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Funny / SMG4 Movie: Western Spaghetti

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  • The opening sequence has Meggy introduce herself, then Tari, then Mario. As she talks about Mario, he walks up to a saguaro cactus and eats one of its arms, which collapses his head. His verdict? "Yummy!"
    Meggy: "And this… This is Mario. He's just an idiot."
    • Tari's introduction features her jumping back in fright... from a tumbleweed.
  • As Meggy, Mario, and Tari head for town, Mario complains as Tari points out that the horses – walking alongside them and never in-shot until this point – are getting tired as said horses collapse from exhaustion. Mario asks why they weren't riding them in the first place.
  • The Running Gag involving potatoes being "so good, you could eat them raw".
  • About to hang Bob, Swag asks, "Any Last Words?" He has "only one: kiss my ass!" Swag counts his fingers and objects when he realizes that's not actually one word.
  • SMG1 is about to spring into action... only for Boop The Kid's out-of-control cart to slam into him and sent him crashing into Luigi.
  • SMG3 comes at Bob with dynamite in hand and throws it at him. Bob just smacks the dynamite back at him.
    SMG3: Oh poop. (BLAM!)
  • Everyone's reaction to One Shot Wren's name as they hide. Mario and Luigi wave to each other as the latter hides in a barrel.
  • Meggy trying to teach the townspeople how to shoot… and asks if anyone has ever used a gun. And no, Mario, shooting wildly does not count.
    • Karen being the only good shot. Then she shoots a cutout of a Starbucks employee and proceeds to feel bad for it. She starts protecting it and hisses at anyone who gets nearby.
    • Tari accidentally shoots a Soviet satellite down onto Mario and is downgraded to a watergun.
    • SMG3 making baby sounds while begging Meggy to give him back his dynamite.
      "But me want boom boom!!"
    • After everyone tires out, Meggy gets mad and accidentally shoots a UFO down onto Mario (who was already under the satellite). He then uses the UFO as a blanket.
  • Tari gets Mario and Meggy's attention by playing "Do the Mario". Mario of course dances to it, and follows the "sexy man" exactly where he's supposed to go.
  • Meggy flinging Mario out of the way after he greets Tari.
  • After Tari reveals the gang's been in a simulation, Mario says "Oh my God... Just another day."
  • Who dethroned One-Shot Wren as Splat-Fest Champion? It was Inkura, of all people!
  • Like Bob before him, when Wren loses his mansion, it leaves a gaping hole in reality. Except this time, all it takes for it to disappear is a single touch from the Engineer's wrench... or whatever that was.
  • As horrifying as Mario being put back in his brainwashed state is, the actual reveal with the above-mentioned potato running gag is amusing, as is Mario chalking Meggy's less than enthusiastic response up to "potato racism".
  • While the sequence of Wren killing Meggy over and over again is genuinely terrifying, there's some levity to be found in how absurd some of the scenarios are, such as Wren's gun arm inexplicably being in a horse basin or an outhouse. And then there's the time when he was disguised as Mario, resulting in Wren's head on Mario's body (and still holding the potato he was eating).
  • While Tari is trying to create a safe haven, Wren is passing by. Cue Obfuscating Stupidity.
  • "Ow, my western ovaries!"
  • Melony descending like an angel with a first aid kit when Bob gets injured… to deliver a big band aid to his face.
  • SMGs 3 and 4 end up combining two of the running gags in the episode by stuffing one of 3's dynamite bundles into a potato and throwing it at some mooks.
    Mooks: "So good you could eat it-"BOOM!
  • The only survivors of the final battle besides Meggy and Tari? Mario and Swag.
  • Mario dancing gets Wren's goons to dance in the same vein as the Doctor Lalve engineers (minus the explosions).
  • Wren's Rage Breaking Point is when Swag of all people shoots the gun out of his hands (And proceeds to freak out over getting to finally do the obligatory Not Big Enough for the Two of Us line) . He completely loses it and jumps on top of Swag, trying to strangle him while yelling "You stupid sheriff!"
  • The movie ends with SMG4 commenting on how everyone's grown throughout the years of lessons and adventures. As soon as he mentions the castle however, Mario, in the middle of a game of Splatoon, is sent flying right into the construction site, wrecking it. Meggy and Tari can only apologize as SMG4 screams in frustration.
    • While everyone else is shocked by the wrecked construction site, SMG3 is shown smirking, like he knows SMG4 is gonna freak out.
    • Before that, Mario annoys Meggy after he scares an Inkling kid (using the uncanny Mario mask seen in previous episodes). Cue offscreen asskicking, and Mario in the Family Guy Death Pose while Tari cheers up the kid.
  • Fans were worried that someone was going to die in this movie. Well, the movie did claim one victim...
    The great Cowboy Luke the kid died of tuberculosis in 1899.
