jar with the excuse that it's a gesture of reconciliation with the Gungans.
  • Point of Divergence: In both fics, one of these comes into play. Mostly played for laughs.
    • "The Chips Didn't Work": The Kaminoans oversold the effectiveness of the chips which control the clones. As such, they failed to carry out Order 66.
    • "Palpatine is Arrested For Fashion Crimes": The Jedi discover Palpatine is a Sith, so nail him early with Padme's help.
  • Understatement: How "Palpatine is Arrested..." begins:
    Obi-Wan: "This is...not good."
    Mace Windu (mentally): Your capacity for understatement never ceases to amaze me, Master Kenobi.
