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Game Breaker / Epic Seven

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Epic Seven is a gacha game with it's one PvP, as with any other gacha game or any video game with PVP features. There are several heroes that have been meta defining.

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    Moonlight heroes 
  • Arbiter Vildred is a powerful unit to have and difficult to fight against in PVP. Just like his regular version, his offensive skills are both Area of Effect attacks. His strength mostly comes from his overloaded passive, "Dark Contract", which revives him after dying, boosts his Combat Readiness to 100% (giving him a guaranteed free turn), grants a full Focus meter, and completely resets the cooldown of his third skill, "Dark Blade". That third skill itself is also overpowered as he can re-use it whenever it kills an enemy. Since this strategy relies on maximizing his damage output for easy kills, he benefits from Artifacts like "Alexa's Basket" or "Moonlight Dreamblade" that can give an Attack buff. Just like Dizzy, Arbiter Vildred is such a game-breaker that several Heroes are released or rebalanced with the main goal of negating his strengths, with his Auto-Revive mechanic being countered by the Extinction status ailment. It's difficult to fight A. Vildred if you don't have those Heroes who can counter him, unless you plan on focusing too much on a team of durable tanks and healers who can survive continuous Dark Blades.
  • Remnant Violet is a unit that is much feared in PVP. His kits takes the best aspects of Violet's evade mechanics, and crank it up to eleven. His passive, Concentration, grants himself a 100% chance to give himself an Evasion buff at the start of the battle and at the end of his turn, which makes landing debuffs or critical hits very difficult on him. Furthermore, he gains a stack of Focus whenever he successfully evades an attack. After, gaining 5 stacks of Focus, he'll consume all of his Focus meter and randomly attack an enemy with his third skill, Massacre; which grants himself increased Attack for two turns and penetrate 50% of the target's defense, meaning he can effective delete even some of the tankiest units in the game. And that's not all, his basic attack also applies decrease Hit chance debuff on the target, allowing him to Evade even more attacks. Give him a good Lifesteal set and Moonlight Dreamblade artifact, and he can effectively become a One-Man Army unit.
  • Ruele of Light is arguably one of the best Moonlight healers (the other being Maid Chloe and Blood Moon Haste) in the game. Her ultimate, Light Ascending, is one of the very few abilities that can revive an allied party member (other being Maid Chloe's VIP Treatment for the entire team, abeit reviving allies with far less health). Unlike Maid Chloe, she can revive the said ally with full health and invincibility, allowing the revived ally to survive another turn. Even if she doesn't use this ability to revive an ally, she can also dispell all debuffs on the ally before applying the full heal and invincibility. And it doesn't stop there, she can also dispell all debuffs on an ally with her second skill, as well as providing a barrier and health on top of that. Her basic attack also heals an ally with the lowest health, and if the player decides to soulburn it, she can heal the entire team. Since her healing scales out of her maximum health and her ultimate ability heals the ally full health and invincibility (in addition to reviving them), she is one of the most versatile healers in the game as well being an effective tank healer. Her only drawback is her very poor AI, meaning she's not well suited in Arena defense teams unless if the player puts in multiple threats that she can revive. She is best used in Guild Wars defense teams and World Arena, as the former two separate battles with 3 team members in each party gives her a higher chance to revive any damage dealing threat in the defense team; while the later involves facing actual players that utilize her kit to the maximum potential.
  • Maid Chloe is also an annoying Moonlight healer to deal with in Arena defense teams, mainly because of her ultimate ability, VIP Treatment, which not only revives all allies and provide all allies with an attack buff. Any living allies will also be granted a revive buff, forcing the opponent to kill her allies again. She can also heal an ally with the lowest health at the start of her turn, making her viable in longer and sustained fights. In fact, her very presence of being able to revive all allies and provide the entire team with an attack buff makes her relatively difficult to deal with for most cleave teams to the point that Sinful Angelica, a 4* Dark Soul Weaver, was designed for cleave teams to specifically counter her gimmicks (alongside Sinful Angelica being an answer to Ruele in a lesser extent).
  • While his Earth Soul Weaver counterpart is considered decent and solid for PVE content, Auxiliary Lots, a 4* Dark Mage, is one of the best openers for cleave teams if you give him enough speed (and it's quite easy to do since he has reasonably high base speed). His second skill, Mana Injection, is similar to his Earth counterpart's Regen skill where he provides an ally 100% Combat Readiness, allowing the said ally a guaranteed turn, but boost the ally's attack instead of healing. This allows cleave teams to run slow, Glass Cannon cleavers equipped with Destruction/Crit or Attack/Crit sets (generally Moonlight cleavers such as Celestial Mercedes, Blood Blade Kairin, and Judge Kise; or Chaos Sect Axe or Free Spirit Tiera as budget options), or even strong single target nukers such as Baiken (who can push the entire team's Combat Readiness when she lands a critical hit on her ultimate ability), making him one of the most sought out Combat Readiness pushers in the game. If the player is lucky and get multiple copies of him or Lots, his Imprint Release also provides an attack% boost to his teammates, which is valuable for cleave teams.
    • However, his opener is made even stronger when he is paired up with Challenger Dominiel, another 4* Dark Mage. She functions almost like any Combat Readiness pusher where she pushes the entire team's Combat Readiness and provide a critical chance buff. However, what makes her incredibly powerful is her passive skill, Electric Charge, which bestows herself Combat Readiness and increased damage for her next attack skill whenever an ally lands a critical hit, which also stacks based on how many critical hits made. This allows Challenger Dominiel to push herself forward and allow her to push the entire team's combat readiness with ultimate ability and provide a critical hit buff (usually pushing a Speed scaling cleaver like Vildred) and have the potential to delete or weaken any enemy target with her basic attack skill, which deals more damage if it lands a critical hit. The combination of Auxiliary Lots pushing forward a Glass Cannon cleaver with a Attack/Crit or Destruction/Crit set to push forward Challenger Dominiel makes the duo one of the most devastating cleave teams in PVP.
  • Faithless Lidica is a 5* Light Ranger that is considered to be one of the strongest openers for cleave teams. For starters, her second skill, Larkspur, can dispell one buff from all enemies and grants herself 25% Combat Readiness per enemy hit, ensuring that she always get an extra turn for herself as well as pushing the entire team's Combat Readiness by 5% per enemy hit, ensuring a 20% Combat Readiness push to all allies when her second skill is used. The said skill also negates counterattacks, which negates various annoying counter mechanics from powerful counterattackers like Martial Artist Ken and Charles. However, what makes her crazy is that she can follow up with her ultimate skill, Hysteria; which, upon successful critical hit on an enemy, increases an enemy's cooldown to maximum and grants the entire team skill nullifier, which negates damage from the next attack, giving a generally Glass Cannon team a layer of protection. The ability to reset cooldowns on an enemy allows her to deal with problematic characters for cleave teams such as Fallen Cecilia, Maid Chloe, and Ruele. Faithless Lidicia's strong kit, combined with her naturally high base speed and attack% Memory Imprint for the entire team, makes her a must have for most cleave teams. The only drawback is that she has high gear requirement as an opener for cleave teams (not only she needs a lot of speed, but also a lot of effectiveness and critical hit chance to land her critical hit on her ultimate skill and land her skill cooldown increase on her enemy) and the cleavers need to be speed tuned to ensure that they will be pushed forward enough to cleave. With the right gear, however, she can be a feared opener for cleave teams, even in the World Arena meta filled with Lightning Bruiser characters. And much like Auxiliary Lots, Faithless Lidica synergizes incredibly well with Challenger Dominiel.

    RGB heroes 
  • Tamarinne is considered as one of the best supports for most content. Her basic attack heals a party member while her second skill heals the entire team. Once she enters her Idol Singer form, Tamarinne's HP is fully restored and any status ailments on her are cleared. In this state, she covers more utility aside from healing. Her basic skill now dispels all buffs from the enemy party and triggers a dual attack with the hero having the highest ATK. With Soul Burn, this also heals the entire team just like her second skill. Speaking of her second skill, its Idol upgrade provides a 2-turn attack boost and a Combat Readiness push for her team. She has an overloaded kit, but with a drawback in her third skill starting with a 9-turn cooldown.
    • Tamarinne’s 9-turn cooldown can be resolved if she's paired with Iseria, resulting in the Game-Breaker combo called "Tamaseria". With Iseria's second skill fully resetting an ally's cooldowns, Tamarinne can use her idol form as early as Turn 1 (provided that Iseria's Speed stat is higher than her). This combo is mostly used to cheese in beginner to mid-level Arena brackets, usually if the opponent can't outspeed Iseria or disable the combo before Tamarinne transforms.
  • Dizzy from the Guilty Gear collab can be a nightmare for beginners in low-to-mid tier PVP brackets, especially if they can't outspeed her, are undergeared, or lack debuff cleansers and specific characters who effectively counter her. She gives a bunch of Status Effects with her Area of Effect attacks, and A Dizzy who successfully lands all of her skills can give three ailments while decreasing the combat readiness for the enemy party. Her second skill also complements these as it can extend debuffs, making her great when paired with other debuffers. She is usually equipped with Speed and Hit sets so that she can debuff the enemy team right at Turn 1 using her third skill. However, she becomes easily anticipated or countered at higher PVP brackets by players who prioritize healing-focused, tanky and debuff-immune teams. Dizzy's game-breaking status in her debut was speculated to be the reason why several Heroes were rebalanced or released with debuff immunity, healing and barrier buffs, or why some Heroes can react to status ailments, seemingly built just to counter Dizzy.
  • Jade Wind Skorpion, a mere 2★ unit had a busted kit during its debut on mid-2019, that it had to be quickly addressed by the devs. It has a strong synergy with debuffers like Dizzy, its basic attack extends the duration of all debuffs while its second skill detonates poison stacks, which is devastating when it's paired with Kiris (A Game-Breaker 3★ unit who can poison enemies and extend their debuff durations), and if the enemy has a lot of poison debuffs stacked. Jade Wind Skorpion is so broken in PVE content that players managed to clear Abyss 90 using it. Imagine an end-game content being cleared by a 2★ "fodder" unit.
  • Seaside Bellona is another powerful limited-time unit. Her second skill passively makes her perform an Area of Effect Counter-Attack whenever her Focus bar has 5 stacks, but what makes her quite broken is the frequency of how she can unleash said counter-attacks. She gains 1 stack of Focus each time an ally gets hit, or several stacks at once if the enemy hits her team with an AoE. If the enemy loves to spam AoE attacks or additional combos, SSB can counter them a lot even if it's not yet her intended turn, making her a Spam Attack unit. Her ultimate ability is also unique apart from being an AoE attack as also it prevents the enemies from healing and buffing themselves, a rare combo of debuffs in one skill. Her skillset is further enhanced when equipped with her themed Artifact, Reingar's Special Drink, as it makes both of her AoE attacks deal separate bonus damage.
  • Kayron is a frustrating unit to deal with in PVP because of his own passive, Immortal Will, which grants himself immortality whenever he takes lethal damage. When triggered, it also resets his cooldown of his third skill, Apocalypse, which if he manages to defeat an enemy with it, it also extends the duration of any buffs he has for another turn, including the said immortality buff. He also gain increased attack for two turns whenever he uses it as well. Across from that, whenever he is buffed, he basic attack becomes an AoE, making him a very viable cleaver as well. If he manages to survive and delete an enemy with Apocalypse, except him to finish off your entire team afterwards with his enpowered basic attack unless he is facing Water units, making him a fearsome One-Man Army unit. His Achilles' Heel, however, is if his immortality buff were to be removed, if unbuffable effect is applied into him to prevent him from getting the immortality buff (which makes the aforementioned Seaside Bellona equipped with Reingar's Special Drink one of the best units to deal with him), or if he is immobilized via a stun of sleep debuff, he'll most likely will die to a Cherry Tapping attack afterwards. However, much of his weakness is easily addressed with the Immunity set, which synergizes well with his kit.
  • Kiris is one of the most useful 3-Star Units without a Specialty Change for one reason and one reason only: she can poison the enemy. A lot note . It's not at all uncommon for a lot of the strategies for Abyss bosses - which have obscene amounts of [HP] - to basically boil down to "put Kiris in, defend her with the rest of the party while she poisons the everloving crap out of the boss."
  • Basar is considered one of the most powerful openers for many cleave teams due to his ability to dispel all buffs, apply the unbuffable debuff, and pushback the entire enemy team's Combat Readiness all in one ability, Sandstorm. While this can be countered with a good amount of Effect Resistance, this does not matter at all because he can ignore Effect Resistance with his Soulburn (hence which is why Effect Resistance is considered to be one of the most useless stats in PVP), meaning he'll guarantee the dispell buff, applying the unbuffable debuff, and pushback all in once, even against fire units. While his most optimal builds involve a mix of Attack, Effectiveness, and Speed for his other abilities (such as the applying attack down and decrease hit chance debuffs on all enemies, and transferring and debuffs to an enemy), Basar only needs one stat and one stat only, speed. Heck, he doesn't need to be promoted to a 6* to be good, he just needs a lot of speed to be a strong opener for cleave teams. His opener can be followed up with someone who can apply defense down debuff on the entire enemy team (i.e. Tenebria and Bellona) and follow up with a cleaver that has good speed scaling (i.e. Vildred) or any cleaver with a Speed/Crit set to clean up the entire enemy team, meaning the only way to deal with Basar cleave openers is to tank through his entire onslaught (which is very hard to do). Worse yet, if he is equipped with a maxed out Tagehel's Ancient Book (an Artifact that gives the player 20 souls), he can immediately use it's soulburn effect on Sandstorm. In fact, his opener is so powerful that several units were made (i.e. Holiday Yufine and Lilias) or received Balance Buff changes (i.e. Ambitious Tywin) to counter his opener. He even considered one of the most banned units in World Arena for this very reason.
  • When facing a unit in defense teams, Charles is considered to be one of the scariest characters to deal with. Don't let his Knight class fool you, he's one of the few Knight characters that can be built as a Lightning Bruiser in class that is generally built Stone Wall (the other being Fighter Maya, Lilias, Fallen Cecilia, and Charlotte; but none of them can match this status like Charles himself). Why is he feared? This is because his entire kit synergizes well with the Counter set. When he attacks with a basic attack, he has a chance to follow up with his second skill, Smash, which the chance of triggering increases if the target he attacks is buffed. The said second skill, Smash, can dispel all buffs on an enemy and the damages increases based on how many buffs he has. Keep in mind, all of this can be triggered with a counterattack. The said basic attack can apply attack down debuff as well, nullifying any damage to a cleaver. Worse yet, if he's equipped with the Elbris Ritual Sword artifact, he can trigger a counterattack if an ally of his is attacked, ensuring that his Smash followup will be very devastating if the ally tries to cleave him. And that's not all, his utlimate ability, Faithful Strike, applies an attack buff to all his allies and a defense buff to himself, making him even harder to kill as well damaging the entire enemy team. The only drawback for Charles is that he needs specific gear to be effective (more specifically, he needs to be in Counter/Immunity set with a good distribution of offensive and defensive stats; and his performance is dependent on Elbris Ritual Sword), but a well built Charles will correct millions of spines of any cleave teams.
  • Krau is considered to be one of the most annoying tanks for one reason, his horse, Ziegfried. His horse deals more damage the less HP he has. While this attack cannot land a critical hit, it has the capacity to nuke some of the tankiest characters in the game the lower his health is since it also can penetrate defense, meaning even Earth heroes aren't safe from his horse. And he gets a barrier after riding his horse, so good luck killing him. Not only that, he also provides a lot of team utility to bruiser teams, as his second skill provides an increased Defense buff to all of his allies whiles reducing Combat Readiness to a target enemy. Oh, you don't want to attack him to avoid his horse, don't worry, he'll force you attack him since his basic attack has a chance to provoke an enemy. And god forbids if he is equipped with the Holy Sacrifice artifact, which has a chance to revive him with low HP and a barrier at the same time. The only downside to him is that he is vulnerable to stuns and sleeps that would prevent him from using his horse, but much like Kayron and Martial Artist Ken, the Immunity set addresses his weaknesses.
  • While not as strong as his Moonlight counterpart, Vildred is considered to be the most recommend 5* hero to reroll on for a good reason. All of his attacks are AoE attacks, meaning he's one of the best units for dog walking (which is an important aspect of Epic Seven, as getting a character level to level 60 is a long process) and has strong synergy with each other. His ultimate attack is a simple AoE attack that hits all enemies in the field, and if he manages to defeat an enemy, he gains increased attack for two turns and does a follow-up AoE attack that hits all enemies. Even his standard attack hits two enemies at once. Across from that, both his standard attack and his ultimate scales in Speed, which means he scales very well on a Speed and Critical set (which is a common set for most damage dealers). Heck, he doesn't even need to be on speed boots, as he can be given Attack% boots for more damage output since he also gains combat readiness whenever an enemy is defeated. And if the player is lucky to get multiple copies of him, his Memory Imprint gives the entire team a bit boost of speed, which is an invaluable stat for cleave teams in PvP. His only weakness is that he does not inflict debuffs and is vulnerable to strong fire units like Lilias and Kayron, but a well-built Vildred will make a good "cleanup" cleaver (or even the main cleaver) in PvP settings since he has a follow-up AoE attack that can kill off any survivors after his initial attack.
  • Despite being nerfed in the early days of Epic Seven, Falconer Kluri is considered to be one the best 3* characters for PvP content thanks to her Specialty Change as well as being one of the best budget "control tanks" for many players for those who don't have stronger control tanks like Ambitious Tywin and Fallen Cecilia. For starters, her ultimate ability, Fluri, Attack!, not only has a 100% chance to strip away buffs, but also can apply defense break and provoke for 2 turns, allowing the player to neutralize annoying threats like Dizzy and Seaside Bellona or prevent a healer like Ruele and Maid Chloe from using the abilities. Even better, if the player has the patience to build up enough souls, she can even soul burn it to ignore effect resistance. On top of that, she also has a passive that slowly heals all allies in her team thanks to her Specialty Change runes, alleviating any pressure of any healer in her team and allowing long and sustained fights. And speaking of sustained fights, her basic attack grants herself combat readiness, allowing her to cycle through her turns. Slap her in a Speed set with good amounts of tanky stats, effectiveness, and speed, and she can neutralize many threats with her third skill, even popular openers for cleave teams thanks to her runes granting herself increased speed and her above average base speed. note 

  • When killing the bosses monthly in Hell Raid, there are two pieces of gear that are considered worth buying from the shop depending on the player's needs for 10 tokens per month after going through the hard work killing the bosses:
    • The level 88 Speed weapon, Greater Azimanus Fighter's Dagger, is considered to be the best equipment to obtain from the Hell Raid, as the substats include 9% health, 9% attack, 5 speed, and 6% critical hit chance. The sword can roll into anything good. Highroll into speed, give it to a Combat Readiness pusher like Auxiliary Lots and Faithless Lidica. Roll into a lot of health, give it to a soul weaver or tank (as there are many tanks and soul weavers that need to be in a Speed set and need a bit of speed anyways). Roll into good amount of attack% and critical hit chance%, give it to your damage dealer like Arbiter Vildred or Vildred. The only "bad" stat to highroll in is critical hit chance and even so, the weapon that heavily rolls into critical hit chance can be given to any damage dealer and allows the player to make room for more important stats like attack and critical hit damage in their other gear.
    • The level 88 Immunity armor, Greater Azimanus Fighter's Armor, is also a good gear to purchase for any Soul Weaver, tank, or any Lightning Bruiser character (the chest piece has 9% health, 9% defense, 6% critical hit chance, and 5 speed). Considering how hard it is to obtain Immunity sets (since Azimanak hunt is considered to be one of the hardest hunts to farm due to the boss's mechanics), purchasing the chest piece will save the player half the work to obtain Immunity sets for PVP content.
