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Funny / Supermarioglitchy4s Super Mario 64 Bloopers 2019 Bloopers

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Unsurprisingly, SMG4's videos are full of opportunities for laughter.

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  • 2019 introduces a new Running Gag of Toadsworth getting run over by Mario when he enters a store.
    • It also merges the SMG4 series with the Guards N' Retards series, so naturally, everything Swagmaster does will be hilarious.
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    Mario Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass of Milk. 
  • The Serial Escalation. First, Mario is fighting Toad at the grocery store. Next, he’s fighting Jeeves at a milk factory. Finally, Jeeves accidentally starts a war between cows and milk.
  • The workers at the factory are literally cartons of milk with arms and legs.
  • The factory battle doesn’t go too well. Luigi gets turned into a package, and Toad tries to set up a hostage situation with a bottle of milk, only to get shot in the face.
  • After the factory fiasco, the gang has to get enough milk to fill a tank in a day (by going to Steve’s farm). It goes even less well - Toad gets arrested by a police cow (presumably for unlicensed milking) and Luigi goes on a date with a cow.
  • As for Mario, he orders milk from a cow as if it were a drive-thru. When that doesn't work, he then slaps the cow and it produces spaghetti, resulting in him placing his hat on the cow and deeming himself unworthy. He later creates a shrine to worship the spaghetti-producing cow.
  • The cows start an uprising against Jeeves.
    Mario's Big Chungus Hunt 
  • Mario naked rolling around in spaghetti like he did in the earlier bloopers.
  • The titular hunt. Highlights include:
    • The Bullet Bill getting sucked into Big Chungus's stomach.
    • The Chain Chomp talking about how "thicc" Big Chungus's behind is.
    • Mario's van containing bombs disguised as candy - Chungus doesn't fall for it and strips Mario to the bone.
    • Mario shooting Big Chungus with a "Bang!" Flag Gun that reads "Surprise fatass", causing Chungus to get scared and die of a heart attack.
  • When the Chungus Gang starts to attack Mario, he wakes up from being KOed and sees a Chungus's van...containing drugs.
    • Mario throwing his hat and mustache onto a Big Chungus, causing two other Big Chunguses to shoot him. He later disguises himself as a Big Chungus, but his disguise isn't successful.
  • Mario dreaming of Peach's ass while unconscious.
  • Grand Chungus.
  • When Judge Chungus declares Mario guilty of hunting their race, Mario asks to speak to his lawyer, at which point Meggy bursts into the courtroom through a wall and into the unfortunate bailiff while Splattack! plays. Even better if you remember which major Meggy took in "Mario University" and saw this coming.
  • The montage of Mario destroying video game companies:
    • Mario throwing Shigeru Miyamoto out the window, to which Master Hand yells at since Miyamoto was the one who created Mario, causing Mario to shoot Master Hand and destroy Nintendo.
    • Mario actually asking to destroy Sony.
    • Mario constantly slapping people, including the Police after a long absence.
    • The mafia level-up titles range from "Italian" to "Paisano".
    • Peach and Daisy crowding Mario when he reaches Level 50.
  • Tari getting shot by a gun that fires Big Chungus games as ammunition.
  • The Chungus Gang immediately fires Mario and takes away all of his money despite him putting them on the map, saying that not dying should be an acceptable reward. As Mario lays crumpled on the ground once again a Level 1 Crook, he flips Meggy the bird after she asks him for gratitude.
    Mario's Hell Kitchen 
  • This quote from Bowser sums up the entire video.
    Bowser: Is there any one of you who isn't a dumbass mother**ker?
  • SMG4 has a plan to win the show. Boopkins gathers ingredients...
    Boopkins: (holding a bottle of bleach) Oh, I found the milk!
    Boopkins: Uuuh, only sometimes...
    • Meggy does the frosting. Being Meggy, she pulls out her weapons only for Bowser to confiscate them. Meggy actually starts whining like a puppy (complete with Puppy-Dog Eyes) before Bowser explains why via flashback. He limits her to a small tube of "Frosting 4 kids".
  • Bob's job is mixing. After he shoves every ingredient in (If we put everything in, we're bound to get some of the ingredients, right?), he mixes them into a monstrosity that doesn't even resemble a cake.
  • Mario's job? Sit in the corner and do nothing. He doesn't take it well, trying to cook and getting rebuffed by SMG4, eventually getting frustrated and refusing to help when a tentacle-cake mix attacks the team.
    SMG4: I got sh*t to do!
  • The other team isn't doing so well either. Toad says he'll get the chicken, only for Tari to reveal pre-prepared chicken in the fridge. In anger, Toad throws the gun away and it shoots Sans in the next room.
  • Saiko suggests adding sauce to the raw chicken and saying it's done. Considering what the blooper is themed after, Bowser's reaction is entirely expected.
  • Tari tries to chop up a carrot, but can't do it and throws the knife right into Boopkin's waifu figure. Then Shroomy asks Saiko for help because she seems "good with a knife, just like one of them yanderes (he) sees on the internet."
    • It's particularly amusing to see someone like Shroomy making an Aside Glance with a look that practically says "are you serious?".
  • With 5 minutes left, the situation isn't looking good: Team Thicc's kitchen is on fire and Team Spicy is either sulking or fighting off the cake mix. Bob can be seen filming the whole thing.
  • In order to convince Mario to help the team, SMG4 needs to say that Mario's a great chef, much to his frustration:
    SMG4: (Screaming while being thrown around) Mmm-mmm! (continues screaming)
    Meggy: JUST SAY IT!
    (SMG4 gets thrown away ("NOOO!") and Meggy gets grabbed instead)
    Meggy: SMG4!!!!
    SMG4: Ugh...FINE! You're 'OKAY' at cooking, Mario...
    Mario: Beat...UUUUHHHHHHH.....okey-dokey!
  • Following Saiko slaying the cake mix, Mario puts the severed tentacle on his head and pretends to be an Inkling, much to Meggy's displeasure.
    Mario: It's a me! Woomy!
  • The results are in: Team Thicc's chicken tastes like pingas, according to Bowser. As for Team Spicy, he only has to take one bite of the cake for his head to fold in on itself and collapse dead.
    Mario's Valentine Advice 
  • Mario's "date" is a male body pillow with spaghetti for a face.
  • The mere fact that throughout the video Shroomy's "crush" is Po with an anime wig.
  • Shroomy reading Mario's cue cards, which get kinda awkward later on.
  • When Shroomy and Po go on the tunnel of love, Shroomy attempts to hold Po's hand but accidentally ends up severing her arm.
  • When asked for Fishy Boopkins's advice, Boopkins suggests watching a movie from his "collection". Cue large amounts of cabinet files, presumably filled with anime DVDs. He later gets the idea to make his own movie just for them and present it at the local theater.
    • At the theater, Shroomy asks Po what kinds of movies she likes. Po responds with "moist and delicious".
    • The movie that Fishy Boopkins actually show them is a low-budget film entitled "The mushroom and the tubbie", which is basically a staged version of Shroomynote  and Po making love. Shroomy gives a Surprised Patrick face while Po states that the movie is "really interesting". Shroomy then runs out of the theater.
  • The scene where Tari gives advice:
    • Duke Nukem being the carnival game host. When Shroomy asks how the game works, Duke teaches him by reciting his famous "balls of steel" quote.
    • Tari stealing a prize duck after she fawns over it.
    • When Shroomy tries to win the game, he accidentally snaps Duke's neck. The "prize" that he gives Po ends up being Duke's corpse.
  • Bob's scene:
    • Bob explains to Shroomy to show off to girls. He tells him to show off how much money he has. Shroomy breaks out a piggy bank...which only contains three coins.
    • Shroomy then proceeds to show Po his house. The MTV Cribs logo is shown as we enter his room. After Shroomy shows Po his "awesome" room full of badges, cat posters, and a bed where he sleeps, Bob immediately gives up and jumps out the window.
  • Shroomy then sees that a large monster is flirting with Po. He tries to fight for her upon Saiko's suggestion. His first "threat" is to call the monster's parents. Shroomy then proceeds to go Super Saiyan and "kicks his butt" actually kicking his butt, which didn't do much. Cut back to Saiko as Shroomy's severed parts are thrown next to her. He states that it "went well".
  • Shroomy attempts to confess his love to Po...but then immediately breaks up with her. Much to the confusion and exasperation of Mario, Luigi, and Meggy.
    (Shroomy wanders off into the distance as Mario, Luigi and Meggy stand there, Meggy's jaw dropped in shock)
    Luigi: Man...Love is complicated...
    Mario: Love is dumb.
    Meggy: (Face Palm) You guys got that right...
  • The fact that unlike in some of her other appearancesnote , Po only speaks in recycled voice clips, much like Steve.

    Mario Gets Stuck on an Island 
  • How he got stuck on the island in the first place. Mario attacked the pilot, a Pianta, for not giving him a meal. He throws the pilot out of the cockpit window, causing the plane to crash.
  • Mario trying to find some supplies to help him out. He takes out a walkie-talkie, a map, a raft, and a signal flare, which burns the other supplies. He deems all of them useless.
  • Mario tries to call someone. The pizza delivery guy, voiced by SMG4. He doesn't deliver to the island.
  • Mario's various fruitless attempts to make shelter.
  • The Minecraft book he's reading has a section on how to craft a girlfriend.
  • Mario later tries to make a fire. What he ends up doing is setting himself on fire using the fire from the plane and humping the sticks.
  • Mario then tries to make shelter from the trees. He tries to lift the tree from the ground but breaks his back a la Mortal Kombat and faints. His next attempt involves him kicking the tree over. The tree gets struck by lightning and rolls over. It destroys another marooned islander's Companion Cube, a volleyball named Wilson. The tree eventually gets set on fire, forcing Mario to use his clothes as shelter, which blow away in the wind. He then spends the rest of the video naked.
  • Mario tries to find shelter again this time using a boulder. The boulder rolls around the island and crushes Mario.
  • A week later, Mario tries to hunt for food. He has created a Companion Cube, being Rocks, this time renamed "Jason". He offers "Jason" a boot and some gasoline to eat.
  • Mario denies that this "food" is making him crazy. He then asks Jesus if he's right, to which the Lord replies correct. Mario drinks the gasoline and passes out.
  • Mario finds a pig walking around and imagines it as a burger saying "EAT ME!!" in Kevin's Fishy Boopkins voice.
  • Mario remembering what his "grandfather" (who is Old Man Hobo in a Mario hat) tells him. That he's adopted.
  • Mario kills the pig with a massive godlike explosion but cannot find the pig's corpse in the burned rubble.
    • For that matter, the chant he says before causing it:
      Mario: I call upon the hoes, and the bitches! All the THOTs and the MILFs on this planet! Please, GIVE ME YOUR NUDES!
  • One month later, Mario has gone so mad that he hallucinates having a beach party with his friends. The Cheep Cheeps announce that watching Mario roll around naked is where they draw the line. "Jason" now has a wife and kids.
  • Mario talks about the things he wished he did before his death, including telling SMG4 to "eat his hot Italian sausage".
  • Mario's attempts to get the Toad plane to notice him:
    • His first attempt is creating the words "send help" out of sticks, but the wind changes the "help" to "nude".
    • His second attempt involves him building a massive stick tower and jumping on it. The Toads are too busy listening to music to notice.
    • Mario notices a Fire Flower that he can use as a signal flare. What he ends up doing is causing a massive fire on the island to which one of the Toad pilots exclaims "GOOD LORD, WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THERE?!?" Mario repeatedly shouts "notice me senpai" which causes Toad to report a "belligerent dumbass" to mission control. They decide to get the hell out of there. Mario gets angered by this and sets the plane on fire, causing it to crash.
  • Mario notices the plane was carrying power-ups, where he uses the Wing Cap to fly in the air to a nearby plane.
  • He plants his face on the window, startling Toadette. He breaks into the plane and takes her seat, still in the nude.
  • Mario demands the pilot, this time a Koopa Troopa, for a meal. The Koopa Troopa pilot gets annoyed by him, causing him to go into another rage.
    Super Challenge 64 
  • The opening advertisement of Fishy Boopkins confronting Kevin and asking what he's doing there. Kevin responds with "I AM YOU".
  • As SMG4 attempts to "work" on his computer, he keeps hearing screaming and crashing noises in the background. Turns out it's Meggy's fault.
    Mario: I'M GONNA DO IT BRO! I'M GONNA DO IT! (while running backwards and crashes into a wall, Toad screams "MY LEG!" )
    Meggy: ...I told Red it wasnt possible to walk backwards for a whole day
    (Mario screams and crashes again. There is an explosion and a shout of "AHH, THE MEATLOAF!")
    Meggy: and he took up the challenge...
  • Mario's challenge is running backwards for a day, which happens throughout the blooper. While he attempts this, he comes across Shaggy Rogers slapping Goku before Mario runs into them. Then running through Monty Mole, Toast Shy Guy, King Harkinian and Frankie on a swing (stating he has crippling depression).
    • Mario smashes into Frankie and he goes flying into a billboard to which the Super Smash Bros. Melee announcer exclaims "A NEW RECORD!!!"
    • Dr. Mario announces to a patient that he has "lumpy penis syndrome", but then Mario tears off his lower half and the patient announces he's cured.
    • The police chase after Mario. Not for the crime of destroying everything in his path, but for the crime of "JAYWALKING!"
  • Tari's challenge is attempting to play sports. Due to her nature, she thinks she'd be playing Wii Fit, but then discovers she's playing actual sports, starting with American football. She is immediately tackled by the Chargin' Chuck team. She then tries boxing with Doc Louis, but she apologizes to him immediately after giving him a weak punch. Finally, Tari tries soccer. She kicks the ball first into a post which rebounds into Toadsworth's face, then (in an attempt to be more gentle) into the street as a passing car swerves upon contact. Mario (still running backwards) sees the incident and comments in his usual way.
  • Meggy's challenge involving crossing a lake: As everyone knows, Inklings can't swim or touch water, so Meggy dips her hand in the lake and her skin melts off. After that, Splat Tim dives into the water and immediately gets set on fire.
  • Bob attempting not to swear for 10 minutes and constantly failing to do so. Each and every time he swears [FAILED] is stamped across the screen and a buzzer sounds. Every time.
    • The news anchor, Kermit the Frog, interrupts Bob's challenge to announce that Mario is still running backwards and still being chased by the police. And the headline: "A STRANGE ITALIAN MAN RUNNING BACKWARDS YEETED THE COPS".
      mario: No! I want to complete this challenge! I didn't even do anything illegal! (rams into traffic and destroys the vehicles)
      Mario: [Beat] ...SH*T!
    • After that, he loses the cops by throwing Barack Obama, who is on a bike, at them, causing the cop car to explode.
    • Fishy Boopkins's challenge is going an hour without anime. He turns on the TV and sees the news of Mario still running, SMG3 telling Steve that he is Chicken Little's father, and Dr. Eggman announcing his love for anime. He then starts to see hallucinations of anime all around him, including Shaggy (this time with a shotgun!) and Goku, but manages to go the full hour as it was All Just a Dream.
    • Saiko's first attempt at trying to be nice ends up startling Dr. Kleiner, causing him to have a heart attack with a Windows error code reading "Heart.exe has stopped working". Her second attempt at being nice: trying to get a cat down from a tree... with chainsaws. In a final attempt to be nice, Saiko literally stabs a vending machine to get milk for the cat as an apology.
    • Luigi trying to go through the haunted house...and Mario, still running backwards, crashes into him and gets the job done.
    • The big guns are brought out; an Arwing drops a nuke to get rid of the crazy running Mario. It fails.
    • The moon from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and the screaming sun from Rick and Morty making the transition from night to day. With that, Mario successfully passes the challenge at the expense of the entire kingdom.
    Stupid Mario 3 D World 
  • In the opening fireworks, Peach lampshades her long absence stating she's just happy to be in a video again and Toad says he wants to use the fireworks to blow up the castle.
  • Mario sees a spaghetti-shaped firework and demands Toad to get him spaghetti. He then demands Peach to make him a sandwich, causing her to slap him and send him flying.
  • When Peach tells Mario to fix the pipe, Mario mocks her saying she's a b*tch, prompting Peach to kick him and send him flying once more.
  • After the pipe is fixed, Furret pops out of the pipe and flies awaynote .
  • Mario sees the Sprixie and catches it in a little bottle thinking she's a leprechaun (which Bowser also thinks). He asks her for three wishes but Toad tells him that leprechauns give gold, not wishes, so Toad demands that the Sprixie gives him money.
  • The clear pipe leading to the most magical place in the Mushroom Kingdom... the ghetto.
    • Some ghetto highlights include the Luigi Dolls mating, Dr. Eggman as a prostitute, Toads with bandannas blasting music and rapping, and Wario bombing a house and shooting someone who's gonna report him.
  • The people affected by the Super Bell, which still makes the "ring ring ring" noise it did in "High School Mario", grow cat ears and shout stereotypical anime dialect. Toad and Mario raise a bible shouting "OUTTA THIS HOUSE!!!" upon seeing the furries.
  • Toad pays Eggman to strip for him but gets caught by Toadette.
  • Mario steals a car and shouts "Wow! MARIO KART! :D". The Yoshi driver sees him and races against him.
  • In the next world, everyone jumps across the water except Mario. He is trying to survive a waterfall but gets rescued by Plessie, who throws him into a large mushroom.
  • The pipe that Mario believes will lead them home leads them to a cloud level, much to Mario's disgust. Mario flies into a fit of rage and sends a red Biddybud off a ledge. Upon seeing this, Hisstocrat emerges from the bottom and Mario "defeats" him by shoving a Banzai Bill cannon into his mouth, killing Hisstocrat and leaving a Double Cherry. Toad states that he likes "angry Mario".
  • Everything with the Cherry Clone Mario. Everything:
    • The clones reenacting the pointing Spider-Man meme.
    • Luigi's reaction to Mario treating the clone like a brother, to which Mario states he never had.
    • After the clone is killed, Mario thinks about all the things they would do together, which includes bathing in a tub of spaghetti, painting, and going on a roller coaster, all while Mario's rendition of Country Roads plays in the background.
  • After Bowser transforms into Meowser, the clones ask him if he's f*cking gay. note 
  • Pictured: Mario transforming into Cat Mario. It's just his head on a comically small body with cat ears. Toad's eyes begin to burn upon the mere sight of it.
  • During the battle with Meowser, Mario uses a Pianta window washer as a shield to protect him from Meowser's attacks. Next, Meowser uses Double Cherries to quadruple himself which causes Mario to gasp like Sr. Pelo. Mario is saved by the others who are in a Clown Car firing a machine gun at Meowser.
  • The ending. After learning that the gang still needs to save the 6 other Sprixies, Mario sells the Green Sprixie to the Happy Mask Salesman for 10 coins, followed by him declaring they saved the world.
     3 million subscriber celebration 
  • The opening and closing wraparounds feature SMG4 on the beach using his "meme detector" to find some memes. He ends up finding a treasure chest underground and unearths it. When Mario opens it up, a blast emerges from the chest and sends Mario flying into the stratosphere.
  • The first submission is a parody of the already memetic Blend-S opening.
    Mario: Spaghetti!
    Luigi: Jump!
    Wario: Blrrr...
    Sonic: Rings!
    Shy Guy: TOAST!!
    Waluigi: WAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!
    Fishy Boopkins:I love anime!
  • What follows is a bunch of weird content including Ben the Toad singing "Let It Go" and a Chain Chomp with a bow chasing Waluigi, among other things. Then SMG4 announces that it's time to stop and Toad pushes him out asking for nudes.
  • Jeeves hosts a cooking challenge, and Mario is partnered up with Peach. Things...don't really go well. Then Shroomy, who is partnered up with Toad, uses his rocket launcher to cook chicken and ends up burning down the kitchen. It ends with Peach dancing like an idiot to "Chaccaron Maccaron".
  • SMG4's Mario ends up in the world of Super Mario Odyssey and meets Nintendo-canon Mario.
  • Mario saves Luigi from falling off a building...only he doesn't. He instead pushes Luigi off because he ate Mario's spaghetti. Luigi lands on Baldi's scrotum.
  • Kirby copies Tari and does a cute dance.
  • The "Mario Education Channel" segment. That is all.
  • Peach's dream Mario is on a boat serenading his "cover" of Country Roads to Peach. The real Mario drops on the dream Mario on a Thwomp while playing the saxophone.
  • SMG4 buys a pet Furret and Mario shoots it. The moral is to not kill Furret.
  • A Super Smash Bros.-themed reenactment of the "big meaty claws" scene from SpongeBob SquarePants starring King K. Rool and King Dedede.
  • Mario sees Shantae and touches her breasts, resulting in a reenactment of the "Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru" meme. Then Fishy Boopkins pops out of the water asking Shantae if they can be friends, to which she simply causes him to explode, ala Nappa's Volcano Explosion technique.
  • SMG4 throws Mario's spaghetti into a warp painting and Mario orders Luigi to go after it. Luigi kicks him but misses, sending Mario head-first into the wall.
  • Mario creates a machine that supplies infinite spaghetti. He sits on a couch and has the machine shoot spaghetti into his mouth. Saiko becomes enraged and throws Shy Guy at the machine, causing it to break. She demands that Mario go on a diet, to which Mario asks what a diet is. She responds by shooting a bowl of spaghetti with a gun.
  • Fishy Boopkins dances...and that's it.
    • This happens several times in the video, and the final time Mario peeks from the side gives a confused glare.
  • Mario drops by SMG4's house while he's taking a bath.
  • Mario steals steals Rocks from SMG4. When he tells Mario to give it back, Mario throws Rocks at him, knocking him unconscious. After Tari calls Mario out on this, Scrap Baby comes into the room, prompting SMG4 to shoot the Waluigi Launcher at her because he doesn't want anything Freddy's-related in this collab. After knocking Scrap Baby out, her daddy, Afton shows up, prompting SMG4 to shoot him, too, causing the segment to end with a "we'll be right back" cue.
  • Meggy and Tari are about to have a skateboarding contest against the Squid Sisters until Callie ends up falling and hurting her knee, crying about it.
  • Mario hunts down and eats a sentient mushroom. A large mushroom, presumably the father, comes in and is about to attack. Mario then flies away in terror.
  • In "yet another asdfmovie interpretation", Mario is choking. SMG4 asks for a doctor, and Fishy Boopkins is. SMG4 calls Boopkins a nerd and hi-fives a presumably dead Mario.
  • Mario sits on SMG4. He dies of "dummy thickness".
  • While chasing Mario, Bowser trips on a rock and literally falls to pieces. After reassembling himself, his upper body and his legs move in different directions.
  • Bob steals Professor E. Gadd's teleporter, thinking it's a time machine, and lands in the world of Undertale and runs over Papyrus. Sans puts a blue heart on Bob's chest stating that people never learn.
  • Little Mac punches Mario to the ground of his front yard. He sees a pizza on the ground, much to SMG4's fear, and he ends up exploding.
  • Mario lands on Gourmet Guy and eats some spaghetti. A taco with Mario's face on it threatens to kill Mario. It ends with a Teletubby with a shotgun approaching Mario and a plethora of Steves raining down.
    • The background of the taco isn't colored in and has a sign saying that the person who made this entry was too lazy to color it in.
  • Mario jumps into the scene and spin attacks Bob, then he sees SMG4 making another "memehole." Not wanting a repeat of last time, Mario hurls Fishy Boopkins at SMG4's face, then jumps into the memehole, making it explode and knocking everyone away. We see Tari looking down at Bob who's on the floor, then Tari sees SMG4 falling towards her and uses Bob as a Human Shield. The scene ends with a "to be continued" scene, then Mario crashes.
  • SMG4 is on his computer and finds an ad for "free memes". He donates using Peach's money and ends up getting scammed.
  • Saiko tells a nervous Tari to jump off a roof without struggle. She falls off the roof, through the ground, and into Hell.
    Saiko: Her fault.
  • Tari tries to play basketball and ends up throwing the ball out of the court on top of Fishy Boopkins' ice cream. SMG4 yells at Boopkins and causes him to explode. Mario's head appears saying "pingas" for no reason.
  • SMG4 records Mario slamming into a vending machine to get some milk out of it. He succeeds, but the machine ends up falling on him out of revenge.
  • An Inkling Boy throws a basketball and hits various objects with it when it flies out of bounds, including Shy Guy, Shroomy, Steve's chicken, Slenderman, Hatsune Miku, Sans, Tari, Drawcia, Toad, Luigi, and finally a Banzai Bill which hurtles into Bowser's airship.
  • Mario rampages into the castle in his Kart and "kills" Tari's rubber duck. Bowser replaces it with a chicken nugget. Tari announces she wants to die.
  • Fishy Boopkins auditions for something and sings. Everyone gets set on fire.
  • A Rabbid loses to Tari in a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate match, causing him to scream and go on a rampage. He ends up in jail with Waluigi who screams with him.
  • Mario falls up the stairs a la Peter Griffin and sets the record for the fastest Super Mario 64 speedrun.
  • An animated moment from Hobo Bros involving Luke and Kevin watching Fishy Boopkins unsuccessfully tries to flirt with Meggy, Saiko, and Tari at an island bar. An hour later, the Bros. watch Bowser and Peach kiss and are immediately disturbed by it.
  • Toad smashes a power box, kills SMG4, and destroys Boopkins' TV which is playing an anime called "Boku no Goofy". Boopkins then gets his revenge on Toad while the moral states to not "get between Boopkins and his trash- I mean anime".
  • Toad and Meggy watch Mario fight an Inkling boy and then SMG4 shoots them with a rocket launcher.
  • Nintendo's Mario and SMG4's Mario have a battle. SMG4's Mario shoots his canon counterpart with a "pingas lazer".
  • Bob steals a potion from Professor E. Gadd and spills it, unleashing some villains from SMG4's past, including SMG3, Enzo, Chain Chomp, Ztar, Admiral S. Swipe, King Pipe, a Minecraft version of Bowser, and Mickey Mouse.
  • SMG3 steals Tari's rubber duck and gets smashed by a Thwomp.
  • Mario is shown feeding an Incineroar raw meat. Incineroar attacks him.
  • SMG4 is surprised to find that everyone has transformed into human anime characters.
  • The entirety of the "Mario Goes Spagoodoo" segment.
  • Mario and Bowser have what appears to be an anime-styled fight but is actually just Mario whacking Bowser while a squeaky sound plays.
  • Mario backwards-long-jumps across the universe.
  • Saiko meets a young Octoling girl who is seemingly like her in every way except she isn't mean. The Octoling and Saiko break out into a fight while Mario and Sans stare in annoyance. Fishy Boopkins announces his love for anime afterward.
  • After SMG4 teases Mario, Mario contemplates on life, states that he should be with his spaghetti at the moment, and wonders if he should fart.
  • Mario announces that he's going to make spaghetti and no one will stop him. SMG4 slaps him in the face mid-sentence.
  • Tari finds an Infinity Gauntlet. Things can only go wrong from there.
  • The entirety of the segment where Mario goes to the spaghet store.
  • Waluigi singing "I Want It That Way".
  • Fishy Boopkins gets his foot stuck in "the toilet"...which is Mario's mouth.
  • Mario's...bizarre attempt at jumping through a painting.
  • Mario sees the spaghetti and approaches it with a Double Boost. SMG4 stops time and places Mario near the wall, however he backwards-long-jumps around the world and eventually crashes into SMG4, destroying the castle.
  • In the end, SMG4 and Mario are floating in space. SMG4 asks Mario if it was great and Mario punches him.
    Mario Does The Chores 
  • Mario and Peach's interactions:
    Mario: (mockingly) Oh, look at me, Princess BITCH.
    Peach: (angrily) What the hell you just say!?
    Mario: (Screams)
  • Luigi watering the Piranha Plant:
    (About to pounce on Luigi) I'm going to lick ya.
    (Eating Luigi's head) BRING ME YOUR DICKS!
  • Mario "helps" Saiko sweeping the floor, by only doing one sweep.
    Mario: All done! (Goes to sleep on a bed that came from nowhere)
  • It gets worse when he tries to vacuum with the Poltergust, only to accidentally flood the room with ghosts, then ditches her saying that he "saved the world."
  • Bob's reaction when he sees the rabbit in the basement is to re-enect the "Oh shit, a rat" video. Complete with the camera zooming in and tracking his head movements while he jumps around. And then of course the Shout-Out to the Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
    • The bunny also communicates in Melee Fox noises.
  • When Meggy says she wishes she had her old form back to mop the floor, Mario has an Imagine Spot of her jumping as an Inkling into a mop bucket full of water—and subsequently catching on fire.
    • Also, the episode gets around Meggy being unable to refill her ink showing her filling up her Splattershot with orange juice.
  • The whole scene with Boopkins and the window. Mario gets a bucket stuck on his head, and Boopkins tries to guide Mario to do everything. He doesn't listen, and instead does it his way - he puts out a coin to cause Wario to go after it and launch Mario off the scaffolding and freeing his head from the bucket.
  • SMG4 asks Mario to help take out a whole lot of trash, which he explains are memes that have died due to a volatile meme economy. Mario agrees to help... but falls asleep upon landing on the trash bags. Mario goes nuts throwing the dead memes everywhere when SMG4 says he’ll buy him lunch if he helps out.
    SMG4: I’ll buy you lunch...
    Mario flips over to the Wii Menu Theme
    Mario You have entered Power Drive!
    Mario Works At McDonalds 
  • It starts off with Swagmaster and Chris working for McDonald's after the events of the anime arc. Swagmaster is being his usual lazy, idiotic self and Chris swaps between being the Only Sane Man and a Death Seeker. Oh, and Ronald McDonald lurking in the background threatening to murder his employees...
    Ronald McDonald: Gonna eat ya ass, boy...
  • Mario comes in and orders 40 cheeseburgers... and a Coke, causing Chris to collapse on the floor.
    Chris: I want to die. In conclusion, kill me.
    Mario: Hey... can you die after you've served Mario...
  • "Hey chris, how many happy meal toys do you think I can cram in the oven?" This pushes Chris past the Despair Event Horizon. Better yet, Mario's reason to help them is because he thinks Swagmaster's oven stunt is fun.
  • Literally all of Ronald-san's training videos, complete with Ronald hurting himself and lack of quality.
  • Mario ends up making a disgusting-looking burger and nearly kills Chris after throwing it. Swagmaster literally pulls Chris's spirit back into his body and keeps him alive.
    Chris's soul: I guess it's onto the next life for me. I wonder what awaits-
    Swag: NO! Oh no you don't Mr Chris. You aint dying until we get through these orders.
    Chris: ow my ass. God dammit, maybe next time
    Swag: Where's my thank you, bitch.
  • Mario goes into the freezer to get some frozen patties, throwing Steve and Professor E. Gadd across the room before finding the patties.
    • After Swagmaster tells him to turn the stove on, Mario does and instantly sets the room on fire, to which Swagmaster smacks him with a crowbar.
    • Mario flips a patty through the roof and hits a nearby bird. The bird lands on the grill and turns into a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, which is a rival to McDonald's. Mario eats the KFC, and Ronald peers into the room suspiciously to which Swagmaster assures there's no KFC.
  • Pumkin comes to the counter and has Mario take his order. Of course, Mario is too busy playing Tic-Tac-Toe until Ronald shows up with Buster Sword in hand. Then the computer blue screens. Even though Mario manages to boot it up, he wastes time ordering for himself and Pumkin dies of hunger.
  • Mario takes a bath in fry oil and ends up frying his lower body. He then starts to eat his legs and Swagmaster looks around in confusion before asking for a piece.
  • The entirety of the car chase. In short, Mario kills Big Smoke because he didn't pay for the foodnote . And then it's revealed that he was only after the food.
  • A disgruntled Axol can't enjoy his food due to Ronald beating the shit out of Mario, so he uses Ink Weaver to create Colonel Sanders... with a tutu. The Colonel and Ronald have an anime-styled fight, but all that happens is the Colonel giving Ronald a Groin Attack. The video ends with Ronald writhing in pain on the ground and crying, the Colonel dancing before suddenly vanishing, Mario and Axol happily eating their McDonald's meals in peace and Swagmaster asking Chris if they could go work at KFC, to which Chris responds by collapsing on the ground.
    Stupid Mario Maker 2 
  • Mario's excuse for trying to hide the Switch to Peach? He's playing with his "salami".
  • Mario has a fun time making Spaghetti with the Mario Maker Switch, but in the midst of it, erases the entire castle on accident! Cue Mario falling to the ground afterwards.
  • Luigi mentions how they used to play with LEGO as kids. Mario has a flashback with Arthur's fantasy sound effect playing during the transition showing him and Luigi as babies playing with a sentient LEGO Yoda.
  • Luigi thinks Mario is helping build the castle, but in reality, he spawns a Thwomp to crush Luigi.
  • Mario slides from a deep slope into Hell and casually says hello to Satan.
  • The weird pictures Mario draws of Luigi are hilarious too. The last of which shows Luigi pointing a gun to a Toad. Cue two Toads coming and seeing the image, so they proceed to put Luigi under a steamroller.
  • Mario downloads a lot of courses from the Switch while Luigi's gone, and the courses he finds are pretty funny, ranging from a lava level with the Angry Sun yelling YOU EAT ALL MY BEANS-?! to MaxMoeFoe to a video of the memetic Dr. Mario bootleg, Dr. Amigo.
  • Literally the whole idea of the "monster" being a hodge podge of Toad and various items and power-ups.
  • The chase scene. It's played out similar to the map in the original Super Mario Maker's story mode, and features the Mario Bros. going through various levels to catch the Toad monster.
  • Shrek and the Demoman emerging from the question blocks. Other hazards include Beeg Beeg Yoshi, a tower of Bowsers, and Ridley in a Clown Car with maracas.
  • The Angry Sun appearing as the sun baby from Teletubbies in standby mode.
  • The clear condition is to bring Toad to the end of the level. Mario is carrying Toad...who is severely injured.
  • To defeat the monster, Mario has to imagine it as something he hates. What does he imagine? Lots of Toad puns!
  • What follows is Mario as The Determinator getting through the level, also featuring Waluigi's grand return and Mario riding a Yoshi through lava.
  • In the end, Peach just downloads her castle back, and sic the Angry Sun on Mario and Luigi
    There's Something Up With Meggy... 
  • The episode starts with Luigi watching a Garfield meme on TV.
  • Luigi getting kicked out of a treehouse by Meggy.
  • Then he brings Mario, who just brings the entire tree down, pissing Meggy off.
  • Just about anything Meggy does in the episode.
  • Tari's idea of a relaxing day? Fighting Slave Knight Gael from Dark Souls 3.
    • Tari even declares the day "Duck Appreciation Day".
  • Meggy demanding that Tari give her her rubber duck. She proceeds to blast out a slew of coins and splat weapons as well as Wario, Hermoine Granger, and a few other things.
  • Mario showing up in a wheelchair and claims that Meggy ate a Poison Mushroom. Then he gets blasted by coins.
    A Day In The Life Of Everyone 
  • The opening scene features Mario eating spaghetti and burning laundry.
  • The skit with Meggy, Saiko, and Tari pretending to be cops, especially Tari's role at the end.
  • SMG4 watches a Russian version of SpongeBob SquarePants.
  • SMG3's talk show returns, and his guest for the day is Bowser, who he's been holding hostage for a month. He talks about his son Bowser Jr., who he is incredibly abusive to. Because of the content featuring the Bowsers, the show is cancelled and SMG3 goes back to being evil.
  • Bob and Fishy Boopkins interesting twist of Monopoly, taking stuff from Yu-Gi-Oh!, chess and Twister to spice things up.
    • Elsa from Frozen screams "I'm on my period!" after being summoned.
  • Wario and Waluigi finally make a reappearance, selling tacos at Waluigi's Taco Stand. In their latest money scheme, Wario puts hot sauce in the tacos so he can sell milk to cool down the sauce for $99.
    • Waluigi summons everyone by growing his head to a massive size and shouting "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!".
    • Shy Guy and Steve return as well.
    • A Koopa Troopa eats the hot sauce and starts to burn. Unfortunately, Wario made the milk overpriced, and the Koopa Troopa gives him all the money. He gave the money too late, and he is reduced to a Dry Bones skeleton.
  • The entire segment with Axol trying to find a place to live. He finds a house full of Team Fortress 2 characters but gets rejected from living there since he spawns too many anime replicas, who cause the house to catch on fire. As Axol sets off to find a home who will accept him, we see every other house in the neighborhood in flames too.
  • During the recap near the end of the episode, SMG3 can be seen next to a chalkboard with a couple of his old ideas scratched out. There is one more idea he seems to consider: kick SMG4 in the balls. Even better, in "Mario's Spicy Day", he goes through with this.
  • At the end of the video, it's revealed that Old Man Hobo was narrating the video from space, who then decides he needs to use the restroom.
    The Tari Abnormality 
  • Toad finally shows up and says that it's been a while...and then immediately gets blasted away.
  • When they enter the game, Tari is worried that she may not be able to return. Mario has no such concerns.
    Mario: Coooooooooool!
    Tari: No! Not cool!
  • The doppelgangers, especially with their ridiculous names.
  • Mario refuses to attack his game self because he's "too sexy".
  • Mario finally manages to drive his game self away with incoherent Italian babbling. What did he tell him, you may wonder?
    Mario: I told him that there's a naked spaghetti party in the castle!
  • Mario destroys game Luigi. Tari notes that it must have been hard to do that. Mario reveals that it was nothing, since does it all the time at home.
  • Mario manages to drive away Bingus and Dingus by calling Bob's mother on Tari's arm. She notes that it's been 80 years since she's last seen him... and then asks if Bob cleaned his room yet. Bingus and Dingus flip out and run off into the horizon through the castle wall.
  • Kek and Cringe.
  • When they meet Bowser's knockoff, Tari tells Mario to "do the thing". She was talking about how Mario defeated Bowser in Super Mario 64, by swinging him around by his tail. However, this Mario interprets her instructions... differently.
  • When the gang meet up with Mango again, Tari asks why they have to fight. Mango stops attacking them and reveals a heartbreaking backstory about how he is constantly forced to fight, has been turned into a psychopath because of it, and has been constantly getting nerfed. Mario shoots him on the spot for "posting cringe". Tari's horrified reaction while a crossed-eyed Mario states that he won sells it.
    Mario Raids Area 51 
  • It starts with Luigi being set ablaze though a volleyball game.
    Luigi: I am on fire!!
  • The UFO lands and an alien shows up. Mario first mistakes the alien for Santa Claus, then names the alien "Greg" and takes him to buy ice cream and relax at the beach...then Area 51 takes him in.
  • The reason Greg is taken away? Because he's an illegal alien.
  • Area 51's "memory eraser" is just a crowbar to the head.
  • Mario revisits Area 64, which shows Geno getting taken away by Master Hand.
  • Mario's various failed attempts to enter Area 51. One of them involves digging a tunnel and meeting SMG3, who tells him to get his own tunnel.
  • Shroomy finally comes back after four months, and he and his boy scout troop are taking a trip to the area. Mario disguises himself as a scout to rescue Greg.
  • The "aliens" held captive are all Garry's Mod ragdolls of different animal-esque characters from various franchises.
  • Mario tries to avoid capture by claiming that he's the janitor. It somehow works. Until he immediately refuses to clean their bathroom on the grounds that he's not a janitor.
  • Literally everything with the live-action Garfield. For bonus points, he's an orange, apparently alien cat named "Goose".
  • Mario and Shroomy nuke Area 51 and slowly Naruto-run while escaping.
  • Instead of the usual outro, Mario and Greg have a relaxing day at the beach.
  • Greg can be seen as a parody of the Damsel in Distress. He doesn't do anything, say any lines, or even ever move on his own, making him a glorified object (that Mario even throws as a weapon at some point) that only serves to advance the plot via being kidnapped. Hilariously, Greg is anything BUT a damsel, being an ugly alien thing that Mario's known for all of five minutes.
    If Mario Was In...Minecraft 
    Treasure Hunt With The Bois 
  • The episode starts with Mario and Bob fishing...with mixed results. Mario catches Shrek and Bob catches a Cheep Cheep that gets away thanks to Boopkins.
  • The Teletubbies finally return after several months. This time they're an angry island tribe chasing Mario and the others. Boopkins tackles one to the sound of Roblox, and busts out his "Naughty Stick," literally a wooden stick. Bob disposes of them by uses of his "Ancient Secret Ninja Technique" (taking out a gun and shooting them all). Mario summons Shrek through fishing with Shrek going "What?" as he attacks.
  • Bob's reaction to the city made of gold.
  • Mario seems hesitant on going on a quest for gold, until he realizes that the money can be used to buy food at a convince store owned by Fox. Mario's reaction sells it.
    Mario: OHHHHHHHHHH H E R E W E G O O O O O!!
  • First Stop; the temple of Pingas.
  • After Stops 2 (Gonna eat your ass) and 3 (YOU EAT ALL MY BEANS?!), they final come across stop 4; The Solved Rubik Cube. What happens next is comedy gold.
    Mario: Don't worry guys, I played alot of cool math games. I got this.
    (Cue Mario destroying the cube with a crowbar and hammer)
    Bob: Hey! Hey! What are you doing?! What are you doing?!
    Mario: What?
    Bob: Doing some cool ass-s**t that's what you're doing.
    Mario: Well then help me out!
    (Cue Mario and Bob destroying what's left of the cube as the door opens)
    Mario and The Lost City... 
  • The Teletubbies using gold in ridiculous ways such as fishing and snowball fights.
  • Bob immediately causes the Teletubbies to suspect the gang, even though they're wearing garbage.
    Bob: Tubby custard, Tubby custard, Tubby custard I'm a piece of colored crap.
  • How does Mario convince the Teletubbies (and then some) that they're one of them? Speak in Filthy Frank voice, which they call the "Language of the Gods" and also doing Jesus's Art Metrano dance from Family Guy as an example of a "divine miracle."
  • Bob has a new expression, disappointment.
  • In the end, the gang has lost all the gold in order to escape. Except for a gold ingot... Which Mario uses to buy food at a convenience store owned by Fox.
    The Day SMG4 Posted Cringe 
  • During the opening advertisement, when the characters' favorite things in anime are shown, Mario's is "detailed food shots" and Bob's is simply a Lenny face.
    • Additionally, when Boopkins is listing the different genres, he gets all seductive when he lists romance, causing SMG4 to punch him.
  • The Running Gag with ass.
  • SMG4 accidentally uploads a cringe meme. It's so bad that he loses subscribers (yo), and can't delete it because he's been locked out of his own account.
  • SMG4's YouTube password is "iloveass69".
  • When the receptionist tells SMG4 that he needs an appointment, this is his response;
  • The receptionist at YouTube headquarters is Kairi with Isabelle's voice. When SMG4 enters, she scans him with a Pokédex, known here as a "YouTuberdex", who tells the receptionist who SMG4 is and his failures.
  • SMG4 asks Donkey Kong if he still likes his videos, and the ape replies with "not funny, didn't laugh" in the style of the DK Rap.
  • Walter White trying to impersonate Michael Stevens.
    Walter White (as Michael Stevens): Hey, it's me, Michael Stevens, and I smell like FARTS! *laughs*
    Michael Stevens: (while holding a chainsaw) Hey, VSauce! Michael here. When will you die?
  • What follows is a complete Take That! to everything YouTube, from YouTube Rewind, "kid" channels, copyrights, and monetizations. Ironically, the CEO, Susan Wojcicki, turns out to be the most level-headed of the entire part.
  • Mario's reaction to SMG4's cringe meme and later his reaction to get to kick some ass.
  • Why does Saiko join Mario and SMG4's quest to reclaim his account? Same reason as Mario, she gets to whoop some ass.
  • While tracking down SMG3, they come across Pickle Rick spazing on the floor going "Ooo" while a Monty Mole smashes his head against the wall while going "I want to die."
  • After looking at SMG3's giant screen, in order to not look at the cringy meme, Mario stabs his eyes so as to "close his eyes," much to Saiko's annoyance.
  • How did SMG3 even get SMG4's account? Because Mario's raid on Area 51 allowed him to steal a super computer. Or in his own words, "used his super hacking skills".
  • SMG4 says that SMG3 controlling YouTube accounts is the evilest thing he's ever heard, and Mario questions that it's more evil than the time Francis almost committed genocide against the Inklings.
  • Kizuna AI sees Saiko and has a similar personality to her. Saiko smashes her with her mallet and states that there can be only one.
  • All of the videos that SMG4 and SMG3 upload to YouTube. The uploading goes by so fast, one of the videos uploaded is the channel flipping scene from Toy Story 2 because of how similar the scene is.
  • With his supercomputer stolen and his minions set free, SMG3 is left at the mercy of Mario and Saiko, who plan to punish him by tying him up and forcing him to watch 10 hours of UwU ASMR.
    The Minecraft Plague 
  • Pretty much anything Steve does.
  • How does Mario mine out his part of the materials? By turning a mine some Villagers are using into a Creeper hotel, and then throwing a spider in there to scare the Villagers into getting close to the Creepers. This comes immediately after completely burning through a diamond pickaxe without mining anything.
  • The idea that crafting a Tool Gun requires a human soul.
  • In the end, Mario and Steve cure everything... Except for Fishy, who's still stuck. And a Creeper walks next to him.
    Sans's First Day in Smash Bros 
  • It starts with Sans accidentally teleporting into Smash, and it only goes crazier from there.
    Sans: This isn't the bathroom.
  • The running gag with Sans and his lame puns.
  • Pretty much anything Banjo & Kazooie do. At first they fight The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Link, complete with Link using Dio's voice and Banjo being a disturbing creep.
    • After Sans causes Mario to lose the fight, Banjo says "I did it!" in a ridiculous manner. He and Toad later sing "Country Roads" together.
  • The Villager stealing a very wounded Link's fairy.
  • Sans and Mario have a lazy-off. It ends with them spazzing on the floor, and once again Mario saying that Sans is like the brother he never had. Cue Luigi's heartbroken reaction.
  • Master Hand going on the warpath to find new competitors for the next match.
    • Lucina "[doesn't] want to go." Master Hand responds with "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK."
    • Snake using Hank Hill's voice clips, and Master Hand pretends to be a game claw as he forces Snake to play.
      M. Hand Would you like some drugs?
      Snake: NOOOOOOO!!!
  • Banjo and K. Rool start a fight over the former saying big meaty claws. After the latter calls him a bitch, cue everyone chanting for a fight, complete with Japanese sounds.
  • King K. Rool's response to him knocking out Banjo (and Isabelle);
    K. Rool: YO HOLY SH*T HE DEAD!
  • Cue Sudden Death, where Villager and a Toad wearing a cowboy hat beating K. Rool, while Mario makes the mistake of fighting the Ice Climbers. His reaction sales it.
    Mario: Mario's pingas is not so happy.
  • Sans's complete lack of fucks given towards Master Hand's rage.
    Sans: Its only a game. Why do you hafta be mad?
    Smart Mario 
  • The entire episode itself is a callback to "smart(ass) mario," what did you expect?
  • The reason everyone has Mario become smart is due to the fact that he put a heater in the bathtub in an attempt to make the water hot.
  • In an attempt to prove that it worked, they ask Mario to say something smart, only for Mario to go philosophical and stump Tari and Meggy. When Bob asks who the most top-tier character in Super Smash Bros. is, Mario responds with:
    • The fact that Mario had to think using complex equations only highlights his Take That! moment.
  • Everything with Robo-Mario.
    Robo-Mario: (Sees a burning Toad) Oh look at that, a flaming baby. Fetus-deletus (Throws Toad out of the castle and into the poll outside)
  • SMG3 locks SMG4 out of his account, again. Cue Mario hacking SMG3's account, unlocking SMG4's and banning SMG3's forever.
  • If you look very closely in the scene where Tari fights Bubble Bass, in the background there is what appears to be Handsome Squidward with four arms.
  • When Mario builds a Spaghetti-Sucker to steal the world's spaghetti, Bob decides to have Italian. When he goes up to the restaurant, it floats up, and flies away.
    Bob: Screw you then.
    • Even better, Bob probably thought that the restaurant itself wanted nothing to do with him, and floated away just to get away from him.
  • Smart Bob having Kamina glasses and the narrator's voice from "The Mario Parable".
    • The fact that Bob is actually so dumb that his Smart form can rival Smart Mario.
  • The mere idea of "Tubbie Tinder". Enhanced by Smart Bob claiming it to be intellectual programming.
  • When Smart Bob tries to go evil at the end of the episode, E. Gadd promptly makes him dumb again without any fanfare.
    Mario Waits in Line for Spaghetti 
  • Mario doing everything he can to get spaghetti.
  • Slowpoke as the bank teller.
  • Mario's watch: "Might as well die."
  • One of Mario's attempts at cutting the line is to BLJnote  to the front.
  • Mario's The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius-inspired "brain blast" moment when trying to look for a friend he can cut in front of. The visions in his mind include Le Monke, Superintendent Chalmers discussing the Aurora Borealis, and Scott The Woz until finally settling on Boopkins.
  • Pretty much everything Swagmaster does to keep the line intact.
  • Jeeves returns after several months and hands Mario a Rubik's cube after being Enraged by Idiocy. Mario eats the Rubik's cube, much to Jeeves' dismay.
  • Swagmaster sacrifices himself to save Chris from Waluigi and seemingly dies... until he realizes that the bullets are gummy bears. Cue Oh, Crap! from Wario.
    • Before the above, the fact that SAIKO is one of the people in line who is terrified by Wario’s gun.
    The Big Bad Bully 
  • The cover of the Smash title features Theo T-posing.
  • Tari accidentally bumps Wario into the traffic. He doesn't even get to finish "OH MY GOD!" before he's thrown into a dumpster.
  • Tari's has Cartman's whining.
    • And at the end of the video, Wario whines like him as well.
  • While looking for Smash Bros, Mario finds a bootleg called "Bungus's Grand Adventure: Curse of the Uncool Bananas." SMG4 slaps it out of his hands, and Mario reacts accordingly.
  • An angry Mario with boxing gloves;
    Looks like its time to go commit homicide.
  • When Saiko want to join the boys on their quest to kick some ass, they say no, and when they're seemingly about to fight each other, cue Mario flipping the bird.
  • Mario really wants to make Wario pay.
    SMG4: Because he bullied Tari and took her smash game.
    Mario: (Stroking a bazooka) Yeah! And now we're gonna bully him and take his life!
  • The Call-Back to the Waluigi Arc is strong, but can be kinda funny.
  • One of the dummy's modes is being a masochist, much to the disturbed Meggy and Saiko.
  • The session ends up making Tari deciding to go kill Wario herself, and Saiko comments that she likes this version her, much to Meggy's annoyance.
  • At the end of the video, Waluigi slaps and then picks up a whining Wario and walks to the store and buys the game for once.
    Untitled Mario Video 
  • It starts with Mario trying to get spaghetti back from the Goose. His attempts fail which results in a "GAME OVER, YEAAAAHHHHH!!!"
  • After a brief Angrish rage, Mario demands to know why the Goose ruined his meal. Its response?
  • Mario must get a carrot that Luigi planted. Not only is it revealed that Mario is a goose, but he also bites on Luigi's fingers, causing him to crash into a rake. When Luigi's about to take the carrot back, cue the Goose;
    Goose: Begone, THOT!
  • The montage of goose Mario causing mischief, starting with switching the mens' and ladies' bathroom signs, causing Bob to go in the girls' bathroom, destroying SMG4's computer, stealing Tari's cybernetic arm, setting Toadsworth on fire, putting an axe in Steve's head, and banning SMG3 from Club Penguin as a reference to "Smart Mario" a couple weeks ago.
  • Fishy Boopkins asks Peach why she's holding a garage sale despite being a princess, which gives her flashbacks of Mario.
  • Mario's attempt at pulling the Boopkins prank without being caught by Peach. What he ends up doing is throwing a rubber duck to distract her.
  • The Call-Back to the "AAH THE MEATLOAF!" gag from "Who let the chomp out?”.
  • Peach captures goose Mario in a cage and everyone wants to do bad things to him. Bob wants to cook him, but Peach wants to keep him as a pet, which Mario imagines is the worst thing possible.
  • Solid Snake randomly appearing with the cast in the multi-shot.
  • The Goose shouts that he's going to use a tactical nuke. It lays an egg...which hatches a tactical nuke.
  • At the end of the video Mario sees the Goose only for Bob to kill it and shout that it's peking duck time.
    Mario vs. It 
  • After Luigi drops his doll in the sewer, he is greeted by Shrek and gets creeped out, causing him to swat Shrek away.
  • When Pennywise is in the sewer he has Herbert the Pervert's voice.
  • SMG4 telling Boopkins and Toad that he needed losers with nothing to do. Toads reason for not trick-or-treating?
  • Mario wants to save know what the new password was because Greg the alien changed it.
  • SMG4 watches Scott The Woz and greets him on the screen.
  • SMG4 must defeat the clown with its only weakness...guns.
  • The visions Pennywise makes of all of the character's worst fears:
  • If you look really closely, you'll see that the "bible" Toad was using is actually the Holy Boble from "Mario Does The Chores".
  • Mario tears his head off, takes out a gun, and fires it everywhere, leaving the room and everyone in it on fire.
    Mario: Uh, you're WELCOME.
  • Mario using toad's body to check for traps.
  • Slenderman finally comes back, only for Mario to find out he is a hoax...the real Slenderman always greets Mario with a special "handshake". Cut to a flashback of Slenderman grabbing Mario's hand and throwing him behind.
  • The scene in which SMG4 can't tell which is Mario and which is a disguised Pennywise.
  • Fishy Boopkins puts a plug in Toad's brain after his mushroom cap is severed, which causes Toad to sing Last Surprise.
  • Pennywise' true form? Gooigi!
  • During the battle with Gooigi, Mario defeats him by stripping naked, causing him to freak out. After Luigi is saved, they realize that they're trapped in the well and need to find a way out.
    War of the Fat Italians 2019 
    Super Mario Taxi 
  • Mario taking Luigi to the barbershop. He drives in the mall to get to the barbershop, with Coconut Mall appropriately playing.
  • Literally everything with Yoshi.
  • Ben appearing in his mermaid form in the background when Mario takes Bob to Africa.
  • The entire scene at the end with Toadsworth.
    Boys vs. Girls 
  • The fact that Kermit is the sheriff. Keep in mind this is SMG4 Kermit.
  • "Do you guys consider jacking off to be a sport?"
  • The pranks pulled by the boys and girls.
  • Mario getting so mad at getting pranked that he turns into Jotaro Kujo declaring war!
    SMG4 Runs Out of Memes 
  • The entire video is essentially a history of meme culture over the years, ranging from YouTube Poop to Rage Comics to deep fried memes.
  • SMG4 is about to assault Bowser Jr. with a baseball bat. When Bowser walks in on this and notices SMG4 holding a bat near his son, SMG4 tells him that the two are playing baseball. Bowser feels like a bad father since he never takes his son to play baseball.
  • Mario's segment on YouTube Poop is a nice Call-Back to the old days of meme culture as well as the memes used in SMG4's older videos until 2018 when more modern memes are being used.
    • Greg the alien returns in Mario's comedy class.
  • The TikTok videos that Meggy shows SMG4 are downright hilarious:
    • Dr. Robotnik is told that his wife is dead...and does a celebratory dance.
    • Bowser is on the toilet, and Bowser Jr. reveals that he's in a women's restroom and the police is quickly called.
    • Frankie reenacts the beginning of the "Super Mario in real life" vine but a clip of a live-action Mario smashing into a TV set is shown.
    • Ganondorf tells Link that he'll never have Zelda...because he loves him. Link is touched. Zelda is not.
    • Mario & the others decide to play Twister, and since Mario wears red, he smashes his foot into his face when Luigi says "right foot red".
  • When SMG4's dance made him look like he's having a stroke, he uses his "secret weapon"...the cringey dance he did in "The Day SMG4 Posted Cringe". Meggy just leaves. SMG4's reaction to that is just icing on the cake.
  • Luigi brings up Rage Comics. SMG4 goes to the basement to a treasure chest labeled "ye olde memes" and takes out a Trollface mask. He gets on a bus wearing the mask where another passenger, Isabelle, calls the police.
  • Bob deep-frying the video.
    SMG4: AM I DYING?!
    Bob: It's amazing!
  • The meme SMG4 uploads at the end of the video features Mario falling into a pit and landing on JonTron.
    • If you look very closely, the date of the video upload is November 50th.
    The Weegee Uprising 
    My Mario Academia 
  • It starts with Swagmaster and Chris narrating the opening of the video. It quickly devolves into Swagmaster being upset that he's still unemployed.
  • Almost everyone's quirks are hilarious in some way:
    • Mario's is having his hand grow and slap people Something About-style.
    • Luigi's is just rolling dice...and that's it.
    • Fishy Boopkins can explode.
    • Bob throws toilet paper.
    • Bowser's is the same as Bob, only he throws his children.
      "Don't question ma logic!"
    • Saiko's is the ability to summon Kermit the Frog.
    • SMG4's is to simply tweet negative things about people.
    • Shroomy's is...playing embarrassing banjo music.
    • Peach's is simply "being in danger".
    • Wario's is just an AK-47. Shroomy even says that's not a quirk.
    • Meggy's takes the cake though. Hers is to transform into the GMod "ERROR" block and change into the missing texture skin.
    • Tari's quirk is super strength. That would sound good but this is Tari we're talking about so...
  • Literally everything Captain Falcon does.
  • SMG4 saying that Meggy has big meaty claws.
  • The practical excercises.
    • Mario attempts to help an old lady across the street by slapping her across like swatting a fly, only for Tari to step in and carry the old lady across the street. Only problem is the heavy traffic. Meggy's solution? Stop the traffic by turning into the "ERROR" block and stopping the traffic! Cue Heavy stopping ony for a huge pileup to break out.
    • SMG4, Boopkins, and Shroomy attempt to stop a robbery by Wario. Boopkins would use his explosion quirk but if he does...he dies. So SMG4 takes matters into his own hands by sending Wario a hurtful tweet which distracts him long enough for Shroomy to swoop in and play mood music on his banjo causing a flashback to Wario's abusive parents causing him to break down into tears. No really. This is how they stop him. And they treat it as a heroic victory!
    • Saiko, Bob, and Bowser have to save Peach from a burning building. What a marvelous team up. Bob starts by pelting the fire with toilet paper rolls. Bowser considers using his quirk but decides against it. It's up to Saiko then as she summons Kermit who attempts to put the fire out...with a garden hose. And Saiko doesn't even care because she isn't being paid!
  • The surprise exam full stop. The objective? Knock over Captain Falcon. Everyone's attempt is a laugh riot.
    • First up is the Mario Bros. Mario tries to punch him while his back is turned, but nonchalantly dodges it, before literally flicking him away. Luigi gets mad and uses his quirk... which does nothing, causing Captain Falcon to feel bad, much to Luigi's despair, while a slowed down version of "Golden Wind" plays.
    • Next up, Tari and Fishy Boopkins face the Captain on a snowy mountain. Boopkins tells Tari to envision the Captain as something that makes her angry. What does Tari imagine Captain Falcon as? Bubsy of course! Tari gets all fired up, leaps at the captain ready to strike! Only she can't go through with it because Captain Falcon puts on a duck hat and that's her weakness! As in, one look at the cap literally sends her flying. Boopkins is ready to sacrifice himself and use his quirk so Tari throws him at Cap. He gets so fired up to explode he goes super saiyan! ...Then Tari realizes that Falcon had gone to her side to see how far she threw Boopkins, and that she might have just thrown him into space screaming. She asks to get him down, but Falcon tells her to wait a few more seconds, admitting that watching him was Actually Pretty Funny.
    • Bowser and Bob, whose quirks are just to throw things and people, do about as well as you would expect...
    • Saiko and Shroomy: Saiko gets ready to sic her stand on Falcon, looking quite badass, when Shroomy makes his presence known and interrupts her. She quickly reminds him of personal space, to which he promptly vanishes into the ether. Take two - Saiko once again tries to get Kermit to attack, but Shroomy gets in the way, hoping to give the moment fitting music. Cue one emotional musical number by Kermit which actually brings Captain Falcon to tears! and cue facepalm!
    • Kermit wanting to be with Phil Swift in his musical number.
    • SMG4 and Meggy chasing Cap in the desert.
      SMG4:Get back here! don't make me post a tweet about you!
      Captain Falcon: You fool. I don't even have a twitter account.
  • SMG4 has the perfect plan to catch up to Captain Falcon! He calls an Uber. Meggy uses her secret technique to get the drop on cap. She can blend into her surroundings and ambushes him! Only she's too small to actually hurt him.
    Captain Falcon: Huh, there seems to be a minor inconvenience on my head.
    Meggy: Ugh, It's not fair! I'm too tiny!
    Captain Falcon: Kick the baby! Falcon Kick!(sends her flying)
  • During the scene where Ganondorf enters, trailing behind him is a shovel-wielding, Homer Simpson-colored Thanos.
  • The reveal that the entire episode was just Axol pitching a new idea to the cast. The episode ends with Mario vomiting violently.
    Little Penguin Lost 
  • Mario and Meggy deal with the peguins again.
  • Whenever the baby penguin is sent flying, it screams Yoda's death sound from LEGO Star Wars.
  • Mama Penguin mistakes Meggy for her kid and dresses her up as her child after kicking Mario off the cliff. No really. And that's just how it starts out.
  • Meggy briefly reconsiders escaping when the penguin mom shows her a hearty meal. Then...the penguin eats it whole, and it suddenly dawns on Meggy how penguins feed their young. She immediately loses her appetite, adamantly proclaiming such as she backs the hell away. The penguin mom's response?
  • Mario chucking the real baby penguin through the window and the mother just tosses her real baby back out!
  • Mario's next attempt
    Mario:(dressed in his own penguin suit) Hello! I'm here to steal your child!(while his head stretches for no good reason)
    Penguin Mom: Oh. Ok. WAIT! You're not the usual guy who steals my child!
    Mario: Piss...
  • So he ditches the costume and grabs Meggy
    Meggy:You couldn't think up a better excuse?!
    Mario: It works 10% of the time!
  • Mario riding Meggynote  down the mountainside like a snowboard! They avoid Spy and Bowser who just pop up out of nowhere but the penguin mother behind them hits the same obstacles knocking them aside. They both pass by the Ice Climbers narrowly avoiding them but then Bowser crashes into them! And Mario watches through binoculars!
  • Mario and Meggy launching off a rock leading to Mario performing some sweet tricks and sticking the landing only for Momma Penguin to appear right on their tail!
  • "Obama's Convienient Ski Ramp Emporium."
  • Mario and Meggy land in a frozen lake. The ice looks ready to break so Meggy figures they have to take light steps. Only touble is Mario is too um...
    Mario:What?! Go ahead and say it!
  • Mario realizes he still has a signal on his phone and has only one-percent power for one call for help! Who does he call? SMG4? Luigi? Peach? Nope! He decides it's the perfect opportunity to order a pizza!
    • The fact that a pizza place is completely willing to deliver to an ice floe in the middle of a freezing cold river is funny enough, but what accelerates it into comedy gold is Spider-Man on a jetski delivering the pizza.
      Spider-Man: Pizza time.
  • After skating around on the ice and forgetting the peril they're in. Mario and Meggy spot the baby penguin from earlier chilling on the shore. leading to this gem of dialogue:
    Meggy: Hey lil guy! We'll be right with you okay!
    Mario: Yeah! I'll kick you off another cliff, just you wait!
  • The baby penguin remembers all those times it was kicked off a cliff and promptly shatters the frozen river. Mario and Meggy are stranded on an ice floe surrounded by freezing water... as the penguin watches with a bucket of popcorn!
    Christmas 2019: Mario Alone 
  • The entire video is a parody of the film Home Alone, traps included!
  • Mario's taking a long nap and has locked the door. After Luigi fails, Shroomy gives it a summoning Optimus Prime to try and get Mario out...and even then, all Optimus does was lightly knock on the door before giving up.
  • Mixed with Tearjerker, Mario trying to get by Christmas by replacing his friends with makeshift improvisors is sad... But it's accompanied by this making it Black Comedy.
  • The makeshift friends are all pretty funny, but the best one would definitely be the makeshift Tari, who is a Sans plush with Tari's hair.
  • Waluigi and Wario's poor attempt at being cops.
    Waluigi: This is... (looks at his hand, which say "U R Pulice") the cops!
    Wario: Hi, how are ya?
    Mario: (silently looks at the two of them) YOU GUYS CAME TO HANG OUT AFTER YOU HEARD MARIO WAS LONEY?
    Waluigi and Wario: (looks at each other) What the f*ck are you talkin' abou-
    (Mario then starts dancing, immediately has the doors slammed in front of him) (Cue this playing again as Mario slinks back into depression.)
  • The Bait-and-Switch with the Thowmp Mario hires, as instead of crushing them, it shoots them with a machine gun.
  • Waluigi and Wario severally underestimate Mario's Piranha Plants, and their glorious reactions to them having Duke Nukem's body and weapons, with Gentle Breeze playing.
  • The entire scene with Waluigi and the Smash Bros. invitation.
  • Then the iconic Chain Chomp returns, complete with his Catchphrase, "WHAT THE F*CK IS A SONIC?!?".
  • Mario's friends explaining that they felt guilty about leaving him behind and feel it's only right for them to spend Christmas with him? Heartwarming. Said explanation occurring while they are beating the ever-loving tar out of Wario and Waluigi? Hilarious.
    • Said beatdown features most of the cast smacking Wario and Waluigi all around the room... and then there's Luigi and Tari settling with beating on an already downed Waluigi with a Weegee doll and a toy hammer, respectively.
    The Grand Festival 
  • Even when she's possessed by Majora, Saiko still has her anime hair on.
    • If that wasn't enough, when she's defeated, it's accompanied with a loud oof!
  • The running gag of Bowser dying from a head crab throughout the video.
  • Bob decides to show Swagmaster how to run a carnival. His advice amounts to "rig everything".
    • In fact, pretty much everything Bob and Swagmaster do counts as hilarious.
